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Kate Bell

Kate Bell
Hi I’m Kate Bell! I am a mom to two amazing boys; they are my joy, my inspiration and what gets me going each day, whether I am ready or not! Coffee is my friend. I’m a Montessori mom, a mom to a little boy with a unique feeding disorder (www.bellyedison.com), a mom to a super creative and fast paced young man and a wife to a constantly traveling husband. I love to create. I love photography. and people. and kids. and being outside. and running. and details. I love a lot of things in the world around and if I can capture even a little bit of these things to create a visible memory, I think it’s a pretty good day.

In + Around Detroit

hot cocoa bomb ingredients displayed on counter

Where to Find Hot Cocoa Bombs In + Around Detroit

*updated 1/14/2025 Hot cocoa bombs are all the rage. Local bakers, chocolatiers, and cafes are taking drinking hot cocoa to another level. They turn your...