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Fertility Appointments: Your Initial + Follow-Up Visits

DISCLAIMER: The following post is not intended to act as medical advice. As always, please consult your doctor with any questions about fertility.

As a new patient at a fertility clinic, you might be feeling a little excited and a little nervous. Sometimes just knowing what to expect at your fertility appointments takes a little bit of the stress and pressure off that first initial visit.

Our friends from Michigan Center for Fertility and Women’s Health are here to support you on your fertility journey. You might have caught their Fertility Friday series over on our IG page–quick videos to answer common questions and provide information. Below, they’re sharing about exactly what you can expect to happen at your fertility appointments!

The First Initial Visit

At the first initial visit, the staff will obtain a detailed history. The history provides us with information about both you and your partner, or about just yourself if you do not have a partner. Some of the topics discussed include:

  • your medical and family history
  • your social history
  • your fertility history and any prior treatment or testing
  • your overall goals

Providing this information allows your medical team to customize a plan for you in terms of what workup is needed to start the process. Prior treatment and testing varies per patient/couple. We always take into account each individual person’s history to develop the best plan of action. 

Our patients walk away with a lot of information on what tests will be ordered and the reason for ordering them. Once the work-up is complete, a follow-up visit is scheduled to review all of the results and develop a treatment plan.

The Importance of the Plan

Starting with a detailed workup and follow-up assures you are given the best plan that is individualized for not only you, but also for you and your partner as a couple. It typically takes one cycle to complete the workup and have a follow-up visit.

The Follow-Up Visit

Your follow-up visit takes place upon the completion of the tests mentioned in your first initial visit. The follow-up visit usually takes place a few weeks after the last part of your testing.

We will go over all of the test results in one sitting. It’s a really great way to pull everything together, explain the results, and develop a plan. We’ll cover things like blood work, ultrasounds, cavity evaluations, sperm evaluations, etc. All of these different components are important and key to determining what our options are.

Navigating Potential Plan Changes

Our job is to give you a proper and thorough workup and to explain all of the information to you so that you understand what it means for your success rate, and what it means for your overall goals of family planning. We are here to guide you and give you the best recommendations. It is always your decision on what you choose to do and what you’re comfortable with. We are here to help you make that decision.

We take all components into account when discussing these topics at the follow-up visit. And if there’s something we obviously need to correct or address that is going to impact your overall success, we would do that first. So, for example, if a thyroid is imbalanced, or there is a polyp in the uterus, we may need to address that before we begin our treatment plan. 

Typically the plan we develop is a three- to four-month plan. If we proceed with our plan and in three to four months we are not successfully pregnant, then our office will prompt another follow-up visit to dive into how things are looking and what we could change or do differently. We want to avoid doing the same thing over and over with a non-increasing success rate.

Starting your fertility journey may seem scary, but remember that you’ve got this. Your initial appointment and follow-up visits are tailored to your specific situation. And your medical team is here to work with you!

Looking for more resources about starting a family? Check out our recent post outlining some of the common reasons for fertility preservation.

Birth Trauma Awareness | Sharing Stories for Strength

DISCLAIMER: To raise awareness around birth trauma, this is the writer’s personal, real, and raw story. This blog details high risk pregnancy, rare syndrome diagnoses, and discussions around loss/grieving. Please read with care.

Birth Trauma Awareness Week is observed each year in July. As a mom who went through a traumatic birth experience, I find it important to share my story. I hope this story shines a light and shares some hope for whoever may be experiencing something similar. 

My birth trauma experience carried on for months post-birth. Watching our son fight for his life for months in the NICU was also traumatizing. I have spent the past four years healing from this experience. My strength to share our story comes from the solid foundation we have built around our family now.

It all began at 12 weeks; we knew something was wrong at the initial ultrasound.

Our son’s heart was too small. We were told multiple times that the pregnancy would miscarry; there was nothing to do but wait or terminate. Those early days were when I found myself a therapist and spent every single day in constant fear, wanting to give up more times than I’d like to admit.

In those dark days, my therapist and I made a plan to meet weekly, while also holding onto my daily yoga and meditation rituals. I spent time every morning in silent reflection with a cup of coffee and my mantra: Trust the process

Then, on Christmas Eve, we had a second opinion scheduled at another hospital, and that’s where we began to have a spark of hope.

Around 22 weeks, the cardiologist team did an echocardiogram in-utero. They told us that if he survived birth, his heart would be strong enough. There were other huddles to get through–still, there was only a 10-20% chance of surviving birth. But we held on. We went home to our family for the holiday and celebrated this little Christmas miracle.

After weeks of trips to the specialist and ultrasounds, our medical team recommended an in-utero procedure. We immediately agreed and Dr. Deborah Berman became not only our hero, but our friend for life. During the procedure, I was awake and alert. There was excess fluid in my son’s abdomen and the doctor used a large needle, syringes, and an ultrasound machine to remove 200 cc of fluid. I felt strong in the decision to trust the medical team and laid there watching it all on the ultrasound machine.

There was something so powerful about watching the fluid being removed, along with my fear of it. It was like watching magic as the fluid was removed from his little body, and he immediately felt relief. 

However, a few days after the procedure, my water broke around 24 weeks.

I was admitted to the hospital until I gave birth. Again, the statistics were read to me. We were told the likelihood of giving birth within the first 48 hours of being admitted were high and likely. We were told it was too early; told he most likely won’t survive. Dr. Berman immediately researched and got us into a medical study of the complex pregnancy and we were able to do full exome genetic testing.

We waited for the results while I remained pregnant and hospitalized. I physically felt well and had freedom to walk around the hospital. The nurses would take me to the gym so I could workout. My mom, dad, and husband rotated nights by my side. The nurses crocheted with me in the evenings during The Bachelor while we all held on to hope . . . and waited.

During this time I had therapy appointments, palliative care support, therapy dogs, friends (17 total came to visit), and a huge medical team. There were dark conversations–anything from burial gowns, to family photos, to a scary pandemic on the horizon. There was no discussion of a nursery, baby registry, or baby shower.

Twenty-six days later, I started having contractions.

One night when I was supposed to sleep alone, my girlfriend came up and we ate far too much pizza and laughed way too loud to be in a hospital. Then, I started having contractions. At first I thought it was just regular cramps and kept waving it off. The nurse gave me stool softeners and then finally called the doctor when I was still cramping hours later. I was too distracted with my friend who spent time painting my nails while inhaling Girl Scout cookies. Around midnight the medical team confirmed that it was time. I called my husband who already had the car packed for this moment, and he was there in a flash. After 26 days of waiting. It all went so fast.

The morning while I was in labor, Dr. Berman (our doctor who performed the earlier procedure) was on rotation. The stars had aligned, allowing Dr. Berman to not only be on staff that day, but to also be our delivery doctor.

But then things got real when Dr. Berman came in and excused my parents.

She told my husband and I that the genetic testing came back, and our son had Kabuki Syndrome. This was our first time learning of this syndrome, but luckily, the genetic specialist was available and had a wealth of experience. He told us about the different delays and struggles those with Kabuki Syndrome may have and what we could expect, should he survive birth.

But at that moment, I didn’t have time to learn anything new–I was giving birth today. Dr. Berman performed another in-utero procedure before delivery that was key to his survival. A few hours later, and after just a few big pushes, he was here. Crying, breathing, and on his own, whisked away to another OR. My husband left to be with him.

My son’s birth day will live in my memory forever.

I had this overwhelming calm feeling that everything was going to work out. This strength came from all the preparation I had done throughout the pregnancy. I knew no matter what the outcome, I had plans for either. Therapy, friends, yoga, and releasing the thought of “normalcy” guided me to this point. Despite the 10-20% survival rate, the long medical road ahead, the new diagnoses, and everything else that was thrown at me that day, I knew we would be okay–even if we weren’t.

I am forever grateful for my son and all that he is here to teach me. Sometimes it can be overwhelming and hard not to compare my experience and birth trauma to someone who may have had a “normal” birthing experience. But then I think of all that I have overcome, and in that I find power. If you or someone you know is going through an experience that may be similar, I encourage you to protect your peace, find the power from within, and never, ever compare your experiences to those of others.

Birth trauma awareness is so important–please know you are not alone in what you experienced. Antonette shares about her son’s birth day while she navigated having a non-congenital heart defect.

Using Real Self-Care to Improve Your Life

“You can’t pour from an empty cup. Self-care isn’t selfish. You have to put your own oxygen mask on before you can help others.”

Let’s be honest–these statements, while well intentioned, are quite unhelpful to a mother in the throes of raising children. I, for one, am in a constant state of feeling like I’m behind (hello, laundry pile on the couch). Being reminded that I need to take time for myself does not help me actually make time for myself. It just adds another thing to my mountainous to do list.

It wasn’t until I was introduced to the concept of “real self-care” that I finally connected self-care as something that could improve my life. It’s not little luxuries that only help temporarily. Real self-care is doing the more difficult things that set you up for a life that consistently gives you fulfillment.

Women practicing self-care in a yoga class
With the right intentions behind it, activities like yoga can move from being faux self-care to real self-care.

What We’re Sold

The current pop-culture meaning of self-care raises images of face masks, luxurious massages, and clinking mimosa glasses with girlfriends. It has moved away from the initial well-meaning message that women deserve to care for themselves as well as others. According to The Center for Community Solutions, the concept of self-care was actually initiated in the healthcare field in the 1960s and by Black activists in the 1970s

However, by the 2010s, with the dawn of social media, the term self-care took on a new, more commodified meaning. Faced with glossy images of women seemingly living their best lives, women are influenced to believe they can buy their way toward feeling better.

This is commodified wellness, or, as author Pooja Lakshmin calls it in her book Real Self-Care: A Transformative Program for Redefining Wellness (Crystals, Cleanses, and Bubble Baths Not Included), “faux self-care.” It sells us the message that we can buy our way to wellness. Lakshmin explains this as well, reminding us that faux self-care places the healing responsibility on women, rather than looking at the way things are and figuring out what needs to be fixed and changed for the better.

What Real Self-Care Is

Ultimately, “faux self-care” methods are things that help us escape from life temporarily. However, what we really need, is to do the deep inner work necessary to create a life we don’t need to regularly escape from.

As Brianna West writes, “Self-care should not be something we resort to because we are so absolutely exhausted that we need some reprieve from our own relentless internal pressure. True self-care is not salt baths and chocolate cake, it is making the choice to build a life you don’t need to regularly escape from.” 

It’s Different for Everyone

Of course, this looks different for every woman depending on her circumstances. It might mean a variety of things, such as:

  • Setting boundaries with family members for things like holiday gatherings so you don’t run yourself ragged
  • Deciding you don’t care what the other PTA moms think, you’re bringing store-bought cupcakes for Teacher Appreciation Week
  • Putting up with a crying child in a stroller while you take your daily walk outside because you know the fresh air and movement will put you in a better mood
  • Choosing not to put your kid in another extracurricular activity (or any at all!) because the busy schedule stresses you out
  • Sweating through another exercise class because you know it will benefit your health in the long-term (not because you want to be able to tag that fancy yoga studio in your selfie after class or lose weight for your sister’s wedding)
  • The list goes on and on . . .

What do these all have in common? They require taking the difficult action to set yourself up for a life that is sustainable. In the moment, they may not be pretty, but in the long-term, they keep you from burning out. This is exactly why we need to start prioritizing this kind of care for ourselves. And as Lakshmin explains while talking about her book on the Ezra Klein Show: when you practice real self-care, you not only take care of yourself, but you can also plant the seeds for change in your community.

What Real Self-Care Looks Like for Me

In my own life, real self-care has a lot to do with being my most authentic self. For years, I learned how to wear the right mask in the right situation. I would show up as people wanted to see me. That took me far away from my true self and left me exhausted and clinically depressed. 

Piece by piece, I’ve worked out how to stop doing that. Instead, I show up as my authentic self all the time. Someone who has strong values that guide her day-to-day decision making. It looks like sitting down and making a household budget because I want to pay the premium for food at the organic farm down the street from my house in line with my value of supporting local. It looks like moving through guilt when I tell my daughter I can’t be at her gymnastics meet because I have a work commitment in line with the value I place on work outside the home and the impact it makes in the world.

Do I indulge in the occasional massage and do I absolutely love buying fancy candles to treat myself? Absolutely! But I also understand the important distinction between treating myself and the hard work of real self-care.

Put yourself first, mama. If you do want to indulge in something special, check out our list of the best spots for self-care in Metro Detroit.

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Detroit Mom’s Travel Series: Shores and Islands of Lake Erie

When you fall in love and marry a man from Ohio, over time you begin to conform to his Ohioan ways–one of those being that “up north” is now considered Lake Erie. My husband grew up coming to the shores and islands of Lake Erie since he was a baby, and shortly after we began dating I met his family there for the first time. It quickly held a special place in my heart.

Over the years we have stayed all along the coast line, from Port Clinton to Vermilion. We have taken our kids over to both Put-In-Bay and Kelleys Island. We have had an amazing time each and every trip, and there is always some place new to explore. Also, did I mention that this beach trip to the shores and islands of Lake Erie is under two hours away from Metro Detroit?!

Sample Itinerary for the Shores + Islands of Lake Erie

Day 1

2:00 p.m.| Travel Time 
The wonderful thing about this beach trip is that it is only about two hours away. Our check-in to our condo was at 4:00 p.m., so we chose to leave at 2:00 p.m., stop at Kroger for an order pickup, and then check into our condo.

5:00 p.m. | Beach 
It has now somehow become a tradition with every beach trip we go on that the first night, the kids end up swimming in their clothes. Our night ended with dinner at the condo followed by ice cream.

Day 2

10:00 a.m. | Beach 
My husband’s moms came up to our condo from mid-Ohio and we spent all day at the beach.

4:00 p.m. | Sand Bar | 54 McKinley St, Huron, OH
We took a drive to Huron, another beachfront community, to check out the house that my husband’s family was in the process of buying. We ended our night with dinner at the Sand Bar.

Day 3

10:00 a.m. | Lakeview Park | 1100 E Perry St, Port Clinton, OH
My husband took the kids to Lakeview Park for a morning of play.

4:00 p.m. | Marblehead Lighthouse | 110 Lighthouse Dr, Marblehead, OH
Our trip would not be complete without a trip to take in the beautiful views at Marblehead Lighthouse State Park.

6:00 p.m. | Twin Oast Brewing | 3630 NE Catawba Rd, Port Clinton, OH
This was one of the best dining experiences I have had in a very long time. There were different seating styles and locations all around the very large property. We ordered our food from a QR code and they brought our food out to whatever table we chose on the property. My kids loved running around, playing the games, and frolicking in the sunflowers.

8:00 p.m. | Purple Parrot Ice Cream Bar | 1070 N Buck Rd, Marblehead, OH
We made a wrong turn out to the lighthouse earlier in the day, and when turning around, we saw the cutest ice cream shop, which of course my four-year-old WOULD NOT STOP talking about. So of course we had to end our night getting a sweet treat!

Day 4

9:00 a.m. | Jet Express |49 Jackson St, Port Clinton, OH
One of the wonderful things about the condo complex we have stayed at in the past few years is that it is right next to the Jet Express. We were able to walk from our condo, over to the Jet Express, and over to Put-In-Bay in under an hour.

10:00 a.m. | AB Cart Rental | 222 N Toledo Ave, Put-in-Bay, OH
After landing on the island, we made our way over to our cart rental so we could cruise around the whole island with ease.

11:00 a.m. | DeRivera Park | 100 Delaware Ave, Put-in-Bay, OH
We made a stop at the playground for the kids to burn off some energy and eat their packed lunch.

12:00 p.m. | Dodge Woods | 101 Thompson Road, Put-in-Bay, OH
We did our first hike of the day, which happened to be a story book walk put on by the Put-In-Bay Library.

12:30 p.m. | Lake Erie Islands Nature & Wildlife Center | 255 Meechen Rd, Put-in-Bay, OH
Next stop was a trip to the nature center. The kids loved exploring the taxidermied animals and live turtles. We then did our second hike along the backside of the nature center.

1:30 p.m. | South Bass Island State Park | 1523 Catawba Ave, South Bass Island, OH
Would it be a trip to Put-In-Bay without snapping a picture with the big sign? There was also a nice playground and restrooms.

2:30 p.m. | The Boardwalk | 341 Bayview Ave, Put-In-Bay, OH
With a wonderful view of the bay, The Boardwalk had many different dining options all within the building to appeal to everyone.

4:00 p.m. | Perry’s Memorial | 93 Delaware Ave, Put-In-Bay, OH
Although we were unable to go to the top due to an issue from the bad storms the week before, we enjoyed taking in the views at the memorial.

4:30 p.m. | PIB Candy Bar | 170 Delaware St, Put-In-Bay, OH
Last but not least, our trip to the island ended with the kids picking out a candy from the PIB Candy Bar.

5:00 p.m. | Jet Express
We took the 5:00 p.m. ferry back to Port Clinton, ate dinner at home, and without a nap the kids were so tired and quickly headed to bed.

Day 5

10:00 a.m. | Beach 
This was the nicest of our five days, so we chose to soak up the sun and have a fun beach and pool day.

5:00 p.m. | Saucey Slices Pizzeria | 90 Madison St, Port Clinton, OH
We got carry-out pizza for dinner. It was delicious and they have many specialty pizza options!

7:00 p.m. | Purple Parrot Ice Cream Bar
Would it be an end to a vacation with one last late night ice cream run?

Attractions You Must Visit

Glacial Grooves | 739 Division St, Kelleys Island, OH
This national natural landmark is a must-see when on Kelleys Island. The grooves are 400 feet long and show how the massive glaciers helped create the Great Lakes.

Liberty Aviation Museum | 3515 East State Rd, Port Clinton, OH
A perfect spot for the aviation geek or historian in your life. This museum showcases WW2 aircrafts and memorabilia.

Marblehead Lighthouse |110 Lighthouse Dr, Marblehead, OH
Marblehead Lighthouse offers wonderful views of Lake Erie as well as a water view of Cedar Point. You can also climb to the top of the lighthouse!

Perry’s Victory and International Peace Memorial | 93 Delaware Ave, Put-In-Bay, OH
When in operation, you can take a trip to the observation deck which is 107 meters above lake level.

Portage River Paddling Company | 3134 W Harbor Rd, Port Clinton, OH
Daily rentals of kayaks, paddle boats, and canoes, along with group tours of the Portage River.

Favorite Coffee Shops

Brewed Awakening | 5485 Liberty Ave, Vermilion, OH
Along with decadent coffee, how does an egg avocado pesto bagel sandwich sound? Yum!

Coffee Express | 128 W 2nd St, Port Clinton, OH
Be sure to pack your patience because this popular coffee spot gets quite busy in-season.  Be sure to also grab a slice of quiche!

Noddi’s Java | 196 Hartford Ave, Put-In-Bay
Right across from the playground! Stop in, grab a coffee, and let the kids play.

Taste by the Lake | 115 Division St, Kelleys Island, OH
Along with coffee you will find all sorts of tasty pastries, donuts, and breakfast sandwiches.

Favorite Places for Sweet Treats

Brummer’s | 672 Main St, Vermilion, OH
The kind of homemade chocolate shop that you can smell while walking down the street.

PIB Candy Bar | 170 Delaware St, Put-In-Bay, OH
From old school to new school candy, right on your way to the Jet Express Ferry.

Island Fudge Shoppe |109 Division St, Kelleys Island, OH
Mackinac Island isn’t the only island making amazing fudge . . .

Purple Parrot Ice Cream Bar | 1070 North Buck Rd, Marblehead, OH
The kids loved that this ice cream shop was shaped like a giant ice cream cone!

Scooter’s Dairy Bar | 425 Fremont Rd, Port Clinton, OH
Your good old-fashioned ice cream shop that is whipping up burgers and hot dogs too.

Restaurants You’ll Love

Boardwalk | 341 Bayview, Put-In-Bay, OH
With live music, four different bars, and different dining options which all having amazing food, what is not to love?

Kelley’s Island Wine Company | 418 Woodford, Kelleys Island, OH
A must-visit when on Kelley’s Island, especially with kids. Aside from the winery, the property also has the KI Cantina, which has excellent margaritas and many street tacos to choose from for you to enjoy while the kids play on the playground and pet the farm animals. 

Saucey Slices Pizzeria
Hibachi pizza? Shrimp scampi pizza? Or just an original pepperoni? Saucey Slices has one for you!

The Wine Vault | 5581 Liberty Ave, Vermilion, OH
Sip on a glass of wine while indulging in the seasonally cultivated menu.

Twin Oast Brewing | 3630 NE Catawba, Port Clinton, OH
A must visit when in the area. This brewery is extremely family-friendly and offered me the best dining experience of our whole trip.

Bonus Tips to the Shores + Islands of Lake Erie

  • Many of the condos, hotels, and homes are right on the beach or have private community beaches.
  • Be sure to check out both Kelleys Island and Put-In-Bay. Both are a quick 30-minute ferry ride away and you can easily spend a day cruising around on a golf cart, taking in the island beauty, and eating and drinking some wonderful meals.
  • With so much to see and do, I like to think of making each day a “mini day trip” to each region of the shores and islands of Lake Erie.

What’s your favorite vacation spot? Check out our last travel series location: Boston!

100 Day Trips for Detroit Families to Take This Summer

day trips, summer

We know it can get a little boring heading to the same spots in your hometown, especially towards the end of summer break. It’s time to shake it up and head out on a little drive to find new and exciting places. There’s so much to explore without having to travel very far away from home if you live in and around Detroit. We’ve compiled a list of 100 day trips within about two hours (or less) driving radius of Detroit. Bookmark this one and use it all summer long!

Be sure to check out the interactive map at the end to help plan your day trips!


day trips

Downtown Detroit 

  • Shop at Eastern Market either for the Saturday market or stroll around and visit the area businesses and restaurants.
  • Spend the day relaxing or playing at Belle Isle. Whether you enjoy sitting on the beach or learning at the Nature Center, there’s something to keep everyone entertained. For all the details to make the perfect day trip out of it, check out our Guide to Belle Isle.
  • Take a stroll down the Detroit Riverwalk and enjoy the parks and views of the Detroit River.
  • Bring your bike and pedal down the two-mile stretch at Dequindre Cut.
  • Head over to Comerica Park and watch a Detroit Tigers Game. Don’t forget to have a hot dog!
  • Spend the day lounging around at the beach at Campus Martius Park. You’ll also love wandering around in the green spaces or grabbing something to eat from one of the local restaurants.
  • If you’re not quite sure where to start exploring in downtown Detroit, hop on a tour hosted by City Institute. They have a tour for every interest from architecture to history. 
  • There’s always something new to see at the Detroit Institute of Arts. Check out the different art exhibitions or try one of their self-guided scavenger hunts.


  • If you’re a car fan, you have to check out the Woodward Dream Cruise the weekend of August 17. Stop and watch along Woodward Avenue or bring your own classic car for a cruise.
  • In the middle of the city is Shain Park, a great place to take some time to play. Your kids will love the play area, or come later in the evening for a concert in the park.


  • For tons of hands-on fun, head to Imagination Station. Your kids will love learning and playing in this STEM inspired wonderland.
  • You can do more than just see art at the Toledo Museum of Art. Enjoy a family art class, watch a demonstration on glassblowing, or take a tour of the sculpture garden outside. 
  • With more than 60 acres of land, the Toledo Botanical Gardens is the place to go for a relaxing day. Be sure to check their website to see which plants and flowers are in bloom!
  • The National Museum of the Great Lakes tells the history of the Great Lakes, our area’s most precious resource. Spanning hundreds of years, you’ll see artifacts and hands-on exhibits to learn all about these mighty waters.
  • Get wild and check out over 10,000 animals at the Toledo Zoo. From penguins to lemurs, the Toledo Zoo has a favorite animal for everyone.
  • Maumee Bay State Park is the perfect place for families who love the outdoors. Your day trip can be spent fishing, swimming, or walking the storybook trail. 

Ann Arbor


  • Be sure to visit the Downtown Chelsea Area for great businesses and restaurants. There are also several options for walking tours downtown.  
  • Every year is different for the Chelsea Sculpture Walk. New art comes in each summer so don’t miss the chance to see the new pieces before they’re gone.
  • Ever wonder how they make those little boxes of Jiffy Mix? Well now you can learn how by taking the Jiffy Mix Factory Tour, which includes a sample at the end! Factory tours are currently on pause; please check their website for updated information. 
  • Chelsea is being hailed as one of the most up-and-coming cities for local breweries and distilleries. Check out all of the options here.


  • Visit the Downtown Area for a small-town experience. They host summer evening concerts and a farmers market on Sundays.
  • Learn about the history of the city at the Hadley House Museum. This Victorian house is full of information about Holly and the surrounding area.
  • Get outdoors and enjoy Seven Lakes State Park. With so many activities to try, you’ll be coming back time and again.


  • Spend the day at The Henry Ford Museum learning all about American innovation. From trains to planes and cars, you’ll be mesmerized by how much there is to see. 
  • Take a step back in time at Greenfield Village and experience what life was like a hundred years ago. There are seven different time periods to explore and tons of fun things to see like a working printing press and glassblowing demonstrations. 
  • If you’ve ever wondered about the history of Ford and how Detroit became the Motor City, take the Ford Rouge Factory Tour. Here you’ll see the history of car manufacturing all the way through the future of technology in driving.

Royal Oak 

  • A hometown landmark not to be missed is the Detroit Zoo. Be on the lookout for the elusive polar bears or get up close and personal with the giraffes.  
  • The Royal Oak Farmer’s Market is open all year on Saturdays from 7:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. They also host an antique market on Sundays from 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. 
  • Head to Royal Oak during Labor Day weekend for Arts, Beats & Eats. Dozens of artists, musicians, and food vendors will be there to entertain you. 

Auburn Hills

  • If you or your kids love Legos, Legoland is a must-visit. From rides to building areas, Legoland has everything your family needs for a fun day together.
  • Michigan’s largest aquarium is Sealife Aquarium in Auburn Hills. Watch the sea turtles eat their breakfast and get up close and personal with sea life in the touch pool. 
  • For the competitive family, Top Golf is the place to go and have some fun. With games set up for every level, you’ll have a blast teeing off and scoring points. 


  • Supe’s Exotic Jungle is an interactive zoo that lets you get up close with the animals. Experiences include petting a shark and hand-feeding a lemur.



  • Plan a day trip downriver and visit the Taylor Conservatory & Botanical Gardens to see the beautiful flowers in bloom. They offer a variety of unique classes and events such as live music, planting classes, and cocktail hours.
  • Stop by the Allen Park Street Fair for food and entertainment. The street fair takes place August 2-3.
  • Heritage Park in Taylor is home to the Lamarand Splash Pad. This baseball-themed splash park also has a playground.
  • Head to Sterling State Park, the only state park located on Lake Erie. Bring a bike, kayak, or a picnic and enjoy the lakeside view.

Grosse Ile

  • The Gibraltar Bay Alpaca Farm is a great place to see and learn all about alpacas. Not only can you pet the alpacas, but you can also purchase goods from their store.
  • If you’re looking for kid-friendly places to go, Centennial Farms is a must-try. This spot has playgrounds, a walking trail, and a farm.

Harsens Island

  • Bring a kayak and paddle down the Middle Channel to explore the marsh. The calm waterways make for a relaxing day of kayaking.
  • Explore the Sans Souci area where there are great restaurants and shopping areas.
  • Grab a bite to eat and watch the freighters go by all day long!

Port Huron

  • Visit the Fort Gratiot Lighthouse, the first and oldest lighthouse in Michigan. Weather permitting, you can climb the steps to the top of the lighthouse.
  • Learn all about the Port Huron area and its history at the Port Huron Museums. If walking inside isn’t your thing, hop on one of the Port Huron Trolley Tours.

West Bloomfield

  • If you like sky high adventures, the TreeRunner Adventure Park is the place to go. There’s something for everyone with multiple levels of difficulty, trails, and challenges. 

1 to 2 HOURS

day trips


  • If you’re a fan of Christmas, you have to visit Bronner’s. The 2.2 acre store is open 361 days a year and is all Christmas, all the time.  
  • Bring the whole family for some water fun at Zehnders Splash Village. They have two water parks, one indoor and one with a retractable roof, so weather is never in question.
  • Tour around Frankenmuth in style either on a river cruise or carriage ride. You’ll learn about the town’s history and see some of the famous landmarks along the way.
  • Take some time to explore the Frankenmuth River Place Shops. With more than 40 stores, you’re sure to find something for everyone.

Bay City 

  • Riverwalk Trail is a thirteen-mile trail that stretches through Bay City. The scenery is ever-changing and there are plenty of jump-off points throughout the trail to make it as long or as short as you like. 
  • See what life is like on the USS Edson at the Saginaw Valley Naval Ship Museum. You’ll get to tour the ship and learn about the history. For true enthusiasts, you can even book an overnight stay!
  • Take a tour on the water with Appledore Tall Ships. You’ll feel like you’re king of the world sailing the Saginaw Bay.
  • Sunrise Pedal Trolley is a great way to spend time with your closest friends. Hop on board and pedal around Bay City!
  • Learn about astronomy at the Delta College Planetarium and Learning Center.
  • Charter a boat and take a guided fishing excursion on the Saginaw Bay. You never know how many fish you’ll catch!

Grand Rapids

  • The Grand Rapids Art Museum offers classes, tours, and exciting art exhibitions. Their ever-rotating exhibitions make for a unique trip each time you visit. 
  • Grand Rapids Children’s Museum is all about kids getting to play! Their hands-on exhibits will have your kids learning and laughing all day long. 
  • For animal fans, the Blandford Nature Center is a must-visit. They work to educate about nature and animals and even have a farm to visit close by. 
  • Visit the Fulton Street Farmers Market every Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday through the end of October. They have wonderful local vendors and a beautiful venue for the market. 
  • You might need more than a day trip to explore Frederik Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park. With outdoor and indoor gardens plus 300 sculpture works to see, you’ll keep busy all day.
  • There’s a reason Grand Rapids is called Beer City, USA! With more than 80 breweries, the Beer City Ale Trail has so much to explore.


  • The Talbert and Leota Abrams Planetarium helps all ages get excited about astronomy and space. They have a wide variety of shows and talks on different topics. 
  • For the car history enthusiast, a trip to the R.E. Olds Transportation Museum is a must. Learn about Lansing’s automotive history and see some really cool cars, too. 
  • Bring a bike or take a walk down the Lansing River Trail. 13 miles of paved trails go through parks, Downtown Lansing, and natural areas. 
  • We love strong women and to learn about them, take a visit to the Michigan Women’s Historical Center & Hall of Fame. Here you’ll learn all about Michigan women who made a difference in the world. 
  • Take a walk around campus at Michigan State University. Don’t forget to see Spartan Stadium and the Sparty Statue while you’re there!
  • Lansing has been working hard to revitalize Old Town and we know you’re going to love it! This vibrant business community is committed to keeping the history alive while restoring its former glory.
  • Get up close and personal with the animals at Potter Park Zoo. Not only can you see the animals, but you have the option to do fun things like ride a camel or feed the birds.
  • Take a tour of the Michigan Capitol Building and learn about the history of our great state! If you’re a native Michigander, chances are you haven’t been here since elementary school.
  • Just outside of Lansing in Grand Ledge is The Ledges, home to 300 million-year-old rock formations on the shore of the Grand River. The Ledges also has disc golf, canoeing, fishing, and a skate park.


  • Visit the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts and learn about different styles of art. Stroll the exhibitions on your own or take one of their interactive tours.
  • If it flies, it’s a part of the Air Zoo Aerospace and Science Museum. Learn about and experience everything flight-related from the Wright Brothers to becoming an astronaut.
  • Kalamazoo is home to some of the nation’s most famous breweries including Bell’s. Hop on a beer tour or see them all for yourself. 
  • Take a hike on one of the trails at the Kalamazoo Nature Center. Explore nature or participate in one of their nature programs. 


  • There are so many things to see and do at Dow Gardens, you can take several day trips just to this one spot! Walk around the gardens to see what’s in bloom, take in a summer evening concert, or be among the trees on the longest canopy walk in the Whiting Forest. 
  • Catch a Great Lakes Loons Game at Dow Diamond. This minor league team is a town favorite for family fun.
  • Check out the Farmers Market open on Wednesdays and Saturdays until the end of November (the first three Saturdays in November). With plenty of vendors and artisans, this is one of our favorite markets to go to.
  • Each year, 3,000 dahlias are planted on Dahlia Hill, an eight-level terraced hillside. The flowers are in bloom from August to October so don’t miss out! 
  • The Chippewa Nature Center has plenty of trails and places to explore the great outdoors. Join in a class or walk out to the river overlook. 
  • Explore the downtown area and walk The Tridge, one of Midland’s most famous landmarks. This three-footed bridge connects Chippewassee Park, St. Charles Park, and the Farmer’s Market areas by crossing over the Tittabawassee and Chippewa Rivers.


  • Enjoy the little town by the lake and stroll through their downtown area. They have great stores for shopping and some wonderful local restaurants, too. 
  • You’ll be sitting on the beach in no time when you travel to Lexington. Lake Huron beaches can be rocky, though! 
  • Just outside of Lexington is the Croswell Swinging Bridge. This is a pedestrian suspension bridge that spans 139 feet. 

Battle Creek

  • Get to know the animals at the Binder Park Zoo. From giraffes to giant tortoises, there’s something for everyone at Binder Park.
  • The Leila Arboretum is one of the more unique arboretums in the state. Come see the Fantasy Forest, The Kaleidoscope Garden, the urban farm, or play a round of disc golf–all while enjoying the sights of nature.
  • Not far from Battle Creek is the Critchlow Alligator Sanctuary. They are home to hundreds of reptiles from adoption, rescue, or other organizations.


  • With more than 400 animals, the Indian Creek Zoo lets you see all of them closer than most zoos. You can also book a private encounter with a sloth or giraffe! 


  • The kids get to have all the fun at the Flint Children’s Museum. From science to the arts, there’s something for every interest. 
  • It’s not just learning about space at the Longway Planetarium. They have shows about all kinds of things from under the sea to the skies over Michigan. 
  • Crossroads Village and Huckleberry Railroad has 37 different historical buildings and things to explore in their turn-of-the-century working village. There’s so much to see and learn about at this wonderful destination! 
  • Kids and adults alike will love checking out The Sloan Museum of Discovery.


  • A fireworks show accompanies the illuminated and musical waterfall at The Cascades. The show runs nightly Wednesdays through Sundays.
  • One of the most popular rail trails in Michigan is the Falling Waters Trail. The ten-and-a-half-mile trail is completely paved and is perfect for walking, running, or biking.


Navigating the map is quite simple. Click on the white outlined rectangle in the upper right corner. A new window will appear and you can scroll through to find the perfect places to stop on your day trip. Once you find a location, click on the marker for more details!

How many day trips do you think you can squeeze in this summer? If you’re looking to make an overnight trip, check out 12 of Michigan’s Best Campgrounds Offering the Full Great Lakes Experience.

*This post was originally written by Katie Purcell and was updated in 2024 by Whitney Cornelli.

The Parenting Post: Summer Vacations + Behavior Expectations

Do you have a parenting hurdle you’re working through? If so, “The Parenting Post” is for you! One of our writers, Albiona, has been answering all of YOUR parenting questions over on IG, and we’ve turned her series into blog posts on our website as well. We just can’t get enough of her helpful advice, and we thought you’d appreciate it, too!

Her videos cover a wide variety of parenting questions–honestly, anything and everything! If it’s something you’re wondering, there’s a really good chance that another parent in our community is struggling with it, too. And Albiona is here to help!

This week, she’s focusing on what to do during summer vacations when routines are changed, schedules are disrupted, and your kids start to act a little bit more whiny. Or, maybe they’re overly excited and overly stimulated, and you just aren’t sure how to respond. What’s the best thing for a parent to do so that they can also enjoy the vacation?

Start by adjusting your own expectations.

This is the first thing you need to do. Brené Brown tells the story of how they were taking their kids to Disney World and she’s packing and throwing seven books into her suitcase and her husband looks at her and he says, “What do you think you’re going to be doing at Disneyland? Why are you bringing all these books?” And she really had to make an adjustment, like, “Oh, that’s true. I’m probably not going to have time to do these things.” She had to completely shift and understand that her expectation in this situation really mattered. So, think about the type of vacation you’re about to take, and set a realistic expectation for it.

Stick to a routine as much as you’re able to.

If you know your kids are really reliant on a routine and/or a certain structure–and you know they do better that way–do your best to stick to it while enjoying these summer vacations. There may be times when parents with children who are a little bit younger could say, “Hey, we’re not going to do a later dinner with everyone today. We’re going to head out at six and we’re going to go back so we can put the kids to sleep.” And that’s fair. So you might want to stick to the schedule that’s going to be more optimal for you and your family!

Learn to let some things go.

As far as kids being overly excited–let it go. That’s the fun in vacation! Everything’s sort of shiny and new, and you’re in a new place. A lot of times we try to put our disciplinarian hat on in that moment, when our kids are overly excited or perhaps acting out a bit because of it, but it’s not really necessary. Just let it go.

If it feels like things are getting on your nerves, give yourself the space to calm down and get yourself regulated. But they are kids in a new environment, really excited and having fun. Don’t forget that! And, if that seems to be too much for you still (where they’re always asking for something or wanting something), you can reframe that before the vacation even starts and get ahead of that.

What does this look like?

You can say, “Hey, I know when we go on vacation you guys are going to be so pumped and you’re going to be excited to do this and that and whatever. But here’s the thing, we’ve already planned a lot of those things out. But we’re going to give you guys a budget. Grandpa gave you this much money. You can use that to buy the things that you really want. So think about how you want to spend that throughout the week.” There are a lot of ways we can just alleviate that from the get go, so that you’re not in a constant battle with them throughout the vacation.

Overall, at the end of the day, just remember to relax. You’re not home. You’re on vacation! Recognize that the routine is going to look a little bit different, and just be okay with that. Set reasonable expectations for these summer vacations and try to enjoy them–you and your whole family deserve it!

Sometimes in relationships, we don’t always see things the same way our partner does. Our previous Parenting Post shares tips for what to do when you disagree with your partner about a situation.

Your Guide to a Night Out in Downtown Utica

It’s time for some summer loving with all of your ladies! Grab your girls (or good guy friends) and take over downtown Utica. That’s right–only a 45-minute drive from the city! 

If you haven’t traveled to downtown Utica yet, it has such a charming, quaint, small town feel. Utica caters to anyone and everyone! The city offers indoor and outdoor activities, live entertainment, and a variety of cuisines that will satisfy everyone’s palette. And we cannot forget all the beer and wineries to die for! 

Host Utica Photo: @qualityofwifeandboys

“A loving relationship is a wanting to celebrate, communicate, and know another’s heart and soul.” -Leo F. Buscaglia

We all need to celebrate each other’s big moments, little moments, or just moments. Having the connection with true friends that will tell you the truth even when it hurts, is called friendship! I have friends from the womb, from high school, from college, from past employers . . . especially after the pandemic, when I became a stay-at-home mom and I branched out to find friends who loved the same things that I love!

“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: ‘What! You too! I thought I was the only one’!” -C.S. Lewis

It’s so important to make time for the people you love and who love you too. So, get ready for a fabulous night out with your gal pals. Here’s a fun itinerary to make sure you have an unforgettable time in downtown Utica!

Vino & Vibes Wine Bar | 7740 Auburn Road, Utica

Start the night off early with a pre-cocktail or wine and some tunes at Vino & Vibes Wine Bar. With its chic modern industrial design and a fantastic selection of international wines, beer, and cocktails, it’s the perfect spot for you and your girlfriends to catch up. Enjoy sharing the latest drama and trying to solve all the world’s problems together, one sip at a time!

Host | 7759 Auburn Road, Utica

After all the chatting and laughing about kids, husbands, families, and life in general, it’s time to embark on a fabulous dinner adventure right across the street at Host Utica. Even though you’re in Michigan, dining at Host feels like you’re on a vacation. Because yes, we all need that getaway vibe without actually getting away every now and then!

Host is uniquely special because they bring in new and upcoming chefs every three months. Each chef brings their own extraordinary flair, making your dinner an experience you’ll be talking about for days!

Mr. Miguel’s | 7636 Auburn Road, Utica

Ready for tequila shots, anyone? If you’re feeling daring, let’s head down the street to Mr. Miguel’s and make the most of the night—whether we go all out or keep it chill. With a 15-year-old and a 9-year-old at home, it’s a relief not to worry about babysitters or baby stuff anymore. But honestly, the idea of a hangover? No, thank you!

So, I’m embracing a new (or should I say, because I am now older) mom method: taking it easy, having fun in moderation, and enjoying every moment. Here’s to a fabulous, balanced night out!

The Locker Room Saloon | 7790 Auburn Road, Utica

Wow, what an amazing night so far! But let’s be honest—only the boring moms are ready to call it quits. We’re off to our next stop: the one and only Locker Room Saloon! We’re throwing it back to the good old days before we had little ones and big ones running around and gallivanting.

This bar was a blast back then, and it’s still the perfect spot for a Gal Pal Night Out. No judgment here, mama! Just you and your besties, shaking those booties and having a blast!

The best part of this night out in downtown Utica is that you have fun with the ladies who love you the most! GNO, gal pal night out, moms night out, girls just wanna have fun, sisterhood soriree, glam it up night . . . whatever you want to call it, just make sure you do it once a month. We all need it! 

After a night out on the town, donuts are a great choice for breakfast. Check out our guide to the best donuts in + around Detroit!

Detroit Mom’s Travel Series: Boston

Regular date nights don’t happen as much anymore for my husband and I. Between work, three kids, and busy schedules, time for just us doesn’t get prioritized like it used to. In lieu of weekly dates, we take a few 24-hour trips a year and call those our “date nights.” My husband recently had to travel to Boston for work and neither of us had been there before, so we decided to go a few days early and have our date. Some of our requirements for these quick trips are short flight times and good weather–so Boston in June was a perfect choice.

Other than my husband already needing to go to Boston for work, Fenway Park was one of two stadiums he had left to visit before he can say he’s been to every MLB stadium in the country. While I am not the baseball enthusiast my husband is, I still had a great time exploring Boston and Fenway Park. Our unique hotel was a stones throw away from Fenway. We walked some historical sites and ate some truly amazing food.

Other than the game, we tried not to make too many plans ahead of time, and it worked out perfectly. We took a 7:00 a.m. flight out of Detroit, landed around 9:00 a.m., dropped off our bags, and began our date!

Sample Itinerary for Boston

10:45 a.m.-12:00 p.m. | Savr | 150 Seaport Blvd, Boston, MA | 617-553-7287
I would go back for the seared pork belly and the cinnamon vanilla french toast alone. Combine the incredible food with the seaport waterfront view and you’ve got yourself the perfect brunch spot!

12:10-12:30 p.m. | Tatte Bakery & Cafe | 200 Pier 4 Blvd, Boston, MA | 617-765-7600
Tatte, like latte! There are several gorgeous locations. This one was walking distance from where we had brunch so it made for a great place to grab a coffee and wait for our ride share. The house latte is made is honey-halva and cardamom and I’m still dreaming about it. 

1:00-4:30 p.m. | Fenway Park | 4 Jersey St, Boston, MA | 617-226-6000
Fenway Park in comparison to Comerica Park is much smaller, so it felt less over overwhelming and like you were closer to the field. Before walking into the actual stadium, the road alongside it is closed off and filled with food vendors, souvenirs, and street performers, making it a fun spot to hang out before going inside.

Another thing I noticed was a family restroom and a mother’s room, such nice features if you’re traveling with little ones! We sat in the Dell Technologies Club–the price tag was higher but our seats were fantastic. It had a beautiful restaurant and lounge to sit down in if you wanted a break from the heat and there was never a line for the bathroom. The food and drinks we ordered from our seats were delivered to us pretty quickly! 

5:30-6:30 p.m. | Quincy Market | 4 S Market St, Boston, MA | 617-523-1300
Historical, tons of shopping, street performers, and a variety of food. What more could you want? We were on a mission for one souvenir but you could easily spend hours here. 

7:00-8:30 p.m. | Hojoko | 1271 Boylston St, Boston, MA | 617-670-0507
Don’t judge a book by its cover. This place isn’t much to look at, but the food is fantastic. I highly recommend the kimchi fried rice and the spicy tuna roll!

The Hotel You’ll Love

The Verb Hotel | 1271 Boylston St, Boston, MA | 617-566-4500
This was the PERFECT hotel for our stay. It was unlike any hotel we’ve every stayed in, which made it feel even more special for our “date.” The entire hotel is deeply themed with all things rock and roll and it backs right up to Fenway Park. The walk from our room to the game was roughly three minutes.

There are traditional rooms and then what they refer to as “backstage trailers”–that’s where we stayed. We were told that staying in our own trailer was the ultimate backstage VIP experience so we went for it. Each one is uniquely themed and there was a record player and hundreds of records to choose from, sparkling and still water, beer, snacks, and a Nespresso machine.

Another bonus that we loved was that the amazing restaurant we had dinner at was at the hotel. Breakfast isn’t anything to write home about and if you’re in the pool, you’ll have an audience as the windows of the restaurant look out to it. Other than that, it was an absolute blast to stay at.

Why You Need to Plan a 24-Hour Date

I know what you’re thinking . . . traveling to have a date night seems excessive and expensive. Hear me out. Before kids, my husband and I went out to dinner twice a week or more. Plus movie nights, concerts, weekend brunch, etc., and while each one wasn’t a high-priced item, when you tally a month’s worth, it adds up. So rather than stress out about trying to make time for a date night each week, we’ve come to terms with what this season of life looks like for us and instead focus on planning a few overnight dates a year.

Yes, we still go to dinner once in a while–but these are the dates we REALLY look forward to. The ones that feel intentional and restorative to our relationship. A full day without household responsibilities or anyone interrupting us every two minutes to look at a squirrel.

Choosing your 24-Hour Date Location

Boston made sense for us because my husband already had to go for work, so we just left a day early for our date and then I came home by myself to limit childcare needs. Last summer we went to Clearwater Beach, we’ve gone to Greektown twice, and we’ve also spent a night in both Chicago and Orlando.

One requirement we have is if we fly, we stay in the city that the airport is in. When you’re only gone for a day, you want to make the most of your time. We also try to keep the weather in mind and check for events we’d want to take part in. For instance, our Chicago trip was planned around a Broadway show I wanted to see, and Orlando was planned around a food and wine festival.

Whatever you choose, keep it fun and simple. No huge suitcases to pack or tons of plans to make. Just time away to reset, recharge, and remember why you fell in love in the first place.

What’s your favorite vacation spot? Check out our previous travel series location: Alpena!

Rollerblading: A Mom’s Path to Rejuvenation

“Am I really about to do this?” Those were the words I chuckled to myself as I strapped on my new pair of rollerblades. It had been almost two decades since I last glided along on wheels, but on a crisp spring morning earlier this year, I was feeling ambitious. Though my initial strides were shaky, a quiet confidence stirred within me. Turns out, rollerblading wasn’t as tough as I’d psyched myself up for. In fact, I was pleasantly surprised at how decently I skated when I hit the pavement again.

As a kid, rollerblading was my ultimate joy. I remember zipping around the neighborhood, pretending I was competing in some sort of “world in-line skating championship.” Looking back on those fond nostalgic memories always brings a smile to my face.

Fun fact: I initially took up rollerblading because I wanted to be a figure skater. But the ice thing didn’t quite work out, so rollerblading became my beloved pastime. Fast forward to now, and reintroducing this hobby into my life has been incredibly rewarding.

The Two Important Truths

I’ve come to realize two important truths: leisure activities are an essential part of my well-being, and making time for myself is not only necessary but non-negotiable. As a busy mom on the go, I know how easy it is to get caught up in daily tasks and forget to prioritize “me time.” But I’m realizing now more than ever that self-care shouldn’t be pushed to the back burner.


One thing I really appreciate about rollerblading is how much fun it is. Some days, I literally feel like a kid again. Needless to say, I think it’s important to find things that still light us up as we get older.

Admittedly, rollerblading has reignited a sense of childlike bliss within me, which I’m so grateful for. The key is to prioritize activities that bring you delight. Even if life has shifted your attention, reviving those passions and infusing them with fresh energy could prove to be beneficial in more ways than one.

And, The Three Amazing Perks

Here are three awesome perks I’ve enjoyed since getting back on my blades:

1. Improved physical health

Rollerblading is a great way to stay active. When I hit the pavement, I can feel the burn. It’s a full-body workout that leaves me feeling strong and energized. The movement helps to tone muscles, and it definitely has contributed to my overall health and fitness. Plus, it’s low-impact and gentle on my joints, which may be a concern for some.

However, it’s worth noting that rollerblading on uneven or unstable surfaces can actually be quite harsh on your joints. So select your skating area carefully!

2. Enhanced mental well-being and creativity

I find that after a skate session, I’m better equipped to tackle challenges with a clear head and a renewed sense of focus and purpose. Rollerblading has significantly enhanced my state of being, allowing me to better embrace whatever life throws my way. When I’m out skating, I strive to be mindful and remain anchored in the present, allowing myself to fully savor the moment.

Rollerblading has been a catalyst for sparking my creativity. Whether I’m brainstorming solutions to a problem or simply taking in the scenery, I always find myself inspired in unexpected ways.

Rollerblading also fuels my imagination, making space for new ideas and inspiration to flow. As a result, I feel more prepared to tackle creative projects with renewed zest and enthusiasm.

3. Deeper connection with nature

I prefer to rollerblade outdoors because I love basking in the beauty of nature. Feeling the breeze against my skin and hearing the rustle of leaves as I glide is so refreshing. In fact, rollerblading has become somewhat of a sacred ritual for me—a source of tranquility and clarity that has deepened my bond with the world around me and revitalized my spirit.

In the meantime, when it comes to finding time for my beloved hobby, I’ve learned that I have to make it happen. No excuses–just me and the pavement, for an hour or so of pure bliss.

You know the saying about not being able to pour from an empty cup? Well, I’ve certainly felt that reality on more than one occasion. But I’ve learned that filling up your own cup first allows you to pour into others with even more vigor and vitality. I’m grateful to say that getting back on my rollerblades has been a rejuvenating and rewarding experience, always keeping my glass at least half full.

To all my fellow moms out there, I urge you to reconnect with the passions and dreams that are close to your heart. Whether it’s rollerblading, painting, gardening, or simply taking a moment for yourself, always honor your need for self-care.

Remember: a happy, fulfilled mom is more likely to radiate love and positivity in greater abundance, enriching the lives of those around her.

Self-care can take many forms. Check out our recommendations for the top wellness spots in + around Detroit to make self-care a priority.

Ice Cream Experiences You Have to Have In + Around Detroit

Have you ever treated yourself to a donut sundae? How about a waffle ice cream sandwich, or a towering, overstuffed milkshake? Well, it’s time to add these delicious treats to your foodie bucket list!

We have rounded up all of the best ice cream experiences in + around Detroit, and we are pretty sure you’ll have a hard time deciding which to try first. Scroll down to discover some of the area’s best and most unique ice cream experiences that you just have to have!

Brown Dog Creamery + Dessert Bar | Farmington + Northville

Brown Dog Creamery + Dessert Bar is a foodie’s dream come true. Not only do they offer 16 staple flavors, but they have boozy milkshakes, ice cream martinis, and sorbet mimosas. If you’re looking for different, and quite possibly adventurous, dessert, this is the place to be. Hello Margarita Sorbet! Looking for vegan options? They have you covered. 33314 Grand River Ave, Farmington and 120 East Main Street, Northville

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The Creamery on Main | Armada

Head on over to their social media sites and you are going to be drooling after looking at their loaded milkshakes!  I mean, who doesn’t want a cupcake on top of a milkshake?! The Creamery on Main sure does put the phrase “have your cake and eat it too” to work with all their creative concoctions! 23090 E Main St, Armada

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The Custard Hut | Dearborn Heights

So, The Custard Hut had me at ice cream wedged between waffles. Hot waffles. Choose your ice cream and your waffles; does it get any better?! Not feeling a hot waffle sandwich? The Hut also has a variety of slushies, sundaes, and shakes. 25947 W Warren St, Dearborn Heights

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Detroit Water Ice Factory | Detroit

Detroit Water Ice Factory serves up a uniquely delicious icy treat that is fat free, dairy free, and cholesterol free. Most of it is also vegan! Make it a Motown Twist by adding soft serve to the top and bottom of water ice flavors like Banana Peanut Butter, Cobo Coconut, and Honolulu Blue Raspberry. Other menu items include soft pretzels and 14+ unique gourmet popcorn flavors from sister store Brown Bag Popcorn.

What we especially love about Detroit Water Ice Factory is that 100% of profits go directly to SAY Detroit charities. Thanks to Detroit’s beloved columnist and author Mitch Albom for bringing this gem to the city! 1014 Woodward Ave, Campus Martius

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Donut Bar + Coffee | Livonia + Southfield

Okay, so most of you know about Donut Bar + Coffee having AH-MAZING donuts. But, did you know that you can get a donut cone with ice cream inside of it?! You get to choose from chocolate, vanilla, or swirl ice cream. Don’t forget to get one of these on your morning donut run. Don’t worry–it’s never too early for ice cream! 29039 Southfield Rd, Southfield and 19734 Haggerty Rd, Livonia

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Guernsey Farms Dairy | Northville

Guernsey Farms is a family favorite. They now have an Ice Cream Scoop Shop and Soda Bar. You can choose from 48 flavors–if you ask me, it’s nearly impossible to choose just one! Sit down and enjoy a sundae or shake at the old school soda fountain bar. And, if you’re hungry, stop in to the dining room for some food. 21300 Novi Rd, Northville

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Huddle Soft Serve | Detroit

The walk-up window for this cute little shop will make you instantly fall in love. Not to mention, their custard is delish! They keep it simple with chocolate and vanilla, or you can have the best of both worlds with a twist. Then, finish it off with toppings like sprinkles, chocolate chips, salt, or get it dipped in cherry or chocolate. Not feeling ice cream? Grab a float. Our favorite part is walking up to grab our treats and then continuing on throughout the city. It’s an absolute must when you visit the city! 2 John R. St, Detroit


Mangonadas Del Barrio | Detroit

Here’s a southwest Detroit favorite! It’s the home of the Mangonada, a frozen spicy Mexican fruit drink. But don’t you worry, they also offer snacks, sweet drinks, and ice cream. I’m adding the chocobanana split to my list! 1210 Lawndale St, Detroit


Modern Cone | St. Clair Shores

Can you say ice cream nachos?! This is one item that we’ve added to our foodie bucket list; it’s known as a fan favorite at Modern Cone. Oh, and if you can’t choose one flavor, why not choose six with an ice cream flight?! No shame in that ice cream game. Not feeling ice cream? Grab an Italian Ice Slush. These are only a few of the items offered here. Check out the menu to see what else they have! 28616 Harper Ave, St. Clair Shores

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Ray’s Ice Cream | Royal Oak

Whenever I hear someone talk about a nostalgic ice cream place, Ray’s is always one that comes up. Here you’ll find a classic ice cream parlor with over 50 flavors to choose from such as White Russian, Cookie Monster, or Coffee and Heath. If you’re looking to relive those summer memories, this is the place to be. 4233 Coolidge Hwy, Royal Oak

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Treat Dreams Dessert Emporium | Ferndale

This is one of our favorite stops in Ferndale. Their ice cream and cookie flavors change weekly. Every Sunday you can expect new flavors to debut featuring a variety of hard ice creams, sorbet, and vegan ice cream. Did we mention they have D’VINE Cookies there?Hello, ice cream sandwiches! 22965 Woodward Ave, Ferndale

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Wally’s Frozen Custard | St. Clair Shores

Have a fire truck lover in the family? Head on over to Wally’s Frozen Custard to check out their fire station-inspired shop which houses two converted fire engines that can be rented for on-site custard catering. Wally’s also offers birthday party rentals in their large indoor bay area. They are open early and offer amazing coffee and breakfast options, too! 22501 Harper, St. Clair Shores

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Click on the image below to open it in a large window, save it, and print it off. Add your favorite shops, then check them off as you enjoy ice cream all summer long!

After grabbing your ice cream, head on over to your local zoo for some more fun. Lindsay shares nine simple ways to bring even more excitement to your zoo experience!

This post was originally written by Elizabeth Lewis and updated in 2024 by Lauren Dalton.


In + Around Detroit

day trips, summer

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