Coffee lovers unite; we have a day! Let’s be honest, international days of everything are a little (OK, VERY) annoying and played out; however, when they happen to include something you love, you embrace it like a new pair of shoes! Coffee, for me, can be compared to a little piece of heaven. I’m a single mom of three under four, so this caffeine bomb ignites me to deal with my little ones first thing in the early morning. We have a general unspoken rule that mommy gets time to drink her cup of joe before any crazy antics take place. This may not be a rule I successfully execute, but hey, I try my best.
I would not consider myself a connoisseur of the coffee variety, but I do like a very strong coffee, the kind that puts a real pep in my step. Typically if I’m out running errands, I like to stop and grab a coffee at Dunkin’ Donuts or Biggby and all I get is black, nothing added, because I love the taste of black coffee. I am pretty sure I am in the minority here. I have wanted to branch out to the fancy types because I love the look of a heart swirled on top of the tiny adorable cups. However, the effort in making a decision overwhelms this mommy, so I stay basic. The one thing I don’t stay basic with is my coffee cup; I am a sucker for a fantastic cup.

To honor this day of coffee, I have compiled a list of coffee shops in metro Detroit that you may want to check out today:
1. Astro Coffee – Detroit
2. Great Lakes Coffee Roasting Company – Bloomfield Hills & Detroit
3. Urban Bean Co. – Detroit
4. Biggby Coffee – Multiple Locations
5. Red Dot Coffee Co. – Northville
6. The Proving Grounds Coffee & Ice Cream – Milford
7. Atomic Coffee – Royal Oak
8. The Office Coffee Shop – Royal Oak
9. Dessert Oasis Coffee Roasters – Rochester
10. The Hot Spot Coffee Company – Sterling Heights
11. Common Grace Coffee Co. – Dearborn
12. Germack Coffee Roasting Company – Detroit
13. New Order Coffee Roasters – Detroit
14. Ashe Supply Co. Cafe & Roasterie – Detroit
15. Birmingham Roast – Birmingham
For those of you who would like to spice up their coffee game, you may want to try one of these ways to brew your coffee:
1. Drip or Filter
2. French Press
3. Percolator
4. Espresso (quick brew under pressure)
5. Cold
6. Moka
You can combine a variety of yummy things in your coffee like milk, creamer, syrup, tea, or alcohol. On really hot days, I add a bunch of ice to mine to make an iced coffee. I would love to hear where your favorite coffee shops are and how you love your coffee.
I love Red Dot in Northville! Even though I don’t drink coffee- the warmth and social atmosphere of a coffee shop can’t be beat!