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Meet New Contributor Danielle, a Farmington Mom!

Hi Everyone! I’m Danielle, and I am so excited to be joining this team. Although I haven’t ventured much into the city of Detroit (except for the occasional sports game, or Cupid Undies Run), I love the Metro Detroit area. I was born and raised in the suburbs, where I currently live five minutes walking distance from my parents.

I went to Michigan State University (Go Green! Go White!) where I studied Elementary Education. I loved everything about State. The campus, the dorm life, the football. During my Sophomore year I met my husband Matt. We started dating, and never looked back. In 2008 we were married, and settled ourselves in Metro Detroit.

After ceremony-11

Before becoming a SAHM I taught first grade at St. Fabian Catholic School. I loved my coworkers and the families I worked with.

We welcomed our first daughter, Annabelle into the world in 2013.

Matt, Annabelle and I
Matt, Annabelle and I

Then, in 2015 Autumn joined the fun.

Autumn, Annabelle and I

I am so thrilled to be raising my girls in such a great area. I couldn’t imagine doing it anywhere else. There is so much to offer. Some of my favorites are:

Downtown Farmington
I love downtown Farmington. It may be small, but it’s got a lot going on. You can check out the Farmer’s Market in the Summer and Fall. Then you can always check out Riley Ice Rink in the winter. There are always different types of events to check out, from Founders Festival to Beer and Wine tasting.

Art in the Park
Another fun event that happens in Downtown Farmington is Art in the Park.


I have been going to this since I was child (back then it was called the Founder’s Festival, which is now a separate, and fun event).  It so much fun to go and look at all the arts and crafts done by locals.  Although, with kids I don’t get to spend quite as much time meandering.

Heritage Park Splash Pad
Ok. Where was this when I was a child?! Seriously, this is such a great place to let you kids play and stay cool in the summer.  I love that it is smaller so it’s easier to keep track of your child.  If they tire of the water, then they can go play on the playground.



Erwin’s Apple Orchard
I can’t talk about my love for Metro Detroit without mentioning Erwin’s Apple Orchard. I have been going to this apple orchard since I was a small child. Annabelle made her first trip at 6 months, and has gone every year since. I can’t wait to take Autumn in the fall. Nothing taste quite as good as an apple fresh off the tree (empire are my favorites). Or cider and donuts: those are pretty darn good too!

P.S. In that last picture I was 36 weeks pregnant!
P.S. In that last picture I was 36 weeks pregnant!

When I’m not busy mom-ing it up, you can find me blogging at A Sprinkle of Joy, crafting, baking, or DIY-ing.

These two girls surprise me every day. Some days they make me laugh, and some days I want to pull my hair out, but that’s motherhood, right!?

Meet Robin Kinnie, Motor City Woman!

Hello, hello, hello! My name is Robin Kinnie and I am one of the newest blog contributors to Detroit Mom’s Blog. I’m super excited to share tips, tricks and tools I use in raising my two girls – ages 5 and 3.

Detroit Zoo

I have always been active in my community and dedicated my career to serving others. Currently, I work for a nonprofit organization that helps people pursue their dreams of entrepreneurship. Additionally, I launched my own business, Motor City Woman, last year. Motor City Woman is a platform for inspiration, motivation and information that helps women lead more fulfilling lives. Through my business, I am able to reach women and connect them to resources for personal and professional growth. As a wife and mom, I know first-hand how difficult it can be to put yourself first. Motor City Woman provides the tools and encouragement to do just that. 

I take being a momma very seriously – NOT! Instead, I strive Noel Night at Michigan Science Centerto live in the moment with my kiddos and allow them to be curious little beings. When I’m not home playing dress-up and Connect 4 (I prefer old-school games) with Minnie and Lynn, we like to explore all areas of the metro Detroit area especially our hometown of Detroit. Others may disagree, but what I love most about being a Michigan mom is that we have distinct seasons and my family takes advantage of all four!

It was difficult to do but here are our top 5 places and events we LOVE in Detroit (in no particular order):

  1. Michigan Science Center 
  2. Detroit RiverWalk
  3. Pages Bookshop on Grand River Ave.
  4. Detroit Zoo
  5. Detroit Institute of Arts

Ok, let’s stop here. You may be thinking that an art museum and kiddos don’t mix. But, hear me out. The DIA has gone out of their way to accommodate the entire family. We especially like Family Sundays which has all types of activities – from storytelling to arts and crafts. Now, wouldn’t this be the perfect setting for your budding artist?!

pages book shop

There is ALWAYS something to do to keep the kiddos busy year-round. The big events are nice but I also like to check out neighborhood events like Grandmont Rosedale on the city’s northwest side. A great way to support the community and connect with neighbors! 

I look forward to connecting with you through DMB, and sharing my love of Detroit!

OPEN CALL: Join Our Event Team!




Do you love attending our events (or events in general) and sharing the excitement with your friends? WE WANT YOU! We are looking for dedicated readers who will help promote and work behind-the-scenes to create events that moms won’t want to miss! Fill out the form below and if you are chosen we will contact you with more details! Ready, set, & go!


Time Commitment: Each event will vary due to complexity and will be clearly communicated prior to planning.

Compensation: While this role is not paid in the form of money we will provide swag (when possible) and free admission to each event. Perks will vary by each event and your hard work and enthusiasm will not be overlooked!

Summary of Role:

  • Be available to help with one event every one to two months
  • Be available for Event Team video chats (or in-person if schedules allow) to discuss event ideas, event promotion, etc.
  • Share our events within your social media circle to help generate buzz and excitement
  • Be available the week before the event to help with any final event preparations 
  • Respond to emails in a timely manner (within 48 hours)
  • Represent Detroit Moms Blog in a positive and professional manner at all times including social media presence

Mornings with Kids: Like Evenings, Only Worse?

At our house, there are two times of day you’re likely to see me break a sweat: Bedtime and Mornings!

Bedtime (what parent LOVES bedtime? Not the actual sleeping part; the carrying a kid to bed for the fifth time part) and the morning scramble to get out the door to work.

Mornings usually look something like this at our house:

  • Beg husband to take baby when she wakes up. Make any number of promises in exchange for for “just ten more minutes” of sleep. Usually, he concedes.
  • Begrudgingly wake up as husband feeds daughter breakfast and hop in the shower.
  • Get out of shower and holler at husband about why our slower-than-molasses son isn’t up yet, usually to be met with “Because he takes after his mother!”
  • Tag team effort to drag our three year old out of bed and, if we’re lucky, get him to eat three bites of yogurt over the course of fifteen minutes.
  • Pretend like “I’m in charge” when I’m really doing my best to think of any possible way to quickly get my son to get dressed in one of the three shirts (all featuring Lightning McQueen) he’ll actually wear, and demand he change his dirty socks even though they’re his “favorite Cars socks.” My husband is usually on toddler duty, trying to get himself ready, while making sure she doesn’t stuff her face with dog food, electrical cords, or random bits of paper she pulls out of goodness-knows-where.
  • Finish getting ready while at least one kid is crying or whining. At least every other day, throw in the toddler taking a spill on the hardwood floor.
  • Wonder what in the world is wrong that it takes my son a good ten minutes to put his velcro shoes on and zip up his jacket.
  • Load up two kids, my work bag, along with the world’s heaviest bag of daycare crap (sheets, blankets, lunches, any cold weather accessories for two kids, etc), and finally get moving!

IMG_3660Nothing like leaving the house 30 minutes later than you hoped!

Are your mornings this awful? I have found few solutions! Here are my ONLY tips:

  • Lower your beauty standards or find a way to get ready faster. A cute headband makes a messy ponytail seem a teensy bit less sloppy, and wearing a nicer top instead of a sloppy sweatshirt (assuming you have flexibility to wear what you want!) helps me feel at least a little bit more put together.
  • Simplify breakfast. In an ideal world, I’d cook a hot breakfast with eggs, fruit, and some kind of healthy whole grain for my kids every day. In reality, it looks like frozen waffles or yogurt (not both!). I don’t love this, but I’ve come to terms with it. I buy brands that I feel are healthy enough (low in sugar, and include protein or fiber) and that my son will actually eat (my daughter will eat just about anything). And sometimes, it’s a doughnut from Tim Horton’s en route to daycare. I know, not great, but I’m trying to keep it real.
  • Try to anticipate wardrobe meltdowns. I’ve researched enough to learn that some kids are just picky, picky dressers and it’s not a battle I really care to fight. There are plenty of areas where I think I need to toughen up as a parent, but for the most part, I try to understand that my son has his own idea about what looks and feels good, and love that he actually takes pride in how he looks when he gets to choose what he wears. This means he doesn’t wear a lot of the hand me downs he has, or that have been bought from relatives that I would far prefer to the handful of character inspired t-shirts (and even socks!) he likes. It’s a bummer, but I’d rather skip the drama.
  • Pack lunches entirely the night before. The exception to this is that I have to heat some leftovers and throw in a thermos for my kids, but otherwise, there is ZERO chance I can pack lunches and make it out the door on time.
  • Keep daycare/work bags by the door and packed in advance. This one is pretty self explanatory!

Screen Shot 2016-03-18 at 8.18.47 PMHow do I know this picture wasn’t taken on a work day? Easy: everyone is happy! Smiles like this are a rarity during weekday mornings!

Are mornings crazy at your house? What are your tips? We certainly haven’t perfected the art of the morning rush at our house, so I’d love to hear them!


5 {HOT} Tips for Swimsuit Season

Does your post-pregnancy body have you dreading spring break and the upcoming swimsuit season like never before? As I write this post, the forecast for the entire week calls for rain, and I couldn’t be more glad. The snow is gone! Getting my 12-month-old in the car without getting soaked from the rain is a new challenge, but I am just so glad to be done with the bulk of blankets and coats, that I don’t care! Instead what I care about is the image that I see in all the magazines as I wait to check out at the grocery store, or rather what the models are wearing.

I could be wrong, but I am willing to bet that you are not looking forward to stepping into your swimsuit for this first time this year. Whether it is the ghostly pallor that Michigan winters leave your skin, or some other physical attribute, we all tend to spend too much time focusing on the negative.

5 {hot} broke don't fix it. (1)

Instead of stressing about extra skin, or hairs, or squishiness, here is my plan to combat negativity with opportunity:

  1. Stop looking at those magazines! We all know that the models are chosen to fit a standard of beauty that is not realistic for most women– and then enhanced. When I was 17 I realized that watching reality shows about beautiful wealthy people actually made me feel worse about myself, so I quit and never turned back. If you can watch the Bachelor with a grain of salt, good for you! It doesn’t work for me. Instead, I try to notice the beauty in real people I see out and about. That young girl with fluffy hair and a hooked nose– she looks bohemian and cool. That older woman with bright coral lipstick and a scarf and shoes to match– she’s got great style. 
  2. Go shopping! I will not be trying on what was good for me in my teen years, but instead I’m going to be realistic about what will look good on my now. I am feeling extra pear-shaped this year so I’m going for looks that hide the muffin-top and focus attention up! I’m thinking a one-piece or a high waisted 2-piece with a dark bottom and bold top. Whatever your shape, and whatever your budget, there is a swimsuit out there that is made for you. 
  3. Try something new. Don’t feel great in a swimsuit? Find a cover-up that makes you feel powerful, sassy, classy, or hot. Maximize on your assets and let a new sun hat or pair of shades do the talking.
  4. Focus on FUN. This is the first year I will have a child that is able to enjoy the great splash pads I read about in the DMB guide! I want to be wearing something that won’t make me second guess playing in the sand on the shores of the lake up North.
  5. Listen to music that pumps you up and dance! Remember a time before kids when you would get ready for a night out with your girlfriends– curling iron on, all your makeup spread out, your bestie at your side and music that would pump you up. That is the kind of music I am talking about. Grab a hairbrush to sing into and jump around with the kids. Let the endorphins remind you of your inner power, beauty and worth. 

You deserve to enjoy the summer sun. Don’t let swimsuit season get you down. Spend a little energy on  finding the best in you and enjoy!

Oh, These Transitions!

2015 historical day (121 of 126)Kids get older. It’s just a phase. Time flies by. Enjoy this moment. They’ll be in full-time school before you know it. Take. It. All. In. blah blah blah. Right?! Raise of hands (by liking this post), who has heard all this (and more) since having kids?
I figured I had at least 18 years before this feeling of “what is my purpose” set in. Who knows, I am sure I’ll have another 1000 transitions between now and sending them off to college and beyond. I say “beyond”, because, a mothers work is never done, as my dear mom has delicately reminded me, often, whether she knows it or not. (thanks mom, keep doing what you do!)  
My kids are 5 and 8 – still little, still innocent, still small – but SO big. Their needs over the last 8 years (speaking with the oldest in mind and the younger coasting on his tail winds) have progressed at times so fast (when did you learn to <insert item>??), and other times TAKING FOREVER.  (Would you PLEASE pick up the <insert item> or figure out how to buckle your own carseat).
From thnjb instructionse first moments of mommy life of ‘oh my gosh, no instructions?!’ to a recent winter morning as I thanked my 8 year old for shoveling the driveway (again) and really doing a solid job at it, I find myself in this strange place of peace and unease.
I’m at peace because I know he’ll be strong enough to take on what mother nature throws at him. He’ll handle the task with grace and courtesy (most of the time). He’ll be aware of the situation and take it on. (hello, I didn’t notice the ice and he had already salted it…thanks, buddy).  I am at unease because he is EIGHT and eagerly outside working after scarfing a quick breakfast, packing his school things, getting dressed, making his bed, (etc.) to make sure we had a clear path to leave for school. All before 7:30 am. He’s 8; I still want my jammies and a coffee. And I classify myself as a morning person, just my own morning time, not a shared time.
My 8 no longer needs me to prepare his lunch (I totally peek still) or have clothing options for him or help him get his winter gear on. (FYI: this is true for my 5 year old too, but he is healing from a broken leg and his needs are different in my mind as I compose this post).
These Transitional Times happen constantly, some we are aware of (yay, go you) and some happen without even noticing.  I encourage you mom, ask yourself, are things in transition in your home? Are you kids ready for more responsibility? Are YOU ready for taking care of YOU a little more/better?
Even the little littles, the ones hitting major milestones, like SITTING; parents and kids are traveling a similar path, parallel at times, sometimes with hills sometimes smooth – while we are aware of our kids transitions, it’s important to recognize our own too.
In your next transition, what you do is your choice. Perhaps it’s finding more time with your partner, or a few extra moments for you, whatever it may be, embrace the change, savor the moment, take it all in…because these kids will keep growing, keep blowing our minds, and becoming more and more independent. High five momma, this transition is normal and ok!

Introducing New DMB Contributor Lauren, a Dearborn Mom

Hello!  I’m Lauren.  I’m a new mom navigating through this whole motherhood thing with the help of Pinterest and my own mama’s advice.  Although, along the way, I’ve learned that trusting my natural instincts is usually the right choice.  I have a spunky two-year-old boy (Jackson), and Baby #2 (a girl!) is expected to arrive any day now.  I’m also mama to my fur baby Charlie, a four-year-old Pug, and wife to my husband Ben.  

Lauren's Family Charlie the Pug 

I grew up in Allen Park, and after high school, I moved to Chicago where I attended Columbia College.  After 5 years of city living, my husband and I decided to return to Michigan to start our family.  After much consideration, we decided to buy a house in Dearborn.  We feel so at home in Dearborn – it has the suburban feel we both grew up with, with the historic and cultural appeal that we became accustomed to in Chicago.  I am currently a stay-at-home mom, but one day I hope to have a career in fashion.  I received a B.A. in Fashion Business from Columbia College, and am now in the process of obtaining a Master’s in Apparel, Textiles, and Merchandising at EMU.  In addition to my full-time job taking care of my family, and my part-time job as a graduate student, I also teach a weekly class at the Dearborn Early Learning Center, called ‘My Baby and Me’.

Did I mention how much I love Dearborn?  I’m always discovering new restaurants or neighborhoods that make me fall in love all over again.  Here are a few of my favorite spots around my city:

Ford Field Park
I’m a firm believer that you don’t have to spend money to have fun and this park proves it.  We love to have family picnics at Ford Field.  There are numerous playscapes for kids of all ages, plenty of picnic tables, and even a large hill perfect for sledding in the winter.  My toddler’s favorite part?  The ducks!  The Rouge River runs through this park, turning into a pond at one point.  There are usually a lot of ducks that we love to watch and feed after we picnic.  

Ford Field Park  Ford Field Park

Greenfield Village
For anyone from the area, when asked about attractions in the Detroit-area, Greenfield Village is a no-brainer.  I feel so fortunate to have this American treasure in my city.  If you are within a 20 mile radius, I highly suggest purchasing a membership to The Henry Ford (this includes both Greenfield Village and Henry Ford Museum).  With our family membership, we can access the village free of charge.  We usually pack a wagon and cooler with our own food to save money.  One of the newer amenities at Greenfield Village is the Children’s Playground.  My son’s excitement for this unique park make the yearly membership fees worth it for the playground in itself.  

Greenfield Village Greenfield Village

Brera Pizza and Salad Co.
By far my favorite place to eat in Dearborn is Brera Pizza and Salad Co.  They serve healthy non-GMO pizza, pasta, salads, and wraps.  It’s a casual dining experience, which is perfect for families like ours with young kids.  My favorite thing on the menu is the Smoked Mac & Cheese; it’s been a craving of mine throughout this pregnancy.  I can’t get enough of Brera!  I can’t wait for the weather to warm up so I can try out their outdoor patio seating.  

Brera Pizza and Salad Co Brera Pizza and Salad Co

I’m a self-proclaimed professional thrifter.  That being said, this is probably my favorite thrift store ever.  I’ve been to thrift stores in some very affluent areas, and I’ll tell you this location has the best selection of luxury items, hands down.  From Melissa and Doug puzzles for my son, to Tory Burch sweaters for me, I rarely leave the Dearborn Goodwill empty-handed.  The best part of this store is that it doesn’t feel like a thrift store.  It’s clean and well-organized – feeling more like a small department store than a resale shop.

Goodwill Dearborn

I love my city and am a proud Detroit mom all around.  I can’t wait to share more of my favorites on my journey as a contributor at DMB!

Detroit Swim Lesson Guide

We’ve got you’re covered with our Detroit Swim Lesson Guide. If your kids are anything like mine, they’re wearing their floaties around the house in the middle of winter, trying to pretend they’re on vacation. While Detroit may not have a tropical climate in March, your kids can still get their swimming fix at a host of pools in and around Detroit! 

Use the extensive guide below to register your little ones for swim lessons nearest you!














































*Don’t forget to check with your local high schools and/or community centers for their availability and rates*


Have your children taken swimming lessons from any of the locations listed above?

Recommend your favorite spot to other Detroit moms in the comments below!

Mom 2 Mom Sales {March 19th+ 20th}

Saturday, March 19

Addams Elementary PTA

Location: 2222 W. Webster, Royal Oak (East of Woodward/South of 13 Mile)

Time: 9AM – 1PM

Strollers: Ok after 10AM

Cost: $1
Sold out 90 tables


Groves High School DECA

Location: 20500 W. 13 Mile, Beverly Hills (West of Evergreen)

Time: 10AM – 2PM

Strollers: Ok after 12PM

Cost: $2


Lake Orion Community Ed

Location: 455 E. Scripps, Lake Orion (At M-24 & Lapeer Rd.)

Time: 9AM – 1PM

Strollers: YES!

Cost: $1
Sold out 98 tables


L’Anse Creuse Foundation

Location: L’Anse Creuse High School North – 23700 21 Mile, Macomb (At North Avenue)

Time: 9AM – 1PM (8:30AM Early Bird)

Strollers: Ok after 10AM

Cost: $1 Early Bird/$2
Sold out 236 tables


Mohawk Elementary PTA

Location: 48101 Romeo Plank, Macomb (North of 21 Mile)

Time: 9AM – 1PM (8:30AM Early Bird)

Strollers: Yes!

Cost: $1 Early Bird/$2


MOPS & MOMS Next at Trinity UMC

Location: 1310 N. Main, Lapeer (M-24 north of Oregon)

Time: 9AM – 1PM (8:30AM Early Bird)

Strollers: Yes!

Cost: $1 Early Bird/$2

North Street UMC Woman’s Life Club 702 

Location: 4580 North Rd., Port Huron (North at Keewahdin)

Time: 9AM – 1PM

Strollers: Yes!

Cost: $1


Rochester Hills Christian School

Location: 3300 S. Livernois, Rochester Hills (At Auburn & Livernois)

Time: 9AM – 1PM (8:30AM Early Bird)

Strollers: Yes!

Cost: $1 Early Bird/$2


St. Joan of Arc PTG 

Location: 22415 Overlake, St. Clair Shores (South of 9 Mile at Greater Mack)

Time: 9AM – 1PM (8:30AM Early Bird)

Strollers: No

Cost: $1 Early Bird/$2


St. Paul Lutheran School

Location: 90 Millville Rd., Lapeer

Time: 9AM – 1PM (8:30AM Early Bird)

Strollers: Yes!

Cost: $1 Early Bird/$2


Sunday, March 20

Jewish Community Center

Location: 6600 W. Maple, West Bloomfield (At Drake Rd.)

Time: 9AM – 1PM

Strollers: Yes!

Cost: $2





Am I Really a Grown-up?

It’s not often I think about my age. Even when I do, I still don’t really FEEL it. I am 41. In my head I am still 21, playing house and mom. I just assumed when I got to my forties my life would feel… different. When my mother was my age she was a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a caregiver and a full time employee. My parents were the people who paid the bills, drove us around and enforced bedtimes. Back then it all seemed so grown up, which I equated with seriousness and responsibility. I have waited for that feeling of adultness with dread. However, despite my ever growing list of responsibilities; most of the time I haven’t felt very serious or very adult. So am I really a grown-up?

The last few months have me thinking I am. See, serious stuff has been happening and quietly, discreetly, that dreaded adultness has begun to envelope me. From the mundane (I have started referring to the millennial people in my office as “kids”) to the truly prolific life experiences: marriages ending, families in transition, aging and ill parents, illnesses of our own. It’s become very serious. None of these events were more jolting than the sudden death of my old school friend and one time roommate at 41. Though we haven’t seen each other in some time and hadn’t been close in much longer, it took my breath away. It broke my childhood spirit. It made me feel very much like an adult.

In one fell swoop, the sorrow for the loss and for her family, the realization of our aging, the brush with mortality, the adultness of it all made me feel so sad and nostalgic for so many things and people. It made me confused and afraid. It made me re-evaluate where I am and where I am going. It made me realize that I am half-way through this journey – if I am lucky – and so much is behind me. It made me feel old. So yes, I am finally an adult. I am an adult with seriousness and responsibility; with hard decisions and grown up problems; a crazy schedule and a hurried life. I pay the bills and taxi my kid and enforce the bedtime.

But…. perspective is two-way street and with some time and reflection on these recent events, I see now that adultness is not all or nothing. Along with the gravity of these situations and the weight of my duties; along with the sadness life brings and nostalgia for simpler days, I am also incredibly grateful and infinitely blessed. I AM still young and I’m fairly sure I’m still fun too!


So instead of letting the dreaded adultness envelopme, I choose to focus on the wonders this life has brought and vow to stay as immature and carefree as I can. I will focus only on the amazing people who have passed through my life; we have laughed and cried and been silly and weird together. I will be grateful for knowing the ones who are not in my life anymore. Everyone has taught me something. I choose to remember all the ridiculous fun I have had in these 41 years. I choose to be excited about the ridiculous fun that is yet to be had. I vow to continue to take weekends away with my husband; to watch Frozen on the floor in my living room wearing a crown with my daughter; to drink wine on a beach every chance I get; to giggle like school girls with my girlfriends at our monthly dinner and to occasionally blow off all my responsibilities and play hookie just for fun.

Adulting isn’t easy. It’s not for the faint of heart, but it doesn’t have to be all seriousness and responsibility. After all, if I’m lucky, I’m only halfway through this journey and there is a so much joy to be found!


In + Around Detroit

12 Spots to Check Out for A Dry January Date

It's all over our social media feeds and the news this month more than ever--and we're certainly interested. You guessed it: we're talking about...