Detroit Mom Welcomes Casey, A Livonia Mom

Hi, I’m Casey Sorensen and am excited to be here! I love encouraging people, especially fellow moms. Often, this involves handwritten letters and surprising people via snail mail. I suffer from anxiety and identify as a 6 on the Enneagram. I enjoy nature walks, organizing, reading, taking pictures, gardening, the beach, and writing. I’m passionate about my faith. I have a knack for rhyming on the spot, getting people together, and being prepared.

I developed a food allergy as an adult and have deep empathy for the food allergy community. I’m involved within my children’s school district and can usually be found working as a noon monitor, substitute Para, or fulfilling one of my various PTA Board responsibilities. When I have down time, I’m diligently writing behind the scenes on the manuscript of my first book idea, one word and page at a time.

Loving Myself + Others

When I first became a mother, I struggled with making time for myself. My firstborn son had additional needs which made leaving his side extra difficult for me. It didn’t take long for exhaustion to hit. It also didn’t take long for me to forget who I was prior to motherhood. At the time thanks to my husband’s nudging, I joined a spin class. Being away for one hour each week truly brought life back to me.

Shortly after I joined a local Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) group. And being part of the MOPS community for eight years changed my life. In that time frame, I quickly went from being the one poured into to being the one pouring into the other moms.

Once my second son arrived, I took up running. I proudly ran for a charity known as Love Runs and in five years, I completed two marathons, two half marathons, and a 5k while collectively raising close to $5,000 to aid local sex-trafficking victims.

I currently attend a bi-weekly Moms Together group, safeguard time to work on my writing projects, and volunteer a good chuck of my time at my children’s school during this season of motherhood.

Meet My Family

Paul and I will hit 12 years of marriage this spring. We have two sons aged eight and ten. Before our sons, we experienced two miscarriages. Our anatomy scan for our firstborn brought along the news that he would be born with a bilateral cleft-lip and palate. Since we knew ahead of time, we were able to spend the remainder of my pregnancy researching surgeons and preparing for the ultimate unknown. My pregnancy with our youngest son was textbook. Therefore, in my case, it was easier for me to go from one to two children.

I am a self-proclaimed “helicopter mom,” however as the years progress, I have been slowly letting go of my control. In general, I am more of a “go with the flow and see what personally works for my family” mom. Motherhood has been the most humbling experience of my life, and I try to give myself grace when warranted.

My husband and sons currently all play hockey. Both boys also love building legos and reading. My oldest enjoys drawing and coding, while my youngest loves the piano and puzzles.

Home Sweet Home

I’ve always called the Metro Detroit area home. I’ve lived in multiple cities in the area and currently reside in the suburbs. I love living in Metro Detroit because of all the various activities people can experience based on their interests.

My family enjoys going on nature walks and checking out local parks. We also enjoy going to the movies and playing putt-putt golf. I’m basic when it comes to food thanks to my food allergy, but I must say the Buffalo Chicken Salad at Buffalo Wild Wings continues to be one of my favorites.

A Defining Moment of Motherhood

A defining moment in motherhood for me is when my youngest son ended up in the ER after a trip to the splash pad with friends. Not even ten minutes into our play date, while I was scanning the splash pad for the kids, I noticed my youngest lying on his back completely still. At first, I thought it might be intentional but soon realized something was very wrong. Once I made it to him, he was conscious but delirious.

We rushed to the ER where he had scans that confirmed a concussion. The doctor determined he must have slipped and fell straight onto the back of his head. This event changed me because it served as a reminder that I am not always in control. It was a scary situation and showed me that acting fast matters. It also showed me how much it meant not to be alone. My mom friend was amazing and my rock during the entire ordeal.

Motherhood + Community

Finding and cultivating community as a mother has changed my life. Being part of MOPS was one of the best things I ever did for myself as a new mother. I have found some of my lifelong soul sisters due to MOPS. I hope to encourage other moms to find community too! Community has made all the difference in motherhood to me. And as my boys get older, I’m finding it’s still just as important–if not more–than when they were younger.

My Intentions

In my role as a contributor, I hope to encourage and inspire moms, while reminding them they are seen and loved. I intend to support women in the local Detroit Mom community by cheering them on in their endeavors. I applied to join the team because I have been following Detroit Mom for a few years and have enjoyed all that this community has brought to my life.

When I became aware of the open call for contributors I couldn’t wait to apply because I love writing and have a passion for encouraging moms. I’m humbled to have been selected, and I hope to grow in this new journey as not only a writer, but as a mother as well.


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