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Mother’s Day Makeover {Winner + Words of Love}


Mother’s Day Makeover: Words of Love

When we asked for submissions for a deserving mom to win a Mommy Makeover, we were blown away by the loving words, poems and appreciation of your entries. Love and thanks poured out from husbands, children, friends and even moms themselves describing what motherhood means to them. We were reminded that this journey, while messy and exhausting, is the most rewarding and joyous thing we may ever do.

We believe all Moms deserve celebrating. Not just today but every day. We want to sincerely thank every mom for all that you do. It’s not an easy job raising humans. So today, for every mom who feels overworked and unappreciated, know that you are amazing for doing what you do. You are appreciated and you are loved.

Please enjoy all the submissions sent in appreciating all you do!

Mother’s Day Makeover Winner

We are so excited to announce that Jessica is the winner of our Mother’s Day Makeover. We can’t wait to show her a day she truly deserves. She’ll spend the day at Salon Legato getting a facial, hair and makeup done. She’ll have lunch delivered to her from Toast Birmingham and delicious cupcakes from The Cupcake Station. Dinner from The Bird and The Bread and spend the evening or an evening of her choice at The Townsend Hotel. Let’s not forget the beautiful flowers she’ll be receiving from Blossoms.

Are you ready Jessica?! Here’s what Amy had to say when she nominated you…

Jessica –

Jessica was my first friend; she is my cousin and the best mom I know. She came from a terrible unloving childhood but that has never let her affect how she loves her teenage daughter Olivia. She works harder than anyone I’ve ever met (sometimes four jobs) to make an incredible life for her and Olivia. A few years ago, she took in Olivia’s much younger half-sister Ameilia when her mother became ill, and has raised her and loved her as her own. She has never once treated Ameilia any different than her own daughter, and has never asked for anything from anyone in return. She always puts the girls first, and always puts her needs aside for them. — Amy W

A little more about Jessica – 

Jessica is a 37 year old mother living in Rochester Hills. She was a single mother for more than ten years. When the mother of her daughter’s half-sister fell ill, she took in her the young girl without hesitation. She works four jobs to give the girls everything they could possibly need and always puts the girls first. She hasn’t had a haircut or new pair of shoes in at least a year so that the girls can have everything they need.

Enjoy the following submissions and believe me when I say all of the women nominated deserve a day like this! 

Alana L –

As a mom of two and one on the way I love being a mom because my kids taught me about unconditional love.  I love being the person they go to when they have a boo-boo and being the only one who can make it feel better; knowing what they need to go to sleep at night when they are scared, and knowing the one spot that is always ticklish.  Being a mom can be hard work but feeling the love they give makes it all worth it.


Amy B –

My friend Amy has three great kids and has been through several unfortunate and challenging situations over the past few years but she always has a smile on her face and never lets her kids see her flustered. She is the type who always puts herself last and I know this prize would be so wonderful for her. She deserves all this and more! — Jessica M


Andrea M –

Andrea is truly an inspiration for all women.  She is a mother, wife, friend, fitness instructor, PTA president, volunteer and many more.  She always makes time for her family and friends, I swear this woman has a body double because she is so many places at one time.  She is most definitely a role model for all women and girls. — Jeff S


Anna L –

I love my mom for being beautifully resilient. Over the last 2 1/2 years she lost her youngest son, got divorced, changed jobs, sold our family home and moved. She has had to start over in almost every way. She deserves a beautiful beginning to face the new days ahead. — Melissa S


Ava L –

My name is John Allan and I’m a medically retired Marine Corps veteran. I’m submitting my fiancée, Ava Litton, for the win a makeover sweepstakes. I served honorably for nearly 6 years, two deployments and after just having our first child, I take back everything I’ve said about a mother being the “toughest job” on the planet. Ava is my caregiver because of many medical issues I suffer from including PTSD, very bad insomnia, short term memory loss and permanently damaged vertebrae from breaking my back. Ava has stuck by my side through the darkest of moments I have had, before getting out and after adjusting to civilian life. She has had to quit jobs due to having to drive me to so many VA appointments and keeping my medication in order, all while dealing with a newborn. Our son was born with a cleft lip and for the past 4 months it has been nothing but an uphill battle for her taking care of two peoples’ needs. Constantly swapping out and cleaning his nasal splints. She sleeps less than I do, works harder than any woman I know and is the type of person to help others before helping herself. I would love to have her be able to just take a day off and not have to worry about everything, just a stress free and relaxing spa day. — John A


Ava L –

Ava is an amazing young women, daughter and new mommy to her son Colton. She is always helping others and is her fiancé’s care giver as he is retired from the Marines. Ava has been a mother figure to a sweet little girl in our lives for five years. — Jacque L


Ava L  –

My name is Ava and I am also entering myself for the Mamas day makeover. I have a four month old son named Colton who just had cleft lip surgery. I am also the caregiver to my fiancé who is a retired marine veteran. My entire pregnancy, maternity leave and up until Colton was 4 months I worked over 40 hours every week with a baby on my hip. I feel like I am long overdue for some of my own time and most days struggle to find five minutes to take a shower!


Ava L –

Not only has Ava been an amazing friend to me but she is an extraordinary mother and caregiver! Ava is mommy to Colton who recently underwent surgery to correct his cleft lip. I am lucky to know such a genuine and caring person. — With Love, Kristie P


Bonnie D –

Loving your mother changes when you have kids of your own. Suddenly, all the sacrifices of unconditional love are appreciated on a deeper level. Being a mother after losing your mother is heartbreaking. I wish I could thank her, call her and cry when I’m exhausted; but I can’t. My daughters name was her last word. I am honored to live her legacy as a mother and hope I will do it justice. My son, who she never met, looks like her. I think he was a gift from her; because mothers never stop giving. I will never stop giving to my kids and hope I live to see them share the unconditional love that only a parent can with their little ones. 


Ester B –

I’m so thankful that I get to be a mom; I’m not sure how I was ever entrusted with these two miracles.  I never feel like enough and I’m always stretched too thin.  Then I see these two little faces smiling ear to ear, always happy, laughing, singing, and dancing. I must be doing something right.


Holliday D –

I love my wife and she loves me too.  My three kids adore her and she them.  We have all of us been in love since the moment we met. When we conceived and lost our first child we were devastated. Since then we have a second beautiful child and that makes six of us happily in love. She has worked hard through pregnancies, our loss, our love, staying together as a family and amazingly all of this while earning her Master’s degree. When she left for Estonia for two weeks as part of a residency I wrote this poem. I still feel this way whenever I think of her and her love for me, but even more now because of her sacrifices, her grace and her determination in honoring our lives together as lovers, partners and family.

let me never miss another moment
where you sleep and I’m not there
to watch over you, to brush your hair,
to sooth your thoughts and ease your journey
into that night where quiet waits
let me never miss another moment
where your hand in mine carries us away
to sleep, to dream the dreams we share
to wake anew refreshed as lovers
as friends, as partners in this Great dance
go now, away into that night but just this
let me never miss another moment — Brent D


Jacque L –

I am nominating my mom Jacque for the day of pampering. She has always been my biggest supporter. She has my back no matter what and is always in my corner! We are very close and I love her! — Ava L


Jean C –

She didn’t give birth to me, and she was never married to or involved with my Dad – but from a young age, and especially during my teen and young adult years she happily took on the role of mothering me when my “real” mom had better things to do.  She’s my mom because we chose each other, and she’s Grandma to my kids who love her fiercely.  With zero obligation to do so, she has given of herself to me and my family… advice, shopping trips, vacations, a shoulder to cry on, a running partner to complete my first 5k within 15 years, live music adventures, and more than anything – stability that I would not have otherwise had!  I can’t say enough about my mom <3 — Erica B


Jodi F –

Jodi is an awesome friend, and mom of four great kids. An example that perfectly captures Jodi’s character came just a few months after meeting her. I had a childcare emergency shortly after starting a new job, and Jodi quickly volunteered to take care of my kids for me so I didn’t have to miss work. This is just one quick example of the way that Jodi selflessly devotes herself to helping kids and families.

She is a preschool teacher in Northville, and also runs an amazing kids program at our church. She has served on local kids’ charity boards, and teaches the kids at our church to be kind and loving, and to help others. Right now, she’s encouraging the kids at church to raise money to help provide maternal care to moms in Afghanistan. Her home, volunteer, and professional life are dedicated to helping kids and families, and she’s impacted the lives of so many families, without ever expecting anything in return. For these reason, and many more, I’m thankful to have her in my family’s life, and would be so thrilled if she were chosen for the mom makeover. — Erin P


Joey G –

Thank you for the opportunity to share why I love being a mom. There is so much to love about being a mom.  One of the best moments is coming home from a long, stressful day at work to see two beautiful little faces that are so excited to see me.  Their smiles mean everything!  The stress falls away as I hear about my oldest daughter’s day at school and my youngest daughter’s success at learning to do a cartwheel.  My kids wonder and excitement for each day making being a mom so very special.


Julie B –

I am a blessed mom with the very best support system.  I have an amazing best friend, a fantastic therapist, a fun shopping partner, a wonderful babysitter, and my kids have an award-winning grandmother.  Lucky for me, this entire support system comes in one incredible package: my mother!  Mom, I couldn’t be the mother I am today without your love and guidance.  I love you! — Lauren C


Julie W –

My friend, Julie W., is most deserving of the Mother’s Day makeover. She is a wonderful mother of FIVE BOYS! (A singleton and two sets of twins) She is a wonderful mother who balances it all with a smile on her face and would really enjoy a much needed break. — Jessica K


Karan T –

My mum is the most important person in my life.
She is always there when I need the most.
She is always thinking of the people that needed help and is kind to them.
Her love is patient and kind.
Never envious or jealous.
I love you, Mommy! — KSH


Kate B –

Why I love being a Mom. It’s a gift, a challenge, an adventure and most of all soul fulfilling. While yea, there are tears, those tears make the joy sparkle. I love the moment when my kids greet me with a hug each morning. Or ask me how my day went. Or celebrate a moment that was pretty epic in our lives with a simple lance or a fist bump.  I know we have connected, I know we ARE connected, and I pray we will stay connected. Being a mom connects me, not only to my kids directly, but indirectly and in an unimaginable way to the world all around – through them, I am a better person. With them, I am a mom. And I am grateful.


Kelly L –

Kelly is the mother of my youngest daughter (10 months almost) and step mom of my 5 year old. Kelly is an amazing mother, but what really makes her special is all she does for her step daughter, Lailah. If you point to Kelly and ask Lailah who she is she will tell you, “that’s My Kelly!” She has brought structure into our lives and has helped give Lailah the tools she needs to succeed. She’s a hard worker who never takes time for herself between coordinating schedules, taking care of our home and making sure our family has more than what we need. I’d like to see her take some time for herself and really be papered for her first official Mother’s Day. — Mike S


Kellie P –

Kellie is a special kind of strong. Through multiple blood disorders and years of fertility struggles, Kellie stands tall. Her strength is contagious, she is a pillar, She keeps those around her, especially me, together and in one piece. She finally gets to be a mom in 6 weeks and she’s going to be amazing at it. — Jon P


Kristie P –

I am entering Kristie Parks for the Mom makeover! She is a brand new mommy of a one month old baby boy. We recently become friends and she is such a sweet heart. She totally deserves a day for herself after the rough delivery she had! — Ava L


Laura D –

My Mum has loved me when I wasn’t capable of loving myself. The only reason why I am even able to make that statement is because of her strength in giving me unconditional love, whether it was the best version of me or the worst. She is fierce in her love and loyalty, and she is the biggest blessing I have ever been given. I would love for my Mum to be able to enjoy the Mother’s Day Makeover so she can feel as beautiful as we all know she is. She deserves far more than I am able to give. — Bridget D


Maria C –

The only thing we can’t get more of in life is time, and giving your time to others defines love. Maria Cairo lives her life via this mantra.  She exudes selflessness in so many ways. A common theme among moms today is “What are other people doing for me?” Complaints like, “I don’t have me time”, or “my in laws don’t help me” or “I didn’t get recognized at work”…the list goes on. Maria doesn’t fall into this tempting “me” category. In January, she celebrated her sweet little girls’ birthday by taking a birthday cake to a local senior home and visiting the men and women there. She shows us that it’s not about her, not about her daughter, but it’s about what the two of them can do to brighten someone else’s day. — Christina K


Meaghan B –

I love my mom because she is so caring and giving. She plays with me and takes me lots of places even though she is pregnant with my two brothers. My mom is the best mom in the whole world! — Maxwell


Rebecca C –

I love being a mom because every day I have best friends to play with & every day I wake up to smiling faces. My boys are 4 and 3 years old & they teach me the meaning of love every day. Life can be a challenge but my life is better because they are in it & I wouldn’t change a thing. For me…. every day is Mother’s Day.


My mother and I have shared a close bond since I’ve been born and she’s been the one I have looked up to since day one. Not only has she been my mom but she has also filled in as the role of a father, a role that has been missing in my life since I was a baby. My mother is a strong and beautiful woman who has done it all by herself, not that there aren’t other moms that do it themselves but what makes my mom special is her character and how she carries herself and just how her love for me, and my sisters and not only us but everyone is so warm and welcoming. My mom has always been to every school class party, sporting event, awards ceremony and still works and provides everything for me and still continues to go above and beyond for me and I couldn’t be more blessed and thankful for her. I love her so much. — Ashleigh S


Since my wife tagged me on your Facebook post I’ve been racking my brain for the right words to describe her in a few sentences. Loving, creative, understanding, brilliant, comforting and all are accurate but I came across a single word that seems to include them all….. Elysian: beautiful or creative, divinely inspired; peaceful and perfect. — Chris R




Celebrating Mother’s Day Through Infertility

Mother’s Day. Just two simple words that set off a flurry of emotions for myself, and many others who have struggled with infertility.

Now don’t get me wrong, I haven’t always been so indifferent about Mother’s Day. I have an amazing mother. Like out of this world, talk to her everyday, best friend status, cool Mom. I have a lot of great memories of making it a special day for her with homemade cards, gifts and picnics.


I began to feel uneasy about Mother’s Day about five years ago. That was around the time where it seemed that everyone we knew was getting pregnant. Everyone but us that is. When you have nearly daily doctors appointments and a variety of medications you are taking to get pregnant, there are only so many cutesy social media posts you can take.

The deeper we got into our struggle with infertility, the tougher Mother’s Day became. For me, it was just another reminder that everyone else seemed to have the one thing I didn’t.

That is when it hit me…

Why is Mother’s Day just for a mother of a child? Who makes that rule of who can be celebrated on this day? What about those women who play an active role in the lives of other people’s children? Why could I not celebrate Mother’s Day as a proud auntie to eight amazing nieces and nephews? Why could I not celebrate Mother’s Day as a Mommy to my sweet four legged puppy? WHY?

Now fast-forward to this year, and my first official Mother’s Day will soon be here. As exciting as it is to celebrate our own little miracle, I can’t help but to feel guilt for those who are still experiencing that same pain I once felt.

As they say, ‘it takes a village to raise a child.’  So as you prepare to celebrate Mother’s Day this year with your children, think of these women in your ‘village.’ Think of the friends, sisters, aunts and godmothers in your child’s life. Don’t forget to wish them a Happy Mother’s Day for all that they do to support you and your family.  

Blake and I wish everyone a Happy Mother’s Day!


May Mom 2 Mom Sales {In + Around Detroit}

Another new month, another list of great Mom 2 Mom Sales in + around Detroit! Plan out your May shopping trips by using the guide below and help support other moms in our city. Did we miss one? Share it in the comments section below along with some of your best M2M finds! 

Saturday, May 7

Bell Creek MOPs

Location: 30000 5 Mile Rd., Livonia (West of Middlebelt)

Time: 9AM – 1PM (8:30AM Early Bird)

Strollers: Yes!

Cost: $1/$2 Early Bird
30 tables 


Chippewa Valley High School Student Council 2019

Location: 42755 Romeo Plank, Clinton Twp. (At 19 Mile Rd.)

Time: 9AM – 1PM (8AM Early Bird)

Strollers: Yes!

Cost: $1/$2 Early Bird
80 tables 


Garfield Cooperative Preschool

Location: 33500 6 Mile Rd., Livonia (West of Farmington)

Time: 9AM – 1PM 


Harrison HS Junior Class

Location: 29995 W. 12 Mile Rd., Farmington Hills (East of Orchard Lake)

Time: 9AM – 1PM (8AM Early Bird)

Strollers: Yes!

Cost: $2/$3 Early Bird
60 tables 


Keller Elementary PTA

Location: 1505 N. Campbell Rd., Royal Oak (South of 12 Mile Rd.)

Time: 9AM – 1PM (8:30AM Early Bird)

Strollers: Yes!

Cost: $1/$2 Early Bird
100 tables 


New Ark Church & Ministries

Location: 111 S. Wallace, Ypsilanti (East of Mansfield/North of Michigan)

Time: 9:30AM – 2:30PM (9AM Early Bird)

Strollers: Yes!

Cost: $1/$2 Early Bird
50 tables 


St. Anne Madonna Guild

Location: 5920 Arden, Warren (South of 14 Mile Rd./East of Mound)

Time: 9AM – 1PM (8:30AM Early Bird)

Strollers: No

Cost: $1/$2 Early Bird
45 tables 


St. Valentine School

Location: 25875 Hope, Redford (At 5 Mile Rd. & Beech Daly)

Time: 10AM – 2PM (9AM Early Bird)

Strollers: Yes!

Cost: $1/$2 Early Bird
50 tables 


Friday, May 13

Waterford Baptist Cathedral

Location: 2640 Airport Rd., Waterford

Time: 9AM – 3PM

Strollers: Yes!

Cost: Donation
40 tables 


Saturday, May 14

Edmonson Elementary

Location: 621 E. Katherine Ave., Madison Heights

Time: 8AM – 2PM (7AM Early Bird)

Strollers: Ok after 9AM, $1

Cost: $2/$3 Early Bird


Huron Valley Recreation at Lakeland High School

Location: 1630 Bogie Lake, White Lake (South of M-59)

Time: 9AM – 12PM (8AM Early Bird)

Strollers: Yes!

Cost: $1/$2 Early Bird
80 tables 


Next Step Kids SCI Foundation, Inc. at Rochester Adams High School

Location: 3200 W. Tienken, Rochester Hills (West of Adams)

Time: 10AM – 1PM (9AM Early Bird)

Strollers: Ok after 10AM

Cost: $2/$3 Early Bird
150+ tables 


Metropolitan Church of Nazarene

Location: 18945 Frazho, Roseville (East of Gratiot)

Time: 9:30AM – 1PM (9AM Early Bird)

Strollers: Yes!

Cost: $1/$2 Early Bird
65 tables 


Charyl Stockwell Academy Parent Council

Location: 9758 E. Highland Rd., Howell (At M-59 & US-23)

Time: 9AM – 1PM (8AM Early Bird)

Strollers: OK after 10AM

Cost: $1/$2 Early Bird
50 tables 


Waterford Baptist Cathedral

Location: 2640 Airport Rd., Waterford

Time: 9AM – 3PM

Strollers: Yes!

Cost: Donation
40 tables 


Wixom Elementary PTA

Location: 301 N. Wixom Rd., Wixom (North of Pontiac Trail)

Time: 9AM – 12PM (8:30AM Early Bird)

Strollers: Yes!

Cost: $1/$2 Early Bird
45 tables 


Saturday, May 21

Catholic Social Services of Washtenaw County

Location: 4925 Packard Rd., Ann Arbor

Time: 9AM – 2PM (8:30AM Early Bird)

Strollers: Yes!

Cost: $2/$3 Early Bird
20 tables 


La Leche League of Warren

Location: 8207 E. 9 Mile Rd., Warren

Time: 10:15AM – 1PM

Strollers: Yes!

Cost: $0


Prince of Glory Lutheran Church

Location: 1357 W. 14 Mile Rd., Madison Heights (West of Stephenson Hwy.)

Time: 9AM – 1PM (8:30AM Early Bird)

Strollers: Yes!

Cost: $1/$2 Early Bird
40+ tables 


SER – Metro Detroit

Location: 5200 Stecker St., Dearborn

Time: 9AM – 2PM

Strollers: Yes!

Cost: $1

St. Paul’s Youth Group

Location: 20805 Middlebelt Rd., Farmington Hills (At 8 Mile Rd.)

Time: 9AM – 3PM (8AM Early Bird)

Strollers: Yes!

Cost: $1/$2 Early Bird
20 tables 

From Sales to Staying at Home: My Mommy Evolution

I worked in sales for ten years after college.  I could define my success by hitting goals, winning awards and how much money I made.  Pretty simple.  It was a constant rat race of pressure, ups and downs, but it was easy to look back on my month and see what I accomplished, and plan the month forward with concrete goals to achieve.

Fast forward several years to me in a hospital, holding my sweet chubby boy, Charlie, and wondering if it was the right thing for me to go back to work.  After A LOT of contemplation and discussion with my husband, we decided that I would stay at home with Charlie.  If things changed, I could always go back to work, but he would only be a baby for a short time.

Baby Charlie           Spartan baby

With sales, I knew my purpose, my place in life.  In my mind bringing home a paycheck made me an equal in our relationship (not that my husband ever made me feel otherwise)  With being a stay at home mom, I wasn’t so sure how to achieve that.  It was not so simple.  I get that keeping a tiny human alive is really important, but, where could I concretely define success.  So, as any sales person would do, I came up with a plan.  I was going to kick parenting’s butt and be the BEST stay at home mom EVER.

Clean home? Check! Perfectly dressed baby? Check! Elaborate home cooked meals every night? Check! And, of course, I would shower, do my hair and make-up every day!  

In turn, I had become a Stepford wife.  And I was exhausted! But, to me, it was success. Perfection, or being close to it was my way of contributing to the family.  If I had mommy friends coming over for a play date at 9:00, I would get up at 7:00 to shower, and bake a quiche from scratch, just to have my friend say “I don’t know how you do it.”  Honestly, I loved the accolades.  It made me feel like I was doing this mommy job right!

Over the next few years, I realized that it was impossible to keep this up (especially after adding another VERY fussy infant into the mix).  I have realized that while, keeping my house, somewhat clean is important to me, I no longer get up before everyone in the house to shower and put on a full face of make-up for the drop off line at preschool.  It’s all about moderation, right?

As I see my oldest boy growing so fast, I realize I am doing a good job, when I hear him say thank you to the cashier at Target, or watch him get himself dressed and be proud of accomplishment. I love that he has become a caring and protective big brother.  


Keeping two active, crazy boys alive and healthy is a success in its own.  The fact that we can get to school on time and they (usually) have several baths a week is an added bonus.  

So, now, sometimes my dinner go to is a bag of frozen raviolis from Costco, and I have learned that ponytails are my friend…..life is easier to enjoy.  But, that’s not to say I can go to bed until I fluff the pillows on the couch and do the last dish in the sink. 





Meet Annie, an Eastpointe Mom!

Hello, I am Annie! I am a married, working mom of two (soon to be three!) boys. I was born in Detroit, raised in Northern Michigan and moved back to the Detroit area after high school. In 2007 my boyfriend and I decided to get adventurous and move to Las Vegas. We lived there for eight years and loved it. We married there, had two babies and decided that we wanted to be closer to family while raising our kids. After a lot of thought and many hours of discussion… we came home.


When we made the decision to move back to Michigan, I wasn’t exactly sure about where we would end up. Prior to moving to Nevada, we had bounced all over the metro Detroit area. I had lived in Sterling Heights, Fenton, and had spent a lot of time with extended family in Livonia. My husband grew up in Roseville and had lived in Clinton Township. Together we had rented houses in Hazel Park, Madison Heights, and Rochester Hills. There were a lot of great possibilities but we had been gone a long time! Not only were we unsure about changes that may have occurred to some of our favorite areas, we also weren’t sure about how those areas fit in with our new lifestyle. When we left we were “just dating” twenty-somethings and now we were tired, married people with two small children. We also had to think about how far away we wanted to live from our places of work, and where we would find daycare for our boys. Just the thought of choosing a house online was giving me nightmares.

As things have a way of doing, it all kind of fell into place when a family member’s rental property became available right at the time we were moving. We had been to the house before and knew it would work for us.

So, we became residents of Eastpointe. It has been less than a year but we’ve already found a few little gems around us:

Urban Seed…
Is a cute little urban garden on 9 mile. We walked through a number of times last summer just to see what was growing. There are beds that are private and beds that are public, plus tons of fresh produce available for free. I love seeing what others chose to grow. There are flower beds, herb gardens and of course vegetables. Urban Seed accepts donations and gardening supplies, but there is no charge to walk around. Plus, you can skip a trip to the grocery store for tomatoes and carrots!

untitled     untitled






Eastgate Early Learning Center
Technically in Roseville, located on Gratiot in Bethel Baptist Church, we found Eastgate while searching for affordable, reliable childcare. Our boys have gone there for nine months so far and couldn’t love it more. Every teacher is friendly, caring and fun. They supply nutritious food including breakfast, lunch and two snacks. The teachers were very supportive of potty training efforts and they always help enforce good manners and friendly behavior. In addition to pizza parties, holiday activities and crafts, Eastgate also teaches “awareness” topics in a fun way such as fire safety week and dental health week. Our three year old has learned so much and we have complete peace of mind knowing our babies are well taken care of.

A picture of my boys, sent from one of their teachers at EELC

My husband’s family has been eating at this restaurant for years. They have one of the best pizzas in Metro Detroit (well, in my opinion!) and a great selection of other menu items if pizza isn’t your thing. Cloverleaf offers a lunch buffet, a nice bar area and banquet areas for small functions like bridal and baby showers.

East Detroit Bakery
Conveniently located at the end of my street, East Detroit Bakery is so good I wish it was farther away! Doughnuts, pound cakes, bread, bagels, pastries, cheesecake… oh, the list goes on and on. They have coffee and other drinks available as well as deli meats and cheeses. There is seating if you want to enjoy there or if you are worried about embarrassing yourself, you can take your treats home. Don’t go in too hungry!

Delicious treats!


Lake St. Clair
A perk of Eastside living is the water. Whether you have park passes, a fishing boat to launch from 9 mile pier, or just like to drive down Jefferson, Lake St. Clair is there to enjoy. It may not mean much to everyone, but living in the desert for eight years has made me very appreciative of water!

I feel like I’ve only scratched the surface of things to do in our corner of Detroit’s East Side. I look forward to exploring more as time goes by. It is good to be home.

To The Women Who Make Mothering Possible

The proverbial village is real y’all! I can’t tell you the number of women and moms that make it possible for me to mother. Of course Mother’s Day is my mental recall to thank, grovel, reminisce and cry with my mom, mother-in-law, grandmothers, aunts, sisters, and friends. I am truly so grateful to them I can’t begin to put my love and admiration in to words.

But there are a few unexpected people on my list this year…

Daycare – My daughter goes to a state licensed home daycare. Barb is a mother herself and has been running her daycare for over 12 years.  I think the thing we most often overlook is that everyday my daughter gets to interact with a woman running her own business. Barb is an entrepreneur with incredibly high safety standards and takes pride in her home and licensing. Make no mistake though, she’s no Miss Truchbull either! The kids make crafts, have theme parties, dance and play outside as often as possible. Barb will tell you herself that she has a strong personality, but what successful entrepreneur doesn’t? She’s shared her parenting tips and tricks, answered questions, and deserves all the accolades for getting my daughter on the coveted schedule. And I have no doubts about my daughter’s health and safety, learning and fun when I leave for work. As a working mom, Barb is a big part of my inner peace.  


Coworker Tribe – When I came back to work after maternity leave in early 2015 I had all the normal fears and doubts, but doubled because I was a relatively new employee even before I went out on leave. I became a stage five clinger to one woman in particular who is not even a mom. She just happened to be someone I could related to, and her professionalism, quick wit, and assertiveness were strong indicators of her ability to do our job well. Gosh I’m so thankful I met her! (And by “met her” I mean forced her to be my friend! LOL) I leaned on her heavily while integrating myself back in to the workforce and now we’re carpool buddies and work besties. She was a great teacher, patient and answered all of my questions no matter how many times mommy brain robbed me of information I already knew. This friendship quickly parlayed in to my work tribe; a small group of women, some moms some not, some in committed relationships, some not. Having these women to share baby photos with, funny stories, life wisdom, and witty banter has been nothing short of awesome. We help each other with tough accounts, technical questions, and professional development. They make me feel like it’s possible to be a working mom, like I don’t have to have such a “separation of church and state.” And there’s always someone to share a coffee with when you’re up all night during teething! 

Megan & Adrienne at Team Outing

As women and mothers it’s key to uplift and support one another. This Mother’s Day, as you bask in the glow of breakfast in bed and handmade gifts from your kids, remember your village and give them a shout!

Do you have any unexpected women your Mother’s Day recognition list?

You Might Not Leave The Bed :: The Omni Dallas Hotel {And Giveaway}

The bed. The bed was amazing! You know that feeling of excitement when you first walk into a hotel room and there lies the overly comfy looking bed?  What do you do?! Well, you run and jump in just to make sure it’s as comfy and cozy as it looks. Then you’re reminded your kid-free and you lay there, soaking in every single minute of it! I honestly don’t think I could say enough wonderful things about The Omni Dallas Hotel. The rooms, the service, the food, the ambiance, the spa, everything was absolutely perfect! They do such a great job at making their hotel feel like your home away from home. 


Not too long ago I had the opportunity to stay at The Omni Dallas Hotel while attending our annual Sister Sister Site Conference. I was joined by site owners near and far. If I traveled to Dallas extremely pregnant you probably already know that NOT going wasn’t an option. Who can pass up a weekend with your favorite girlfriends, education and a place to stay that focuses on their customer service?! Not this girl! As a mom and a mom-to-be {again} I needed this trip more than anything. I needed to sleep in a bed without being woken up in the middle of night to an elbow in my back or a foot kicking me in the head. I needed to go to the bathroom without having someone bust in with an animal cracker crisis. I needed time to myself and time to spend with some of my favorite people across the country. 


When I first arrived I took up residence in that extremely comfy bed with a lot, I mean A LOT of pillows. A lot of large, squishy and have I mentioned cozy yet, pillows? Then I was told I deserved a trip to the spa so I most certainly agreed and that’s where you could find me for the next 3+ hours. The Mokara Salon & Spa is a one stop shop for everything beauty and relaxation. Can you say massages, manicures, facials, and signature body treatments?! Yes, please! The massage was only an hour so you can imagine how wonderful the sitting area was if I was there more than three hours. R-E-L-A-X-I-N-G! 


Now lets talk food at The Omni Dallas. They have 3 main restaurants in addition to several full-service bars and lounges, and even a cute coffee shop. Texas Spice was by far my absolute favorite. Several of us sat down for the most delicious brunch I have possibly ever had. This pregnant women was in pure heaven. They use local ingredients sourced from local farms all within 150 miles of the Dallas-Forth Worth area. Menus will vary by season, but you’ll find a wide range of southern-style steaks, flatbreads, salads and a brunch worth flying across the U.S for. They had a Texas waffle, ya’ll (yes, I just said that)! Personally I don’t think you could go wrong with the other restaurants – Bob’s Steak & Chop House or The Owner’s Box – an amazing sports bar with a 16 foot screen surrounded by multiple LCD HDTV’s — all on the first floor of the hotel. 


When I wasn’t eating at one of the restaurants, sitting in on our conference, lounging in the bed in the robe (yes, those are in each room) or hanging with friends by the fire you could find me in their heated outdoor infinity pool. Well maybe I wasn’t exactly floating around but I did go up to check out the view, cool off my pregnant feet and long for the lower portion of my bathing suit (that didn’t make it into my suitcase) so I could get in. Not only will you love the heated outdoor infinity pool year around but so will your kids. I can tell you that mine would have lived in it and I can’t say I would have minded much. 


If you’re looking to get away this summer you have to check out The Omni Dallas. I can promise you that there won’t be one thing to disappoint you. Whether you’re planning an anniversary getaway or a family vacation they know how to make it one of the most memorable trips. They have an award winning Omni Sensational Kids program that helps promote healthy eating while on family vacations. I know I absolutely love that! 

*** One of my favorite things EVER are indoor and outdoor fireplaces. A huge shout out to The Omni Dallas for these ones! They were fabulous! 


I really don’t think I can express in words how amazing this trip was for so many reasons. It is one I look back on and my heart is so full. Not only for the women I spent those 4 days with but for the hospitality we received from the hotel. If you didn’t do anything but stay in the hotel during your stay there you’d still leave happy and feel refreshed. From the beds and the view to the tv in the mirror and the wonderful hotel staff. You truly can’t go wrong. I know I’ll be heading back in the near future and I hope you’ll consider making them your next vacation destination. 


In the meantime, Detroit Moms Blog is thrilled to offer this special partnership/discount for YOUR next vacation with the Omni Dallas. You can find airfare pretty cheap so that’s one extra perk to this already great deal. In addition, they’ve partnered with City Moms Blog to bring you a FUN GIVEAWAY!  

The Omni Dallas :: Family Summer Discount

The Omni Dallas has offered our readers a special summer rate that is great for the whole family! Book a King room and connecting Double Queen room online and receive 50% off your second room. Simply present the attached flyer with you at check-in for your exclusive discounted rate. While you’re there, enjoy the Omni’s luxurious accommodations, their gorgeous roof top pool, Mokara Spa, and nine dining experiences. ** Terms: Dates subject to availability. Discount taken at check-in/check-out.

Embed Code: Omni Dallas 2-Night Giveaway

Mothers Want Words of Affirmation

What I want most for Mother’s Day is for someone to speak MY love language by telling me that I am doing this right, and that I am a great mom. I want words of affirmation. 

Aldo painting

Full disclosure: despite having had Gary Chapman’s book, The 5 Love Languages, for more than 5 years I have yet to actually sit down and read it (however I have read Good Night, Good Night, Construction Site at least 60 if that counts). The 5 love languages detailed therein are gifts, quality time, acts of service, physical touch, and words of affirmation. Despite not having read the book, I have a pretty good idea what each of these languages mean, and even though I want a little from columns 1-5, since becoming a mother the one that I really NEED is words of affirmation…kind words from anyone that give me encouragement.

keeping them alive

There are so many phrases that will work: “Good job keeping them alive today”, “I can tell you must really love them”, “How do you do it?”…these statements are all welcome! I want this from anyone who sees the strife, and recognizes the effort. Being a mom is a hard and selfless job, and we all struggle at times. That isn’t to say that we aren’t monumentally thankful for the moments that we have with our children, but we frequently need to be reminded that even though we aren’t perfect, and don’t always make the “right” decisions, we are still great mom

Marco tantrum

So I put this out to all of you…if you see a mom, be it your wife, friend, or even a stranger, and she is calmly trying to coral her child who is having an epic melt-down (while laying on the floor in an airport), or running out of the office early to take her kid to soccer (despite the fact that she will be working at home until midnight to meet a deadline), or talking to herself as she wonders through a store in her pajamas (covered in breakfast, and possibly vomit) with a toddler and infant in tow trying to remember why she was there, please take a moment and say, “hey, I can tell you are a really great mom, keep it up”.

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you fabulous moms out there!

Meet Heather, a Southfield Mom!

intro photo2

Hello fellow Metro Detroit Moms! I’m Heather Todero, a small town Iowa girl who moved to Michigan in 2008 to attend Oakland University (Go Grizzlies!) and then met a boy, married him, and I now consider myself to be officially transplanted. I am so excited to join DMB as a contributor and talk all things mom with all of you ladies. I have become so passionate about learning all there is to figure out in this new mom life.  As you can see from my initial photo in this post, I try not to take myself to seriously, this is especially true with selfies–I just can’t do them seriously! Anyway, here we go! 


My husband, Vince, and I got married in 2012 at the Farmington Civic Theatre, I’m a sucker for small towns and we enjoyed living there for two years. We then moved to Troy and had our son, Atlas, in July of 2014. I’m one of those women who LOVED being pregnant, even with the massively swollen feet and the hip pain and the heartburn. I never felt more beautiful and amazed and proud of my body.


Atlas has been a joy since the beginning. He is a precocious 20-month-old and keeps me on my toes. His current favorites are puppies, Star Wars, and dunking everything in water. He is a very social child and thrives when he can entertain people. He’s a pretty even mix of Vince and I, and it is interesting seeing our own characteristics come out in him. 

new houseIn December of last year we bought our first house in Southfield and we have been slowly putting our spin on things and making it feel like our own. We officially moved into our house at the end of January and have slowly been exploring things in the area that are NOT Home Depot.

Here are our current family favorites:

donut bar

My family has a major sweet tooth and Donut Bar  being around the corner from our house has been a blessing to our taste buds and a curse to our waistlines! This cute new donut shop has a wide variety of unique donuts, shown here are fruity pebbles, peanut butter cup, and something covered in chocolate. They also have coffee if you need a caffeine pick-me-up as well. Highly recommend stopping in and grabbing a box next time you host brunch or want to suck up to your coworkers. 

detroit kid city

Detroit Kid City was such a blessing when we were moving, it was a place out of the house that I could have grandparents take Atlas to play for a couple of hours. There are so many fun things for the kids to play with and build their imagination. Atlas loves the art projects and mom loves the coffee. It’s a great place to meet up for a play date, too! The also just opened a location in Clinton Township for East-siders. 

southfield library 2

I have so many memories of the library in my youth, the way the books smell, summer reading programs, playing the newest computer programs, and paying late fees – I always have late fees, I’m a procrastinator to my core! I was so excited when I walked into the Southfield Public Library and so was Atlas. They have story time twice a week for toddlers, many other youth programs, and SO MUCH TO DO! If you want a fun couple of hours but don’t want to shell out any cash, get yourself to the library. And while you’re at it, there is a park across the parking lot with every sporting court you could want, nature trails, a playground, an ice rink, and a water park. We will be there a lot this summer!

After eating too many donuts I decided I also needed a place to burn some of those calories off and I headed straight for the Birmingham YMCA. The YMCA is so much more than a work out facility, it truly is about community and I love that. I want Atlas to know that he has a place to go to burn energy and he can’t wait until he can play basketball in the big gym but for now he’s enjoying Child Watch while mommy and daddy sweat it out in cycling class. 

inglenook park

There are so many great parks around Southfield and we will be checking them all out now that the weather is warming out. I was so impressed with Inglenook Park when we visited. The snow had just melted so there were a ton of puddles which made for some fun splashing but there is so much to explore here. And a bonus is so much of this park is handicap accessible. Atlas can swing for hours but also enjoyed climbing and sliding and running around. There’s a walking path and sports fields here too, lots to keep the whole family busy. 

That’s my top 5 for now! I look forward to learning more about Southfield and getting to know more local hot spots. And I look forward to interacting with all of you moms more here on DMB, Thanks for having me!

Our Top Picks for Celebrating Mom this Mother’s Day

Here at DMB, everyone is a mom. So if there is one thing we understand, it’s that mommin’ ain’t easy!

While we wouldn’t trade it for anything, we can now certainly appreciate the late nights, early mornings and every painstaking effort in between that our moms gave to us. We have a whole new appreciation for toddler meltdowns and teenage attitudes. Sometimes a card is just not enough to say, “Thank you mom. I get it now.”

So if you are searching for a way to celebrate your mom; all the wonderful moms in your life; we also want you to take some time to celebrate yourself. You’ve earned it! Detroit Moms Blog has you covered. Listed you will find some unique ideas and our Top Picks of things to do this Mother’s Day.



Bird and the Bread (Birmingham): May 8, 2016

  • A new brunch tradition; also offering food made to go so you can spend more time with mom!

Birds and Brunch at Lake St. Clair Metropark (Harrison Township): May 7, 2016

  • Take mom on a nature hunt and enjoy a brunch afterwards.

Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History (Detroit): May 8, 2016

  • Live music and a fashion show during brunch.

 Coach Insignia (Detroit): May 8, 2016

  • Children under 6 eat brunch free.

 Cranbrook House Lunch & Tour (Bloomfield Hills): May 6, 2016

  • Don’t forget your hat! In celebration of the Kentucky Derby, guests are encouraged to attend sporting their finest spring fashions.

Detroit Zoo Mother’s Day Breakfast (Royal Oak): May 8, 2016

  • Held in the Wildlife Interpretive Gallery with access to the Butterfly Garden

Gandy Dancer (Ann Arbor): May 8, 2016

  • Take mom to their Sunday brunch.

 Greenfield Village Eagle Tavern  (Dearborn): May 8, 2016

  • Making Mother’s Day unique with this family style dinner.

 King’s Court Castle Canterbury Village (Lake Orion): May 8, 2016

  • Free mimosas for mom!

 Toasted Oak (Novi): May 8, 2016

  • Take mom to their Sunday brunch.

Wildflower Walk and Brunch at Hudson Mills Metropark (Dexter): May 8, 2016

  • Take a walk to enjoy the spring wildflowers, and enjoy a pancake brunch after the walk.



Fairy Tea at Crazy Wisdom Tea Room (Ann Arbor): May 8, 2016

  • Tea and cookies served by real fairies. Wear your wings!

 Tea in the Garden at Wolcott Mill Metropark: May 8, 2016

  • Tea and light snacks plus a free gift for Mom!

Tea at Matthaei Botanical Gardens (Ann Arbor): May 8, 2016

  • Bring mom and help us celebrate her day with a special tea in the conservatory.

 Tea at the Townsend Hotel (Birmingham): May 8, 2016

  • Dine on salads, soups and a selection of finger sandwiches and desserts.



Artisans Market at Matthaei Botanical Gardens (Ann Arbor): May 7, 2016

  • Local artisans and craftspeople offering unique and hand-crafted wares. 

 Detroit Tigers at Comerica Park (Detroit): May 7 and May 8, 2016

  • Bring mom to watch the Tigers beat the Rangers!

 Eastern Market (Detroit): May 7, 2016

  • Detroit’s most original destinations for fresh flowers, local art and good eats!

Flower & Art Fair (Lake Orion): May 6-7, 2016

  • The 15Th annual fair hosts 60-70 vendors offering everything from flowers to crafts!

Forgotten Harvest’s 24th Annual Comedy Night the Fox Theatre (Detroit): May 7, 2016

  • Proceeds will benefit Forgotten Harvest’s 280 agencies in Wayne, Oakland and Macomb counties.

Gladys Knight & The O’Jays at the Fox (Detroit): May 8, 2016

  • Get ready for a double shot of soul from these award winners!

Motherhood Out Loud at the Matrix Theatre Company (Detroit): May 6-8, 2016

  • Stage-read monologues about childbirth, life with kids, and tales of motherhood.

Royal Oak in Bloom (Royal Oak City Hall): May 8, 2016

  • A 23-year tradition flower and garden sale.

 Sistas the Musical at Meadowbrook Theater (Auburn Hills): May 7 – May 8, 2016

  • Story of five women celebrating their stories (and their family matriarchs) and African-American history through music.






Moms ‘n’ Marshmallows at Stony Creek Metropark (Shelby Township): May 7, 2016

  • Bring Mom to this celebration campfire. Relax around the fire then celebrate your Mom by making her a special s’more.

Mudpies for Mom at Indian Springs Metropark (White Lake): May 7, 2016

  • Kids can get their hands dirty to make a muddy masterpiece for mom. Dress for a mess.

 Picture Frame for Mom at Wolcott Mill Metropark (Ray Township): May 7, 2016

  • Kids can make a handmade gift for Mother’s Day. Wolcott will provide a variety of materials and ideas so children can create a custom frame perfect for a family photo.

Sundae and Wagon Ride at Wolcott Mill Metropark (Ray Township): May 8, 2016

  • Enjoy a delicious ice cream sundae before or after a scenic wagon ride through the farm.

Walk-a-Mom at Stony Creek Metropark (Shelby Townshgip): May 8, 2016

  • Take mom on walk through the wood and get a garden flower to plant at home!

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