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My Postpartum Truths: Embracing Motherhood

When my son was 4 weeks old I decided to paint our front door. We had just moved into our home and there were many nagging tasks that were put on the back-burner until after the baby arrived.  My ugly green door was at the top of my list.  

And so one day, I decided to paint it.  How much work could one little door be?  I was sure I could get the work done during the increments that my son napped.  There was minimal surface area to be covered, very little taping required, and I was confident the job would be an easy one.

Fast-forward 6 hours. My husband came home that evening to a trail of paint through our foyer, unwashed paint brushes half-drying in the laundry tub, a screaming baby, a frantic momma, and as I’m sure you’ve guessed: a half-painted door.  Not to forget the half-finished load of laundry lying in the hallway, because logically if I had time to paint the door I could probably get some laundry done too, and start dinner…

Clearly, getting anything done with a baby in the house was not going to be easy.

It took me three days to learn this lesson and three days to finish the door, but I did it.  

This scenario is only one of many that has occurred over the past 20-some weeks since my son was born.  I have been cleaning closets, reading books, and trying all sorts of Pinterest recipes.  I’ve joined a book club, a parenting group, a yoga class, and am volunteering for Girls on the Run.  I even decided that NOW is clearly the time for me to start training for a spring half-marathon.  My to-do lists are longer than ever.  

Please note that, like the example of my front door, I am failing at all of these things.  My running regiment is sparse, there are clothes piled in corners of my house waiting to be put back into the closets, books are half-finished, and I’m not sure we’ve had a legitimate home-cooked meal in months.  This is my reality.  

I read an article before the baby arrived that discussed how important it was to do something everyday to maintain a sense of control.  A simple task such as making the bed or putting on some lipstick was a reminder that the chaos that accompanies life with a newborn would eventually calm down and stabilize into our new “normal”.  Clearly I am taking this advice to the extreme.  

Am I alone in my search for my former self?

I’ve spent a lot of time reflecting on why I struggle to let go and why I am putting so much pressure on myself to keep up, which has led me to these three very important Postpartum Truths:

First: My life won’t ever be the same (duh!). Logically, I should have figured this one out well before the baby was here. Things that used to take me 10 minutes might now require a week’s worth of planning and a baby-sitter.  But it wasn’t until I was in the thick of things that I really realized this truth.

Second: My second postpartum truth is that it’s easy to lose yourself transitioning from an independent adult to the role of “mom”.  It is also very scary.  Being a mom is my new identity but it’s not my only identity.  I am also a wife, a friend, a teacher, a runner, a list-maker, and a task-master (and a pretty good painter of doors). My attempts at keeping up with myself help remind me of each of those identities.

Third: My last postpartum truth is that I need to stop competing with who I was before baby.  I am not any less of myself because I can’t do everything I intend to do as fast as I used to.  In fact, I’m feeling like a boss for at least attempting to keep busy.  Even though I suck at it, at least I’m trying.  I need to remember to be gentle with myself!

And as I type these last few lines, I am reveling in the fact that I can cross this post off my list.

Be Gentle

Grocery Shopping With Kids: An Intricate Dance Between Timing, Naps & Bribery

Before having kids I didn’t put much thought into grocery shopping.  When we were out of food I made a list, headed to the store, shopped and came home.

Now, grocery shopping is an intricate dance between timing, naps, and bribery.  Let’s take a look at the differences.

Grocery Shopping Without Kids
1. Realize you are out of food, sit down with a hot cup of coffee (or tea) and write your list.
2. Take some time to cut out coupons, perhaps while watching your favorite TV show.
3. Make your way to the store, and do your shopping.
4. Pay, load your car and make your way home
5. Put your groceries away.

Grocery Shopping With Kids
1. Make you plan of attack (a.k.a. write your list) a day or two before you plan to actually go to the store.
2. Cut coupons…. if you dare, since the toddler wants to “help mommy”/ look for cats in the adds.

No cats in this one…


3. The morning of, pump yourself up. You can do this.
4. Change baby’s diaper, ask toddler to pee. While toddler is going to the bathroom strap baby in car seat.
5. Help toddler off the potty and put her jacket on.
6. Get baby and car seat, only to realize baby has gone to the bathroom.
7. Unstrap baby from car seat, go upstairs to change baby, come downstairs, strap baby in car seat.
8. Load baby and toddler in car.

PHEW! Are we done yet? Oh wait… we haven’t even made it to the store yet.

9. Get to the store, try to find a spot near the cart return.
10. strap baby into the carrier and get toddler out of car seat.
11. Get into the store, get toddler in cart and explain, no we are not going to have a snack, we just ate breakfast.
12. Start your shopping, eventually giving in to toddlers snack demands since it is almost her snack time.
13. Half way through shopping toddler states she has to pee. Go to the bathroom, help toddler pee. Wash hands, go back to the cart, and continue shopping.
14. Realize baby’s nap time is nearing, so try to get her to sleep.

IMG_20160229_100922705_HDRP.S.  Taking a selfie with a phone that only has a rear facing camera isn’t the easiest.  Pretty sure the people at the grocery store thought I was nuts-o. #bloggerproblem

15. Throw some treats in the cart for you, you earned it.

16. Finish the shopping, and get in line to pay.
17. Load groceries onto belt while trying not to wake baby.
18. Pay for groceries and head to car.
19. Load car, unload kids and return cart to cart corral.
20. Get kids into car seats and head home.
21. Unload groceries while toddler “helps” by taking each item out of bag and puts it on the floor.

22. Finish putting groceries away, and breath a sigh of relief. You did it! Two and half hours later, but it’s done.
Until next week that is.
23. Wonder if 11am is too early for a glass of wine.

Share YOUR shopping with kids story below!


Different Kiddo, Different Momma

I launched this adventure called parenthood with all of the wrong tools. I read all of the blogs. Listened to all of the experts. Then, I looked up and realized that I was using a parenting guide instead of customizing my parenting style to each kiddo. For all of you moms with more than one kiddo, you understand. My oldest, Minnie, is independent and sensitive. Her younger sibling, Lynn, is a force to be reckoned with. I refer to her as the person I’d be if consequences weren’t a factor. I applaud her fearlessness and warmth. As you can imagine, they require different parenting styles. 


I’ll give you an example:

One day, Minnie was playing with one of her favorite toys and Lynn grabbed it and took off running. (She craves excitement at all times). Minnie became hysterical and came to me for consolation. In this instance, Minnie not only needs me to get her toy back, but she needs a hug. She was devastated and her feelings were hurt. “How dare she take something from me?”

On the other hand, Lynn is a tough cookie. Minnie has taken toys from Lynn before and instead of coming to me, Lynn uses brute force to reclaim what is hers. No tears. (However, I don’t condone violence so that’s what I am working on with her).

See the difference? So, of course, the parenting techniques that I’ve honed (but, unfortunately once I figure something out, their personality changes) have to be customized. Now, I rely more on my gut instinct and make observations. Such as, what makes each kiddo tick? What do they value? How do they communicate?

I am also committed to having quality time with each of my girls to let them know that they are unique and special. This helps me to learn more about them as individuals and adds even more info to my parenting arsenal. 

Do you parent each of your kiddos differently or do you find that “one size fits all”? Would love to know what you think. Leave a comment below!

Meet Lacey, a Shelby-Rochester Mom!

Hi everyone, my name is Lacey and I am a proud wife, mother of two sweet little boys, and MSU graduate. By profession I am in house counsel for a company in the Metro-Detroit area, so I have the pleasure of living, working, and playing within a 15 mile radius. In addition to being a mom, I also enjoy spending time with my husband and our friends attending sporting events, concerts, and checking out new restaurants.

We LOVE where we live, and can’t imagine living anywhere else! When asked about where we live specifically, I often say that we live on the Shelby Twp./Rochester boarder because my neighborhood actually straddles the boarder of these two great cities.

That being said, I get the best of both worlds! Here are a few of my top favorites, but I assure you it was quite hard to narrow it down. These are in no particular order.


Yates Cider Mill:
Yates Cider Mill  1990 E Avon Road Rochester Hills, MI 48307
(248) 651-8300

It is hard for me to imagine a fall that doesn’t revolve around cider, pumpkins, donuts and football! I have lived in the area for about 10 years, and one of my all-time favorite things to do is go to Yates Cider Mill. For those of you who haven’t braved the crowds that have increased significantly since Yates was featured on the Food Network, and in other national articles, it is worth the trip! You won’t mind the wait once you try their cider and donuts, made fresh on-site. Other highlights include free admission, a petting zoo, pony rides, and a beautiful rustic setting for a fun-filled family afternoon. Be prepared to start a new family tradition.

Running/Biking Trails:




I am fortunate to live in close proximity to one of the most expansive and well maintained trail systems I have ever traveled. The Macomb/Orchard, Paint Creek, and Clinton River trails all converge to give me miles and miles of beautiful scenery that almost make me forget that I
live in  a metropolitan area.IMG_7833 I have logged hundreds of miles on these trails either running or biking, and know parts of each like the back of my hand. In fact, because of these interconnecting pathways, I am able to commute to work by bike during the warmer months, and completely avoid the traffic! I try to allow myself this pleasure a couple of times per week just to get some me-time and really connect with nature. I get little-kid excited at the wildlife sightings, and rarely make it far without seeing deer, rabbits, ducks, and turtles. It is a true treasure!

The Meeting House:
301 S. Main St.Rochester, MI 48307
(248) 759-4825

Narrowing down the eateries in my neck of the woods is virtually impossible, and an honorable mention goes out to Rochester Chop House, Kruse and Muer, and Lipuma’s Coney Island. But our favorite place to meet friends for a fun night out (generally without kids) is hands-down The Meeting House. Their dinner menu has one of the most unique, yet comforting selection of foods, and their consistency has made it a no-brainer. Additionally, their craft cocktails are always changing and an absolute delight! If I start to mention all of my favorite things I would likely drown in my own drool, but if there is one thing you must try it is definitely their chicken wings. I assure you, they aren’t your average wings. If you don’t have the opportunity to make it at dinner time (which can be tricky as they are always packed and don’t take reservations for parties of less than 6) their brunch is equally worth a try. Our friends are always happy to make the drive to meet us at The Meeting House.

Stoney Creek Metro Park Playscape:

IMG_7835To begin, I don’t want to pigeon-hole Stoney Creek to just one thing, but because I have another park to cover I have to highlight where I spend a majority of my weekends in the summer, and that is at the Eastwood Beach area of Stoney Creek Metro Park. The playscape is a wonder just to look at. It stretches the east end beach, and has every conceivable climbing, swinging, twisting, sliding play apparatus you can imagine. It is a bit overwhelming upon first laying eyes on it, but good luck getting your kids to leave once they get started. I highly recommend going early, bringing a lunch and a bathing suit, and not having much else planned for the day; there will be teary-eyed meltdowns when it’s time to head home! If you are close enough to ride in (from the trail system mentioned above) it is an unbeatable deal…FREE! If you are driving, it is still a huge value with either a $10 day pass, or $35 annual park pass. Check out their website for a full list of what this amazing park has to offer.

Rochester Municipal Park:


 With two great play areas, beautiful scenery, and family-friendly events all summer long, it’s hard not to fall in love with Rochester Municipal Park. The parking is ample, there is no fee to enter, and you never know what kind of event will be taking place on any given weekend. In addition to their annual staples like Music in the Park, and Arts and Apples, we have seen antique fire trucks, taken fly fishing lessons, and been invited to join nature walks. Bonus: it is a beautiful setting if you are looking for a place to do family portraits. It is also located conveniently along the Paint Creek Trail (which leads right to Lipuma’s Coney Island), and walking distance from the beautiful downtown. There is always something to do or see!

A Penguin Peek: A Look Inside Polk Penguin Conservation Center

Click here for some tips and planning info before your first trip to the Polk Penguin Conservation Center.

penguins for tips

While the early onset of spring-like weather in Metro Detroit had many wistfully wishing warm thoughts of summer, zoo enthusiasts like me kept our dreams fixed on ice and snow. Or at least the kind with penguins in them!

peaking! I had the amazing opportunity to see the new Polk Penguin Conservation Center as well as sit down with Detroit Zoological Executive Director Ron Kagan and Board of Directors member Anmar Sarafa to discuss this magnificent undertaking. My children and I– along with most faithful zoogoers — have eagerly been popping our heads through the holes of the wooden walls outside the Center’s construction site in order to watch the building grow into the astonishing angular iceberg it has become. As it turns out, it’s more incredible than I could have imagined, and that’s no doubt thanks to the amazing stories that go beyond those physical walls.

Maintaining a Legacy

In some ways, this is a story that began in 1968, when the original penguinarium was built. Not only was it the first dedicated facility for penguins, but it was also innovative in its design: allowing the penguins to swim in loops rather than merely back and forth.  “There’s been a history here of being in the forefront of penguins in captivity,” Kagan proudly explained. “As we did with polar bears, [we decided] let’s not do an evolution. Let’s take a quantum leap forward.”

The Endurance

And leap they most certainly did. Part of what I love most about the zoo is the emphasis on experience and education.  My favorite exhibits are the ones where we are more than just observers, but actual participants. And so, while the physical location of the Center exists within the zoo walls, it begins by taking us aboard Sir Ernest Shackleton’s ship, The Endurance, on the incredible 1914 crossing of the Drake Passage.


While this is my first introduction to Sir Shackleton, his epic voyage has clearly been a long-lasting inspiration. “Shackleton was somebody who I knew well because as a child I read his story.  I found it captivating. It’s such a compelling story,” Kagan told me. “People call it the most incredible survival story ever. 28 people and no one was lost. Trapped in the Weddell Sea. Ship crushed. Trapped for 18 months. No one knew they were alive. No one could have rescued them anyway. It defies odds in such an astronomical way.”

And so, while we have been watching the building rise up, there is an even more dramatic story below. When the doors first opened, the first thing I saw was the brilliant blue sparkles of the waters of the Drake Passage. We are on the shores of South America, about to embark on Shackleton’s ship. Similar to the Arctic Circle, we need to be taken underground — in this case, 25 feet underwater. Unlike the winding outdoor venture to the polar bears, however, this one takes us on a 4-D adventure simulating Shackleton’s expedition.  Kagan described the intense level of research that went into forming every part of this experience. Even the boards of the floor were researched in order to emulate the deck of the ship, “Right down to the size of the planks and spacing of the bolts,” Kagan said. Surrounded by wall-projected videos of the Antarctic waters, we felt as though we were standing on the bow of the ship. Above us, the sky changed from morning to a beautiful night sky (which, Kagan said, was also researched for astronimical accuracy). As the waters shifted from calm to stormy, we felt the actual mist against our faces!

The Antarctic

Once we walk down the upper deck of the ship, we come through a fog that lets us know we’ve reached the Antarctic Convergence. Kagan and other zoo members have taken five trips to Antarctica over the past 21 years, carefully cultivating an experience that would be as real as possible. “What we were trying to do is understand and experience Antarctica and really ensure the authenticity of how the things we do here look and feel,” Kagan said.

Lena looking at whale (THIS WINDOW ONE)

As we traveled below deck, we looked through windows in the ship’s wall to view video of leopard seals, giant whales, squids, and other Arctic sealife. Later, on the way up the stairs out, we witnessed the sounds and sights of iceberg “calving.”

AXXI_PC1-1415_Nicolas Gildemeister__NGB0507 AXXI_PC1-1415_Nicolas Gildemeister__NGB0719photos of Antarctic fieldwork courtesy Anmar Sarafaphotos of Antarctic fieldwork courtesy Anmar Sarafa
You can see more pictures and read more about the Antarctic fieldwork here!

The Penguins

The Center is named for Stephen Polk, who donated $10 million toward the project’s creation.  While he is also a long-time admirer of Sir Shackleton, birds are at the center of his heart. In an interview with DBusiness.com, Polk said, “I remember going to the zoo as a child in elementary school, and it’s been part of my family’s history as long as I can remember. I was a B.A. in biology, and then ended up attending graduate school at Michigan and working for the forest service in a bird project. So birds have always been a favorite of mine.”
penguin wall

The Center features over 80 of this particular tuxedo-suited bird across four different species: macaroni, rockhopper, king, and
gentoo — the newest addition to Detroit.
Although there are 18 species of penguins, not all can exist at the exhibit’s 37 degree environment (don’t worry — this is the just the temperature for the penguins not their visitors!!).  In addition to being climate-ready roommates for the existing penguins, gentoos are super fast, they are actually the fastest swimming penguin.  “It’s a torpedo, so they are incredibly cool and they spend an enormous amount of time in the water,” Kagan smiled.

face to face with penguinsWhat’s most amazing are the features that allow us to come face to face with these extraordinary swimmers. There are two acrylic tunnels that offer underwater views of the penguins from both above and below. These are similar to the Arctic Ring of Life, but given both the nature and number of penguins, there will always be ones swimming around. Watching the birds dive below water is something that can’t even be seen in the actual Antarctic wild! Equally breathtaking is the wall to ceiling window into the penguins’ world in between the two tunnels.

Like Shackleton, there is something about these birds’ ability to
survive that is worthy of our awe. Kagan
wrote on the Zoo’s blog that “Antarctica is the only continent on Earth without a native human population” and has even described the Arctic waters as “aquatic turmoil.” And yet, because of their unique ability to handle the climate and thereby avoid land predators, these birds have, in a way, defied evolutionary odds.


In fact, as a reward for their fortitude, maybe that’s why the weather flipped back to winter — just in time for them to move! Watch them waddle to their new waters here!

New Stories Begin

Going inside the Center felt a bit like the magic of a real-life
Charlie and The Chocolate Factory (but, you know, without the Oompa Loompas and horribly disobedient children). I couldn’t open my eyes wide enough to take everything in. Even after seeing everything Mr. Kagan described come to life, I have to say that the most memorable moment of my hour with him was the image of him as child reading Shackleton’s story. Maybe it’s the English teacher in me, but imagining this now well-established and successful man so encompassed by a book has the parent in me incredibly excited. 

Because of Kagan and Polk’s experiences as children, my son and daughter now have the opportunity to experience something that will perhaps leave a mark just as indelible on them. What an incredible legacy!


Meet Michelle, a Macomb Twp. Mom!

I’m a new Detroit Moms Blog contributor, and I’m excited to be a part of this network of women and to share a little of my mom life with you. I have been married for 10 years to the love of my life and together we are raising a very precocious 9-year-old boy. We live in Macomb Twp., and while I’d love to tell you my top 5 favorite things about where I live, my list far exceeds that limit. I love Macomb!

To start, it’s really a great place for families with children. We’re smack dab in the center of everything. Depending on what you’re looking for, a quick drive north or south affords you all the amenities of city life, country life and any life in between.


One of my favorite places is Partridge Creek Mall for shopping, dining, movies, live entertainment through the summer, and the play area for little ones, not to mention the fountains. Those fountains really come in handy on hot summer days. It’s a great place to meet up with other moms and their kids to play, shop, and have lunch together. Bonus: it’s all outside! Fresh air, a nice stroll, and the kids can run, climb, slide, and jump all they want.


Another place we love to go as a family is CJ Barrymore’s. With bumper boats, a rock climbing wall, go-carts, bowling, bungie trampoline, arcade games, restaurant, and the new zip line, there’s something fun for everyone. You can even host a birthday party at CJ’s. If you keep your eyes open you can sometimes score a Groupon for ride tickets, too!

996535_10201816074146338_1660474457_nCJ Barrymores2CJ Barrymores

If we drive a few miles to the north, we have loads of farms and nurseries and that means fresh produce all summer long, pumpkins in the fall, roadside markets, hay rides, petting baby animals, fresh flowers, and cider mills. There are several places where you can pick your own fruits & vegetables. The kids really enjoy picking their own strawberries, apples, and more! Blake’s Apple Orchard and Westview Orchard both have online picking guides so you can plan your outings accordingly. We are especially close to Deneweth’s Garden Center so we’re loyal customers every spring when it comes time to filling in the landscape with beautiful blooms.

10451056_10204449465579478_3726407144295128228_nWestview Orchard 035

My family loves to swim. So the Macomb Rec Center is an easy favorite for us. We’ve been swimming at the Rec Center since my 9yr old was a baby. There is a zero entry level pool with fountains, squirters, a climber and slide for the little ones, a big slide for older kids and adults, a fun floating log challenge, lazy river, hot tub, and lap lanes. I swim at the rec center regularly by myself and we go as a family at least once a month. This is another great place to host a birthday party.

Macomb Rec Center

Finally, my 5th most loved thing about living in Macomb is all the great parks. We are literally surrounded by some of the best parks I’ve ever been to. Whether you have toddlers or teenagers, there’s a park for you nearby. Waldenburg park and Macomb Corners park are great for everyone with play structures for both little and big kids complete with spongy flooring to cushion any falls. There are also nature trails through the woods, tennis and basketball courts, football/soccer fields, and a roller hockey rink. Mae Stecker Park is gorgeous! Aside from the usual play structures, swings and slides, there is also a big pond (or small lake) where you can fish from the shore, feed the ducks, or just enjoy the scenery while taking a walk around the entire thing. If you love the beach, as we do, there is also Stony Creek Metropark just a few short minutes away. You can swim in the lake, dig in the sand, play or host a party at one of the many picnic areas, rent a boat, fish, hike or ride the bike trails. We spend entire days at Stony Creek over the summer.  

Mae Stecker Park 013May 2008 082

I could go on and on about what I love about living in Macomb Twp but then this would read more like a tourist guide than a blog post.

Are you a Macomb resident? What do you love about our city?

Bloom :: An Event for New & Expecting Moms



We are thrilled to present Bloom: An Event for New & Expecting Moms on April 28th, 2016 at The Rust Belt Market from 6pm – 9pm. Bloom is specifically for women who are currently expecting, thinking about trying or who have had a baby in the past year. It doesn’t matter if you’re on your first baby or your third – Bloom is for you!  This national event will take place in over 30 cities nationwide and our Detroit event will be held at The Rust Belt Market :: 22801 Woodward Ave, Ferndale, MI 48220

Venue :: The Rust Belt Market

If you haven’t been to The Rust Belt Market you’re going to be beyond excited for this event! The location is adorable for any occasion especially when looking for a place to host the perfect baby shower. Looking for unique and rustic? They have you covered. The Rust Belt Melt is home to several local vendors supplying the Detroit area with some pretty amazing products. Come see the many reasons you need to check out The Rust Belt Market.


Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter 


As you’re preparing for your little one to enter the world, do you find yourself left with several questions? Maybe you’re wondering what products you need? Who’s going to help you? What {exactly} should you expect once baby is here? Or maybe you’re wondering what to do now that baby is here? Here at Detroit Moms Blog we strive to bring you the most current information when it comes to your little ones. We want to make sure you feel like you’re a part of the Detroit mommy {mommy-to-be} community. Our hope is that we can help you connect with local moms {moms-to-be} + local businesses that can help make parenting a little easier.

Our ticket price includes access to EVERYTHING we have planned for this event. If you don’t want to come alone grab your husband, significant other, mom or dad. Grab a friend. Every attendee will leave with a reusable tote packed full of amazing swag, have access to complimentary chair massages, enjoy delicious eats and drinks, enter to win fabulous giveaways, receive introductions to local experts on topics pertaining to parenthood, and of course, have the opportunity to meet and mingle with others in this stage of life too.  {Please Note :: Newborns in carriers or slings are welcome. However, due to the set up of our space, strollers and children over the age of 1 will not be permitted.}

VIP Ticket :: $20

everything included under General Admission, PLUS…
early admission starting at 5:45pm
10 EXTRA giveaway tickets
2 unlimited weeks + childcare for one child at The Dailey Method 

General Admission :: $15

event admission
desserts & drinks
baby shower candy bar
Q&A with our panel of experts
complimentary chair massages
5 tickets to enter in the giveaways listed below
and a swag bag valued at over $50!


Entering into motherhood is such an exciting time, but we know that it often leads to lots of questions too.  At 7pm we will be introducing you to a panel of experts who will go over all things motherhood, and we encourage and welcome you to click on each of the pictures below to learn more about our panel and their areas of expertise! There will be time for Q + A so come prepared with your questions. 


Dr. Natalie Nedanovsk



Jill Reiter 200x200 Headshot

Jill Reiter 
The After Baby Lady

Postpartum Doula



Kelly Doresi

Certified Lactation Educator


Janice Rex-Weaver




Becca Morse

Babywearing 101





We are super excited to shower you with swag from some of our favorite companies. You’ll leave with a bag full of goodies in an adorable reusable bag.


You’ll enjoying shopping with the lovely Nikki from Madison Boutique! Madison Boutique is Michigan’s First Fashion Truck and online store based in Plymouth, Michigan dedicated to bringing you quality, trendy designs at a moderate price.  You can wear the clothing she has before, during and after pregnancy and feel amazing! Get ready for some fun on the big pink truck. 


You’ll also enjoy relaxing mini massages from the lovely Robyn!


We strongly encourage you to bring your phone or camera fully charged to document the evening {And when you do, be sure to tag your posts and pictures and follow along using #DMBbloom16 + #CMBNbloom16!}  However, please know that we will also have the incredibly talented Monroe Fox Photography on hand to help capture the evening too. She’ll capture you in a way you’ll absolutely love!


Monroe Fox Photography

Jenny Fox


Meet Nikki – A Downriver Mom!

Hi! My name is Nikki and you can usually find me frazzled, coffee in hand, and wrangling several bags with two little boys in tow. I hail from the Downriver area and love the sense of community you get from living there.

vegas 1vegas 2I’m not a traditional mom, wife or woman. I’ve always done things a little off the cuff. My story of marriage and babies has been exactly that. I’ve been married for 4.5 years to my husband, Tim. Within a few months of making the decision to get married, we planned our wedding in Las Vegas, and got married on Halloween, which is our favorite holiday by far. Our wedding weekend was absolutely “us”, dressing up in costumes and attending the live UFC event that weekend. It’s not traditional, but it’s our idea of a romantic getaway!

It is ironic in many ways that I am so proud to be a mama bear in my late twenties, because it was something I never wanted to be and never, ever imagined myself doing. However, today it’s one of the things I am most proud of and wear as a badge of honor (through the good days and the bad!). 

me and the boys 1

My husband and I had a well laid out plan for our life that did not include two energetic little boys!  Kaiden was born in late July of 2013 and when he was just 5 months old we were surprised to find out I was pregnant (not part of the plan people!) with Cameron. That’s when we decided to give up on OUR plans and go with what God had planned for us. Cameron was born in September of 2014, giving our sweet boys a 13.5 month age gap. Raising these “Irish twins” has been assuredly the most amazing, and hardest, part of my life thus far. 

             K & C 1

Outside of the home, I work full-time in marketing / event planning and will give a virtual high-five to all you SAHM’s. I salute you because I could not do what you do. I work remote Mondays and Fridays and by the time Tuesday rolls around I cannot wait to drop the boys off to the sitter (just joking…. kind of).

When I’m not with the tiny humans, I spend my “spare” time Worshipworking out or with my praise team at Southpoint Community Christian Church. These two things are easily some of my greatest passions outside of my family. I compete in USA Powerlifting and love the empowerment it gives me as a female being able to watch my strength grow, as well as my confidence. It’s given me such a sense of pride as a woman and as a mom. And my time spent on the platform at my church in front of Lift 1my congregation humbles me to recognize how powerful music can be. My mission is to live like Jesus, serve like Jesus and love like Jesus. I love to serve others in my community and being able to lead worship is just one way I get to do that. It’s so important to me to raise grateful, giving and compassionate children. Being a leader and a servant is one way I hope to pass on those traits to them.

I absolutely LOVE living in Michigan and specifically in metro Detroit. We get to enjoy all of the seasons here and we readily take advantage of that. Here are a few of our favorite places to visit throughout the year: 

Turtle Cove – Lower Huron Metro Park
The best water park for all ages! Cameron was an infant last year when he got to go to Turtle Cove for the first time and absolutely loved the shallow water edges of the pool.

 Turtle Cove 1

Fudgy’s Ice Cream
A new favorite in our family. We just moved to Southgate last summer and Fudgy’s is about a mile from our house, so it gives mom and dad a good walk (+cardio!) and the boys get to enjoy some fresh air and frozen treats.

Fudgys 1Fudgys 3

Three Cedars FarmThree Cedars 3
Last year was our first time visiting Three Cedars and it did not disappoint! There are so many things to do aside from the delicious cider and donuts — and free admission! The train ride costs a little extra, but is totally worth it.

Three Cedars 2


I am so looking forward to being a part of this DMB community and can’t wait to share my adventures of this unpredictable journey of motherhood (along with the gazillion photos I have on my iPhone)!


Meet Kelly, an Oxford Mom!

Hello Mommas! I’m Kelly. I’m thrilled to be joining this wonderful group of ladies at DMB.  I am a rookie momma myself, as my son Milo is just 6 months old.  My husband Brandon and I are certainly enjoying our new role as mom and dad. We are also fur parents to our dog Izzy and our cat Tater.

K & B Baseball Game Detroit Milo

I grew up in Rochester and moved to Kalamazoo after high school to attend Western Michigan University. I earned my teaching degree and began teaching right after graduation in the Kalamazoo area. Brandon and I settled into life in Kalamazoo, and after a few years of marriage we decided we were ready to start our family. Unfortunately, we struggled for years with infertility, despite meeting with several fertility specialists. In an attempt to move our life forward, my husband took a job back in the Metro-Detroit area and we decided to move back home to be closer to our family and friends.

About 6 months after we moved back, I found out I was pregnant: a magical, wonderful, and completely unexpected blessing! At the time we were temporarily renting in Lake Orion and the search began to find a home to raise our family. We settled on a house in north Lake Orion/Oxford. We moved in about a month before Milo arrived, so we are still in the middle of home renovations and unpacking boxes!

I work as a middle school English teacher for a local public school district, a job that I am passionate about. In my spare time, I love to run and try to run a local 5K every month. I also keep challenging myself to try new workout classes in the area, so I’d love to hear your suggestions.  I am a volunteer for Girls on the Run, participate in a few book clubs, and love exploring Detroit and getting reacquainted with the city. You’ll find us down at Eastern Market or at the Royal Oak Farmers Market on most Saturdays.

Spring into 5K

We love living up in the Lake Orion/Oxford area because both cities have small town charm.

Here are a few of our favorite things to do around town:

Lake Life
The official motto of Lake Orion is “Where living is a vacation” and we agree!  The lake itself is only a few miles from our home. We’re really looking forward to taking our canoe out on Lake Orion this summer and spending some time paddling around.  

Running the Paint Creek Trail
We also spend a lot of time on the Paint Creek Trail. When we first moved to town we lived close enough to walk to the trail entrance and spent many afternoons running or biking there. This year we’ll be trekking along with a stroller!


Good Eats
My husband and I are by no means foodies, but we do love seeking out good restaurants in the area.  You can’t go wrong with Sullivan’s Public House in Oxford. The food is outstanding and the atmosphere is cozy. My favorite dishes are the Irish dip sandwich and the chicken pot pie. Perfect comfort food for chilly winter days.  

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention Sagebrush Cantina. If you’re a fan of Mexican food, Sagebrush has a long history of serving up some delicious food in northern Oakland county. And if you’re like me and in search of the perfect margarita, this is the place to go!

On the List
We have a pretty long to-do list of places to check out still.  If you live up this way we’d love to hear your recommendations.  Many adventures await our family as we settle into Oxford!


I’m looking forward to my time with DMB and sharing my family adventures with you!


Meet Me at the Barre {Recap}: The Barre Code Metro Detroit

Last month, more than 25 DMB readers & contributors came together for a Mom’s Night Out at our “Meet Me at the Barre” event held at The Barre Code Metro Detroit – Birmingham. It was an evening full of giveaways, samples from local businesses as well as a fantastic cardio + strength training workout. Every mom walked away with swag bags, a smile on her face and new friendships. 


As we entered The Barre Code, located in the 555 Building on Old Woodward in Birmingham, we were greeted by their Studio Managers, Lynnette and Aubrey, who showed us around the studio, locker room and equipment areas while teaching us a little bit more about The Barre Code’s program. Did you know that they offer seven different class styles?! They truly are a one-stop-shop for women’s fitness with focus on cardio conditioning, strength training and restoration.

After putting our personal belongings in a locker, we mingled with other moms in attendance as well as the great vendors on-site: Fresh N Healthy, Queens of Shine, yumbitz, Rustic Maka, and Be Well Lifestyle Center; All local businesses in + around Detroit with healthy & delicious, yummy-smelling, and proven products. Each business owner was in attendance, too, which made it extra special to be able to discuss with them first-hand about their products and services. 

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Just before our class began, the wonderful Monroe Fox Photography was able to capture all of the beauty in the studio that night in a “before” class group photo. We may be biased, but we think Detroit has some pretty gorgeous moms!


Many of our Mom guests had never taken a class, or even been to The Barre Code before. By all accounts, it was an AMAZING workout and a ton of FUN! New moms, pregnant moms, and a few seasoned Barre Code moms joined instructor Lynnette for a 50 minute, full-body workout. We definitely felt the burn, and had an absolute blast coming together and empowering one another. Our swag bags included a free, unlimited week of classes to any Metro Detroit Barre Code location, and the air was buzzing with ladies making plans to get together again soon for a workout!

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Before the night commenced, we enjoyed some snacks, drinks and raffle prizes! Thanks to our raffle donors, a select few of our lucky readers took home some amazing prizes:

And what’s a Mom’s Night Out without a swag bag? Every mom that attended walked away with some amazing gifts:

It’s safe to say that the ladies that joined us for our Mom’s Night Out walked away with smiles on their faces. Thanks to everyone that joined us for our first-ever “Meet Me At The Barre” event and special thank you to our sponsors, vendors and contributors that made this event possible. Be on the lookout soon for another event like this at The Barre Code’s Rochester Hills location!


All photo credit belongs to Monroe Fox Photography.



In + Around Detroit

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It's so easy to get lost inside a book and find yourself in another world. It's one of the reasons books are so amazing!...