Our primary goal in creating Detroit Mom was to connect moms online, as well as offline through playdates, Moms Night Out, and everything in between. We know that being a mom is the most rewarding job we can do, but it’s also the hardest. We all need some support now and then from others who know just what we are going through! We’ve loved doing this through our larger events, but this year we are also looking to incorporate some more intimate ways for moms to connect with one another.
Detroit covers three different counties and we would like to make it feel a little smaller. We’ve decided to create Community Groups that will help you all facilitate playdates, mom meet ups, learn more about your specific neighborhood or simply pose a question to a group of moms. Whether you’re a new mom, new to the city, or just want to meet new friends, these groups will be the perfect way to connect with moms in your area.
We currently have 9 community groups available to join. Our goal is to help you find commonality with moms in hopes of creating a connection prior to meeting up. Are you ready to meet your next Mom Friend for Life?
Each group will be run by volunteers called Mombassadors – these ladies will plan events each month with the intention of gathering people in person. If you’re interested in being one of our Mombassadors please send an email to [email protected] and let us know. We absolutely love our online community, but what we’d love most is to help you get connected in person to other Moms in your own neighborhoods within Detroit! Just click on the community group that best fits your current season and ask to join the group. It’s that simple!
We hope this will be an opportunity for you and your kids to make some new friends and connections in our community! In order to stay up-to-date on ALL the connection opportunities Detroit Mom offers, “like” our Facebook page, and follow us on Twitter (@detroitmoms), Instagram (@detroitmoms), and Pinterest! We look forward to hearing from you!!