Detroit Mom’s Local Love series highlights local women and the businesses they have built. We love supporting small business! Today’s Local Love Spotlight belongs to Judy Pagryzinski, owner of Core (LP) Fitness.
We asked Judy to share some fun facts with us to get started. Her birthday lands on the cusp/longest sunny day of the year, so she’s full Gemini and Cancer! She met her partner playing adult kickball and plays with her friend to this day once a week. And, her first flight ever was to Zambia, Africa . . . talk about ripping off the bandaid!
We asked Judy to share a little bit more about her business with us. Get to know her and her business, Core (LP) Fitness, below!

How did you come up with the idea of your business, and how did you start?
“As a music teacher for 10 years I’m a firm believer that movement + music = medicine. I wanted to tie in this idea that music is such an integral part of exercise and that our journeys with fitness are never really a one-and-done situation. Fitness is a lifelong journey. I also knew that Lagree is a very core-centric workout, and wanted to depict that in our name and brand.
“Lastly, I wanted a place of community that truly focused on the people coming in and meeting them where they were. Every single person has a different reason for movement and our job as trainers is to acknowledge where they are, give them the best tools in our toolbox, and help them set realistic goals towards where they want to be in the future. Like a vinyl record or (LP), fitness is a long-play, a journey. Core (LP) is here to help you on your fitness journey, every step of the way.
“When I first moved back from Los Angeles, where I taught and got certified in Lagree, I knew the midwest was missing out. There [were] only one or two studios at the time in the entire state. During the pandemic, my local studio (SLT) closed. At first I was devastated, but I quickly turned that sadness into an idea. I was in the process of buying a home and decided that I was going to buy a Megaformer and begin teaching out of my house, in the hopes that one day I could quit my teaching job and open my own brick and mortar.
“With the help of Michigan Women’s Forward (a women-only loan company) giving me a small micro-loan, and my partner for sharing our space with people in and out of our home, I bought a Megaformer and began Core (LP) in November of 2020 out of my home with two to three clients. Fast forward to fall of 2021, and I was able to replace my income with teaching 1:1 and quit my teaching job. Then in 2023, we opened our first brick and mortar in Berkley with seven machines and one private training room. There have been ups and downs, but a true dream come true.”
Knowing what you know now, is there anything you would have done differently when you were first starting out?
“I think it’s hard to look back and think much differently about how I started because when I did, I did the best that I could. I reached out to people that had insight into owning a business and used my own experiences teaching in other Lagree studios to build my brand and company. The only thing I might have done differently is wasted less time with looking for a brick and mortar space.”
What is the best business advice you’ve ever been given?
“Exude confidence and be ready to fail sometimes. Even if the books scare you that month, even if you have imposter syndrome. Own your craft [and] your knowledge, and exude confidence. You will make mistakes, you will overpay for something, you will mess up. But use that as motivation and a growth opportunity. Always remember that you are one of the people who took your dreams and went all in. Not everyone can say that and that is something you shoulder honor, be proud of, and promote!”

Have you faced adversity in business due to being a woman? How did you navigate that?
“Absolutely. Not only being a woman but a young, unmarried woman. I had a sad feeling like people didn’t always take me seriously and even had certain potential landlords and contractors try to take advantage of me. A lot of times banks and others would ask for my husband’s opinions/financials to which gratefully he would look right at me and say, “This is hers. Ask her!” Luckily, I was able to build an incredible (mostly) female team that guided me through the process of being a new business owner. Starting a business is truly a lot of trial and error, so you just have to try your best and go with your gut.”
How do you persevere in challenging times?
“I won’t lie, I have an amazing support system. My friends, family, team, and partner all lift me up and motivate me every day. I also think that the cool part of owning a business means that you get to be creative with how you solve problems. There is never a one-size-fits-all solution and for me that’s the best part. At least for now!”
What impact do you want your business to have?
“I want my business to be a place of community and strength. I want people to feel seen, known by name, and genuinely cared for. We keep our studio small for a reason: because we really want to know and cater to the people that come in our door. In the age where everyone uses “boss babe” to create community, we truly strive to be a little different and honor each person’s story and journey.”

What are the pros and cons of being a woman business owner in 2023?
“Let’s be honest, the wellness industry has exploded and women are truly at the front of it. With that can come a lot of competition and sometimes negative energy, especially in a somewhat saturated market. Although competition can sometimes feel like a con, we try to channel that into a positive thing. We try (because let’s be honest, we are human) to use competition as a way to make us the absolute best we can be for our customers and clients. We use it as learning opportunities and avenues for growth as much as we can. The best part is that there is a seat at the table for everyone, as long as you choose to take a seat and do the work. Again, it’s not easy, but man is it worth it.”
What knowledge would you share with someone who wants to become an entrepreneur?
“I say go for it. Know that it will not always be sunshine and roses, and that the beginning can be very hard and isolating, even with people who love and support you, because being an entrepreneur is the road that is usually less taken. But if you have a dream, a path, and clientele, I say go for it!”
What do you do for personal and professional development?
“I try to read, explore businesses that are doing well, work on my mindset, and network as much as I can. Right now I’m really into the Crying Burns Calories podcast with Katy Saltsman, a previous co-worker. And, [I] just joined empowHER membership to grow with other women. I’m always looking for new ways to improve myself and grow.”

What mantra or quote do you live by?
“‘One day at a time’ and ‘Enjoy the experience.’ (Thanks, Dad!)”
What’s your favorite place in Detroit or Michigan?
“My partner and I love visiting northern MI in the summer. Traverse City and Mackinac are two of our favorites. In Detroit, I love Imperial!”
Where can our readers find you on social media?
You can follow Core (LP) Fitness on Facebook, Instagram, and on their website!