Soccer Mom Essentials 101

The truth is, the moment my son decided he wanted to be part of a traveling soccer league, my heart sank a little. I was scared of the commitment and didn’t know what to expect. That was my first moment of fear: not knowing anything about what I was getting myself into.

I had so many questions and I just wasn’t sure where to start. Becoming a soccer mom is no joke!

After a year of him participating in traveling soccer, I have learned some tips and tricks and wanted to share them with all you wonderful moms because I know that it can be intimidating to commit to a new team!

Soccer Season: 6 Soccer Mom Essentials

1. Food + Drinks

We all know that food and drinks are a necessary part of occupying any child. Snacks and plenty of water to stay hydrated are essential. Have breakfast bars and healthy options for yourself and your soccer player to enjoy after games, too!

2. Comfort Essentials

Games usually run about an hour and a half, which means your comfort is essential! Parents typically bring a lounge chair (or multiple) if you’re traveling with kids. Also, bring a blanket for those chilly outdoor games.

3. Weather-Resistant Essentials

Games for a league go all year long, rain or shine! During early spring and late fall, games are outdoors, so you need to be prepared. Make sure your child has gloves, hats, sweaters, rain jackets, and thermal wear to stay warm and maintain their momentum during the game. Also, have an umbrella on hand in case it rains! Luckily, winter games are usually played indoors.

4. Planning Ahead

The key to keeping things smooth is to stay organized! The first thing you should expect is to travel. Most games will be about 30 minutes to an hour away. Our league uses an app to insert all games, times, and locations. Also, know that most coaches will want their players there about 30 minutes to an hour earlier to practice and prepare for the game. So, this should factor into your travel plans.

I suggest that as soon as you receive your soccer schedule, insert all dates and times for games, practices, and tournaments into your calendar. This ensures you have plenty of time to plan and don’t risk missing anything! While planning, also insert the addresses of all the games into your calendar. This way, you have an idea of locations and estimated arrival times. Having a game plan is a sure way to make things less stressful and run smoothly!

5. Support System

Many of us moms have multiple kids, and this is when you will need a support system. When we first started soccer season, I took my younger two kids along for the ride, thinking it would be a great experience for them. Boy, was I wrong.

Many games begin at the crack of dawn, making for a long day. Plus, they could be located anywhere from 30 minutes to four hours away! So having a support system is crucial for those days when you decide to leave your other kids behind. This way, everyone is happy.

6. Tag Teaming with Your Partner

Committing to a soccer team can test your relationship. My husband and I quickly learned that we had to tag team to make life easier. For most games we would drive together and both be present. If the games were on a weekend, we made the best of it and turned it into a fun family day. This has worked best for us.

Of course, there are always exceptions. If games were too early, one of us would stay behind with our younger kids. For example, we had a game start at 8:00 a.m. once, and my son and I had to leave the house at 6:00 a.m. to ensure we were on time. And on the flip side, sometimes my husband would attend, and I would stay back with my daughters. There will be different scenarios, but we have always tag teamed and found a solution.

The Positives of Being a Soccer Mom

Just like any other challenge, there are definite benefits that make you want to continue. I have already signed my son up for the following year, which shows my commitment and happiness with my decision! First and foremost, you will see significant changes in your child. Becoming part of a team has multiple rewards for children, including increased confidence and team-building skills.

Another benefit is the friendships you create along the way–for both kids and parents. We are truly blessed with an amazing coach and an amazing group of parents. They have become a support system, and we all offer one another help when needed, whether filling in during times of need or cheering our kids on. This is what a team is all about.

Although I had to learn some lessons the hard way, I can say now that every moment was worth it. Becoming a soccer mom may seem intimidating at first, but with a little planning, a solid support system, and a positive attitude, it can be a rewarding experience for both you and your child. So, embrace the journey, and enjoy the wonderful memories you’ll make along the way!

Sports commitment can be intimidating. If you need help finding the right sport for your child, read what Megan shares about taking the challenge out of choosing extracurricular activities.

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