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A Moms Guide to September

September has arrived and school is back in session. It’s hard to believe summer is over! We’re sure you want your weekends to be fun so we’ve compiled some awesome events for the whole family happening in + around Detroit. Click through each week to see what is happening near you! If you have an event to add to the list submit it in the form below to have it added to our guide. 

A Detroit Mom's Guide To-2

September 9-11

Plymouth Fall Festival

Pancake breakfast, spaghetti dinner, carnival rides, craft vendors, food and more! 

WHERE: Downtown Plymouth at the Fountain

WHEN: Friday – noon- 11 p.m., Saturday – 7 a.m. – 11 p.m., Sunday – 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.

COST: Free Admission



AppleFest 2016

Rides, food, bingo, entertainment and more! 

WHERE: St. Lawrence Catholic Church – 44633 Utica Rd., Utica

WHEN: Friday –  5-midnight, Saturday – noon- midnight, Sunday – noon-8 p.m.

COST: Free Admission



Saturday, September 10 2016

Motor City Haunt Club’s 11th Annual Haunted Garage Sale

Masks, Costumes, Collectibles, Oddities, Props, Decorations, Animations, Wearables, Art, and So Much More! Expect a ton of tables to be filled with all sorts of Halloween and Haunt related treasures. There will be a large variety of vendors on hand offering handmade, new and used goods to haunt your home, decorate for your Halloween bash, or add to your existing collection.

WHERE: Skateland West 37550 Cherry Hill Rd., Westland

WHEN: 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

COST: Free Admission and parking


Monarch Tag and Release

Michigan native butterfly populations are on a steady decline due to loss of habitat. Join the conservation movement and participate in our exciting tag and release event. Yearly, Monarch butterflies take flight for a migration to Mexico, traveling up to 100 miles in a single day. Track your Monarch and see how far they have traveled after their long flight south.

WHERE: Ray Wiegand’s Nursery & Garden Center, 47747 Romeo Plank Rd., Macomb

WHEN: 1 p.m.

COST: $8. Due to popular demand, ALL TICKETS must be PURCHASED BEFORE September 8th. We encourage you to pre-purchase your tickets ahead of time. Tickets can be purchased in-store and online.



Big Wheels Keep on Rollin’

Did you ever want to see big rigs up close? Don’t miss your opportunity to climb aboard some large trucks, equipment and see other unusual vehicles at this attention-grabbing event.

WHERE: Hess-Hathaway Park, 825 S Williams Rd., Waterford

WHEN: 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.

COST: $5/car at the gate


September 11, 2016

Classic Storybook Luncheon

Dine with Belle, Snow White, Cinderella and Aurora!  includes lunch, singing by the princesses, a ballroom dance lesson, photo opportunities, a coloring page, autographs and a gift from the castle.  Registration and prepayment required.

WHERE: Bavarian Inn Restaurant, 713 S Main St., Frankenmuth

WHEN: 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

COST: $25/person



Monday, September 12, 2016

Food Trucks for a Cause

Come and celebrate BACK TO SCHOOL while we raise funds for Blessings in a Backpack. Eight food trucks are scheduled to be there!

WHERE: Village of Rochester Hills, 122 N Adams Rd., Rochester Hills

WHEN: 5-8 p.m.

COST: Free Entry



September 16-18

Northville Victorian Festival

Step back in time to the Victorian Era at the Northville Victorian Festival in beautiful Northville, Michigan. Streets closed to traffic as costumed period presenters, presentations and plenty of family fun make up this annual event.  Parade on Friday, Non-Profit Group food and fun, Carnival at Northville Downs. Craft Fair, Beer Garden and Saloon, Strolling entertainers, Vintage Baseball, Mill Race Historic Village exhibits and activities.

WHERE: Main Street, Northville

WHEN: Fri 4 p.m.-10 p.m., Sat 10 a.m.-10 p.m. & Sun 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

COST: Free Entry



September 17-18

Paws in the Park

Bring your dog and enjoy a day at Memorial Park that features shows, exhibitors and contests – all dog related. Dress your dog in costume or just browse the various exhibitor booths to see what’s new in pet supplies. Play on the obstacle course. Or perhaps find your own furry forever friend through various adoptions and rescues on site. A portion of event proceeds are donated to related dog charities.

WHERE: Memorial Park, 31100 Woodward Ave., Royal Oak

WHEN: September 17, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. and September 18, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

COST: $5 at the gate.  Children 10 & under are free – dogs are free!


Saturday, September 24, 2016


Craft and other local vendors, kids area with games, contests, petting zoo, and inflatables. live entertainment, car show, and food vendors.

WHERE: Brandon Township Parks & Recreation, 395 Mill St., Ortonville

WHEN: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

COST: Free Admission



Sunday, September 25, 2016

Apples, Eats & Treats

Pie eating contest, bobbing for apples, fun treats and crafts all day!

WHERE: Fort Clarkston, White Lake Commons, 7127 Dixie Hwy., Clarkston

WHEN: 11 a.m. – 7 p.m.

COST: Call or visit website for pricing


Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Introduction to the Dog & Stork Program 

Preparing families with dogs for life with baby. Dogs & Storks is the first national program that offers positive, practical, and fun solutions to help families with dogs prepare for baby before baby arrives. Don’t wait until baby comes home to discover potential problems. Preparing ahead decreases stress and increases success! We’ll introduce you to: Preparing your dog before baby arrives, introducing your dog after baby arrives, reading your dog’s body language and recognizing signs of stress to create a safe environment for everyone.

WHERE: Babies ‘R’ Us, 20111 Haggerty Rd., Northville

WHEN: 6:30-9:30 p.m.

COST: Free Admission – call to RSVP (248) 735-0365



Thursday, September 30, 2016

Baby-wearing Yoga with Born Yoga

Come get your yoga on while baby gets his or her snuggle on! This class offers baby-wearing friendly poses and standing and balancing postures as well as baby massage. No experience necessary. Please bring a yoga mat or towel. Registration required.

WHERE: Baldwin Public Library, 300 W. Merrill St., Birmingham

WHEN: 10 – 10:30 a.m.

COST: Free Event – but registration required


Yes, dear, girls are Superheroes too


After giving birth to two wonderful baby girls, I began to worry. How was I going to raise them in a world which attempts to dictate to little girls what their role should be?

You like the color pink.
You play with girl dolls.
You’d rather not get dirty.

Instead of trying to go against the grain, I worked hard to let my girls lead me. I gave them choices when it came to which toys we bought and the cartoons they watched. I never assumed that they wanted to “play makeup” and walk in mommy’s shoes.

Trouble came when they began attending school. I started to notice that they spent more time in the mirror and refused to wear pants. They only wanted to wear dresses. Not shocking because I prefer dresses myself but, it did make me think: where are these influences coming from? Are they noticing that the girls in their classrooms gravitate towards certain activities?

I had to jump into action (like most moms would do since we all moonlight as superheroes anyway). I encouraged them to spend more time with their dad playing sports and helping with yard work. We talk about who they would like to be when they grow up – not WHAT they would like to do but what type of person and what kind of impact they want to have on the world.

Gradually, with consistent motivation and encouragement, I began to notice that my girls didn’t have a bias on what girls can do and what boys can do. Recently, we were at the dentist office and a male started to prep Minnie for her cleaning. She became upset and asked where HER dentist was (who is female). The male explained that he was simply getting her ready for the dentist. She said, “Ok, because I prefer a girl dentist over a boy dentist”!

Last Halloween, both of my girls wanted to be princesses. I said, “That would be fine but, wouldn’t it be nice to be a superhero and save other princesses?” They loved the idea and voila! I had Batgirl and Supergirl giving out candy to eager trick-or-treaters.

My girls now think that women are better, stronger and smarter than boys. Definitely, not my original intent (I promise!) So, maybe I overshot the gender equity lesson there.

But, now my girls know that they can be and do anything they set their minds to. Nothing against the princesses in the world. But, we all can’t be princesses. Someone has to save us.  

I’m a Mean Mommy

I’m a Mean Mommy.  My kids are (usually) in bed at 7:30.  They MUST say please and thank you and be excused from the table before they get up from dinner.  I have and will continue to throw away toys if they don’t clean them up. Aaaannnndddd tantrums result in an immediate one-way ticket to their room. Where there are no toys, because they have either been thrown away or used as a weapon (my poor door).  Granted, most of these rules apply to my almost four-year-old….but the baby seems to already know the meaning of the word NO!

And, no, my kids are not perfect (far from it), but to me these seem to be simple rules that we all grew up with.  Growing up, I didn’t dare sass my mom, or roll my eyes at my teacher.  We knew we better respect grown ups, or there would be a price to pay.  Now, I feel like we treat our children like little paper dolls that might rip if we give them a three minute time-out. I remember spending many afternoons in my room crying because I broke a rule.  And, I survived.  I was not permanently scarred for life.  I didn’t need therapy as an adult.  


I refuse to let my child be the boss in my house.  

That being said, I do pick my battles.  If my son refuses to leave the house without wearing his rain boots when it’s 90 degrees out……who cares? I just pack a pair of sandals and move on. But, when he tells me the chicken on his dinner plate is disgusting and wants yogurt for dinner? Guess what? He can eat that disgusting chicken or be hungry for the night. 

You might ask yourself, does this woman even love her children?  YES!  I love them so much, I am teaching them how to succeed in life through hard stuff!  I get that they are only little for such a short time.  And, we embrace that as parents.  We have a lot of fun, but also expect a lot from them too. And I’m not talking straight A’s or being MVP on their sports team.  I’m talking about them giving 100% when they want something and not giving up.  I’m talking about when things are not going the way they want to persevere and figure out a way make the best of it.  I’m talking about them knowing the value of being kind and respectful.  

View More: http://ericacrosby.pass.us/baby-h

Life is going to get really tough some day.  But right now, they are living the good life! They have a roof over their head, Disney on demand and wear more expensive clothes then I do!  I do want them to enjoy being a child, but at the same time, that does not mean they need to become selfish brats (my worst nightmare) .  There is a balance, and I constantly wonder where that fine line is.  

The other night after putting the kids down, I finally sat on the couch and immediately  heard the door open and little feet run down the hallway……..I cringed, waiting to hear whining and some unreasonable demand.



“I just wanted to tell you I love you.  G’night”

And then my heart burst into a million pieces.  I realized I must be getting at least some of this parenting thing right.  


The (Not So) Baby #2 Glow

Let me preface this by saying I’m absolutely thrilled that we are adding another baby to our family. I can’t wait to sniff this little babe’s neck and already find a thrill in folding the ever-so-small onesies. I feel very blessed and thankful that we are able to give our daughter a sibling and continue to grow our family, but…


Baby #2 is ROUGH. I was warned by my friends, doctor, strangers (uh, thanks), etc., but it’s not something you realize until you are in it. 

When I was pregnant with my daughter, our first, I felt this everlasting glow and felt like I radiated when I walked. It was all new and every moment I had to embrace. This time around it’s all different. 

First, my body feels so different. Every time I mention a new ache or pain from to my doctor it’s the same response: “Well the second or proceeding pregnancies are always hard on the body.” Not that I want him to hold my hand and let me cry into his shoulder while it feels like my pelvic bone is going to split apart with 10 weeks to go, but maybe I do? I try to remind myself that my body is doing a wonderful thing – growing a human. I’m allowed to feel achy and I can whine when I do. 

Second, I have had a really hard time in the taking care of myself department. My husband does more than his fair share when he’s home, but during the day I’m kind of on my own. I struggle in the balance between taking care of myself and worrying about everyone else’s needs. When I was pregnant with our first, I didn’t have any extra responsibilities. Now we own a house, I’m home all day, there’s another child that needs tending to, and all the adult responsibilities that fall in between. Some days I have to realize that I can’t do it all and I’m thankful for a husband that can read my demeanor the moment he walks in the door. It feels good when someone puts you first. Like when my husband ties my shoes, below!

                  Official Shoe Tier

There are some moments where I find myself having to sit back and tell our 3-year-old that mommy needs a break. Sometimes there’s more TV on during the day then I like, our outside play time in the 90 degree heat is often cut short, and daddy seems to be the “fun guy” these days. I have major mom guilt most days because I can tell that she senses changes happening in our house. I had to hide in the bathroom and cry the other day. It was a long hard day. She woke up at 5am with no nap all day for either of us and I was done. It was around 4:30pm and I had just started cooking dinner. She came in the kitchen and said “When will daddy be home? He will play with me.” I had to cry because she clearly sees us in different lights. But I’m reminded at the end of the day when she snuggles up to my belly during story time that I’m still her mama and even with all the changes we hold a special place in each other’s hearts. 

IMG_2723I often say “These last few weeks need to speed up!” or “I’m just ready for her to get here.” I try remember that even when my feet hurt and a popsicle gives heartburn: having a baby is a wonderful thing. Though I may not be feeling “the glow” this time around, I can’t wait to see the glow on our new edition’s face when they enter the world. 


Our First Day of School: All We Really Need to Know

“All I really need to know about how to live and what to do and how to be I learned in kindergarten. Wisdom was not at the top of the graduate school mountain, but there in the sand pile at school…”

– Robert Fulghum


Well, it’s here… Kindergarten for you, and the first day back in front of a high school classroom for me. We’re both ready for this. You’ve got four years of daycare and preschool under your belt while I’ve spent nine years teaching and have even been working part-time the last three.

So why does it feel like everything is changing? This will be your first time in a building of big kids instead of babies. Your first time riding a school bus every day. Your first time with backpacks and lunch boxes. And this will be my first time having my own classes as a mom of two. My first time having to split time between not just you and your sister, but also the class set of essays that need grading. My first time trying to schedule parent teacher meetings as both a parent and a teacher.

And, I’ve been told, this is going to be a big year for you. According to the well-loved poem by Robert Fulghum, you’re about to learn everything you need to know. I suppose that means I’ve already learned it, but I’m going to be counting on you to help me remember some things.

“…Clean up your own mess…”


We live a messy life, and I’m okay with that. Actually, I love that. But summer is much more tolerant of our messes. You’ll learn that if your two little hands are big enough to make a mess, then they’re also big enough to clean it. I bet, though, you’ll also learn that if you ask nicely enough, you’ll find someone to help you when you need it most. You’ll remind me to take ownership; being a working mom doesn’t change my responsibilities, and neither do worry or complaints. You’ll remind me to ask for help for your sake if not mine, but ultimately remember that this is my wonderful, chaotic, loving, stressful mess.

“…Say you’re sorry when you hurt somebody…”

You’ve got a lot of pride for such a little person. We’ve had our share of timeouts and stern discussions when you’ve played a little too rough with a cousin, tumbled into me a bit too hard, or accidentally trampled over the cat’s tail and refused an apology. You’ll learn that the rest of the world isn’t quite as forgiving as cousins, moms, and cats. You’ll remind me that hurt doesn’t just come from our hands and that sometimes I release the stress of the day on the person who is closest and seems most able to handle it. It’s easy to give all of myself to children — both mine and other people’s — and forget about the person who will remain when you all leave my classroom and my home. And hopefully you will remind me to say I’m sorry {even if I was right in the first place…}


“…Live a balanced life – learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some…”

You told me that you don’t like to do hard things, and when I asked you why, you said, “Because they’re hard.” You will learn that those hard things make the fun stuff so much better, just like the pool always feels warmer when you’ve been out in the wind a bit. You will remind me to sing {and, for now, not notice how badly I do it} and that even the hardest day can be made better with a little dance party in the living room. 

“…Be aware of wonder. Remember the little seed in the Styrofoam cup: the roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why, but we are all like that.”

20160712_164339The days will seem long, but every day, your branches will get a little longer and your foundation a little deeper. You will find small parts of the world that make it so much bigger than you ever imagined. You’ll remind me that I once laughed out loud because I thought I’d pulled off some kind of master trick: I get to tell stories for a living. I get to read and write and teach and talk with young people who not only believe the world is worth changing, but that they’ll be the ones to do it. You’ll come home with so much amazement and joy that you’ll remind me if I ever find myself waiting for 5 o’clock, it’s time to find a new job.

So, there it is: just some of what you’ll learn this year. You are like the brand-new school supplies we’ve tucked into your brand-new backpack: crisp, clean, bright, and shiny bundles that are maybe just a little too much for small shoulders to carry. I’ve been in schools long enough to see what happens to those little packages. By January, the paper is worn and tattered, the caps have been left off all 30 glue sticks, and the markers hold on to their last bits of ink with squeaky protests. And yet you carry them anyway, and by June, the same load won’t seem quite as heavy as it did this first day. And you’ll remind me that if a five-year-old can be so brave and so happy, then so can this 35-year-old.

And it is still true, no matter how old you are, when you go out in the world, it is best to hold hands and stick together.”



Guide to Apple Orchards in Metro Detroit

One of the great things about living in Michigan is experiencing all of the seasons.  While we love them all, fall is, in our opinion, by far one of the best.   Football starts, the weather cools down, and the colors are ah-mazing.  Oh, and did we mention football??  Our favorite thing about fall however, is heading to the local apple orchard to pick some apples and enjoy cider and donuts.  


Metro Detroit has so many options when it comes to apple orchards!  Whether you’re looking for a you-pick orchard or a place with a variety of activities we have you covered!

P.S. Did you know you can freeze cider?!  Just take about a cup out (to leave room for the cider to expand) and stick it in the freezer!  In the winter when you are craving some cider, just stick it in the fridge to thaw, and enjoy (it tastes especially yummy when mulled with spices). 

Diehls Orchard and Cider Mill
1479 Ranch
Open from August 15th- October 31st
Daily 9:00am-6:00pm
November 1st-20th
Saturday and Sunday 12:00-5:00pm

At Diehl’s your kids can play on the play ground, go through the kiddie maze, hike through the orchard and more. On the weekends watch as fresh donuts get made. Other weekday activities include a corn maze ($5.00), and weekend activities include corn maze ($5.00), hayrides ($3.00), and pony rides ($5.00).
*Please check website for when these activities are available

Erwin Orchard’s
61475 Silver Lake Road
South Lyon
August 19th-October 31st
Cider Mill Daily 6:00am-7:00pm
You Pick Apples: 9:00am-6:00pm

Erwin Orchard’s offers a variety of you pick produce. In the fall you can watch as cider is pressed and enjoy any of the four varieties of donuts available. Children can also take a ride along a paved trail and enjoy the sunflower garden. Syrup, jam, honey, and more is also available for purchase at the mill. Wagon Rides, petting farm (weekends), and a carnival bounce (weekends) are available for an additional price. You can even come back at night for a barn of horrors or a corn stalker maze.

1540 E. Commerce Rd.
Commerce Twp.
Opens in September for Fall Fun

At Long’s you can pick your own apples, as well as enjoy some yummy cider and donuts at their mill. Families can also have fun a the Farm Yard which includes an eight-acre corn maze and play area.


 Blake’s Orchard and Cider Mill
17985 Armada Center Rd.
Open June-Decebmber 23rd
Daily 8:00am-5:00pm

Blake’s- Big Apple Location
71485 North Avenue
Opens Mid June-Mid November
Daily 8:00am-5:00pm

Blake’s has variety of activities for young and old available.  Drive into the orchard to pick your own apples, or take a stroll to the animal farm.  You can watch cider being pressed, visit the winery, and enjoy fresh donuts as well.  Are you looking for other activities to do with the kids? Then purchase a Barnyard Fun pass. On weekdays the cost is  $8.95/person and on the weekend $11.50/Person. Children under two are free.   Check the website to see all the fun that is included in this pass.  **Note: The Cider Mill and Big Apple location do not have the same activities.**

Blakes Pumpkins

Hy’s Cider Mill
6350 Thirty Seven Mile Rd.
Open September 12th-November 8th
Weekends Only 11:00am-6:00pm

Hy’s offers cider, donuts and you-pick apples.  Please check the website for dates of apple availability.

Miller’s Big Red Farms
4900 W. Thirty Two Mile
Washington Twp.
Monday-Sunday 9am-6pm

Miller’s offers a variety of you- pick fruits and vegetables. You can also head to the Marketplace to get some apple cider, donuts, local produce and more. The family fun area is $5/ Adults (16+), $10 /kids (31″ and under free). This includes a petting farm, straw mountain and farm courtyard.   *Please note, right now, due to construction you pick is not available.  Be sure to check back for more information.** 

Stony Creek Orchard and Cider Mill
2961 W. Thirty Two Mile Rd.

At Stony Creek you can enjoy fresh apple cider as well as freshly made donuts in the picnic area while the kids play on the hay bales. You can pick your own apples, or purchase some in the Salesroom. The Salesroom also offers pies, jams, jellies and other great products.


65075 Van Dyke
Washington Twp.
Open Year Round
Farm Market: Daily 8am-6pm
Family Fun: Daily 10am-5pm
Winery: Check Website

At Westview Orchards you can watch the cider press in action (starting labor day) as well as heading to the orchards to pick your own apples (pay per bushel/peck). You can also head to the Farm market for some baked goods and delicious samples.  Pricing for Fall Farm Fun is $4/child (30″ and under free) $3/Adult on weekdays and $9.50/person (30″ and under free) on weekends. With this price you can enjoy a three acre playground (with five wooden play structures), petting farms, an obstacle course, and more!

Spicer Orchards
(810) 632-7692
10411 Clyde Rd
Fenton, MI 48430
Pick Your Own Hours: 8 am to 6:30 pm

Spicer Orchards is another place to go if you are looking for a place with lots of activities. Besides being able to pick your own apples they have fall festival weekends. On the weekend you can enjoy a hayride, take a train ride, or get your face painted, just to name a few. They also have a winery where the sell wine, fruit wine and hard cider.


Lesser Farms and Orchard
12651 Island Lake Rd.
Open Week of Labor
Wednesday-Saturday 9:00am-6:00pm
Sunday 1:00pm-6:00pm

Lesser farms offers apples, cider (no donuts), along with jams, jellies, and pumpkins. You can also purchase pre-picked Michigan apples (no you pick available).

Lutz Orchard
*You pick apples*
11030 Macon Rd.

If you are looking for a simple you pick orchard, then look into Lutz. They area quite family only orchard that provides an assortment of apples, including heirloom varieties. There is no cider mill or donuts to be found here, simply apple picking.

Apple Charlies
38035 S. Huron
New Boston

At Apple Charlies you can enjoy cider and donuts as well as weekend entertainment. They offer you pick apples as well as a variety of other activities (at a price) for the kids.

Obstbaum Orchard
9252 Curies Road
Saturday and Sunday 10:00am- 6:00pm

Obstabaum is a smaller orchard with makes it “less crowded and more personal”. Throughout fall you can enjoy the outdoor or indoor picnic area, pumpkins, cider, donuts, seasonal crafts, and you pick apples.


September Mom 2 Mom Sales {In + Around Detroit}

With the start of a new school year summer may be over but Mom 2 Mom Sales are in full swing! Below is a list of the sales happening In + Around Detroit this month. Did we miss your favorite sale?! Leave a comment in the box below and we’ll be sure to add it!
Click on the date you are ready to shop ’til you drop to see where to find the sales!

Oakland Steiner School

Location: 3976 S. Livernois Rd., Rochester
Time: 10A – 1P (9A Early Bird)
Strollers: No
Cost: $2/$3 Early Bird
30 tables


St. John’s Lutheran

Location: 13115 Telegraph Rd., Taylor
Time: 8:30A – 1P
Strollers: Ok after 9A
Cost: $1
90 tables


St. Thecia

Location: 20762 Nunnely Rd., Clinton Twp.
Time: 8:30A – 1P
Strollers: Ok after 11A
Cost: $2
145 tables

Just Between Friends Detroit/Madison Heights

Location: 876 Horace Brown Drive, Madison Heights
Time: 9A – 7P
Strollers: Yes!
Cost: Free
Department Store Style


American Legion Auxiliary Post 267

Location: 10309 Davison Rd., Davison
Time: 9A – 1P
Stollers: Yes, but there is a flight of stairs
Cost: Free
40 tables


Cheyenne Elementary PTO

Location: 47600 Heydenreich, Macomb
Time: 9A – 1P (8:30A Early Bird)
Strollers: N/A
Cost: $1/$2 Early Bird
145 tables


Concordia Lutheran School

Location: 20805 Middlebelt Rd., Farmington Hills
Time: 9A – 1P (8:30A Early Bird)
Strollers: Ok after 10A
Cost: $1/ $2 Early Bird
40 tables


Just Between Friends Detroit/Madison Heights

Location: 876 Horace Brown Drive, Madison Heights
Time: 9A – 2P
Strollers: Yes!
Cost: Free
Department Store Style


Lakeside Assembly of God

Location: 46155 Schoenherr Rd., Shelby Twp.
Time: 9A – 1P (8A Early Bird)
Strollers: Yes!
Cost: $1/$2 Early Bird
100 tables


MOPs at Our Shepherd Lutheran Church

Location: 2225 E. 14 Mile Rd., Birmingham
Time: 10A – 12:30P (9:30A Early Bird)
Strollers: Yes!
Cost: $1/$2 Early Bird
60 tables


MOPs of St. Peter Lutheran Macomb

Location: 17051 24 Mile Rd., Macomb
Time: 9A – 12:30P (8A Early Bird)
Strollers: Ok after 10A
Cost: $1/$2 Early Bird
100+ tables


Prince of Peace Lutheran Church

Location: 1920 Lewis Ave., Ida
Time: 9A – 1P
Strollers: Yes!
Cost: $1
48 tables


Saline Parks & Rec

Location: 1866 Woodland Dr., Saline
Time: 9A – 12P (8:30A Early Bird)
Strollers: Yes!
Cost: $1/$2 Early Bird
87 tables


Warren Woods Christian Childcare & Preschool

Location: 14000 E. 13 Mile Rd., Warren
Time: 9A – 1P (8:30A Early Bird)
Strollers: No
Cost: $2/$3 Early Bird
100+ tables


Williams Lake Church of the Nazarene

Location: 2840 Airport Rd., Waterford
Time: 9A – 1P (8:30A Early Bird)
Strollers: Yes!
Cost: $1/$2 Early Bird
45 tables


Zion Church

Location: 3668 Livernois, Troy
Time: 8:30A – 12:30P (8A Early Bird)
Strollers: Yes!
Cost: $1/$2 Early Bird
140 tables

 Rhea Lana’s of Metro Detroit at Brookdale Shopping Center

(September 18 – 24)

Location: 22179 Pontiac Trail, South Lyon
Time: 12 – 6P
Strollers: Yes!
Cost: Free
Department Store Style


Rochester Area Jaycees at the Rochester Community House

Location: 816 Ludlow Ave., Rochester
Time: 2:30 – 5:30P (1:30P Early Bird)
Strollers: Yes!
Cost: $1/$2 Early Bird
25 tables

Clarkston Community Church Women’s Ministry

Location: 6300 Clarkston Rd., Clarkston
Time: 9A – 12P (8A Early Bird)
Strollers: Yes!
Cost: $1/$2 Early Bird
60+ tables


Connection Church MOPs

Location: 3855 S. Sheldon Rd., Canton
Time: 8:30A – 1P
Strollers: Ok after 10:30A
Cost: $2
100 tables


Creative Learning Campus

Location: 23984 Gibraltar Rd., Flat Rock
Time: 9A – 1P
Strollers: Yes!
Cost: Food donation
40 tables


Faith Lutheran Church

Location: 37635 Dequindre, Troy
Time: 9A – 1P (8:30A Early Bird)
Strollers: Yes!
Cost: $1/$2 Early Bird
75 tables


Friendship Church Shelby Campus

Location: 53245 Van Dyke Ave., Shelby Twp.
Time: 10A – 2P 
Strollers: Yes!
Cost: $1
100 tables


Jefferson Community Council

Location: 26555 Westfield, Redford
Time: 9A – 2P (8A Early Bird)
Strollers: Ok after 9A
Cost: $2/$3 Early Bird
40 tables


Just Between Friends Ann Arbor

Location: 5055 Saline Rd., Ann Arbor
Time: 9A – 7P
Strollers: Yes!
Cost: $3
Department Store Style


Livingston Area POM at Southeast Elementary

Location: 861 E. Sibley St., Howell
Time: 9A – 12:30P (8:30A Early Bird)
Strollers: Yes!
Cost: $1/$3 Early Bird
Department Store Style


Newburg United Methodist Church

Location: 36500 Ann Arbor Trail, Livonia
Time: 9A – 12:30P (8:30A Early Bird)
Strollers: Yes!
Cost: $1/$2 Early Bird
46 tables


Ojibawa Elementary School

Location: 46950 Heydenreich, Macomb
Time: 8A – 12:30P 
Strollers: Yes!
Cost: $2
130 tables


Sacred Heart PTO

Location: 22430 Michigan Ave., Dearborn
Time: 9A – 1P (8:30A Early Bird)
Strollers: Yes!
Cost: $1/$2 Early Bird
85 tables


Shrine Catholic Grade School

Location: 1621 Linwood Ave., Royal Oak
Time: 9A – 12P (8:30A Early Bird)
Strollers: Ok after 10A
Cost: $1/$2 Early Bird
70 tables


St. Joseph Catholic Church

Location: 425 E. Washington, Howell
Time: 8:30A – 12:30P (8A Early Bird)
Strollers: Yes!
Cost: $1/$2 Early Bird
40 tables


Success Mile Academy

Location: 27300 Dequindre, Warren
Time: 9A – 1P (8:30A Early Bird)
Strollers: Yes!
Cost: $1/$2 Early Bird
80+ tables

Just Between Friends Ann Arbor

Location: 5055 Saline Rd., Ann Arbor
Time: 9A – 7P
Strollers: Yes!
Cost: $3
Department Store Style

Prepping for My First Mom2Mom Sale

I’ve decided that it’s time to bite the bullet and prepare myself for my first Mom2Mom sale!

Why? Because I never realized the amount of clothing a little girl could go through in two short years of life! I managed to stay organized and box away clothing as she grew out of it just in case we had another daughter. It wasn’t until we moved into a new home recently that I realized just how much clothing we had sitting around.


I am not kidding when I say that in two years, my daughter has accumulated more clothing than I currently own or have owned in years. I have a minimum of 10 large storage containers busting at the seams with clothes (some of which I’m embarrassed to say, still have tags on).

Below is a simple list of advice that I have been given to help me prepare for my first Mom2Mom:

  1. Scope out local Mom2Mom sales and sign up (DMB puts out a list each month)!
  2. Organize all the clothing by size and type (onesies, pants, pajamas, etc.).
  3. Price items you have a lot of lower, you are likely to sell more of it.
  4. Buy cheap clear Ziploc bags so the clothes stay organized as people pick them up to look at them.
  5. Make sure you do all of the above gradually and not the night before the Mom2Mom sale.
  6. Use a dolly – borrow, beg, (don’t steal!) a dolly. This is apparently a necessity if you want to save your arms from falling off.
  7. Buy cheap hangers and stand up racks for certain items that you are selling as a set.
  8. Have lots of extra singles for change.
  9. Make sure to have lots of coffee the morning of the Mom2Mom.
  10. Join a local Mom2Mom sale group on Facebook to sell the remaining items (or sell all the items from the start)!

I will be sure to share my experience after attending my first Mom2Mom and I welcome any additional advise on planning for another!

Ultimate Fall Bucket List In + Around Detroit

It’s that time of year again! Long, hot days and warm, evening breezes are giving way to early, pink-sky sunsets and crisp, cool air. Fall in Michigan is upon us, one of the most beautiful and bountiful times of the year. Even the most seasoned and devoted summer lovers would be hard pressed to deny the fact that a Detroit fall is pretty spectacular. Mother Nature is on complete display, showcasing her beauty: the changing leaves are colorful and diverse; the corn, pumpkins, squash and apples are ripe and plentiful; the hardy mums, goldenrod, and chrysanthemum are popping with color. Let’s take advantage of all that this wonderful season has to offer! Grab a mug of warm cider, get cozy under a soft blanket and read on to discover oodles of things to do, see, make, eat and enjoy in + around Detroit this glorious season! 

Fall Bucket List-2

Fall Fun

Head to the Detroit Zoo for the Following Events:

  • Zoo Boo: come and walk the zoo while trick-or-treating with your wee ones!
  • Zoo Brew: Adult fun featuring unique beers from select Michigan craft breweries, live music, exclusive access to the Zoo’s award-winning habitats until twilight and zookeeper talks.
  • Grab a hot chocolate and kick off the winter holidays with Wild Lights!

 Take a trip to Greenfield Village/The Henry Ford:

Experience Halloween Ghosts & Goodies at Crossroads Village & Huckleberry Railroad, featuring trick-or-treating, magic shows & a ride on the famous Huckleberry Ghost Train Express!

Have you been to Upland Hills Farm? It’s a DMB favorite! Check out the Farm’s awesome fall events:

Check out the Wine & Harvest Festival at Spicer Orchards, or stop in anytime to take a hayride, pick some apples, seasonal fruit or pumpkins, feed the animals & enjoy the HUGE playground!

Visit Traverse City for the Harvest Stompede

Check out local, community events like Romeo’s Ghost Hunt or Clarkston’s Friendly Forest

Visit your local area Cider Mill or Apple Orchard! Some great spots to visit include:

Host a family-friendly party to watch the annual Michigan State v. Michigan game on October 29th

Take a weekend trip west to Crane Orchards 20-acre corn maze; kids 5 and under are free!

Take a day trip to Goodells County Park for the BlueChiliGrass Festival, featuring a chili cook-off & live music for all ages

Head to Canterbury Village for these exciting events!

  • Kids Fest: September 10th – 11th
  • Oktoberfest: September 23rd-24th
  • Trick or Treating: October 29th

Don’t miss the 85th annual Romeo Peach Festival! DMB’s own Peach Queen Guide won’t steer you astray!

Participate in a time-honored Detroit Tradition:  America’s Thanksgiving Day Parade!

Check out your Community’s guide for more, local family fun!

Good Eats & Warm Treats

Of course, there’s the infamous, Starbucks PSL (Pumpkin Spice Latte, in case you haven’t been initiated!)…..but how about supporting your local coffee shop & checking out what the barista is brewing up this season?

Host an Adult-Only Halloween Euchre Party – costumes required! – and serve Leelanau Cellar’s Witches Brew, or local area apple cider (add a little something extra if you’d like!); Invite guests to bring a fall-themed dish to share, like Spider Web Bean Dip. Yum!

Bake Pumpkin Brownie Muffins with your kids. This yummy & surprisingly healthy treat is super easy & such fun to whip up with your little ones!

Make Pumpkin Stew. Serve in a pumpkin that you & your kiddos pick out together at a local pumpkin patch.

S’mores aren’t just a summer food! Cooler fall evenings are prime for campfires! Play a game of Marshmallow Fling while you’re at it.

Make a pot full of White Chicken Chili

Make Cathy’s Hot Cider Drink – not only will it taste yummy, but your home will smell amazing!

(4 cups apple cider, 2 cups cranberry juice, 32 oz. apricot nectar, 1 cup OJ, 3/4 cup sugar, 2, 3″ cinnamon sticks, 1 peeled orange; mix liquids & sugar in crock pot on “low” until dissolved, add the remaining ingredients, cook on “low” for 4-6 hours, stirring occasionally)

Whip up a batch of Spiced Pecans

Eat candy corn

Bake this easy and elegant Pressed-Crust Pear Tart, always a show stopper!

It’s squash season! Try a tasty recipe like Acorn Squash with Kale & Sausage

Roast the pumpkin seeds from your jack-o-lanterns

Bake a pumpkin or sweet potato pie with your kids

Switch it up and make a tasty pumpkin cheesecake!

Have a fast and easy dinner before heading out to trick-or-treat with these festive mummy dogs!

Make snack time spooky with tangerine pumpkins and banana ghosts!

Make homemade apple sauce from your local area harvest

Enjoy a Pumpkin, Apple or any other flavor of pie from Achatz Handmade Pies, a Metro-Detroit staple!

SISTER PIE! Have you been? You must go. Their Instagram feed alone makes our mouths water!

Sip on this amazing Pumpkin Smoothie or make a loaf of warm, Pumpkin Bread

Make your own stuffing, and stuff your Thanksgiving bird together

Check out a new, local restaurant or venture out and find a food truck

Culture & Education

Head to Royal Oak for the Arts, Beats & Eats festival for art, food & entertainment, September 2nd-5th

Experience the 37th annual Detroit Jazz Festival, spanning the riverfront to Campus Martius Park, September 2nd-5th

Take the family to the Art & Apples Festival in Rochester, featuring the Kids Art Zone, September 9th-11th

Enjoy traditional American farm-to-table cooking food & demonstrations with Fall Flavor Weekends at The Henry Ford, September 24th-25th, October 1st-2nd

Travel back in time to the 16th century at the annual Michigan Renaissance Festival

See a performance at The Fox Theater! Fall highlights include:

  • The Octonauts
  • PAW Patrol Live!
  • Elf! The Musical
  • Cirque Dreams Holidaze
  • Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer: The Musical

Buy your tickets for the annual “A Christmas Carol” production at Meadowbrook Theatre

Learn all about “Superheroes of the Night” at the Great Lakes Bat Festival, an annual family-friendly event at Cranbrook Institute of Science

Head to the DIA for an educational Puppet Performance suitable for families with children 5 & over, celebrating the history and tradition of Mexico.

Create a Fall Sensory Bin to encourage exploration of the senses with your preschooler!

Turn the great outdoors into a classroom by going on a nature scavenger hunt. This activity can be adapted for all ages!

Take an Alphabet, Number & Shape Hike

Go to your local library story-time

Sing Five Little Pumpkins Sitting on a Gate with your preschooler to encourage rhyming, counting & silly, singing fun!

Bird watch with this State of Michigan guide.

Create & Craft

Spray paint plastic cauldrons from the dollar store for an instant, fall upgrade for your potted plants

Make this adorable Terra Cotta Flower Pot Witch

Take the leaves from a nature walk and create these beautiful & budget friendly luminaries

Create, fill & send a Boo Box to celebrate the season with faraway family and friends

Make tissue paper pumpkins

Spray a bag of fall gourds with light, glittery spray paint. Place in a clear glass vase or bowl for an easy, inexpensive & adorable table centerpiece that will last from Halloween through Thanksgiving

Carve a pumpkin as a family!

Decorate mini pumpkins with glitter, paint and googly eyes

Create your own budget-friendly & easy scare crow

Make Hand-Print Turkeys

Make footprint ghosts — perfect for celebrating baby’s first Halloween!

Gather some leaves and make leaf rubbings, a perfect use for all of those broken crayons!

Put up Halloween & Thanksgiving decorations with your kiddos!

Whip up a batch of pumpkin spice playdough

Count your blessings with thankful turkeys

Make pine cone bird feeders

Out & About

Head to the Michigan State Fair for loads of family fun, celebrating all things Michigan

Travel Up North to see the Fall Colors in all of their glory: Check out the Fall Colors Report for peak areas & times

Shop your local school or church craft fair for unique and adorable fall & holiday decor!

Take your family to cheer on your local high school team!

Pack a picnic and head out to a local park before the colder weather arrives

Ride the Train or Carousel at the Detroit Zoo

Sneak away with your partner to Bay Harbor in Petoskey to enjoy the beautiful, October colors. Luxury with off-season prices! Or, take the kids along to enjoy Trick and Trunk or Treat in the Village

Head to Ray’s Ice Cream or Cook’s Farm Dairy (a working dairy farm!) to sample the seasonal delights

Take in a comedy show at the historic (and as rumor has it, haunted!) Holly Hotel while noshing on the Hotel’s amazing eats.

Get Moving! Sports & Recreation

Play a game of Turkey Chase with your little ones!

Put together a game of Witch Broom Soccer

Invite family & friends to join in a friendly game of Flag Football (for you sticklers, here are the official rules!)

Read the hilarious & irreverent “32 Rules of Thanksgiving Touch Football” article, and plan a game of your own with family or friends on Turkey Day!

Take a walk/jog at your favorite park or MetroPark. We have so many beautiful spots!

Take your family to tailgate and cheer on the Lions, Spartans, Wolverines, Chippewas, Broncos, or Eagles. Most college campuses feature family-friendly/alcohol free tailgating zone

Participate in an organized family or fun run in your area. Fall highlights include: RunTough for Chad Tough, Oakwood Red October Run, The Great Amazing Race & The Superhero 5K

Set up an outdoor obstacle course 

Organize a Mummy Wrap relay race

Earn an extra helping of stuffing by burning off calories running in the Turkey Trot!

Rake a big pile of leaves with your kiddos & make a game of jumping into them!

Get your girlfriends together & participate in the Run4Wine Run/Walk, benefiting the Old Newsboys of Flint, whose motto is “Let No Child Be Forgotten”

Go Ice Skating at Campus Martius Park when the temperature drops (likely sooner than later this year, according to rumor!)

Community Giving & Fellowship

Volunteer as a family for Blessings in a Backpack

Donate gently used coats, hats scarves & mittens to a local area Coat Drive

Check out Meet Your Best Friend at the Zoo, sponsored by the Michigan Humane Society

Take your pooch to Paws in the Park in Royal Oak

Host a food drive with your play group, benefiting a local area food bank

Share a seasonal treat with your neighbor

Consider local area farms when ordering your Thanksgiving Turkey

Invite friends, family & neighbors over for Crock-pot & College Football Saturday

Gather friends & family to cheer on the Detroit Lions each Sunday

Work with neighbors to arrange a Halloween block party

Celebrate “Friendsgiving” a week or two before Turkey Day; Invite families to bring a side-dish of their choice, play games, and celebrate the holiday without all of the stress!

Have a bake sale and donate the profits to a shelter or soup kitchen providing Thanksgiving dinner

Take a batch of fall-themed cookies to your local fire station

Have kids go through toys and have a garage sale; use profits to buy toys for a holiday toy drive!

Host a Halloween Pajama Play-date & make these adorable Apple Monsters

Family Fun at Home

Pick out your Halloween costumes together…..and if you’re super crafty, make your own costume!

Set up a pumpkin bowling alley

Have a family Pizza Relay Race ; as an added bonus, you’ll make your dinner while playing!

“Boo” your neighbors: put a Halloween-themed treat bucket together (your local dollar store will have a ton of options for goodies!), place it on your neighbor’s porch, ring the doorbell & run away! Include a note that says “You’ve Been Boo-ed! Pass it On!”

Have a Camp Out right in your own backyard…..or in your family room, depending on our unpredictable, Michigan weather! Make a sleeping bag obstacle course.

Make Halloween Popcorn Treats, or your own version of a Halloween popcorn mix: think fresh popped corn topped with candycorn, m&ms and melted, drizzled chocolate….YUM!

Have a movie night at home! Bring out the sleeping bags and blankets, snacks, and make it a family-night-in with It’s The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown, or Hocus Pocus.

Make a blanket fort with your little ones

Enjoy Thanksgiving morning at home, watching the Thanksgiving Day Parade in your PJs. Vote for your favorite float or performers!

Have a family game or puzzle night!

Read a classic Halloween book together like Five Little Pumpkins or The Berenstain Bears and the Great Pumpkin

What fall events do you plan to enjoy this season with your family and friends?

Please, offer some further suggestions for our list!

2nd Annual Hanging with Heroes {Event Recap}

To say our 2nd Annual Hanging with Heroes event was a success would be an understatement! There was something so special about bringing our community together at the beautiful Plymouth Fire Station in downtown Plymouth. The weather may have looked a little unpredictable with major storm clouds rolling in and a doppler stating the rain was coming at the start of our event. But with perfect timing and a lot of  ‘please don’t rain, please don’t rain’ it waited until the end of the our event to downpour. Thank you Mother Nature! We welcomed over 100 families to enjoy firetrucks, cupcakes, superheroes and some pretty amazing local firemen, policemen and paramedics!!!


The Venue :: Northville City Fire Department – Station #2 (AKA Plymouth Fire Station)


If you haven’t guessed it by now we love this Northville City Fire Department! Everything from the building to the amazing staff. They’re truly one of a kind! From the beginning they have welcomed DMB and the community with open arms. If your child ever wants to check out a fire truck out or talk to a real life hero stop in. They would love the chance to hang out with you! 


The Food :: Frosting – Cakes & Cookies 


Michelle, the owner of Frosting – Cakes & Cookies makes the most incredible sweet treats. This lovely lady takes pride in every cupcake, cookie and cake she makes. We are SO thankful for her and her talents when it came to our superhero cupcakes. She even created each of the toppers that sat on the cupcakes. What would a Hanging with Heroes event be without Superhero Cupcakes?! They were de-lish-ous! Don’t forget to check out her FB page and book with her for your upcoming special occasion. We promise, you won’t be disappointed! 

The Superheroes :: Fairytale Entertainment


I think we can all agree that Bat-Hero and Spider-Hero stole the show (besides hanging with our local heroes)! Fairytale Entertainment never ceases to amazes us with their characters and facepainters. Can they seriously get any better? These heroes did everything from hang from the firetrucks to posing with everyone and anyone during our event. They held babies, hugged moms and showed the kids some their special superhero tricks. If you’re looking for the perfect addition to a birthday party don’t hesitate to call them. They are worth every penny for the unforgettable birthday party they’ll provide. 

Fairytale Entertainment HWH2

Our Sponsors :: Goldfish Swim School and Essential Family Chiropractics 

Without our incredible sponsors these events would be possible. We love supporting local businesses within the community. 

Goldfish Swim School is one of our absolute favorite local small businesses. They offer classes from 4 months to 12 years old in a safe and fun environment. Anyone who’s stepped into any Goldfish Swim School can agree their vibrant colors and welcoming staff are above all others. While at our Hanging with Heroes they shared ways on staying safe while swimming and inviting everyone to check them out. You may have picked up a free pass (or two) and a goldfish tattoo to go.

Essential Family Chiropractics is another favorite of ours. Dr. Alyssa was on site checking spines for proper alignment. Even Bat-Hero received a check up to make sure he’s saving the world to his fullest potential. Located in downtown Farmington Essential Family Chiropractics has your best interest and truly cares about you + your family. They educate you on the importance of chiropractics and why our bodies need to be properly aligned in order to live healthy lives. Check them out to learn more and if you didn’t get your spine checked – give them a call. They’d love to hear from you!  

The Real Heroes 

We are constantly amazed my the generosity and love displayed by the Northville City Fire Department along with the Police and Paramedics. I think they enjoy this event as much as we do! You can tell that they are extremely passionate about bringing the community into their fire station and making sure all families feel comfortable with them. They go out of their way to make sure each child feels special. We are SO thankful to have the opportunity to feature our local heroes and everything they do to keep our communities safe. We thank them from the bottom of our hearts for their service!!! 


A HUGE shoutout to the amazing and uber talented Jodi from Wildflowers Photography! She did a phenomenal job capturing the carefree and fun feel of the event. She caught people in their most natural moments while sharing in their excitement. If you need a photographer for any life occasion we highly recommend her. We may be some of her biggest fans!


And without our ah-mazing DMB staff this event in no way would be possible. These women pour their hearts and souls into making sure every families feels part of our community. They truly love our city and everything it entails. From planning this event to caring out every last details these women rocked it. Shouting from the rooftops – THANK YOU ladies! 



In + Around Detroit

Meet The Local Authors You’ll Find In + Around Detroit!

It's so easy to get lost inside a book and find yourself in another world. It's one of the reasons books are so amazing!...