The Pursuit of Motherhood + Business Ownership

Detroit Mom partnered with the amazing people at Higher Living Real Estate to bring you this post. All opinions are our own.

Motherhood and business ownership are hard work, but also super rewarding. There’s no one to tell you what to do and often times, you feel like you’re not measuring up. We often feel alone in the pursuit of motherhood and business ownership.

Since integrating myself within the Detroit Mom community, I’ve learned that a lot of us are business owners and we feel like we just aren’t measuring up.

It got me thinking about how the path to success isn’t linear–it’s more about celebrating the little wins along the way. This mindset shift has gotten me through some tough times of self doubt and comparing. I remember how far I’ve come, even if it’s not exactly where I want to be.

Another mindset shift that has helped me immensely is to remember that mothers who are also business owners are a different breed.

We face a different set of challenges from our partners, and even from the generations of our mothers or our grandmothers. We want to be there for all the little and big moments for our kids, but we also want to be the best we can in our profession. There’s a lot on our shoulders. Not everyone understands the burden and stress we carry.

But I do. I understand it all. That’s why I wanted to talk about entrepreneurship and motherhood. I want you to know that you’re not alone in your challenges and triumphs.

We all have a place to start and a place we want to go.

For me, I started 13 years ago as a part time office manager for a real estate brokerage while I was in college. I fell in love with real estate and started learning all I could about the industry. I spent many years learning residential sales, property development, and investment management. A little over five years ago, I finally got the courage to quit the safety of my office job for an investor and go all in on real estate.

Two years ago, I got my real estate brokers license (in the state of Michigan, this allows you to operate independently) while I was seven months pregnant with baby #2. I could have given up or put my dreams on the back burner for a “better time” but instead, I kept my focus on my vision: to be a leader for my family and children, showing them that they can be whatever they want to be, no matter how hard it might be to get there.

Now, as I settle into my second year of business as the broker owner of my own company, I’ve come a long way. Am I where I want to be exactly? No. But I know that keeping my focus on why I did this in the first place will allow me to keep taking one step forward every day.

So, this is my reminder to you, a business owner mom, that you can do it. This is hard work. But it’s so beyond worth it. Don’t give up!!!

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I’ve lived in 15 different places in 30 years. Growing up in a divorced family, we moved a lot. During the recession, I called many places home. I’ve seen my childhood home go into foreclosure and seen many friends & family experience the same. Home has always been more of a feeling than a place for me, as it had to be during hard times. Most of my family was in the mortgage and real estate industry. I saw them lose their jobs and businesses when the market crashed in 2008. In a matter of a year, several homes that meant a whole lot to me get foreclosed on and bought by someone else. The world as I had known it for 18 years changed pretty much overnight. It was a scary time for me as I was a freshman in college. My mom was in a new relationship with my now step dad, and I wasn’t sure where home was for me. Deep down, I had a very strong desire to live in a space that was all mine for a long period of time. I was sick of moving, sick of struggling, and wanting stability. I knew I had a long way to go before I would be able to afford my own home. I had a lot of growing to do in all aspects of life. I had four years of college to complete, a career to establish and get my credit where it needed to be. I had no clue what I wanted to do with my life or Communications degree, to be honest. All I knew was that I wanted to help people in some capacity. Everything came into focus for me when I was 22 and almost done with college. I was searching for a new job & came across an opportunity at a boutique real estate office in downtown Royal Oak. I went in for the interview and got the position on the spot. I also enrolled in my real estate licensing class, took the exam, and got licensed. I knew this opportunity to learn the business inside and out was my ticket to making a career for myself. I knew a career into real estate could have the potential to change my life and help me help others. It was redemption for me after what my family went through in 2009. Finally, I was taking control of something that turned my world upside down. I also knew that real estate was in my blood! I was only at that job for about a year, as it wasn’t the right environment for me to succeed. I moved on to a career in real estate, which inspired me to create Higher Living Real Estate. I got married in 2017 and we were finally in a place to take the ultimate risk and buy our first home in 2018! We’re expecting our first child this fall. House hunting took a lot of convincing on my part to my husband, Vic. He thought we should stay in our rental that we’d had for seven long years. and save more money. He worried that we would get in over our heads. I was fearful too, I mean I had seen people I love lose everything. I didn’t want to lose everything I had worked for. But something inside me said f*ck fear and to go for it, you’re ready! So, that’s exactly what we did. We got our pre-approval, had the money for the down payment, and found the home that we wanted to buy. On my 29th birthday, we closed on our first home. It was an experience that changed our life. It had been almost 15 years since I was in a home that was not a rental or roommate situation. My husband and I now have something that is ours, that we can paint and design the way we like. We can have friends and family over and entertain. These were all things I thought were super far away for me. Now, we’re expecting our first child, we’ve started to think about getting a larger house. We know we're going to grow out of this house soon. It’s scary to think that the home we worked so hard for and are finally settled in won’t be our forever home. But, we know that there’s something out there that will be big enough for us & the family we want to have in the coming years. Let's be honest, the journey to start a family is scary enough. The thought of selling our first home & buying something new on top of it all can be a lot to handle. Taking a financial risk coupled with balancing a family is difficult, but I choose to not let fear define me. Having been through that leap recently myself, I know exactly how you’re feeling. I know what petty arguments you’re having with your partner. I know what it takes to get through the process as quick & seamless as possible!


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