Sometimes it seems the purpose of Instagram is to display only the most polished, carefully-arranged snapshots of our lives.
We’re all guilty of it. We know almost everyone else does it, too. As a stay-at-home mom who doesn’t get a lot of adult interaction, I think it’s normal to want validation from time to time, and sometimes that validation comes in the form of “likes” and comments online. We want to appear to have it all together, to be optimistic, effortless, unfazed.
But what if we stripped away the Valencia-tinted lens we place over ourselves and shared our unfiltered experiences as parents? Here’s my attempt to re-imagine a more honest use of Instagram.
The Baby Bump Post
Actual caption: Staying close to home this 4th of July as we await our little (or not-so-little) firecracker. 38 weeks today!
Honest caption: My husband took like fifty pictures of me, and these are the only ones I like enough to post.
The Nursery Post
Actual caption: Finally put up the nursery decals. This room will be done someday!
Honest caption: This room was supposed to have been done months ago.
The New Baby Post

Actual caption: #tbt to our first day home from the hospital.
Honest caption: Here’s a picture of my hand because I didn’t like the way the rest of me looked.
First Time Baby Gets Sick Post
Actual caption: Looks like I’ll be staying up on the La-Z-Boy with my sick little raccoon.
Honest caption: How could I let him get sick? Aren’t breastfed babies supposed to stay healthy? I knew I shouldn’t have taken him out in public so often. I don’t care if I don’t get a wink of sleep, just please feel better.
Baby’s First Flight Post
Actual caption: Theodore’s first flight is in the books.
The Pajama Post
Actual caption: Love this little behind.
Honest caption: We are still in pajamas at 11:30 a.m.
The ‘Mommy is Taking a Break’ Post
Actual caption: On a rare afternoon that Theo falls asleep in his crib by himself.
Honest caption: By the time I choose a filter, he will be awake again. Also, this coffee is cold.
The ‘Mom and Dad Weekend Away’ Post

Actual caption: One quick stop at the falls this morning, and now we are headed home to our baby. We had a great weekend away in Greenville!
Honest caption: I need to hold my baby. NOW. Get me home get me home get me home get me home.
The First Ball Game Post
Actual caption: Theo’s first Tigers game.
Honest caption: Eek, I didn’t realize it would be so hot today! How awful will it be if I let my baby get sunburned in April!
First Mother’s Day Post
Actual caption: Thankful to this little one for making me a mommy. Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms in my life!
Honest caption: OMG, I’m so tired. Do you think this filter hides how tired I am? My eyes are open, right? Going on four hours of sleep and dealing with a fussy, teething baby…Still, despite this permanent exhaustion, I’m so thankful to this little one for making me a mommy. So, so incredibly thankful.
If we’re not careful, social media has the power to isolate us and make us feel inadequate. But at its best, it is about connection. If we post authentically, we can relate to each other, laugh together, and find solidarity in the not-so-great times. Here’s to allowing others into our genuine, beautiful mess. #blessed