The Unplugged Summer | Family Time Without the Schedule

Ah, summer! For my family, the word itself conjures up images of lazy days, sunshine, and the sound of kids playing (or at least trying to get along) outside. It’s the season where time seems to slow down, and the world feels just a tad bit more relaxed. As a mom who has a couple of months off over the summer, it’s a golden opportunity to hit the reset button. Instead of signing our kids up for summer camp, scheduling activities, or arranging a dozen play dates, we take the opportunity to connect as a family. And to break free from the usual whirlwind of scheduled activities. 

This approach is definitely “to each their own,” and I get that! Some families don’t have abundant time off in the summer. Others find that their kids like and benefit from keeping a routine that involves camps, sports, or activities. But if you find that the school year stresses you out with all of the practices, groups, events, and endless scheduling, hitting pause for a summer reset can be a refreshing change. It’s a few months filled with chances to bond and a reminder that sometimes, the best plan is no plan at all.

The Beauty of an Unscheduled Summer

During the school year, life can feel like a never-ending to-do list. The calendar is jam-packed with school, extracurricular activities, sports practices, and homework for the kids. All this–coupled with my husband’s and my jobs, social events, and our time for personal and mental health–can be overwhelming. But summer offers a beautiful pause button. It’s the perfect time to embrace the joy of unscheduled days and let spontaneity reign supreme.

I relish in not really having a plan. Sure, we still schedule a family vacation and a few summer bucket list events that take a bit of planning. But, for the most part, we tend to stick to a blank agenda. I love asking my kids, “What do you want to do today?” when they wake up wondering what the day holds. Playground? Library? Backyard camping? Water park? Zoo? The opportunities are nearly endless.

Not only does this release me from having to arrange, plan, and schedule, but it also releases me from keeping all the times and dates carefully logged in my brain. During the year, I feel like I am constantly rifling through my mental calendar. Always trying to determine just how long we can stay at one event before we must move on to the next thing. Or, what do we have to say no to because we already said yes to something else? An unplanned summer releases me from all that. Plus, it also invites my kids to appreciate the beauty of spontaneity and the gift of mom repeatedly saying “yes” (usually). 

Why Unscheduled Time is a Gift

There are many benefits to unscheduled time, including:

Creativity and Imagination

Without a rigid schedule, my kids can explore their creativity, whether at home or out and about. They can turn the backyard into a five-star kitchen (which has been a recent favorite), invent new games, or even embark on a make-believe adventure with friends. This kind of unstructured play is crucial for their development and lets their imagination soar.

Less Stress

The free time to do these things comes with the added benefit of reduced stress for everyone. Constantly rushing from one activity to another can be exhausting for both kids and parents. An unscheduled summer allows us all to relax and enjoy the moment. We wake up, check the weather, and talk about what we want to do. We are only bound by the time constraint of getting home for dinner. This is the one aspect of our daily routine I don’t let go of. 

Some days, we stick around the house and take it easy, playing outside, baking a new recipe, or having Uno card game marathons. On other days, we venture out, sometimes locally, to the library or a playground. Still, other times we go a bit further to a water park, zoo, or museum. Whatever the case, it’s always go with the flow. Because, these unplanned and unscheduled activities are a chance to breathe, unwind, and truly enjoy each other’s company. All without the pressure of the next event on the calendar.

More Family Bonding

We find that unscheduling our summer encourages bonding among our family. That’s not to say we don’t have arguing and fighting and times when we rather wouldn’t be all together 24/7. Still, when there are no practices to attend, games to watch, or activities to make it to, we have more time to spend together. Like really together–not just in proximity to one another. These moments, like dinners outside on the deck, may seem inconsequential. But in reality, they are creating lasting memories and strengthening family bonds.

Embracing the Summer Slow Life

So, how do you make the most of an unscheduled summer? Here are a few ideas to help you slow down and savor the season with your family.

Backyard Camping

Turn your backyard into a mini-campground. Pitch a tent, roast marshmallows, and tell stories under the stars. It’s a fun way to experience the thrill of camping without leaving the comfort of home. Plus, if someone needs to use the bathroom or grab an extra blanket, it’s just a few steps away!

Creative Projects

Without a strict schedule, there’s more time to dive into creative projects. Start a family garden or try your hand at DIY crafts. The bravest among us can indulge their kids by undertaking one of those ridiculous YouTube craft videos they’ve seen and begged to try. Tie dye has always been a summer favorite at our house, as well as origami, rock painting, and making friendship bracelets. These projects are not only fun but also a great way to work together and let your kids express their creativity. 

Lazy Mornings + Long Breakfasts

Forget the hurried breakfasts before school. Summer mornings are meant for sleeping in (if your kids choose to bless you with that opportunity) and enjoying leisurely breakfasts. Make pancakes together, have a fruit salad feast, or try new smoothie recipes. The key is to enjoy the slow pace and the simple pleasure of a meal together.

Movie Nights

We have younger kids, and most nights or weekends during the school year, it feels like we simply don’t have the time to sit down and watch an entire movie. So, in the summer, when we can all kick back and enjoy a blockbuster, we try to go all out. We make the living room super cozy for movie nights with pillows and our Peanut couch. We make an abundance of snacks and snuggle up together!

New Hobbies

Summer is the perfect time to explore new interests and hobbies. Whether it’s learning to bake, trying out a new sport (not as part of a team, necessarily; think going to a tennis court), or even starting a family club (we like trivia), these new activities can be a fun way to spend time together and discover hidden talents.

Outdoor Adventures

Nature is the best playground, and it’s free! Plan impromptu hikes, bike rides, or beach trips. Explore local parks, plan a picnic, or lie on the grass and watch the clouds drift by. These outdoor adventures don’t need to be elaborate; they’re about enjoying the fresh air and each other’s company.

The Importance of Downtime

In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to overlook the importance of downtime. But having unstructured time is vital for both kids and adults. During these moments of “doing nothing,” we often find our best ideas, recharge our energy, and truly connect with ourselves and each other.

Although it isn’t always easy (especially when we just want our kids to give us five minutes of alone time), we try to abide by a few things over the summer to encourage downtime for our kids. 

  • Let them be bored. My husband is a big proponent of the idea that boredom is not a bad thing. It encourages kids to use their imagination and create their own entertainment. Resist the urge to fill every moment with an activity and let them figure out how to occupy their own time.
  • Limit screen time. While letting screens fill the void is tempting, we try to limit their use. Encourage kids to play outside, read a book, or engage in creative play instead.
  • Model downtime. Show your kids that relaxing and taking a break is okay. Read a book, take a nap, or simply sit and enjoy the moment without getting sucked into your phone or another screen. When they see you valuing downtime, they’re more likely to do the same.

We really love the lazy days of summer. Letting go of the packed schedules and embracing the freedom of unscheduled days is something I really look forward to every year. It’s a chance to slow down, enjoy the little things, and create meaningful memories as a family. Being able to say yes to random ideas or activities my kids come up with and enjoy each of them at a leisurely pace is truly a gift. So, here’s to a summer filled with laughter, love, and the beauty of unplanned moments.

If your summer plans include a vacation, don’t stress! Albiona shares exactly how to manage behavior expectations while you’re away.


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