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All I Want for Mother’s Day is for You to Leave Me Alone


Fancy brunch!

Spa treatments!

It’s the stuff Mother’s Day dreams are made of!

Except when you’re pretty sure your piercings are closing from lack of wear, believe champagne is best drunk in the comfort of bare feet, and have a 2-year-old massage gift card that’s probably, you think, maybe in the bottom of a purse? Then perhaps you like to do Mother’s Day my way – solo.

I’ve only been married for 5 years, but my husband and I have mastered the art of ASKING each other what we want to do on special days, instead of getting pissed when the other person can’t read our mind. Since he’s been asking, I’ve been answering: I just want to be left alone. I want to have no agenda, no responsibility, and nobody pestering me about squat. If I want to hang out with you, I’ll come say “hi”, or plop down for the 53rd reading of Chicka Chicka ABC. But in the meantime, I’m gonna be outside with my book and my bubbly, so shhhhhhh. . . 

Mother’s Day 2015: Seriously. Don’t touch that.

Perhaps the tradition lingers from my own mother (a genius), who preferred to garden on that day in May. Booooo! What kid wants to hang out and do that? We didn’t. But did Sherrie care? Goodness no! She went about her merry way in the dirt while we got into trouble elsewhere and were never made to feel guilty about it. My dad, known for his big ideas and bigger treats, made her feel loved without a big to-do. We likely handed over something handmade from school, and before you knew it, it was Monday. Fin. Present day, we live thousands of miles away from each other, so there is always a card, and sometimes flowers, but I prefer to tell her on the regular why she’s the best in the whole wide world.

Mother’s Day 2009: She treated herself to a Palm Springs weekend and let me tag along. Probably so I could take the pictures.

Needless to say, my husband is a fan of my Mother’s Day request too. He gets off the hook from hearing restaurant employees cackle on the other end of the phone when he tries to make reservations the Friday before (What? Yours thinks of it sooner? Lucky duck.) He doesn’t have to break into a sweat at the Nordstrom counter, wondering if this, THIS will be the year it doesn’t get exchanged. And he doesn’t even have to cook for me, because, well, let’s just say he has numerous incredible skills, but there was a poached egg incident I don’t think either of us will ever come back from. I don’t even ask for the house to be cleaned, or dishes to be done, or children to be taken on some educational excursion while I bask in my freedom. Just keep them alive and don’t break anything. It’s that simple.

Mother’s Day 2016: Still scarred from the Eggs Benny massacre. Look away.

I know, I know, I am #blessed to be around my children for so many hours in the day. But on any given Sunday, they have certainly had enough of me too. So often my “free time” is spent on errands, a work project, or physical maintenance. But as can be reinforced by the aforementioned 2-year-old spa gift card, even mani/pedis feel like work to me. When I get TRUE free time, everybody wins. I become a better mother, better wife, and better human when I can have that short escape. Time is the greatest gift of all, so why not be the one I ask for?

Mother’s Day 2016: As dressed as I wanna get.

So on May 14th, maybe you’ll find me at the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 matinee. Maybe I’ll be saddled up to the bar at Griffin Claw, watching the French Open. Maybe I’ll be sweating it out at that new Area45 place that sounds like a heart attack waiting to happen, who knows. While these activities may seem highly unlikely, the point is – it doesn’t matter. Because it’s Mother’s Day, and I’ll do as I please.

That about sums it up. #donotdisturb

Introducing Jasmine: A Farmington Hills Mom

Introducing Jasmine!

 :: Down with Detroit ::

I grew up on the east side of Detroit, Michigan born and raised until the age of 8 years old. I enjoyed frequent trips to Belle Isle, Sunday treats of Faygo Root beer Floats, and Saturday visits to the Better Made potato factory just around the corner from our modest home during the mid-80’s. My grandparents were married 1 month shy of 50 years raising 18 biological children all born and raised in Detroit. Coming from a huge family my childhood memories consisted of cookouts, listening to clean music, games, and regular laughter. Detroit laid the foundation for my grandparents and parents to instill the value of tradition, family, and community in me. For a little girl whose father emphasized the importance of dreaming larger than what your eyes can see, Detroit was magical to me.

At 8 years old I learned my mother, a NICU & Special Care Nursery coordinator for a local Detroit Hospital, was expecting a set of twins. Our family expanded from two to four and we needed more room and almost overnight I went from a city girl to a suburbanite spending the rest of my upbringing in West Bloomfield, MI. The cultural differences were night and day. I went from an environment of seeing and being around others that looked just like me to become fully aware that “I was different.” There were highlights and growing pains as to be expected with this type of drastic transition but the roots of who I was never wavered. I loved knowing my neighbors and the local business owners by name in the city. I learned to bring that love my neighbor, local business supporter, girl next door vibe everywhere I went in any zip code I lived. It’s a Midwest girl thing sure but there is no doubt in my mind that it is because of the spirit of community and family that was cultivated in Detroit, the D will always feel like home. 

:: My Life ::

The oldest of my parent’s children, I always felt this responsibility to take care of everyone. Partially because of the generic role we play in our family dynamics but mainly because my parents are givers. My father, an entrepreneur of 40+ years, encouraged buying from people that we knew and had relationships with. It was important to him that we understood the meaning of supporting our own and giving back. My mother a “baby whisperer” in her own right spent her personal and professional time (30+ years) as a caregiver for infants & seniors. I found myself somewhere in the middle finding my happy place in volunteering. Connecting with community in non-profit work and in my personal time refilled my cup. At the time I thought this type of work would always keep me balanced. After working for a non-profit for 7 years and looking at the life I created for myself I felt reassured that I was a good person but to be honest I didn’t feel necessarily happy. I felt worn down, unappreciated (intentional or unintentional), and that I spent so much time giving back and focusing on being there for everyone else that I left myself behind.

My health quickly took a downward spiral and an internal alarm went off telling me it was time to make a change. After several doctors visits and specialists appointments I was left with a stack of medical bills and no definitive diagnosis. I was determined to learn as much as I could about my health to alleviate my symptoms. What I knew for certain, I was not taking care of myself and I had to make a change. I studied a lot on my own and followed what I felt was right for my body. After making the decision to just “try” doing the opposite of what I had been doing I saw results. I learned my body was overloaded with toxins and after collaborating with a functional medicine doctor I was able to get to the root cause. This began my health & wellness journey through creating TRUE balance for myself. I live a simple lifestyle, with natural approaches to my self-care and well-being. This path has worked best for me in losing 120 pounds and finding my best self. During this shift in my life I transitioned from a helper to a healer as a health coach for women. I desire this level of self-care and discovery for every mom based on her individual needs, lifestyle, and her own rules.

:: Babies & Beyond ::

Two weeks after I ended an unbalanced relationship with my ex that was no longer serving both of us, I learned I was pregnant. I was terrified and embarrassed to become a single mom. Fast forward 9 months into an emergency c-section and a two-week stay in the NICU I was more than terrified to lose my son. Medical professionals prepared and warned me that I would have to watch for signs of autism and the high probability of a host of medical conditions my son would face. I learned the value of having faith when I became a mother for the first time. Since that day, my son and I together have created a story of doing things our way. He is a healthy 4 year old who understands the life lesson that it is ok to be different.

My hope is that my story of self-care, health, child food allergies, co-parenting with compassion (even when it is not returned), and dating as a single mom will reach the heart of other mamas who can relate. I am a mother who simply made a decision that what I was doing wasn’t working and now I get to consciously choose to try a different approach . . . new mistakes and all. 

What to Give Any Mother This Mother’s Day


Let me back this up for you. Take a minute. Think of a mother you know. Any mother. Whether it is your mother, wife, grandmother, girlfriend, friend, sister, cousin, niece, daughter, or (for whatever reason you are not with her) your child’s mother. Now the next time you are around this woman, look at her. Put your phone down, put the controller down, turn the TV off. Actually LOOK at this mother. What is she doing? Maybe she is cooking dinner, or picking up toys. Giving the kids a bath, or getting herself ready. Getting some work done, or sitting on the couch next to you. Look at her. Do you see what she is doing? Now think about why she is doing what she is doing and what led to her deciding to do this.

She is cooking dinner (possibly even a couple different dinners for any picky eaters in the family) for her family, making sure they are fed, probably even losing a battle of trying to get the kids to eat veggies. Now watch as she eats her dinner last, when it’s already gotten cold. Watch how she gives away what’s on her plate because the kids or the dog wants it. She puts her own physical need for food behind because making sure everyone else is taken care of first is her priority.

Look at this working woman. She is working a job outside of the home (whether it is full-time or part-time) for whatever reason. She excels at her job, all while making sure she is still a constant, positive, and present part of her children’s lives. She tirelessly works around the clock to provide the best life she can for her children.

Is she picking up toys or giving the kids a bath? Notice how she has stains on her clothes and her hair has been pulled up off her face. Notice how she does not hesitate to pick up something disgusting that has spilled on the floor. Or how the kids will drench her with water while splashing in the tub. Now think about how many times you have seen her do this same activity in the last week, month, year. These everyday tasks that she performs over and over again. She is exhausted and a mess, overwhelmed and frazzled. And not only does she do these things before she sits down and relaxes for herself. But she does these things with a smile on her face. Because she knows that these everyday tasks are the moments that become memories in her eyes and in the eyes of her children.

The moment a woman becomes a mom, it becomes instinctual that she is no longer living her life for herself. She is in charge of not only keeping a tiny human alive, but teaching that tiny human how to survive and thrive in this crazy world. This reflex of putting these tiny humans ahead of ourselves, is often overlooked and underappreciated by people who are not mothers. So do the mothers in your life a favor, and ACKNOWLEDGE what she does. Thank her and show genuine appreciation for how strong, resilient, generous, loving, thoughtful, nonstop, and incredible she is.

Welcome to Motherhood: All That I Do Not Know

Hello, and Welcome to Motherhood. If you’re reading this, chances are you’re new to this gig and haven’t the slightest clue as to what you’re doing. (If you do know what you’re doing, great job! I hope to get there too . . . eventually.) Not to worry, fellow Momma, for you are in good company. I myself am a brand-new Mother and I promise that I will not judge you on this journey.

I sit down this evening with a glass of silky red wine with hints of berry, chocolate, and faux-wood branch or something (. . . it’s what the label said. I don’t judge my wine, I just drink it) and a snoring baby monitor (KNOCK.ON.REAL.WOOD), to bring to you not what I know about Motherhood. Oh no. There is bounteous babble online about that.

 I sit down this fine evening to bring you all that I do not know about Motherhood.

1.) Baby Weight: I don’t know how some moms lose their baby weight so fast. Seriously. What is their secret? July will mark my son’s 1st birthday and I still have a good 15 pounds that was supposed to just camp out, but now has made itself right at home on my stomach, butt, and thighs. I eat (mostly) healthy, I exercise-ish, and I get a full five-to-six hours of interrupted sleep per night. Overall, I’d probably rank my lifestyle as a solid 4 out of 5 stars.

You see, pre-baby, a fit and athletic physique was the only body that I ever knew. My go-to was a size 2. But my size also impacted my ability to conceive. Today, I’m learning to embrace a bit of extra squishiness. I’ve never done well with change, but Motherhood is slowly teaching me that change is not only inevitable, it is a healthy and a necessary part of life. Squishy parts and all.

2.) Socks: I don’t know how to keep track of baby socks. I’ll be honest, most of my son’s socks don’t have mates. Once, I looked down to find a baby sock actually stuck to a glob of dried spit-up on my shirt. The other sock? MIA. This is real life.

3.)  Body Fluid: I don’t know how it’s possible that one small baby human can secrete so much body fluid. Spit-up, pee, poop, vomit, snot, sometimes all at the same time . . . you name it and I’ve been covered in it. I’m sure you have too. See? We already have something in common here. #solidaritysista

4.) My Schnoz: I don’t know why my son likes to grab my nose. It must be large and grab-worthy.

5.) Sprightly Toys: I don’t know how parents tolerate the frenetic personification of electronic kids’ toys. My son has a Disco-Pup toy that is always happy and wagging his tail and throwing dance parties. Disco-Pup breaks it down from 9am-5pm. After that, I turn him off because I’m tired.

6.) Sleep: How do I teach a small human to sleep? Where is that in the New Mom Manual? And don’t get preachy on me about this book or that book or “he said” or “she said.” I need a solution and I need it yesterday. Let me be clear: I love sleep. I craavveee sleep. Sleep to me is a beautiful thing. But for my baby? No thank you, tired Momma. 

7.) PPD: I don’t know how I’d make it through the week without our babysitter. She came to us when my son was only two-months-old and I was battling severe Postpartum Depression (PPD.) The kind of PPD that leaves you stuck in your own body; that weighs you down with heavy sandbags and holds your head underwater, gasping for air. The insidious illness that makes you fight with every ounce of anything that you have left just to get out of bed, nonetheless take care of a brand-new baby. She was an answered prayer during some of the darkest hours I’ve ever lived through. (But that’s a post for another time. Be gentle with me, I’ll get there.) Here’s a little nugget of certainty that I’ve taken away from my postpartum experience: if someone offers help to you, take it with grace and gratitude—it’s okay to need help, to ask for it, and to accept it.


I don’t know how it’s possible to love someone so deeply that their smile makes your heart swell and their laugh fills your eyes so that your cheeks are wet and your shoulders shake because you’re laughing too. And yet it does. But I guess that’s what Motherhood is all about. It’s about learning. It’s about patience. It’s about letting go and also embracing at the exact same time. The contradictory feelings of Motherhood are something that no book, no blog, no expert, nor even my two cents offered here today could ever prepare you for. But that’s Motherhood. It’s learned. And at the very same time, it’s instinctual.

My first moments of Motherhood (7/1/2016)

Being a parent is the hardest thing I’ve ever done and I’m only nine months in. And yes, there is a lot that I do not know. But I do know one thing: when I look at my son, and I can see happiness radiating from his bright brown baby eyes, I know that this is what I was meant to do. God gave me, a perfectly imperfect woman, a beautiful baby boy. A son that I will love and raise not just to be a big-time businessman or the next Wallstreet Wonder, but to be a good human with a kind heart.

And it is with that sentiment that I leave you this: Welcome to Motherhood, Momma. You’ve got this and I believe in you.

You don’t need all the answers, you’re doing just fine.

Mom Bod Monday: The Day My Shirt Came Off in Zumba

Ah, another day in my crazy, awesome life. I’m doing my best to be my best and with summer rapidly (hopefully) approaching, I want to look my best. I race out of work. My Zumba class begins at 5:45. Running late. Typical mom brain. Really just typical Candice brain, but at least now I have a valid excuse for my absentmindedness.

I rush frantically to the gym, hurry into the locker room and throw my clothes into a pile. I reach into my diaper/gym bag only to discover that I forgot to pack a tee or tank. I’m stuck wearing a long sleeved black running shirt with my yoga pants. I’m pretty sure that I forgot deodorant, again, too. This is a fast paced class. I wonder for a second if I might die from overheating. Class will be at maximum capacity, as usual. I will be hot and sweaty. I contemplate whether or not I should just go home and curl up on my couch with a glass of wine and my favorite girls (Gilmore or Golden).

No, no, no. I need this. I need it for my brain, my soul and my body. I’ve been attending Shyam Thakker’s classes for ten years. He is amazing. I always feel good after an hour of his choreography. I convince myself that this will be good for me. I sneak in and hurriedly try to find a place in the studio. I need to be able to see myself in the mirror to follow along. Just dance, mama. Forget about it all. Be happy. Breathe. An hour of thoughtless booty shaking and hip swiveling. This is my “me” time that everyone says I need so much. 

The music begins.  The room is dark and strobe lights flash. If I had a well vodka and tonic, it could easily be a Saturday of my college years. Step, step, shake, shimmy, shake, hip roll, shimmy. Repeat. I misstep and I hear myself laugh out loud. My arms seem to be flailing around like some sort of crazed animal. I find this to be incredibly hilarious. I gain my composure and my rhythm . . . dance, dance, dance.

Blaring through the speakers, “To all my sexy ladies, put your hands up to the sky and just go crazy.” I am so hot. Not sexy hot. Boiling, sweaty, uncomfortable temperature hot. I spin around and peruse the room of mostly women. Beautiful, women. Some skinny. Some athletic. Some curvy. Everyone looks happy. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror, clad in black yoga gear. I’m smiling. I’m happy. Genuinely happy. It’s been a long time since I have had this feeling about myself. I feel absolutely beautiful.

I peel my sweat drenched shirt off of my body. It is me, my sports bra, and yoga pants in full view for everyone to see. I watch my body . . my waist, the curve of my hips . . me. The body that I’ve been so critical of for so long. This body that God gave me that has been so incredibly good to me. My friend Allison races across the room and pokes my stomach and exclaims, “damn, girl!” I don’t know what she sees or what anyone else sees, but I finally see myself more clearly.

I see a woman who has climbed mountains and run a marathon (barely). I’ve frolicked in the ocean. Jumped out of airplanes. I’ve danced until the wee hours of the morning. I’ve given birth to a tiny human. This is my imperfectly perfect body. The stomach with the giant birthmark that I have hated for years. That is the stomach that carried my beautiful daughter. My milkies that Victoria’s Secret can barely contain have provided her with nourishment and comfort for nearly two years. These wide hips made childbirth a breeze. My arms carried her practically everywhere for the first year of her life. This body is perfect, damn it. And so is yours, mama. Embrace it. Love it. To all my sexy ladies. . .

Am I Really Qualified To Have A Teenager?

Life with my three darling boys (insert sarcasm) has been on cruise control for some miles now. Once we moved beyond the baby and little kid stage, there was a reprieve of sorts. Although sometimes extremely chaotic, days were mostly predictable: eat, school & family, eat, friends & video games, eat, homework, eat, activities & sports, play outside, eat, and sleep. Did I mention eat?? 

There’s been a slight disturbance in the force and I sense us heading slightly off-course. He once played Thomas the Tank Engine and built symmetrical towers, but then transitioned to screen fixation, awkward grunts, and the inability to smile for a picture. Then came the physical: acne, hair on his legs (more furry than fine), and oh my gosh — what’s that smell? His feet grew bigger than mine, and then I turned around, only to look up. Puberty is a monster, but it lands you in this unfamiliar dimension.

As the calendar continued to flip, where we’ve arrived was inevitable. This past month, my precious baby – the first one I swaddled and held in my arms – became thirteen. Thirteen! It feels hauntingly official. How did this happen? How do I have a teenager?? More importantly, what do I do next???

There’s a part of me that mourns for the baby days; they’re just so precious, innocent, bright-eyed and dependent on us. No matter how many kids you have, the first baby changes you forever. They alter the way you perceive life and your purpose in this world. I truly believe God chose me to be Jackson’s Mom and his brothers that followed.   

I sense a theme . . . God again forgot to provide directions.

With this milestone, I know life will be different. That may seem obvious, but it’s a somewhat jarring experience. After all, in this case, thirteen is not just a number. He is going through a whirlwind of change, and yet I am still the same mom. That’s an unanticipated challenge. So, what’s the plan?

I never was one to over-read the baby books. When questions arose, I’d have my go-to girlfriends that were moms (an utter necessity), or thankfully, my own mom and mother-in-law. At times, when I was desperate, I’d tap into the experts — don’t get me started on the dark side of potty-training!

But, day-to-day as I approached the MANY obstacles that motherhood brought, my number one rule (and maybe yours) remained constant: follow my instincts.

I’m not saying that always worked, but it’s what I did. Keeping with that mind-frame, I’m concluding that although he’s becoming this teenage guy with broad shoulders, strong opinions, and a much smarter sense of humor; it doesn’t mean I abandon who I’ve always been. And maybe, just maybe, if I call upon that able-bodied mom we will successfully get through these years, too.

I will no doubt grow and learn throughout this new development, and probably in time, my change will come. But, the fact remains, he needed me then and he needs me now. Many say, more than ever. It’s intimidating for sure. Watching him evolve can be both joyous and heart-wrenching.  Complicated issues are at the surface . . . if Mark Zuckerberg and the brains behind Instagram say he’s old enough for social media, do I? Do we finally break down and get him a phone, even I can admit how practical it would be.  Am I really allowing him to fly (without us) to Washington D.C. next year for his eighth-grade trip when I myself fear getting on a plane? These are the things we (hopefully) can control. 

Girls. I just can’t go there . . . yet. 

But, I can do this. Mamas, you can do this. We’ve been doing it all along.

I say we start by showing up, as we always have. 

I’m choosing not to grieve, but rather embrace this. My plan is to consider the first twelve years of motherhood basic training to prepare me for my teenager(s) and pull from what I already know. As a mom, I’ve learned patience, how to listen, kindness, acceptance, how to teach & direct, how to be a cheerleader, how to love with everything I’ve got, and so much more. I know what it feels like to experience the really good days, and sadly, the really bad ones. This all MUST, at the very least, make me a viable candidate for this job.

Yes, I am qualified and continuing to follow my instincts is the first bullet point in my business plan. I built my resume by becoming the mother I am today. I’ll be available with open arms, guidance, counsel, and by lending an ear to hear his laugh as well as his cry. But most importantly, a lifetime supply of unconditional love. I could read every article, book, or blog in the world, but I’m sure there’s something someone would say I’m doing wrong. I’ve figured him out thus far, so I must have faith I can going forward. I have to believe ALL OF THIS makes me ready. I just hope he is, too.

He’s just thirteen . . . how bad could it really be (said the naïve mom!)?? Today, the unknown gives me great pause. But, in no time, I’ll be an old pro . . . right? I’ll show him who’s boss.

But, if all else fails, I’ll go with the back-up-plan — I’ll just let him eat!






May Mom 2 Mom Sales {In + Around Detroit}

In need of a summer wardrobe for your little one(s)? Mom 2 Mom Sales are a great place to buy affordable, gently used clothing, toys and accessories. Check out the list of Mom 2 Mom Sales happening In + Around Detroit this month. Is there a sale that you know of that we can add to our list? Leave a comment in the box below and we’ll be sure to add it!

Saturday, May 6 

Connection Church MOPs
Location: 3855 S. Sheldon Rd., Canton
Time: 8:30AM – 1PM
Strollers: OK after 10:30AM
Cost: $2
100 tables

Duncan Elementary DECO
Location: 14500 26 Mile Rd., Shelby Twp.
Time: 8:30AM – 12:30PM
Strollers: OK after 10AM
Cost: $2
120+ tables

Girl Scout Troop #70933 at Salter Park
Location: 19430 Harper Ave., Harper Woods
Time: 9AM – 12PM
Strollers: Yes!
Cost: $1
24 tables

Hilltop Church of the Nazarene MOPs
Location: 21260 Haggerty Rd., Northville
Time: 9AM – 1PM (8AM Early Bird)
Strollers: OK after 10AM
Cost: $1/$2 Early Bird
50 tables

Huron Valley Recreation at Lakeland High School
Location: 1630 Bogie Lake, White Lake
Time: 9AM – 12PM (8AM Early Bird)
Strollers: Yes!
Cost: $1/$2 Early Bird
100 tables

Just Between Friends Ann Arbor
Location: 5055 Saline Rd., Ann Arbor
Time: 9AM – 7PM
Strollers: Yes!
Cost: $3
Department Store Style

MOPs at St. Paul Lutheran Church
Location: 2550 Edsel Dr., Trenton
Time: 8AM – 12PM
Strollers: Yes!
Cost: $1
40 tables

Oakland County Parks and Recreation at Catalpa Oaks County Park
Location: 27705 Greenfield Rd., Southfield
Time: 9AM – 12PM
Strollers: Yes!
Cost: Free
40 tables

Richmond Education Foundation at Richmond Middle School
Location: 35250 Division, Richmond
Time: 9AM – 12PM (8:30AM Early Bird)
Strollers: OK after 10AM
Cost: $1/$2 Early Bird
75 tables

St. Augustine PTC
Location: 67901 Howard St., Richmond
Time: 9AM – 1PM (8AM Early Bird)
Strollers: Yes!
Cost: $1/$2 Early Bird
50 tables

St. Valentine School
Location: 25875 Hope St., Redford
Time: 10AM – 2PM (9AM Early Bird)
Strollers: Yes!
Cost: $1/$2 Early Bird
50 tables

Twin Oaks Christian Church MOPs
Location: 22333 King Rd., Woodhaven
Time: 9AM – 12PM (8AM Early Bird)
Strollers: Yes!
Cost: $1/$2 Early Bird
40 tables

Waterford Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic School
Location: 5495 Dixie Highway, Waterford
Time: 9AM – 1PM (8AM Early Bird)
Strollers: Yes!
Cost: $1/$2 Early Bird
50+ tables

Williams Lake Church of the Nazarene
Location: 2840 Airport Rd., Waterford
Time: 9AM – 1PM (8AM Early Bird)
Strollers: Yes!
Cost: $1/$2 Early Bird
45 tables


Sunday, May 7 

Just Between Friends Ann Arbor
Location: 5055 Saline Rd., Ann Arbor
Time: 9AM – 7PM
Strollers: Yes!
Cost: $3
Department Store Style

Saturday, May 20 

Keller Elementary PTA
Location: 1505 N. Campbell Rd., Royal Oak
Time: 9AM – 1PM (8:30AM Early Bird)
Strollers: Yes!
Cost: $1/$2 Early Bird
100 tables

Next Step Kids SCI FDN INC
Location: 3200 W. Tienken, Rochester Hills
Time: 10AM – 1PM (9AM Early Bird)
Strollers: OK after 10AM
Cost: $2/$3 Early Bird
140 tables

St. Edith/St. Colette MOPs
Location: 15089 Newburgh, Livonia
Time: 8:30AM – 12PM
Strollers: Yes!
Cost: $2
74 tables

WLCCA at Walled Lake Central High School
Location: 1600 E. Oakley Park Rd., Walled Lake
Time: 9AM – 12PM (8:30AM Early Bird)
Strollers: Yes!
Cost: $1/$2 Early Bird
140 tables


Sunday, May 21 

Catholic Social Services of Washtenaw County
Location: 4925 Packard Rd., Ann Arbor
Time: 9AM – 12PM (8AM Early Bird)
Strollers: Yes!
Cost: $2/$3 Early Bird
20 tables

Saturday, May 27 & Sunday, May 28 

Gibraltar Trade Center
Location: 237 North River Road, Mount Clemens
Time: 10AM – 6PM
Strollers: Yes!
Cost: $2
100+ tables

Sane at Home Mom

Momming is hard work. I think we can all agree on that fact.  It doesn’t matter if you stay at home, work from home, go to work, or do anything in between. We all put our heart and souls into raising our children. Sure we may all come from different walks of life, but motherhood is a bond that we all share. I’ve been a stay at home mom now for almost four years, and let me tell you some days are tough. Like pull my hair out, is 8am too early for a drink, tough. Through the four years I’ve been home I’ve learned so much. I hope that these tips will help other stay at home moms (or really any mom) who feels like they are just barely surviving.

1. Make time for You

When you have kids hanging on you, asking questions non-stop from 7:30am-8:00pm you can get a bit frazzled. And by a “a bit” I mean incredibly frazzled. If you don’t stop to take time for yourself, you can get worn down super fast, which isn’t good for anyone. My me time is in the morning. I get up before the kids to get my work out in and have some uninterrupted quiet time. My “me time” consists of some prayer and then blog work. You could meditate, do yoga, read, really whatever it is that helps you start your day on a positive note.

2. Routine and Schedule

I am a person who likes routine and structure in my day. Knowing when things are going to happen really helps me thrive. Some (like my husband) may say I like a routine a little too much, but it works for me.  We actually have a pretty busy schedule during the day so having a routine helps me accomplish more. Setting aside a day or time for certain tasks to get done, means I can focus on that one task instead of bouncing between a bunch of different ones.

3. Don’t be Afraid to Break the Schedule

Ok, Ok, hear me out. I know, I know I just said I like routine. But sometimes, it’s ok to break routine. When a friend calls and wants to stop by, or when you stop to get a donut on the way home from an appointment. Most recently? When the sun comes out for the first time in a bazillion years so you bundle the kids up to get outside, even though it’s almost nap time, it is definitely ok to break routine. Sometimes a little change is good for the soul (just not too much change).


4. Get off Social Media

Now, I’m not saying delete all your accounts and start living off the grid, but if that’s your thing I go for it. Then again, if you are living of the grid, you probably wouldn’t be reading this anyway! Just be mindful of the time you do spend on social media. I find the more time on social media I spend, the more frazzled I get. This one has been a struggle for me, not going to lie. With everything available on our phones a quick status check can turn into a long scroll though a social media feed. I am trying to have set times that I check/post, so that when it’s not those time I am being intentional in the time I am spending with my girls.

5. Get Out of the House

Being a stay at home mom does not mean you need to stay at home all the time. When I’m stuck inside the house too long it definitely wears on me. There is a reason so many moms like Target. It gets us out of the house and allows us the chance to see other adults (really though, that was one of the main reasons I went to Target when my first was a baby).  Even getting outside and going to the park can do wonders!

If you have a moms club in your area, join. Being at home all day is isolating, plus joining a group gives you the chance to go to play dates (they aren’t just for kids), and MNOs . . . wine anyone? Did you know that the Detroit Moms Blog has Neighborhood Groups? If you are looking to get connected to moms in your area, check them out!  

6. Ask for Help

It seems like lots of moms are ashamed to ask for help. Like, we think it makes us less of mom. Asking for help does not make you weak, it means you are a human. We all know the saying “it takes a village”, well it’s true. I am forever grateful that I have so many family members and in-laws close by who can help me out. For example, when I had a c-section with my second child, my mom and MIL alternated days to help me out at home. If I need to run out to the store sans kids, I know I can call on one them.

7. You Don’t Have to do it All

As a stay at home mom, I sometimes feel that things need to be perfect. We often want them to have all the experiences. But, you know what, trying to do it all will only result in major burn out. If a Pinterest party isn’t your thing? That’s fine. Don’t have time to make cute food face for lunch? That’s O.K! You don’t have a crafty bone in your body? Then do something you love with your child. As long as you child is loved and care for the other stuff really doesn’t matter.

What about you? What are ways you stay sane as a stay at home mom?

Detroit Moms Guide to May

April showers will bring May flowers in beautiful BLOOM!  Welcome to mid-spring, mamas!  It’s warming up quickly and before you know it the kids will be out of school!  Here’s a collection of events and happenings in+around Detroit for you!  One, in particular, is our new and expecting moms event: Bloom @ The Everbrook Academy in Novi!  Check it out!  Enjoy, mama!   


May 3, 2017

Homeschool Learning Lab

Location :: The Michigan Science Center, 5020 John R., Detroit
Time :: 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Cost :: $5.00 per member, $10.00 per non-member

 Join us the first Wednesday of each month for elementary, middle and high school programs. Labs run 35 – 40 minutes and cover a variety of topics including engineering, biology, astronomy, chemistry and more.

On May 3, students will learn how a plant absorbs the Sun’s rays and converts them to energy and sugar that it stores for fuel. Learn how visible light is made of various colors and that plants only use certain colors in the photosynthesis process. Conduct a chromatography experiment with leaves.


May 4, 2017

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Location :: The Henry Ford, 20900 Oakwood Blvd., Dearborn
Time :: 7:00 p.m.
Cost :: See website for details

Thirty years after the defeat of the Empire, Luke Skywalker has vanished and a new threat has risen: The First Order, led by the mysterious Supreme Leader Snoke and his dark side enforcer, Kylo Ren. General Leia Organa’s military force, the Resistance — and unlikely heroes brought together by fate — are the galaxy’s only hope at thwarting a new reign of evil.

Rock N’ Rhyme

Location :: Auburn Hills Public Library, 3400 E. Seyburn Drive, Auburn Hills
Time :: 10:30 a.m.
Cost :: Free but registration might be required

Bring in those babies for a special time just for them!  Experiences during the first years of life lay a foundation for all language growth.  We wil explore rich language and stories through rhymes, songs and interactive fun.  All story times are based on early literacy research, and include tips and information for parents and caregivers.  Free play with other children will follow each session.

Mother Son Dance

Location :: Summit on the Park, 46000 Summit Pkwy., Canton
Time :: 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Cost :: $9.50 per resident, $10.50 per non-resident

Celebrate Mother’s Day in a special way. Moms, Aunts, Grandmothers and more are welcome for an evening of dancing and memory-making. There will be light refreshments and a popular balloon-drop finale! Souvenir photos will be available for an additional cost at the dance. Make this a tradition with the special little guy in your life!

Semi-formal attire is recommended.

All ages require a ticket. Ticket Sales Begin on March 6 at the Summit on the Park Front Desk. Advanced ticket purchase is required and space is limited to the first 300 guests per night. Please be advised that this program fills up quickly!

Michigan International Women’s Show

Location :: Suburban Collection Showplace, 46100 Grand River Ave., Novi
Time :: 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Cost :: $10.00 for adults, $5.00 for children 6-12, free for 5 and under/$5.00 parking fee

Shop till you drop!! This is the largest apparel, garments, cosmetics and beauty show.  It will focus on apparel and fashion accessories, beauty and fragrance, gift assortments and more.  This event will attract many visitors and exhibitors from around the USA.

May 5, 2017

Mother Son Dance

Location :: Summit on the Park, 46000 Summit Pkwy., Canton
Time :: 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Cost :: $9.50 per resident, $10.50 per non-resident

Celebrate Mother’s Day in a special way. Moms, Aunts, Grandmothers and more are welcome for an evening of dancing and memory-making. There will be light refreshments and a popular balloon-drop finale! Souvenir photos will be available for an additional cost at the dance. Make this a tradition with the special little guy in your life!

Semi-formal attire is recommended.

All ages require a ticket. Ticket Sales Begin on March 6 at the Summit on the Park Front Desk. Advanced ticket purchase is required and space is limited to the first 300 guests per night. Please be advised that this program fills up quickly!

Little Explorers

Location :: Auburn Hills Public Library, 3400 E. Seyburn Dr., Auburn Hills
Time :: 10:45 a.m.
Cost :: Free to attend but registration is required

What do you get when you combine a story, free play, and sensory activity stations with you and your child?  A sensory sensation!  We’ll have lots of fun as we explore, create, and meet new friends.  Sensory stations may get messy, so dress accordingly.  For ages 1-5 with a caregiver.

Michigan International Women’s Show

Location :: Suburban Collection Showplace, 46100 Grand River Ave., Novi
Time :: 10:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Cost :: $10.00 for adults, $5.00 for children 6-12, free for 5 and under/$5.00 parking fee

Shop till you drop!! This is the largest apparel, garments, cosmetics and beauty show.  It will focus on apparel and fashion accessories, beauty and fragrance, gift assortments and more.  This event will attract many visitors and exhibitors from around the USA.

First Friday @ The Farm

Location :: The Petting Farm @ Domino Farm, 3001 Earhart Rd., Ann Arbor
Time :: 5:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Cost :: $6.00 per person (Free for ages 23 months and under)

Please join us during these extended hours for some delicious food trucks and fun activities throughout the farm.

Food trucks will be available at our pavilion area.

Admission to enter the petting farm area is $6.00 per person. Admission is free for children 23 months and younger.

Tractor Rides are $2.00 per person.

May 6, 2017

Walk for Wishes

Location :: The Detroit Zoo, 8450 W. 10 Mile Rd., Royal Oak
Time :: 7:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Cost :: See website for details

Walk For Wishes is a nationwide Make-A-Wish® fundraiser. At the Southeast Michigan walk, we celebrate the more than 8,500 wishes that have already been granted in Michigan, while raising funds for future wishes. It’s a family-friendly event powered by wish families, volunteers, donors and friends.

Michigan International Women’s Show

Location :: Suburban Collection Showplace, 46100 Grand River Ave., Novi
Time :: 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Cost :: $10.00 for adults, $5.00 for children 6-12, free for 5 and under/$5.00 parking fee

Shop till you drop!! This is the largest apparel, garments, cosmetics and beauty show.  It will focus on apparel and fashion accessories, beauty and fragrance, gift assortments and more.  This event will attract many visitors and exhibitors from around the USA.

Farmers Market Opening Day – Rochester

Location :: Downtown Rochester
Time :: 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Cost :: Free admission

Join us for the opening of the 18th Farmers’ Market season! Opening Day festivities include free canvas tote bags given to the first 500 adult customers, musical entertainment and children’s activities. Don’t forget to enter to win one of many gift certificates donated by downtown Rochester merchants! The Market is available every Saturday, May 6 – October 28.

A Day Out with Thomas

Location :: Greenfield Village, 20900 Oakwood Blvd., Dearborn
Time :: See website for specific times
Cost :: See website for specific member/non-member prices

Witness the full-steam delight when your little engineer sees a real Thomas the Tank Engine™ chug into our station! Your day will be packed with roundhouse tours of steam locomotives, railroad hobo songs and a railroad turntable feat of strength. Thomas storytelling, photos with Sir Topham Hatt™ and rides on the beloved cars immerse tiny conductors in the beloved world of Thomas.

Songs, games, rides, videos, coloring and treats will make the day roll down the tracks faster than you can say, “Little engines can do big things!” Lessons in mechanics and engineering are absorbed through all of the senses, inspiring and engaging future builders and makers.

Mom to Mom and More: Celebrating Nature’s Playhouse

Location :: Nature’s Playhouse, 703 Livernois, Ferndale
Time :: 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Cost :: Free

Meet the owners & instructors to find out all Nature’s Playhouse has to offer you and your family. The list is endless!
-FREE Drop-In Play for the kids
-Fabulous Shopping from local Mom-run businesses and Mom-to-Mom tables
-Complimentary snacks, coffee, & water provided

Color Me Rad: Detroit

Location :: 41181 Hines Dr., Plymouth
Time :: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Cost :: $15- $55 (See registration website for details)

We’re the only 5K that will send you running through RAD color stations and leave you covered from head to toe in liquids, powders, and gels of blue, green, pink, purple, and yellow until your face, shirt, and body come out silkscreened like a tie-dyed hippie on the other side. Not only will you be having healthy amounts of fun, but you’ll be getting your daily exercise in the process with all your new best friends. At the finish, there will be music, food, and more RAD runners than the 80s. When you share your sweet pics to make your friends jealous, use the hashtags #ColorMeRad and #ColorMeRad5k!

Family Bowling with PAWS

Location :: Bowl One Lanes, 1639 E. 14 Mile Rd., Troy
Time :: 12:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Cost :: $15.00 includes bowling, pizza, pop and shoes, $5.00 for non-bowlers, pizza and pop

Check in at 12 pm
Bowling starts at 12:30 pm
Detroit Tigers paws 1 to 2 pm

There will be a 50/50 raffle, basket raffle and silver dollar table for kids ($1 gets you 3 chances to win prizes)

Will also have a drawing to sponsor a child to go for 1 week to the VFW’s Camp Trotter for kids age 7-12 during the July/August camping season.www.vfwmi.org/camptrotter.asp

Please reserve your spot by May 1st. Walk ins are also welcome. You can pay on the day of bowling but we would like a round about number of how many people plan to attend.

Mom & Son Bowling

Location :: Fraser Lanes, 33042 Garfield Rd., Fraser
Time :: 12:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Cost :: $10.00 residents, $12.00 non-residents

Looking for some quality Mother-Son bonding time?! This event is the perfect way to spend it at Fraser Star Lanes! Cost includes pizza, pop, 2 games, bowling shoes, and a special gift for mom!

Car Seat Safety 101

Location :: Live Well Chiropractic, 455 Barclay Circle, Rochester Hills
Time :: 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.
Cost :: $39.00 per couple and registration is required

Dana Lange, Child Passenger Safety Technician and owner of Buckle Up Detroit will teach you what you need to know regarding installing and selecting car seats. Everyone needs them and they are often misused. Keep your family safe and learn how to!

In this class you will learn the differences between the many car seats on the market, how to properly secure your child in their car seat, learn tips and tricks on proper installation and selection, and how to decipher the dreaded manual.

Annual Princess Party

Location :: Beautiful U Salon and Spa, 232 W. Nepessing Rd., Lapeer
Time :: 1:30 – 4:00 p.m.
Cost :: $20.00 cash on-site only

Join us on Saturday May 6th for our annual Beautiful U Princess Party. Your little princess will be pampered by our talented “princesses”. Each princess party ticket includes: a princess worthy hairdo, princess makeup, a princess manicure, pedicure and a princess snack bag! Special guest appearances by well known princesses and a SINGING ELSA!!!!! It’s a day you won’t want to miss! Only our “princess guests” require a ticket. Tickets are timed. 

Lego Literacy Club

Location :: Auburn Hills Public Library, 3400 E. Seyburn Dr., Auburn Hills
Time :: 2:00 – 3:30 p.m.
Cost :: Free to attend but registration might be required

Come and build an original LEGO creation based on the monthly theme using either Duplo or LEGO.  We may also present you with STEM challenges!  Books will be supplied to read and inspire.  You may also check them out afterwards.  Your creation will be displayed at the Library until our next club meeting.  For more information, please call (248) 364-6712. Grades ONE and up only please!

May 7, 2017

Detroit Kids Fashion Show

Location :: International Institute of Metropolitan Detroit, 111 East Kirby Street, Detroit
Time :: 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Cost :: $10 – $40 

The fashion show will feature Detroit Kids modeling spring/summer fashions by Connie’s Children’s Shop, Goods and Little High Flyers.

Our show will open with a peformance from the Detroit Children’s Choir.

The 2017 Detroit Kids Fashion Show will be benefiting The IIMD who was founded in 1919, the Institute is dedicated to working with foreign-born and all Americans in the constant task of solving social problems, acculturation, education and acceptance. It provides and utilizes human and physical resources to advance the welfare and the integration of the foreign-born and their relatives; foster community awareness that varied cultures contribute to the richness of American life; and serve other organizations in the in the areas of its competence.

BASF Kids’ Lab: Happy Hands

Location :: The Michigan Science Center, 5020 John R. Rd., Detroit
Time :: 2:00 – 3:30 p.m.
Cost :: See website for admission details

Visit our Centennial Lab for hands-on chemistry courtesy of BASF. Understand the key role emulsifiers play in a popular body product. Apply this knowledge while mixing up your very own hand lotion that is yours to keep. Included with paid general admission; space is limited.

A Day Out with Thomas

Location :: Greenfield Village, 20900 Oakwood Blvd., Dearborn
Time :: See website for specific times
Cost :: See website for specific member/non-member prices

Witness the full-steam delight when your little engineer sees a real Thomas the Tank Engine™ chug into our station! Your day will be packed with roundhouse tours of steam locomotives, railroad hobo songs and a railroad turntable feat of strength. Thomas storytelling, photos with Sir Topham Hatt™ and rides on the beloved cars immerse tiny conductors in the beloved world of Thomas.

Songs, games, rides, videos, coloring and treats will make the day roll down the tracks faster than you can say, “Little engines can do big things!” Lessons in mechanics and engineering are absorbed through all of the senses, inspiring and engaging future builders and makers.

All Things Detroit & Food Truck Rally

Location :: Eastern Market, Detroit
Time :: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Cost :: $5.00 – $15.00

On Sunday, May 7th attendees will have the opportunity to dine on Detroit delectables and sample savory sweet treats, as well as acquire acclaimed products and services from in and around Detroit. Most importantly, patrons and participants are also supporting small businesses. 

Michigan International Women’s Show

Location :: Suburban Collection Showplace, 46100 Grand River Ave., Novi
Time :: 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Cost :: $10.00 for adults, $5.00 for children 6-12, free for 5 and under/$5.00 parking fee

Shop till you drop!! This is the largest apparel, garments, cosmetics and beauty show.  It will focus on apparel and fashion accessories, beauty and fragrance, gift assortments and more.  This event will attract many visitors and exhibitors from around the USA.

Mad Hatter Tea

Location :: Plymouth (Michigan) Historical Museum, 155 S. Main St., Plymouth
Time :: 12:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Cost :: $25.00 for one adult and one child.  Additional tickets are available for $15.00 per person

This year’s annual generational tea features a visit with Alice in Wonderland, as well as a Hatmaker Sandy Root, who will work with the girls to make unique head coverings.

If you’re thinking about coming to this tea with your daughter or granddaughter, buy your tickets now. Our little girls teas have been selling out within a few days.

Trolls Event @ Shores Inn!

Location :: Shores Inn Food & Spirits, 23410 Greater Mack Ave., St. Clair Shores
Time :: 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Cost :: Free to attend

Princess Poppy will be in attendance as you dine!  No reservations, first come first served. 

May 8, 2017

Tinkering for Tots

Location :: The Henry Ford Museum of American Innovention 
Time :: 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Cost :: See website for admission details

Little learners get a head full of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and math) with our hands-on program. Designed for curious preschoolers, our inspired yet playful activities focus on themed materials and then expand outward with storytelling, crafting, building and artifact exploration.

May 9, 2017

Let’s Go Camping!

Location :: Rochester Municipal Park Skating Shelter at the Duck Pond, Paint Creek Trail, Rochester
Time :: 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Cost :: Non-members of the Dinosaur Hill Nature Preserve are $10.00 per child and members are $8.00.

Let’s Get Going with Threes, Fours and Fives Programs:
May 9th – Let’s Go Camping – From the comfort of the park, we will learn how to pitch a tent, make a hiking stick and take a gentle hike through the trails. We will even put together our own customizable trail mix to stay fueled on our adventure. 

May 10, 2017

Royal Oak Farmers Market Food Truck Rally

Location :: Royal Oak Farmers Market, 316 E. 11 Mile Rd., Royal Oak
Time :: 5:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Cost :: Free admission

This food truck rally happens the 2nd Wednesday of every month!  Come enjoy the friendly and wonderfully smelling atmosphere with your family!

May 11, 2017

Northville Spring Carnival

Location :: Northville Downs, 301 S. Center St., Northville
Time :: 4:00 – 10:00 p.m.
Cost :: See website for pricing details

Rides and amusement for all ages!!

Preschool Adventures

Location :: Dearborn Public Library Henry Ford Centennial Branch, 16301 Michigan Ave., Dearborn
Time :: 2:00 – 2:30 p.m.
Cost :: Free to attend but registration might be necessary

 Preschool aged children and their caregivers complete activities that promote and strengthen early literacy skilled. Space is limited. Registration required. Registration begins Monday, April 27.

Egg Drop Challenge (Grades 7-12)

Location :: Dearborn Public Library Henry Ford Centennial Branch, 16301 Michigan Ave., Dearborn
Time :: 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Cost :: Free to attend but registration might be necessary

 Build a contraption to protect your raw egg from a ten foot drop! All materials provided. No parents or younger siblings. No registration.

May 12, 2017

Moana Paint Party!

Location :: Mini Picassos, 20801 Lennon, Harper Woods
Time :: 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Cost :: $25.00 per painter

Come join us in making a step by step painting of HeiHei! Moana’s chicken friend! To sign up- Facebook messages or email us!
[email protected]

Wyandotte Spring Fling Festival

Location :: Yack Arena, 3131 3rd Street, Wyandotte
Time :: See website for details
Cost :: Free to attend

Come to the 1st festival of the year for the best music, food, fun and games! May 12th (5pm- 12am) and May 13th (12pm – 12am) at the Yack Arena.

Northville Spring Carnival

Location :: Northville Downs, 301 S. Center St., Northville
Time :: 4:00 – 11:00 p.m.
Cost :: See website for pricing details

Rides and amusement for all ages!!

Food Truck Fridays!

Location :: 27400 Southfield Rd., Lathrup Village
Time :: 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Cost :: Free to attend

Join us for the kick-off Food Truck Friday event, featuring Comfort Cafe. More details and vendor information to come!  The link will take you to Comfort Cafe’s website!

May 13, 2017

Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure

Location :: Downtown Detroit
Time :: 7:00 a.m.
Cost :: See website for registration details

Thanks to events like the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure® and the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure®, and generous contributions from our partners, sponsors and fellow supporters, we have become the largest source of nonprofit funds dedicated to the fight against breast cancer in the world.

Touch-a-truck @ Rotary Park

Location :: Rotary Park, 32300 Six Mile Rd., Livonia
Time :: 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Cost :: Free to attend

A FREE hands-on family event that provides a unique opportunity for children adn adults alike to explore vehicles of all types!

Wyandotte Spring Fling Festival

Location :: Yack Arena, 3131 3rd Street, Wyandotte
Time :: See website for details
Cost :: Free to attend

Come to the 1st festival of the year for the best music, food, fun and games! May 12th (5pm- 12am) and May 13th (12pm – 12am) at the Yack Arena.

Northville Spring Carnival

Location :: Northville Downs, 301 S. Center St., Northville
Time :: 1:00 – 11:00 p.m.
Cost :: See website for pricing details

Rides and amusement for all ages!!

A Day Out with Thomas

Location :: Greenfield Village, 20900 Oakwood Blvd., Dearborn
Time :: See website for specific times
Cost :: See website for specific member/non-member prices

Witness the full-steam delight when your little engineer sees a real Thomas the Tank Engine™ chug into our station! Your day will be packed with roundhouse tours of steam locomotives, railroad hobo songs and a railroad turntable feat of strength. Thomas storytelling, photos with Sir Topham Hatt™ and rides on the beloved cars immerse tiny conductors in the beloved world of Thomas.

Songs, games, rides, videos, coloring and treats will make the day roll down the tracks faster than you can say, “Little engines can do big things!” Lessons in mechanics and engineering are absorbed through all of the senses, inspiring and engaging future builders and makers.

Sheep Shearing Saturday and Fiber Fair

Location :: Wolcott Mill Metropark, 65775 Wolcott Rd., Ray Twp.
Time :: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Cost :: $5.00 per person over the age of 2

Watch a professsional sheep sherarer as he shears our sheep and bring your questions. Visit the artisans and watch demonstrations of weaving, spinning, felting, dyeing and more. Make a wool craft to take home. Many beautiful items will be available to purchase. Don’t forget to visit the resident animals. Hot chocolate, coffee and a snack are included. Wagon rides may be available for purchase. Pay at the Door.

Kids Day in the Park

Location :: Clintonwood Park, 6000 Clarkston Rd., Clarkston
Time :: 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Cost :: Free admission

If healthy, happy kids are your mission, Kids Day in the Park is your event because this day is all about the kids! Join us for a great day of free family fun! Over 25 community organizations will be on hand to deliver outdoor, family-fun. Entertainment and events include kite building, music, moonwalks, archery, crafts, and our Kids Only Garage Sale. More activities are being added week to week, so check our Facebook page for a detailed listing! Hosted by Independence Township Parks, Recreation & Seniors. We will be hosting the grand opening of our new playground dedicated to Ryan Kennedy!

Heroes Day 2017

Location :: Macomb Mall, 32233 Gratiot Ave., Roseville
Time :: 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Cost :: Free to attend

Throughout the day, local first responders, federal agencies, and civilian organizations will be on-hand showcasing their trade skills and to talk with people about what they do to keep our neighborhoods safe.

Turn imagination into real-life with a chance to meet heroes from:

Roseville Police Department
Roseville Fire Department
Michigan State Police Department
Crime Stoppers
Macomb Community Action
Michigan Military Technical & Historical Society
American Legion #261
U.S. Border Patrol
Women’s Marine’s Association
U.S. Navy
Roseville Neighborhood Watch
and More!

The Michigan Masonic Charitable Foundation will be on hand providing Child ID Kits as part of the Michigan Child Identification Program.

Plus, Meet and Greet Chase and Marshall from Paw Patrol!

Macomb Mall reserves the right to cancel or change an event without notice.

Inside the Hive: The Buzz About Bees

Location :: Dinosaur Hill Nature Preserve, 333 N. Hill Circle Dr., Rochester
Time :: 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.
Cost :: $6.00 per non-member $5.00 per member

This program IS the bees knees! We’ll discover the incredible world of honey bees as we peek into Dinosaur Hill’s own hive, try on real bee-keeping gear and see how honey is extracted from hives. We’ll find out about different types of honey and get some tasty treats too. Fun for all ages!

Mother’s Day Aerial Yoga Workshop

Location :: Born Yoga, 2121 Cole St., Birmingham
Time :: 2:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Cost :: $40 per person

Join us for this memorable 1-hour Aerial Yoga Workshop designed to honor the special bond between mother and child. Together you will learn simple yoga poses, partner poses, and breathing techniques while flying in the aerial hammocks! Mulitple sessions are available.

After 45 minutes in the hammocks, you will work together to make a custom Young Living Essential Oil infused Mother’s Day Gift.

Choose from the following (1 per person):
-All Natural Lavender Deodorant
-Bath Salts
-Homemade Scented Playdough
-Bath Bombs

Healthy snacks, wine & juice will be provided.


2017 Romeo Peach Queen Pageant 

Location :: Romeo Lions Club, 269 E. Washington St., Romeo
Time :: 5:00 p.m.
Cost :: Free to attend

Please join us on Saturday May 13, 2017 for the crowning of the 2017 Romeo Peach Queen and Court. Light refreshments will be served.
We are collecting donations for the Romeo Samaritan House, so please feel free to bring non-preishables to donate!

May 14, 2017

Northville Spring Carnival

Location :: Northville Downs, 301 S. Center St., Northville
Time :: 1:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Cost :: See website for pricing details

Rides and amusement for all ages!!

Mother’s Day Happenings

Location :: Wolcott Mill Metropark, 65775 Wolcott Rd. and 64162 Kuntsman Rd., Ray Twp.
Time :: Beginning @ 11:00 a.m.
Cost :: See info below for cost details, registration might be required!!

Mill Stroll with Mom at the Historic Center
1 – 3 pm $2 each Mom is Free
Take a stroll around the beautiful grounds of the HistoricCenter. Take a photo with your favorite lady in the gazebo. Lean about Mrs. Wolcott and her large brood. Enjoy a cookie and punch.

Mothers’s Day Tea at the Farm Center
11 am or 2 pm – $8 per person – please preregister
Come to the farm and enjoy a tea with your favorite Mom. Light refreshments and tea will be served.

Mother’s Day Celebration

Location :: Northville Winery and Brewing Company, 630 Baseline Rd., Northville
Time :: 12:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Cost :: Call for details

Happy Mother’s Day Mom!
Bring Mom out to enjoy CC Creperie’s Crepe’s, a CiderMamosa and tunes by Barelyon! Food at 12:30, music at 1:00  till 3:00

Mother’s Day @ Jimmy John’s Field

Location :: Jimmy John’s Field, 7171 Auburn Rd., Utica
Time :: 12:30 p.m.
Cost :: $20.00 per person

Join us for a fun filled Mother’s Day at Jimmy John’s Field, where the Eastside Diamond Hoppers will take on the Utica Unicorns.

Brunch Menu:
*Homemade French Toast
*Scrambled Eggs
*Fresh Fruit
*Western Style Potatoes
*Assorted Pastries & Muffins
*Orange Juice
*A cash bar will be available with Bloody Mary’s and Mimosa’s.

Mother’s Day Mimosas and Macaroons

Location :: Michigan By the Bottle Tasting Room – ALL THREE locations (Auburn Hills, Royal Oak and Shelby Township)
Time :: 12:00 p.m.
Cost :: $15.00 per person

Join us for our annual celebration of moms, mimosas and macarolons! The ticket price includes a “flight” of three gourmet macaroons from Love & Buttercream, a mimosa Big Pour and a $2 bottle credit toward take-home wine purhases that day. Additional wine and snacks are available for a nominal fee. (To make it easy, we’ve added an option for pre-ordering several popular snacks as well when you register on Eventbrite!) One is from 12-2 and the other is for 3-5. 

Mother’s Day Brunch @ Blossom Heath

Location :: Blossom Heath Inn, 24800 Jefferson Ave., St. Clair Shores
Time :: 11:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Cost :: $28.00 for adults, $21.00 for seniors (60+), children (6-12) for $12.00, and children 5 and under are complimentary.

On Sunday, May 14th, treat your mother to a fantastic Mother’s Day Brunch in the old world ambiance of Blossom Heath Inn! She’ll appreciate our delightful, elaborate buffet and the quality time you spend in our beautiful facility.

Our brunch will feature two seatings – one from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. and another from 2:30-4:30 p.m. Our menu is included below and features all of your brunch favorites! Call for reservations!


Mother’s Day Brunch in Grosse Pointe

Location :: The Grosse Pointe War Memorial, 32 Lake Shore Rd., Grosse Pointe Farms
Time :: 10:30 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.
Cost :: $32.00 for adults, Children 8 and under $12.00

Pamper mom this Mother’s Day — The War Memorial is the perfect place to celebrate our mothers and all they do for us! Bring the entire family and enjoy a stunning view from our ballroom, while enjoying a fabulous meal prepared by our Executive Chef, Frank Turner.

We offer 8 different seatings for brunch! Seatings sell out quickly, so make sure to get your tickets fast!

Mother’s Day Brunch @ Blake’s

Location :: Blake Farms, 17985 Armada Center Rd., Armada
Time :: 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Cost :: $21.95 for adults, $12.95 for kids 10 and under and under 2 eats free

Blake’s Tasting Room will be hosting its 2nd annual Mother’s Day Brunch on May 14th! This brunch is reservation only with time slots at 9am, 11am, 1pm, and 3pm. We plan to sell out like last year so please dont hesitate to make your reservation. Please call Jen in the Tasting to schedule your slot. We will be offering a strolling buffet filled with tasty breakfast fare and hearty lunch options.

Mother’s Day Breakfast @ The Zoo

Location :: The Detroit Zoo, 8450 W. 10 Mile Road, Royal Oak
Time :: 8:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Cost :: Members: $40 for adults and $35 for children 14 and under and Non-members: $45 for adults and $40 for children 14 and under
Tickets are only available online.

Moms and their families are invited to celebrate Mother’s Day at the Detroit Zoo. Mother’s Day Breakfast is held in the Wildlife Interpretive Gallery with access to the Butterfly Garden. The event features a delicious buffet breakfast, commemorative gift and the opportunity for children to make a special gift for Mom.

BASF Kids’ Lab: Happy Hands

Location :: The Michigan Science Center, 5020 John R. Rd., Detroit
Time :: 2:00 – 3:30 p.m.
Cost :: See website for admission details

Visit our Centennial Lab for hands-on chemistry courtesy of BASF. Understand the key role emulsifiers play in a popular body product. Apply this knowledge while mixing up your very own hand lotion that is yours to keep. Included with paid general admission; space is limited.

A Day Out with Thomas

Location :: Greenfield Village, 20900 Oakwood Blvd., Dearborn
Time :: See website for specific times
Cost :: See website for specific member/non-member prices

Witness the full-steam delight when your little engineer sees a real Thomas the Tank Engine™ chug into our station! Your day will be packed with roundhouse tours of steam locomotives, railroad hobo songs and a railroad turntable feat of strength. Thomas storytelling, photos with Sir Topham Hatt™ and rides on the beloved cars immerse tiny conductors in the beloved world of Thomas.

Songs, games, rides, videos, coloring and treats will make the day roll down the tracks faster than you can say, “Little engines can do big things!” Lessons in mechanics and engineering are absorbed through all of the senses, inspiring and engaging future builders and makers.

May 15, 2017

Fun with Lavender!

Location :: Mount Clemens Public Library, 150 Cass Ave., Mount Clemens
Time :: 6:30 p.m.
Cost :: Free to members and $5.00 for all others

“Fun with Lavender”, Advanced Master Gardener, Karen Burke is back to show us all of the wonderful things that we can do with our Lavender. So many things to use it with: cooking, beverage infusion, and many boutique and craft projects.


May 18, 2017

Preschool Adventures

Location :: Dearborn Public Library Henry Ford Centennial Branch, 16301 Michigan Ave., Dearborn
Time :: 2:00 – 2:30 p.m.
Cost :: Free to attend but registration might be necessary

 Preschool aged children and their caregivers complete activities that promote and strengthen early literacy skilled. Space is limited. Registration required. Registration begins Monday, April 27.

May 19, 2017

Motor City Comic Con

Location :: Suburban Collection Showplace, 46100 Grand River Ave., Novi
Time :: 12:30 – 7:00 p.m.
Cost :: See website for pricing information

Motor City Comic Con gathers over 250 comic book creators, writers and artists, and more than fifty actors from the television and movie industry. Over a million comics for sale, plus collectible toys, anime, movies, pop culture crafts and gaming merchandise! Truly something for all fans of comics and pop culture!

Novi’s Spring Palooza

Location :: Civic Center Campus, Novi
Time :: 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Cost :: Free to attend

Celebrate spring and learn more about YOUR Novi at Novi’s Spring Palooza on Friday, May 19 on the Civic Center Campus. The free community event will feature fun carnival games, opportunities to interact with the Novi Police and Fire Departments, entertainment and much more! A movie on the Police Department lawn will close out the night! Don’t miss it!

May 20, 2017

Detroit Moms Blog Presents Bloom: An Event for New and Expecting Moms

Location :: The Everbrook Academy, 26195 Beck Rd., Novi
Time :: 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Cost :: Check Facebook page for pricing information

We are thrilled to be bringing this fantastic event back to Detroit for a second year! BLOOM is an event for new and expecting moms that you’re going to love.

This event is geared towards moms who are currently expecting a baby, had a baby within the last year, foster moms of infants, or are planning on growing their family soon. This event will provide a morning of pampering, light snacks, photo booth, educational resources, giveaways and swag, shopping and connecting moms and families with relevant local resources.

Tickets will be available SOON.  Until then, stay tuned to the Detroit Moms Blog Bloom Event Page on Facebook!

The Motivated Mom Tour 2017

Location :: DoubleTree Detroit, 525 W. Lafayette Blvd., Detroit
Time :: 9:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Cost :: See website for pricing information

The Motivated Moms Tour is a half day intensive experience designed to equip moms to be “Great Women and Extraordinary Moms” by offering life-changing content to help activate their dreams. The entrepreneur mom, working mom, stay-at-home mom, or aspiring mom representing different socio economic backgrounds, education, and cultures will gather together to participate in empowering discussions around finance and wealth building, entrepreneurship, goal planning, and parent engagement.

You will also enjoy the #MotivatedMoms Empowerment Panel over a delightful lunch. We know that these life-changing presentations will be truly helpful to as a mom.

Detroit Touch-a-Truck

Location :: West Riverfront Park, 1801 W. Jefferson Ave., Detroit
Time :: 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Cost :: Free to attend

Touch-a-Truck is a FREE hands-on family event that will provide children with the opportunity to explore large vehicles of all types, including those used by professionals in construction, public safety, transportation, landscaping and other industries.

Children will be allowed to get behind the wheel of these vehicles and meet the people who help to build, protect, beautify and serve our community. Crafts, and games will also be part of the day’s entertainment.

All children must be accompanied by a parent grandparent or legal guardian who will be required to sign a Release & Wavier on-site for each participating child. Registration will open in late April.

Tween Bling it Up Day (Grades 4 and up)

Location :: Dearborn Public Library Henry Ford Centennial Branch, 16301 Michigan Ave.
Time :: 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Cost :: Free to attend but registration might be necessary 

Everyone loves it shiny! Come to the library and jazz up your decor. No registration, but supplies and space are limited. Must be in at least 4th grade. No younger siblings will be admitted.

Motor City Comic Con

Location :: Suburban Collection Showplace, 46100 Grand River Ave., Novi
Time :: 10:30 – 7:00 p.m.
Cost :: See website for pricing information

Motor City Comic Con gathers over 250 comic book creators, writers and artists, and more than fifty actors from the television and movie industry. Over a million comics for sale, plus collectible toys, anime, movies, pop culture crafts and gaming merchandise! Truly something for all fans of comics and pop culture!

Family Sensory Storytime

Location :: Auburn Hills Public Library, 3400 E. Seyburn Dr., Auburn Hills
Time :: 11:00 a.m.
Cost :: Free to attend but registration might be required

Storytime for the entire family!  Stories and more!  Join us as we combine our favorite stories with sensory activities and crafts!  Siblings are welcome.  Register for each session separately.  For more information or to register, please call (248) 364-6712.

Tons of Trucks/Kids Day in the Park

Location :: Borden Park, Rochester Hills
Time :: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Cost :: Free

Car seat safety checks, robotics team demonstrations, emergency vehicle display, summer skin safety, Marconi’s Pizza Truck and MORE!

Police Safety Day 

Location :: The Whistle Stop Hobby & Toy
Time :: 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Cost :: Free to attend

St. Clair Shores Police Officer Chad Hammer will join us for a day of safety and education! Come check out a real police car, learn about bike safety and MORE!

Regularly priced Emergency Vehicles inside the store will be 20% off!

Annual Safety Day

Location :: Goldfish Swim School Farmington Hills
Time :: 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Cost :: Free

Join us at our FREE Safety Day event! Children and families will receive information about ways to stay safer in and around the water this summer! According to the Centers for Disease Control, drowning is the leading cause of accidental-injury death among children ages 1 to 4. Goldfish aims to educate families by calling attention to steps we can all take to prevent accidents from occurring.

• Water safety presentations
• Family swim with professional, certified lifeguards on duty
• Fire trucks and rescue personnel
• Kids entertainment
• …. and more!

We hope to see you there!

May 21, 2017

Flower Day 2017

Location :: Eastern Market, Detroit
Time :: 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Cost :: Free to attend

Flower Day takes place every year on the Sunday after Mother’s Day and has been a time-honored tradition of Eastern Market since 1967. Growers offer a wide variety of flowers at a great value so we recommend you come early for the best selection!

BASF Kids’ Lab: Happy Hands

Location :: The Michigan Science Center, 5020 John R. Rd., Detroit
Time :: 2:00 – 3:30 p.m.
Cost :: See website for admission details

Visit our Centennial Lab for hands-on chemistry courtesy of BASF. Understand the key role emulsifiers play in a popular body product. Apply this knowledge while mixing up your very own hand lotion that is yours to keep. Included with paid general admission; space is limited.

Motor City Comic Con

Location :: Suburban Collection Showplace, 46100 Grand River Ave., Novi
Time :: 10:30 – 5:00 p.m.
Cost :: See website for pricing information

Motor City Comic Con gathers over 250 comic book creators, writers and artists, and more than fifty actors from the television and movie industry. Over a million comics for sale, plus collectible toys, anime, movies, pop culture crafts and gaming merchandise! Truly something for all fans of comics and pop culture!

May 22, 2017

Four Feet Down the Trail: Nestle in my Nest

Location :: Dinosaur Hill Nature Preserve, 333 N Hill Circle, Rochester
Time :: 9:30-11:00 a.m.
Cost :: Non-members: $15.00 per child and $3.00 per additional sibling, members: $12.00 per child and $3.00 per additional sibling

This popular program is designed to be a special time for preschoolers ages 2-4 and their parent, grandparent or caregiver.  For this reason, please no siblings under the age of two or older than four with the exception of babies that will be content in a carrier for the duration (no charge for baby).  

May 25, 2017

Preschool Adventures

Location :: Dearborn Public Library Henry Ford Centennial Branch, 16301 Michigan Ave., Dearborn
Time :: 2:00 – 2:30 p.m.
Cost :: Free to attend but registration might be necessary

 Preschool aged children and their caregivers complete activities that promote and strengthen early literacy skilled. Space is limited. Registration required. Registration begins Monday, April 27.


May 26, 2017

Music in the Air Concert Series

Location :: Downtown Plymouth
Time :: 7:00 p.m.
Cost :: Free to attend

Concerts are held on 14 Fridays throughout the summer, beginning in May and ending the Friday before Labor Day. There is no concert July 8. (Art in the Park weekend). All concerts begin at 7 p.m. in Kellogg Park and are FREE. Get there early to set up your blankets and chairs, and remember to stroll downtown to visit the dozens of shops and restaurants. (Alcohol is not permitted in the park).

46th Annual St. Mary’s Polish Country Festival

Location :: St. Mary’s Prep High School, 3535 Commerce Rd., West Bloomfield
Time :: 5:00 – 11:00 p.m.
Cost :: $6.00 per person or $15 for families up to six members. See website for addition information

This year marks the fair’s 46th year and features authentic Polish cuisine, musical entertainment, Vegas style gambling and a Bingo tent. New this year is an interactive sports tent that will include entertainment and activities for sports fans. Families and children also can enjoy carnival rides, games, entertainment acts and art activities inside a Kids Zone.

 May 27, 2017

2017 Memorial Day Parade

Location :: Westfield Road, Trenton
Time :: 10:00 a.m.
Cost :: Free to attend

The Trenton Civic Commission is proud to announce that Trenton’s Memorial Day Parade will be held Saturday, May 27, 2017, beginning at 10:00 a.m. Due to road construction on West Road, an alternate parade route along Westfield will be used this year. We invite you and your group to be a part of Trenton’s Memorial Day Parade.

We encourage your group to participate with a float, vehicle, marching or walking unit. Your entry may be as simple or elaborate as you desire. Trophies will be awarded in various categories and will be presented following the parade, during the Memorial Service. The Memorial Day Parade gives you the opportunity to honor our fallen Veterans and to show support for our community.

Civil War Remembrance Weekend

Location :: Greenfield Village, 20900 Oakwood Blvd., Dearborn
Time :: See website for specific times
Cost :: Free for members, $20.00 – $27.50

What is freedom? What is liberty? These questions continue to define us. Bone-deep convictions on all sides split our young country in the mid-1800s. Civil War America is colored by a sense of fierce community, as well as the scorched-earth division of North and South. Join the beset citizenry, as they rise above wartime challenges to clothe, feed and entertain one another. Spend the day steeped in the atmosphere that drew 3 million to the battlefield and an estimated 750,000 to their graves. What did it feel like to fight on your own soil? Immersed amongst Union and Confederate living history soldiers, historians, presentations, 1860s fashions and street clothing, and military demonstrations, you might begin to comprehend the circumstances that ended slavery and killed today’s equivalent of 7.5 million people.

A national moment of silence at 3 p.m. Monday will be signaled by the Armington & Sims shop whistle.

History deepens from black and white to blues and grays, as you travel from a battlefield to a Stephen Foster sing-along to a peek into the thriving ready-to-wear fashion industry of the era. Innovations in firearms, dress and military strategy, alongside the heroism and tragedy, make up the American spirit of the era. Join us in honoring and exploring this remarkable time. .

46th Annual St. Mary’s Polish Country Festival

Location :: St. Mary’s Prep High School, 3535 Commerce Rd., West Bloomfield
Time :: 11:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m.
Cost :: $6.00 per person or $15 for families up to six members. See website for addition information

This year marks the fair’s 46th year and features authentic Polish cuisine, musical entertainment, Vegas style gambling and a Bingo tent. New this year is an interactive sports tent that will include entertainment and activities for sports fans. Families and children also can enjoy carnival rides, games, entertainment acts and art activities inside a Kids Zone.

Make Something Saturdays

Location :: The Henry Ford, 20900 Oakwood Blvd., Dearborn
Time :: 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Cost :: See website for pricing details

Makers and innovators are often also entrepreneurs who turn their ideas into businesses. In May we explore what it takes to design a product, protect your idea, and take it to market. Can you build and convince us to buy the next great thing? Could you win the great patent battle if you were Henry Ford?

May 28, 2017

St. Clair Shores Memorial Day Parade

Location :: Between 9 Mile Rd. and 11 Mile Rd. along Jefferson Ave., St. Clair Shores
Time :: 1:00 p.m.
Cost :: Free to attend

The theme for this year’s parade is “Remembering Our Fallen Heroes”

BASF Kids’ Lab: Happy Hands

Location :: The Michigan Science Center, 5020 John R. Rd., Detroit
Time :: 2:00 – 3:30 p.m.
Cost :: See website for admission details

Visit our Centennial Lab for hands-on chemistry courtesy of BASF. Understand the key role emulsifiers play in a popular body product. Apply this knowledge while mixing up your very own hand lotion that is yours to keep. Included with paid general admission; space is limited.

Civil War Remembrance Weekend

Location :: Greenfield Village, 20900 Oakwood Blvd., Dearborn
Time :: See website for specific times
Cost :: Free for members, $20.00 – $27.50

What is freedom? What is liberty? These questions continue to define us. Bone-deep convictions on all sides split our young country in the mid-1800s. Civil War America is colored by a sense of fierce community, as well as the scorched-earth division of North and South. Join the beset citizenry, as they rise above wartime challenges to clothe, feed and entertain one another. Spend the day steeped in the atmosphere that drew 3 million to the battlefield and an estimated 750,000 to their graves. What did it feel like to fight on your own soil? Immersed amongst Union and Confederate living history soldiers, historians, presentations, 1860s fashions and street clothing, and military demonstrations, you might begin to comprehend the circumstances that ended slavery and killed today’s equivalent of 7.5 million people.

A national moment of silence at 3 p.m. Monday will be signaled by the Armington & Sims shop whistle.

History deepens from black and white to blues and grays, as you travel from a battlefield to a Stephen Foster sing-along to a peek into the thriving ready-to-wear fashion industry of the era. Innovations in firearms, dress and military strategy, alongside the heroism and tragedy, make up the American spirit of the era. Join us in honoring and exploring this remarkable time. .

46th Annual St. Mary’s Polish Country Festival

Location :: St. Mary’s Prep High School, 3535 Commerce Rd., West Bloomfield
Time :: 11:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m.
Cost :: $6.00 per person or $15 for families up to six members. See website for addition information

This year marks the fair’s 46th year and features authentic Polish cuisine, musical entertainment, Vegas style gambling and a Bingo tent. New this year is an interactive sports tent that will include entertainment and activities for sports fans. Families and children also can enjoy carnival rides, games, entertainment acts and art activities inside a Kids Zone.

May 29, 2017

Plymouth Memorial Day Parade

Location :: Main Street, Plymouth
Time :: 9:00 a.m.
Cost :: Free to attend

The Memorial Day Parade will march up Main Street beginning at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, May 29. It will end at Veteran’s Park at Main and Church Streets with a special program saluting our veterans.

Sterling Heights 38th Annual Memorial Day Parade

Location :: Utica Rd. and Dodge Park Rd., Sterling Heights
Time :: 9:00 a.m. 
Cost :: Free to attend

This year’s theme is “Honoring Service and Sacrifice.” The ceremony will feature remarks from the 2017 Grand Marshal Greg Bowman, Mayor Michael C. Taylor, and Arts Commission Chairwoman Jeanne Schabath. Attendees will hear performances from the Sweet Adelines Great Lakes Chapter and 1st Michigan Colonial Fire & Drum Corps. 

Civil War Remembrance Weekend

Location :: Greenfield Village, 20900 Oakwood Blvd., Dearborn
Time :: See website for specific times
Cost :: Free for members, $20.00 – $27.50

What is freedom? What is liberty? These questions continue to define us. Bone-deep convictions on all sides split our young country in the mid-1800s. Civil War America is colored by a sense of fierce community, as well as the scorched-earth division of North and South. Join the beset citizenry, as they rise above wartime challenges to clothe, feed and entertain one another. Spend the day steeped in the atmosphere that drew 3 million to the battlefield and an estimated 750,000 to their graves. What did it feel like to fight on your own soil? Immersed amongst Union and Confederate living history soldiers, historians, presentations, 1860s fashions and street clothing, and military demonstrations, you might begin to comprehend the circumstances that ended slavery and killed today’s equivalent of 7.5 million people.

A national moment of silence at 3 p.m. Monday will be signaled by the Armington & Sims shop whistle.

History deepens from black and white to blues and grays, as you travel from a battlefield to a Stephen Foster sing-along to a peek into the thriving ready-to-wear fashion industry of the era. Innovations in firearms, dress and military strategy, alongside the heroism and tragedy, make up the American spirit of the era. Join us in honoring and exploring this remarkable time. .

46th Annual St. Mary’s Polish Country Festival

Location :: St. Mary’s Prep High School, 3535 Commerce Rd., West Bloomfield
Time :: 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Cost :: $6.00 per person or $15 for families up to six members. See website for addition information

This year marks the fair’s 46th year and features authentic Polish cuisine, musical entertainment, Vegas style gambling and a Bingo tent. New this year is an interactive sports tent that will include entertainment and activities for sports fans. Families and children also can enjoy carnival rides, games, entertainment acts and art activities inside a Kids Zone.

Bloom: An Event For New and Expecting Moms



We are thrilled to present Bloom: An Event for New & Expecting Moms on May 20, 2016 at Everbrook Academy from 10am – 1pm. Bloom is specifically for women who are currently expecting, thinking about trying or who have had a baby in the past year. It doesn’t matter if you’re on your first baby or your third – Bloom is for you!  This national event will take place in over 40+ cities nationwide and our Detroit event will be held at Everbrook Academy :: 26195 Beck Rd., Novi, MI 48220 

Venue :: Everbrook Academy

If you haven’t heard of Everbrook Academy you’re going to be beyond excited for this event! This school will excede your expecatations. Daily experiences in Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Math provide a foundation to ensure each child is ready. Ready for school. And ready for life. They offer engaging, nurturing programs for infants to school-age students.

  Come see the many reasons you need to check out Everbrook Academy.


Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter 


As you’re preparing for your little one to enter the world, do you find yourself left with several questions? Maybe you’re wondering what products you need? Who’s going to help you? What {exactly} should you expect once baby is here? Or maybe you’re wondering what to do now that baby is here? Here at Detroit Moms Blog we strive to bring you the most current information when it comes to your little ones. We want to make sure you feel like you’re a part of the Detroit mommy {mommy-to-be} community. Our hope is that we can help you connect with local moms {moms-to-be} + local businesses that can help make parenting a little easier. Whether this is your first or it’s your third this event is for YOU!

Our ticket price includes access to EVERYTHING we have planned for this event. If you don’t want to come alone grab your husband, significant other, mom or dad. Grab a friend. Every attendee will leave with a reusable tote packed full of amazing swag, have access to complimentary chair massages, enjoy delicious eats and drinks, enter to win fabulous giveaways, receive introductions to local experts on topics pertaining to parenthood, and of course, have the opportunity to meet and mingle with others in this stage of life too.  {Please Note :: Newborns in carriers or slings are welcome. However, due to the set up of our space, strollers and children over the age of 1 will not be permitted.} 

Stay tuned as we continue to add some more pretty amazing things!

VIP Ticket :: $30

everything included with General Admission, PLUS…
early admission starting at 9:45 am
10 EXTRA giveaway tickets
Skinny Tee Tank, Monthly Milestone Stickers (Sticky Bellies)  + Bonus Swag 
The VIP swag is AH-MAZING!
2 unlimited weeks + childcare for one child at The Dailey Method 

General Admission :: $15

event admission
desserts & drinks
super cute bump photo
breakout sessions with our panel of experts
complimentary hand massages
5 tickets to enter the giveaways listed below
and a swag bag valued at over $50!



Entering into motherhood is such an exciting time, but we know that it often leads to lots of questions too.  At the beginning of the event, we’ll be introducing you to a panel of experts who you’ll be able to connect with through breakout sessions. They’ll go over all things motherhood, and we encourage and welcome you to click on each of the pictures below to learn more about our panel and their areas of expertise! Stay tuned for a complete lineup of amazing professionals. 


Dr. Natalie Nedanovsk



April - Doulas of Michigan

Doulas of Michigan

Birth Doula + Childbirth Educator


Sun Stand Still Doula

Rachel MacKay

Doula, Placenta and Aromatherapy Specialist


Janice Rex-Weaver



Elise Bowerman

Elise Bowerman

Registered Prenatal Yoga Teacher (RPYT)





We are super excited to shower you with swag from some of our favorite companies. You’ll leave with a bag full of goodies in an adorable reusable bag.


You’ll enjoying shopping with the lovely Nikki from Madison Boutique! Madison Boutique is Michigan’s First Fashion Truck and online store based in Plymouth, Michigan dedicated to bringing you quality, trendy designs at a moderate price.  You can wear the clothing she has before, during and after pregnancy and feel amazing! Get ready for some fun on the big pink truck. 




We strongly encourage you to bring your phone or camera fully charged to document the evening {And when you do, be sure to tag your posts and pictures and follow along using #DMBbloom17 + #CMBNbloom17!}  However, please know that we will also have the incredibly talented Emma Burcusel Photography on hand to help capture the evening too. She’ll capture you in a way you’ll absolutely love!


In + Around Detroit

National Human Trafficking Prevention Month: Local Resources

Is human trafficking taking place in the zip code you currently live in? If you answered "I don't think it is . . ....