The Making of a Mom: A Healthy Motherhood Starts with One’s Self

We as humans, and especially as moms, have the ability to change and evolve. Traditionally, moms are the emotional support. Through our modeling, our sons learn how to treat a spouse and our daughters learn how to be one. So it is imperative that we first recognize that it starts with one’s self. Read on for some tips on how to love on one’s self.

start with one's self3 Keys to Start with One’s Self

1. Self-Love

Love is in the air. There is a lot of talk about love and especially self-love. As mothers, we set the example for our children on what it means to love. Loving one’s self holds a key to every other connection in life. While it can include outer expressions, it must start from within.

It starts with how we speak to ourselves. Our reality is created first by our thoughts. When we fill our mind and energy with positive speech, we, in turn, begin to give ourselves permission to feel the love we deserve. This will also foster confidence and motivation. Our babies need us to show up complete.

2. Self-Acceptance

The next place to focus on is self-acceptance. Self-acceptance is unique. It requires an objective and unbiased view of one’s self. A lot easier said then done. Self-acceptance means looking at both the strengths and weaknesses realistically. This is a huge step in self-improvement.

Harmony can be found in accepting shortcomings and, at the same time, discovering new talents. It is okay to not be good at everything. Accept that. Delegate that. There are times when we should push ourselves out of our comfort zones. This is different than when we need to accept that our energy and time would be better spent elsewhere.

3. Self-Perception

That leads us to self-perception. It is like a mirror that reflects patterns from the past. When we are unsure of our emotions or how to react, we reflect back to similar feelings we can relate to. This can be both positive and negative. Just as these patterns were created, they can also be recreated.

Positive self-image plays a vital role in healthy self-perception. First analyze yourself before assessing a situation. The more you are in tune with yourself, the better equipped you will be to handle the circumstance presented before you. Another important piece is changing small habits first. Finally, self-perception will allow one to take both compliments and constructive criticism as a way to improve.

When we recognize that self-love, self-acceptance, and self-perception starts with one’s self, we can move forward in a healthy way and model positive behavior to our children. Take a moment to think on where you can begin your journey to a better you, mama.

Self-care in general is so important for moms. To read more on this topic, check out When Self-Care Isn’t Selfish.


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