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Baby Gender Reveal: Shout it from the Rooftop or Keep it a Surprise?

Everyone that has had a baby has been in this predicament. Should we find out “what” we’re having or keep it a surprise? Generally people feel strongly one way or another, and we’ve enlisted two DMB Moms, Amber + Aubrey, to share their reasons for why they chose they way they did. Maybe some of their insight will help you decide whether or not you paint the nursery grey + white or pink or blue.


Amber’s Top 5 Reasons to REVEAL Your Baby’s Gender

  1. You can begin planning nursery themes and wardrobes immediately! I have one boy and one girl and the very day we found out the gender of each one – I immediately left the doctor’s office to start buying the cutest stinkin’ outfits and nursery decor I could find.  Anchors for him and Tiffany Blue for her.  It decreased my stress significantly knowing that I had it all ready as soon as we came home from the hospital.  I also started the registry accordingly soon after. Colinnursery
  2.  I felt more pregnant after I found out. 

    I knew that I was pregnant, and I was pregnant with a human, but once I found out just exactly what was swimming around inside of me I savored every moment more.  I could picture the baby in my head more clearly. 

  3.  It gets friends and family off your case.

    Because you KNOW they’re all going to be asking.  Once they know, you can tell them to go properly shop for your baby shower if you’re having one.

  4.  The suspense begins to wear on you emotionally.

    The ultrasound tech was sick on the day of our scheduled gender scan. I woke up in the morning with the mindset that by the end of the day I would know what gender my baby was and my pregnancy hormones did nothing to help when the receptionist told me we would have to reschedule.  I cried in the office for nearly 30 minutes. 
    My son

  5. When you’re going through labor you don’t have to wonder. 

    Sure, waiting can give you something to look forward to finding out, but when you already know what the gender is, all you have to focus on is “PUSH, PUSH, PUSH!”IMG_1481 

Aubrey’s Top 5 Reasons to Keep Your Baby’s Gender a SURPRISE!

  1. The sonogram could be wrong

    Sure they’re accurate 95 percent of the time… but what if you fell into the 5 percent? I actually know two people that this has happened to and after they’ve delivered their new baby both of the dads had to rush home to “fix” the nursery. If you know the gender of your baby you probably went out and bought super cute outfits, matching accessories, toys, high chairs, blankets, etc. in a gender-specific color. If the sonogram technician is wrong, you’ll likely be out hundreds of dollars on those items you’ll never be able to use.


  2. You won’t have ALL pink or ALL blue everything

    Gender neutral doesn’t have to be all yellow or green or boring! Maybe I’m the one person that truly loves the color grey but it’s a great color for a baby room that has the flexibility to grow with them as their style matures. You’ll have plenty of time to add a gender-specific pop of color or accessorize after baby’s born, too.s

    And while any gift that you receive at your baby shower is extremely generous, I’d much rather get the things I need (carseat, stroller, changing table, bathtub, diaper bag, etc.) instead of clothes that, more-than-likely, are not my style. When you don’t know your baby’s gender you won’t have to take back those gender-specific outfits and your future children will thank you too; That he’s not strolling around in a pink carseat throughout his infant and toddler life.

    Baby Moon

  3. It really irritates other people

    It’s quite comical how irritated people, complete strangers even, get when you tell them you’re going to be surprised. This also might be my husband, the antagonizer’s, favorite reason for being surprised. Typically if you know the gender, you know what you’re going to name the child, too, and it opens up the door for others to give their opinion on the name you’ve chosen. If you keep everything a surprise, you don’t open yourself up to scrutiny while you’re an emotional rollercoaster.

  4. The one true surprise you have in life

    Even if you’re really careful about giving the best birthday gift to your significant other, there’s still a good chance he saw the purchase on your credit card statement, peeked at the department store bag or snooped through your text messages with his best friend to ruin the surprise. When no one, including your doctor, knows if you’re having a boy or girl, it’s a surprise for everyone and no one can ruin it… and at the end of the day, everyone loves a surprise, even if they say they don’t!

  5. It makes the pain throughout your labor and delivery worth every second

    22 hours and four pushes later I earned the best surprise of my life: I was now the mother to a healthy baby BOY! Born sunny-side up, my labor and delivery was anything but enjoyable, but that very moment was the most amazing surprise anyone could’ve ever given me. The anticipation, lack of sleep, headaches and nausea I experienced throughout the past nine months made it so worth it. And after being reassured three times that he was a boy (I blame the adrenaline on the moments of disbelief), I was able to put a name to a face, something I knew that I needed to see in person before committing to.


Do you feel strongly one way or another? We’d LOVE to hear why your family decided to keep it a surprise or reveal your baby’s gender! Share your comments below.

The Second Man I Ever Loved


It wasn’t my husband. Of course my dad was deservedly the first, but he and my mom were very young. They needed their village. Luckily, they both had many siblings who were willing to help out, including four of the least likely sources: my dad’s younger brothers. Barely attending high school when I was born, these four men adored me, and I them. We were together all of the time through my formative years. 

As we all grew, they went on with their lives, to college, getting married, having their own kids and families. We still spent time together, but, as is life, we all got older and as the years went on, relationships changed. Except for my Uncle Mike. He has always been there, supporting me, guiding me, genuinely caring about me, despite eventually having five of his own kids and a family. He is the second man I ever loved.

When I reflect on his influence in my life, I’m astounded by a few things. The first is how effortless he made it seem, particularly to stay relevant and involved during my awkward teenage years. It isn’t easy for a father, much less any other adult male, to find relatable ground with a teenage girl. But he found a way and he didn’t let me push him out of my life. The second is that he still found time for me, despite having his own family. He was always able to ground me and help me find peace, no matter the stage of my life. He gave me advice ranging from what was good music, how to shoot a free-throw, what college to attend, and how to find my faith. From my birth, to the birth of my own kids, whenever I needed him, he was there.

He didn’t help me with my homework, cook me dinner or attend every basketball game, but he quietly gave me confidence, support and most importantly, unconditional love. Even now, with a family of my own, he is still involved and still teaching me lessons. Most importantly, he showed me that its never to late to follow your dreams. 

There’s so much focus these days on the importance of fathers and I could not agree more. But in that discussion, other male figures can get lost in the shuffle. I have an amazing father AND an amazing uncle. I wouldn’t be who I am without my dad, or without my Uncle Mike (or Uncles Jim or Ric or Gary for that matter!) While my incredible father was undoubtedly the leading male in my life for most of my life, Uncle Mike was right there in the shadows. He deserves some credit too.

So on this Father’s Day, I encourage you to express your love and gratitude to your own father, the father of your children and any other male that has helped shape who you are.

What man besides your father has had an important influence in your life?

Seeking Grace in Motherhood

It was 6:30 p.m. I had just gotten home from a very long day at work. I was looking forward to making dinner for my family, baking and decorating “X” themed cookies with my kids for Wednesday’s preschool snack, and completing my son’s “Why God Made Me Special” poster for school. Despite the long list of things to get done, I was excited. All day, I had had the vision of a fun evening of Pinterest worthy projects and fun with my kids.


Then reality hit.

Dinner took much longer to prepare than anticipated. The kids’ version of “baking” meant trying to eat the raw dough, smear flour and pour sprinkles across the kitchen. Most of the “X” shaped cookies barely resembled a letter. The poster ended up covered in Halloween stickers. Toddler meltdowns occurred because the cookies had to be baked, and were not immediately ready to be consumed. I found myself trying not to get mad, getting mad, and then feeling very guilty for feeling mad.

As I tucked the kids in, I felt disappointed that my well-intentioned evening was a disaster. But I realized, the disaster was completely my doing. In all reality, pre-school snack the next day could have been the standard Goldfish crackers and apple juice. No one was expecting a homemade (much less themed) snack. The poster was supposed to be my son’s four-year-old project. It did not need glitter paper and stickers that matched his interests.

That night, I realized my constant desire to be a good mother had gone to the extreme. The desire to be a good, calm, and involved mother had morphed into a mandate for perfection. Not surprisingly, this was a mandate I could not meet.

At the end of each day, my mind was on repeat. I kept asking myself: ‘What did I do wrong today‘? ‘How could I have been a better mom‘? I found myself slipping into a pattern of evaluating each interaction and zeroing in on the possible moments I was less than perfect. In my quest for perfection, I was losing an opportunity to feel good. I was rarely stopping to evaluate the moments I got right. I was not focusing on the many times I was present and connected. The moments we laughed and played.

As I became more aware of this pattern and my stress level increased, I stumbled upon the concept of grace. Grace, in its simplest form means to be considerate and thoughtful.

I began to do my best to extend grace upon myself.

As mothers, we are hardwired to care for others in need. Yet, that same care giving system does not always kick in for us. By finding grace in mothering, we extend the same compassion and care we naturally show others upon ourselves.

Replacing grace with perfection means allowing your best to be good enough. Let’s face it, kids are little humans with many needs. Mothers are big humans meeting many needs.

This realization and awareness propelled me to find ways to extend grace upon myself. Some of this meant changing my mind set and expectations, and some of it meant doing things differently, shaking up my own patterns.

A few things that helped:

  • Good enough is good enough. It’s really not about making the perfect snack, it’s about my son knowing I have snack covered and I will be there to deliver it to school with him in the morning.
  • Stay in your own lane. I started following the lesson I often repeat to my kids by staying in my own lane and stopping the comparisons. Extending grace means granting myself the freedom to do what works for my family without comparison or self-inflicted judgment. My kids will be okay whether they go to public versus private schools, participate in one activity or three.
  • The plan can change. Another tough lesson for a perfectionist like me, but flexibility goes a long way. There are nights for big projects and activities and there are nights when it’s time for a movie and popcorn. Grace means understanding what will work and being okay changing mid-stream.
  • Follow your intuition. I am the expert on my kids, my family, and myself. Grace means believing in this and allowing myself to follow my intuition. I may feel my son “should” participate in several summer camps, but he really prefers shorter days of activities and time at home.
  • Stay present. Enjoy the moment- it won’t be every moment-but enjoy the good ones. Sometimes this means we stay at the park an extra half an hour and the dinner I planned to cook is made the next day. It’s so worth it.

And if I find myself compelled to bake two dozen alphabet themed cookies at the end of the day again? I will remind myself Trader Joe’s makes excellent alphabet cookies.


Perfection is not possible but Grace and self-compassion are. 

Find Your Aerial Zen: DMB at Yoga Shelter

I work out hard. I try to push the limits of what my body can do and today I can do way more push-ups than I could do 12 weeks ago (which was virtually none.) I can do burpees! Which I something I both loathe and love but certainly something most people looking at me would never guess I can do. Still, after all that sweat and grunting, I relish something softer. Let me be clear that does not mean easy! I mean something to put my body back in alignment, stretch those tired muscles and soothe my worked out soul. Basically, I LOVE YOGA!

If you have never done yoga you should know that you can sweat and strain as much in yoga as in anything else but there are many types of yoga for you to try and finding the right one for you is essential. So I say go out there and try them all!


Some of the fabulous DMB ladies and I recently tried a new type of yoga (or new to me) at the Yoga Shelter of Rochester Hills.  We took an aerial yoga class. Sounds cool right? Let me tell you, it is! I had seen it in my Facebook feed for a while and known some people who tried it and liked it. I wanted to try for myself but had 2 questions: 1. is there a weight limit? (Answer: nope!) 2. how much of a yoga expert do I need to be (Answer: beginner to novice!)


We were greeted by our instructor Emily who was sweet and patient with all of our questions even before the class began. Once we got all of our questions out, she patiently waited for us to play on the hammocks and get used to them. She encouraged us to learn to trust the hammock and how they support your body before starting. She showed us every move we would do before having us begin it and was wonderfully attentive with spotting us and helping us in our moves (read as: stopping me from swinging myself all over.)


We started with basic moves and worked our way into progressively more acrobatic moves and I found myself eager to try the next thing; anticipating what cool move lay ahead. I felt adventurous and brave which is always good for the soul! After our yoga time was over we ended in the traditional way of cooling down by lowering the lights and enjoying the peace. However, we were inside our hammocks which engulfed us like cocoons. Gently swaying in that fabric with my eyes closed I thought I found nirvana. What I also found was an incredibly fun and challenging workout to add to my repertoire!


Yoga Shelter has locations in Birmingham, Grosse Pointe, Rochester Hills, Royal Oak, Southfield and West Bloomfield. They offer several types of yoga to find your best fit!

My top five reasons to try Aerial Yoga:

  1. The cocoon. Trust me; you will want to LIVE in that thing.
  2. The core. You will be amazed at the core strength you have and the core strength you will build with this practice.
  3. The stretch. Every muscle in my body felt elongated and stretched back into its proper place. No longer sore they felt strong.
  4. The positions. I never envisioned myself upside down doing yoga. It was a completely new and invigorating experience.
  5. The fun. Bring a friend! We laughed; we tried new things and loved every minute of it!


Goodbye Working Mom Guilt

Every working mother has been there. That horrible, gut-wrenching, panicked moment when your maternity leave ends and you have to return to work.  I sat in my office, sobbing with guilt, thinking of how I left my sweet boy, with whom I had spent every second of the last four months for… this? Work had managed just fine without me for my entire leave, yet somehow I had chosen it, over my beautiful boy. What kind of monster was I?

Fast forward to my oldest turning five and my youngest turning three. The guilt is gone. I love the parent that I’ve become. I don’t feel guilty about working and I don’t question my decision to work outside the home. Are there days that I wish I could stay home and snuggle with them? You bet. Are there days where the exhaustion of being a business owner and a mom catches up to me? Of course. Are there days where the to-do list at home is so long, I wish I could put on a movie for the boys and get started. Always!! The stress is still there, but the guilt is gone. It took a long time to let it go, but it is gone and I’m not looking back.

I don’t feel guilty for working because I accept that working makes me a better mom. Once I recognized and accepted that me going to work was better for everyone, the guilt slid out and fulfillment crept in.

I know that, just like you, I am a good mom. Is there room for improvement? Always. Part of improving is recognizing what you need to do to make yourself better. I need to work outside of the home (I also need wine…but that’s a different post.) But here is the important part – only you can judge what makes you a better mom. Only you know what you need to be a better mom.

Working outside the home makes me a better mom because it gives me a different sense of pride, which is reflected in my actions with my kids. For others I know, working makes them a better mom because it literally gives them the money they need to feed or house their family. And some moms I know work outside the home because it gives them adult interaction and a mental break that they need.

The truth is, if you’re a working mom, you work for a reason. Whatever that reason may be, it is valid because it is yours. And you should never feel guilty if working makes you a better mom.

Supporting Friends with Infertility

As the age old rhyme goes…’first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in the baby carriage.” From a young age, that is the pattern I thought my life would follow.
Sadly, that was not the pattern of my life, nor is it for many other women struggling with infertility. Instead, came years of sadness, disappointment, and stacks of medical bills trying to have that ‘baby in a baby carriage.’ Luckily, that all changed for my husband and I when we got the surprise of a lifetime that we were pregnant (you can read more on my personal journey here). We welcomed our beautiful baby boy into the world in July 2015.
 The statistics on infertility are staggering. According to The National Infertility Association, 1 in 8 couples are diagnosed with some form of infertility. It can also come in different forms for couples, leaving no struggle exactly the same. Chances are, there is someone in your life who has struggled or is currently struggling to have a child.
Struggling to get pregnant is an emotional, physical and financial roller coaster that no one is prepared for. The process itself can be long, stressful and alienating. Yet for me, as crazy as it sounds, I wouldn’t take my journey to motherhood back. I learned so much about myself, infertility in general, and how others can help (and hinder) the process. During that time, I had some amazingly supportive moments, and some that left me in tears.
Here are a few Dos and Don’ts to supporting a friend who is struggling to get pregnant:
-DON’T offer unsolicited advice. Hearing ‘what if you just relax?’ or ‘do you think it is just mind over matter?’ is extremely hurtful (and let’s be honest, somewhat ignorant…if it were that simple we would be all set already!).
– DON’T tell a story about your sister’s friend’s neighbor’s dog groomer who tried for nine years and finally got pregnant. As great as it is for that person, it doesn’t make your friend feel better.
-DON’T  say you understand what your friend is going through. It’s very realistic that she has been on many medications, had multiple forms of injections, attended weekly doctors appointments and has had endless negative pregnancy tests. And even if you have dealt with your own fertility issues, proceed with caution to see if she is open to hearing your story.
-DON’T be offended if your friends declines a baby shower invite, or isn’t the first to congratulate you on your pregnancy. It’s not that she isn’t excited for you, it’s just another reminder to her of what she doesn’t have. Give her time, she will come around when she is comfortable.
-DO take the time to listen. Wipe away tears and give hugs, and just listen to what your friends has to say.
-DO keep her feelings in mind when you are talking about your kids and/or pregnancy. Hearing you complain about something she would do anything to have can sometimes be too much to handle.
-DO continue to be there just the same as you were before you knew she was struggling to get pregnant. The process can leave a woman feeling alone, so keeping up with book club/girls night/whatever can give her a sense of normalcy.
-DO be there for her, but understand when she isn’t ready to talk. Just knowing you are there if she needs you is an amazing feeling.
Dealing with infertility is tough, but having amazing and supportive friends can make even the hardest days tolerable.

Bye Bye Baby Weight


Oh the wonderful time that comes soon after having your baby, realizing all the weight you gained during your pregnancy does not magically fall out along with your baby at birth. Sure, breastfeeding does help quite a bit but when you are trying to lose more weight, it seems like a never ending battle.

I have always been an athletic person.  I enjoy running, working out, and being competitive. I have also always struggled with my weight.  Shortly before having my first child, I ran in a half marathon and regularly participated in 5k and 10k races. I was in very healthy shape.  When I found out I was pregnant, I tried to continue running.  It was much harder and my breath felt shorter, but I was going to try and keep running, no matter how slow I was.  Months went by and I allowed guilty comments from others to flood my thoughts that I should be taking it easy while pregnant. So, eventually I did. I only gained about 30 pounds during that pregnancy. After the first few weeks post-partum, I lost all the baby weight and then some while breastfeeding.  However, as soon as I stopped breastfeeding, the weight seemed to come back on quickly. I knew that within the next 1-2 years we would be trying to get pregnant again, so I really didn’t focus much on losing the weight.

Fast forward to shortly after my second child.  I actually didn’t end up gaining much weight.  I think in total it was around 15 pounds. Again, I watched the weight come off as I was breastfeeding.  As of March 2016, I am down all the pregnancy weight plus an additional 10 pounds, which is great but I’m still nowhere near where I once was prior to babies. I realized that in order to truly be motivated to lose the weight, I need to be accountable for it.  So, I’m going to be accountable to all of you!


Even as I sit here, writing this post, it makes me very anxious to do this.  I absolutely hate failing at anything so here goes…this is my plan:

  1. Use Weight Watchers as a source for portion control, healthy recipes, and community support.
  2. Meal plan like crazy the week/weekend ahead. This includes but is not limited to:
    1. Purchasing lots of fruit, making it bit size, and packaging it myself to supplement snacks.
    2. Preparing salads using the mason jar method.
    3. Planning out easy, healthy dinner recipes.
  3. Drink plenty of water.
  4. Continue the Couch to 5K program 3x/week.
  5. Participate in a local boot camp for fitness and nutrition.
  6. Find ways to be active on the weekends with family.

My ultimate goal is to lose another 30 pounds in order to get my weight back to a healthy range for my height. I not only want to be happy with how I look in the mirror, but I want to be happy with the healthy habits I am instilling in my family.

Are YOU working on losing baby weight, too? Share your strategy!


What Teachers {Really} Want: An End-of-Year Gift Guide

First and foremost, I want to say that teachers don’t go into the profession for the gifts. We teach because we are passionate about education.  We strive to instill a love for learning in our students.  We love watching our students grow and master the concepts we teach.  Our hope is that we make a difference with our teaching.

That being said, who doesn’t like a little something to show you care? If you want to get your child’s teacher a gift know that it is appreciated, but never expected. But what to get the teacher? How about candles? No…trust me, he or she probably has enough. Lotion? Once again, please no… we have more lotion than we know what to do with. What about that cute wreath made from crayons you saw on Pintrest? No… put the crayons down and walk away slowly. As a former teacher, I can give you the scoop on gifts that **most** teachers would love.

Teacher Gift Guide

A Thoughtful Note
Teaching can be tough. We try hard to create lessons that engage our students. Some days everything goes great. We feel invincible. Other days though, everything goes horribly wrong (and those are the days the principal usually decides to make a surprise visit to your classroom). A heartfelt note helps remind us of why we went into teaching, and lets us know we are making a difference (even though it sometimes doesn’t feel like it).

Your Time
I have been blessed to work in schools with stellar parental involvement. I honestly don’t know what I would have done without their help. **Most** teachers really do enjoy having parents (this includes both moms AND dads) involved in the classroom. Not only is it helpful to us, but the students think its awesome too. That being said, just showing up unannounced is not helpful. Be sure to contact your teacher to ask when you can come in. Need some ideas on how you can volunteer your time?

*Come in to read a book to the students
*If your teacher uses centers, ask if you can help run a center
*Help clean up the classroom at the end of the year
*Cut out laminated items
*Make copies (this one probably depends on your schools copy policy, some schools may not allow parents to do this).
*Come in once a week to organize the classroom library

Books for the Classroom
This is geared more towards Elementary School teachers, but books are awesome. We love books. Seriously. I think teachers are more excited about the Scholastic Book Order than the students are. We are always looking to grow our classroom library. You could give the teacher a copy of your child’s favorite book with a little note on the inside cover. You may even introduce your teacher to a new book they have never heard of before.

Gift Cards
You really can’t go wrong with gift cards. It doesn’t have to be a big amount. A small amount to Starbucks that pays for a coffee is awesome. Any amount to Target makes our day. Really though, if you didn’t know, teachers love Target just as much as moms. The dollar bin offers endless ideas for the classroom, and they have Sharpies. One can never have too many Sharpies. You could also go in with other parents and get an Amazon gift card, or perhaps one to a restaurant. The possibilities are endless, and all appreciated.

Not just any food… junk food. Most teachers I know have snacks hidden in their classroom. We dip into these snacks on days we have a teacher meeting after school, days that the kids have indoor recess of the umpteenth time, or days that just aren’t going great (see the first point). I was originally going to say chocolate, but not everyone likes chocolate (I. Just. Don’t. Get. It) or may have allergies. So, find out what snack your child’s teacher does like to divulge in, and stock them up.

So, this one is tricky. These gifts should only be bought if you know, for a fact, that the teacher imbibes and would appreciate the gift. Also, you would need to drop off the gift yourself.

So there you have it. I hope these ideas are helpful if you do chose to get your teacher a gift (remember, we don’t expect gifts).

Breaking Up With My Maternity Clothes

I’m in a toxic relationship.

I’m in love with my maternity clothes but they don’t love me back. I can’t seem to let go no matter how many times I try to cut ties and walk away.

Our love affair began as soon as my belly popped around 16 weeks into my pregnancy.  I loved being able to live in stretchy leggings and blousy tops.  As my bump grew I wasn’t afraid to wear tighter tank tops or shirts to show off my belly. I embraced my growing and changing body.  

36 Week Bump

Since my son was born, things have changed.  I focused on maintaining a pretty healthy diet and exercise regiment so I was lucky to lose most of my baby weight quickly, however, my shape just isn’t quite the same. 

Now, I am 7 months postpartum and even though my regular clothes are beginning to fit more and more each day, I can’t seem to let go of my maternity jeans, leggings, and baggy tops. On several occasions, I’ve packed these items away, only to find myself dragging out the box at 6:00 a.m. when I’m desperately trying to find something comfortable to wear to work.

When I get to work and catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I realize that these ill-fitting clothes are not kind to my appearance or my confidence. My jeans and pants are loose in all the wrong places, tops hang too long in front and short in the back, and that belly band is not so secret as it bunches underneath my shirt. I immediately become self-conscious of my figure and spend the rest of the day tugging at my clothes in an attempt to cover everything that looks wrong.

Despite this, I keep all those clothes close-by and this scenario plays itself out day-in and day-out.

I’m stuck in this pendulum swing where my old clothes don’t fit and my maternity clothes are too big. I rationalize that I don’t want to spend money on clothes for my current figure, hoping that my current size and shape is temporary.  

It’s time for an intervention.  Just because I am still uncomfortable in my own skin does not mean I need to hide under clothes that don’t fit me well. 

I need to STOP wearing my maternity clothes. This includes bras, underwear, pants, leggings, jeans, dresses, shirts, tank tops, all of it!  I’m quitting, Cold Turkey!

I am not doing myself or my confidence any favors by continuing to wear clothes that don’t flatter my figure.  

All the clothes have been packed away and stored in the basement, 2 floors from my closet and hopefully out of sight, out of mind.

Packed Up Clothes

In an attempt to get some new clothes into my closet without breaking the bank, I’ve been in touch with some girlfriends and organized a clothing swap. I’ve also been keeping an eye on clearance sales at some of my favorite stores.    

I DID go out and buy a pair of jeans.  Having a pair of jeans that fit is definitely a key to feeling comfortable and confident.

I’m hoping by incorporating a few new items into my wardrobe I can get through another month or so before the summer season comes along. Then I’ll have to deal with bathing suit shopping!

Are there maternity clothes that you can’t seem to let go? How did you deal with the in-between stages from maternity wear to post-baby body clothing?

Jessica’s Mommy Makeover

Who doesn’t love a day devoted to them?! A day to feel amazing and beautiful! Last Saturday DMB took over Salon Legato in Birmingham and made one lucky lady feel like a princess. Jessica was nominated for our Mommy Makeover by her friend Amy who had nothing but inspiring words to say about her. She shared Jessica’s undeniable love for her daughters and the fact that she works 4 jobs just to give her girls what they need. That she is selfless and loves unconditionally.  That she needed a day to make her feel special! A HUGE shoutout to Salon Legato for making all of this possible! 


Facial, Hair and Makeup – Salon Legato Birmingham

Jessica’s day begin with a warm greeting from the Salon Legato staff.  Within minutes Jessica was whisked away for her facial which we hear was pretty relaxing. The staff are wonderful and their hospitality is genuine.  The location is cute and inviting. If you haven’t been there make it a point to stop in and see what they have to offer. 


Jenn (hair + makeup): A professional since 2012, Jenn has worked with Aveda her entire career. Also classically trained with Vidal Sassoon & Vivienne Mackinder, Jenn makes her education a priority, taking annual classes and believes that learning never ends. She takes pride in helping guests achieve fashion forward looks, and focuses on providing a relaxing experience. Jenn gets her inspiration from learning and traveling the world.

Rachel (facial): A Spa Ambassador with Aveda, Rachel has been licensed since 2013. She has been with Aveda her entire career, both receiving her education at and educating students in Aveda. Rachel has developed a deep passion for wellness and skincare. Her ultimate goal is to educate her guests in achieving comprehensive esthetic balance and provide the perfect environment to stimulate mental, spiritual & physical well being.

Lunch from Toast Birmingham

Oh my, if you haven’t been to Toast you have no idea what you’re missing. Jessica got the vegetarian burrito and absolutely loved it! Thanks for making her lunch special. 


Flowers from Blossoms 

The flowers were absolutely beautiful and smelled amazing! There is something to be said about fresh flowers on a day designed just for you! Jessica was greeted by these beauties when she sat down to eat lunch. 


Cupcakes from The Cupcake Station

These cupcakes are SO delicious! She’ll receive a cupcake a month for an entire year! If you haven’t had their cupcakes you won’t be disappointed. They may just be some of our favorites in the metro Detroit area.  


Outfit from Madison Boutique 

Nikki, the owner of Madison Boutique is a style genius. She knows what you’ll look flattering in and what color makes your eyes pop. She is honest and real in her suggestions. She chose the perfect outfit for Jessica. A color that looked absolutely fabulous on her and a look that made her feel a little daring and beautiful. Nikki encouraged her to step out of her comfort zone without making her feel uncomfortable. Thanks Nikki! 


Photos by kmbDetails 

We love Kate over here at DMB. First and foremost she’s a mom and totally gets it! She made Jessica feel stunning walking her around downtown Birmingham snapping  beautiful pictures of her. It’s not too often that we get pictures of ourselves, hair done and dressed up. Thanks Kate!

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Dinner at The Bird and The Bread

Jessica enjoyed dinner with her husband the night of her makeover. She was all dressed up so why not head out on the town and enjoy the European comfort food inspired concept The Bird & The Bread has to offer. A huge thanks to The Bird & The Bread helping Jessica end her night with a delicious dinner. 




A Night at The Townsend Hotel 

Ahhhhhh, luxury away from home! Nestled in downtown Birmingham this is the perfect night away. Jessica received a one night stay at this gorgeous hotel and we can’t wait to hear all about it! She’ll be saving this for her one year wedding anniversary in the fall. Stay tuned…

Townsend Banner



In + Around Detroit

Meet The Local Authors You’ll Find In + Around Detroit!

It's so easy to get lost inside a book and find yourself in another world. It's one of the reasons books are so amazing!...