Detroit Mom’s Local Love Spotlight: Detroit Counseling Collective

Detroit Mom’s Local Love series highlights local women and the businesses they have built. We love supporting small business! Today’s Local Love Spotlight belongs to Amanda, Brooke, Daniela, and Kathryn of Detroit Counseling Collective!

To start, we asked each of them to share a fun fact about themselves with us so we can get to know them a little bit more!

  • Amanda was president of her sorority in college. She’s always been a girl’s girl!
  • Brooke has made an appearance on two TV shows–a TLC reality show, and an episode of TRL!
  • Daniela bungee jumped from one of the tallest jumps in the world, the Macau Tower in China. She loves traveling to unique places–if you want to go on an adventure, she’s your girl!
  • Kathryn completed the Camino de Santiago, the Way of St. James, a 700kg pilgrimage when she was 21. The journey took her several weeks on foot from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, France to Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

We asked them to share a little bit more about their business with us, too. Get to know Amanda, Brooke, Daniela, and Kathryn of Detroit Counseling Collective below!

Photo by Andrea of a.poppy photography

How did you come up with the idea of your business, and how did you start?

Brooke: “We came up with the idea of Detroit Counseling Collective because we were searching to find independence financially and ownership with our schedules/case load, but still wanted the support and community that a group practice offers. With the collective model, we can pursue our own professional dreams while sharpening our skills with a close community of supportive and brilliant minds.”

Kathryn: “We started Detroit Counseling Collective with a clear vision focusing on meeting the needs of our clients and serving the surrounding community, while also building a unique collaborative business founded on respect, integrity, and support. We were aware that there was a more efficient way to both grow as professional clinicians and provide the very best care to the population that we serve.”

Knowing what you know now, is there anything you would have done differently when you were first starting out?

Kathryn: “With the knowledge I have gained since starting Detroit Counseling Collective, my perspective on the fears surrounding starting a new business would have undoubtedly changed. Through my experiences thus far, I have come to realize that the business environment in Detroit and its surrounding areas is incredibly supportive. The people here are genuinely eager to offer guidance and assistance, making this entrepreneurial journey more about community building than the isolating scenario I once feared.”

What is the best business advice you’ve ever been given?

Brooke: “The best business advice that I have ever received is to view the world as abundant and to not have a scarcity mentality. Collaboration and community are foundational to success.”

Have you faced adversity in business due to being a woman? How did you navigate that?

Brooke: “I have yet to find a woman who hasn’t faced adversity in business! People have underestimated my abilities and knowledge. Trying to convince them otherwise is pointless; I let my work and achievements speak for themselves.”

How do you persevere in challenging times?

Amanda: “Positive self talk and lots of compassion for myself. I know I can’t control if and when challenges occur–but I can control my attitude towards them.”

What impact do you want your business to have?

Daniela: “We hope our business allows individuals and couples to feel seen, heard, and valued. Helping clients find joy and purpose through therapy is our mission, and this is achieved by focusing on the human connection.”

Photo by Andrea of a.poppy photography

What are the pros and cons of being a woman business owner in 2023?

Brooke: “Being a woman business owner has been an incredibly empowering journey for me. One of the biggest pros is the independence it brings. I get to shape my vision, lead with my values, and create a business that feels authentic to who I am. There’s something so fulfilling about that kind of freedom. Plus, the flexibility is invaluable, especially for someone like me who is balancing both family and business life. I can prioritize my kids and still run a business I’m passionate about.

“Another huge positive is the community. There’s such strong support out there for women entrepreneurs—whether it’s mentorship, networking, or even grants designed to uplift women-owned businesses. I’ve found that women in business tend to build each other up, and that sense of solidarity is powerful.

“But it’s not without its challenges. One of the toughest parts has been dealing with the subtle biases that still exist. I’ve encountered situations where it felt harder to be taken seriously or to break into certain networks.

“And then there’s the work-life balance. As women, we often carry a lot on our plates, from running the business to managing family life, and it can feel overwhelming at times. There’s this expectation that we should be able to “do it all,” and that pressure can lead to burnout if you’re not careful.

“Still, I believe that the rewards far outweigh the challenges. I’ve been able to build something meaningful while showing other women—especially those who’ve experienced loss or hardship, like the families I work with in my therapy practice—that it’s possible to thrive despite the odds.”

What knowledge would you share with someone who wants to become an entrepreneur?

Amanda: “Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there! You are your brand so shake hands, pass out cards, and talk about your business.”

What do you do for personal and professional development?

Brooke: “I am a lover of podcasts and audiobooks for professional development, it’s an accessible medium with littles at home! A few times a year I expand my tools and skills through continuing education by video courses or in-person trainings. For me, a big part of my professional development is also my own personal development through things like personal therapy and Retreat to Reclaim.”

Photo by Andrea of a.poppy photography

What mantra or quote do you live by?

Brooke: “One mantra I live by is, “Grace, not perfection.” It reminds me to extend kindness to myself and others, especially in moments when life feels overwhelming. As someone who navigates both family life and a career, I’ve learned that perfection is unattainable, but showing up with grace—being present, doing my best, and forgiving myself when things aren’t perfect—is what really matters. It’s a grounding reminder that progress, growth, and compassion are far more valuable than chasing some impossible ideal.”

What’s your favorite place in Detroit or Michigan?

Daniela: “My favorite place in Michigan is Lake St. Clair! It gives the feel of a Great Lake, in our very own backyard. My family loves boating, fishing, and beaching on this beautiful lake.”

The whole team: “As a collective, we love Royal Oak Roast and SheWolf!”

Where can our readers find you on social media?

You can follow Detroit Counseling Collective on Facebook, Instagram, and on their website!

We hope you loved getting to know more about Amanda, Brooke, Daniela, and Kathryn + Detroit Counseling Collective. Be sure to check out our previous Local Love Spotlight featuring Natasha + Live Light Birth & Family!


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