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I Want to be a Baby-Mamma

In the new year, I want to be a baby.

I want to wear cute clothes. Babies get all the cute clothes. I want to wear ruffles, if even just at home.

When I color in a book or on the walls of my home, I want to listen to my intuition, not what Pinterest tells me. 


I want to eat more whole foods, to feel the textures, and be filled with excitement at a wonderful flavor.

When I’m sad, I want to cry. I don’t want to be strong, I want a long, cathartic wail.

I want to be proud of my accomplishments. If there is any way in this world, I would love to set aside comparisons.

If I get caught by beauty, I want to stay stuck. I want to look deeply and gently graze its outline with my fingertip.

I want to laugh every time I look in the mirror.


I have someone to help me achieve these goals.

I have a confidant, an accomplice, and inspiration, she is my baby, I am her mamma.

Dear 2016 Me

Dear 2016 Me,


I see you over there working out and eating healthy.  Look at you go! You run every day, you go out to weekly dinners with friends, and you’re even in a trivia group! This weekend you plan to get all dolled up and go on your Friday night date night with the hubby! You’re not stressed at work anymore and both your two-year-old and your newborn never cry, they just come home, eat their food, play nicely, smile, and then go to sleep. It’s a good thing the both of them sleep through the night since you get up at 4:30 in the morning to go for your daily run. Good thing you made all those resolutions for the New Year.


Wishful Thinking 2015 Me



I know it sounds off-the-wall ridiculous, but isn’t that kind of what we do to ourselves every year around this time? We make these resolutions on how we can be better versions of ourselves and we are so confident that we will make them happen when in reality, it maybe only last a few days, weeks, or – if you’re very determined- months into the new year.

In a society that has a ‘go big or go home’ mentality, it tends to set up everyone for disappointment.

Is it so unacceptable that we start small and hope that it is the right step toward something more?


Or maybe, we just have to change our mindsets to be happy with small changes. Instead of promising that this year I will be a marathon runner, maybe I just tell myself that I should try and be more active, go for a walk with the kids, and maybe work my way up to a nice jog.

I almost wish instead of making new year’s resolutions, we reflected on the previous year and really appreciated each of our blessings.  


We are always so tuned into finding the new and better things in life that we pass by opportunities to really be happy with what we have and the kind of people we are.

Recently, I have come to truly appreciate how precious life can be. Your loved ones can be there one day and not the next. It’s important to cherish every day we have with each other, and what better time to show that than during the new year.

So, this year, my new year’s resolution is to just find the beauty in each day, even if only for one minute.


I know there will be many, many days ahead full of stress, yelling, crying, and more. But, it is my promise to myself for the next year, and for years to come, to find accomplishment in the small things.

Yes, I will have a two-year-old and an infant in 2016, yes there will be days where I will want to pull my hair out. But it is my job to be happy that I have those children, that I have a job to stress about, that I am healthy enough to go for a walk or run when I feel like it, and that I have a husband and family that will love me, no matter what.

My new year’s resolution is to be happy with what I have.


What’s In a Label? Part 3

As more and more of us become aware of what we put in our bodies and how nutrition can impact health, food labels have become more prominent. 

Since 2006, The Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has specific guidelines regarding what information must be provided and how it should be stated. 

The goal is to make understanding exactly what is in that box of cereal, can of Coke, and yes, even that pint of ice cream, easier for everyone.


Having this information available is not just helpful, but truly critical for many navigating any number of health issues – including many parents who have children with allergies!  Did you know that FDA labeling requirements state that a product package must note if it contains any of the 8 major allergens (milk, eggs, fish, Crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, and soybeans)? 

Because allergies are so common these days, one of the first places many folks look at on a food package is the ingredients list.  FDA guidelines state that the ingredients must be listed in descending order of presence, by weight. Regulations also state that the “common name” of any ingredient should be used.  This translates to the first item in the ingredient list makes up the largest percentage of the product, with each following item being a lesser amount (by weight) and that sugar should be listed as sugar, not as sucrose.  This last guideline makes those unpronounceable ingredients even more scary – but that’s a whole different topic that I’ll save for another day!

There can still be unknowns in packaged foods, despite the government regulations! 

Though the FDA doesn’t have a technical definition of “trace amounts”, guidelines allow that any “incidental” ingredients which don’t have an impact on the finished product do not have to be listed.  Another slightly unsettling truth is that there can be alternates for fats and oils, meaning ingredients can be substituted in the processing of the same product over different batches.  These are supposed to be noted on the ingredient list, and you may have seen it listed as something like this: Vegetable Oil (may consist of Corn Oil, Safflower Oil, Soybean Oil).  Spices and flavorings (both natural & artificial) do NOT have to be broken down in ingredient lists – making up another unknown in your food.  The exception to this are products that are made to be used as spices or flavors.

Once you get past the ingredient list to the nutrition fact panel, there is still more information to pay close attention to! 

The nutrition facts label is divided into five portions, and some of the most important information to take note of is in the first section – which notes both the serving size and the number of servings in the container. This is something that many people may over look, especially in “single serve” type containers.  Take for instance a pouch of Pop Tarts.  We all know that they come two per pouch, but if you look at the label, a serving is just one Pop Tart!  All of the other information in the nutrition facts refers to the amounts in *just one serving*!

Next up is the amount of calories per serving, followed by amounts of different nutrients.  The FDA breaks the nutrients into two distinct sections, those you should limit (fats, cholesterol, sodium, sugars), and those you should be sure to get enough of (fiber, protein, vitamins, minerals).  These sections list both amounts by weight for certain nutrients, but all will show a percentage that is part of the daily amount recommended by the FDA.  The issue here is that the needs of different people vary greatly!  Which is why the fifth section exists…

The fifth and last section of the of the nutrition fact panel is the footnote.  The footnote states that all of the percent daily values listed are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.  So if you are counting calories, or are a person who does not aim to maintain a 2,000 calorie per day diet – these percentages and values are much less meaningful to you!


While the labels are there to help us understand what we’re putting in our bodies, to make them work, you have to learn how to read them and interpret the information!  Use labels to your benefit, and you can have a positive impact on the health of your family!





My Baby is Five: A Reflection.

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Where has the time gone?

We only just learned we were pregnant. Right? We knew we wanted one more and were so thankful when that moment came. It took a few months, but we were lucky. Two lines. Two kids. And now that baby is 5.


The last five years have taken me to a new level of motherhood. A level of love that I would have never understood before having children – a totally unique experience, a special bond between mother and child.

My youngest. My last baby. My favorite second born.

5 words that describe the relationship of my life with my 5 year old:

  1. Energizing
  2. Exhausting
  3. Exhilarating
  4. Explorative
  5. Explosive

(ha! I did not mean to make a list of words that all start with E.)

Energizing because he has this smile that gets you ‘right there’ – you know the one. The smile with a hint of a dimple, a hint of a desire for more, and a bit of “stinkerness”. He’s got that look, that questioning glance, that curiosity that helps keep me going, makes me smile. His smile has that power to keep me going.

Exhausting because he’s a 5 year old boy! He also has an amazing host of health issues that keep me constantly guessing. I am thankful his conditions are not worse, nor really life threatening, yet totally life altering. He has EE (more E’s!), a unique feeding disorder. Each food trial. Each scope. Each doctor visit. Each weight in. Each milestone. Each pair of blessed pants that constantly fall down. Each moment of klutziness that makes me catch my breath and wonder if we are heading back to the ER. This kid got a concussion from playing Legos. Yes, Legos! He’s exhausting. Never boring.

Exhilarating. bike-550223_640Leading up to his fifth birthday, he mastered the art of riding a two wheeler. FAST. Downhill and on a mission. He loves to GO. I love to go. It works out well…chasing him on his bike helps me be a faster runner. It really is exhilarating. Seeing him work hard to achieve a goal (current: reading) is awesome.

Explorative. He questions SO many things, as he should. He ponders situations. He wonders deep. He loves nature, he loves art, he has a passion to reflect. He makes me see things through a new set of lenses. Even when I am exhausted, his request for a book to explore his language ability is special. He is explorative when it comes to trying new food during food trials – he questions hard before taking a bite, but he is exploring what is possible. I respect that. I fear that. explore

He is EXPLOSIVE – in many ways, in the obvious boy way, in the bathroom as he drops a number 2. Oye. (mom of boys here). But his passions – he REALLY gets into his work. His ability to see his work through, his explosive energy when it comes to ‘running really fast’ and growing as much as possible. He really has a heart full of explosive love, and he’s not afraid to share it.

funny S minute to win itMy sweet little one, as I look back over the last 5 years I am honored to be your mom. Honored to be the one who was gifted your life to hold close in my heart. I am honored to have the moment to reflect and write (and thankful for that cup of coffee I had with dinner to help me stay awake to get ready for the celebration of you) about our relationship, about my relationship with you.


My son, my baby. My five year old.

Happy Birthday, Buddy. I thank you for you. For us.

xo: mom

You Taught Me to Minimalize: Things I Never Understood

I definitely still have a lot to learn in the world of parenting but I do know a few things.  My first child was by far not easy.  He had tummy issues. I don’t know why they call it “sleep like a baby” because he never slept.  Now I’m a little seasoned, and my second child is a lot easier.  Two different babies and two totally different personalities.  

When I reflect back on the differences between baby one and baby two I can’t help but laugh out loud.  Wow have I come a long way.  

Here are 10 things that I simply didn’t understand until my second child.

You Don’t Need Much:  With your first child, you get so excited to register for
baby items. Your house explodes with baby stuff right after your shower! You have all the time in the world to prep the nursery and organize clothing neatly in the closet.  By the time your second child arrives, you realize that babies simply don’t need much.  As long as you have diapers, bottles, white onesies and sleepers you are all set.  All those extras are simply useless.  Not to mention, it clutters your house.  

Elastic Pants are your Friend: It is so much fun shopping for those adorable jean outfits and jumpers.  For my first I envisioned him always wearing a pair of cool jeans.  That lasted only a few days and I quickly learned that elastic waist is the way to go.  Elastic waist pants make changing diapers MUCH  easier.  Being practical outweighed style. 

White Socks Only: 
My son had all kinds of cool looking socks.  Black, blue stripped, red stripped, red  and the list goes on.  Folding little people clothing is hard enough, but matching a bunch of little socks is torturous – especially when its mate is always missing.  I quickly learned that plain white socks are the way to go.  I always have a mate.  

No Need to Stockpile Milk: I was obsessed with pumping.  I had this fear that I would run out of milk.  Before I knew it, our deep freezer was completely full of milk.  I ended up donating the milk and even tossed some.  All that hard work pumping, and I never even put a dent into my stash. My second time around, I barely pump and only have a few bags of frozen milk.  If I know I’m going to leave baby, I will thaw a bag or pump fresh milk.  No need to panic.  There is plenty of milk. 

Newborn Pictures are Boring: Don’t get me wrong, I cherish those sleeping newborn shots. But I love all those fun pictures you get when baby is alert and smiling. For my first I printed newborn pictures and made sure everyone had them. With my second, I didn’t feel the need. I posted some on Facebook, and family could save the pictures if they wanted to.

Here, Play with This: IMG_2129My first baby had all kinds of brand new toys to play with and explore.With my second baby, I grab anything that is safe to play with. Most of the time it’s not a baby toy. Babies will play with anything, even an empty box!

What Nursery?: My first child had the most adorable nursery to come home to. Our second baby is 16 weeks old, and still doesn’t have a nursery. Since she sleeps in a bassinet in our room, we haven’t even assembled her crib. I couldn’t even imagine doing this for our first. I am much more practical the second time around. 

Wait your Turn: Having two little ones makes it hard to run to baby’s every peep. With the first, I had nothing but time to dedicate to him. With the second, sometimes she needs to wait her turn, even if she is a little upset.

The Dirty Dozen: raspberries-215858_640You quickly realize that eating organic is expensive, especially when you want your child to eat as much organic as possible. I would not allow my son to eat anything that was not organic. Now, I try to limit it to the dirty dozen and I no longer freak about him eating conventional fruits and veggies. I would much rather him eat non-organic fruit over fruit snacks any day! 


Don’t stress the Schedule: time-699965_640I remember spending two hours of my evening rocking my son to sleep, and trying to get him to sleep by 8pm.  Why did I stress so much over a stupid schedule?! With baby number two, I simply follow her lead: when she falls asleep, I put her in her bassinet.  Of course, I will eventually create a routine and a set bedtime, But I’m not in a rush. I don’t have two hours to spend rocking in a nursery.  



I still have so much to learn.  I’m sure when I reflect back in a few months, I will have more to add to the list.  

Help me out! 

What are some things you didn’t understand until the second round?

Please comment below, I would love to hear from you. 

In Defense of the Small House: Why I Love Our Little Ranch

Small brick ranches and huge, mature trees line the street where I live. We’re low on square footage, our kitchen is outdated, and we mostly share the same bathroom. My house isn’t huge, but I can easily keep track of my kids from a few rooms away even without the coveted open floor plan.

It may not be our forever home, but it’s the perfect place for my family of four right now.

A great steal…or so we thought!

Six months before we married, my husband and I decided that we’d take advantage of what we thought was a great real estate market by purchasing our house for $20K less than the previous owners paid. We bought what we thought would be a great “starter house,” and then the market kept tanking. Seven years later, we’re still here with no plans to move anytime soon. Based on comparable homes, we’d probably be able to break even if we sold now. But we’ve decided that financially, logistically, and emotionally, it makes sense to stay put for the time being. We might move down the road, but for now, I’m embracing living in a smaller home, similar in size to the one where I grew up.

I’m done keeping up with the Joneses.

I truly believe that a key factor to happiness is being content and thankful for what you have. As I thought about it, a big motivation for wanting a bigger house is not that I really care about having more room but instead want what others have. After a lot of personal reflection, this isn’t the right reason for a move. When I look around my house, I’m so thankful for the cozy home where my husband spent our first years of marriage and where we’ve welcomed two babies into our lives.

There are plenty of perks to having a smaller home.


I can literally hear almost every sound in my house; with teenagers this might not be great, but with little feet running around, it’s a blessing. Generally, my motto for letting my son play in other rooms without supervision is, “If I can hear him, I know he’s not getting into too much trouble.” It also makes it easy to quickly respond to a crying baby or the occasional toddler nightmare. We’re all on one floor within a few feet of each other.


A small house demands to be kept clean. I’m not the best housekeeper but hate clutter. Having a small house means you have to prioritize your stuff, and you don’t hang on to too much extra. You prioritize and pare down, keeping what is most precious to you. You buy and keep less because you simply don’t have space!

While not a characteristic of my house, we also lucked out and have some fantastic neighbors. That, alone, is a huge benefit. My son absolutely adores our next-door neighbors particularly, and I always joke (or maybe I’m not joking?) that we can’t move until or unless our neighbors move first!

While we didn’t get the “steal” we thought we were getting, having a small house also means a smaller mortgage than we’d have if we bought big. This has allowed us to stay clear of debt other than a mortgage and also allowed me to work part-time. Less financial burden has helped simplify my financial life and means less strain on my marriage, and for that, I’m extremely thankful.

I know I still have SO much more than many others not only in other countries but even in my own city. I say that not to brag, but to say that I recognize I’m coming from a place of privilege to even consider my house “small.”

I grew up in a house about this size, and my grandparents raised four and five children in similar-sized homes. There were no master suites, no walk-in closets, and potentially little privacy. While I can envision a time where we might long for extra space in the future, for now, I’m happy to raise my little family in a small home.

Do you love your little house as much as I love mine?
What do YOU love about yours?

Sometimes Holidays & Toddlers Don’t Mix

It’s that magical time of year again! The windowpanes are frosted, there’s a fire blazing in the hearth, a cozy cup of hot cocoa is nestled in your hands as you and your loved ones kick back and relax, enjoying the cozy ambiance of the season. Ahhhh, the holidays!


……And then your toddler pulls down your beautifully decorated Christmas tree. Ahhhh, the holidays!


Did I enjoy my first Christmas with a toddler? I’ll be honest: not really. I spent the bulk of Christmas Day hiding in my Aunt’s coat closet, crying.

My son had just turned one. Having just celebrated his birthday, he was really into present opening. He wanted to open EVERY present under the tree, thinking they were all for him. He didn’t understand the meaning of a gift exchange, nor babies-644264_960_720did he grasp the concept of relaxing and visiting with family. My little guy was a new walker, eager to explore his environment. He didn’t want to sit and look cute in his corduroys and sweater vest. He wanted to run around and check everything out. He wanted to open cupboards and drawers, climb the stairs, and pull ornaments off of the tree. During the pre-dinner/hors d’oeuvres hour at our annual family gathering, my son wanted to shove the entire dish of mixed nuts into his mouth.

Those mixed nuts! Six years later I still remember them as a Terrible Toddler Trifecta:

1. they were a veritable choking hazard;

2. the nuts were placed right at my son’s level on a low-lying glass cocktail table; and

3. they were displayed in a very fragile porcelain, candy-cane dish.

The nuts were just the tip of the iceberg: everywhere my little guy turned, someone was telling him ‘No!’:

No! Don’t eat that.

No! Don’t open that.

No! Don’t touch that.stink

No! Don’t climb the stairs.

No! Don’t go near the hot fireplace.

And on, and on and on.

My little man was so frustrated! He was miserable actually, which made me miserable…..hence my trip to the coat closet for a good, cathartic cry.

Five years and two more children later, I finally learned the very valuable lesson that I now share with you:

Sometimes the Holidays and little kids just don’t mix. Sometimes, as parents, we need to lower our expectations during this very joyful yet very busy season to better accommodate our children, and ultimately ourselves.

Maybe you can’t put up your beautiful Christmas tree with antique ornaments

Perhaps your Christmas card picture won’t be perfect because your toddler screams at the sight of Santa

Maybe the family gathering that starts smack dab in the middle of nap time doesn’t fit into your schedule, and it’s OK to be late, or to make alternate plans

It might be paper plates instead of the good china this year

It might not be the year for fires in the fireplace, or maybe it’s time to invest in a protective gate or screen

Deck the Halls all you’d like, just remember that anything within arms reach of your little man or lady can and will be used as a toy

Missed naps lead to very bad consequences….for you

Don’t get me wrong, the holidays are a wonderful time to enjoy with our children. The magic of the season is truly all around: beautiful, twinkling lights, gorgeously decorated Christmas trees, sleigh rides, snow angels, family celebrations, and the overall giving and receiving of love and joy. It’s a lovely time to share with family and friends. It can also be a very stressful time when you’re the parent of a toddler.

christmas toastJust remember that the holiday season is also yours to enjoy. YOU – yes, you MOM! – need to take the time to relax and enjoy the season as well. If that means making some adjustments to better accommodate your toddler, so be it!

Holidays and Toddlers can mix. We may simply need to tailor our holiday traditions and expectations to better suit our little one’s needs. A few modifications to your holiday modus operandi will only serve to enhance your child’s (and subsequently your own) enjoyment of the most wonderful – and busiest! – time of the year.











My Imperfect Husband is Perfect For Me

As I sit frustrated at yet another night that my husband HAS to watch the Red Wings game, I start to think, ‘so what’?

When I started dating my husband, I knew that he was head over heels for the Red Wings, so why is it frustrating to me that he has kept up that dedication?


Most days, I come home from work exhausted! However, I make sure to save some energy for my toddler at home. Dinner has to be made, dishes cleaned, clothes put away, bathes to be taken, and toys to be straightened up.

This is my thing – I am a bit of a control freak.

Most days, my husband and I are on the same page, until something comes up – like a Wings game, or a new technology feature in our house, or a light bulb to be changed (that turns into changing all the light bulbs in the entire room!) 

This is his thing – he gets something in his head, and he does not stop until it is complete.

When we first met, I thought this was one of the greatest things about him: his dedication. However, when you are tired and get woken up at 2 am because your husband is still installing under cabinet lighting that HAD to be done at that very moment, it can be exhausting.

All that aside, if that is the one thing that I have to put up with, I should consider myself blessed.  I have a husband who constantly makes sure the house is updated and well put together.  I have a husband who owns his own company and works tirelessly every day to make sure it succeeds. I have a husband who chooses to spend the little time he has away from his work with his family, instead of golfing. I have a husband who plays with his daughter like she is his little sidekick.  I have a husband who, even when I am feeling my worst, can make me feel like the most beautiful person in the whole world.

I have a husband who may not be perfect, but he is absolutely, without a doubt, perfect for me.


He makes me laugh in the middle of a hard cry. He makes me smile when I am fuming mad. He knows when to be there, and when to give me space. He knows me. He knows me more than I know myself sometimes, and I love him every second, of every minute, of every day for it.


As much as I nag and expect things done a certain way, I have to accept that my husband is his own person. He does things over and above what most husbands are expected to do. He is the love of my life, and I couldn’t ask for a better partner to raise our children, run our household, and grow with.


He will always be my person and deserves a big ‘THANK YOU’ just for being there and doing all that he can.




Why I Love Family Memberships for Local Attractions

Hands down, one of my best parenting investments has been a membership to The Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village. After struggling to keep a high energy two year old entertained and physically active during the early winter months, last year I drove there, toddler in tow, and bought a membership. Since then, our membership has paid for itself time and time again, and also led me to seek our other memberships. I LOVE memberships at museums, gyms, and other local attractions for a variety of reasons:

Cost savings adds up – Generally, your membership will pay itself off after two visits to your local museum, zoo, etc. However, I doubt you’ll stop after two trips. As long as you pick a spot that is close, and that your family loves, you’ll probably be back far more often. Last year, I lost count after twelve trips to The Henry Ford!

Short trips are okay – I learned quickly that babies/toddlers and long outings don’t mix well. There’s nothing like dragging your child around the zoo during nap time on a hot day to make sure you “get your money’s worth!” When you have a membership, you don’t have to feel like you’ve wasted $70 on a trip to the zoo if you leave in under two hours, because you know you can go back any time you want!

I remember visiting the Mattox family house at Greenfield Village with my mom when I was young, and make sure to stop in on occasion with my own kids now!

Discounted tickets are reciprocal attractions – Most museums and zoos are part of a larger network, and work together to offer discounted tickets. For example, if you are a member of the Ann Arbor Hands on Museum, you can get half off admission at 165 other museums!

Get the inside scoop and special deals – Honestly, to me this is a little bit less important, but most memberships offer special deals on merchandise or tickets to special events for members. Whether it’s having first crack at “Zoo Brew” tickets, getting guest passes to the gym, or discounts at the museum gift shop, there are usually some kind of extra perks for members.


At Amphibiville at the Detroit Zoo

Above all of this, you’ll also make awesome memories as your kids get to know their favorite displays and attractions! It’s easy to forget the details of one specific day, but I’ll always remember the special train car my son asks for when visiting The Henry Ford (and that upon asking, the sweet volunteer “engineers” will help us find it!), that he know to run to climb up the combine machine, and that he loves the “big long hot dog car” (The Wiener Mobile!) near the front entrance.


A must stop at every trip to The Henry Ford – the Lego train table!

So tell me, where do you have a membership, and why do you love it?

‘Tis the Season to Give Thanks


With all of the hustle and bustle that the holiday season brings, it’s easy to forget how thankful we should be for the things we have, and the people we share them with.

As 2015 draws to a close, why not take a moment to reflect on the positive things, people and experiences we’ve had throughout the last 12 months.

With that I say, THANK YOU:


  • Husband/Boyfriend/Significant Other: for being my biggest cheerleader when I need it most. For loving me through the good times and bad. For supporting our family and working hard everyday. I don’t say it enough, but know that I feel blessed to have you in my life.


  • Mom/Dad/Grandma/Grandpa/: for loving and supporting me no matter what. For always encouraging me to try new things and give it my best shot. For reminding me that being a mom is a job, and the best one I will ever have. For the days and nights when you’re my free babysitter, and for giving the little one that extra piece of candy because, Lord knows, one little bite won’t hurt.


  • Sibling: for growing closer the older we get. For playing an active role in your nephew/niece’s life and letting them know how important siblings are for each other. For knowing when to chime in during a family disagreement, and taking my side when needed. For dropping anything at anytime in order to help me out.


  • Best Friend: for being my therapist and listening to my problems whether it’s the first or 15th time you’ve heard me complain about said topic. For finishing my sentences and putting me in my place when I need to be brought back down to Earth. For always having my back and making me laugh when I don’t want to. For being that shoulder to cry on when I need a hug.


  • Co-Workers: for being my family away from home. For making me laugh when I’m on deadline and remembering that there is more to life than “work.” For encouraging me to be a better version of myself everyday, and striving to be the best teammate I can be day-in and day-out.


  • Daycare Staff: for taking care of my child like he is your own. For following through with proper discipline and rewarding good behavior. For reminding me that being a working mom is okay and that I’m doing the best I can with what I’ve got.


  • Teacher: for teaching my child that it takes hard work and dedication to become successful. For always being that selfless leader I’ve always looked up to. For not letting the politics get in the way of your job, and continuing to put my child first. 


  • Detroit Moms Blog Contributors: for always supporting one another in any capacity inside or outside of this blog. For being a positive group of role models and for teaching me new things everyday.


  • Detroit Moms Blog Readers: for following along with our lives, families and stories. For continuing to support a group of local women just hoping to help someone that can relate to what we’re going through. 


  • God: for knowing what is best for me. For always knowing that something will work out in the end and pushing me to my limits in order to reach those great heights. For bringing all of these wonderful people into my life.



I challenge you to take just a moment out of your day to send the people you love, admire or are truly thankful for a quick phone call, text or email letting them know how much you care for them. 

Don’t forget… there is always, ALWAYS something to be thankful for.





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