The proverbial village is real y’all! I can’t tell you the number of women and moms that make it possible for me to mother. Of course Mother’s Day is my mental recall to thank, grovel, reminisce and cry with my mom, mother-in-law, grandmothers, aunts, sisters, and friends. I am truly so grateful to them I can’t begin to put my love and admiration in to words.
But there are a few unexpected people on my list this year…
Daycare – My daughter goes to a state licensed home daycare. Barb is a mother herself and has been running her daycare for over 12 years. I think the thing we most often overlook is that everyday my daughter gets to interact with a woman running her own business. Barb is an entrepreneur with incredibly high safety standards and takes pride in her home and licensing. Make no mistake though, she’s no Miss Truchbull either! The kids make crafts, have theme parties, dance and play outside as often as possible. Barb will tell you herself that she has a strong personality, but what successful entrepreneur doesn’t? She’s shared her parenting tips and tricks, answered questions, and deserves all the accolades for getting my daughter on the coveted schedule. And I have no doubts about my daughter’s health and safety, learning and fun when I leave for work. As a working mom, Barb is a big part of my inner peace.
Coworker Tribe – When I came back to work after maternity leave in early 2015 I had all the normal fears and doubts, but doubled because I was a relatively new employee even before I went out on leave. I became a stage five clinger to one woman in particular who is not even a mom. She just happened to be someone I could related to, and her professionalism, quick wit, and assertiveness were strong indicators of her ability to do our job well. Gosh I’m so thankful I met her! (And by “met her” I mean forced her to be my friend! LOL) I leaned on her heavily while integrating myself back in to the workforce and now we’re carpool buddies and work besties. She was a great teacher, patient and answered all of my questions no matter how many times mommy brain robbed me of information I already knew. This friendship quickly parlayed in to my work tribe; a small group of women, some moms some not, some in committed relationships, some not. Having these women to share baby photos with, funny stories, life wisdom, and witty banter has been nothing short of awesome. We help each other with tough accounts, technical questions, and professional development. They make me feel like it’s possible to be a working mom, like I don’t have to have such a “separation of church and state.” And there’s always someone to share a coffee with when you’re up all night during teething!
As women and mothers it’s key to uplift and support one another. This Mother’s Day, as you bask in the glow of breakfast in bed and handmade gifts from your kids, remember your village and give them a shout!
Do you have any unexpected women your Mother’s Day recognition list?