5 {HOT} Tips for Swimsuit Season

Does your post-pregnancy body have you dreading spring break and the upcoming swimsuit season like never before? As I write this post, the forecast for the entire week calls for rain, and I couldn’t be more glad. The snow is gone! Getting my 12-month-old in the car without getting soaked from the rain is a new challenge, but I am just so glad to be done with the bulk of blankets and coats, that I don’t care! Instead what I care about is the image that I see in all the magazines as I wait to check out at the grocery store, or rather what the models are wearing.

I could be wrong, but I am willing to bet that you are not looking forward to stepping into your swimsuit for this first time this year. Whether it is the ghostly pallor that Michigan winters leave your skin, or some other physical attribute, we all tend to spend too much time focusing on the negative.

5 {hot} broke don't fix it. (1)

Instead of stressing about extra skin, or hairs, or squishiness, here is my plan to combat negativity with opportunity:

  1. Stop looking at those magazines! We all know that the models are chosen to fit a standard of beauty that is not realistic for most women– and then enhanced. When I was 17 I realized that watching reality shows about beautiful wealthy people actually made me feel worse about myself, so I quit and never turned back. If you can watch the Bachelor with a grain of salt, good for you! It doesn’t work for me. Instead, I try to notice the beauty in real people I see out and about. That young girl with fluffy hair and a hooked nose– she looks bohemian and cool. That older woman with bright coral lipstick and a scarf and shoes to match– she’s got great style. 
  2. Go shopping! I will not be trying on what was good for me in my teen years, but instead I’m going to be realistic about what will look good on my now. I am feeling extra pear-shaped this year so I’m going for looks that hide the muffin-top and focus attention up! I’m thinking a one-piece or a high waisted 2-piece with a dark bottom and bold top. Whatever your shape, and whatever your budget, there is a swimsuit out there that is made for you. 
  3. Try something new. Don’t feel great in a swimsuit? Find a cover-up that makes you feel powerful, sassy, classy, or hot. Maximize on your assets and let a new sun hat or pair of shades do the talking.
  4. Focus on FUN. This is the first year I will have a child that is able to enjoy the great splash pads I read about in the DMB guide! I want to be wearing something that won’t make me second guess playing in the sand on the shores of the lake up North.
  5. Listen to music that pumps you up and dance! Remember a time before kids when you would get ready for a night out with your girlfriends– curling iron on, all your makeup spread out, your bestie at your side and music that would pump you up. That is the kind of music I am talking about. Grab a hairbrush to sing into and jump around with the kids. Let the endorphins remind you of your inner power, beauty and worth. 

You deserve to enjoy the summer sun. Don’t let swimsuit season get you down. Spend a little energy on  finding the best in you and enjoy!


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