Eight years ago, my second baby, a son, was born on a hot summer’s night at five minutes after midnight. He was three weeks early. My sister, then just 24 years old, lived more than 250 miles away in Chicago. My husband called to announce her nephew’s unexpected arrival. Although it was the middle of the night on a work day, less than 10 hours later, my sister was sitting by my side, holding her newborn nephew.
Over the years, I have watched the most amazing relationship grow between my sister, the one and only “Auntie,” and my two children. It is a gift. One I know they all cherish.
I am not yet an aunt, but I want to be one! And I wait (somewhat) patiently to experience the gift of aunthood, to cultivate a special bond with my sister’s child(ren).
“An aunt is a safe haven for a child. Someone who will keep your secrets and is always on your side.” – Sara Sheridan
You see, I am the older of two sister siblings. We are, and always have been, incredibly close. We have each other’s backs, are confidantes, soulmates really.
When I found out I was pregnant for the first time with my daughter, I knew that my younger sister would jump into the Auntie role wholeheartedly. I thought she’d do it for me because of our close relationship, but I was mistaken. It isn’t for me. She does it because she chooses to and because she loves my kids so much.

As my sister continues to grow as an aunt, she becomes even more devoted to my children. She nurtures them in ways I never could have imagined; teaches and challenges them; has a ridiculous amount of fun with them; spoils them; and, above all else, loves them. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Meanwhile, I am thrilled that my sister no longer lives 250 miles away. Instead, she and her husband recently bought a house six miles from mine. And they are expecting their first baby this spring, a boy. Which means…I will have a nephew! I AM GOING TO BE AN AUNT!
As a mother, I’m confident and secure in my role. But I’m not sure what kind of aunt I’m going to be, or what my nephew will think of me. However, I know that this little boy is going to change my life. I am so grateful for him already and the promise of lifelong relationships, smiles, love, and light. He and I are going to be a great team.
Plus, now I can buy the most fabulous and impractical baby items that I never bought my own kids as their responsible mother. Bring it on!