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Splash Pads and SWAT Police: Not A Great Play Date

I never thought I’d see a police man ten feet away from me dressed in SWAT gear with an assault rifle at a park.  But I did. 

I never thought I’d be running with two small children wondering if we were going to get shot in the back.  But I did. 

I never thought I would bang on some strangers door asking to take cover in his home.  But I did.  

Before last Friday morning, these were things that I only saw in the news.  I honestly thought that this would NEVER happen to us.  We live in a safe, nice city. 

What the day started out like.
What the day started out like.

Along with close to one hundred other moms and children we were yelled at by the police to run because there was a man with a gun in the park and he was unaccounted for.  We didn’t know where he was, or why he was there.  Many of us didn’t have shoes on (we were playing at the splash pad), purses, strollers or anything else.  I realized I didn’t even have my phone to call my husband.  But, we had our kids and each other.  That was what was most important.  

Finally, after a kind man let many of us take shelter in his home (we had run close to a half a mile not knowing what was going on) it hit me what was really happening and tears streamed down my face, and I realized I could not stop shaking. My thoughts were on a continued loop:

  • Are we far enough away?
  • Should we close drapes on the windows?
  • Is this a joke?
  • Are the kids okay?
  • Does Charlie (my four-year-old) even know whats going on?

My friends and I were passing around a phone to try to call our husbands and keep the kids occupied.  

Police blocking the street in front of the park.
Police blocking the street in front of the park.

In the end, several hours later, we were safe.  The man had taken his own life.  But, who knows what his intentions were in the first place. He brought a loaded gun into a park.  A PARK.

Our husbands came to pick us up and we left our cars behind (the area was still blocked off- we’d have to come back).  At least Charlie had the thrill of his life driving in the back seat without a car seat.  All I wanted was my home and a hot shower (and a big glass of wine).

Finally safe in dad's car.
Finally safe in dad’s car.

I cannot let my mind wonder to even imagine what COULD have happened.  I am beyond angry, frustrated and feel helpless.  What do I do?  Never leave the house again?  Carry a stun gun with me at all times?  Buy kid sized bullet proof vests? Live our lives in fear? No.  That’s not me.  

Several people have told me that they believe this our new reality.  I refuse to believe that.  We are so much better then that.  My reality is that I am raising children in an amazing world with incredible people.  I know there are people that are bad, wounded and determine to make others feel that pain too, but I will continue to raise children who will make this world better.  They will help people who need it and get help when they can’t.

I know some people will think that is not enough.  Prayers and good hopes for the future is waste of time, but I think they are wrong.  With one persons bad intentions, I also saw the amazing part of our world I’m talking about.  The cops who took the time to comfort my friend’s child who was terrified.  He made him feel safe.  The neighbor who, without question, opened his doors and let STRANGERS in need into his home.  The father (I’m still am not sure who it was) who helped me get the stroller my baby was in over the fence when we were all panicked.  The moms who helped each other out.  Sharing water, diapers and snacks that were much needed.  And, to the friends I was with, my tribe, my village.  We took care and watched out for each other’s children like they were our own.  

Because of all of that, I know the world is still an amazing place.  I will do my best to make sure it stays that way for my children and our future.



Gluten Free Guide to Metro Detroit

It has been around five years since I received the diagnosis that I had Celiac Disease, but I remember it like it was yesterday. In the beginning I had no idea what it meant for me. Who knew that gluten was in so many things? What was it specifically in all of my favorite things? 

We love to go out to eat, but eating out with food allergies can be a nerve-wracking process. I am always up for something new but you better believe I do my homework! I like to research the restaurants online and see reviews from other Gluten Free users.

I wanted to highlight a few great places in Metro Detroit that are gluten allergy friendly. It’s a tough job, but someone has to eat at all these places! There are also a few places highlighted with an asterisk below that are dedicated gluten free facilities. Happy eating!


buddy's logoBuddy’s PizzaMultiple Locations
Buddy’s offers a gluten free pizza crust with a variety of different sauces and toppings. They bake the gluten free pizzas in pans with foil and allow you to cut your pizza yourself as to cut down on cross-contamination. They also offer a house salad (without croutons) with their house dressing that is a great pairing for pizza! I had the gluten free crust with onions, bacon and Italian sausage and it was great!


brown iron brewhouse

Brown Iron BrewhouseWashington Township, MI
The Brown Iron Brewhouse offers a ton of gluten free options, from smoked meats to all of their sandwiches having a gluten free bread option. I am a big fan of their smoked turkey, either served with sides or on a sandwich, with bacon of course! Note, their fries are not typically gluten free, but they are working on offering GF waffle fries soon!


the breakfast club


The Breakfast ClubFarmington Hills, MI
Despite it’s namesake, The Breakfast Club offers a lot of great meal options, not just breakfast! I was excited to have their gluten free french toast. The bread has a hint of cinnamon and paired well with a side of fruit and bacon.


TCP-logo-homeThe Clean Plate– Shelby Township, MI
The Clean Plate not only offers a ton of gluten free options, but is also a vegan friendly facility. The staff was kind enough to walk through their menu, and just about everything on there can be adapted to a gluten free option. I tried the BLTA (“bacon,” lettuce, tomato and avocado) on gluten free bread. 


renee's pizzaria

Renee’s Gourmet Pizzeria*-Troy, MI
Renee’s Pizzeria is a dedicated gluten and nut free restaurant offering everything from pizza, pasta, salads desserts and more. Each time we go, I attempt to try something new. From chicken fingers, to homemade alfredo sauce to elephant ears, I have not been disappointed! My must have every time I go is the BLT pizza, so fresh and delicious!



AndiamoMultiple Locations
Andiamo offers a variety of gluten free options, each location seems to have a few different from the last. Their gluten free pasta and chicken options are delicious. For dessert the creme brulee is amazing. My favorite dish is the filet with roasted potatoes!



Moo Cluck Moo*-Canton or Dearborn Heights, MI
Moo Cluck Moo is a dedicated gluten free facility. The burgers and fries were great and came with many different topping and bun options. My personal favorite was the fried chicken sandwich with a side of the homemade onion rings. Everything was so fresh!


Celiac Specialties Gluten Free Bakery*-Rochester Hills, MI
Celiac Specialties is a dedicated gluten free facility offering much more than just baked goods. The shop has homemade breads, sweets, pizza and even soups that are all gluten free. They also make amazing gluten free Paczki every Fat Tuesday. I am a huge fan of everything they make, especially the donuts, and the cannolis.


ethels3Ethel’s Edibles*-St. Clair Shores, MI
Ethel’s bakery provides the sweet treats that my family always surprises me with! They offer a variety of cupcakes, cookies, brownies, and more. They are quickly expanding throughout the gluten free community. I love the hummingbird cupcake (or as I call them ‘muffins’ so I don’t feel bad eating them for breakfast!). I also love the Pecan Dandies!


sugar kisses

Sugar Kisses*-Berkley, MI
Sugar Kisses is a dedicated gluten free facility. They offer a lot of baked goods from breads to cookies to cakes. They have several types of cookies, from basic chocolate chip to the amazingly delicious snicker doodles. They also make beautiful cakes.


Dealing with gluten free dining is one of the main reasons I started my Gluten Free Beauty Queen blog. I’d love to hear more about any Gluten Free restaurants you have found, leave them in the comments!


How Did I Forget About My {Fur} Baby?!

First comes love. Then comes marriage. Then comes your fur baby in a puppy crate? 




Maybe not everyone starts their family with a fur baby, but that’s how my story began. I was just out of college, had my first apartment to myself, and decided it was the perfect time to get a puppy. I had lots of time to train a dog and a big enough place for one to run around freely. She was my baby and when I got married, my husband and I treated her like she was just that!


I always said I’d never let anything or anyone come between my puppy and me. When I had kids, she’d still be my priority. I wouldn’t forget to take her for walks everyday and we’d snuggle on the couch watching TV every night before bed.


Fast-forward four years… I had a child and everything changed.


It didn’t take long for Macy to recognize that someone else was the leader of the clubhouse now. She found herself having to bark to let us know she was out of food, scratching at the door to tell us she needed to go outside, and she established a new spot behind the couch rather than on my lap each evening after dinner.  Our daily walks were now more infrequent and I found myself with less energy to play fetch with her in the living room. I did exactly what I said I would never do: I had forgotten about my fur baby.



A recent trip to the vet put it back into perspective. As we were checking out from her annual check-up, the receptionist told me the charge for this visit would be $167. As my eyes grew big and “WTF!?” was running through my mind, I remembered that she only goes once a year for a check-up. The only other costs I have are for her food, grooming and her license. I couldn’t believe I was complaining about the cost for the health of my baby! I wouldn’t do that for my son.


From that day forward I made it a point to make Macy more of a priority for my family and me. Just as we do with my son, we have playtime with her every night, make sure she goes on a walk more frequently and spoil her with a few more treats.


After all, it’s not your husband and kids that jump up and down with excitement every time you walk in the door!



Toddler Travel Entertainment…Without Electronics!

‘Tis the season for family vacations! And when you have littles along for the ride a certain amount of panic can creep in when you imagine entertaining them for say, 10 hours. In the seat of a plane. Or the back of your car. Are you hearing the horror movie music or is that just me? For kids that aren’t reading yet (or those that get car sick while reading) you have to get a bit creative if you don’t want them to just watch movies or play on the iPad for the whole trip. 

We recently flew to California with our son who is 21 months old to visit my sister and I wanted to avoid a total meltdown 30,000 feet up. I also had two criteria for the entertainment:

  1.  It not be entirely based around electronics.
  2. It not cost an arm and a leg. 

My first stop was the Dollar Tree. This place is a gem for simple entertainment on the cheap. Here’s a picture of all of my loot. 

toddler bag edited

  1. Coloring Book: Dollar Tree has a large selection of coloring books at a fraction of the cost of other stores. For older kids they have educational work books too.
  2. Dry Erase Board & Marker: This board was fun for scribbling in a new way and we also used it as a lap board for other activities.
  3. Threading Boards & Pipe Cleaners: Practice fine motor skills by threading the board, pipe cleaners make this easier for tiny hands and fingers.
  4. Hair Ties: My son is obsessed with playing with “bracelets” which he takes on and off repeatedly. They are fun to sort by colors or count too. This soft and new shaped set was especially fun for him. 
  5. Notepad: Good for scribbling and stickers, small enough for the bag.
  6. Stickers: What toddler doesn’t love stickers?
  7. Snacks: We had plenty of healthy food too but we stocked up on crackers, gummy worms, and mini bags of m&m’s. I found these little containers at the Dollar Tree 3 for $1. 
  8. Flashcards: There are all types of flash cards you are certain to find age appropriate ones at Dollar Tree. Do yourself a favor and grab a pack of book rings while you are there, hole punch your cards and stick them on the ring so you don’t have to deal with a box and or having them fly in the air with you. I used the rings on the threading boards too!

The only items I purchased elsewhere were these Cra-Z-Art Mini Twist Up Crayons which were $2.97 at Walmart and the perfect size for him and prevented dealing with broken crayons and his toddler sized Yoshi back pack also at Walmart for $9. I also stuck one of his current favorite cars in for good measure. 


These items not only kept him entertained on the flight but also in the airport and while we were out to eat on vacation. He was excited to have his own bag and even carried it in the airport so that’s win, too! We did use the iPad for a few minutes of the flight and dum-dum suckers calmed him down when his ears hurt or when he was just plain done traveling.

What items do you find helpful in keeping the kiddos entertained screen-free on the go?


50+ Free Things to Do This Summer In + Around Detroit

Looking for some entertainment this summer? How about something that is free for the whole family? Below you’ll find over 50 free things to do in and around Detroit. Each category expands when you click on it so you can read through them all or just click on what you are looking for today! If we missed something free you know other moms would absolutely love let us know. Leave a comment below and we’ll be sure to add it. Enjoy! 

  1. Travel back in time through the streets of old Detroit at the Detroit Historical Museum. Personal favorites include: watching a car assembly, creating your own music in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and viewing the impressive Glancy toy train collection.
  2. Detroit Institute of Arts has a world renowned art collection, and a Family Sunday program designed with kids in mind.
  3. After the DIA, you can head to the International Institute nearby. They have extensive collections of dolls, model ships, and more. They also have a great cafe in the basement.
  4. Campus Martius has lots of free fun, from a beach in the middle of Detroit, to checking out the beautiful Christmas tree in the winter, to free, live music many nights!
  5. Older kids will enjoy a free architectural tour of some of Detroit’s coolest buildings with Pure Detroit.
  6. Visit two blocks of open air art through one of Detroit’s most controversial and beloved works of art – The Heidelberg Project.
  7. Splash in its fountains, then stroll the Detroit Riverwalk.
  8. Take a trip to Belle Isle and visit the one of the oldest aquariums in the US. The architecture is even more amazing than the aquatic life inside.
  9. Then head next door to the Anna Scripps Whitcomb Conservatory and check out each of its five sections: The Palm House, The Showroom, The Fernery, The Cactus Room, and The Tropical House.
  10. Get up close with Michigan’s wildlife at Belle Isle Nature Zoo. Time your visit right, and you may get to feed one of the fallow deer!
  11. Hop aboard a simulated speedboat, head inside an old pilot house, and learn about Detroit’s role in maritime history at Dossin Great Lakes Museum.
  12. Reading & Rhythm on the Riverwalk brings a unique interactive literacy program to the beloved Riverwalk. Thursdays and Fridays, July 7-August 12 they have two sessions, one at 11am and one at 1:15pm.


  1. Use a library card to check out a FREE one day Michigan Activity Pass to any state park.
  2. In addition to your “traditional” public library, you can look up a Little Free Library near you, too!
  3. Check out a fishing pole and tackle box at Bacon Library in Wyandotte, then cast your reel and hope for the best!
  4. If it is a rainy day, check out our Ultimate Library Guide to find a new local library to check out!
  1. Both Home Depot and Lowe’s offer hands on building classes for kids.
  2. “Park It” Family Fun Nights are a great way to unwind outdoors, and catch a family friendly movie.
  3. Check out The Henry Ford Museum on a free day, sponsored by Target. dates are listed on their website.
  4. New Center Park hosts free movie screenings, live music, and performances June through August.
  5. Michigan Science Center offers free admission several times throughout the year- keep an eye out for dates!

Oakland County Family Concerts

  1. Auburn Hills on Friday Evenings, June 5 –  August 21 @ 7pm
  2. Birmingham on Wednesday Evenings, June 17 – August 12 @ 7pm
  3. Clarkston on Friday Evenings, June 12 –  July 24 @ 7pm
  4. Commerce on Friday Evenings, June 19, July 10 & July 24 @ 6pm
  5. Farmington Stars in the Park series on Friday Evenings, June 12 –  August 28 @ 7pm
  6. Lake Orion on Wednesday Evenings, July 8 –  August 26 @ 7pm
  7. Milford on Thursday Evenings, June 9 –  August 4 @ 7pm
  8. Novi on Wednesday Mornings, June 22 –  August 17 @ 10:30am
  9. Oakland Township on Friday Evenings, June 17, July 22 & August 19 @ 7pm
  10. Orion Township on Tuesday Evenings, June 28 –  August 2 @ 7pm
  11. Oxford on Thursday Evenings, June 16 –  August 25 @ 7pm 
  12. Rochester on Thursday Evenings, June 16 –  July 28 @ 7pm
  13. Royal Oak on Thursday Evenings, July 14 –  August 25 @ 6pm
  14. Southfield has two: Eat to the Beat Thursday Afternoons, June 9, July 14, August 11 & September 8 @ Noon and Gazebo Concert Series on Tuesday Evenings, July 5 –  August 16 @ 7pm
  15. South Lyon on Friday Evenings, June 10 –  August 5 @ 7pm
  16. West Bloomfield has Kids Komotion on Thursday July 21 @ 11am  & August 18 @ 7pm and Marshbank Concert Series on Wednesday Evenings, July 13 –  August 10 @ 7pm

Wayne & Macomb County Concerts can be found in our Free Family Concert Guide. 

  1. Climb and slide at The Commons at 242 Community Church. They have an impressive cafe in the same building if you work up an appetite and need lunch or a snack!
  2. The Mall at Partridge Creek has a great kids area and fountains!
  3. See the fish at the Bass Pro shop inside Great Lakes Crossing, then head toward their massive play place in the center of the mall!
  4. Check out free splash pads at: Heritage Park in Farmington Hills, McClumpha in Plymouth, or City Square in Waterford. You can also see our Guide to Splash Pads, Water Parks, and Pools here!
  5. Coming soon you can fill up on fun at Fuel Cafe and Playscape at Ignition Church. Fuel will feature a toddler play area and four story playscape, as well as specialty drinks w/beans from Great Lakes coffee, and kid friendly snacks. Opening Fall 2016.
  1. Visit Cranbrook Institute of Science in Bloomfield Hills, on the first Friday of the month between 5 and 10:00 PM for free admission.
  2. Want to see a Picasso live, in person? You can, at The University of Michigan Museum of Art!
  3. While you’re on campus, check out dinosaurs at The University of Michigan Museum of Natural History, and…
  4. Visit Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, where you can see tons of ancient artifacts, including a mummy!
  1. Few things are more “Ann Arbor” than their beloved fairy doors. Do your homework first, then bop around town to find these magical dwellings!
  2. Enjoy peony season (or any season!) in either Botanical Gardens or Nichols Arboretum.
  3. Fountains, flowers, and a feeling you’ve traveled back in time await at Cranbrook Gardens.
  4. Sports fans will love time traveling back to the days of early baseball. Check out a vintage baseball game!
  5. If you have a metro-parks pass, check out 250 acre Wolcott Farm, a working farm with a variety of animals.
  6. Another fun option if you have a metro-parks pass is the Farm Center at Kensington.
  7. Heritage Park features historic buildings and shops, a covered bridge over a catch and release fishing pond, and beautiful nature trails.
  8. Take a delicious tour of Sanders Choclate Factory (now Morley Candy Makers) in Clinton Township, and sample some sweets!
  9. Whether you’re a pro or throw mostly gutter balls, free summer bowling is fun for kids and adults!
  10. Have fun and get in a good work out with free roller skating during the summer!
  11. Twice a year, families can fish for free! More details can be found on the DNR website.


  1. Michael’s offers $2 Kids Club craft classes on Saturdays!

What else would you add to this list? What are your favorite free things to do with kids in metro-Detroit?

{2nd Annual} Hanging with Heroes Event

We couldn’t be more excited to announce our 2nd annual Hanging with Heroes Event with the Northville City Fire Station! We are looking forward to honoring our local heroes while teaching children about fire safety. Our local heroes risk their lives every day to make sure we’re safe and what better way to repay them then hanging out with them for a couple hours.


Our local heroes aren’t the only heroes you and your family will enjoy. Fairytale Entertainment will be there dressed to impress in their best superhero attire. We encourage you to bring your child dressed as their favorite superhero to hang out. They’ll be photographed by Wildflower Photography in their superhero costumes with their favorite superhero. If that doesn’t sound fun enough what little boy {or girl} wouldn’t love to be up close and personal with a fire truck?! Your child will know the ins and outs of a fire truck as they could spend the morning hanging out just in there. Stop at Fairytale Entertainments for facepainting before grabbing your superhero cupcake from Frosting – Cakes & Cookies and chat with Goldfish Swim School!


Join our Facebook event page to keep up with everything going on with this event! All details will be placed in there. Also, check out last years photos from Wildflowers Photography here. Jodi did a phenomenal job capturing the event and the excitement from every child and adult that attended. 

 :: Lets get to know our fabulous sponsors ::

Food Sponsor ::

FrostingCakes&CookiesCalling all sweet lovers! We can’t say enough about the cakes and cookies this lovely lady creates! She is incredibly talented and can do just about any decoration you ask. She has some crazy skills when it comes to frosting those cookies and cakes. Wait until you see what she has in store for you at our event! You’ll leave crazing another super hero cupcake. Check out her work here

Entertainment Sponsor :: 


Fairytale Entertainment knows how special birthdays and other events are. They truly pride themselves in being one of the best character party entertainers around. You can find almost any character your child is absolutely in love with. They will do everything they can to make sure your child has an experience of a lifetime. Are you ready to watch your child’s face light up when they meet one of their beloved superheroes?! Click here to see all of the characters they have to offer. 

Table Sponsor ::

EEHGSS-stacked-logo-with-website (1)

Metro-Detroit’s own Goldfish Swim School will be on site. Learn all about their extraordinary infant and toddler swim lessons, taught in a child friendly environment! 

Purchase tickets today!


Surviving Summer with Little Ones


It’s summer! The nights are short, days are long, and often even longer when you have little ones underfoot. Since I’m right there with you, I wanted to give you a couple of ideas for keeping your sanity while you enjoy what you can of the nice weather.

  1. Get into a routine. Summer isn’t the only time for a routine, but it’s a good time for a new one when the season changes. I realize this is easier said than done, especially because our little humans aren’t so savvy when it comes to agendas and appointments. However, do your best to keep the same general flow each day—especially naps and bedtime. Sleep is sacred!
  2. Schedule time for yourself. Again, easier said than done, but make time to exercise, see friends, even enjoy 15 minutes of time before everyone wakes up to check in with yourself and be alone. Communicate clearly with your spouse (if necessary) and coordinate so you can each fill your cups so you’re at your best. 
  3. Be realistic. Toddlers aren’t going to make it through the Detroit Zoo in one marathon trip that lasts 5 hours. Okay, maybe they will—mine wouldn’t. So I just plan on seeing what we can, enjoying the time, and not stressing about seeing everything or being there all day. This goes for everything: my best Pinterest activity finds, road trips, BBQs with friends. Sometimes you’ll get lucky, mostly not.
  4. Go with the flow. So this may run counter to #1, but it’s okay to go off-plan for spontaneous fun. You’ll just have to weigh the pros and cons of missing baby’s usual nap time. This happens a lot if you’re on vacation, visiting family, or just out and about. Sometimes it’s okay to just relax and let the day unfold without a grand plan.
  5. Be prepared. I keep a summer fun “kit” in my car this time of year. A big picnic blanket, a change of clothes for each kid, sunscreen, diaper and wipes, baggies, even crackers and other snacks. See #4 for why, but you’ll also find yourself on “scheduled” outings wanting or needing these supplies.

There, that’s my list. I hope some of these help you navigate all your summer fun. It is possible to have a routine AND go with the flow. It’s just a balance of each and I know you’ll find your mix. Good luck!

Dear Daughter, I Want You to Soar.

Dear Daughter,

Don’t be like me. Don’t wait for opportunity to come to you. Look for it. Seek it out. Run at it full force. Don’t be afraid when you find it, either. It was supposed to happen. Ride it out. Don’t let anything hold you back because of fear. Too many things have passed me by because I wasn’t brave enough to say, “yes.” You are crazy clever and amazingly funny. You’ll make the right choices.

Don’t be afraid of being alone. You are a wonderful person! Enjoy your own company. There’s nothing wrong with being by yourself. Travel the world alone! Live alone! Go to a restaurant alone! You got this.

Don’t be afraid of making the wrong choice. I followed you around Target recently for more than an hour while you decided what to buy with a $10 gift card. Embrace your choices. Take your own path. Be you.

Don’t ever think your opinion doesn’t count, that your thoughts aren’t valid or that you don’t deserve to be heard. You do. You are an original. You are intelligent. Contribute to the conversation and be a thought leader.


Be like me.

Be open-minded about people and give everyone a fair shake. Be sensible about who you let into your inner circle, but be welcoming of new friends. Be fearless with just the right dose of caution. Be adventurous. Cut yourself some slack—you will mess up. Fix it and move on.

Remember the lessons learned, the time spent, the hard work. Build a foundation on your life experiences—the ones you made while you were fearless and adventurous.

Keep your sense of humor—it’ll take you places. Keep asking thoughtful questions—you can always learn more. Nothing is too silly—if it makes you happy, hold onto it with both hands.

There’s so much, Little Girl, that I want for you. But most of all, I want you to soar.


Summer Roadtrip Music Guide {for Kids!}


Summertime for many families means roadtrips! Do your kids have a favorite band that they listen to while riding in the car? Here at DMB, we are of the opinion that there is only so much Fresh Beat Band, Frozen, or even Laurie Berkner a parent can take.  Even though our kiddos would be perfectly happy to put Kidz Bop (ugh!) on repeat all. day. long. the truth is there is actually a lot of music out there made for kids by bands that us parents rocked out to in our formative years.  It turns out several quirky 90s rock bands have taken their turn at entertaining the under 10 set. 

Give your ears a break this summer & check out our list below!


First up, hometown heroes, The Verve Pipe.  This Michigan based rock band, who had a huge hit in 1997 with The Freshmen, was inspired a few years ago to write music for the whole family to listen to together.  Their two children’s albums are full of super fun songs and clever lyrics you won’t mind getting stuck in your head.  Also, because they are from Michigan we are lucky to have pretty regular opportunity to see them live, in fact they are a staple of the Detroit Zoo’s Wild Summer Nights concert series (they will be playing August 31 this year!)


Canadian rockers Barenaked Ladies bring all the humor you would expect from them (remember If I Had $1,000,000?) to their children’s album called Snacktime.  With wacky songs like AllergiesFood Party and Crazy ABCs this music will have you laughing right along with your kids.


Another 90s rock band, They Might Be Giants, recently released their fourth children’s album filled with fun songs designed to be educational.  Also, they did the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme and the Hot Dog song so they are sure to be instant heroes in the eyes of any preschooler.


Hearing the opening notes to her 90’s mega-hit Stay immediately conjures up images of a scruffy Ethan Hawke for anyone old enough to know and love Reality Bites and now Lisa Loeb has dedicated 3 albums to children’s music (plus she wrote a children’s book and a family musical!).  Her sweet voice is easy to listen to and her music is a mix of fun originals and classic camp songs and nursery rhymes younger kids will love.

Music streaming services are in on the game too.  Pandora has a station called Family Road Trip Radio that is a fun collection of mostly oldies and is heavy on the Motown (great chance to instill some Detroit pride in the kids!) and other songs not written for kids but that you can safely listen to with no threat of having to yell “Earmuffs!” or make a mad grab to turn down the volume before your kids realize what is actually being said.

Apple Radio has a station called Cool Family Radio that again is not kids music, but music that is safe to listen to around kids that will make you the cool mom in the elementary drop off line (of course if you currently still have access to Apple Radio you probably already are the cool mom).  They play some oldies too but it can tend to lean a little towards the emo/hipster vibe.

Honarable Mentions:


Harry Connick Jr: I personally have been obsessed with Harry since junior high and I love everything he has done, but his Songs I Heard album of children’s song covers is more for adults wanting some nostalgia than kids wanting to rock out.

Soundtracks & Complilations: There are some really great one off songs on soundtracks by very decent bands, too many to list here, but one that stands out is the Yo Gabba Gabba soundtrack.  Every other song is from a real band that visited the show and played an original tune and they cross over several genres.

For The Kids (plus 2 follow up sequels) is a compilation of kids music covered by various pop music artists that is worth a listen, plus the proceeds go to a music education charity.

Tell us, what music does your family all love to listen to together?

Top 5 Reasons To Christmas Shop in July

Christmas shopping in July (and August and September) may be sound awful to some people but to me it means FREEDOM! For years I tortured myself with the weight of world in the last 4 weeks before Christmas. I would start getting anxious in October knowing that December would be filled with one party or another, decorating, shopping, baking, wrapping and shopping some more. In the rush to have all that fun, I found that the fun got lost in exhaustion and frustration. Then, about 10 years ago I decided to get a jump on the shopping and found myself completely done by Thanksgiving. It was a Christmas miracle! I was able to enjoy parties without the worry that I had running around to do. I was able to have fun baking all day because I had no place else I needed to be. I was able to relish decorating the house without a mad rush to just get it done before company came. It was wonderful.
Now, to be clear, I completely understand that the meaning of Christmas is not presents and jolly old Saint Nick. I recognize the commercialization of the holiday and all the other complaints people have about the season. That being said, I am still going to buy gifts for my family but I don’t have to blow it out of proportion. I know that teaching my daughter the true meaning of Christmas and that the giving of your heart and your time makes for a life well lived. However, she’s 3 and I WANT to see her face light up when she get a new doll or a tea set. So, if I am going to shop, I’d rather not do it in crowds of people hell-bent on mowing me down over a closer parking space or elbowing their way past me to get to the check-out first.

6-27-2016 2-10-42 PM


So here are the top 5 reasons I shop early, boycott Black Friday and enjoy every minute of my holiday break:

  1. It’s easier on the wallet: Christmas in July sales. Who doesn’t love a sale? Many stores actually make Christmas in July a thing to celebrate! Even online retailers (think Zulily, Overstock.com) get in on the action. Does it get any easier than having it delivered to your door, especially when they are offering free shipping? BONUS: Buying something here or there as sales hit means I don’t have to have lots of extra cash on hand come December and I don’t have to finance Christmas on credit that will never end!
  2. It’s easier on my family: You know what I’m talking about. The family I  shop for, whom I love so dear; they are the reason I am tired and cranky. (Couldn’t be the type A pressure I put on myself.) My constant use of the phrases, “Please hurry up!” and “Seriously?!” was likely fun for all! However, for the last few years, being done early means we now have the opportunity to spend a pressure free weekend away as a family enjoying the Victorian Christmas Festival in Manistee without a care in the world! BONUS: Eating dinner out (read as “not cooking”) after all that decorating and baking really adds to my festive mood!
  3. It’s easier on the mind: Constant errand running in the weeks before the holiday is stressful on the mind. I would lose sleep making lists of things to do in my head and rearranging my schedule to get to a store on my lunch hour and stop 2 more places on my way home from work. I would be tense and irritable and really just spreading Christmas joy everywhere I went like sunshine and rainbows. BONUS: When my shopping is done at Thanksgiving, I can take that time I would have been shopping to get a massage. I like to really unwind before I spend a week or two relaxing!
  4.  It’s easier on the body: Shopping at Christmas usually means being bogged down with the weight of several bags as you rush to finish as much as you can in one rip. What is under those bags? Usually a winter coat, gloves, scarves and hats. You know the feeling; hot, sweating, tired, sore. Not to mention the actual shopping and the WWF moves of a frantic parent who promised their kid a sold out toy. SIDEBAR: When did this become a thing? When I was a kid you were lucky to get presents. If you got what you wanted it was a banner year. If you didn’t you’d ask again for your birthday! My parents NEVER promised me anything except an empty stocking and sad little Christmas if I didn’t behave! BONUS: I shop in flip flops. Enough said.
  5. THIS: (Actual Post from very early December 2015)
6-27-2016 2-09-25 PM
Being all done: Priceless.



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