Host Your Child’s Next Birthday Party at Stemville!

Detroit Mom partnered with the amazing people from Stemville to bring you this post. All opinions are our own.

Looking for a birthday experience that your kiddo will remember for years to come? One that’s filled with fun and learning? One that encourages your kids to experiment and play? We’ve got you covered! As a mom of three, I get it–hosting birthday parties can be hard. I’m someone who LOVES a party; no matter the occasion, I love the celebration and want everyone to feel special. Which is why I was SO EXCITED to host a party with our partners at Stemville to get an inside look at how they make parties super special for kids.

My family has been enjoying Stemville since 2020. I have three kids ages 7, 6, and 3, and each one of them finds something to get their brain working every time we go. When I heard that Stemville offers birthday parties, I knew they were going to be top notch. They put so much attention, care, and details into every space; I knew a celebration would be no different! 

Dive on in as we share the inside scoop on what a party at Stemville looks like. I promise you’re going to want to save this one!

Getting Started with a Party at Stemville

Stemville offers two different packages for parties: Silver and Gold. The Silver Package includes 90 minutes of open play and 30 minutes of celebration, and you can invite up to 16 guests, with all decorations and pizza included. The pizza was absolutely delicious and the kids could not get enough. The Gold Package includes 90 minutes of open play and 30 minutes of celebration, and you can invite up to 20 guests. It also includes four pizzas, decorations, your choice of theme, and your choice of experiment! 

We participated in the Gold Package and got to choose our theme and experiment. This option is super cool for parents who don’t have time to grab all the decorations. Their theme options include dinosaurs, space, tie dye, donuts, or a custom theme. We chose the donut theme because who doesn’t love a donut?!

Their experiment options include the lava lamp, spin art, volcano, or slime bar. We went with the volcano!

Once you’ve got your package and your choices picked outyou can submit a form on the Stemville website in order to start booking your party! 

The Day of the Party

One thing I loved about coordinating a party at Stemville was that I didn’t have to do much. Between three kids, going in three different directions, it was amazing to know that the celebrations were going to be taken care of and mostly, I just needed to show up! 

When we arrived it was so sweet that the birthday girl was celebrated with her name on the chalk wall on the way in and on the big lite brite board! The kids had a little bit of time to play and then the Stemville team gave us instructions on how to enjoy our time, be safe, and have fun.

The kids had tons of time for open play and then the Stemville team walked us through our volcano experiment. We loved each component of the experiment from the creative part of decorating the volcano, to the steps of getting the lava ready. No detail was left out. 

Pizza + Dessert

After the experiment, the kids were ready for pizza and cake! The Stemville team orders the pizza and they have plates, utensils, and napkins ready. You truly don’t have to worry about a thing. The kids devoured some pizza and we got ready to sing happy birthday with a cake made by our amazing friend. You’ll need to bring candles and a special treat for your little one, but they have everything you need beyond that! 

Things to Know About Hosting a Party at Stemville

We know you might have some questions, so we’ve rounded up some things we think you might want to know! 

  • You can arrive 15 minutes prior to party time to set up.
  • No outside food is allowed except for cake/cupcakes, and you’ll need to bring your own candles.
  • Parties are great for ages 3 and older!
  • Don’t forget socks, because Stemville is shoe-free!

Need a great spot for your next birthday party? We know you’ll love hosting at Stemville–find out more by visiting their website!

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Katie lives in Macomb with her husband Ben and their two boys, Walter and Arlo. She is a newly SAHM, and is figuring how to balance all of her two under two world! Relatively new to Mom life she believes there are a few things that will always get you through, dry shampoo, coffee, wine, and a supportive group text! Follow along as she works out how to raise her boys into little gentleman. Keep up with Katie on Instagram


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