It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Everywhere you look, there’s Christmas cheer. But you’re not exactly feeling joyful or triumphant. Instead, you’re even more exhausted than usual, and you get a knot in your stomach when you think about the shopping, decorating, and entertaining that lies ahead. Hold the reins, Rudolph. I’ve got you covered. Read on for my top tips and tricks for a more efficient, less stressful holiday season:
Shop Till You Drop…Online
Prime those presents, people. There’s a reason Amazon’s market value passed the $1 trillion point this year. It has everything you could possibly dream of (even sugar plums) and super speedy delivery. Two days! That beats a trip to the big box store or mall any day.
If you’re not a Prime member, you can start a 30-day free trial now, and if you don’t care for it, cancel after the new year. Plus, you get free access to Amazon’s movie, TV, and music streaming options while you’re wrapping those gifts that you didn’t have to go out in the cold to purchase!

As for online shopping in general, note that you do not have to rush out on Black Friday or worry if you miss Cyber Monday. The deals extend throughout the holiday season. So, sit on your couch with your laptop or tablet, turn on your favorite Hallmark Christmas movie, and shop at your leisure. Also, there’s almost always free shipping…bonus!
Buy in Bulk
Many of the gifts I purchase are for special community members who impact our lives. I’m talking about the teachers, the music instructors, the coaches, the stylists, the UPS drivers who keep delivering all those Amazon packages…
I used to agonize about what to get each of these people. I also spent a LOT of time shopping for these “last minute” items. Last year, I took a different approach, and it was a game-changer. I got them all the same thing. It saved me hours. Note, sometimes a gift card or cash is best (think, babysitter). But you can never go wrong with a travel coffee mug, a colorful scarf, a fancy set of dipping oils, ultra-luxurious chocolate, or nice stationery.
Don’t Forget Date Night
The holidays are hectic, and it’s easy to neglect our partner or spouse. However, it’s important to make time for that person and connect with him or her. In that regard, date night with a purpose is ideal!
Once every December, my husband and I have a dinner and shopping date. We schedule to go out on a weeknight, so it’s less busy. We’ll shop for an hour or so– it used to be the Toys ‘R’ Us run when our kids were little, but sadly, they’ve moved onto bigger ticket items now– and then we enjoy dinner together afterwards.
Bake Beforehand
I’m so excited to pull out my rolling pin and cookie cutters! Baking is truly one of my favorite holiday activities with my kids.
It’s not fun, however, when you’re shaking the excess flour out of your hair at the same time you’re supposed to have those cookies packed up, along with the whole family, for the church pageant. Or when you run out of oven space for the cookies AND the potatoes you need to roast for the dinner you’re hosting in an hour.
This is why I bake ahead of time; I mean days, if not weeks, ahead of time. Let your cookies cool, layer them in Tupperware with parchment paper, and pop them in the freezer. When you pull out the goodies, they will taste EXACTLY the same as if you just rolled out the dough.
This way, you may even have time to get that much needed manicure before the company arrives!
Stick With the Basics
When it comes to entertaining large numbers, please resist the urge to cook something new. Most of us have tried and true favorites. Our guests expect those dishes to be served year after year. You know the ingredients, how your oven or stove reacts, and how to double or triple as necessary. It’s simply not a good time to experiment. Save the new recipe for a quiet night with your significant other or close friends.
Another one of my favorite “cheats” is to prepare those favorite recipes…and order the rest. Perhaps surprisingly, many grocery stores, markets, and caterers are reasonably-priced and will prepare a wide variety of delicious food for your entertaining needs. It makes life a lot less stressful! Nobody cares if you make the meal yourself. They’re just happy you’re hosting!
Curtail the Commitments
Beginning as early as September, I start receiving invitations for holiday parties, and the other events and obligations soon follow. It can get out of hand by the end of the year!

A great way to handle this annual overload is to make a list of every single event. Then, decide what is really important to you. If your kids are old enough, bring them in on the conversation! Ask what top three activities make the holiday season special for them. Include those and your “absolutely obligated” to-do items in a column. And (graciously) say no to the rest. It’s OK, everyone will survive if you don’t attend your book club’s white elephant gift exchange. For once, you’ll have your feet up at home, relaxing by the fire, with your family.
If you are comfortable adding other events to your schedule along the way, feel free! Otherwise, if you’ve been dying to ditch the office after-party, do it! And if the kids aren’t into the expensive, high stress rituals, find or create a new experience that your family can bond over. You’ll all be happier in the end.