Bubble Club :: Ella Wish and Lindsay Mall
“Having teaching backgrounds, our mission is to provide support and education for families throughout the community targeting specifically zero to three years of age. At the Bubble Club your child will learn new skills and develop first friendships in a safe, nurturing and educational environment.” ~Ella + Lindsay
I am so excited to introduce this long time friendship and Mompreneurial duo, Lindsay {momma of two, 2.5 YO + newborn} + Ella {momma of 2.5 YO}. Their dream became reality back in 2012 when the The Bubble Club was founded. They truly believe in helping local families grow together by providing an educational environment and a place to go for support as new parents.
I am mom raising a growing family today and have gone through those first “times” every developing child goes through. I remember feeling alone, friends either weren’t there yet having kids or they had already been through the first “times” and been-there, done-that! I had SO much to learn, always seeking information off the internet + in books. But I was lacking a few things, like connecting with local experts and other moms going through the same thing. I had so many questions about breast feeding, sleeping, bathing, weening, motor skills, behavior issues, milestones, and everything else that happens those first 3 years of a child’s life!
I think I can safely say that as parents we ALL want what is best for our families and we will search for the solution that fits us best. The Bubble Club offers everything you need to build that foundation for you and your baby. A safe, nurturing environment built around supporting each other, building friendships, learning new skills, exercising, connecting with local experts and it is entirely built around an educational environment. A perfect combination for growing a healthy family and a happy you. Please be sure to give these ladies some love, they are two hard-working mommas helping other mommas in our community and love to give back to the community!
Photography Credit to Marla Michele – www.EnchantedByMarlaMichele.com
Photography Credit to Marla Michele – www.EnchantedByMarlaMichele.com
Photography Credit to Lindsay Jaye – www.lindsayjayephotography.com
Photography Credit to Lindsay Jaye – www.lindsayjayephotography.com
Tell us about your business and the product/service you provide.
Hi! We are Ella Wish and Lindsay Mall, co-founders of The Bubble Club. We always knew we wanted to work with kids: we used to pretend with our dolls, playing mommy and teacher, and then went into real life experiences as babysitters to our nieces and nephews. Throughout high school we babysat for local families, and became counselors at a local camp, where we met back in the late 90’s. We both graduated from college with backgrounds in early childhood development and teaching, and worked as teachers, teaching Kindergarten and Pre-K. We both married our childhood sweethearts, and went on to the ultimate job as Mommies, our oldest kids being born only 4 days apart! We decided to stop working for the time being, and be “stay-at home” moms.
As many new moms do, we struggled with our transition into mommy-hood: the isolation, the strangeness, the love. We decided to sign our kids up for a local gym class to get out of the house and meet new mommy friends. Here, we finally had a place to talk about the spit up, poop, breastfeeding, mommy guilt, and a myriad of other topics only new moms could understand. At the time, we only knew of a few programs that welcomed babies ages birth-12 months that were also developmentally appropriate for our babies. We craved more opportunities to spend time with them and socialize with other moms. Thus, The Bubble Club was born.
Our mission, then and now, is to provide support and education to families throughout the community, focusing on the newest babies, birth-2 years old. We have built a supportive community, one that includes activities to do with our children, that not only help our babies develop cognitive, motor and social skills, but also help us navigate this crazy new life as moms. The Bubble Club has given us an opportunity to continue our work as teachers in early childhood, while also affording us the opportunity to have a flexible schedule.
What has been your greatest success so far in your business, or what are you most proud of?
By partnering up with other local businesses in the past two years we have been able to run classes and parenting workshops throughout the Metro Detroit area. Our most popular class is our Baby Play and Grow which teaches fine and gross motor skills, language and body movement development, and social skills broken up into age groups, Birth-7 months and 8 months- 14 months. In this class we sing familiar songs, interact with our babies through play, introduce simple sign language, and read stories.
Through our partnering we are able to find the best teachers in the best suited environment to run interactive parent/infant classes. We offer Mom and Tot dance at Studio A in Birmingham and Walled Lake locations, Mommy and Baby workout classes: Bubbles and Booty camp and Daily Baby Barre at The Dailey Method Birmingham. We also have specialist in infant sign language and infant sleep training offering seasonal workshops in both. We have provided infant CPR courses, and speak at Henry Ford Hospital’s birthing classes about parenting in those early days!We are always looking for new classes, and new educational opportunities to provide for local families.
What are you most proud of as a MOMpreneur?
The Bubble Club has successfully fulfilled the need for new families in our community, being featured in local newspapers and magazines, and appearing on several local Newscasts, as experts in childhood development. Recently we were recognized as one of the year’s top 25 entrepreneurs of 2014, by Idea Cafe.
Through The Bubble Club, we have also been able to help out our community and those families in need by collecting donations such as diapers, pajamas, toiletries and holiday gifts for those in need. This has been a dream come true to both of us, working hard to grow our business, while growing our families. We are proud of what we are doing for our community families, but we are most proud of the “Moms” we are to our children.
For more information please visit Ella + Lindsay online at www.thebubbleclubmi.com and on Facebook
Email them at [email protected]
Call them at (248) 702-6358
They are all around Oakland County, visit them and see where you can find them near you!
Special Offer for Detroit Moms Blog Readers
The Bubble Club is offering YOU one free introductory class, to any of their class offerings
when you mention Detroit Mommy Blog!
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