20+ Items to Bring to Disney, From a Disney-Frequenting Mom

I’m a Detroit Mom who’s become an expert on Disney travel. My family and I have traveled to Walt Disney World Resort multiple times a year since my tween daughters were babies. We’ve visited during normal days, holidays, early mornings, late nights, great weather, stormy weather, altered plans due to Florida hurricanes, with toddlers, with tweens, and everything in between.

While we occasionally get the “You’re really going to Disney again?!” comments from friends and family, it remains our happy place. And I’m always glad to share the tips I’ve picked up with other moms—including what items I always bring to the Disney parks with me.  

My trip packing varies based on the time of year, but a few items always make the cut. They permanently live in my “Disney Travel Bin” because they’ve proven themselves worthy. With them I’m prepared for the inevitable, and feel like a mom on a magical vacation—and not just a mom taking her kids on vacation to what’s supposed to be a magical place.

Are you planning a trip to Walt Disney World Resort this year and wondering what in the Whole New World you should be bringing to the parks with you? Keep reading for a list of items I always bring and that are guaranteed to help your family have a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious day! 

1. Stroller

Okay, hear me loud and clear here: throw out every piece of “stroller age” advice you’ve ever received because the “stroller age” rule does not apply inside the Disney Parks. This means that you can—and SHOULD—bring or rent a stroller for any kid who’s too young to walk a marathon. 

I still rent a stroller in the Disney Parks for my nine-year-old because it’s exhausting walking such long distances. On average, we walk about 9-10 miles a day! So even your kid who has proven they can walk for miles might surprise you mid-day when they need to rest often.

You are able to bring your own stroller, but make sure to read the official Walt Disney World Resort Stroller Policy so you’re not bringing a prohibited one. You also have the option of renting from many private stroller rental companies in the Orlando area who will even deliver it to your resort hotel for you! 

My favorite option for older kids like mine is to rent one from Stroller Rental in the parks since I only need it there. However, if you have kids who are baby or preschool age, I recommend you always either a) bring your own or b) rent a stroller from a private company for the entirety of your trip. Thank me later on your daily walk through your hotel.  

Bonus tip: if you use a stroller you always have a place to store all your stuff!

2. Stroller Hook 

This obviously only applies if you use a stroller at all, but if you do, bring TWO. These little hooks are small but mighty and have the capacity to carry souvenirs, diaper bags, and all the things your family gets tired of carrying throughout the day.

3. Comfortable Shoes 

Your visit to a Walt Disney World theme park is not the time to break in new shoes because you will be walking for many miles. Instead, bring your most trusted pair of comfortable shoes. Luckily, there are plenty of options now that are both cute and comfortable. 

4. Backpack 

Disney Parks have a great backpack policy. You’re allowed to bring a small to medium standard-size backpack and can carry it onto most attractions (though some will require it to be stowed away) or leave it in a rented locker.

If I’m renting a stroller I’ll pack one large backpack for my entire family to hook onto the stroller and use a mini backpack or Belt Bag as my purse. If I’m not renting a stroller, I’ll have each member of my family carry their own items in a medium-size backpack for themselves. But what do we pack inside these backpacks to make our day smoother? Keep reading to find out!    

5. Complete Change of Clothes for Each Child 

Oh the amount of times my kids have dropped ice cream on themselves or been soaked on Splash Mountain. But I’m glad I was prepared for those occasions. Occasions like this are why I always bring a complete change of clothes for my kids in a Ziploc Bag—right down to the socks. Thank me after your kid has finished that Mickey Premium Ice Cream Bar in the 97-degree Florida heat!

6. Rain Poncho and/or Mini Umbrella  

If it’s guaranteed to be super rainy during our visit, I’ll bring both. If there’s a slight chance of rain, I’ll only bring a disposable poncho. But I will never walk into a Walt Disney World theme park without a rain poncho . . .because it rains in Florida. A lot. And unexpectedly. If I’m using a stroller I also like to bring an extra poncho I can drape over the stroller, whether my kids are in it or it’s sitting in Stroller Parking. 

Bonus tip: While you can purchase ponchos inside all Disney Parks, I like to bring my own to be budget conscious!

7. Extra Pair of Socks for Each Person

On that unexpected rain note, I also bring an extra pair of socks for each of us. Because there’s nothing worse than sloshing around in rain-soaked socks all day. 

8. Sunscreen 

You’re in Central Florida. Enough said. Bring a travel-size sunscreen and reapply often. 

9. Sunglasses + Hat 

Another Florida must-have with no explanation needed. 

10. Mini First-Aid Kit 

While there’s a First Aid Center inside each park, I still like to bring my own mini first-aid kit. If your kid falls unexpectedly it’s nice to have a band aid on hand as opposed to having to locate one while they cry next to you. Some basic items I bring inside this kit are band aids, alcohol pads, and moleskin for shoe blisters. 

11. Emergency Medicine Kit 

I like to keep any emergency medicine we might need (such as headache medicine) in a small Ziploc bag with my first-aid items. 

12. Ziploc Bags of Varying Sizes 

You’ve read the words “Ziploc bags” multiple times now, and for good reason; any mom reading this can attest to their versatility and durability in many situations. In a bind they can act as storage, disposable trash bags, snack containers, gloves, extra clothing bags for clean clothes, or wet bags for dirty clothes. And, they take up virtually zero space.   

13. Snacks + Refillable Water Bottles 

To budget for our favorite Disney eats, I like to bring some of our own snacks throughout the day, as well as our own refillable water bottles to use at the refill water stations.

Bonus tip: You can even get cups of ice water and/or ice at any Quick-Service station!

14. Hand Sanitizer/Tissues 

These items always live in my purse anyway, but especially in high-touch places. 

15. Handheld and/or Neck Fan 

While unpredictable Florida weather is not something us Michiganders will have trouble understanding, a portable fan is especially necessary between the months of April-November when it’s most hot and humid. 

16. Light Sweater and/or Jacket 

It might surprise you that I bring this, but I do–even in the summer months. Central Florida can be windy in the evenings, and sometimes even downright chilly. In the winter months I’ll bring a packable jacket, especially for the evening hours. 

17. MagicBand+ 

An absolute necessity in my opinion, but if you have an older MagicBand you can absolutely bring it, as it will still work. The newer MagicBand+ can do everything a MagicBand can do such as opening Disney Resort Hotel doors, being used as a credit card, in Lightning Lane Pass lines, etc. while also being interactive.

Bonus tip: If you wear an Apple Watch it can also act as a MagicBand (but it can’t open your room’s door if staying at a Disney Resort Hotel). 

18. Extra Phone Battery + Charging Cords 

If you’ve been to Walt Disney World Resort any time in the last few years, you already know that you will be doing everything on the My Disney Experience app on your smartphone. Therefore, at some point, it will need to be charged. That’s why I always bring an extra rechargeable battery, phone charger, and cord, as well as charging cords for our MagicBand+ (just in case). 

19. Wallet with Photo ID

Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that just because you have your My Disney Experience app open or that everything is on your Apple Wallet and/or MagicBand+, you don’t need your wallet, and especially your photo ID. If there’s trouble accessing your ticket, for example, they will need your photo ID. I’ve also been asked for it at Stroller Rental before. It’s always good to have on hand!

20. Autograph Keepsake for Character Signatures 

Our personal favorite keepsake item is an Autograph Book, but we have used t-shirts and stuffed animals before. I’ve also seen picture frames, hats, ear headbands, etc. Just make sure to bring something so those beloved friends can sign them for you and your kids! 

I hope this list of items to bring to Disney helps you be more prepared to have the most magical day during your next visit to a Walt Disney World theme park. I also hope you and your family make the most magical memories ever!

In addition to packing items to bring to Disney, you also want to pack your must-do list with everything you want to do when you’re there! Prima-Marie shares her family’s top Disney do’s and dont’s for the most magical trip.


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