Detroit Mom’s Local Love Spotlight: Soul Roots Wax Co.

Detroit Mom’s Local Love series highlights local women and the businesses they have built. We love supporting small business! Today’s Local Love Spotlight belongs to Shea Kondrat, owner of Soul Roots Wax Co..

To start, we asked Shea to share a few fun facts about herself with us!

  • She is a twin mom!
  • She is a list-maker.
  • She’s an optimist!

We asked Shea to share a little bit more about her business with us, too. Get to know her and her business, Soul Roots Wax Co., below!

Photo by Shelby Dubin/Shelby Dubin Photography

How did you come up with the idea of your business, and how did you start?

“The roots of our craft started in 2015, after taking a candle making class while living in Chicago. In 2018, I decided to turn my hobby into a business and Soul Roots Wax Company was born. During this time, I had relocated to Michigan and was a newlywed. Then in the Spring of 2019, my husband and I welcomed our twins, Karson and Kennedy.

“Since becoming a wife and mother, I became more conscious of what products we used in our home. Little did I know, that most commercially made candles are made with paraffin wax, dyes, and other toxic materials. This inspired me to create honest, eco-friendly, non-toxic, and clean burning candles. Each of our products use[s] fragrance oils that are free from phthalates and Prop 65 chemicals. Our candles are made from 100% American grown soy wax and are free from paraffin and dyes.

“I started Soul Roots Wax Co. in the kitchen of our apartment in Canton, using our personal funds [to] purchase my initial candle making supplies. I made five candles at a time using the double boil method. To try to get my name out, I created an Instagram and Facebook for Soul Roots Wax Co. and an Etsy account to start accepting orders online. Then I eventually started attending local markets and pop-up events and slowly by word-of-mouth business started growing.”

Knowing what you know now, is there anything you would have done differently when you were first starting out?

“I would have done more research on starting a business and coming up with a business plan. Although, being the optimistic person I am, I’ve learned valuable lessons along the way.”

What is the best business advice you’ve ever been given?

“The best business advice I’ve ever received was to stay true to yourself. I think it is so easy to compare yourself to others and be influenced, especially with social media. It’s something I have personally struggled with over the years. It’s important to me to be authentic and myself and I think that if you are constantly comparing yourself or let others influence you, you’re holding yourself back. Be your true authentic self and your customers will organically find you.”

Photo by Shelby Dubin/Shelby Dubin Photography

Have you faced adversity in business due to being a woman? How did you navigate that?

“The adversity I’ve faced in business being a woman is balancing it all (a full-time career, being a wife and mom, finding time for myself and running a small business). I have struggled with the guilt of being away on the weekends at events or spending the weekend in the candle studio pouring candles and packing orders in addition [to] the feeling of not being fully present.

“To help navigate the challenge, I pour candles or focus on business after my kids have gone to bed (luckily, I am a night owl!) and I’ve cut back on my pop-up market schedule significantly over the last couple of years. My priority this year is to be more intentional on how I spend my time.”

How do you persevere in challenging times?

“I preserve in challenging times with talking things through with my husband and other fellow women business owners, in addition to prayer and reflection.”

What impact do you want your business to have?

“The impact I want Soul Roots Wax Co. to have is to inspire others and celebrate entrepreneurship and everyday life moments. I want to help our customers experience self-care and create slower, mindful moments, each time they light one of our non-toxic, clean and slow burning candles.”

Photo by Shelby Dubin/Shelby Dubin Photography

What are the pros and cons of being a woman business owner in 2024?

“The pros of being a woman owned business [are] that there is such an incredible community out there of like-minded people who want to support you and see you succeed. I’ve met the most amazing group of women (other business owners and customers) who have become my closest friends.”

What knowledge would you share with someone who wants to become an entrepreneur?

“The knowledge I would share with someone who wants to become an entrepreneur is to have a plan, start small, stay true to yourself, and do not give up. Success does not happen overnight and even being in business since 2018, I still find myself having to pivot.”

What do you do for personal and professional development?

“For personal and professional development, I listen to podcasts, network, talk to other entrepreneurs, and read books. It’s on my list to find a mentor or business coach this year!”

Photo by Shelby Dubin/Shelby Dubin Photography

What mantra or quote do you live by?

“I show up as my authentic self and I shine.”

What’s your favorite place in Detroit or Michigan?

“Sleeping Bear Dunes/Traverse City.”

Where can our readers find you on social media?

You can follow Soul Roots Wax Co. on Facebook, Instagram, and on their website!

We hope you loved getting to know more about Shea + Soul Roots Wax Co. Be sure to check out our previous Local Love Spotlight featuring Magda + Michigan Pediatric Therapy!


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