Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day YOUR Own Way!

Being a mom, we have SO much on our plates. We are juggling school, sports, schedules, playdates, work, making sure our kids are getting three meals a day, homework, birthday parties, other kids’ birthday parties . . . the list goes on! Just as you think you cannot possibly fit one more thing into your busy life, your child comes home and says, “Mom, we have to make a trap to catch the leprechaun!”

Because, why not? As if we don’t have a million other things to worry about. Let’s add “catching the leprechaun” to our list.

I remember a couple of years ago, my timeline on Facebook was post after post of moms feeling guilty that they didn’t know they “had” to make a trap. A lot of them made comments along the lines of, “I feel like such a bad mom!” for not knowing or making one.

Well, I’m here to tell you that a leprechaun trap does not define you as a mother.

The Leprechaun Trap

Last year, I finally caved and my kids made their own trap. It was cute to see them work together and come up with ideas on how they would catch the leprechaun. This year, my kids did make another trap: they just grabbed an Amazon box (because who doesn’t have those laying around?!), sprinkled some glitter on it, made a rainbow with some pipe cleaners, and colored the box.

They decided to pour a little bit of wet paint in their trap, in the hopes that the leprechaun would get caught in the paint. What they plan to do with the leprechaun if they do trap him is beyond me.

St. Patrick’s Day Can Be Your Own!

On St. Patrick’s Day in our house, the kids race to see if the leprechaun left his mark in our toilet (with a little green food coloring) and to see if our milk magically turned green. I always have corned beef cooking, and little gold coins sprinkled around the house.

Everyone celebrates differently. I have friends who have built traps for years, friends who make green eggs for breakfast, friends who go out on St. Patrick’s Day for some adult time, and friends who do not even celebrate at all. However you celebrate or don’t celebrate is PERFECTLY OKAY!

You do not need to make a trap or do a special breakfast. You do not need to add more to your list. Your kids do not need to find the gold at the end of the rainbow. They are already so lucky to have a mom like you!

If you want to make the day special and magical, go right ahead! These little moments and memories are something your children will always remember. You can make the day special in your own way, big or small. Do not compare your trap to other traps, or your day to another family’s day. All that matters are the memories you and your family are making.

Easy Ways to Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day

If you do want to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, or maybe if you waited until the last minute (like me), I am going to share some fun activities to do with your kids! You could:

  • Go on a St. Patrick’s Day scavenger hunt
  • Pull out the paint and paint a rainbow, a four leaf clover, or anything that symbolizes St. Patrick’s Day for you!
  • Make green playdoh
  • Do a fun food challenge with all green foods
  • Bake green cupcakes
  • Make a leprechaun mask out of a paper plate and some construction paper

Whatever you choose to do, I hope you remember that it will be special because of the memories your family will make together. Wishing you a safe, blessed, and happy St. Patrick’s Day!

March is also the month for reading! Check out our guide to local authors who are from the Detroit area.


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