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Weekend Happenings (School’s Out Edition) June 12-14

Weekend happening june 12-14

For some of us, school’s already out and others are counting down the last few days. The days are longer and will probably get pretty hot, hazy and lazy. But with our awesome Summer Camp Guide,  Ultimate Summer GuideFireworks Guide, and Weekly Happenings lists there will never be a dull moment. From yoga/play classes to carnivals and festivals, Metro Detroit is overflowing with events for your whole family! Keep in mind, some of the events on this list are recurring throughout the spring and summer so you might find a new hobby or favorite hot spot. Enjoy!

New Center Park Presents: Family Movie Night (Toy Story)

{Date + Time}
Friday June 12 from 9 pm – 10:30 pm


2998 West Grand Blvd.



Drawing in the Gallery at the DIA

{Date + Time}
Friday June 12 from 6 pm – 9 pm


5200 Woodward Ave.



Heraldry for Kids at the DIA

{Date + Time}
Friday June 12 from 6 pm – 9 pm


5200 Woodward Ave.



Humpback Whales at the Chrysler IMAX

{Date + Time}
Friday June 12 @ 11 am & 1 pm, Saturday June 13 @ 11 am, 2 pm & 4 pm

Museum admission

5020 John R St. 



Dinosauria at the Detroit Zoo

{Date + Time}
Friday June 12 from 9 am – 5 pm

$5 per person plus zoo admission

8450 W. Ten Mile Rd.

Royal Oak


Dearborn Heights Spirit Festival

{Date + Time}
Friday June 12, Saturday June 13 & Sunday June 14 from 9 am – 2 pm

General admission free, ride wristbands/ $16 – $20

Canfield Community Center, 1801 N. Beech Daly Rd.

Dearborn Heights


Ann Arbor Summer Festival

{Date + Time}
All Weekend

All outdoor concerts free, see website for indoor concert ticket pricing

Various locations throughout the city and downtown

Ann Arbor


Michigan Fun Fest at Bryant Park

{Date + Time}
Thursday June 11 – Sunday June 14

Free entry, ride wristbands/ $22

18000 Merriman Rd.



Green Fair on Main Street

{Date + Time}
Friday June 12 from 6 pm – 9 pm


Downtown on Main Street

Ann Arbor


Teen Fun Friday at the Library

{Date + Time}
Friday June 12 from 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Free, registration required

Auburn Hills Public Library, 3400 E. Seyburn Dr.

Auburn Hills


Picnic at the Roseville Library

{Date + Time}
Friday June 12 @ 1 pm

Free, bring your own lunch

39777 Gratiot Ave.



Summer Drive-in at the Compuware Arena

{Date + Time}
Friday June 12 @ 7 pm

Adults/ $19, kids 4 – 12/ $8

14900 Beck Rd.



Battle of the Bands at Shain Park

{Date + Time}
Friday June 12 from 7:30 pm – 10:30 pm


Shain Park



Cinema on the Lawn at New Hope Church

{Date + Time}
Friday June 12 @ 8:30 pm


44815 Cherry Hill Rd.



Kolobok at PuppetART in Detroit

{Date + Time}
Saturday June 13 @ 2 pm

Adults/ $10, kids/ $5

25 E. Grand River Ave.



Pippin at the Fisher Theater

{Date + Time}
Saturday June 13 @ 2 pm & 8 pm

Tickets $40 – $145

3011 West Grand Blvd.



Art Orchard Festival & Washington Lion’s Carnival

{Date + Time}
Thursday June 11 – Sunday June 14


Washington Lion’s & Park Area

Washington Township


Cereal City Festival

{Date + Time}
All weekend, see website for event schedule



Battle Creek


Celebrate! at the MCPA

{Date + Time}
Saturday June 13 @ 2 pm

$17 in advance, $19 at the door

Macomb Center for the Performing Arts, 44575 Garfield Rd. 

Clinton Township


Clay, Glass & Metal Festival

{Date + Time}
Saturday June 13 @ 10 am & Sunday June 14 @ 11 am


Fourth Street

Downtown Royal Oak


Saturdays in the Park at Hines Park

{Date + Time}
Saturday June 13 from 9:30 am – 3:30 pm


33175 Ann Arbor Trail



Stroll & Roll at the Troy Community Center

{Date + Time}
Saturday June 13 from 10 am – 1 pm


3279 Livernois Rd.



Yoga/Play (all ages)

{Date + Time}
Friday June 12 from 9:15 am – 10:15 am

Adult with 1 child/ $15, adult with 2 children/ $18 (registration required)

Nature’s Playhouse, 319 W. Nine Mile Rd.



Ferndale 2015 Trunk & Treasure Sale

{Date + Time}
Saturday June 13 from 9 am – 3 pm


Ferndale City Hall, 300 E. Nine Mile Rd.



Family Skate at Bonaventure Roller Skating

{Date + Time}
Sunday June 14 from noon – 6 pm

$8 per skater, $4 skate rental fee

24505 Halsted Rd.

Farmington Hills


Open Pool at the Family Aquatic Center

{Date + Time}
Sunday June 14 from 1 pm – 7 pm

Adults/ $5, kids/ $3

6200 Farmington Rd.

West Bloomfield


Lowe’s Build & Grow Free Kids Clinic

{Date + Time}
Saturday June 13 @ 10 am


Lowe’s Home Improvement Store

Harper Woods & Clinton Township


Special Storytime at Barnes & Noble

{Date + Time}
Saturday June 13 @ 11 am


9221 Mack Ave.

Grosse Pointe


$4 Play Days at Boogie Babies

{Date + Time}
Friday June 12 from 9 am – 8 pm

Kids 12 mos & up/ $4, kids 7 mos – 11 mos/ $3, 6 mos & under/ free

1929 Star Batt Dr. (M – 59 & Crooks)

Rochester Hills


Open Access Play at Brick It Up!

{Date + Time}
Friday June 12 from 5 pm – 8 pm

$10 per child, $8 each additional sibling

948 Baldwin Rd.



Open Jump at Pump It Up

{Date + Time}
Friday June 12 from 2:30 pm – 4 pm

$7 per child

1720 Opdyke Court

Auburn Hills


Silly Salamanders & Frogs

{Date + Time}
Sunday June 14 from 1 pm – 2:30 pm

Adults/ $5,kids/ $3 (non members)

Rochester Hills Museum, 1005 Van Hoosen Rd.

Rochester Hills


Kidpreneur Friday Game Nights

{Date + Time}
Friday June 12 from 6 pm – 9 pm

$15 per child

28265 Beck Rd. Suite C- 17



Kiddie Craft

{Date + Time}
Saturday June 13 From 10:30 am – 11 am


Novi Library, 45255 W. Ten Mile Rd.



2nd Annual Teen Stop Art Exhibit Premier

{Date + Time}
Saturday June 13 from 11 am – noon

Free, registration required

Novi Library, 45255 W. Ten Mile Rd.




Why it’s ok NOT to have another baby

If you asked me 10 years ago how many children I wanted to have the answer was 4. Some people have aspirations of becoming lawyers and doctors, chefs and engineers – my dream was always to become a mother.

Fast forward to 2011 when I became pregnant with my first child. I didn’t show until I was 20 weeks along. I had very mild morning sickness and felt more beautiful than I ever have in my whole life. Some would say I had the ideal pregnancy. I was in mama-to-be heaven. I was as ready as I ever would be to become a mom.

All the preparation in the world could never get me ready for what I was about to encounter.


With my first child, I was diagnosed with severe postpartum depression. While it’s been nearly 4 years since, there are still some things that I can’t and will never be able to talk about and things I can never take back. However, I made it through with some pretty amazing life lessons learned. I learned a lot about my son, I learned a lot about my husband, but more importantly, I learned a lot about myself.

After coming out of the dark, my husband and I decided to try for another baby and we were successful. In June of 2013, we welcomed our daughter, but not without some trepidation due to the circumstances surrounding my postpartum depression with my son. I was TERRIFIED. However, I educated myself and built myself an arsenal of support and resources. With caution and positivity as my keywords, I was able to get through the first year of my second child’s life with no signs of PPD.


It was immediately after my second child was born that I came to an epiphany: I’m done having children. Some people are wishy-washy and that’s more than OK! I was a firm NO. I know that I said I wanted four, but that was before I experienced all of the horror and joy and fear and happiness that was Motherhood. I knew NOTHING about what it actually took to care for and be responsible for another human life. After taking care of my son for 22 months and then giving birth to my daughter I realized I can totally rock this as a mother of two. That’s ALL I want is to be a good mom. I know there is no such thing as the perfect parent, but I want to be fair; fair to my children, fair to my husband and fair to myself. If I added any more to the mix, I can honestly say that I would not be as good, as efficient, as ‘OK’ of a mom as I am.  The responses I’ve received as to my reasoning have been mixed.  Some tell me it’s ok – I got a boy and a girl so it ‘makes sense’ to be done.  Some people are insulted because I make it seem like I think people with more than two kids are crazy (which is NOT the case) – some people can handle that and they ROCK at it.  I wouldn’t.  I’d like to say the main reason behind my choice is that I know myself and who I am well enough to know that if I were to have any more children, it just wouldn’t be a good situation.  We wouldn’t thrive like we do now.  We wouldn’t live as fully as we do now.  I’m confident in that fact.  I’ve come to terms with it.

If you’re struggling with making the decision, it isn’t a decision to be made lightly. When the decision is made, whether it is a yes or a no, be confident that the decision you made is the right one for YOU and if your choice is to be done having children, that’s ok. Whatever you do, be the BEST mama you know how to be.


Introducing the DMB’s of Darlene Waller


Hey Mamas! My name is Darlene Waller and I’m a stay-at-home-mom to 3 girls; Dayna, my college girl, Faith, my teenager and toddler Elaina Rose, (Rosie).  Raising my daughters is the most challenging job ever, but the pay is great!


{Down With Detroit}

I was born and raised on the west side of Detroit back in the days when the Vernor’s factory still thrived on Woodward Ave. My mother was a secretary and my dad was a Ford factory worker and mechanic. I spent my childhood swimming at the pool in Palmer Park and riding my bike through the trails, riding the giant slide and camping with family on Belle Isle. Recently, our family past time has been the Woodward Dream Cruise, and since we’re a Ford family everyone meets on Mustang Alley!

Living in Detroit has many challenges, as does any major city. People have asked me why I stay and I simply tell them “because this is my home and I love it.” I enjoy the small hidden parks, shopping at the Eastern Market on Saturday mornings and telling my girls about the rich history of our hometown; Berry Gordy and the Motown Sound, Henry Ford’s gift to the world that was built right here, and many other beautiful and exciting historical sites that prove the strength of Detroit and why my pride runs so deep. 


{My Life}

As a rebellious kid, I was often grounded and left with nothing but books in my room, no tv or toys. I thought it was torture then but as a result I love to read and that love has passed on to my kids. They enjoy everything from history books to comics like Emily the Strange. I guess they get it honest because I’m a die-hard Stephen King fan…whenever I have time to read!

I worked in the customer service field for over ten years before I realized that I was miserable. That was when I made the decision to become a stay-at-home-mom.  My oldest daughter is in college, the middle girl is in high school, and my hyperactive toddler keeps me on my toes! My Rosie is autistic, which is a challenge I’ve learned to face with my head up, a positive attitude, and plenty of patience. Most of my days are spent with her in occupational or speech therapy. My family and I are learning more about autism every day and I’ve vowed to advocate for awareness and acceptance of people with disabilities. It’s given me a new purpose and even though every minute presents a new challenge, I’m happy to be the mommy to this exceptional and beautiful child.

Being a single mom of 3 girls is a wonderful (and expensive) experience! I’ve probably spent more on hair and body care products than I have gas for my car, but I can always count on a sea of knowledge from a sisterhood of moms in my community and online. I suffered a bit of postpartum depression after my baby was born, but I’ve bounced back with the help of therapy and support from the sisterhood of Motherhood, especially through the Detroit Moms Blog. So when I was given the opportunity to become a part of the team I was excited to begin a new journey. When I’m not blogging, I’m working on building my jewelry and skin care business. I create crystal and glass bead jewelry for myself and the girls, and I make custom sets for friends and family. Blending natural oils and ingredients into nourishing scrubs and moisturizers for the skin is also a passion of mine and my dream is to distribute my products and jewelry throughout Metro Detroit stores and vendors. As they say, teamwork makes the dream work, so my daughters are my business partners. They are right by my side every day, learning what it takes to build something from the ground up.


{Baby & Beyond}

Becoming a mom again at almost 40 really felt like doing it for the first time! There is so much to learn and unlearn, but for the most part I rely on what all moms should which is experience and intuition. But despite that, I wasn’t prepared for the diagnosis of autism in Rosie. I see it as a learning experience and a chance to advocate for all children with special needs. With my older girls being independent, I was looking forward to placing Rosie in daycare and finding a job. Now I understand that my job is to advocate for the best care that I can give her. There’s no better way to do that than to find support in a network of moms and my goal is to build a stronger network within the city of Detroit. I’m committed to being involved in the rebuilding of my community.



Finding your breastfeeding tribe!

Many mothers strive to breastfeed their babies from birth, for most it is an amazing experience they remember for years! Finding other mothers who are breastfeeding can be a great way to make new friends and feel supported through the breastfeeding journey.

Have you checked out a local La Leche League meeting?


other moms

So what is LLL and why should you attend?

The mission of LLL  is to help mothers worldwide to breastfeed through mother-to-mother support, encouragement, information, and education, and to promote a better understanding of breastfeeding as an important element in the healthy development of the baby and mother.

A typical LLL meeting is led by a leader, who went through a process of being educated on common breastfeeding concerns and topics. Leaders also have to have breastfed their own children and meet additional criteria.




Meeting topics include, advantages of breastfeeding, bringing baby home, avoiding difficulties, nutrition and weaning. Meeting formats vary from group to group and leader to leader. Within the group I lead, we talk about the formal meeting topic for about 30 minutes, answer general questions from the group and then allow the mothers to socialize. Mothers help other mothers and the leaders help guide the conversation when needed. Some ideas and topics are great for one particular family but may not work for others, we realize that and respect each other’s opinions.


So who comes to LLL meetings?

Mothers, babies, siblings(big and small) grandmothers, friends, sometimes we have local midwives stopping by to check out our group, basically any female who is pregnant, breastfeeding or interested in the topic is welcome to attend!




When children see other children (babies or toddlers) breastfeeding it helps normalize breastfeeding. We are showing young children that it is socially acceptable to breastfeed. When other women or children see others breastfeeding they themselves are more likely to initiate breastfeeding.




Some women choose to exclusively pump or may be returning to work in the near future. They are welcome at meetings also! While feeding directly at the breast is best, we realize that sometimes that does not happen or cannot be sustained long term. It’s very surprising when questions about pumping arise, because many other mothers usually have the same question! Pumping in the workplace and pumping technique are frequently discussed topics.


Mom’s need the support of other like-minded mom’s! New mothers need to be supported. When these mothers come and meet other new mothers, they make connections and feel empowered to keep up the great work they are doing. Mother’s share stories with each other, give support and make new friend. Its funny, sometimes as leaders we have these great meeting topics all planned out, we get to the meetings and it becomes very obvious the moms of the group want to discuss something different. Usually we switch gears quickly and help facilitate the new conversation!


every droip

Breastfeeding is a wonderful way to nurture your baby. I hope to see you at a meeting soon!

Find your local LLL group


Introducing the DMB’s of Francina Gegovic

{Down with Detroit}

Hello Detroit Mamas! I am Francina Gegovic, mother to three totally amazing kids. I am definitely a lover. I try to see the best in everyone and give WAYYY to many second chances 😉 Everything I do or aspire to do is to better my family. As a young girl I always dreamed to be a mom and my dreams were definitely fulfilled by my three babies!


I am a full time working mom so juggling three babies on top can definitely be exhausting but I am so lucky to love where I work and love my co-workers! My ONE hour commute to and from work is about the ONLY time I have to myself so even though it is a dreadful drive I am usually catching up with friends or family on the phone OR bringing my inner Britney Spears out and singing my heart out to songs I can’t listen to with kids in the car 😉

{My Life}

I am a wife to my husband Nick. We met when I was only 14 years old! We got married the MONTH after I graduated high school {totally crazy I know!} We have had many many ups and downs in our journey. Days where I thought it was over but we just held on a little tighter and now this July we will celebrate our 10 year marriage anniversary! Although things will NEVER BE PERFECT, I can honestly say that I feel closer to him now than I ever did before. Getting married young is definitely a challenge but we were able to grow together and make mistakes together. In doing that, I feel like we have a different level of respect for each other. So grateful to God for holding us together through the bad times!



{Babies + Beyond}

Our oldest daughters name is Liliana. She is 6 years old and a TOTAL girl! She is all about her shoes, clothes and hair! The one thing I admire most about her is her love and passion for school and reading! Liliana will read to anyone – anywhere! She just recently started modeling and she loves it! She was named the face of a brand new line of flower girl dresses called Couture Dolls!

LILI HAIR(Hair by: Salon Blue Makeup by: Lydia Deljaj)

Our sons name is Damjon (pronounced Damien) he is the ‘wild child’! I never knew what the phrase ‘ants in your pants’ meant until I had him!! Damjon is 5 years old and has the BIGGEST imagination! He is into superheros and Mario brothers! The one thing I admire most about my son is his heart. He can be so wild and crazy but at the end of the day he is so loving. If he notices that I am upset he will not leave my side until I am “all better”! He is definitely a mamas boy and  I am holding on to every minute of that!

DAMJON BDAY(Cake By @Occasioncakesbycharlene-Instagram)

Briana is our baby!! She is going to be 8 months old this month! I have NO idea where time has gone!! When she came home from the hospital she was the easiest newborn ever! Then at about one month old I thought WHAT IN THE WORLD HAPPENED TO MY BABY? Thankfully her colic stage has passed and she is now a loving yet still pretty high maintenance baby! She has finally mastered crawling and is currently working on pulling herself up in her crib and playpen!


I live a very LOW KEY life. It is very rare anyone will see me anywhere without my kids and if a type of event is coming up that requires me to leave my kids; I am having anxiety about it for a good week for sure! I feel like I was born to be a mother, that it was truly my calling. I am FAR from perfect but I love meeting new moms and getting advice and even giving advice where I can. I feel like when you are a mom you are automatically in this new TEAM. There should never be any judgment (unless you just totally don’t care about your kids at all) we are all moms just trying to do the best we can for our kids! I am so excited to be a part of this brand new team and look forward to meeting new people, hearing new stories, sharing my own stories and just having lots of fun!

babies 2015



Weekend Happenings June 5 – 7

Weekend happening june 5-7

 The school year is coming to an end and summer vacation is almost here for most of us!  This weekend Detroit is FULL of things to do In+Around the D!  Share with us and comment below what you LOVE most about summer in the city!  What are you looking forward to doing with your family?

 *CLICK on the name of the event to visit their website for more information!*

Downtown Hoedown at West Riverfront Park

{Date + Time}
Friday June 5 from 4 pm – 11 pm, Saturday June 6 from 12 pm – 11 pm

$35/ day, $49.50/ two day pass

West Riverfront Park



Macomb Fair & Expo at Gibraltar Trade Center

{Date + Time}
Friday June 5 & Saturday June 6 from 3 pm – midnight, Sunday from noon – 11 pm

Free entry, ride wristbands/ $22 – $25

237 N. River Rd.

Mount Clemens


Motor City Pride Festival at Hart Plaza

{Date + Time}
Friday June 5, Saturday June 6 & Sunday June 7


Hart Plaza



Ya’ssoo Greek Festival

{Date + Time}

Friday June 5 & Saturday June 6 from 11 am – midnight, Sunday noon – 6 pm


St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, 3109 Scio Church Rd.

Ann Arbor


Detroit Skating Club Ice Show

{Date + Time}
Friday June 5 @ 7 pm, Saturday June 6 @ 1 pm & 7 pm,  Sunday June 7 @ 2pm

$17 & up

888 Denison Court

Bloomfield Hills


Redford Township Festival

{Date + Time}
Friday June 5 from 6 pm – 11 pm & Saturday June 6 from noon – 11 pm

General admission free, unlimited ride wristbands/ $20

Bell Creek Park



Gratiot Cruise

{Date + Time}
Friday June 5 from 5 pm – 10 pm & Saturday June 6 from 3 pm – 10 pm


Starts at corner of Market St. & Main St.

Mount Clemens


Welcome to The Jungle at Theater on the Ave

{Date + Time}
Friday June 5 & Saturday June 6 @ 7:30 pm, Sunday June 7 @ 3 pm


2656 Biddle Ave.



Free First Fridays at Cranbrook Institute of Science

{Date + Time}
Friday June 5 from 5 pm – 10 pm


39221 Woodward Ave.

Bloomfield Hills


Open Family Jump at Pump It Up!

{Date + Time}
Friday June 5 from 2:30 pm – 4 pm

$7 per child

46090 Michigan Ave.



Toddler Time at Sky Zone (up to age 6)

{Date + Time}
Friday June 5 from 10 am – 11 am

$10 per child

Sky Zone, 42550 Executive Dr.



Home Depot Kids Workshop: Build a Load & Go Truck

{Date + Time}
Saturday June 6 from 9 am – 12 noon

Free (registration required)

Home Depot, 13500 Middlebelt Rd.



SkyManiaZone (ages 10 – 15)

{Date + Time}
Friday June 5 from 8:30 pm – 10 pm

$18 (registration required)

42550 Executive Dr. 



Baby Time at the Library

{Date + Time}
Saturday June 6 @ 10 am


Plymouth District Library, 223 S. Main St.



Michael’s Kids Club: Crafts

{Date + Time}
Saturday June 6 from 10 am – noon

$2 per child

Michael’s Store, 41904 Ford Rd.



Kindermusik@ Independence Library

{Date + Time}
Friday June 5 from 11 am – 1 pm


6495 Clarkston Rd.



Open Access Play at Brick It Up!

 {Date + Time}
Friday June 5 from 5 pm – 8 pm

$10 per child, $8 each additional sibling

948 Baldwin Rd.



Family Swim at Goldfish Swim School

{Date + Time}
Friday June 5 from 6:30 pm – 8 pm

$5 per child, max $15 per family

550 South St.



Friday Night Flip Out! (ages 10 & up)

{Date + Time}
Friday June 5 from 7:45 pm – 9 pm

$15 per person (includes refreshments)

233 Kay Industrial Dr.

Orion Township


Play and Learn With Me at the Farmington Branch

{Date + Time}
Friday June 5 @ 10 am


23500 Liberty St.



Open Skate at Suburban Ice Farmington Hills

{Date + Time}
Friday June 5 from 11:30 am – 1 pm

$2 per skater

23996 Freeway Park Dr.

Farmington Hills


Art on The Grand

{Date + Time}
Saturday June 6 from 10 am – 7 pm, Sunday June 7 from 11 am – 5 pm





Summer Reading Club Kickoff

{Date + Time}
Saturday June 6 from 10 am – noon


Farmington Library, 23500 Liberty St.



Northville’s First Friday Experience

{Date + Time}
Friday June 5 from 6 pm – 9 pm


Various participating locations 

Downtown Northville


Friday Night Concerts

{Date + Time}
Friday June 5 @ 7 pm


Town Square

Downtown Northville


Mom 2 Mom Sale at Tiny Treasures

{Date + Time}
Saturday June 6 from 8:30 am – noon


1138 E. West Maple Rd.

Walled Lake


Barnes & Noble Summer Reading Kickoff

{Date + Time}
Saturday June 6 @ 11 am


17111 Haggerty Rd.



Kidpreneur Lemonade Day

{Date + Time}
Saturday June 6 from noon – 2 pm


Sibley Square

Downtown Wixom


ScienceFest: Bubbles!

{Date + Time}
Saturday June 6 from 10 am – 4 pm

$12 per person

Ann Arbor Hands On Museum, 220 E. Ann Arbor St.

Ann Arbor


Open Swim Weekend at the Costick Center

{Date + Time}
Friday June 5, Saturday June 6 & Sunday June 7 (See website for schedule)

$3 per person

28600 W. Eleven Mile Rd.

Farmington Hills


Automation Workz 4 U

{Date + Time}
Friday June 5 from 4 pm – 8 pm

Free (registration required)

Oakland Community College, 2900 Featherstone, Student Center Bldg. G

Auburn Hills


Full Moon Friday Night Hikes at Heritage Park

{Date + Time}
Friday June 5 from 9:30 pm – 10:30 pm

$3 per person

24915 Farmington Rd.

Farmington Hills


Tons of Trucks

{Date + Time}
Saturday June 6 from 9 am – 12:30 pm


Borden Park, 345 John R.

Rochester Hills


Ferndale Bike Rodeo

{Date + Time}
Saturday June 6 from 9 am – 1 pm


Ferndale High School, 881 Pinecrest St.



Sundays at Mill Race Village

{Date + Time}
Sunday June 7 from 1 pm – 4 pm


215 Griswold Ave.



Family Fishing Adventure

{Date + Time}
Saturday June 6 from 10 am – 11:30 am

$5 per person

Dinosaur Hill Nature Preserve, 333 N. Hill Circle



Melvindale Days at Kessey Fieldhouse

{Date + Time}
Friday june 5, Saturday June 6 & Sunday June 7


4300 S. Dearborn St.





The DMBs of Shannon Fox

 {Down with Detroit}

I’m Shannon Fox and am very excited to be writing for DMB! I am a divorced, single Mom of two boys. Sam is 6 and Billy is 5. I grew up about an hour North of Detroit, in Marysville and we still live here today.  We always made trips to the city to watch the Tiger games at old Tiger Stadium and Comerica park, Red Wing games, plays and concerts. I’ve also gone on day trips with my brother looking at all the old architecture of the city!


{My Life}

I was married at 23, had kids at 24 and 25 and all the stress tore my marriage apart unfortunately. I went to school to be a Medical Assistant and also worked some evenings at a restaurant.  We are very into sports, especially baseball. Sam and Billy are playing Tee ball this year and are having a blast! I’m in the middle of a weight loss journey and have signed up for my first 5k at the end of July! It’s not always easy making yourself a priority as a single Mom, but this year I’ve made it a priority! Sam has impulse control and after a couple years trying therapy and changing his diet, we resorted to medicine and he is doing so much better in school! We love to go explore new places like the zoo and aquarium. Our family rescued a Yellow Lab/ German Shepherd mix around 1.5 years ago, we named him Scooby. He is definitely my third child.


{Babies and Beyond} 

I had my boys when I was young (compared to the average age now!) but I wouldn’t change anything!  Having kids a year and six days apart is crazy but they are growing up best friends (and worst enemies haha). They are very different. Sam is my hyper, but sensitive artist. He would sit and color/draw for hours. Billy is my loud, imagination kid. He could sit and play with his action figures and superheroes all day, making up stories. They both have had to deal with quite a few changes over the past 2 years and have struggled at times. We are outside as long as the weather is nice and spend most summer days at the beach!





Detroit Historical Museum (More fun than it sounds!)

One of my favorite places downtown is the Detroit Historical Museum. It’s a great, free museum, and definitely one of the city’s hidden gems – but it shouldn’t be that way!

It’s the perfect spot for kids and adults to learn about the history of Detroit, and is an awesome place to visit on a rainy day this summer!

We’ve taken my son several times, and based on his toddler likes and limitations, have only seen a fraction of the museum, but I’d love to go back on my own, or see more as we’re less burdened by a short attention span and need to head home for naps! Below are a few highlights that we particularly love!

Little feet will love wandering the streets of old Detroit in the museum’s basement. It’s been converted to represent the city as you would have seen it in three different periods: the 1840s, 1870s and 1900s. For toddlers, it’s mostly a place to run around, but even at two and a half, my son was interested in understanding at least the basics of seeing an “old, old cash register,” an early fire engine, and heading into an old fashioned ice cream shop (Sanders – every Detroiters favorite!).


Walk the streets and shops of Old Detroit

Watch the Glancy Trains roll by. If you have a train lover like my son, you could spend at least fifteen minutes mesmerized by this impressive train layout, previously owned by real estate financier Alfred Glancy. The track has dozens (or maybe hundreds!) of awesome small details, and is every train enthusiasts dream come true. Oliver loved playing with the buttons that let you interact with the track, for example, pressing a button that dimmed the main lights as if it was nighttime.


Have ‘train kids?’ They’ll LOVE the train display!

Learn about car assembly in the Motor City car exhibit. While the train set was Oliver’s clear favorite this time, in the past he has also loved the car exhibit. There are several early model cars (including one they can hop in and pretend to drive!), as well as a chance to see how the auto body is lowered on top of a Cadillac’s frame in a factory. Older kids (and adults!) will find it fascinating to learn about how long it took to assemble cars in the first days of the automobile, and learn about the innovations that led to cranking out thousands a day!

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Learn all about how far the automobile has come in the Motor City car exhibit!

It’s completely unfair to only mention three of the sights to see at the museum, but that’s the way it goes with a two year old and baby! A few other exhibits I’ve seen in the past, or would love to check out are:

  • Learning about Detroit’s role in the underground railroad – I’ve seen this in the past, and it’s definitely a great chance to learn about the area’s involvement with such an important part of history.
  • Frontiers to Factories — we know Detroit as the Motor City, but it has a rich history that began far before the Model T.
  • Kid Rock Music Lab – an interactive exhibit exploring Detroit’s rich musical history. I’m dying to make it here and have vowed we WILL make it in next time!
  • The Gallery of Innovation – I didn’t actually know this existed until checking out the museum website for this post, but I’m also declaring it a must do on our next trip. The gallery features an Innovation Station that allows visitors to use the lessons of Detroiters before them and try to expand on them, like creating their own soft drink flavor and trying them out with virtual taste testers. Sounds like a blast for kids slightly older than the toddler group, but I’m pretty curious to make my own Piper Pop!
  • Changing Exhibits – these rotate so check the site to see the latest!

A few other notes for families:

  • Admission is free (donations welcome), there is an adjacent lot you can park in for $6 that sometimes fills up. If that happens, I’ve always been able to find very close parking on the street nearby (so bring coins for the meter!)
  • As the lightrail construction is underway, traffic is down to one lane, but still open on Woodward.
  • There is no place to buy food in the museum, and to my knowledge, there’s no place to eat on site unless you’re with a field trip.
  • The museum is closed on Mondays.

I always leave the museum feeling like I learned something about Detroit that I hadn’t known before, and with a renewed sense of pride of growing up and living in Metro Detroit.

It’s a great way to start to teach your kids about our city’s great history, and I hope you have a chance to check it out soon! If you’ve been, I’d love to hear about your favorite exhibits in the comments!


The DMB’s of Erica Bretz

{Down with Detroit}

I grew up in the Detroit ‘burbs, but both of my parents were born and raised in the city proper and we spent plenty of time in the D. Spring thru fall, Saturday mornings were dedicated to Eastern Market, and I skinned my knees countless times playing on the Belle Isle playground. As a teen and young adult I learned about the music scene and nightlife in Detroit, and spent many nights downtown. Now I enjoy exploring all that the city has to offer, from fantastic restaurants, museums, parks, culture, and people with my husband and kids too. I love Detroit, growing up here has helped shape me, and I feel like it’s a privilege to take part in and witness the renaissance that’s happening here now!


{My Life}

I took a winding collegiate path that included several different majors and even more schools over the course of 9 years. I met my husband, Patrick, along the way when we were both students at Lake Superior State University in Sault Sainte Marie. He’s been my partner in crime since 2002, and we married in 2007. I fell into a career in the automotive industry while I was pursuing a second bachelors in education, and spent 10 years there before making the decision to become a stay at home mom. In the middle of my corporate ladder climb, my daughter was born in 2009. Three and a half years later, my son arrived and my husband and I decided that it was a good time for me to stop working and spend at least a year at home with the kids. Well, these little people are addictive! And I didn’t want to go back to the rat race. I’d enjoyed my career, and love the people I worked with, but I wasn’t loving what I did. I’d always wanted to be a doctor or veterinarian, and over the years since my daughter’s birth I’d become more interested in natural health and how to care for my family in a holistic way. Inspired by both my midwife and a friend who owns a local holistic pet store, I’m now knee deep in a 4 year program to become a certified traditional naturopath! I’m excited to share with others how they can take responsibility for their health and wellness, and am in the process of launching my own holistic health business and website. More to come on that soon! In the meantime, I’m enjoying the journey of life and look forward to each new day!

{Babies + Beyond}

My kids are my everything. I love them beyond words! My son is actually the final inspiration behind my natural health education as he’s had some issues that traditional medicine were unable to resolve. Having to look outside the box and finding ways to help make him happier and healthier without medication has really opened my eyes! Learning to parent Lila (5) and JP (2) has been quite the experience. Lila was pretty much the ideal baby and toddler – independent, ate and slept well, super smart, and sweet as pie. JP came along and totally stirred things up! He was a total mystery as a high needs baby, and his first two years were a total learning curve as I struggled to meet his needs and still give Lila the attention she deserved. Thankfully the two of them are a match made in heaven, and go together like peas and carrots! It’s been a true joy to watch them together, to see the way they love one another, and how they conspire together against me and my husband – we’re definitely doomed! They are smart, kind, and adventurous – between the kids, our 3 dogs, and the cat, there is rarely a dull moment in our house. They’ve taught me how to prioritize what’s truly important, to appreciate all that I have!


Yes, I Have All Girls. No, You Don’t Need to Feel Sorry for Me.

As the mother of three little girls, I feel so lucky. My first pregnancy (twins) was not a very easy one, and resulted in two preemies who had a long battle in the NICU. When I became pregnant again a few years later, I was so grateful to experience a normal, healthy pregnancy. In all honesty, I didn’t care if this baby would be a girl or a boy. All I wanted was to deliver a healthy baby who could come home with me. No surgeries, no NICU, no ventilators. Just a healthy baby.


When we found out this baby was another girl, I was so excited. Three beautiful girls! How blessed am I? After finding out, I spent the next few days imagining the new baby in all my big girls’ old clothes, imagining helping three girls get ready for prom, and all the other fun things mothers get to do with daughters. But apparently, the rest of the world didn’t see it quite that way.


“Oh man! Your poor husband!”

“Welp, looks like you’ll have to have another!”


What? Why?! Why would anyone feel bad for my husband for having three healthy children? Why would I have to try for a boy? Guess what, world- a perfect family is a happy, healthy one… not necessarily one that has an equal number of male and female anatomy. If you have all girls or all boys, you’ve likely heard these comments, too. Or if you have one of each, I’m sure you’ve heard many people say something like, “oh! A boy and a girl! You can be done now!”.  Maybe it’s just me- but having strangers in Target comment on if I should have any more children just irks me. It’s certainly not their decision, nor any of their business.

Yes, the perfect all-American family is usually drawn with a mother, a father, a son, a daughter, a dog, and a white picket fence. My family photo might not look like that, but I certainly don’t need anyone to feel sorry for me. And here’s why:


My best friends.
My best friends.

1. My three girls are the best of friends, and likely always will be. Even as adults, my sisters are my best friends. Of course, I love my brother to death… but there is just something a little different about the sisterly bond (same with the bond between brothers). My sisters and I have talked about things my brother would never want to hear. We hang out, we share clothes, we get pedicures together. Sisters are built-in best friends. Likewise, my brother grew up best friends with a family full of boys. And they wrestled each other, and played baseball together, and built forts together. There’s just something special about same gender siblings.

2. It has saved me a ton of money! I’ll never have to buy my youngest a single piece of clothing in her life. She has bins and bins of clothes in every size saved from her sisters, waiting for her to grow into. Of course, I still do buy her things, because who can resist those adorable newborn baby girl outfits… but, the majority of the time, baby rocks her hand me downs!

Barbies? Ok!

3. It makes getting along a little easier. Usually. While I certainly don’t believe in “boy toys” and “girl toys” (my girls have a garage full of skateboards, hockey sticks, and 4 wheelers… as well as playroom full of Barbies), let’s face it- no matter how hard I tried to be gender neutral, my girls tend to favor typical-girly things most of the time. So, there’s very few arguments when it comes to what movie to watch, which game to play, etc. They’re into the same shows, the same toys, and the same activities.

4. They complete me. My three girls- each so beautiful and full of life and unique- absolutely complete me. It’s hard to remember life before them and impossible to imagine life without them. They are my greatest accomplishment, the reason for my every breath; my world revolves around them. My heart is so full and complete. 


Don’t get me wrong. We fight over toys and who gets to wear what outfit. Our house is loud and full of sass. And we are inevitably going to have many more fights and stressful nights. But, my family is perfect. And a little boy wouldn’t have made my heart any fuller. So, yes… my husband is outnumbered, but you don’t need to feel sorry for him.  Yes, we have all girls… and we wouldn’t want it any other way!



























Are you an all-boy mom? Or an all-girl mom? Heard those comments before? I’d love to hear why it makes your family perfect! Chime in below!





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