I’m Ready, He’s Not {Baby #2}



In a perfect world, I would have two children, a boy and a girl, roughly two or so years apart. They would bicker as little kids but grow up to be the best of friends and eventually their own children would be best buddies. Yes, in a perfect world everything would come together just as I had written it in my dreams and we’d all live happily ever after.


Newsflash. We don’t live in a perfect world. But that’s what makes the journey so much fun!


When it comes to getting pregnant or having children, is there such thing as perfect timing? Well, other than the obvious science that occurs when the baby is made. But I’m talking about is there a perfect time in one’s life to bring a little one into the world.


Right now I have baby fever. My friends have started to have babies, my family keeps multiplying… I want a friend for my little man. The trouble is, it takes two to tango and my husband wants to wait a little while longer. I work part time but am home with my son for 90 percent of the day everyday. My mom babysits on Mondays when I work on-site but other than that, it’s just the two of us during the day. While I enjoy the time that we spend alone together, there’s something about being able to watch him interact with other children and light up when they interact with him. I’d love to be able to give him that experience everyday with a younger brother or sister.


I’m still young, just 27, and I know I’ve got time but my thought process is: why wait? What happens if I have trouble conceiving another child? It could take months or years and suddenly that two year age gap turns to five or six. Additionally, it’s not like we live an extravagant lifestyle where we’re traveling all the time or on the town very often. We like to go out for dinner on the weekends and occasionally to a sporting event or date night, but having one more child wouldn’t necessarily hinder that ability. Then there’s always the debate over how expensive it is to raise kids, but honey, that cost isn’t going down anytime soon. We’re fairly conservative with our finances and started contributing to our son’s 529 College Fund when he was born so I’m confident we can pinch pennies other places in order to provide for another person. Lastly, and possibly most selfishly, I’m the one that will have to carry the child for 40 weeks, go through labor & delivery, and ultimately care for him/her while my husband works to provide for the family. Perhaps that’s where I struggle to understand — the stress he feels when thinking about having to provide for another person. 


Maybe it’s just me being naive about having two little ones but I think we could handle it.

I can’t imagine I’m the first person to be ready for another child before their spouse. Am I?


  1. I don’t think there is ever a “right” time for a baby. There will always be financial issues, there will always be “important” events and etc. Who knows how long it will take to conceive baby number 2. I say go for it!!!


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