Hidden Secrets

Remember when you were pregnant and you pretended to eat super healthy while sneaking Taco Bell Chalupas on a regular basis? Wait…that was me.

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When we are pregnant and we have that first bundle of joy, we research the best car seat, pack’n’play, swing, and of course that one thing we thought we needed the best of and still have never used {even after our second child}. Then that little one grows and now needs real food, so we slave over the stove cooking our own baby food, only buy organic, and still enjoy sharing a few bites of ice cream.

As moms we want the best for our children. We want to provide all that we can and set up our little ones up for all the success in the world.

And yet. We are missing something.

We miss something so obvious that it takes another mom to throw some facts in our face and give us a choice to do something about it. Yes, I’m that mom.

80,000 unregulated chemicals in our daily products.

Meaning a pack of cigarettes is safer because it has a Surgeon General’s warning on it.

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Chemicals linked to the very things us moms pray every night is something we don’t have to deal with. Autism, Cancer, ADHD, Auto-Immune Diseases, Heart Disease, Diabetes, and a plethora of other illnesses. Yet, there is no warning label on the laundry detergent, baby shampoo, dishwashing detergent, floor cleaner, lotion, or any other product I used in my home.

1 in 2 people WILL get Cancer.

And really. I’m tired of it. And that 80,000 unregulated chemicals is showing up in the products you may be using every day. Take a look at this photo:

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Recognize any of the products? All scored an “F” on the Environmental Working Group (EWG, http://www.ewg.org). Yes, F still means Failing in this case. That means there are ingredients linked to cancer, developmental issues, reproductive concerns, allergies, asthma, and environmental concerns.

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Here is a typical listing on http://www.ewg.org and my bet is you have used this product thinking you were making a safer choice for your family. You would be right. Because the original product of this looks like this:

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Let’s not just feed our kids healthy and organic options and ignore the shampoo we use on them. Or ignore what we clean their bathtub with. Or their dishes, laundry, floor they walk on.

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So what can you do?

Check out the EWG { http://www.ewg.org } , a trusted third party resource.

Also, take The Free Toxic Test { http://www.TheFreeToxicTest.com}.

I am here to help you find those hidden secrets.


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