Detroit Mom’s Local Love Spotlight: Go Grow Playrooms

Detroit Mom’s Local Love series highlights local women and the businesses they have built. We love supporting small business! Today’s Local Love Spotlight belongs to Sara Khan, owner of Go Grow Playrooms.

To start, we asked Sara to share a few fun facts about herself with us!

  • She is a full-time working mom of three kids that are ages four and under.
  • She has an obsession with plants.
  • She is obsessed with podcasts!

We asked her to share a little bit more about her business with us, too. Get to know Sara and her business, Go Grow Playrooms, below!

Photo by Amy Kimball/Amy Kimball Photography

How did you come up with the idea of your business, and how did you start?

“My son was diagnosed with severe eczema when he was born in 2021. I struggled with him not being able to play outside when it’s too hot or too cold because of his eczema flares. Also, I am a full-time working mom who works from home. I found myself frequenting indoor playgrounds around the area but realized we didn’t have one in Canton. My journey [was started] to create a place that my family could visit any time my toddlers wanted to play.

“I started my business by saving up a lot while I worked. Our business is 100% self-funded and mom-owned so it’s been hard to bootstrap it from the beginning. However, once we were able to fund the business, designing the play structure and furniture was incredibly fun.”

Knowing what you know now, is there anything you would have done differently when you were first starting out?

“I would have done less myself and outsourced more. I spent a lot of sweat equity on setting up the facility and I would have someone else do that next time.”

What is the best business advice you’ve ever been given?

“Hardworking people tend to be lucky.”

Photo by Amy Kimball/Amy Kimball Photography

Have you faced adversity in business due to being a woman? How did you navigate that?

“I have! [With] nearly every step of opening my business I was faced with judgments of not taking me seriously since I’m a young woman. I’ve had to haggle with vendors, contractors, and teams to show I know what I’m doing. I always show up twice as prepared and confident because I fully believe I am capable [of] handling anything.”

How do you persevere in challenging times?

“I persevere because I see no other option. When failure is not an option, then you figure out a way through.”

What impact do you want your business to have?

“I want my business to be a core memory for all children in Michigan.”

Photo by Amy Kimball/Amy Kimball Photography

What are the pros and cons of being a woman business owner in 2024?

“Pros: women support women, the amount of women that have shown out to support our business has been incredible! We are so honored that women see the value of supporting women and other moms in their community.

“Cons: I simply think people underestimate women in all walks of life so you have to work twice as hard to prove yourself.”

What knowledge would you share with someone who wants to become an entrepreneur?

“Anything is possible, just put your mind to it and start somewhere.”

What do you do for personal and professional development?

“I love to listen to any business development podcast I can. I also like Mel Robbins’ podcasts and am currently reading Working Backwards.”

Photo by Amy Kimball/Amy Kimball Photography

What mantra or quote do you live by?

“Hardworking people tend to be lucky.”

What’s your favorite place in Detroit or Michigan?


Where can our readers find you on social media?

You can follow Go Grow Playrooms on Facebook, Instagram, and on their website!

We hope you loved getting to know more about Sara + Go Grow Playrooms. Be sure to check out our previous Local Love Spotlight featuring Annamarie Green + Annamarie Green Co!

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Whitney Cornelli
Whitney lives in Rochester Hills with her hard-working husband, their three daughters, and their German Shepherd. She is an MSU grad (Go Green!) who taught elementary school before trading in her classroom to become a SAHM. At naptime, you can find her editing blog content for Detroit Mom and running the community groups on Facebook. She loves to find new places to take her kids to, and one of these days she will figure out how to get out the door in a timely fashion. She enjoys connecting with other moms and sharing the triumphs and struggles of motherhood with them!


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