Tips on Dealing with Prolapse Issues

DISCLAIMER: The following post outlines the writer’s personal experience with prolapse issues. It is not intended to act as medical advice. As always, please consult your doctor with any questions about prolapse issues. 

I’m going to talk about something that’s going to make you and myself a little uncomfortable. Prolapses. If you don’t have one or don’t know what a prolapse issue is, I envy you! No, like really . . . I envy you.

I can remember a time, not so long ago, that I didn’t have all the issues I have now. Going to the bathroom? No problem. No feeling of fullness in my privates? Sounds terrible but not an issue here.

Well, not anymore.

doctor talking to woman about prolapse issues

How I Got Here

In June of 2018, I had my lovely daughter, Harper, although her birth wasn’t as lovely as she is. Due to a rough delivery and last-minute complications, I was forced to have my daughter via forceps. If you’re unaware, forceps are a tong-like instrument that clamp around the baby’s head and help to guide them through the birth canal.

Fast forward to April of 2020, and I had just given birth to my second child, Henry. His birth was amazing. Everything I had hoped my daughter’s would have been. However, my issues started a few months after his birth. Due to the trauma of the forceps, then having another baby 22 months later, I developed prolapse issues.

Prolapses come in all shapes and sizes (literally). A prolapse is a bulging or falling out of a specific body part, usually the vagina or rectum. This commonly occurs because the supportive tissues in the pelvic area have weakened.

Ladies: THIS is why it’s important to do your Kegels. I’ll admit, I did not do them during my pregnancies, in between, or afterward. In my defense, I did not know or understand the full extent of the damage that was done to my pelvic area during my first delivery, so I brushed off any work that was targeting that area specifically.

If you have an issue with prolapse, there are many different things that can help.

Exercises to Help Prolapse Issues

Exercise is a big one. Get your pelvic area and your core strong again! A strong core is important in maintaining a strong pelvic area. Your body works as one. If one muscle is weak, it’s impossible to strengthen another one.

There are various exercises that can help:

  • Kegels (as mentioned before)
  • Squats
  • Bridges
  • Split Tabletop
  • Bird dog

And those are just to name a few!

Nutrition for Prolapse Support

Staying away from food that will back you up and make you bloat is a big one. Bloating and constipation will lead to making you feel uncomfortable “down there.”

Also, people with rectocele prolapse issues (like yours truly) have issues going to the bathroom in the first place. So it’s critical to not get backed up and to try to stay regular.

Here are some of the most common offenders when it comes to causing bloating issues:

  • Cheese
  • Ice Cream
  • Onions (weird, right?)
  • White bread
  • Soda

Detoxing for Prolapse Relief

Besides avoiding food and drink that will make you bloat, detoxing your colon with natural teas is a great way to help you empty your stomach in a healthy and safe manner. Various essential oils are also known to ease the burden of bloating. Peppermint is wonderful for this! Stay active. Take warm showers. Do what you can to relieve yourself.

Talking about these issues can make anyone uncomfortable. If you have any questions about dealing with a prolapse—I’m an open book! It’s also important to speak with your OBGYN about any concerns you may have.

My midwife sent me to a physical therapist that worked with me for six weeks on different exercises I could do and practiced strengthening techniques. Yes, she got all up in my business. Yes, it was uncomfortable.

These situations and conversations can be awkward, but be sure not to avoid them! Prolapses can get worse over time if they are not properly treated.

Every mama should find time to put herself first. Check out why Stacy believes self-care isn’t selfish.


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