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‘Tis the Season to Give Thanks


With all of the hustle and bustle that the holiday season brings, it’s easy to forget how thankful we should be for the things we have, and the people we share them with.

As 2015 draws to a close, why not take a moment to reflect on the positive things, people and experiences we’ve had throughout the last 12 months.

With that I say, THANK YOU:


  • Husband/Boyfriend/Significant Other: for being my biggest cheerleader when I need it most. For loving me through the good times and bad. For supporting our family and working hard everyday. I don’t say it enough, but know that I feel blessed to have you in my life.


  • Mom/Dad/Grandma/Grandpa/: for loving and supporting me no matter what. For always encouraging me to try new things and give it my best shot. For reminding me that being a mom is a job, and the best one I will ever have. For the days and nights when you’re my free babysitter, and for giving the little one that extra piece of candy because, Lord knows, one little bite won’t hurt.


  • Sibling: for growing closer the older we get. For playing an active role in your nephew/niece’s life and letting them know how important siblings are for each other. For knowing when to chime in during a family disagreement, and taking my side when needed. For dropping anything at anytime in order to help me out.


  • Best Friend: for being my therapist and listening to my problems whether it’s the first or 15th time you’ve heard me complain about said topic. For finishing my sentences and putting me in my place when I need to be brought back down to Earth. For always having my back and making me laugh when I don’t want to. For being that shoulder to cry on when I need a hug.


  • Co-Workers: for being my family away from home. For making me laugh when I’m on deadline and remembering that there is more to life than “work.” For encouraging me to be a better version of myself everyday, and striving to be the best teammate I can be day-in and day-out.


  • Daycare Staff: for taking care of my child like he is your own. For following through with proper discipline and rewarding good behavior. For reminding me that being a working mom is okay and that I’m doing the best I can with what I’ve got.


  • Teacher: for teaching my child that it takes hard work and dedication to become successful. For always being that selfless leader I’ve always looked up to. For not letting the politics get in the way of your job, and continuing to put my child first. 


  • Detroit Moms Blog Contributors: for always supporting one another in any capacity inside or outside of this blog. For being a positive group of role models and for teaching me new things everyday.


  • Detroit Moms Blog Readers: for following along with our lives, families and stories. For continuing to support a group of local women just hoping to help someone that can relate to what we’re going through. 


  • God: for knowing what is best for me. For always knowing that something will work out in the end and pushing me to my limits in order to reach those great heights. For bringing all of these wonderful people into my life.



I challenge you to take just a moment out of your day to send the people you love, admire or are truly thankful for a quick phone call, text or email letting them know how much you care for them. 

Don’t forget… there is always, ALWAYS something to be thankful for.




Christmas Less Cluttered: A Gift Guide

I’m going to say up front that I LOVE giving gifts!

Having a baby was a great excuse to roam Toys-R-Us as an adult, and my husband and I truly enjoy giving our kids the things they want when it is within our means. Our kids have the added bonus of being the only grandchildren on both sides of the family. Our parents and extended family all enjoy giving gifts each season!

While wonderful, the result is a home FULL of toys…..which is great, but my husband and I both have a serious aversion to clutter!


Each season, we actively purge the toy collection by trashing or recycling things that are broken, donating gently used items, and selling some larger ticket items to put towards something new.

So when we put together our shopping lists for holiday gift giving, I try to make sure that there are “experience” ideas as well as consumables – things that can be enjoyed and don’t leave any clutter!

Here are some gift ideas that won’t leave you needing a new organizing system after the holidays:

Memberships & Passes – Here in the Detroit area we have a ton of great places to take kids on a regular basis that offer membership passes! The Detroit Zoo, Michigan Science Center, The Henry Ford & Greenfield Village, The Ford House, and Sea Life Aquarium for starters. Plus awesome indoor play places that are great to burn energy at in the winter like Jungle Java, Detroit Kid City, Air Time, or Rochester Play. Check Groupon for great options at the best price.

Classes – Maybe your child has been wanting to try dance, gymnastics, martial arts, or music?

Gear – Is your kid already involved in an activity? Maybe they need new equipment! Balls, shoes, gloves, skates,  or boots make great gifts!

easels-372847_960_720Art & Craft Supplies – Crayons, Pencils, Paper, Paint, Brushes, or Craft Kits all make great gifts.

Tickets – Movies, Plays, & Concerts are all great ways to share a fun experience with your child. Check out Groupon here too!

Subscriptions – Kids LOVE to get mail with their name on it. Magazines are great, but you can also indulge in a regular craft kit with Kiwi Crate or spoil your favorite Lego enthusiast with a Pley subscription (it’s like Netflix for Legos, they send you the kit of your choice, build it, then break it down and send it back to get another one. All the fun, and no worries about where to store all those little plastic bricks!). For the older builder, Tinker Crate has great options. For your little reader, keep the books coming from Owl Crate or Gift Lit.

bathtimeBath Time Fun – Color tabs, bath crayons or paints.

Snacks – Each year, my sister makes the best snack baskets full of amazing homemade cookies, snack mix, seasoned crackers, and nuts. It is always much anticipated by both the adults and kids! My kids are big fans of getting Nick’s Sticks grass-fed beef sticks in their stockings, along with bags of my caramel popcorn, and a few pieces of chocolate.

“Needs” – Things like new bedding, furniture, or other bedroom upgrades like a new paint job, rug, or beanbag. Nice clothes and shoes or a watch are especially great for slightly older kids.

“Date Night” – Gift an IOU of a special night out! Kids love spending time with their favorite people – sharing an ice cream, a meal, or watching a movie. My oldest especially appreciates this now that she has to share our attention with her little brother!

readingA Getaway – Even if it’s just a day trip or a quick overnight, kids enjoy getting away as much as adults do! A one night stay in a local hotel can be a fun mini-trip, just order a pizza and spend some time at the pool! There are also great family destinations within a few hours drive like Great Wolf Lodge, Kalahari, Thunder Bay, Zehnder’s Splash Village & Double JJ Ranch.

Books – You can’t go wrong giving books!


What are your favorite gift giving ideas this season, what would YOU add to this list?

Kids’ Holiday Craft: Family Photo Tree

With the holidays quickly approaching, this craft is a great way to help kids – especially younger ones – become familiar with faces of loved ones they might not see very often, and hopefully help them to be more comfortable with relatives they will be spending some time with this month.

If you don’t have time to squeeze it in with all the craziness of December, it would also be a fun way to keep out-of-town relatives’ faces in kids’ minds post-holiday.




Materials Needed:

– Small poster board; we used the foamcore type for stability
– 3 – 5 pieces of scrapbook/craft paper (more as needed)
– Glue
– Photos with clear view of family member faces



1. We started by drawing a rough tree outline in pencil on the posterboard. We looked at several ideas to figure out the best way for our branches to ‘grow’.

2. Cut out the main tree trunk and branches in several widths and lengths, glue on to poster board according to your design. We chose several fall-ish leafy colors of scrapbook paper and a textured brown for the tree itself. My daughter is 6, so of course there were a lot of sparkles! The different paper designs made it really interesting.

3.  Cut the leaf paper into several wide strips lengthwise and fold in half.  Cut the leaf shape out on the fold so it will be a flap that can open and close on the board.  Glue the leafs on the branches where needed and let dry.



4. Cut out family member faces from printed photos.  You can get several people out of one picture but try to make sure their heads are not too small. Glue faces inside the folded leafs.  We also added names for the school project but that isn’t necessary at home. 


5. Let it dry completely and enjoy!  Kids love showing off their family and they love opening and closing the flaps of the leafs.


Overall it was a fun and easy project that I know you will enjoy!

Top 5 Reasons You Should Attend Cookies with Santa

Our Cookies with Santa event at Childtime in Shelby Township is less than a week away and we couldn’t be more excited! There are so many reasons to attend this event so we thought we’d narrow it down to 5 really good reasons why you should be at our 1st Annual Cookies with Santa event on December 12th.


  1. Santa – everyone loves good ole Santa Claus! We’ve partnered with Fairytale Entertainment to bring you the best Santa possible. 
  2. Photos Wildflowers Photography will be taking photos of your child telling Santa exactly what he (she) wants this holiday season. After the event you’ll receive a digital download that’s all yours. Don’t forget to bring your own camera or have your phone fully charged to take as many pictures as you want. If you attended our Hanging with Heroes event you’ve seen the amazing photos Wildflowers Photography takes. Don’t miss out not the photo ops. 
  3.  The Snow Queen (and her lovely sister) – need we say more! If you have girls I’m sure you already know why you should be coming. I still catch myself walking around the house singing “Do You Want To Build a Snowman”. With the sequel coming out this spring seeing these two is an absolute must! They’ll be singing and dancing with your little ones. You can even join in too! I’ve watched the movie Frozen more times then I could possibly count and I’m not mad about it. If you don’t love Frozen, well, there might be something wrong. 
  4. Cookies – delicious snowflake cookies for everyone! Best Cookies by Farr will be baking cookies from scratch. This woman is extremely talented with her cookie making and decorating. She can make a cookie for every occasion and I promise you won’t be disappointed with what she designs. Not only will you be enjoying cookies but Childtime will be providing coffee (for you of course), hot chocolate bar and snacks.
  5. Ornament decorating, crafts, holiday music and letters to Santa – crafts are a way to a kids heart! Glue, sequins, glitter and pretty much everything you despise getting out because you know it’s going to make a huge mess. A letter to Santa is something every child wants to send. I remember getting so excited thinking Santa would be receiving my letter in the North Pole. What a great childhood memory! We’ll do the honors of sending your child’s letter to the North Pole. 

Now that you’ve heard how awesome our event is going to be are you ready to purchase your ticket?!


No, I’m Not Having Twins. Yes, I Still Have 2 Months To Go!

Sometimes you have to wonder if most people were ever taught how to hide their expressions.  In fact, I know people were taught this or most people would have looks of disgust or annoyance during most days (especially those in the service industry). Instead, people learn to fake a smile and do what it takes to make the other person happy and comfortable. 

So, why is it that people think it is okay to just say whatever comes to mind when speaking with a pregnant woman?



This is my second pregnancy.  I only gained 30 total pounds with my first pregnancy and lost all the weight, and then some, while breastfeeding that first baby.  No one really prepares you for the “stop breastfeeding 15 pounds” that you gain back after.  So, when I got pregnant with my now second baby, I wasn’t by any means in the best shape of my life; but I also was not obese, or anywhere near it.  In fact, to this day (at 8 months pregnant) I have actually only gained just under 10 pounds.  Yes, only 10 POUNDS! So, I’m not sure if it is because I am all baby, or maybe it is because I am carrying a future sumo wrestler!

Either way, I’m not sure why anyone thinks it is OK to say the following three things in response to my due date two months away:


“Wow! You still have a ways to go!”

“Are you sure there aren’t twins in there?!”

“You must have a big guy in there. Are you measuring on time?”


Seriously??!! I know most people don’t think that they are being offensive by these comments, and that pregnancy is such a beautiful and wonderful time spent growing another life. But to this pregnant woman, it says just one thing: “you look WAY bigger than you should”.  No woman ever wants to feel too big!

My husband continues to be the most supportive man in the world.  He insists I look amazing and that he is still as attracted to me as he has ever been.  But, all the positive reinforcement in the world from him probably won’t help the way I feel about myself.  I know that is something I need to get over and block out, but when you can start keeping a daily tally of the amount of times someone says one of the comments above… it starts to get to you!


I’m actually mad at myself for letting others’ comments bother me, mad because I should be enjoying this time, growing my child.  It truly is such an amazing thing that we as women can do.  It even is difficult to wrap my head around at times when I look at my now almost two-year-old daughter and think about her actually existing because my body was able to provide a safe environment for her to come into this world.  This could possibly be the last time I’m pregnant, so why is it OK that I’m letting other people influence how I feel about it? 



I have three more months of comments that will inevitably make their way to my ears. I’m trying my best to build a tough exterior in these coming months, to smile and maybe even come up with creative comebacks to really throw people off when they are so bold, such as:

“Yeah, I figure maybe by February I’ll have a two-year-old in there.”

“Oh my gosh, did you see my ultrasound??? Do you think my doctor lied about just one being in there?!”

“If you’re measuring larger, do you get to deliver earlier? In that case, I’ll ask my doctor if I can be induced next month!”


What is most important to me is learning not only to enjoy these final months of this pregnancy, but also to show my very impressionable daughter, that what other people think never matters. Ever. If I can move on and still be happy with myself, my family, and my life, I am one very lucky person.   

Baby 2

Did you experience comments about your appearance while pregnant? Share your experiences with me!

Elves on a Schedule: Finding our Christmas Groove

A long time ago – before there was the Elf on the Shelf – my sister and I had Magical Kindness ‘Elves’ that visited us every day during the month of December. We loved waking up to the inspirational notes and little gifts that our Elves left. This is one of my favorite childhood Christmas memories.


Last Christmas, I decided to continue the tradition with my children. They were delighted when we introduced 3 Elves into the family!


We moved the Elves around the house each day, leaving happy messages, a few pieces of candy and some activities for them to do. My boys loved it!

My goal with the Elves is to teach kindness, working together as a family, all the while exposing my children to special experiences throughout the month.

After last Christmas, I vowed to make the elf experience even more organized and exciting.

Here is a sneak peak into the life with the little Elves that live with us during the month of December!

So where does one purchase Magical Kindness Elves?

There are lots of places to purchase elves! I have seen some adorable little guys at Target, JoAnn Fabrics, Lowes, or any place that sells Christmas ornaments. Elf on the Shelf or the Kindness Elves do not have to be fancy or expensive! Find what works well for your family.

Elves on a schedule!

To make sure the Elves’ schedule meshed well with our schedule, I printed out a calendar page: each day’s actives are written down, and any supplies needed are listed. Being organized makes moving the Elves each night less stressful, and keeps the creatives juices flowing all month long.

The Elves deliver a note each day, so during the planning process I printed out 30 Christmas themed cards. Each Sunday night, I package up the weeks’ worth of crafts and needed supplies, make sure the cards are ready to go, and let my husband know of any big outings or activities associated with the Elves’ schedule. 

Pinterest is an Elf paradise!

In need of inspiration? Pinterest has enough ideas for the next 20 holiday seasons. My boys love crafts, so our Elves leave Christmas themed things to create.

Here are a few that we will be doing this year:


Gingerbread play dough


I-spy bottle


Pre-packaged craft kits from our local craft supplies store

Hot glue gun snowman ornaments


Reindeer food 

Gingerbread house

Sometimes our Elves do leave the boys silly gifts, like………

4b0818b4b50a7faf106ced7802b51296candy wrapped a thousand times in plastic!

And what Christmas season isn’t complete without a miniature candy cane hunt around the house?

Incorporating special actives into the month is also something the Elves surprise the children with. You can tailor these activities to your specific family interests. Our list includes:

The Cranbrook Institute of Science

Bronner’s in Frankenmuth

Holiday Nights in Greenfield Village

Huron Valley Recreation Pools


d427c0727afb990357c752f3d1089595Another great activity centers around the Dr Seuss book,  How the Grinch Stole Christmas. We will be reading the original book, making green Grinch popcorn, and finishing the night with watching the new Grinch movie release.

The Financial Side

My grand Elf schedule, activities and planning initially scared my husband financially. I made sure to look for cost effective actives such as merging decorating the Christmas tree into an elf adventure, or reading all of our winter themed books. We’ve made an Elf house out of our Mega Blocks, or had a bubble bath party – after all, what child doesn’t love a new container of bubble bath soap?!



For our family, having elves visit during the month of December is about creating special memories, making holiday crafts and bonding.







Ultimate Holiday Guide :: In + Around Detroit

With so many fun and festive events going on in
Metro-Detroit, we are so excited to feature all of the upcoming holiday events In + Around the “D” on Detroit Moms Blog! 

Holiday Lights


Auburn Hills Tree Lighting | Auburn Hills

Friday, December 4, 6:00 p.m.

At the corner of Auburn and Squirrel roads, downtown Auburn Hills

Free | This Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony is sure to dazzle the downtown area of Auburn Hills. Enjoy a joyous festival centered around the arrival of Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus and lighting an enormous Christmas tree. Your child can write a letter to Santa and send it to the North Pole by dropping it into Santa’s mail box. Bundle up and take a ride through downtown on a horse drawn carriage. Take the time to send a special note to a soldier and donate hats, scarves and gloves to local charities in need.

Holiday Lights Parade | Berkley

Saturday, December 5,  5:30 p.m.

Free | The celebration starts with free vintage Trolley Rides from 1 – 5 p.m. also enjoy special activities and holiday treats at your favorite Berkley stores and restaurants.  Carolers, snow princess and other entertainment with free hot chocolate near some of the trolley stops.  There will be a petting zoo at 2 pm at 12 Mile Road and Tyler.  The tree lighting ceremony kicks off at 5:30 with a visit from Santa.  The evening is complete with Horse-Drawn Carriage Rides (corner of Rosemont & Coolidge). Ticket charge per person/family rate available.  

Annual Tree Lighting Celebration | Canton

Wednesday, December 2, 6:00 – 8:30 pm

$5 per family | Along with a visit from Santa the Tree Lighting Festivities include seasonal entertainment, holiday themed crafts and activities! Located at Summit on the Park

Tree Lighting Ceremony | Chelsea

Friday, December 4, 6:00 p.m.

Free | The Rotary Club will kick off this event with a re-dedication of the Pierce Park Gazebo, built by the Chelsea Rotary Club 25 years ago. Sounds of the holiday season will be performed by members of the Chelsea High School Choir  followed by the Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony and a visit from the 2014 Chelsea Fair Queen.  Don’t forget the big guy in the red suit: Santa will arrive by Chelsea firetruck!

Holiday Lights Night + Parade  | Clarkston

Saturday, December 12, 6:00 p.m.

Depot Park, 375 Depot Road, Downtown Clarkston

Free | Kick off the holiday season with the annual Holiday Lights Night! After the parade, join Santa and his reindeer in lighting the tree at Depot Park while enjoying complimentary Kona coffee & Kona Kocoa. Hot dogs, roasted almonds and baked goods available are for purchase as well. Drop off a letter to Santa, visit the live reindeer, and take a photo in front of the glittering tree.

Christmas Aglow | Clinton Township

Saturday, December 5, 6:00 p.m.

Clinton Township Parks and Recreation, Township Gazebo, 40700 Romeo Plank Rd

Free | Kick off the holiday season with this long standing tradition in Clinton Township. Join everyone in the Township Gazebo to see Santa arrive on a fire truck. Visit Candy Can Trail to receive some goodies.

Tree Lighting + Sing-Along | Dearborn

Monday, December 7, 6:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

Ford Community & Performing Arts Center, 15801 Michigan Ave.

Free | This annual Christmas tree lighting and sing-along event will feature visits with Santa and the lighting of the City Christmas tree!

Holiday Nights at Greenfield Village | Dearborn

Friday – Sunday, December 4 – 6, 6:30 – 10:00 p.m. | Friday – Sunday, December 11 – 13, 6:30 – 10:00 p.m. | Thursday – Wednesday, December 17 – 23, 6:30 – 10:00 p.m. | Saturday – Monday, December 26 – 28, 6:30 – 10:00 p.m.

Greenfield Village, 20900 Oakwood Blvd.

Cost – $24/adults, $18/kids ages 5 -12, free/ages 4 and under | Take a night to walk the lantern-lit paths, admire costumed presenters, and watch a  spectacular fireworks display that will leave you in the Christmas spirit. Step into the past with everything from the sound of carolers, the scent of roasting chestnuts to the jingle jangle of sleigh bells. What child doesn’t love watching/riding horse drawn wagons and Model T cars? Come enjoy an event voted the Top Holiday Event by USA Today and Reader’s Digest.

Menorah in the D | Detroit

December 6th, 3 – 8 pm

Campus Martius, Detroit

Menorah in the D is a community-wide menorah lighting event in downtown Detroit taking place this Chanukah.  This event is full of inspiration and pride for our entire community and local Jewish families throughout Metro-Detroit. The 26 ft Menorah was designed and built by artists Erik & Israel Nordin of the Detroit Design Center in Corktown.  Enjoy a concert with the Soul Farm Band along with lots of family fun including strolling jugglers and acrobats, roasting marshmallows, pose with the Detroit Mascot Paws, as well as a free food court serving traditional Chanukah doughnuts called sufganiot, hot soup bar, hot apple cider, snacks and lots more! 

Tree Lighting | Farmington

Saturday, December 5, Immediately following the parade

Governor Warner’s Mansion

During Holly Days at the Governor Warner Mansion you’ll enjoy watching the tree-lighting celebration to kick off the holiday season in Farmington. Enjoy listening to carolers and sampling freshly baked cookies while sipping hot chocolate, yum!!!

Tree Lighting | Fraser

Saturday, December 5th, 5:30 p.m.

This event will kick off the holiday season with caroling and your favorite Christmas music, a visit from Santa, holiday treats, and the iconic tree lighting ceremony. 

Tree Lighting Ceremony + Holiday Open House | Lake Orion

Saturday, December 5th, 5 p.m.

Downtown Lake Orion

Enjoy this community event with your family followed by the annual lighted parade at 6:00 p.m. in Downtown Lake Orion.

Tree Lighting + Caroling Ceremony Livonia

December 1, 7:00 p.m.

Located at the Livonia City Hall and Civic Center Library. 

This community event features Santa, holiday crafts, magic show and drinks.

Tree Lighting + Afterglow | Macomb Township

December 1, 7:00 p.m., 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.

Holiday Tree Lighting | Madison Heights

Monday, November 23, 6:30

Civic Center Plaza, City Hall, 300 W. 13 Mile Road, Madison Heights

Free | The Mayor will welcome Santa and present him with the key to the city. Watch as Santa and Mrs. Claus turn on the holiday lights for city to see. Come enjoy cookies + cocoa while listening to your favorite holiday music.

Light Up the Night | Novi

Friday, December 4, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.

Novi Civic Center, 45175 Ten Mile Road

Free | Come enjoy an evening of fun roasting marshmallows, ice sculptures, live reindeer, train rides (behind the Civic Center) and FREE refreshments. Don’t miss an appearance by our favorite {jolly} guy, Santa and the main tree lighting event happening at 6:15 p.m. If you want to warm up, step inside to do a little shopping at the craft show. There is something for everyone at this event.

Walk of Trees | Downtown Plymouth

November 20 – January 1  | 24/7

Kellogg Park, Plymouth

Free | Bring the family to walk quaint Kellogg Park in downtown Plymouth. Approximately 75 trees have been decorated by the local businesses, clubs and families for your viewing pleasure. This exhibit is lit 24 hours from the Saturday after Thanksgiving until Christmas. So bundle up your family and start a new family tradition!

Heritage Holidays  | Ray Township

Friday and Saturday evenings, December 5 & 6, 12 & 13, 19 & 20, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Wolcott Mill Metropark Historic Center, 64000 Knustman Road, Ray 48096

This special celebration is something the whole family is sure to love. You can enjoy a stroll through the park admiring all of the holiday decorations and twinkling lights. Stop by and visit Santa in the mill and make a festive holiday craft. Don’t forget your blankets to snuggle up with while riding a horse-drawn wagon. Warm up with a delicious cup of hot chocolate by the bonfire. Ready to make a holiday memory with your loved ones?

 The Big, Bright Light Show | Rochester

{Debut} November 23th – January 3rd, all weekends in January

You are invited to brighten your holidays in downtown Rochester with The Big, Bright Light Show, celebrating its 10th Anniversary! The buildings in downtown Rochester will be covered with more than 1 million points of glimmering holiday light. As a BONUS, the lights will continue through all weekends in January, through the Fire & Ice Festival.

Gibraltar Christmas Parade, Tree Lighting + Kids Christmas Party | Rockwood

Saturday, December 5, Parade starting at 5:30 p.m.

Starting at City Hall and ending at the Community Center 

The Beautification and Recreation Commission will be hosting their annual Christmas Parade, Tree Lighting and Christmas Party party for the kids. 

Tree Lighting + Holiday Party | Romeo

Friday, December 4, 7:00 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Main Street to Romeo Village Park  

Free |Kick off the official Christmas Season with the annual tree lighting at Romeo Village Park. Immediately following, the Washington Lions invite you to attend a Christmas party including visits with Santa, hot dogs, refreshments and entertainment.

Tree Lighting Ceremony | Royal Oak

Thursday, December 3, 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Outside of the Farmer’s Market

Free | Royal Oak’s Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony will include caroling, refreshments, and a special visit from Santa! Hot dogs, hot chocolate & coffee are complimentary. The Farmer’s Market will be also be hosting the Holiday Magic Marketplace, featuring over 60 local artisans and crafters, starting at 4:00 p.m.

Wild Lights at the Detroit Zoo Royal Oak

For 24 Nights| November 20–22 + 27–29 and December 4-6, 11-13, 18-23 + 26-31 | 5:30 – 9 p.m.

Experience the magic of the Detroit Zoo lit up with more than five million LED lights illuminating trees, buildings and more than 100 animal sculptures. There will be live entertainment, arts and crafts, ice craving, holiday train displays and an exhibit featuring the Wildlife Photographer of the Year. Seasonal refreshments (wonderfully delicious hot chocolate) will be available for purchase. Photos with Santa “Paws” will be available for purchase until December 23rd. Advance purchase per person/$9, at the gate for ages 2 and up/$11 – purchase tickets here. Parking per car/$6

Saline Tree Lighting Ceremony | Saline

Tuesday, December 1, 7:00 p.m.

In Front of Key Bank, corner of Michigan Ave. and North Ann Arbor Street

Free | This tree lighting ceremony will bring joy to all with a Christmas Carol sing-a-long, hot chocolate to warm your soul, and delicious cookies. 

Christmas Aglow Tree Lighting | Shelby Township

Thursday, December 3, 7:00 p.m.

Shelby Township Municipal Grounds

Free | Christmas Aglow is one of the oldest and largest events in Shelby Township.  Santa will light the town tree, and then make his way to the historic Hope Chapel where he will join Mrs. Claus to hear the children’s holiday wish lists. There will be arts & crafts for the kids and horse-drawn carriage rides. The Shelby Township Lions Club will provide coffee & cookies. Don’t forget to stop by the campfire to warm up and roast marshmallows. The Eisenhower High School Choir will perform.

A Sterling Christmas | Sterling Heights

Saturday, December 5, 5:45 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Recreation Center/Dodge Park, 40620 Utica Road, Sterling Heights

Free | This family fun holiday event – in its 39th year – is filled with caroling and holiday music,  horse-drawn carriage rides, wagon + pony rides, a petting farm, campfires, the annual tree lighting ceremony, refreshments and more!

Christmas Tree Lighting + Holiday Sing-Along | Taylor

Wednesday, December 9, 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Taylor Conservatory on Northline Road, east of Pardee Road, next to Heritage ark Petting Farm 

Free | You’ll love this old-fashioned Christmas tree light ceremony that will light up a 20-foot Christmas Tree under the conservatory dome.  Enjoy singing your favorite Christmas songs inside the Petting Farm Visitors center while sipping on hot cocoa and cider. 

City of Troy Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony | Troy

Wednesday, December 2, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

City Hall

Free | Begin this event with your favorite Christmas carols led by Athens High School Choir. Genisys Credit Union will be providing sweet treats and hot cocoa to all. Santa will make his grand entrance with the help of Troy High Colt Drumline. Make sure you bundle up and join him for the annual Christmas tree Lighting. 

Tree Lighting Ceremony | Warren

Saturday, December 5, 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

City Square

Free | You’ll enjoy a day of ice skating absolutely free! If you don’t have skates, don’t worry – rent them for $3. Stop by the petting zoo to see your favorite animals. Photos with Santa and see live reindeer with your own two eyes. Other activities include an ornament give-a-way, caroling, horse-drawn carriage rides, stage entertainment and hot chocolate to warm up. If you’re stopping to see Santa, please support the Salvation Army and bring a canned food item. 

Waterford Tree Lighting + Santa Celebration | Waterford

Tuesday, December 1, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. 

Waterford Town Hall
5200 Civic Center Drive, Waterford

Free |  Grab a non-perishable food item or unwrapped toy and head down to Waterford Township Hall. Get ready for cookie decorating, visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus, children’s crafts and performances by Waterford Mott Jazz band and Pontiac-Waterford Big Chief Chorus. Refreshments will be sold.

Holiday Fest + Mill Lighting | Westland

Saturday, December 12, 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.

$3/adults, $6/children, 3 & under Free |  This 28th annual Annual Mill Lighting will add more lights to the already beautiful and festive Hines Drive. From 4:00 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. children can make holiday crafts and play games with prizes. Families can participate in holiday games such as “Fruitcake Bowling”, “Candy Cane Scavenger Hunt”, and “Reindeer Antler Wreath Toss”. You can visit Santa Claus. during the Nankin Mills Traditional Mill Lighting and Sing-A-Long.

33175 Ann Arbor Trail, Westland

**No Strollers Please**

*Registration required! Call 734.261.1990 for more information. Limited spots available. 

 Wayne County Lightfest | Westland

November 19st – December 31st (closed December 25th!) | 7 – 10:00 pm (Monday thru Thursday) 6:00 – 10:00 pm (Friday thru Sunday)

$5 a vehicle. Enjoy this drive through an animated holiday lighting display along Hines Drive, featuring more than 1 million lights!  Visit Santa’s Workshop at the end of Warrendale Park starting November 19th until December 23rd.  Don’t forget to bring your letter to Santa, you can drop it in the giant mailbox!

Wixom Tree Lighting  | Wixom

Friday, December 4, 6:15 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

49015 Pontiac Trail, Wixom 

Free | Walled Lake Western’s Band will kick off the holiday festivities.  Sing-a-long with the First Baptist Church as they sing your favorite Christmas carols. Don’t forget to visit Santa and his reindeer during this event. Light refreshments will be served. 




Annual KindleFest + Children’s Lantern Parade | Ann Arbor

December 4th, Parade 6:30 p.m. {Festivities from 10 a.m. – midnight with the Outdoor Market from 6  – 10 p.m. Lanterns for sale, 4:00 p.m.}

Free | Kerrytown District’s annual outdoor holiday market featuring local and regional artists and farmers.  Selling hand-crafted holiday goods and unique holiday gifts.  Enjoy live music and fire pits to keep you warm.  Along with a warming tent, s’more roasting and a Lantern Parade in the Kerrytown neighborhood.  Stores also feature Midnight Madness, open from 10 am to midnight! Bring your own lantern, or purchase one for $10 to have your child participate in illuminating the neighborhood.

Hometown Holiday Light Parade | Chelsea

Saturday, December 5, 6:00 p.m.

Free | The 11th annual parade, featuring dozens of lighted floats and vehicles, marching bands & Santa!

**NEW ROUTE: Parade starts at Chelsea State Bank’s south-end lot (corner of M52 and Old US12) and proceeds down Main St. to Jackson Street. The parade will end South of the Rail Road tracks at Jackson Street.

Holiday Lights Parade | Clarkston

Saturday, December 12, 6:00 p.m.

Starting at Renaissance High School/Community Education Building, 6558 Waldon Road, Clarkston, 48348

Free | This year’s theme is “Robots Invade the Holiday Parade”. Enjoy this event as it travels through downtown Clarkston. Tree Lighting & Santa visit immediately following at Depot Park. Please visit the above link for parade route and parking information.

Light Up the Grand | Farmington 

Saturday, December 5, 5:00 p.m.

Downtown; find your spot between Warner St. and Wilmarth St.

Free | Spectacular display of lights, music, dancing & floats. Follow Santa’s sleigh to the tree lighting!

*Canned goods will be collected by the Goodfellows along the parade route.

Santaland Parade | Garden City

Saturday, November 28, 10:00 a.m.

Starts at Garden City High School, 6500 Middlebelt Road, Garden City

Free | The 55th annual Santaland Parade! The theme is “Christmas in the Mitten”. Garden City resident and UofM Softball player Kelsey Susalla will serve as Grand Marshall. The parade route ends at the Garden City Town Center, where a post-parade event will be held for all!

Orion Area Lighted Parade | Lake Orion

Saturday, December 5, 6:00 p.m.

Downtown Lake Orion

Free | A community-wide event, taking place every year in the heart of Lake Orion. Floats and vehicles display brightly colored lights, marching bands feature holiday music, and community groups proudly march down the street. Santa joins the event in his sleigh! Fun for all ages.

Chamber Christmas Parade | Milan

Saturday, December 5, 6:00 p.m. {Festivities begin @4 p.m. in Tolan Square}

Downtown Milan

Free | Join thousands of spectators along Main and Wabash Streets for this annual event! This year’s theme is “Winter Wonderland”. Santa will ride into town on the Boogie Woogie Choo Choo Train, and will visit with children at the Milan Fire Station. Food vendors, a greens market and a firepit will be featured. Tree lighting to follow!

Huron Valley Annual Christmas Parade | Milford

Saturday, November 28, 10:00 a.m.

Downtown Milford

Free | The Huron Valley Annual Christmas Parade features more than 40 floats and attractions. Santa will cap off the event with a special message for all!

Holiday Extravaganza Parade | Pontiac

Saturday, December 5, 11:00 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Downtown Pontiac

Free | This event, in its 34th year, features professional Parade Company floats and over 100 of your favorite costumed characters! Marching bands, dancers, and fire trucks will be featured as well. Join in the fun from Cesar E. Chavez Avenue to the Pontiac City Square.

Hometown Christmas Parade | Rochester

Sunday, December 6, 2:00 p.m.

Downtown Rochester

Free | The largest Christmas parade in Michigan! This year’s theme is “The Sounds of Christmas”. Santa & Mrs. Claus will join in the fun, and will feature numerous activities in Santa’s Warming Tent.

*Free shuttle service available, beginning at 12:15 p.m. Please see above link for more details*

Holiday Parade | Saline

Saturday, December 5, 5:30 p.m.

Downtown Saline

Free | The 40th annual parade’s theme is “Sights and Sounds of Christmas”. 23 floats, 47 walking groups, 8 performing groups and 27 animals will be featured!


Holiday Festivities


Belle Isle Holiday Stroll | Belle Isle

Friday, December 11th, 2015, 5- 8p.m.

Free |Explore the Conservatory, Aquarium & Dossin Great Lakes Museum with family & friends! Enjoy holiday music, free mulled cider & Dutch Girl Donuts at the Conservatory, or cocoa cookies and crafts at the Dossin. *Bring a new teddy bear to donate to the Michigan State Police “Trooper Teddy” Program, or a new toy for “Toys for Tots”* An event for all ages!

Friendship Church Living Nativity| Canton

Sunday, December 13 at 4:30 pm – 8:30 pm

1240 N. Beck Rd, Canton, Corner of Beck and Saltz Roads

Free | The Living Nativity is a FREE event that is an outside guided walking tour that will transport you back to ancient Bethlehem and Jesus’ birth with costumed actors and with live animals. 

Christmas on the Waterloo Farm | Chelsea 

December 5th – 6th, Saturday 10:00 am – 4:00 pm | Sunday noon – 4 pm

Annual tours of the ten-room farmhouse, log house, Dewey School and other outbuildings.  Free refreshments and live music.  Located at Pierce Park.

Cost | $5 adults | $2 ages 5-12 | FREE 5 and under | no charge for Waterloo Area Historical Society members

Live Nativity & Community Advent Night | Clarkston

Clarkston United Methodist Church, 6600 Waldon, Clarkston

Wednesday, December 2nd 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Free| Dinner, petting zoo, Christmas carol sing-along, cookies & hot cocoa. All are welcome!

Christmas Story Express| Clarkston

Brigewood Church, 6765 Rattalee Lake Road, Clarkston

December 4th – 6th, 5:30 – 8:30 pm

Free|A drive-through narrated version of the Christmas story featuring over 150 live characters, animals and a beautiful light display. All are welcome.

Holidays in Henry Ford Museum | Dearborn

November 27th, 2015 – January 3rd, 2016 | Santa Hours 10 am – 4 pm Monday – Friday | 9:30 am – 5 pm Saturday + Sunday

This fantastic holiday event includes a giant Christmas tree, trains + Santa! 

Cost | $18 adults | $13.50 ages 5-12 | FREE 4 and under & members |$6 parking

Holidays Nights in Greenfield Village  | Dearborn

December 4-6, 11-13, 17-23 and 26-28th, 2015 | 6:30 – 10 pm

Your family is sure to enjoy a lantern lit walk through the village with live music, skating, fireworks, Santa with his reindeer and more!

Cost | $24 adults | $18 ages 5-12 | FREE 4 and under |$6 parking

Holiday Sunday Street Market | Eastern Market

Sundays: November 29th, December 6th & December 13th | 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Free | Your chance to SHOP LOCAL! Be sure to check out the sheds, district shops & new wall art throughout the Market.

Noel Nights | Midtown Detroit

Saturday, December 5, 2015: 5:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.

Free | Enjoy the 43rd annual Noel Night in Detroit’s Midtown District. There will be over 70 institutions, including the Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit Public Library, Michigan Science Center and many more opening their doors for an evening filled with holiday fun! You’ll love the horse-drawn carriage rides, holiday shopping, activities for the whole family and performances by over 200-area music, theatre, and dance group. The list of performers is absolutely amazing! Click above for a complete list.

Round your evening out with a community sing-along on Woodward Avenue led by the Salvation Army Band {a long-standing Noel Night tradition}. 

Kwanzaa Celebration at the Wright Museum | Detroit

Saturday, December 26 – Thursday, December 31, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.

Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History, 315 E. Warren Ave

Free | This annual event will bring four days of unique activities your whole family is bound to love! You can come indulge in the rich cultural heritage through storytelling, musical performances, and a Kwanzaa marketplace.

Campus Martius Park | Detroit

November 20 – January 2 : 11:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.

Who doesn’t love a skating rink right in the middle of downtown? A little Christmas gem!

Campus Martius is known as one of the best skating rinks in the Metro Detroit area and is sure to amaze you. Twinkling lights and a beautiful 60-foot Christmas tree surrounds the rink

It will be an absolutely magical experience for the whole family! Skate up to the Rink Side Bar to sip on a delicious beverage. From Monday to Thursday you can skate from 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. The hours are extended on Friday (11:00 a.m. to midnight) and Saturday (10:00 a.m. to midnight). Sunday you can skate from noon to 8:00 p.m. Admission prices: adults (13-49)/$8, child (12 and under)/$7, seniors (50 & older)/$7

If you don’t have your own skates, don’t worry – you can rents skates for $3. Don’t forget to snuggle up and enjoy a nostalgic carriage ride around Campus Martius, Friday through Sunday.

Holly Days | Farmington

Saturday, December 5, 10:00 – 6:00 p.m.

Downtown Farmington

Free | Enjoy the sweet sound of carolers while sampling freshly baked cookies while sipping delicious hot chocolate. You can bring your family to the historic Farmington Civic for a FREE viewing of two movies (surprise popular winter princess movie and Ice Age: A Mammoth Christmas). Make your way to Santa’s Headquarters (Baker’s Studio, 33316 Grand River) to tell Santa exactly what you want for Christmas and receive a free photo with him from 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Christmas at Crossroads Holiday Magic  | Flint

November 27-29, December 4-6, 11-13, 18-20, 22, 23, 26-27, 29-30 (Drive through ONLY nights :: December 7, 14, 21, 24, 28) | 5 – 9 pm |Christmas Departures :: 5:00, 5:50, 6:40, 7:30 pm {additional trains available!} 

Crossroads Village & Huckleberry Railroad

Costumed villagers prepare for the holiday season in the Village.  The Colwell Opera House presents live entertainment and Santa Claus!  Featuring model trains, craft demos, holiday music and thousands of lights sparkle through the village and a nighttime train ride!

Cost | Village tickets $8 – $10, Combo Village + Train tickets $10 – $13

Journey to Bethlehem  | Grand Blanc

Friday-Sunday, December 11-13, 2015 | Friday, 6-8 p.m., Saturday & Sunday, 3-6 p.m.

Faith Lutheran Church, 12534 Holly Road, Grand Blanc, 48439

Free | This event – celebrating its 10th year – is a guided walk-through story of the first Christmas. Join shepherds and wise men, meet kings and prophets in the marketplace, witness the birth of Jesus, and stay for some cookies and treats!

Winter Wonderland at the Ford House Grosse Pointe Shores

December 4th, 5th, 11th, 12th, 18th, 19th, 26th, 2015 | 5 – 8 pm

Edsel and Eleanor Ford House

$10, add $5 for a candlelight stroll through the house

Dickens Festival | Holly 

November 28th, 29th & December 5-6, 12-13

Free | Holly’s Victorian architecture comes alive in its 42nd annual Dickens Festival.  Featuring Characters from Dickens’ Novels, music from the Festival Singers, crafts and pictures with Santa!

Winter Fantasyland | Lincoln Park

November 25, 2015 – December 24, 2015 | Wednesday – Friday, 4 – 8 p.m. Saturday – Sunday, 2 – 8 p.m.

*December 24, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

$1 Admission  

Lincoln Park Bandshell, 3240 Ferris Ave, Lincoln Park

The Greenmead Historical Park Livonia

Livonia Christmas Walk | December 5, 2015 | 10:00 am – 4:00 pm 27th annual Christmas Walk along with the Simmons/Hill House at Greenmead tour 5 homes within Livonia.  Advance tickets are $9, on the day of the event $10.

Christmas Tea at Blue House | December 12, 2015 | 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm | Advance tickets $25

A Visit with Santa| December 6th | 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm | $3 Adult + $2 Children

Crocker House Museum |  Mount Clemens

Victorian Christmas Wassail & Bazaar | December 13th, 2015 | 12: 15 p.m. or 3:15 p.m. | Tickets $25/$30 |*reservations required

Create a Christmas Memory: Art, Trains & History in Mt. Clemens | December 6th, 2015 | 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. |Entrance fee at each location visited: Anton Art Center, Crocker House Museum & the Mount Clemens Depot.

Christmas Carols & Afternoon Tea | December 20th, 2015 | 1 p.m. | Tickets $35/$40 |* reservations required

Holiday Walk at Meadow Brook Hall | Rochester

Friday, November 27 – Tuesday, December 23, 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Meadow Brook Hall, 480 South Adams Road, Rochester

Admission is $20 for adults and $5 for 17 & under. Children 2 and under are free. OU staff (with ID) pay $12 and OU students (with ID) pay $5.| Celebrate the 44th annual Holiday Walk in this 110-room Tudor-revival style mansion beautifully decorated with historic and holiday treasure. This is a National Historic Landmark you don’t want to miss seeing during the holiday season.

Extended Holiday Hours at the DIA | Detroit

Saturday December 26th – Wednesday December 30th |  10 a.m. – 7 p.m.

Detroit Institute of Arts
5200 Woodward Avenue, Detroit

Bring your family & friends to the DIA for extended holiday hours this season! Shop the Museum Shop, or see the “30 Americans” exhibit.




Ann Arbor Ice Cube Ann Arbor

2121 Oak Valley Drive

Open Skate

Monday, Wednesday, Friday – 6:00 a.m. – 7:50 a.m., 10:30 a.m. – 11:50 a.m. | Tuesday, Thursday – 10:30 a.m. – 11:50 a.m. | Saturday – 12:00 p.m. – 1:20 p.m., 5:30 p.m. – 6:50 p.m. | Sunday – 1:00 p.m. – 2:20 p.m.

Adults/$4, Children (12 & under) & Seniors/$3 | Skate rental $3

Birmingham Carriage Rides | Downtown Birmingham

Carriages load at the corner of Henrietta & Merrill

Weekends from November 25 – December 19, 2015


Mt. Brighton | Brighton

Ski and Snowboard Season Open now!

Be sure to check snow conditions + lift status before you head out!  | Weekdays :: 10 am – close | Weekends :: 9 am – close

$27-$61 lift tickets | Rentals available | Check current rates here. | Ask for Pre-season rates if it is still early!

Artic Edge Ice Arena  | Canton

46615 Michigan Ave.

Open Skate

Check here for schedule

Adults/$5, kids (ages 14 and under)/$3 | Skate rental/$3

Artic Coliseum Arena | Chelsea

 501 Coliseum Drive

Click here for 2015-16 hours – the hours vary day-to-day

Weekends & non-school days: adults/$5, kids (under age 14)/$4 | Mondays – Fridays (when school is in session): adults & kids/$3 | Skate rental – $3

Pine Knob | Clarkston

Ski and Snowboard Season Open!

Be sure to check snow conditions + lift status before heading out to the powdery hills! | Weekdays :: 10 am – 10 pm | Weekends :: 9 am – 11 pm

$24-$55 lift tickets | Rentals available | Check current rates here. | Ask for Pre-season rates if it is still early!

Ice Skating at Campus Martius | Detroit

Campus Martius Park was designed to be the central square of Detroit.  During the winter months the offers a venue for ice skating, and the nearby cafe offers hot chocolate to keep Detroiters warm and toasty.  The rink opens officially after the Tree-Lighting Ceremony.

Ice Skating Season November 21, 2014– January 3, 2015 | See Schedule HERE

Adults (13-49 years) $8 | Child (12 & under) $7 | Seniors (50 & older) $7 | Skate Rental $3 | Shoe Check available for people with their own skates $2 | Skate Sharpening $5 | Monthly Skate Pass $30

Riley Park Ice Rink | Downtown Farmington

Outdoor skating this winter in Downtown Farmington! FREE to the public!  They encourage a little donation, there is a secure donation box on site. 

Open Daily, Weather Permitting | 8:30 am – 10 pm Sunday – Thursday | 8:30 am – 11 pm Friday + Saturday


Mt. Holly | Holly

Ski and Snowboard Season Open!

Be sure to check snow conditions + lift status before heading out to the powdery hills!  | Weekdays :: 10 am – 10 pm | Weekends :: 9 am – 11 pm

$27-$55 lift tickets | Rentals available | Check current rates here. | Ask for Pre-season rates if it is still early!

Anton Art Center Christmas Market Mount Clemens

Shop for unique gifts my Michigan artists, and check out the decorated trees

Sundays November 13th thru December 20th | 10 am – 5 pm Tuesdays – Thursdays and Saturdays | 10 am – 6 pm Fridays | noon to 4 pm Sundays


Lakeland Hockey Arena  Waterford

7330 Highland Road

Public Skating. Please click here for daily schedule.

$4/person with skate rental available

Alpine Valley Ski Area  White Lake

Ski and Snowboard Season Open!

Be sure to check snow conditions + lift status before heading out to the powdery hills!  | Weekdays :: 10 am – 10 pm | Weekends :: 9 am – 11 pm

$34-$50 lift tickets | Rentals available | Check current rates here. | Ask for Pre-season rates if it is still early! 




Cookies with Santa | Shelby Township

December 12th | 10 am – 12 pm

Childtime Center, 5959 24 Mile Rd, Shelby Township

Get a photo taken with Santa by Wildflower Photography, hang with the Snow Queen and her lovely sister, enjoy delicious snowflake cookies + coffee (for mom and dad) and hot chocolate bar + snacks, write a letter to Santa, make ornaments, facepainting and more… Purchase tickets here

Santa Visits Kerrytown | Ann Arbor

December 5th, 12th + 19th | 10 am – 2 pm

407 N. Fifth Ave, Ann Arbor 

Briarwood Mall | Ann Arbor

Thru December 24, Santa’s hours here!

Make your appointment online now!

100 Briarwood Circle, Ann Arbor

Santa’s Wonderland| Bass Pro Shops, Great Lakes Crossing

4500 Baldwin Road, Auburn Hills

November 15 – December 24, 2015 | see schedule here

FREE photos, games, crafts, carousel rides & more!

Birmingham Santa House  | Downtown Birmingham

November 25 – December 24, 2015 | Weekends, see hours online

$5 donation

Pavilion of Shain Park, West of Birmingham City Hall, 151 Martin Street 

Stars & Stripes Kids Activity Center |Clarkston

4630 White Lake Road, Clarkston

December 5th- 6th, 11th, 18th-19th | Call to register, space limited: 248/625-3547

“Visit With Santa Claus”: $33/family which includes unlimited pictures with Santa in a cozy, winter wonderland setting. Bring your letter for Santa to read, and receive reindeer food direct from the North Pole. All ages welcome. *Must pre-register*

Holidays in Henry Ford Museum | Dearborn

A giant Christmas tree, trains + Santa!

November 27th, 2015 – January 3rd 2016 | Santa Hours 10 am – 4 pm Monday – Friday | 9:30 am – 5 pm Saturday + Sunday

$20 adults | $15 ages 5-12 | FREE 4 and under

20900 Oakwood Blvd., Dearborn

Fairlane Mall  | Dearborn

Thru December 24, Santa’s hours online !

*Santa breaks from 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

18900 Michigan Ave., Dearborn

A Visit with Santa at the Greenmead Historical Park | Livonia

December 6, 2015 | 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

$3 Adult | $2 Children

20501 Newburgh Rd., Livonia

Laurel Park Place | Livonia

Thru December 24 | Monday – Saturday: 10:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.  | Sunday: Noon – 6:00 p.m.

Check the website for scheduled breaks

37700 Six Mile Rd., Livonia

Santa Visits Maybury Farm | Northville 

Saturday & Sunday, December 5, 6, 12, 13, 19 and 20, 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Warm + Cozy Welcome Center, Maybury Farm, 50165 Eight Mile Road, Northville

Bring your cameras to take photos with Santa!

“Christmas Impossible”| Northville

Saturday & Sunday | December 5 – December 20

$17 Children | $20 Adults 

*Photos available with Santa after Children’s Lunch Theater

Genitti’s Hole in the Wall Theater 108 East Main Street, Northville

Santa’s Sleepy Storytime | Novi 

December 12, 2015, 6 – 7:30 p.m., Novi Civic Center

$5/person, must pre-register here

Twelve Oaks Mall | Novi 

Thru December 24, 2014, Holiday Mall Hours with breaks

{Ice Palace featuring Frozen} 

27500 Novi Road, Novi

Heritage Days at Wolcott Mill Historic Center  | Ray Township

Friday and Saturday evenings | December 4 & 5, 11 & 12, 18 & 19 | 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

$5 Per Person

Wolcott Mill Metropark Historic Center, 64000 Knustman Road, Ray

Kris Kringle Market | Downtown Rochester

Friday, December 5, 4:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m., Saturday, December 6, noon – 10:00 p.m.

West Fourth Street between Walnut and Main streets, Rochester

The Village | Downtown Rochester Hills

View Santa’s Schedule here

Don’t forget your camera! You can get your own picture absolutely FREE!

104 N Adams Rd, Rochester Hills

Royal Oak Farmers Market | Royal Oak

Thursday, December 4, 4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. | Santa to arrive around 6:15 p.m.

316 E. 11 Mile Rd., Royal Oak

Detroit Zoo | Royal Oak

Saturdays, December 5, 12 & 19 | 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

Buffet style breakfast with Santa and a few of his animal friends

$25/30 Adult | $20/25 Children 14 and under 

8450 W. 10 Mile Road, Royal Oak

Lakeside Mall Sterling Heights

Thru December 24| Check here for hours

Lower Level in Center Court, 14000 Lakeside Circle, Sterling Heights

Oakland Mall | Troy

Thru December 23, Mondays – Sundays, 10:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.

*December 24, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Make sure you check the times Santa takes a break!

Lower Level JCPenney, Oakland Mall, 412 W. 14 Mile Road, Troy

The Somerset Collection | Troy

Thru December 24, 2014, 8:00 a.m. (daily) until the mall closes

Holiday Hours

2800 W. Big Beaver, Troy

Waterford Tree Lighting | Waterford

Tuesday, December 1, 2015, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 pm.

Waterford Town Hall, 5200 Civic Center Drive

Westland Shopping Center | Westland

Thru December 24, 2014

One hour after the mall open to one hour before the mall closes.

Mall hours here

Check out the Santa Fast pass here!




Rainforest Café | Auburn Hills

Saturday, December 12th & 19th

4310 Baldwin Road, Auburn Hills 

6th Annual Lunch with Santa at Antonio’s | Canton & Dearborn

December 5th & 6th (Canton), December 13th (Dearborn Heights) | Two seatings: 11:00 a.m. & 1:00 p.m.

2220 N. Canton Center Rd. or 26356 Ford Rd., Dearborn Heights

Breakfast with Santa at Comfort Inn + Village Conference Center  | Chelsea

Festivities include seasonal entertainment and Santa arrives on a fire engine!  Luminaries on Main Street, visit with Santa and Santa’s Workshop, Live Nativity Scene with live animals and Christmas choir, Common Chords Concert, cookie decoration and story telling!

December 5,  2015

8:30 am – 10:30 pm


Holiday Nights Supper with Santa Package at Greenfield Village Dearborn

Following your horse-drawn wagon ride to a A Taste of History Restaurant, enjoy a festive family buffet with a visit from Santa.  Followed by Holiday Nights through the Village.

December 4-6, 11-13 + 17-23rd, 2015

4:45 – 6:30 pm dinner | 6:30 – 10 pm

Starting at $48 adults | $33.75 ages 5-12 | $15, 4 and under

20900 Oakwood Boulevard, Dearborn

Saturday Santa Brunch at The Whitney Detroit

Saturday, December 5th & 12th at 10:00 a.m.

Adults $29 | 10 and under $19

4421 Woodward Ave, Detroit

Brunch with Santa at the “Snake” | Detroit

Sunday, December 13th at 11:00 a.m. – 2:0 p.m.

Adult $35 | 12 -4yr. $15 |under 4, FREE

Rattlesnake Club
300 River Place Dr. Detroit 

Adams/Butzel Complex Jack Adams Ice Arena | Detroit

December 12th -13th at 9:30 a.m.

$8/person which includes letter to Santa, craft, face painting, ice skating & more.

Kulick Community Center Ferndale

Saturday, December 5, 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

1201 Livernois

Register by calling 248.544.6767

Breakfast with Santa at Grosse Point War Memorial Grosse Point

December 6, 12 & 13 | 10:30 a.m. – noon

Per person $20

32 Lakeshore Drive

Make sure you register here. 

Howell Conference & Nature Center | Howell

Saturday, December 5, 6, 12, 19 & 20 at 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.

Adults/$8, kids/$6, children 2 and under/FREE

1005 Triangle Lake Road

Breakfast with Santa at Canterbury Village | Lake Orion

November 29th, December 5th, 13th, 20th, 2015

Register ASAP: 248/391-1900 | $15.95/adults, $10.95/kids under 11, 2 & under: FREE

Thomas Dining Livonia

December 12-13th | seating times begin at 9 a.m.

Sacred Heart Banquet & Conference Center

Child (3-11yrs) $15 | Adult (12 & older) $17 | two and under FREE

Click here for reservations, space is limited

29125 W. Six Mile Road

Dave & Buster’s Breakfast with Santa| Livonia

Saturday, December 19, 8:00 a.m.

19375 Victor Pkwy

Call 734.452.4608 for tickets!

Pancake Breakfast with Santa New Baltimore

New Baltimore Fire Department

Sunday, November 29th at 8:00 a.m.

36535 Green St.

Breakfast with Santa at Macy’s {Twelve Oaks Mall} | Novi

December 5 – 20, weekends only, 9:00 a.m.

27550 Novi Road

Adults $21.95 | Kids (under 10) $14.95 | Under 1 Free

Dinner with Santa at Macy’s {Twelve Oaks Mall} | Novi

December 17th, 6 p.m.

27550 Novi Road

Adults $24.95 | Kids (under 10)  $15.95 | under 1 Free

Annual Brunch with Santa at Boulder Pointe Golf Club Oxford

Sunday, December 13th at 10:00 a.m.

Adults $17.95 | ages 10 to 4 $12.95 | 4 and under FREE

Dinner with Santa at Wild Lights | Royal Oak

December 18th – 19th, 2015 | 6 – 7:30 p.m. |$39/adults (15 & up), $34/children

Detroit Zoo

Celebrate the season with a feast in the Wildlife Interpretive Gallery. The buffet-style dinner includes a special gift for each child, arts & crafts, storytime and a visit from Santa. Admission to Wild Lights included as well. Tickets required, seating limited.

Breakfast with Santa | Shelby Township

Saturday, December 5 at 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.

51670 Van Dyke, 1 light north of 23 Mile Road

Resident $7| Non-resident $14

Bring your camera and wish list!

Macy’s – Lakeside Sterling Heights

December 12-13, 19- 20 at 9:00 a.m.

 14200 Lakeside Circle

Adults $21.95 | Kids (under 10) $14.95 | under 1 Free

Macy’s Somerset Collection | Troy

December 5-6th, 13th & 20th at 9:00 a.m. 

2750 W. Big Beaver Road

Adults $21.95 | Kids (under 10) $14.95 | under 1 Free

 Macy’s – Oakland Mall  | Troy

December 13th at 9:00 a.m.

500 West 14 Mile Road

Adults $21.95 | Kids (under 10) $14.95 | under 1 Free

Breakfast with Santa – Granite City | Troy

Sunday, December 13, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

699 West Big Beaver Road

Reservations suggested. 

Dave & Buster’sUtica

Saturday, December 13, 10:00 a.m.

45511 Park Avenue

Adults $12.99 | Child $17.99 (includes $5 power cord)

Wixom Community Center  | Wixom

Saturday, December 13th at 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

For children under 10 years old (Wixom residents only) 

Registration deadline is December 3.


Christmas Tree Farms


Braun’s Tree Farm | Ann Arbor | 796 Warren Road | F-Sun – 10 a.m. – dark

Lodi Farms | Ann Arbor | 2880 South Wagner Road | M-F 9  a.m. – 6 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Blake Farms Orchard + Cider Mill | Armada | 17985 Armada Center Road | 8 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. (daily)

Urquhart’s Tree Farm | Chelsea | 10050 Jerusalem Road |  Wed. + Thurs. 3 – 5 p.m, Fri. noon-5 p.m., Sat. + Sun. 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Hodgson Tree Farm | Clarkston | 5461 Whipple Lake Road | Weekdays by appointment, Weekends 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Ratalee Lake Tree Farm | Clarkston | 7650 Ratalee Lake Road | Daily 10 a.m. – dark

Runyan’s Tree Farm | Clio | 10235 N. Webster Road | Weds – Fri – 9 a.m. – dark

Westman’s Tree Farm | Dexter | 8000 Chamberlin Road | Mon-Thurs – 3:30 – dark, Fri – Sat – 9 a.m. – dark

Top Hill Farms | Goodrich | 5767 Fox Lake Road | Weekdays – 1 – 5 p.m., Weekends – 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Arend Tree Farms | Grass Lake (village) | 3512 Notten Road | 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. (daily)

Middle Road Tree Farm | Highland | 4235 Middle Road | 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. (daily)

Broadview Christmas Tree Farm | Highland | 4380 N. Hickory Ridge Road | Daily 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Middle Road Christmas Tree Farm | Highland | 4235 Middle Road | Daily 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Stanczyk Tree Farm | Holly | 7355 Fish Lake Road | Sat. + Sun. 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Trim Pines Farm | Holly | 4357 E. Baldwin Road | Check website

Cohoctah Meadow Tree Farms | Howell | 11450 Durand Road | Sat. + Sun. 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Huron Christmas Farm & Nursery | Huron Township | 32120 King Road | 9 a.m. – dark

Matthews Evergreen Farm | Ida | 13416 Lulu Road | 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. (daily)

Ryan’s Nursery | Ida | 7258 Jackmen Road | Weekdays – 3 p.m. – dark, Weekends – 9 a.m. – dark

Huron Christmas Tree Farm | New Boston | 32120 King Road | Daily 9 a.m. – dark

Addison Oaks Christmas Tree Farm | Oakland | 355 Lake George Road | Weekdays noon – 5 p.m., Weekends 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. 

Candy Cane Christmas Tree Farm | Oxford | 4780 Seymour Lake Road | 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Hillside Christmas Tree Farm | Tipton | 4714 Michigan Ave | Sat – Sun – 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.


We want to know, what are you planning on doing with the family this holiday season?


Transitioning to Solids: What You Should Know

I couldn’t wait for the day that my daughter began her transition from milk to solid food– to see the expressions of interest, excitement, even disgust. I couldn’t wait to watch my baby experience food, especially since it is something I love so much. But, I worried; I am a mother after all.  

I have read the news about childhood obesity, and childhood diabetes rates increasing in America. Then there are the more immediate concerns: allergies, choking, etc. You know the questions, I’m sure you’ve thought them too. The only thing I knew for sure is that every baby develops at slightly different rates, and has different preferences. On to the adventure of learning about my own baby.


Baby Led Weaning (BLW)

I admit, I’m a crunchy mom. I’ve personally tried it all. I’ve been vegan, Paleo, even gluten free for a short time. So it shouldn’t be a surprise that I tried BLW first. “Baby Led Weaning, quite simply, means letting your child feed themselves from the very start of weaning,” according the site www.babyledweaning.com (which has lots of resources and tips.) I thought, “great! This is the most ‘natural’ approach, isn’t it? I mean people didn’t have high powered blenders 100 years ago, and their babies learned to eat!” What I had forgotten: my reasoning was the same I used when I began to eat Paleo. Neither experience lasted very long, because I hadn’t fully thought things through. I learned, through experience, what works with the lifestyle of my family.

This is how it went: One morning, at almost 6 months, my excitement to feed baby L was so great that I couldn’t wait any longer. I cooked a sweet potato, let it cool, and gave it to her in a chunk to gnaw on. ”Babies will not choke,” they said. “They will not eat a lot, but just gnaw to get the hang of things,” they said. Well, not my baby. She wanted sweet potato, and she wanted it in her belly, now! I quickly removed the chunk from her hands and mouth when she began gagging. I couldn’t wait to see if she was going to figure out how to fix it herself.


Dr. Sears Method

I quickly re-analyzed the situation and went back to Google. Dr. Sears came up next. His baby-feeding technique involved mashing food, unlike BLW (but not to the extent of puree), and feeding baby with your own fingers, instead of using a spoon. 

This is how it went: I took the sweet potato and mashed it with the back of a fork, making a lumpy paste on the tray in front of her. I picked it up with my clean hands, and put it in her mouth. She looked disgusted. I watched in amazement, and tried giving her a little more. She was interested. After a few bites, she seemed to be enjoying herself. success! 

I tried the same approach, following the recommended 3-4 day waiting period before trying another food. In the same fashion, baby L has tried banana, peas, carrots, broccoli, avocado, peaches, pears and black beans and more.  As soon as she starts playing with the food, or looking around, I know meal time is over, which prevents most food-flinging.


  • Every day, for three meals, my baby is a huge mess! After buckling her in each meal, I put a tea towel over her lap and around her waist, snap on a bib, and roll up her sleeves. You see, rather than feeding with a spoon from a jar, most of the time, baby’s food is directly on her tray.
  • After each meal, I wipe off her hands, mouth, shirt, chair, tray, and sometimes floor and wall.  
  • I also have more time put into meal prep since I make the food myself, which means, of course…
  • More dishes– pots and pans, as well as food storage devices. 


  • At 7.5 months old, baby L let me know that she was ready to take more control. She is beginning to feed herself avocado, pear and squash. Other foods are too messy, even for me, or too difficult for her to grasp and I continue to feed her with a spoon. But, I am so proud of her for the effort she puts in, and the independence she is gaining!
  • I haven’t priced everything out, but another positive factor is cost. This weekend I made broccoli and apple mix, which cost about $.32 per container.
  • I know that the food is fresh when cooked, and has the texture and flavor that I choose.
  • I can add spices or flavors when and where I find appropriate.
  • Finally, the other night, the whole family shared the same meal: sweet potatoes, black beans, avocado (plus seasoning and tortillas for the adults)!  Thus far, this approach is leading to an (crossing my fingers) easy transition to truly solid food. 

Jarred Baby Food

I was less than impressed when my pediatrician handed me a photocopied list of foods and food-types (from puree to food puffs) supplied to her by a well-known baby food/clothing company. I was skeptical. Of course the company wants me to buy their food from infant to toddler! On the other hand, the convenience is there. On a weekend away, I bought jarred food for the sake of convenience (pre-made, disposable, no refrigeration necessary, yes ma’am!). But, it was odd feeding baby L some of the same foods she is used to, in a near-liquid form. For me, that was a sign that I was indeed on the right track toward my own baby-feeding goals. 

What we ended up with: A little of everything.

I heartily admit that my baby-food-philosophy would be different if I was working outside of the home, or if money wasn’t an issue. But one thing I have a lot of is time, and the opposite is true for cash, so this is what works for me! I’ll be following up this post with some recipes and resources on baby food making and storage.

One thing I haven’t learned yet– how to get food stains out of clothes!

What works for you when feeding your little one? Do you wish you had done anything differently? I’d love to learn from your experiences!

Note the empty cereal bowl and full cup of coffee-- Momma's gotta eat too!
Note the empty cereal bowl and full cup of coffee– Momma’s gotta eat too!

2015 Holiday Lights In + Around the D

Holiday Lights4

Auburn Hills Tree Lighting | Auburn Hills

Friday, December 4, 6:00 p.m.

At the corner of Auburn and Squirrel roads, downtown Auburn Hills

Free | This Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony is sure to dazzle the downtown area of Auburn Hills. Enjoy a joyous festival centered around the arrival of Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus and lighting an enormous Christmas tree. Your child can write a letter to Santa and send it to the North Pole by dropping it into Santa’s mail box. Bundle up and take a ride through downtown on a horse drawn carriage. Take the time to send a special note to a soldier and donate hats, scarves and gloves to local charities in need.

Holiday Lights Parade | Berkley

Saturday, December 5, 5:30 p.m.

Free | The celebration starts with free vintage Trolley Rides from 1 – 5 p.m. also enjoy special activities and holiday treats at your favorite Berkley stores and restaurants. Carolers, snow princess and other entertainment with free hot chocolate near some of the trolley stops. There will be a petting zoo at 2 pm at 12 Mile Road and Tyler. The tree lighting ceremony kicks off at 5:30 with a visit from Santa. The evening is complete with Horse-Drawn Carriage Rides (corner of Rosemont & Coolidge). Ticket charge per person/family rate available.

Annual Tree Lighting Celebration | Canton

Wednesday, December 2, 6:00 – 8:30 pm

$5 per family | Along with a visit from Santa the Tree Lighting Festivities include seasonal entertainment, holiday themed crafts and activities! Located at Summit on the Park

Tree Lighting Ceremony | Chelsea

Friday, December 4, 6:00 p.m.

Free | The Rotary Club will kick off this event with a re-dedication of the Pierce Park Gazebo, built by the Chelsea Rotary Club 25 years ago. Sounds of the holiday season will be performed by members of the Chelsea High School Choir followed by the Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony and a visit from the 2014 Chelsea Fair Queen. Don’t forget the big guy in the red suit: Santa will arrive by Chelsea firetruck!

Holiday Lights Night + Parade | Clarkston

Saturday, December 12, 6:00 p.m.

Depot Park, 375 Depot Road, Downtown Clarkston

Free | Kick off the holiday season with the annual Holiday Lights Night! After the parade, join Santa and his reindeer in lighting the tree at Depot Park while enjoying complimentary Kona coffee & Kona Kocoa. Hot dogs, roasted almonds and baked goods available are for purchase as well. Drop off a letter to Santa, visit the live reindeer, and take a photo in front of the glittering tree.

Christmas Aglow | Clinton Township

Saturday, December 5, 6:00 p.m.

Clinton Township Parks and Recreation, Township Gazebo, 40700 Romeo Plank Rd

Free | Kick off the holiday season with this long standing tradition in Clinton Township. Join everyone in the Township Gazebo to see Santa arrive on a fire truck. Visit Candy Can Trail to receive some goodies.

Tree Lighting + Sing-Along | Dearborn

Monday, December 7, 6:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

Ford Community & Performing Arts Center, 15801 Michigan Ave.

Free | This annual Christmas tree lighting and sing-along event will feature visits with Santa and the lighting of the City Christmas tree!

Holiday Nights at Greenfield Village | Dearborn

Friday – Sunday, December 4 – 6, 6:30 – 10:00 p.m. | Friday – Sunday, December 11 – 13, 6:30 – 10:00 p.m. | Thursday – Wednesday, December 17 – 23, 6:30 – 10:00 p.m. | Saturday – Monday, December 26 – 28, 6:30 – 10:00 p.m.

Greenfield Village, 20900 Oakwood Blvd.

Cost – $24/adults, $18/kids ages 5 -12, free/ages 4 and under | Take a night to walk the lantern-lit paths, admire costumed presenters, and watch a spectacular fireworks display that will leave you in the Christmas spirit. Step into the past with everything from the sound of carolers, the scent of roasting chestnuts to the jingle jangle of sleigh bells. What child doesn’t love watching/riding horse drawn wagons and Model T cars? Come enjoy an event voted the Top Holiday Event by USA Today and Reader’s Digest.

Menorah in the D | Detroit

December 6th, 3 – 8 pm

Campus Martius, Detroit

Menorah in the D is a community-wide menorah lighting event in downtown Detroit taking place this Chanukah. This event is full of inspiration and pride for our entire community and local Jewish families throughout Metro-Detroit. The 26 ft Menorah was designed and built by artists Erik & Israel Nordin of the Detroit Design Center in Corktown. Enjoy a concert with the Soul Farm Band along with lots of family fun including strolling jugglers and acrobats, roasting marshmallows, pose with the Detroit Mascot Paws, as well as a free food court serving traditional Chanukah doughnuts called sufganiot, hot soup bar, hot apple cider, snacks and lots more!

Tree Lighting | Farmington

Saturday, December 5, Immediately following the parade

Governor Warner’s Mansion

During Holly Days at the Governor Warner Mansion you’ll enjoy watching the tree-lighting celebration to kick off the holiday season in Farmington. Enjoy listening to carolers and sampling freshly baked cookies while sipping hot chocolate, yum!!!

Tree Lighting | Fraser

Saturday, December 5th, 5:30 p.m.

This event will kick off the holiday season with caroling and your favorite Christmas music, a visit from Santa, holiday treats, and the iconic tree lighting ceremony.

Tree Lighting Ceremony + Holiday Open House | Lake Orion

Saturday, December 5th, 5 p.m.

Downtown Lake Orion

Enjoy this community event with your family followed by the annual lighted parade at 6:00 p.m. in Downtown Lake Orion.

Tree Lighting + Caroling Ceremony | Livonia

December 1, 7:00 p.m.

Located at the Livonia City Hall and Civic Center Library.

This community event features Santa, holiday crafts, magic show and drinks.

Tree Lighting + Afterglow | Macomb Township

December 1, 7:00 p.m., 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.

Holiday Tree Lighting | Madison Heights

Monday, November 23, 6:30

Civic Center Plaza, City Hall, 300 W. 13 Mile Road, Madison Heights

Free | The Mayor will welcome Santa and present him with the key to the city. Watch as Santa and Mrs. Claus turn on the holiday lights for city to see. Come enjoy cookies + cocoa while listening to your favorite holiday music.

Light Up the Night | Novi

Friday, December 4, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.

Novi Civic Center, 45175 Ten Mile Road

Free | Come enjoy an evening of fun roasting marshmallows, ice sculptures, live reindeer, train rides (behind the Civic Center) and FREE refreshments. Don’t miss an appearance by our favorite {jolly} guy, Santa and the main tree lighting event happening at 6:15 p.m. If you want to warm up, step inside to do a little shopping at the craft show. There is something for everyone at this event.

Walk of Trees | Downtown Plymouth

November 20 – January 1 | 24/7

Kellogg Park, Plymouth

Free | Bring the family to walk quaint Kellogg Park in downtown Plymouth. Approximately 75 trees have been decorated by the local businesses, clubs and families for your viewing pleasure. This exhibit is lit 24 hours from the Saturday after Thanksgiving until Christmas. So bundle up your family and start a new family tradition!

Heritage Holidays | Ray Township

Friday and Saturday evenings, December 5 & 6, 12 & 13, 19 & 20, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Wolcott Mill Metropark Historic Center, 64000 Knustman Road, Ray 48096

This special celebration is something the whole family is sure to love. You can enjoy a stroll through the park admiring all of the holiday decorations and twinkling lights. Stop by and visit Santa in the mill and make a festive holiday craft. Don’t forget your blankets to snuggle up with while riding a horse-drawn wagon. Warm up with a delicious cup of hot chocolate by the bonfire. Ready to make a holiday memory with your loved ones?

The Big, Bright Light Show | Rochester

{Debut} November 23th – January 3rd, all weekends in January

You are invited to brighten your holidays in downtown Rochester with The Big, Bright Light Show, celebrating its 10th Anniversary! The buildings in downtown Rochester will be covered with more than 1 million points of glimmering holiday light. As a BONUS, the lights will continue through all weekends in January, through the Fire & Ice Festival.

Gibraltar Christmas Parade, Tree Lighting + Kids Christmas Party | Rockwood

Saturday, December 5, Parade starting at 5:30 p.m.

Starting at City Hall and ending at the Community Center

The Beautification and Recreation Commission will be hosting their annual Christmas Parade, Tree Lighting and Christmas Party party for the kids.

Tree Lighting + Holiday Party | Romeo

Friday, December 4, 7:00 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Main Street to Romeo Village Park

Free |Kick off the official Christmas Season with the annual tree lighting at Romeo Village Park. Immediately following, the Washington Lions invite you to attend a Christmas party including visits with Santa, hot dogs, refreshments and entertainment.

Tree Lighting Ceremony | Royal Oak

Thursday, December 3, 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Outside of the Farmer’s Market

Free | Royal Oak’s Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony will include caroling, refreshments, and a special visit from Santa! Hot dogs, hot chocolate & coffee are complimentary. The Farmer’s Market will be also be hosting the Holiday Magic Marketplace, featuring over 60 local artisans and crafters, starting at 4:00 p.m.

Wild Lights at the Detroit Zoo | Royal Oak

For 24 Nights| November 20–22 + 27–29 and December 4-6, 11-13, 18-23 + 26-31 | 5:30 – 9 p.m.

Experience the magic of the Detroit Zoo lit up with more than five million LED lights illuminating trees, buildings and more than 100 animal sculptures. There will be live entertainment, arts and crafts, ice craving, holiday train displays and an exhibit featuring the Wildlife Photographer of the Year. Seasonal refreshments (wonderfully delicious hot chocolate) will be available for purchase. Photos with Santa “Paws” will be available for purchase until December 23rd. Advance purchase per person/$9, at the gate for ages 2 and up/$11 – purchase tickets here. Parking per car/$6

Saline Tree Lighting Ceremony | Saline

Tuesday, December 1, 7:00 p.m.

In Front of Key Bank, corner of Michigan Ave. and North Ann Arbor Street

Free | This tree lighting ceremony will bring joy to all with a Christmas Carol sing-a-long, hot chocolate to warm your soul, and delicious cookies.

Christmas Aglow Tree Lighting | Shelby Township

Thursday, December 3, 7:00 p.m.

Shelby Township Municipal Grounds

Free | Christmas Aglow is one of the oldest and largest events in Shelby Township. Santa will light the town tree, and then make his way to the historic Hope Chapel where he will join Mrs. Claus to hear the children’s holiday wish lists. There will be arts & crafts for the kids and horse-drawn carriage rides. The Shelby Township Lions Club will provide coffee & cookies. Don’t forget to stop by the campfire to warm up and roast marshmallows. The Eisenhower High School Choir will perform.

A Sterling Christmas | Sterling Heights

Saturday, December 5, 5:45 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Recreation Center/Dodge Park, 40620 Utica Road, Sterling Heights

Free | This family fun holiday event – in its 39th year – is filled with caroling and holiday music, horse-drawn carriage rides, wagon + pony rides, a petting farm, campfires, the annual tree lighting ceremony, refreshments and more!

Christmas Tree Lighting + Holiday Sing-Along | Taylor

Wednesday, December 9, 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Taylor Conservatory on Northline Road, east of Pardee Road, next to Heritage ark Petting Farm

Free | You’ll love this old-fashioned Christmas tree light ceremony that will light up a 20-foot Christmas Tree under the conservatory dome. Enjoy singing your favorite Christmas songs inside the Petting Farm Visitors center while sipping on hot cocoa and cider.

City of Troy Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony | Troy

Wednesday, December 2, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

City Hall

Free | Begin this event with your favorite Christmas carols led by Athens High School Choir. Genisys Credit Union will be providing sweet treats and hot cocoa to all. Santa will make his grand entrance with the help of Troy High Colt Drumline. Make sure you bundle up and join him for the annual Christmas tree Lighting.

Tree Lighting Ceremony | Warren

Saturday, December 5, 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

City Square

Free | You’ll enjoy a day of ice skating absolutely free! If you don’t have skates, don’t worry – rent them for $3. Stop by the petting zoo to see your favorite animals. Photos with Santa and see live reindeer with your own two eyes. Other activities include an ornament give-a-way, caroling, horse-drawn carriage rides, stage entertainment and hot chocolate to warm up. If you’re stopping to see Santa, please support the Salvation Army and bring a canned food item.

Waterford Tree Lighting + Santa Celebration | Waterford

Tuesday, December 1, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Waterford Town Hall
5200 Civic Center Drive, Waterford

Free | Grab a non-perishable food item or unwrapped toy and head down to Waterford Township Hall. Get ready for cookie decorating, visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus, children’s crafts and performances by Waterford Mott Jazz band and Pontiac-Waterford Big Chief Chorus. Refreshments will be sold.

Holiday Fest + Mill Lighting | Westland

Saturday, December 12, 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.

$3/adults, $6/children, 3 & under Free | This 28th annual Annual Mill Lighting will add more lights to the already beautiful and festive Hines Drive. From 4:00 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. children can make holiday crafts and play games with prizes. Families can participate in holiday games such as “Fruitcake Bowling”, “Candy Cane Scavenger Hunt”, and “Reindeer Antler Wreath Toss”. You can visit Santa Claus. during the Nankin Mills Traditional Mill Lighting and Sing-A-Long.

33175 Ann Arbor Trail, Westland

**No Strollers Please**

*Registration required! Call 734.261.1990 for more information. Limited spots available.

Wayne County Lightfest | Westland

November 19st – December 31st (closed December 25th!) | 7 – 10:00 pm (Monday thru Thursday) 6:00 – 10:00 pm (Friday thru Sunday)

$5 a vehicle. Enjoy this drive through an animated holiday lighting display along Hines Drive, featuring more than 1 million lights! Visit Santa’s Workshop at the end of Warrendale Park starting November 19th until December 23rd. Don’t forget to bring your letter to Santa, you can drop it in the giant mailbox!

Wixom Tree Lighting | Wixom

Friday, December 4, 6:15 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

49015 Pontiac Trail, Wixom

Free | Walled Lake Western’s Band will kick off the holiday festivities. Sing-a-long with the First Baptist Church as they sing your favorite Christmas carols. Don’t forget to visit Santa and his reindeer during this event. Light refreshments will be served.

Let us know if we’re missing anything! Email us at [email protected]. Happy Lighting!

Online MOM2MOM Sale Tips!

There are dozens of sites on Facebook that you can join – just do a search for Mom2Mom sale,  Swap, Kids Swap, or even Virtual Garage Sale (where you can sell more than just baby/maternity items!).  Groups are created by city (Troy Mom 2 Mom Swap) or for an area (Massive Metro Detroit Mom 2 Mom).



Do a search on FB for any key words. Here are some of the groups that I belong to. Once you try to “join” the Admin will review your request.  Once it is approved – you can post!  I only belong to “closed” groups (these are private and your activity does not show up on your newsfeed). Some groups are public and anyone can join.  Make sure you read the “Rules” for each group when you join.  Each group runs a little different.


THE GROUPS (all closed except where noted)

Berkley Royal Oak Birmingham and surrounding areas Mom 2 Mom

Birmingham/Bloomfield/Beverly Hills Mommy and Me Resale Boutique

Commerce Mom 2 Mom

Massive Metro Detroit Area Mom 2 Mom (public group)

Metro Detroit Baby Children & Maternity Items Metro Detroit Moms Group

MOM to MOM Sale – Oakland County

Mom to Mom Sale Rochester Hills/Troy Area

Novi/Wixom Mom to Mom

Oakland County KIDZ (Buy, Sell or Trade)

Oakland County, Sales, Swap & Shop

Oakland County Virtual Garage Sale

Online Garage Sale / Vendors / mom-to0mom (Northern Oakland County)

Sell Swap Buy

Royal Oak Area Moms

Troy, Rochester, Oakland Township, Orion Mom to Mom

Troy, Bloomfield Hills & Birmingham Michigan Area Swap & Shop

West Bloomfield, Keego, Commerce- Buy, Sell, Trade

Wixom/Novi/Commerce/Walled Lake area’s Mom’s Connection Corner (Closed Group)



For the online Mom2Mom sales (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) there is a specific lingo that you need to learn. When I first started, I had no idea what the ads meant!

GUC       Good Used Condition

EUC        Excellent Used Condition

NWT      New With Tags

NWOT   New With Out Tags

POOS    Posted On Other Sites

ISO         In Search Of

PPU       Porch Pick Up

PUO       Pick Up Only

FCFS      First Come First Serve



  • Organize all clothes by size/gender. Organize by size & gender. I have been saving diaper boxes and organize by size (newborn, 0-3/3M, 3-6M/6M, 6-9M/9M, 9-12M/12M, etc.)


  • Make all items are clean, no stains/wrinkles and in Good or Excellent Used Condition (GUC / EUC). It always helps to press those wrinkles out of items to help sell them faster and for more money! Plus – they look better in pics


  • Using clear baggies helps! You can easily identify the sizes and brand of each item without having to unfold or pull every item out of the box/crate when looking for a specific item.


  • Keep sets together. That Carter’s 3 piece set that you want to sell? Use a large safety pin or a clear plastic lunch bag to keep the pieces together.


  • Baby shoes, socks, and accessories can be placed in zippered baggies.


  • Put toy pieces in small bags and attach to the larger toy/game piece.


  • If the toy requires a battery – make sure it is in working condition. If not – clearly state “needs batteries”. You don’t want to sell a broken toy.



  • On the picture itself, use an App and write on the picture the Price & size – that you way you want forget what you are looking to sell it for when posting on multiple sites.

Lauren M mom2mom tip 1

  • Identify items that are New With Tags (NWT) or New Without Tags (NWOT)

Lauren M mom2mom tip 2

  • Keep a spreadsheet of all the different groups you are posting on. When an item sells, you know exactly which site has which item and you can go back to delete that post (proper etiquette).


  • When posting on other sites (POOS), identify: Description, Size, and Location and if you are willing to meet. The individual city groups has a rule that you can only do a porch pick up in that city unless you are willing to meet.
    • Porch Pick Up – for items that you don’t’ need to swap in person. Leave the item on the porch (I use a plastic tub to keep dry and clean) and place an envelope for the money. The person buying the item retrieves the item and leaves the money. The downfall: you are giving out your address to complete strangers.


  • Be specific on your item for picking up: First Come First Serve, No holds, Firm Price, willing to meet, Pick Up only, Will not separate Items


  • You can get more bang for your buck OR get rid of items faster when “bundling” items into a “Lot”. The buyer can’t pick and choose the items – they pay one lump sum and get everything in the lot. Keep sizes together (all newborn, or 6-12M lot).
    • Newborn Lot: 5 short sleeve onesies, 10 sets (pant/top), socks, 2 shoes, 4 sleepers = $25 for all!

Lauren M mom2mom tip 3

Have fun! Make money! Make friends even! These groups are for moms just like you and I.  It’s a great way to get rid of items that you don’t need any more AND make a few extra dollars. And if you want to just donate – you can always say “FREE” and know that your gently used items are going to another home to help those in need.




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