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How I survived this summer…

The summer of 2015 was a blast, however it had its challenges. Our family has a 4 year old, 2 year old, 9 month and another baby due in February, so needless to say we are busy! This summer I tried to relax with the kids, have some structure to our days and most of all have fun.

Here is what I learned from the summer of 2015:

The ice cream truck!

The best mid-afternoon treat that has ever existed. In Milford our ice cream truck comes around every other day, I promised the boys whenever he comes around they are welcome to pick out a treat. I made that promise in the early spring time and I kept it! I think we made ice cream truck dudes sales goal for this summer


ice cream


Picking up after yourself is key to having a semi clean house.

I realize with 3 kids, my house will never look like it came from Better Homes and Gardens 24/7, but a little work during the day goes a long way. During the day, I kept up on kitchen duty and at the end of the day after dinner, we did one big toy clean up. This method seemed to work best.
(I had planned to upload a picture of the toy-tornado that usually takes over my house, but I am to embarrassed to actually publish that on the Internet)

Listening to my children.

I like to make plans and stick to them. This summer instead of me planning our activities for the week, I included the boys in the planning. Some weeks they wanted to do nothing but walk downtown and get a cookie from the bakery and other weeks they were content playing with the hose in the backyard. The boys have opinions and I really tried to honor their wishes for summertime activities.



Learning to let go and relax.

Sometimes the simplest things are best. I struggle with getting dinner on the table, but decided to let go of my fancy dinner style and go simple for the summer. Hamburgers and other simple dinners are amazing and quick to accomplish. The boys learned that sometimes the best afternoon activity includes a hose and giant dirt pile.
hands free 2

Cell phones.

There is a time and a place for technology. I love technology, but when you put your phone down and really watch your children play, you can experience so much more!

teal hands free

This summer was amazing and I am sad to see it come to an end. I learned a lot as a parent and hope to continue watch my children develop more over the next coming seasons

One Year Flew By . . .

How does one year pass so quickly? During pregnancy it feels like forever and a day. You count every second until your due date. Then at last that day comes and you meet the biggest LOVE of your life ! After that moment you are so busy with schedules, feedings, changing diapers, ALL while trying to get back into your pre-pregnancy weight. Then before your know it – your baby is crawling, walking, has developed the cutest little personality and is now one year old!

With each one of my kids this one year mark is a tough one. But now with my third I think it is the toughest on me. I was thinking to myself the other day ‘why am I so emotional I’ve been through this twice before? ….But this time it is so different for me.


Every SINGLE DAY at least one person teases me about Briana being my favorite child. I can’t get enough of her sloppy kisses and can’t seem to stop posting pictures of her cute smiles or funny videos. (sorry!!) Not because she is my favorite but because now I truly realize how fast time goes by. I had my son when Lili, my oldest, was only 17 months old. So I feel like I spent all of Lili’s baby years prepping and planning for my son. I couldn’t wait to hit the milestones and get her off the bottle and off the pacifier so that it would be easier on me when her brother made his arrival.

With Damjon being colic for 9 months straight! I spent his baby years counting down the seconds he would finally stop crying! He started walking at 9 months old and he was falling pretty much every other step! I was always so stressed out and worried with him that I don’t think I truly enjoyed him until he was about 11 months old and by then he was a ‘big’ boy! 

After that, my biggest challenge was getting them both out of diapers! I kept thinking life would be so much easier when I don’t have to worry about diapers anymore….

Now that they are older (still little but 7 and 5) they are into their TV shows, their friends, busy with school and sports/activities. I now realize that I spent so much of their baby years trying to get them ready to be big kids and now that they are big kids I wish they could be little again!!

With Briana I feel like I have another chance to truly cherish the baby years. Not worrying if she is walking “on time” or “off the bottle” at exactly one year old. I am cherishing every minute of rocking her slowly to sleep and smelling her sweet baby smell. I know now that after this first milestone birthday, the next birthday will come faster than I know! Before I know it she will be in school and mama won’t be the funniest person she knows anymore.


While I am truly cherishing watching my kids grow into beautiful little people, I can’t help but miss those sweet baby years. I feel that sometimes we get lost in reaching the milestones and comparing our children to others that we don’t realize time is going by way faster than we think. Whatever stress you have or challenges you are facing just remember your baby will only be this little once. Enjoy and treasure each minute of this sweet innocence.




Happy birthday little one. Thankful to God every single day and I am so very proud to be your Mommy <3




Getting pregnant is HARD work!

When did getting pregnant become so much work? You spend your young adult life trying your best not to get pregnant.  Every show, reality and fiction, show these first timers getting pregnant right away like it’s the easiest thing, like all the guy had to do was look at her and hello mommy!  In reality, my husband and I didn’t realize just how complicated it could be to get pregnant until we actually wanted to have children.

I’m going to share a little secret… when my husband and I were first dating, we had a little scare.  We went through the entire scenario of how we would make it work (at just 21 and 22) in the couple of minutes we had to wait for the pregnancy test results. We were so unbelievably relieved that it was negative.  Little did we know that this was a sign of what was ahead for our future.

Now, fast forward about five years later.  We had been married for just under two years and we’re ready to start our family. I already had some hormone issues dealing with hypothyroidism so I had been on medication for that as well as birth control to regulate everything.  With the advice of doctors, I went off the pill anticipating that it would take a few months for everything to become naturally normal.  After almost 6 months without a period (and a negative pregnancy test each month), I decided it was time to consult with my doctor again. He wanted to try me on Provera (to get my period) and then Clomid (to really activate those ovaries).  I had to go through two cycles of the Provera, and then just one cycle of the Clomid.  I was getting so used to seeing that ‘Not Pregnant’ result on the screen of the pregnancy test that I actually thought it said ‘Pending’ when I looked at it this time.  Now, anyone who has ever taken or seen a pregnancy test knows that ‘Pending’ is not even an option. After looking at it again and realizing it actually said ‘Pregnant’, we were ecstatic! 

Each part of the pregnancy I seemed to hold my breath until the next milestone passed. It wasn’t until my beautiful, healthy, daughter was born that I think I truly celebrated having her in my life.  I think I was afraid I would jinx it if I got too excited during the pregnancy.


Time to fast forward again… this time just 1 year later. I had decided not to go back on the pill at all, hoping my body would figure out a way to regulate itself.  Having very few periods is great… until you need one in order to get pregnant.  I never thought I would  look forward to that time of the month so much. But, after longer and longer time in between each period and more and more negative pregnancy tests, I decided it was time to get back to my doctor again.  I guess in the back of my head I thought if I could get pregnant once, I could easily get pregnant again.

After a few tests and discussions with my doctor, it was determined that I also have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), just adding to the list of complications of getting pregnant. This second round was a lot harder.  I was not only taking multiple cycles of Provera and Clomid followed by negative pregnancy tests but I was also getting false positive readings on the ovulation indicators.  It seemed as if this second baby was not going to happen. Not to mention the fact that having sex to get pregnant is not all that fun. People who don’t know what that is like sarcastically comment “wow, your wife makes you have sex with her on certain nights… must be a tough life!”

What people don’t understand is sex to get pregnant becomes work and it is difficult to make a whole lot of passion and romance out of peeing on an ovulation stick or taking my temperature!

It was shortly after I had come to terms with the possibility of having just one child that I decided to take a pregnancy test again one day after work.  I fully anticipated another negative result when a positive one greeted me instead.  I quickly took my daughter up to the store and bought a cute little ‘I’m a Big Sister’ shirt just in time to throw it on her before my husband got home.  We thoroughly enjoyed parading her in this shirt through the houses of both our parents and took many pictures for our announcement as well. 


However, this pregnancy was different, I felt awful (didn’t have any issues with my first pregnancy) and struggled to get out of bed every day. I felt less and less pregnant and more and more like a sickly figure that used to feel like a real person. On the day that we decided to announce our pregnancy to the Facebook world, I had a bit of a scare. I had some breakthrough bleeding that was more than spotting.  My doctor’s office insisted I come in to be checked out.  I kept telling myself over and over not to get upset until I knew anything.  It was when three people (two nurses and one doctor) couldn’t find a heartbeat and ordered an ultrasound that I started to come up with all the scenarios in my head of what losing a baby would feel like. Another fact about having PCOS, your chances of miscarrying is higher. 

Luckily, the ultrasound picked up the heartbeat and everything looked okay but this was all I needed to be reminded of that feeling I had with my first pregnancy.  I just keep holding my breath through each milestone. I’m now about 4 ½ months pregnant and still hold my breath at each doctor’s appointment until I hear that little heartbeat. I find it hard to get excited because I am so nervous that I am getting ahead of myself.  Every week I get a little bit closer to feeling like I can breathe again.

I guess what I am trying to get at, is everything happens for a reason. When we were younger and not ready for kids but so worried we would get pregnant, we didn’t.  When we were older and ready, we struggled, but it happened. I have to keep reminding myself that things happen to us in life, whether we struggle or not, for a reason.  I’m not always clear on what the exact reason is, but I am sure that each event in my life has shaped me into the person I am today.

Dear Kindergarten


Dear Kindergarten,

Five years ago, something really amazing happened. Two tiny 2lb babies were born. They fought for their lives for months, and finally came home. To me. And for five years, I’ve spent every single day and night with them. Loving them, cuddling them, feeding them, bathing them, playing with them, rocking them to sleep. I’ve changed thousands of diapers, broke up hundreds of arguments, woke up countless times throughout the nights. I’ve done my best to teach these babies the simplest things- like how to brush their teeth, and put a seatbelt on. And explain the harder things- like why their friend doesn’t want to play with them today, and why their Papa went to heaven. I’ve tried to mold them into good people- people who are caring, selfless, loving, smart, funny, and independent. Throughout those five years, we’ve hit a few bumps- there were times I wanted to scream out of frustration, and times I wanted to cry out of exhaustion. But mostly, when I think back on those five years, I smile. My heart smiles. For all those special moments I was able to witness, and all the firsts, and all the kisses, and cuddles. I truly never understood how my entire world could lie within another person, until I met these babies.

And today, Kindergarten, you are going to take my babies. I’m not sure how these five years have flown by, but they have. And my babies are now beautiful little girls. They are going to spend more waking hours with you, than they do with me. You are going to be responsible for teaching them many of the lessons they will learn this year. And I won’t be there to pick them up, or give them a kiss, or put a bandaid on their knee. It’s so bittersweet… I am so proud of the people they have become and so excited of the new world that awaits them. But I’m also terrified of the new world that awaits me. I suppose I’ll have more time to do laundry, and perhaps the house will be clean now. But, that stuff isn’t what matters. What matters is my babies continue to grow up into good people. 

So, Kindergarten, please be kind to my babies. Mold them carefully. Teach them the fun stuff, and explain to them the hard stuff. Understand this is new for them- and they may be shy or even shed a few tears… I might, too. Make them wait their turn, and be responsible for their belongings. Make them be respectful, and kind to others. Allow them to have fun, and cultivate a love for learning that will last a lifetime. Teach them to read, and write, and how to play Red Rover. I know I don’t need to tell you this- as this is your job and you do it well. And to me, it’s the most important job in the world. But enjoy your time with my babies, Kindergarten, because I’ll be missing them every minute they’re gone. 


One Nervous Mama

Photo by: One Perfect Sunday Artistry
Photo by: One Perfect Sunday Artistry


Original post can be viewed here on Lindsay Mac Fitness: Toned After Twins.  

I Didn’t Give Birth On My Kitchen Table

I gave birth to all 3 of my children at home! Yep, I am that person who wants to feel every contraction and experience it all, at home. All 3 of my labors have been long and hard, with my third being the hardest. I wish I was that person, who pops out beautiful children within seconds and looks like they belong on the cover of vogue afterward! But that is not me at all.
We decided quickly into the pregnancy with our first child that we would hire a midwife to help us on our home birth journey. Do you know anything about midwives and their legal status in Michigan? It’s alright, I will quickly explain it.
DEM- direct entry midwife, this could be a very new midwife or a very experienced midwife who has chosen not to take their licensing exam. Each state has their own unique twist on how they handling licensing. 
CPM- certified professional midwife. This midwife has passed her exam with the national accrediting organization.
CNM- certified nurse midwife, this midwife became an advanced nurse practitioner first, then went on to to complete special training in midwifery.
Here in Michigan, we see DEM’s  or CPM’s performing most home births. Home birth midwives in Michigan are not licensed providers, so they do not accept insurance nor can they write prescriptions.
For our home births we sought out the care of a CPM, as passing a licensing exam is important to us. My husband is a veterinarian who passed his board exam and I am getting ready to take mine to become an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, IBCLC.

Over the years, we got some crazy comments about the style in which we chose to give birth. Here are some of my favorite comments:

“Where do you give birth, like on your kitchen table?” Um no… for the most part you can choose what position you labor and birth in. I am not sure how comfortable birthing on a kitchen table would be but I suspect our midwife would have gone along with it if we really wanted to. Two of our children were born in our bed and one was born in a birthing tub.
 “What happens with all the blood and stuff?” Shocking, there is very little trash, 1 bag of trash and 1 load of laundry. The placenta is placed in a separate bowl and examined after birth. Everything is bagged up and disposed of, just like normal medical waste. The midwives do a pretty good job of cleaning up the house and mess that is made during the process.
Recently a friend asked me about giving birth in a birthing tub. So the tub itself is not a normal hard plastic kiddie pool or my own personal bathtub. Our midwife rents us an inflatable tub and we purchase a liner from her. The pool has air filled chamber walls which do a very good job of staying warm. The pool is filled by running a hose from the faucet or pouring very warm buckets of water into it. I have never actually seen the tub filled so I had to ask my husband for the details!
The tub we have used is big enough for 2 people to comfortably stretch out in. One thing to remember is all of the birthing fluids come out during the birthing process and they flow into that tub while you are sitting in it. 

*Funny Fact* Right before our second birth we purchased our house and had planned to labor in the tub. A few days before my husband freaked out about the tub, “what happens if the tub ruptures with all that water in it, it will destroy things!” So I did call our homeowners insurance to verify things, which was the first time they have ever been asked that question.
With each birth there are always questions about the emergency plan. Yes our midwife has medical gear she arrives and has a very detailed plan!  In the weeks prior to delivery, we go over the plan, talk about things that would require a transfer and where we would be transferred to. Having a home birth isn’t a haphazard event, it is medically monitored and charted.

The days post birth are amazing and filled with newborn snuggles! For us, grandparents usually take the boys for special outings and give my husband and I time to recover and rest. We always have a freezer full of meals and try to focus on recovery versus keeping our house clean, because that is what visitors are for! Our midwife stops by frequently to check on us and monitor our new little one. Having a home birth has been a very empowering experience and we have loved every minute of it.
So that is a little bit about our home births. Are you ready to have one?
 *Thank you to Courtney Blackwell and Yamile Branch Photography for the beautiful images*

The Ultimate Fall Bucket List In + Around Detroit

Ulimate Fall Bucket list-2

It’s that time of year again: long, hot days and warm, evening breezes are giving way to early, pink-sky sunsets and crisp, cool air. Fall in Michigan is upon us, one of the most beautiful and bountiful times of the year. Even the most seasoned and devoted summer lovers would be hard pressed to deny the fact that a Metro-Detroit fall is pretty spectacular. Mother Nature is on complete display, showcasing her beauty: the changing leaves are colorful and diverse; the corn, pumpkins, squash and apples are ripe and plentiful; the hardy mums, goldenrod, and chrysanthemum are popping with color. Let’s take advantage of all that this wonderful season has to offer! Grab a mug of warm cider, get cozy under a soft blanket and read on to discover oodles of things to do, see, make, eat and enjoy in Metro-Detroit this glorious season! 

Fall Fun

Head to the Detroit Zoo for the Following Events:

  • Zoo Boo: come and walk the zoo while trick-or-treating with your wee ones!
  • Enchanted Forest: a little something for the older ghosts & goblins to enjoy!
  • Enjoy the Wild Adventure Zone’s 4-D Theater feature of “The Wizard of Oz”
  • Grab a hot chocolate and kick off the winter holidays with Wild Lights!

 Take a trip to Greenfield Village/The Henry Ford

  • Macy’s 2nd Monday, Loads of pre-naptime fun for the kiddos!
    • September 14th – Back to School
    • October 12th – Fall Harvest

Experience Halloween Ghosts & Goodies at Crossroads Village & Huckleberry Railroad, featuring trick-or-treating, magic shows & a ride on the famous Huckleberry Ghost Train Express!

Check out the Wine & Harvest Festival at Spicer Orchards, or stop in anytime to take a hayride, pick some apples, seasonal fruit or pumpkins, feed the animals & enjoy the HUGE playground!

Visit Traverse City for the Harvest Stompede

Visit your local area Cider Mill or Apple Orchard! Some great spots to visit include:

Wear your costumes to “Halloween Science 2015” at the Cranbrook Institute of Science, complete with a haunted roller coaster ride in the Planetarium

Host a family-friendly party to watch the annual Michigan State v. Michigan game on October 17th

Take a weekend trip west to Crane Orchards 20-acre corn maze; kids 5 and under are free!

Take a day trip to Goodells County Park for the BlueChiliGrass Festival, featuring a chili cook-off & live music for all ages

Head to Canterbury Village for Kids Fest & Oktoberfest

Participate in a time-honored Detroit Tradition:  America’s Thanksgiving Day Parade!

Check out your Community’s guide for more, local family fun!

 Good Eats & Warm Treats

Of course, there’s the infamous, Starbucks PSL (Pumpkin Spice Latte, in case you haven’t been initiated!)…..but how about supporting your local coffee shop & checking out what the barista is brewing up this season?

Host an Adult-Only Halloween Euchre Party – costumes required! – and serve Leelanau Cellar’s Witches Brew, or local area apple cider (add a little something extra if you’d like!); Invite guests to bring a fall-themed dish to share, like Spider Web Bean Dip. Yum!

Bake Pumpkin Brownie Muffins with your kids. This yummy & surprisingly healthy treat is super easy & such fun to whip up with your little ones!

Make Pumpkin Stew. Pick out the pumpkin together at the pumpkin patch.

S’mores aren’t just a summer food! Cooler fall evenings are prime for campfires! Play a game of Marshmallow Fling while you’re at it.

Make a pot full of White Chicken Chili

Make Cathy’s Hot Cider Drink – not only will it taste yummy, but your home will smell amazing!

(4 cups apple cider, 2 cups cranberry juice, 32 oz. apricot nectar, 1 cup OJ, 3/4 cup sugar, 2, 3″ cinnamon sticks, 1 peeled orange; mix liquids & sugar in crock pot on “low” until dissolved, add the remaining ingredients, cook on “low” for 4-6 hours, stirring occasionally)

Whip up a batch of Spiced Pecans

Eat candy corn

Bake this easy and elegant Pressed-Crust Pear Tart, always a show stopper

It’s squash season! Try a tasty recipe like Acorn Squash with Kale & Sausage

Roast the pumpkin seeds from your jack-o-lanterns

Bake a pumpkin or sweet potato pie with your kids

Switch it up and make a tasty pumpkin cheesecake!

Have a fast and easy dinner before heading out to trick-or-treat with these festive mummy dogs!

Make snack time spooky with tangerine pumpkins and banana ghosts!

Make homemade apple sauce from your local area harvest

Enjoy a Pumpkin, Apple or any other flavor of pie from Achatz Handmade Pies, a Metro-Detroit staple!

Sip on this amazing Pumpkin Smoothie or make a loaf of warm, Pumpkin Bread

Make your own stuffing, and stuff your Thanksgiving bird together

Check out a new, local restaurant or venture out and find a food truck

Culture & Education

Head to Royal Oak for the Arts, Beats & Eats festival for art, food & entertainment

Experience the 35th annual Detroit Jazz Festival, spanning the riverfront to Campus Martius Park

Take the family to the Art & Apples Festival in Rochester, featuring the Kids Art Zone

Enjoy traditional American farm-to-table cooking food & demonstrations with Fall Flavor Weekends at The Henry Ford

Travel back in time to the 16th century at the 37th annual Michigan Renaissance Festival

See a performance at The Fox Theater! Fall highlights include:

  • The Wiggles “Rock & Roll Preschool”
  • How The Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical
  • Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer: The Musical

Buy your tickets for the annual “A Christmas Carol” production at Meadowbrook Theatre

Learn all about “Superheroes of the Night” at the Great Lakes Bat Festival, an annual family-friendly event at Cranbrook Institute of Science

Head to the DIA for Drawing in the Galleries for Youth & Adult

Create a Fall Sensory Bin to encourage exploration of the senses with your preschooler!

Turn the great outdoors into a classroom by going on a nature scavenger hunt. This activity can be adapted for all ages!

Take an Alphabet, Number & Shape Hike

Go to your local library story-time

Sing Five Little Pumpkins Sitting on a Gate with your preschooler to encourage rhyming, counting & silly, singing fun!

Bird watch with this State of Michigan guide!

Create & Craft

Spray paint plastic cauldrons from the dollar store for an instant, fall upgrade for your potted plants

Make this adorable Terra Cotta Flower Pot Witch

Take the leaves from a nature walk and create these beautiful & budget friendly luminaries

Create, fill & send a Boo Box to celebrate the season with faraway family and friends

Make tissue paper pumpkins

Spray a bag of fall gourds with light, glittery spray paint. Place in a clear glass vase or bowl for an easy, inexpensive & adorable table centerpiece that will last from Halloween through Thanksgiving

Carve a pumpkin as a family!

Decorate mini pumpkins with glitter, paint and googly eyes

Create your own budget-friendly & easy scare crow

Make Hand-Print Turkeys

Make footprint ghosts — perfect for celebrating baby’s first Halloween!

Gather some leaves and make leaf rubbings, a perfect use for all of those broken crayons!

Put up Halloween & Thanksgiving decorations with your kiddos!

Whip up a batch of pumpkin spice playdough

Count your blessings with thankful turkeys

Make pine cone bird feeders

Out & About

Head to the Michigan State Fair for loads of family fun, celebrating all things Michigan

Travel Up North to see the Fall Colors in all of their glory: Check out the Fall Colors Report for peak areas & times

Visit The Henry Ford/Greenfield Village for the following events:

Check out Holiday Craft Blast at Canterbury Village, or shop your local school or church craft fair for unique and adorable fall & holiday decor!

Take your family to cheer on your local high school team!

Pack a picnic and head out to a local park before the colder weather arrives

Ride the Train or Carousel at the Detroit Zoo

Sneak away with your partner to Bay Harbor in Petoskey to enjoy the beautiful, October colors. Luxury with off-season prices! Or, take the kids along to enjoy Trick and Trunk or Treat in the Village

Head to Ray’s Ice Cream or Cook’s Farm Dairy (a working dairy farm!) to sample the seasonal delights

Take in a comedy show at the historic (and as rumor has it, haunted!) Holly Hotel. Watch the hilarious, Metro-Detroit based Key Party comedy group while noshing on the Hotel’s amazing eats.  (*tip: check out Groupon for a 53% comedy show & food discount, an awesome value!)

Get Moving! Sports & Recreation

Play a game of Turkey Chase with your little ones!

Put together a game of Witch Broom Soccer

Invite family & friends to join in a friendly game of Flag Football (for you sticklers, here are the official rules!)

Read the hilarious & irreverent “32 Rules of Thanksgiving Touch Football” article, and plan a game of your own with family or friends on Turkey Day!

Take a walk/jog at your favorite park or MetroPark. We have so many beautiful spots!

Take your family to tailgate and cheer on the Lions, Spartans, Wolverines, Chippewas, Broncos, or Eagles. Most college campuses feature family-friendly/alcohol free tailgating zones

Participate in an organized Kids Fun Run in your area. Fall highlights include: Milford Labor Day Run, Kids Superhero Dash for Dad, Oakwood Red October Run & The Great Amazing Race

Set up an outdoor obstacle course 

Organize a Mummy Wrap relay race

Earn an extra helping of stuffing by burning off calories running in the Turkey Trot!

Rake a big pile of leaves with your kiddos & make a game of jumping into them!

Get your girlfriends together & participate in the Run4Wine Run/Walk, benefiting the Old Newsboys of Flint, whose motto is “Let No Child Be Forgotten”

Go Ice Skating at Campus Martius Park when the temperature drops (likely sooner than later this year, according to rumor!)

Community Giving & Fellowship

Volunteer as a family for Blessings in a Backpack

Donate gently used coats, hats scarves & mittens to a local area Coat Drive

Check out Meet Your Best Friend at the Zoo, sponsored by the Michigan Humane Society

Take your pooch to Paws in the Park in Royal Oak

Host a food drive with your play group, benefiting a local area food bank

Share a seasonal treat with your neighbor

Consider local area farms when ordering your Thanksgiving Turkey

Invite friends, family & neighbors over for Crock-pot & College Football Saturday

Gather friends & family to cheer on the Detroit Lions each Sunday

Work with neighbors to arrange a Halloween block party

Celebrate Friendsgiving a week or two before Turkey Day; Invite families to bring a side-dish of their choice, play games, and celebrate the holiday without all of the stress!

Have a bake sale and donate the profits to a shelter or soup kitchen providing Thanksgiving dinner

Take a batch of fall-themed cookies to your local fire station

Have kids go through toys and have a garage sale; use profits to buy toys for a holiday toy drive!

Host a Halloween Pajama Play-date & make these adorable Apple Monsters

Family Fun at Home

Pick out your Halloween costumes together…..and if you’re super crafty, make your own costume!

Set up a pumpkin bowling alley

Have a family Pizza Relay Race ; as an added bonus, you’ll make your dinner while playing!

“Boo” your neighbors: put a Halloween-themed treat bucket together (your local dollar store will have a ton of options for goodies!), place it on your neighbor’s porch, ring the doorbell & run away! Include a note that says “You’ve Been Boo-ed! Pass it On!”

Have a Camp Out right in your own backyard…..or in your family room, depending on our unpredictable, Michigan weather! Make a sleeping bag obstacle course.

Make Halloween Popcorn Treats, or your own version of a Halloween popcorn mix: think fresh popped corn topped with candycorn, m&ms and melted, drizzled chocolate….YUM!

Have a movie night at home! Bring out the sleeping bags and blankets, snacks, and make it a family-night-in with It’s The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown, or Hocus Pocus.

Make a blanket fort with your little ones

Enjoy Thanksgiving morning at home, watching the Thanksgiving Day Parade in your PJs. Vote for your favorite float or performers!

Have a family game or puzzle night!

Read a classic Halloween book together like Five Little Pumpkins or The Berenstain Bears and the Great Pumpkin

What fall events do you plan to enjoy this season with your family and friends?

Please, offer some further suggestions for our list!





Flags at Half Mast: A Tribute to MSP Trooper Chad Wolf.


This is terrible to admit, but since having children I really don’t pay much attention to the news. We don’t get a newspaper delivered to our home, we exclusively stream our television programming, and I’m not one to pop online to check out the latest headlines. Why? Because, honestly, I have a really hard time handling what I hear and see. The news being reported is so overwhelmingly tragic, upsetting or violent that it makes me want to wrap my three young children up in a cocoon and never let them out. No one could have ever explained to me the love that I feel for my little ones, and the thought of anything or anyone harming them is something I can’t even put into words. So – for the most part – I don’t go out of my way to inform myself, or take only a cursory glance at or listen to the headlines.

But when the news headline of the day occurs right in your own backyard, it’s pretty hard to avoid or ignore it, especially when your children witness part of the event.

Last week the terribly tragic accident that ended up taking the life of Michigan State Police Trooper Chad Wolf happened right down the street from our home. My early risers and I were headed out for coffee and errands, and we saw it: an overturned motorcycle, a huge helicopter parked right in the middle of the four lane highway, and countless police and fire vehicles, lights flashing. Even before we saw it, we heard it: the sirens, the noise, the sounds of numerous emergency vehicles. Those of you who have young boys will understand when I say that my three and five year old were completely mesmerized; there is nothing more entertaining to a little boy than big, loud and moving cars, trucks or planes. But this wasn’t entertainment. The sounds that we so clearly heard, and the scene that we so closely witnessed was obviously the aftermath of a very serious accident.

It wasn’t until an hour or two later that I learned just how serious, tragic and heart-wrenching the accident actually was. After finishing our errands, we made our way back north on I-75. The freeway was a parking lot. I decided to take the back, dirt roads, and weave my way home. The usually quiet back roads were jammed with cars. We circled the accident site again and again, attempting to gain access to our neighborhood, but the road was closed and the emergency vehicles remained.

By this time, my boys were brimming with questions – not to mention hungry, and in desperate need of a bathroom. I had gotten a brief synopsis of what was going on, so I explained that a police officer had fallen off of his motorcycle, that he was hurt, and that we should hope and pray for him. We found a bathroom, got some food and eventually made it home just in time for naps. All was right with our world.

Yet, just down the street, the accident investigation of Trooper Wolf continued. And for once, I found that I couldn’t look away and detach myself from what we had seen. Nor did I want to. I wanted to know what was going on. When my ever-inquisitive five-year-old snuggled up next to me on the couch and sweetly asked “Mom, is that police officer going to be OK?”, I wanted to be able to answer his questions. Moreover, I recognized that he wanted to know what was going on. He had witnessed something significant in his little world, and he wanted to be informed.

So, we talked about what happened. We read a news article; we looked at a few pictures; we talked about how police, fire and law enforcement officers help people in trouble; how many of them are mommies and daddies themselves, but they put their uniform on each and every day, ultimately putting their lives on the line to serve and protect us. Most of all, we hoped and we prayed that Trooper Wolf would pull through.

Sadly, he did not survive. By the time of his passing we had learned a little bit about Trooper Wolf: he has a family. He and his wife have four children. Their children look young – particularly his two, adorable sons. I know how much my little boys absolutely adore their Daddy. I cannot even fathom what this family is going through. All is not right with their world, and will likely not be for some time.

Bad things happen in this world. Terrible, tragic, heart- breaking events occur every single day. Unfortunately, that’s life. I don’t know a parent out there that wouldn’t want to shield their child from harm, to protect their baby’s innocence, to delay the ultimately inevitable lesson that life – as wonderful and magical as it can be – will also deal some staggeringly powerful, awful and unfair blows. Those in Trooper Wolf’s line of work know more than any of us just how scary the world is, yet they get up every day, kiss their families – their wives, husbands and children – goodbye, and put their lives on the line for our safety; these law enforcement officers put themselves, and their families at risk so that people like me and my little family can feel safe and protected in our community, our home, our little cocoon.

My sons and I passed through the accident site on the day of the funeral while going about our day. Out of the blue, my three-year-old chimed in from the back seat: “Mommy, that policeman fell off of his motorcycle. He got hurt”. My Kindergarten-aged child immediately followed up with “I really hope he’s OK, that he’s not sad”. Though incredibly small, my little guys’ comments really struck me as a tribute to the life, work and memory of Trooper Wolf. In their developing minds, my sons knew that someone who works to protect us had been injured, and they wanted him to be well.

As a wife and mother – as a writer representing this Metro-Detroit network of countless wives and mothers –  I grieve for the loss of your life, Trooper Wolf.  I feel so deeply for your wife and children during this incredibly difficult time –  more so than I can even attempt to express. I humbly thank you, Trooper Wolf. Thank you for devoting your life’s work to serving the citizens of our State. Thank you for helping make the world better for our growing families, for putting yourself and your beautiful family at risk so that all of us may sleep better at night.

May your family find peace, and may you rest in eternal peace.


The Hidden Dangers In Our Homes {Blindsgalore}

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Have you ever stopped and truly thought about the hidden dangers that lie within your home?! I can tell you that there are several things I never thought about until reading about a death of a small child due to such hazards. One of those hazards happens to be the cords that dangle from our blinds. You look at them and think “they’re high enough out of my child’s reach”, or “how could my child possibly strangle themselves with that tiny little cord”? I’m here to tell you that it’s more common than you may think. Recently, I was educated by Blinds Galore on exactly how dangerous those beautiful home accessories can be. 

We all want to make our homes comfortable and beautiful but more importantly we want  our children to be safe. Blindsgalore has created a list of 50 ways to keep your little one safe. Here are some ways to keep your young toddlers and active children out of harms way when it comes to your blinds:

  • Use Cord-Free Window Coverings. You can still keep your home stylish while using these trendy cordless window treatments or motorized blinds and shades. It’s a good idea to choose shutters or window coverings that are with a want. Not a fan of blinds or shares? Draperies are another good choice. 
  • Ensure you have installed tension safeguards correctly. You never EVER want to leave a cord dangling for any reason. 
  • Retrofit or Remove Recalled Looping Cords. Unsure whether or not your looping cords have been recalled? Visit the Window Covering Safety Council. You can also choose to purchase a kit to retrofit looping cords. 
  • Watch Crib Areas. Keep ALL cribs, chairs and changing tables away from windows that have blinds. Children are curious. You never know exactly what they are thinking when they choose to do things. To them blinds are fun. This one is so important to remember!
  • Maintain Dangling Cords. Make sure your cords aren’t knotting, or purchase a cord-keeper like the Safety 1st Window Bling Cord Wind Up. Those cords that dangle are just as dangerous as the ones that loop. Children are creative and they’ll find a way to make those cords “fun”.

The following devices can assist with keeping your cords secured:

  • Chain-break connector or safety tassel. These will break apart when undue pressure is applied to the chain or cord.
  • Cord/Chain Tidys. These are secured to an adjacent wall and the cords or chains are held permanently within the device.
  • A Cleat. This is securely fixed to an adjacent wall, out of the reach of children. Each time the blind is in use you can secure the cord/chain.

Ready to make the switch to a safer option within your home?! Let Blindsgalore help you with this. Their mission is to educate homeowners on the hidden hazards while making them feel confident and safe within their own home. They want parents to feel they’ve made the best choice when purchasing their products. They offer a huge selection of window coverings that are sure to get you excited about updating those unsafe ones. 

{Detroit Moms Blog has partnered with Blindsgalore for this sponsored post. Enjoy!}

Keeping Baby Safe around Fur Babies

Dog Safety Featured Image

I always had pets growing up, but I didn’t have a ‘fur baby’ until Buddy. Actually, I couldn’t even understand why people would call pets, fur babies. Of course, a baby of your own is something more sacred than a pet dog or cat, but with my first pet as an adult, I learned just how much I could love an animal.

Buddy became a part of our family on my first wedding anniversary. On that sunny summer day, my husband and I stopped in the parking lot of a tractor supply store to meet dogs that were up for adoption. We fell in love with a nine month old golden colored terrier-mutt with white paws, a sweet black nose, and a mane of long wiry hair on his shoulders

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Puppy Love.

With Buddy we experienced several of the firsts of parenthood: feeding, baths, blowouts (a long and smelly story) and all the stuff of daily life. I was familiar with training dogs as my family always had some in our menagerie, and we volunteered weekly at the local Humane Association. Buddy’s foster mother had already taught him more than the basics, but we continued beyond the tricks and tried to make him a polite dog we could be proud of. 

In the course of a few months, a few incidents happened that would change our family forever. Although sweet and energetic, playful and fun, our fur baby was ultimately an animal, like any pet. One day he was attacked by another dog, and I truly believe he lost some innocence that day. Our lives continued as normal, but a few times, in situations where food was involved, or small children, our Buddy occasionally lunged, and snapped.

As a pet owner, we made so many excuses for our fur baby, and convinced ourselves that each incident was isolated. But, when he snapped at the child of our friend, we were shocked, embarrassed, and scared. Months later, he lunged at a small child again, this time nipping, and drawing a speck of blood.This time, his stress was easy to explain, yet less easy to forgive. Stress was everywhere that day for pet and owner alike; we were preparing to move cross country with an infant the next morning. All of our things were packed and people had been going in and out of the house cleaning and loading a moving truck.

A million options ran through our head, but we had a deadline to move in the morning, so we put off any decisions. A month later, when a friend came to visit, he pat Buddy on the head. Our dog lunged and barked again. Suddenly, thoughts and questions I had set aside raced through my head. The previous incidents could not be ignored. What would it be like when Linnea started to crawl and climb? Would it be safe to have her little friends over? Were we equipped to handle the situation? We looked in to all of our options.

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One day when we were out, Buddy collected the baby toys and put them on her blanket.

The shelter downriver wouldn’t take him because of the bite (as is common procedure, dogs who have bitten are often euthenized), but my husband found a shelter in the city of Detroit that was willing to do an evaluation and potentially take him for adoption. We spent the week preparing knowing that it was the right choice, but it was still excruciating to have him leave our family.

We didn’t tell anyone about the first incident because I thought that we as owners could have prevented it. The second time I didn’t want to hear criticism, or admit defeat. But, doing nothing, or lying to the shelter was not an option. It would be like playing Russian Roulette with his future. Buddy is no longer a part of our family, and that is one of the hardest decisions I have ever made. Now, I feel that I have a mission, to help prevent other families from going through a similar experience.

Each person only has control over their own situation. If you have a dog, get him/her fully trained. If you have a child, teach him/her to be polite with your own, and other pets. If you are bringing home a new baby, research the best way to begin a long and safe relationship.

What you can do to keep your child safe:

Teach the proper way to behave around dogs

  • Approach- ask the owner if it is OK, approach slowly and calmly
  • Greet- with a calm quiet voice. Let the animal smell you
  • Pet-gently on shoulders and back, avoid face, back side, feet and tail avoid grabbing or pulling. Use your discretion about when to allow your child near a strange dog– it is OK to say no.

Leave dogs alone when

  • They are eating
  • Playing with a toy (i.e. don’t take a toy from their mouth)
  • Sleeping

Finally, some advice on what to do from Veterinarian, Kevin KickerDVM:

When greeting a dog it is best to have a hand out with the palm down and your body turned side face. Squatting or staying low is best and applicable to even the shortest of small children as they are more likely to approach smaller dogs (large dogs generally intimidate kids). Finally, even with owner permission, a lot of dogs don’t want to be pet by a stranger. Every situation should be assessed for nervous, anxious, or potentially aggressive body language and if there is any indication that the child, pet, or owner is apprehensive then contact shouldn’t be made. 

Please follow these guidelines. It would be so sad for someone to say goodbye to their ‘fur baby’ due to a biting situation, but it is much more tragic for a child who is attacked.

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You Did {NOT} Just Say That

Ever wonder why people feel like they can say whatever they want to pregnant women? Pregnant mamas everywhere, you are not alone. And it’s (unfortunately) not just men that make those comments. Women that have gone through the birthing process themselves have been caught with their foot in their mouth!


I tapped into my mommy network and was able to get my hands on some overused and unfortunate comments you may have come across during those 40 {long} weeks. Sit back, relax, and reminisce about your awkward run-ins with people that have no filter. And whatever you do, don’t repeat these to the next pregnant woman you see.




1. Comments about her size.

It’s the easiest comment to make. Her waistline is expanding but it is ultimately the most insecure part of her body. She’s not used to not being able to see her toes or bend over; and you pointing that out to her is not helping the situation. She’s pregnant and growing a child. Her stomach is bound to get bigger. Just leave it be or if you must say something, at least tell her how beautiful she looks.

“Are you having twins, because you’re huge!”
“Are there two in there?!”
“Wow! You look big!”
“How much did you weigh before you got pregnant and how much do you weigh now?”
“I can’t tell, have you lost all the baby weight?”
“At least now you look pregnant instead of fat.” 



2. Comments about her eating habits.

The first trimester, in particular, is often rough; nothing sounds delicious and some women have morning sickness and aren’t able to keep much down in terms of food. You don’t know what her day has been like so it’s really not your place to comment on what she is or isn’t eating. Plus this is the one time when it’s socially acceptable for a woman to gain 30+ lbs. and eat ice cream & potato chips for breakfast. Let her eat in peace.  

“I wouldn’t eat too much of X; you’ll get fat.”
“Eating for two I see…”
“That baby must be hungry!”
“You should probably lay off the chips and eat more protein.”



3. Comments about the gender of her unborn baby.

Most of the time this question is meant to be endearing, however, the ones that follow it sometimes aren’t. Just because you could never not know the gender of your child doesn’t mean everyone else should have to find out (and vice versa). If she has made the decision to keep the gender a surprise, keep the wive’s tales to yourself and stop guessing what you think “it” might be. Additionally, when she’s pregnant with her second or third or fourth child, it’s probably not wise to ask if she’s “trying for a boy/girl” considering she has no control over the situation. 

“What are you having?”
“You’re having a girl… I can tell because your lips are full, your nose is wide and your butt is big.”
“Baby number three… how exciting. I bet you hope it’s a boy, huh?”


4. Comments about her unborn baby’s name.

Remember back in kindergarten when you learned that if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all? That still applies as you age. You don’t have to live with her child so you don’t get to have an opinion on her child’s name. A simple smile and an, “oh how lovely,” will suffice.

“Do you have a name picked out?” “Yes, it’s Aubrey.” “Oh.” (makes a disgusted face)
“Are you sure that’s what you what to name her?”
“Well that’s an interesting name. I hope he knows how to spell it before he goes to school.”

Pregnant Belly with Post-It Notes of Baby Names


5. Comments about her “still” being pregnant during the final trimester.

By week 38, she’s getting antsy. Week 39, she’s trying every trick in the book to get that baby to drop. By week 40, she’s over being pregnant. If her belly looks like it’s about to explode, she’s probably still pregnant and probably doesn’t want another person to make a comment about her impending due date. Trust me, she’ll let you know when baby safely arrives. 

“You’re still pregnant?!”
“When are you due?”
“Haven’t you had that baby yet?”
“You look like you’re ready to pop!”
P.S. For all expecting moms out there, I loved directing people to this website once you reach the point of not being able to calmly answer this question anymore. 


6. Comments that are just ridiculous.

This last section is for all of the random questions, comments and advice that people will throw toward an expecting mom. They’re the common sense, inappropriate, discouraging, etc. questions no one should be thinking, let alone making verbal.

“Did you stop drinking?”
“Get sleep now because you won’t be sleeping once the baby comes.”
“Don’t you hate it when strangers touch your belly?” (As they grope your stomach).
“I don’t know what it is but pregnant woman are so attractive.”
“Aren’t you too old to have a baby?”
“Do you plan on breastfeeding?” “Yes.” “Oh, it’ll wreck your boobs.”
“So…when’s baby #2 coming?” (approximately 3 weeks after baby #1 is born)


There it is, ladies and gents, a complied list of all the things people think it’s okay to say to a pregnant woman. My recommendation to all men and women out there, if you have to think to yourself, “I hope she doesn’t take this personally,” you probably shouldn’t ask her what’s running through your head. 


Did someone say something completely inappropriate/rude/ridiculous/etc. to you while you were pregnant? Share in the comments below!


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