How We’re Dealing with the Winter Blues

It’s that dreaded time of year in Michigan. The warmth of holiday cheer has slowly faded, and the bitter cold weather is coming at us in full force. We check our weather apps and watch the local news, idly playing the game of “will tomorrow be a snow day,” awaiting the slew of winter snow storms headed our way.

Before I had kids, I used to sleep away my winter blues and tried my best to forget about my seasonal sadness by getting lost in my Netflix binge sessions. And while I wistfully wish (and crave) those days, it is no longer my reality. It goes without saying that much has changed in the last five years. Including the addition of my three rambunctious little boys who need my (mostly) undivided attention, no matter the extreme temperatures of Michigan winters that exacerbate our already crazy, stir crazy.

If there’s anything the last five winters has taught me, it’s that it doesn’t take much to entertain my kids. So I press on with even the simplest of activity to keep our sanity through the seemingly long, winter days.

Here is how we’re dealing with the winter blues:

  • Simple At-Home Projects for the New Year: My oldest loves asking about each month’s “special events.” From family members’ birthdays to every random holiday, he loves counting down to the next event. A simple project that we do at the start of the year is make a calendar with all of these special days. Don’t overthink it, I’m no Pinterest mom. Some years it’s just been a list that looks much like my never-ending to do list. Other years, when I’ve had the extra time, we make a hanging calendar out of construction paper and stickers. No matter how pretty (or ugly) it looks to me, my kids’ excitement over the new year is just the same.
  • We still run errands out of the home: I don’t know about you, but I’m definitely a mom that fights the stir crazy, in not only my kids, but within myself. I’ve been known to take my kids out, even in the worst weather conditions. Obviously, I use common sense and sometimes it just isn’t worth it. But, usually, we all benefit from the brief change of scenery and breaths of fresh air. Nothing like the cold Michigan winter air to wake up those lungs! Whether it’s a quick trip to my mom Mecca, Target, or story time at our local library, we don’t let the weather keep us in our home.
  • Little Winter Treats: On the flip side, I also like to make it special to stay indoors. From baking cookies to drinking a cup of hot cocoa, there’s many holiday traditions that we carry on through the winter days. Who can resist of cup of hot cocoa with extra marshmallows on a cold winter day? And even though I’m not a baker, there’s plenty of yummy pre-cut sugar cookies that my boys love to devour any day of the week.
  • Playdates: What better season to have friends over for a playdate? I love that during the winter there is no pressure to have a play date in public. Sometimes it’s just easier to be at home. My kids are comfortable and I don’t have to worry about germs (as much). Even our “boring” toys magically come to life, when the kids have their friends over to play with them in a brand, new way.
  • Snow Days in the Backyard: Most days, I hate bundling the kids up just to have one of them need a potty break or a diaper change. But, when I see how they bring life to the simplest of things that seem mundane at first glance, it makes my sweat session completely worth it.

Now, I’m not going to lie, we don’t do these things every day. Most of our days are usually just filled with the normal cycle of work, preschool, and making a mess of our home. Other days are just pajamas and screen time days. Whatever it takes to survive another day. Because in the grand scheme of parenting, our days are long regardless of the season. And the years are all too short, regardless of the many winters past, present and future. But, between our lazy days and the simple activities above, we’ve cured the past five years of winter blues in our home. So cheers to all of us, surviving another Michigan winter, with our squad of energetic children in tow.

What do you do to fight the winter blues with your child(ren)?



  1. When my kids were young winters here in Michigan were tough to get through. We tried to keep them busy and get them involved in things. It’s great that you do these things with your kids now when they are small. They will have great memories to share later in life.

    As a Grammy, I love it when my grandkids can come and go sledding in my back yard and enjoy time outside. Then we warm them up with hot cocoa and warm blankets.


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