Detroit Mom’s Local Love Spotlight: A Life You Love Now, LLC

Detroit Mom’s Local Love series highlights local women and the businesses they have built. We love supporting small business! Today’s Local Love Spotlight belongs to Tamara Zoner, owner of A Life You Love Now, LLC.

To start, we asked Tamara to share a few fun facts about herself with us!

  • She has lived in two countries other than the US: Singapore and the UK.
  • Her three kids are half-French.
  • She is the happiest person that she knows!

We asked Tamara to share a little bit more about her business with us, too. Get to know Tamara and her business, A Life You Love Now, LLC, below!

How did you come up with the idea of your business, and how did you start?

“Years ago, I was miserable and angry and began a path of personal development back toward being a person and parent that I could love and respect. The tools and experiences that I embarked upon and utilized were so powerful and transformational that I knew I wanted others to experience the same purpose and joy that I have. 

“I began coaching and speaking as a side gig a decade ago. When COVID hit, it gave me an opportunity for deep reflection and I decided to take it full time! The tools of happiness and well-being were making such a massive difference in my small circle of clients and in the senior community that I worked in at the time, that I knew it was time to take it out into the world on a bigger level.”

Knowing what you know now, is there anything you would have done differently when you were first starting out?

“Not a thing!”

What is the best business advice you’ve ever been given?

“Keep showing up!!! It’s all working! Being an entrepreneur can be as crazy and unpredictable as Michigan weather, so it’s vital to do the mindset to stay focused and confidently on track.”

Have you faced adversity in business due to being a woman? How did you navigate that?

“I would say that the real adversity is being an entrepreneur and a mom! It’s challenging to navigate all of the responsibilities that come with both roles and we never feel like we’re doing enough in either. Fortunately, I teach tools of well-being and I USE them!!!”

How do you persevere in challenging times?

“I up-level my self-care to make sure I’m staying healthy physically, emotionally, and mentally. I remember that I’m human and I allow myself to feel what I feel, reach out to friends for support, and ride the waves of life!!!”

What impact do you want your business to have?

“I want my business to change lives. If only we learned what I teach when we’re young . . . that happiness and well-being are more skills and practices than something that just happens to us after we check a bunch of boxes off our list of to-dos or achievements. When we learn to take better care of ourselves on every level and to be kinder and more compassionate to ourselves, we give permission to others to do the same. We can create a better world one happier person at a time!”

What are the pros and cons of being a woman business owner in 2024?

“One of the pros of being a woman business owner in 2024 is that there are more of us than ever!!! There’s a huge system of support out there and we just have to be willing to [be] open to it and receive it. A con is that we still have to do so much more than a man does to achieve the same level of success.”

What knowledge would you share with someone who wants to become an entrepreneur?

“Be willing to ride the waves!!! There are ups and downs and it’s taking care of yourself mentally and physically that will help you to handle the emotional roller coaster of being an entrepreneur, especially if you’re a mom wearing the many hats that it brings.”

What do you do for personal and professional development?

“I always have a business coach to help me stay on track, manage my mindset, and keep me focused on my goals. Plus, you’ll always find me reading some kind of professional development book (possibly a few at a time), and I love learning, so I’m always adding to my own tool belt (of skills and certifications) so that I can be of the highest service to my coaching clients.”

What mantra or quote do you live by?

“Everything happens FOR me.”

What’s your favorite place in Detroit or Michigan?

“My own home on a lake!!! I can’t wait for summer!!!”

Where can our readers find you on social media?

You can follow A Life You Love Now, LLC on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and on their website!

We hope you loved getting to know more about Tamara + A Life You Love Now, LLC. Be sure to check out our previous Local Love Spotlight featuring Rachel + TRV|FIT Berkley!

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Whitney Cornelli
Whitney lives in Rochester Hills with her hard-working husband, their three daughters, and their German Shepherd. She is an MSU grad (Go Green!) who taught elementary school before trading in her classroom to become a SAHM. At naptime, you can find her editing blog content for Detroit Mom and running the community groups on Facebook. She loves to find new places to take her kids to, and one of these days she will figure out how to get out the door in a timely fashion. She enjoys connecting with other moms and sharing the triumphs and struggles of motherhood with them!


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