“Never get tired of doing little things for others.
Sometimes those little things occupy the biggest part of their hearts.”
Coming home with a new baby can be stressful and overwhelming; especially as visitors seem to arrive minutes after you walk through the door. It wasn’t until I had a child myself that I truly understood what the chaos of bringing home a baby was all about. While everyone knows you’re visiting to snuggle that new baby, here are 10 ways you can help the new mom in your life.
Cook for her & her new family
It probably goes without saying that New Mom doesn’t have time
to whip up a three-course meal. Cooking is one of the easiest ways to help her. Supplying dinners that can serve a few meals are ideal. A few of my favorites are lasagna, chicken and dressing, and enchilada soup. Leftovers are easily accessible and can be reheated at a moment’s notice. Don’t forget about bringing the meal in a throwaway container so she doesn’t have to deal with tons of extra dishes or worry about getting them back to their proper owners. If she truly is an independent woman and insists on cooking her own meals, try preparing a sauce that can be frozen so she can use for a dish of her own later.
Grocery shop
Gather a list of items she needs from the grocery store and go shopping for her. It may be just a gallon of milk or some fresh produce to keep the fruit basket full, but saving her a trip to a germ-filled store with a newborn will be a lifesaver. I mean, do you remember how long it takes to get a newborn ready for a ‘quick’ outing?
Do a load (or two) of laundry
New babies mean significantly more laundry. And if the New Mom is washing baby’s clothes separately from the rest of the family’s, it can mean even more. Take it upon yourself to offer to do a load of laundry while she’s busy attending to the baby’s needs. Make sure to ask if she has any specific directions so clothes don’t shrink and colors don’t bleed. Stay just long enough to throw them in the dryer and fold them when they’re done.
Clean – Vacuum, Dust & Scrub
Cleaning is the last thing on new mom’s mind and even the
cleanest of moms can’t keep up with everything. The doctor probably instructed her not to pick up anything heavier than the new baby, so start by vacuuming carpeted areas or sweeping the wood floors (scrubbing the kitchen floor would be awesome, too!). Don’t forget to dust the living room tables since guests will likely gather here, and wash dishes or place them in the dishwasher and hit ‘run!’ Ask if there’s something else you can do that would save her 10 minutes later that day.
Take care of big brother/sister
Older sibling(s) are probably not used to sharing the limelight with the new baby yet. Offer to take the new big brother or sister for an afternoon of undivided attention and fun. Go see a movie, take a trip to the park, or even visit the Detroit Zoo for a great day-trip. Anything to show the big kids some love would go a long way for New Mom.
Let her nap
The whole ‘sleep while the baby sleeps’ is a great in theory, but in reality never seems to work… there are too many other things that can be done during that time. Even if it’s just for 30 minutes, a quick nap can do wonders for a new mom, so let her lay down and rest while you tend to the baby’s needs for a brief period.
Take the dog for a walk
New Mom’s ‘first child’ is probably feeling neglected and could use some TLC. Offer to take the dog for a walk around the neighborhood or venture to dog-friendly Partridge Creek Mall. While you’re there, don’t forget to grab a treat at Three Dog Bakery.
Don’t bombard her with advice
Do you remember your first week home with a newborn? You were probably exhausted and running on fumes but you loved every minute because it was time with your baby. New moms definitely don’t have all of the answers, and as a veteran, you know a thing or two, but let the new mom figure it out on her own. Don’t offer up too much advice unless she asks for it.
Capture the moment
She’s probably not expecting someone else to catch all of the ‘firsts’ on camera, so help her out by doing so. Plus, by having a family member or friend snap a few photos, there’s a better chance that she’ll actually be in the photos rather than the one behind the camera.
Just do something
There’s nothing more frustrating as a new mom than to feel the need to entertain your guests. Letting New Mom go to the bathroom in peace, because, let’s face it, it can take 10 minutes for the first week or two, can be just what she needs. Don’t come to her house, expect to eat and drink and leave a mess for her to clean up after you’re long gone. Be respectful of her time (don’t overstay your welcome) and her home.
Do you have other tips for family and friends that will be visiting the new mom in their life soon? What do you wish someone would have done for you within the first few weeks of being home with your newborn?
GREAT list! I had a support group of Moms who brought me meals for 2 weeks after baby #3 & it was AMAZING! I love the idea of offering to let the new momma get some sleep, too! The level of tired after having a baby is indescribable!
Thanks, Courtney! That’s a great idea, too! I’ve seen some friends set up a calendar for people to sign up to bring a meal for the new mom & dad. What would we do without the support of our family and friends?!