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Summer Recipe Series: Bacon Ranch Pasta Salad

Bacon ranch pasta salad

A few years ago, when I first ‘retired’ from corporate life, I went through an extreme couponing phase.  I had an extensive filing system for my coupons and spent hours each week pouring over store match-ups and shopping at certain places on certain days in order to get the best deal.  As our lifestyle has evolved to include mostly organic, real food I realized the effort I was putting into coupons just wasn’t worth the return to me.  I no longer cared if I could get 5 boxes of Stovetop Stuffing for $2 or 2 liters of pop for 50-cents.  I didn’t want those foods in my house anymore.  I have found new ways to save on grocery shopping for real, whole foods but there are definitely some majorly processed foods that I miss, one being the Suddenly Salad box pasta salad mixes.  I used to keep at least 3 of these in my house, they were so quick and easy and made the perfect side dish or pot luck contribution.  My favorite was the bacon ranch variety and I recently set out to recreate that with ingredients I would be OK with feeding to my family.  What I ended up with was slightly different but a refreshing lighter version that I will keep rotating in throughout the summer.

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Normally I would probably use a smaller noodle like a small shell or elbows but on this day I had rotini on hand and that is always great in a pasta salad.  The first step is to cook up 3 or 4 slices of bacon (stove, oven or microwave) and in the mean time, grate some carrots (about 1 medium or 5 baby sized). My mom gave me this tiny grater that I finally had a chance to use!  That is a baby carrot below, it is so cute but it got the job done.  I boiled the pasta according to the directions on the box and tossed the grated carrots into the boiling pasta water for the last 3-5 minutes of cooking to soften them up.  This would be the time to toss the peas in as well, I left them out because peas are one veggie that I know will render any dish inedible in my kids minds.  Organic pasta does not cost much more than conventional and it is very easy to find, the same goes for baby carrots.

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I would recommend using a colander with the smallest holes possible so the little carrot pieces don’t escape when you are draining.  Immediately rinse the pasta and carrot mixture with cold water to stop it from cooking further.

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The box mix always called for mayonnaise, and I could have easily used that here but I wanted to try something lighter (plus I’m still trying to find my ideal natural mayo, I have not been impressed with the flavor on many brands so far), Greek yogurt gives this salad a great tang that is refreshing and perfect for warmer weather. I only buy organic yogurt because yogurt comes from milk which comes from cows which are most likely given GMO corn in their feed as well as being administered drugs and antibiotics if they are not certified organic.  I thought I was being so smart by using the homemade buttermilk ranch that I already had in my fridge, but I think in the future I will actually use the seasoning equivalent to a ranch packet (recipe below) and a few tablespoons of milk or buttermilk.  This will kick up the ranch flavor a notch and really help balance the Greek yogurt.

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I combined the yogurt, ranch and cooked, chopped bacon with the drained and rinsed pasta and carrots and it had a great flavor that everyone enjoyed. No, it isn’t quite as fast or easy as using a box mix – but honestly it doesn’t take that much more effort and it is helping me keep even more chemicals and preservatives out of my family’s mouths so it is totally worth it.  Give it a try at your next picnic, BBQ or just any random weeknight!

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Introducing the DMB’s of Danielle Andresen

Danielle Profile Picture

(Down with Detroit)

Hello I’m Danielle Andresen and I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to write for Detroit Moms Blog!  I will start by telling you a little about who I am.  I grew up in a smaller city called Port Huron.  It borders Sarnia, Ontario and is what I call a big small town.  I enjoyed the lakes, rivers, trails and serene nature that Port Huron has to offer but there was this gravitational pull that brought me to the city.   My first big move was when I decided I yearned for the urban lifestyle and enrolled in an Elementary Education program at Wayne State University.  To avoid the hour long commute, I found a charming little flat in Ferndale to call home. Oh it was perfect! I was within walking distance to downtown Ferndale and close to Detroit.  I was young and free!  

This is when I discovered how much Oakland County has to offer and I began exploring my many options.  I found a love for the mat and attended The Yoga Shelter in Royal Oak on a regular basis.  I developed a palate for the various ethnic foods available to us and cherished the simple joy of heading to Eastern Market on Saturday mornings to pick up some fresh flowers and seasonal fruits and veggies. Oh and I can’t forget Vivio’s for one of their famous Bloody Mary’s!   The vibe of city life is what keeps me energized and once you get to know me you will find…I have tons of it!

Love found me and I met my soulmate shortly after moving to the area.  We both shared the love for exploring the city and colored it red!  At the time, my husband (then boyfriend) was working at the Ren Cen.  On any given day, I would head to the towers to have lunch with him at Pot Belly’s (one of my favorites)  and enjoy some fresh air along the River Walk.  Weekend date nights consisted of Friday night sushi at Little Tree in Royal Oak, Tiger Games, and socializing with friends at the various bars and restaurants that Detroit, Ferndale and Royal Oak has to offer. We were truly enjoying life.

After dating for almost 6 years, my husband proposed to me and we found ourselves married three months later on Mackinac Island.  Our wedding was nothing less than magical!  We gathered with our closest friends and family at the “Somewhere in Time” Gazebo and our wedding reception was on the terrace of Fort Mackinac.  It is now our family tradition to spend our anniversary on the island. Each year we find that magical feeling all over again!  


(My Life)

Did I mention how much I love to keep busy!?!   On any given day you will find my family at any one of the many local events that the Detroit area has to offer.  Some of my yearly favorites are Ferndales DIY Street Festival and Arts Beats and Eats in Royal Oak. My calendar is always crowded with a list of options we have.  But of course sometimes we just like to take it easy and simply BBQ outside and head to the Paint Creek Trail in Rochester Hills for some fresh air.  

I am blessed with the opportunity to do what I love most (be a mom) and continue my career as a part time English Language Development Specialist for Troy Public Schools.  Troy School District is a very diverse district with roughly 82 different spoken languages. I love working with families and their children from different cultures and backgrounds.  Every day is rewarding.  Check out my professional Twitter page.


(Baby & Beyond)


Shortly after marriage my husband I and found out we were expecting a baby.  Being in my mid thirties, I was more than ready to explore this new chapter in life.  We dug right in and took every baby class you can imagine from cloth diapering, breastfeeding to hypnobirthing classes at Peaceful Birthing in Rochester.  I was slowly learning more about myself than ever before as I embraced  this new community of mothers.  Mom to Mom sales became my weekend adventures and I even attended la leche meetings.  Modern Natural Baby in Ferndale quickly became one of my favorite stores and cloth diapering became an interesting topic.  Breastfeeding is now a daily routine!  It’s crazy how much a baby can change your lifestyle.  

In July 2012 we welcomed our son Beckett to our family.  He has forever changed our lives and is such a blessing. A  few weeks ago we welcomed Little Miss Charlotte to the world and it’s the best feeling ever to have a sweet baby girl to cuddle with while I watch Beckett do “big boy” things.  

I look forward to creating posts for DMB. It’s perfect, I love to write and “motherhood” is definitely the highlight of my day!







Summer Festivals In + Around Detroit

summer festivals in and around detroit


It’s hard to believe that summer is already here! I get excited just thinking about elephant ears and snow cones… We all know as parents that’s the one thing we look forward to unless you enjoy the rides {I’m a scaredy-cat when it comes to those things}! There is absolutely nothing like the community feel you get from attending a summer festival. Some of these events have parades, some will have fireworks, some have live bands and some will have road races… they are all unique in their own way! If we missed something please let us know by commenting below. Our city is AMAZING and offers so much! Here’s to a fun-filled summer in the D! 


Ann Arbor Summer Festival
June 12 – July 5, 2015 
{Ann Arbor}

Hamburg Family Fun Fest
June 17 – 20, 2015

Northville Summer Carnival
June 19 – 21, 2015

The Belleville National Strawberry Festival
June 19 – 21, 2015

Detroit River Days
June 19 – 21, 2015
{Detroit Riverfront}

 Manchester Community Fair
June 23 – 27, 2015

  Livonia Spree
June 23 – 28, 2015

 Trenton Summer Festival
June 25 – 28, 2015

Stars & Stripes Festival
June 25 – 28, 2015
{Sterling Heights}

 Michigan Challenge Balloonfest
June 26 – 28, 2015

 Livingston County Air Show
June 27, 2015

 Red, White & Blues BBQ Festival
June 27, 2015

 Salute to America – The Henry Ford 
July 1 – 5, 2015

 Independence Fest
July 4, 2015

 Oakland County Fair
July 3 – 15, 2015

 Blue Water Sandfest
July 3 – 5, 2015
{Port Huron}

 Uncle Sam Jam
July 9 – 12, 2015

 The Michigan Elvis Fest
July 10 – 11, 2015

Art in the Park
July 10 – 12, 2015

 Ann Arbor Art Fair
July 15 – 18, 2015
{Ann Arbor}

 Farmington Area Founders Festival
July 16 – 19, 2015
{Downtown Farmington}

 Quake on the Lake
July 18 – 19, 2015

 Michigan Jazz Festival
July 19 – 21, 2015

 Maker Faire Detroit 
July 25 – 26, 2015

 Washtenaw County 4-H Youth Fair
July 26 – 31, 2015

 Fowlerville Family Fair 
July 27 – August 1, 2015

 Buy Michigan Now Festival
July 31 – August 2

Monroe County Fair
August 2 – 8

 Wayne County Fair
August 3 – 8

 Milford Memories Summer Festival
August 7 – 9

 Howell Melon Festival
August 14 – 16

 Woodward Dream Cruise
August 15

 Day Out with Thomas at Huckleberry Railroad
August 21 – 23, 28 – 30

 Renaissance Festival
August 22 – October 4

 Chelsea County Fair
August 25 – 29

 Thunder Over Michigan Air Show
August 29 – 30

 Michigan State Fair
September 4 – 7

Detroit Jazz Festival
September 4 – 7


 Have a GREAT summer!!! 


Introducing the DMBs of Rebecca Calappi


{Down with Detroit}

I never thought I’d be the mom to twins. And yet, here I am with two three-year-olds, sneaking around the house hoping that today is not the day they decide they no longer nap.

My name is Rebecca and this is my first blog for Detroit Moms Blog. In addition to being a writer, a wanna-be photographer and a life-long native to Metro Detroit, I’m the adoptive mom of my funny, bright daughter, Little Bug, and my mischievous, handsome son, The Good Sir.

{My Life}

I’ve been their mom since the minute they first breathed air. Our birthmom was kind enough to ask us into the delivery room, an experience I truly appreciate and treasure, and at the same time—YUCK!


Our daughter was the first one born. She was head down, so her brother had been sitting on her melon for seven months and two weeks. When the nurses held her up for us to see, her head was all smooshed and we strongly reconsidered calling her “Igor.” Two minutes later, her brother arrived with a normal-looking head and we breathed a sigh of relief.

{Babies + Beyond}

When people learn we have twins, they often shake their heads and say, “I don’t know how you do it.” I appreciate that. But remember, it’s all we know. Some days, we don’t do anything right. Some days, we nail it. Honestly, I don’t know how people with three or more kids do it. Just thinking about that makes me a little faint.

Thanks for having me on the Detroit Moms Blog. It’s my first time writing here, so if there’s anything you’d like to know about adoption or raising multiples, please leave it in the comments. Or Tweet me @rcalappi


P.S. Don’t worry about Little Bug. Her head fluffed up nicely.


The Space Between … {Why Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are not the Days I Miss My Parents the Most}

[dropcap]M[/dropcap]ay is now far behind us. Flower sales have returned to a normal level, brunch reservations have scaled back down, and the surge of posts honoring and thanking moms on my Facebook feed has dwindled back down to near non-existence.  As Mother’s Day memories wash away in the rain, we make way for electronics sales, grill recipes, and an Internet surge of “World’s Greatest Dad” tributes.


The Tears We Cry

My son made me a mama just a week after Mother’s Day in 2011 and this May brought me my first Mother’s Day with a daughter. It was also, however, the second without my own mom. In just a few weeks, I will celebrate my husband as my siblings and I spend our fourth Father’s Day without our dad.  I’ve read a lot of posts on what it’s like to miss your mom or dad on the day the rest of the country is honoring theirs. And a lot of it really resonates; it’s an odd feeling to allow myself to be honored as a mother while simultaneously missing my own.  Or figure out how to show appreciation for the man I love most while trying to memorialize the man I loved first.

My husband’s mother passed away in 2006.  I flew with him to Texas for the funeral, and people kept asking me how he was doing.  When I finally found a quiet moment to ask, he told me he was okay right now.  He realized already, though, that this was the easy part.  Everyone was thinking about her, loving her, and missing her at the same time in the same space.  It was the later that would be harder.

He was right.  I knew it then but I understand it now.  There’s something about a memory that comes alive when it’s shared across minds– passed between thoughts so that it forms new dimensions.  My mom was so important to so many people, and on Mother’s Day, we share a communal loss.  I received multiple messages of sympathy and remembrance, and I know that even those who I did not speak to missed my mom with me that day.  And in that way, she became almost corporeal again.

241But the truth is I miss my mom every day. I still miss her, even though Mother’s Day has passed, and I miss my dad, even 166before Father’s Day has started. Both of my parents stay with me in some layer of my thoughts all the time.  On some days, they are drawn to the front — their lives are brought back into focus by shared sentiment, story, or memory.  But those are not the days I miss them most.

I have been dreaming about my parents a lot lately.  Usually, a part of me knows that I am dreaming. But in those mid-night moments when my eight-month-old daughter’s cries pull me from my mom’s presence or stop my dad’s stories just short of his punchline — those are the hardest times to miss them.  When I’m driving home and a song makes me suddenly cry because some odd word, or line, or even just melody sends me on a trail of thoughts that leads to my dad. Or when my phone is dead and there’s a fleeting moment of panic that my mom is trying to reach me (she had a dangerous combination of paranoia and imagination).  Or when we’re tired and stretched to our limits and I long for the people who loved me in a way I never truly understood until I had my own children. Those are the times I miss them most.

SAM_2858Effortlessly uploaded by Eye-Fi

It’s the Laughter That Keeps Us Coming Back for More

In all honesty, for me, neither Mother’s Day nor Father’s Day brings bitterness with the sweet.  Like everyone else, they are days for me to think about how much I love my parents and everything they did for me.  They are days for me to reflect on how much I love being a mom and how I’ve fallen in love all over with my husband and the remarkable father he is. They are days for me to give thanks to my Godmother, to my children’s grandfather, to their aunts and uncles and all those who may not fill a parent’s place but overflow their own. Of course, I wish I had my mom to hug and my father to laugh with, but those are not feelings of emptiness. To be full of both so much love and so much longing at the same time somehow fills any holes before they have a chance to open.  I am thankful for all the people who extended their love to me on Mother’s Day and who will think of us on Father’s day.  I am okay right now.IMAG4240

Events This Week In + Around Metro Detroit

week of events June 15th 2015 Detroit Moms Blog

School’s out for Summer! Which means no more waiting around for the weekend to plan a fun filled day. We’ve turned our Weekend List into the Weekly List, packed with even more family activities and exciting adventures just waiting for you.  And the best part is, most of them are free! 

Children’s Health Day at Comerica Park

{Date + Time}
Tuesday June 16 @ 7 pm

$31 – $41

2100 Woodward Ave.



Creative Kids Week at Redford Aldersgate UMC

{Date + Time}
Tuesday June 16 from 12 noon – 4 pm

$10 per child or $30 per family

10000 Beech Daly Rd.



Bedtime Math’s Crazy 8’s Club

{Date + Time}
Tuesday June 16 from 2 – 3 pm for grades 3 – 5, & 4 – 5 pm for grades K – 2


510 W. Big Beaver Rd.



Movie & Popcorn for Kids at the Dexter District Library

{Date + Time}
Tuesday June 16 @ 11 am


255 Alpine St.



Superhero Stunt Show

{Date + Time}
Tuesday June 16 from 2 pm – 2:45 pm


Livonia Sandburg Library, 30100 W. Seven Mile Rd.



Bright Stars Early Childhood Playgroup – Music & Movement

{Date + Time}
Tuesday June 16 from 6 pm – 7 pm


Redford Community Center, 12121 Hemingway



Drop-In Play (0 – 5 yrs)

{Date + Time}
Tuesday June 16 from 10 am – noon

$8 per child

Nature’s Playhouse, 318 W. Nine Mile Rd.



Art Smart June at the Baldwin Public Library

{Date + Time}
Tuesday June 16 @ 10:30 am & 2 pm


300 Merrill St.



Family Swim at Goldfish Swim School

{Date + Time}
Tuesday June 16 @ noon

$5 per child, $15 per family

550 South Street



Youth Book Bingo

{Date + Time}
Tuesday June 16 from 2:30 – 3:15 pm


Orion Township Public Library, 825 Joslyn Rd.

Orion Township


Ann Arbor Japan Week

{Date + Time}
June 15 – 20


Various locations throughout Downtown

Ann Arbor


Storytime at Maybury Farm

{Date + Time}
Wednesday June 17 @ 11 am

Free with admission

50165 W. Eight Mile Rd.



Wednesday Night Movies at New Center Park

{Date + Time}
Wednesday June 17 (and every Wednesday) @ 8 pm


2998 West Grand Blvd.



Summer Bash at Sky Zone

{Date + Time}
Wednesday June 17 from 11 am – 8 pm

$15 per child

42550 Executive Dr.



Little Me at the Main Library

{Date + Time}
Wednesday June 17 from 10:30 am – 11:15 am


Farmington Main Library, 32737 Twelve Mile Rd. 

Farmington Hills


Sing & Tell at the Baldwin Library

{Date + Time}
Wednesday June 17 @ 10 am & 11 am


300 Merrill St.



Lego Time (ages 5 – 12)

 {Date + Time}
Wednesday June 17 from 2 pm – 3 pm

Free, registration required

222 E. Eleven Mile Rd.

Royal Oak


Free Concert: Playdate!

 {Date + Time}
Wednesday June 17 @ 7 pm


First Congregational Church of Royal Oak, 1314 Northwood Blvd.

Royal Oak


Wacky Wednesdays: Mom & Me

{Date + Time}
Wednesday June 17 @ 10:30 am


The Village of Rochester Hills

Downtown Rochester Hills


Captain Underpants Party!

{Date + Time}
Wednesday June 17 from 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm


Free, registration required


Orion Township Public Library, 825 Joslyn Rd.

Orion Township


Teen Dungeons & Dragons Night

{Date + Time}
Wednesday June 17 @ 7 pm

Free, registration required

500 Olde Towne Rd.

Rochester Hills


Taste of Dearborn

{Date + Time}
Wednesday June 17 @ noon


Bryant Branch Library, 22100 Michigan Ave.



Michigan Science Center Member Event: Summer Kickoff

{Date + Time}
Thursday June 18 from 6 pm – 9 pm

Free, registration required

5020 John R. St.



Shrek at the Village Players in Birmingham

{Date + Time}
Thursday June 18 (call for show schedule)

Adults/ $15, kids/ $12

4660 Woodward Ave.



Thaddeus and Tila ( A Crane & Frogs Tale)

{Date + Time}
Thursday June 18 @ 10 am

Adults/ $8, kids/ $5

Hilberry Theater, 4743 Cass Ave.



Canton Liberty Fest

{Date + Time}
Thursday June 18 & Friday June 19 from 1 pm – 11 pm & Saturday June 20 from 10 am – 11 pm

General admission free, ride wristbands/ $22 – $28

Heritage Park, 1010 S. Canton Center Rd.



Northville Summer Carnival

{Date + Time}
Thursday June 18 & Friday June 19 from 4 pm – 11 pm, Saturday from noon – 11 pm, Sunday from 1 pm – 8 pm

Free entry, ride wristband/ $20

Northville Downs Racing Track Lot, Seven Mile & Center Street



Read & Look at the Kelsey Museum of Archaeology

{Date + Time}
Thursday June 18 from 10:15 am – 11 am

Free, donations welcome

500 S. State Street

Ann Arbor


Gardens Tour & Lunch at Cranbrook House and Gardens

{Date + Time}
Thursday June 18 from 11 am – 1 pm

$27 per person

380 Lone Pine Rd.

Bloomfield Hills


Bats of the World

{Date + Time}
Thursday June 18 from 12 pm – 1 pm


Faust Public Library, 6123 Central City Parkway



Depot Town Cruise Nights

{Date + Time}
Thursday June 18 @ 5 pm


East Cross St., Between Huron & River Street



Sounds & Sights on Thursday Nights

{Date + Time}
Thursday June 18 from 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm


Various stages Downtown



Toddler Time at Sky Zone

{Date + Time}
Thursday June 18 from 10 am – 11 am

$10 per child

42550 Executive Dr.



Terrific Twos at the Main Library

{Date + Time}
Thursday June 18 from 10:30 am – 11:30 am


32737 Twelve Mile Rd.

Farmington Hills


 Thursday Theater: Hero 6

{Date + Time}
Thursday June 18 @ 2:30 pm


Livonia Civic Center Library Auditorium, 32777 Five Mile Rd.



Tween Animation Class

{Date + Time}
Thursday June 18 from 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

Free, registration required

Baldwin Library, 300 Merrill St.



Live Outdoor Concert: The Boogie Woogie Kid

{Date + Time}
Thursday June 18 @ 7 pm


Royal Oak Public Library, 222 E. Eleven Mile Rd.

Royal Oak


Family Pizza & Bingo Night

{Date + Time}
Thursday June 18 from 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

$5 per person, registration required

Orion Center, 1335 Joslyn Rd.

Orion Township


Play & Learn With Me (Farmington Branch Library)

{Date + Time}
Friday June 19 @ 10:30 am


32737 Twelve Mile Rd.

Farmington Hills


Muggle Quidditch Match (teens, bring your own broom to participate)

{Date + Time}
Friday June 19 @ 6:60 pm


Livonia Civic Center Library, 36277 Seven Mile Rd.



Pre-School Readers Club

{Date + Time}
Friday June 19 from 2 pm – 2:45 pm

Free, registration required

Huntington Woods Library, 26415 Scotia Rd.

Huntington Woods


Auburn Hills Summerfest

{Date + Time} 
Friday June 19 from 4 pm – 10 pm & Saturday June 20 from 10 am – 10 pm



Auburn Hills


Friday Night Flip Out! 

{Date + Time}
Friday June 19 from 7:45 pm – 9:30 pm

$15 per person (includes pizza & drink)

Flip Spot Gym, 233 Kay Industrial Dr.

Orion Township


Rock & Bowl Live!

{Date + Time}
Friday June 19 f@ 8 pm

$10 per person

Classic Lanes, 2145 Avon Industrial Dr.

Rochester Hills


Ford Free Family Day

{Date + Time}
Saturday June 20 from 10 am – 6 pm


Michigan Science Center, 5020 John R. St.



Barnes & Noble Storytime: Father’s Day Theme

{Date + Time}
Saturday June 20 @ 11 am


6800 Orchard Lake Rd.



Livonia Farmer’s Market at the Wilson Barn

{Date + Time}
Saturday June 20 from 8 am – 2 pm


29350 W. Chicago



 Music & Movement from Early On of Oakland County

{Date + Time}
Saturday June 20 from 1 pm – 2 pm

Free, registration required

Orion Township Public Library, 825 Joslyn Rd.

Orion Township


Geocaching Adventure

{Date + Time}
Saturday June 20 from 2 pm – 4 pm

Free, registration required

Orion Township Public Library, 825 Joslyn Rd.

Orion Township


Redford Children’s Summer Concert Series

{Date + Time}
Sunday June 21 @ 11 am


Redford Township Marquee, 5145 Beech Daly Rd.



Breakfast and a Movie: Inside Out

{Date + Time}
Sunday June 21, breakfast served@ 10 am, movie starts @ 11 am

$19 per person

Emagine/Star Lanes, 200 Main St.

Royal Oak



Your Ultimate Guide to Summer Concerts in Detroit



I don’t know about you, but I LOVE music—everything from country and rap to rock n’ roll and everything in-between! There’s something about getting lost in a song lyric, an awesome guitar riff or a bangin’ beat, that brings out the carefree, spontaneous side of me.

If you asked me what my favorite thing about summer is (besides playing at the park and family vacations up north) it would have to be the summer concert scene here in Detroit. I mean, they don’t call it Detroit Rock City for nothing! 

Some of my favorite memories include sitting on the lawn at DTE and watching my favorite bands perform on stage—Shinedown, Journey, Def Leppard, Tim McGraw and Jason Aldean, just to name a few. 

As soon as summer rolls around and tour dates are released, I create a list of which concerts I want to go see. After looking at which bands were coming to town this summer, I put together a list of must-see concerts in Detroit, categorized alphabetically by venue.




Jodeci – 6/27
2 Chainz & Future – 7/3
Marvin Sapp & Anthony Brown – 7/11
Avery Sunshine – 7/22
Maxine Nightingale, Thelma Houston & Cheryl Lynn – 7/24
Fantasia & Anthony Hamilton – 7/31
Maysa – 8/5
The Roots & Wale – 8/9
Derrick May & The Detroit Symphony Orchestra – 8/14
Erykah Badu & NAS – 8/15
Aretha Franklin – 8/22




The Rolling Stones & Walk The Moon – 7/8
Zac Brown Band – 9/12




Lady Antebellum, Hunter Hayes & Sam Hunt – 6/19
Third Eye Blind & Dashboard Confessional – 6/25
Toby Keith – 6/27
Train, The Fray & Matt Nathanson – 7/1
Dave Matthews Band – 7/7
H.O.R.D.E Festival: 311, Blues Traveler & Big Head Todd and the Monsters – 7/9
Fall Out Boy, Wiz Khalifa & Hoodie Allen – 7/10
Rockstar Energy Mayhem Festival – 7/11
Peter Frampton & Cheap Trick – 7/12
Neil Young & Band Of Horses – 7/14
Def Leppard, Styx & Tesla – 7/17
Run DMC, Naughty By Nature & Sugar Hill Gang – 7/19
Incubus, Deftones, Death From Above 1979 & The Bots – 7/22
Bryan Adams – 7/23
J. Cole, YG & Jeremih – 7/25
Kelly Clarkson, Pentatonix & Eric Hutchinson – 7/26
Slipknot, Lamb of God & Bullet For My Valentine – 7/28
Nicki Minaj, Meek Mill & Rae Sremmurd – 7/31
Nickelback – 8/1
Tim McGraw, Billy Currington & Chase Bryant – 8/2
Smashing Pumpkins & Marilyn Manson – 8/5
Under The Sun: Sugar Ray, Better Than Ezra & Uncle Kracker – 8/6
Kid Rock & Foreigner (Multiple dates starting 8/7 – 8/22)
Chris Brown, Kid Ink & Omarion – 8/16
Foo Fighters & Royal Blood – 8/24
Chicago – The Band & Earth, Wind & Fire – 8/26
Santana – 8/28
Lynyrd Skynyrd & Chris Stapleton – 8/29
Van Halen & Kenny Wayne Shepherd – 9/4
Jason Aldean, Tyler Farr & Cole Swindell – 9/18




Awolnation – 7/2
Meghan Trainor – 7/9
Shinedown – 7/21
Machine Gun Kelly – 7/26
Charli XCX & Bleachers – 8/11
Nick Jonas & BeBe Rexha – 9/13
Stone Temple Pilots – 9/16




Kenny Chesney, Eric Church, Brantley Gilbert & Chase Rice – 8/22
One Direction – 8/29
AC/DC – 9/8




Idina Menzel – 8/22




Stars And Stripes Festival: Buckcherry & Hoobastank – 6/26
Stars And Stripes Festival: Scott Weiland and The Wildabouts & P.O.D. – 6/27
Stars And Stripes Festival: Sebastian Bach & Warrant – 6/28
Whitesnake & The Answer – 7/3
Boston – The Band – 7/16
Deep Purple & Blue Oyster Cult – 8/4
The Beach Boys & The Temptations – 8/9
Paul Anka – 8/14
Huey Lewis and The News – 8/21
Dee Snider, Jackyl, Lita Ford & Great White – 8/22
Maze, Frankie Beverly & Chaka Khan – 8/29
Counting Crows, Citizen Cope & Hollis Brown – 9/10
89x Chill On The Hill – Saturday – 9/12
REO Speedwagon & Night Ranger – 9/20




The Eagles – 7/24
Madonna – 10/1




Tedeshi Trucks Band – 6/23
Detroit Symphony Orchestra (Music of Star Wars) – 7/12
Sublime with Rome & Rebelution – 7/25
Tony Bennett & Lady Gaga – 7/27
Hozier & Dawes – 7/29
Brand New – 7/30
Twenty One Pilots & Echosmith – 9/19




American Idol Live – 8/7




Imagine Dragons – 6/23
Vans Warped Tour – 7/24
Shania Twain & Gavin DeGraw – 7/25
Motley Crue & Alice Cooper – 8/9
5 Seconds of Summer – 8/19




D’Angelo – 6/27
The Tallest Man on Earth – 7/20
Flume – 6/24




Waka Flocka Flame – 7/13
Tokio Hotel – 8/6


What concerts are you excited to see this summer? 

A Father’s Day Ode to our Egalitarian Marriage

Small hand

My husband and I almost didn’t have a first date. Okay, that’s being a bit dramatic, but we really did almost reschedule. He had some car trouble, and since he wouldn’t be able to make the drive from Royal Oak to me in Ann Arbor, he offered to reschedule. I’m not one to turn down an adventure, so I offered to pick him up instead. He was a little hesitant at first (maybe he thought it was his role to do the picking-up on a first date). In the end I did the driving, and after the DIA and dinner at the Woodbridge Pub, we headed back to Royal Oak for drinks and to watch the Red Wings playoff game at Lilly’s Seafood.

That first date is pretty representative of how our relationship has been in the 5 years since. We both give a little and pitch-in to make things work, no matter what the expected gender roles might be. There are a number of things we both take equal responsibility for, like grocery shopping and the laundry, and we both contribute to our family’s expenses. I used to be the primary chef at home, but during my pregnancy he started taking on more of the cooking. There are things that I tend to manage, like sorting the mail, paying the bills, and preparing for the arrival of our daughter, and he takes the lead in caring for our dog and our cars. There are moments I’m embarrassed to admit how much of the maintenance and cleaning Brian takes on, not because he shouldn’t, but because I feel like as an equal partner in our relationship I should pitch-in even more (I don’t think I’ve ever cleaned our bathroom since we moved in together 4 years ago).

Sleepy new daddy Brian with our baby girl.
Sleepy new daddy Brian with our baby girl.

As our first Father’s Day is quickly approaching, I’ve been reflecting on Brian as a father and husband. When it comes to all areas of our lives, Brian wants equal “ownership” in responsibility and involvement, and I love that. What makes it even better is that he not only takes on equal responsibility for our home, he also gives equal weight and importance in our marriage to things that are important to me. This was most evident in the decision for us to move to Ann Arbor last summer to be closer to my new job.  My career is as important as his, and he was willing to take on a longer commute so that I could pursue the job I love.

I knew when we got pregnant with our daughter Ziva that he would be a very involved dad. Knowing who he is as a husband, there was no doubt in my mind he would be just as hands-on and invested with our daughter. I’m not writing this to “humble-brag” about how “blessed I am for having such an amazing husband”. I also know he isn’t the first man in a relationship to “pitch-in” at home. What I really love about our relationship, and him, is that to him it isn’t pitching-in, helping me out, or any other sense that would imply that childcare and maintaining our household are actually my job as the woman of the home. He doesn’t see it that way. It’s OUR home, she’s OUR daughter, and we’re in this together. I think that’s sexy. And while all families function differently, our shared responsibility and nonconformity to gender stereotypes has made our relationship strong. 

Bedtime duty
Bedtime duty

I’ll admit, there are things that I’ve found hard to share. When Ziva was brand new, there were times I didn’t want to share caring for her. I coveted every waking moment and was jealous of the smiles and coos he would receive during a 5 am diaper change. I’m the mom! Those are my rewards for carrying her and nursing her, right?! Nope. I’m learning to appreciate the sharing. Watching his relationship with Ziva grow each day, I can see how strong their bond is as a result of his involvement. If learning to share the rewards as well as the work is part of being a team, then sign me up!

Father and Daughter

I know our arrangement isn’t for everyone, but I’m glad our daughter will have him as a male role model, and I couldn’t ask for a better teammate in marriage and parenting.

Cheers to the dads who go all-in, step-up, and make marriage a team effort… and to the moms who share in the load.

Happy Father’s Day!

Baby Joy

Introducing the DMB’s of Jessica Trotter

{Down with Detroit}

I am Jessica Trotter and I was born and raised in the suburbs of Detroit.  I grew up in Oakland County where memories of my childhood consist of summer picnics at Stoney Creek, playing on the hippo when it use to be at Oakland Mall and taking the scenic route in the fall driving through West Bloomfield with my grandfather.  I am one of the lucky ones that can say I have a good portion of my extended family all living within 20 minutes of myself.  Though some have explored new places, we have all seemed to make our way back home to raise our families here.  I only hope to give my children as magical of a childhood I had growing up here in Michigan.

profile 3      

{My Life}

I met my husband, Justin in college when I had been visiting a friend at Michigan State.  I was going to Western Michigan.  We were friends for a couple of years but our real love story begins with an unexpected Halloween kiss (I knew that French Maid costume was a good investment!) that was never spoken of again until it happened again the next year …on Halloween…again.  A couple years later we were married and bought our first home in Royal Oak.  While I worked through a variety of jobs, I finally got my dream job as a merchandise buyer.  Unfortunately it was only for a little while as the company I worked for decided to close their doors for good.  It was then we decided to really focus on starting a family.   We had been struggling to conceive for a year, a more difficult process than we anticipated.  Diagnosed with “unexplained infertility” we decided to start fertility treatments.  A year later, we were blessed with twin boys, Jet and Jace.  An even bigger surprise came when the boys were about 7 months old when we found out we were expecting again!  Juliet came 9 months later and it has just been an absolute wild ride ever since.  In less than two years our family of two became a family of five.

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Since becoming a stay at home mom, I have been able to explore my creative side and find out what I am truly passionate about.  I love crafting and making messes with my kids.  I founded Crafty Mommies of Oakland County – a mom’s group for those who are just as obsessed with Pinterest as I am, who love to craft with their kids, for their kids and of course for themselves.  I am also very involved with Macomb Moms of Multiples club.  I absolutely love to plan parties and am always looking for opportunities to throw one.  I have a weakness for Nutella, Naan Bread and a good glass of sweet red wine.  I go to the gym mostly to shower in peace while my kids hang out in child watch and my secret pleasure The Real Housewives of whatever TV show – I love them all.  My husband is a huge and I mean HUGE Michigan State fan.  So our falls are spent tailgating and going to football games and he is usually MIA during March Madness.  He likes to remind me that I have married into this.  He probably would have put it in our wedding vows if I let him. 

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{Babies + Beyond}

Having three toddlers has been quite the challenge.  It is probably easier to herd cattle than to herd my little crew.  The twins are best friends.  I just think it is so amazing to be born into this world with your best friend – they are so lucky.  Jet has taken it upon himself to be the spokesperson for the group.  He will let me know when they all need a snack, drink, what they want to watch on TV and what they would like to do today.  The other two have been okay with this set up so far.  He is also very compassionate, loves to learn, sing and has quite the Thomas the Train obsession.  Jace has great comedic timing.  He is hilarious and has something about him that my other two children always seem to gravitate too.  He loves to do crafts, create art and has an incredible amount of patience to do them.  He also loves to dance, build things and perpetually asking me if he can finally play with the iPad now.  Juliet can keep up with the best of them.  She is known for her snack stealing skills and is an incredible escape artist.  She is tenacious, fearless and has the confidence of a tiny Beyonce.  All of which make her quite the challenge now but I know will make her an amazing adult in the future.  If there is something that she wants, she will figure out a way to get it.  She is also a great cuddler, can be very charming and has the best laugh.    

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And yes, we are a family with all “J” names! 

I look forward to sharing our new adventures with you whether it be crafting or sharing the crazy chaotic-ness that is our life.    


Metro Detroit Splash Pads, Water Parks, and Pools!


Splash Around Detroit

Summer is finally here and we know you’re looking for some fun places to cool down during these hot days! Luckily for us, metro-Detroit is filled with splash pads and water parks! Better yet, many of them are free! Check out our exclusive list of water fun throughout metro-Detroit. Scroll down to your county (list is organized by county in alphabetical order) to find out what’s in your aea!

*CLICK on the park name to visit their website for more information!*



Blue Bell Beach & Splash Pad {Flint}

5500 Bray Road, Flint, MI 48505. 

Open: 8am-8pm. 

Cost: FREE splash pad admission.


Buttercup Beach {Columbiaville}

7130 N. Baxter Road, Columbiaville, MI 48421. 

Open: 8am-pm. 

Cost: FREE admission.


Torzewski County Park & Wetlands Water Play {Lapeer}

2051 Pero Lake Rd, Lapeer, MI 48446. 

Open: 11am-6pm. 

Cost: FREE entrance and parking to the county park. All inclusive Wetlands  pass: $6; children under 2 are free.



The Family Aquatic Center {West Bloomfield}

6200 Farmington Road, West Bloomfield, MI 48322

Open: 1:30pm-7pm M-F, 12:30pm-8pm Sat-Sun

Cost: $4/resident, $6/non-resident.



Heritage Park
Heritage Park


Heritage Park Splash Pad {Farmington Hills}

24915 Farmington Rd, Farmington Hills, MI 48336

Open: 10am-8pm

Cost: FREE


Indian Springs Metropark’s Spray ‘n’ Play {White Lake}

5200 Indian Trail, White Lake, MI 48386. 

Open: 11am-7pm daily. Includes water spray area, rock climbing, separate toddler area, and sand pit. 

Cost: $10/daily park admission or $35/annual vehicle permit


Kensington Splash n’ Blast {Milford}

2240 Buno Road, Milford MI 48380. 

Open: daily from 11am-7pm. Enjoy the beach , splash pad, and water slides.

Cost: $10 Kensington Park admission. Splash n’ Blast pass: $6/adults, $5/children, children under 2 free. 

$35/annual vehicle permit


Seymour Lake Park- KLR Splash Pad Pavillion {Oxford}

 2795 Seymour Lake Road, Oxford, MI 48371

Open: 11am-noon for children 6 and under, and all ages from noon-7pm. 

Cost: Free for Oxford Twp resident under 2 and adults. $1/Oxford resident age 2-17, $4/non -resident. 


Red Oaks Waterpark {Madison Heights}

1455 East 13 Mile Road Madison Heights, MI  48071

Open: 10am-7pm. Includes water playground with 68 features, a Spray & Play, and toddler water play area.

Cost: on website. 


Southfield Sports Arena Outdoor Pool & Kids Spray Pool {Southfield}

26000 EvergreEn Rd, Southfiled MI 48076

Open: 12:30-6pm, Monday-Saturday

Cost: $4/children above 2, $5/adults. Add $1 if non-resident.


Troy Family Aquatics Center {Troy}

3425 Civic Center Drive, Troy MI 48084. 

Open: 11am-7:30pm. Includes a pool, sand volleyball, sand play and waterslides. 

Cost: $8.50/daily pass. Season, yearly, and family passes also available.


The Spraypark at Clintwood {Clarkston}

6000 Clarkston Road, Clarkston, MI 48348

Open: Toddler time M-F from 10am-11am. Open weekdays from 11am-7pm and weekend 10am-7pm. 

Cost: $2/resident, $4/non-resident.


Waterford Oaks Waterpark {Waterford}

1702 Scott Lake Road, Waterford, MI 48328

Open: 11am-7pm

Cost: $8/weekdays, $12/weekends. Discounts for residents, military, seniors and twilight hours.




Brandenburg Park Splash Pad {Chesterfield Twp}

50050 Jefferson Avenue, Chesterfield Twp, MI

Open: 11am-7pm daily

Cost: $5/vehicle


City Square Park {Warren}

One City Square, Warren, MI 48093

Open: 11am-7pm

Cost: FREE


Lake St. Clair Metropark Squirt Zone {Harrison Township}

31300 Metro Parkway, Harrison Township, MI 48045

Open: 6am-10pm weekdays, 6am-11pm weekends

Cost: $7/daily park permit


Pop Jet Fountains at Partridge Creek {Clinton Township}

17420 Hall Rd, Clinton Township, MI 48038

Open: 10am-9pm Monday-Saturday, 11am-6pm Sunday

Cost: FREE


Veterans Memorial Park {St. Clair Shores}

32400 Jefferson Avenue, St Clair Shores, MI 48082

Open: Opens june 13th, Sunday-Saturday 10am-8pm.

Cost: Seasonal park pass required. Must be St. Clair resident or guest of resident. 


Pop Jet Fountains at Partridge Creek
Pop Jet Fountains at Partridge Creek



Blue Heron Bay Spray Zone {Whitmore Lake}

3200 Jennings Road, Whitmore Lake, MI 48189

Open: 11am-7pm.

Cost: $5/vehicle daily admission for residents; $9/non residents. Water park entrance fee: $4/residents, $5/non residents, FREE/age 2 and under. 


Fuller Park Pool & Waterslide {Ann Arbor}

1519 Fuller Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105

Open: 1pm-8pm open to public.

Cost: $4/seniors and youths, $5/adults, FREE for children 3 and under. 


Rolling Hills Water Park {Ypsilanti}

Open: 11am-7pm weekdays, 11am-8pm weekends and holidays.

Cost: $5/daily vehicle entrance for county residents. $9/daily vehicle non-resident. Waterpark admission: $7/weekday for residents, $9/weekday for residents. $8/weekend for residents, $10/weekend nonresident. Children 36″ or under are free. 


Veterans Memorial Park Outdoor Pool {Ann Arbor}

2150 Jackson Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48103

Open: 3:30pm-7pm M-F; noon-7pm weekends and holidays. 

Cost: $4/seniors, $5/adults, $4/youth, FREE/3 and under.



Foldin Park Splash Pad {Canton}

Saltz Road and Morton Taylor, Canton, MI 48188

Open: 6am-10pm daily.

Cost: FREE


Handy Park {Redford}

26650 Capitol Ave, Redford Charter Twp, MI 48240

Open: noon-7pm Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Cost: FREE


H20 Zone Spray Ground {Westland}

Open: 11am-8pm, daily.

Cost: Season passes available in packs of 5 passes- $10/resident, $30/non-resident.


Lyle C. VanHouten Park Spray Park {Dearborn Heights}

6044 Silvery Lane, Dearborn Heights, MI 48127

Open: noon-6pm weekends and holidays. 

Cost: FREE


Lake Erie Metropark Wave Pool {Brownstown}

32481 W Jefferson Ave, Brownstown Charter Twp, MI 48173

Open: 10am-6pm weedkdays, 11am-8pm weekends and holidays.

Cost: $7/adults, $5/children and seniors, FREE/children under 30”. Discounted twilight prices. 


Lily Pad Splash Pad {Woodhaven}

23101 Hall Rd, Woodhaven, MI 48183

Open: 10am-9pm daily.

Cost: FREE


Mt. Elliot Park {Detroit} 

110 Mt. Elliot Street, Detroit, MI 48207

Open: 6am-10pm

Cost: FREE


Mt. Elliott Park
Mt. Elliott Park


Palmer Park {Detroit}

910 Merrill Plaisance, Detroit, MI 48203

Open: 10am-8pm daily

Cost: FREE


Rip Slide at Hudson Mills Metro Park {Dexter}

8801 N. Territorial Road, Dexter MI 48130

Cost: $10/day or $2/ride. And $7/daily park entrance free. Group and party prices available. 

Open: 11am-7pm daily. CLOSED if cooler than 70*.


Thorn Park Splash Pad {Brownstown}

21311 Telegraph Rd, Trenton MI 48183

Open: Three sessions: 11am-1pm, 1:30pm-3:30pm, and 4pm-6pm. 

Cost: $2/session


Turtle Cove Family Aquatic Center {Belleville}

17845 Savage Road, Belleville, MI 48111

Open: 11am-7pm weekdays; 11am-8pm weekends and holidays.


Ages:  18-54/$8, 3-17/$6, 2 and under/FREE

$7/vehicle daily permit.


The Sprayscape {Plymouth}

46640 Ann Arbor Trail, Plymouth, MI 48170

Open: 10am-8:30pm daily in June and July. 10am-8pm daily in August.

Cost: FREE


Mt. Elliot Splash Park
Mt. Elliot Splash Park


See something missing from the list? Would you like your county added? Email Lindsay at [email protected] with your suggestion! Here’s to a wet and wild summer of fun!



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