Hello to all the sweet mamas out there! My name is Jenny, and I’m so excited for my first “big kid” writing opportunity! Detroit Moms Blog is the perfect place to start, and I’m honored to be here.

A Midwest Girl
I’m a born and raised Michigander who cheers for the maize and blue. I grew up in Rochester (back when Winchester Mall existed and there were only two high schools instead of three ) and enjoyed being my parents’ favorite (and only) child. Macomb is my home now, but I still drive to Rochester because no one does donuts better than Knapp’s and ice cream better than Dairy Treat.
I graduated from Oakland University with a Bachelor of Science in marketing and started my career at an advertising agency. That lasted a year, and then I jumped ship to make the next logical progression in life: I went back to school at the Macomb Culinary Institute and graduated in the first graduating class of their newly accredited associate degree program in Pastry Arts. Ultimately, I decided to keep baking as a hobby (and a way to keep my friends) and went back to Corporate America. I stayed there as a project manager until I gratefully chose to become a SAHM after my son was born. This is all code for “I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up.”
From Miss to Mrs.
I’ve been married to my husband, Scott, for almost four years. We met on match.com where I made the first move by “winking” first. He’s an engineer and real-life MacGyver. While in Maui on our honeymoon, we had just entered The Road to Hana when I realized the car charger for our phone was missing a part. We were using an app to guide us to all the must-see stops, so a dead battery would be a disaster. (Yes, kids, we had to use a car charger. USB ports weren’t in very many cars “way back” in 2015). He fixed it. How, you ask? Oh, that would be with the spring inside of a pen that we happened to have in the car. Mind.blown. See? Definitely MacGyver.

From the spring of 2016 to the spring of 2017, we built a house, found out we were pregnant, moved, got a puppy, and had a baby. It was quite the whirlwind! But, when you get married a little later in life, you feel like you’re on the fast track and need to make up for lost time. Or at least that was my Type A personality rationale. It ended with me being blessed with the name I had always dreamed of having: “Mom.”
My Favorite Guy
Logan is two years old and has been the sweetest soul since the day he was born. His laugh is infectious, and his hugs melt my heart. He has brought such a profound new perspective to my life that I almost feel like I’m looking at life through a zoom lens. (That’s on deck for a blog post). He is obsessed with dogs, or “doo-doos” as he calls them, especially his furry brother, Henry. I honestly don’t know who loves who more. We fill our days with story time at the Clinton-Macomb Library, Kindermusik with the fabulous Ms. Tracy, and shopping at Costco with the $1.50 hot dog/lemonade combo in-hand and a cart full of industrial-sized boxes of fruit snacks and Cheez-Its.

The Simple Things in Life
During “Jenny time,” I love to grab dinner with friends, get a manicure, throw a party with a good theme, and roam the aisles of Target, so Target can tell me what I need. I’m just starting to learn my way around my Cricut, and I pin far more things on Pinterest than I actually execute. Christmas is my FAVORITE holiday. I dressed Logan up in 25 outfits to celebrate the 25 days leading up to his first Christmas. And then did it again for his second Christmas. (Shoutout to Mom2Mom sales for great bargains to execute such a task!). “Santa! I know him!!!”
Cheers to New Beginnings
I know I said it already, but I’m so excited and honored to be joining the DMB family as a contributor. This is such a phenomenal community of women. I can’t wait to learn and grow with all of the writers and readers out there. Motherhood and everything it brings to my life (the good, the bad, the amazing, the scary, and the how did I get so lucky?) is something I look forward to sharing with you. And they say only children don’t know how to share…

Jenny I loved reading your story! It clear to see that you have a great gift for writing (besides baking) and I look forward to reading more of your motherhood stories!