Detroit Easter Egg Hunts

Whether they are carefully camouflaged or left out in plain sight, there is something so egg-citing (see what I did there?) about an Easter Egg Hunt! Here is your guide to the sometimes muddy, sometimes snowy spring fun that is an Egg Hunt in Metro Detroit!
Oakland County
Friday, March 18th
**Farmington Hills: ADULT Flashlight Hunt, Longacre House**
Friday, March 18 7:00p – 9:00p
Bring your own flashlight and enjoy a fun-filled evening searching for eggs, and also winning
prizes for golf outings, dinner at local restaurants, and more. Enjoy salad, pizza,
and breadsticks for dinner, with a cash bar offering beer and wine. The fee is $12
residents/$17 non-residents. Register by March 16 or until sold out.
**Ages 21+ ONLY
West Bloomfield: Spring Fling Egg Hunt, Drake Sports Park
Friday,March18 6:30p&;7:30p
Hunt for eggs and turn them in for treats! Mr. and Mrs. Bunny will be there, so bring your camera and a basket to carry your goodies. A petting farm and cookie decorating will round out the event. Check-in will begin 30 minutes prior to each heat. Each session will be divided into two groups by age. This event typically sells out so early registration is highly recommended. Fees are $5 per child for residents and $7 per child for nonresidents. If the event is not sold out, on-site registration will be available for $10 per child.
Ages 1-7 yrs.
West Bloomfield: Spring Fling Flashlight Egg Hunt, Drake Sports Park
Friday, March 18 8:30p
An “egg-citing” twist on one of our most popular events, designed for our slightly older egg hunters. Bring your flashlight and be prepared to “really hunt” down those hidden treasures. Bring a basket to carry away all your goodies. Check in between 7:45 and 8:15 pm Event will begin when it is dark (approximately 8:30.) This event will go rain or shine, so dress for the weather – Don’t forget boots! We will only allow on-site registrations if openings exist. On site registration fee is $10. Pre-registration is $5 for residents and $7 for non-residents.
Ages 5-12 yrs
Saturday, March 19th
Clawson: Easter Egg Hunt, Clawson City Park
Saturday, March 19 10:00a
Join the Easter Bunny looking for eggs! Bring a camera and basket. Arrive on time because the Easter Bunny’s job is done in a blink of an eye.
Ages 1-12.
Ferndale: Egg-stravaganza Community Egg Hunt, Various Parks – See link
Saturday, March 19 1:00p – 3:00p
Come on out and enjoy an Egg Hunt at one of our local Ferndale parks! Each hunt will feature two separate areas for toddlers ages 0-3 and children 4-12. If a child finds a golden egg, his or her parents get a special prize! Everyone is welcome to each scheduled hunt, but we encourage you to walk to your nearest scheduled location as to avoid parking issues. After all hunts are complete, meet back up at Martin Road Park for light refreshments and pictures with the Easter bunny!
Ages: 12 & Under
Highland: Huron Valley Egg Hunt, Duck Lake Pines Park
Saturday, March 19 10:00a
Easter Bunny arrives at 10 am. Goody Bags distributed beginning at 10 to the first 500 children. FREE face painting, FREE bounce house (weather permitting) and FREE egg hunt
Bring your own camera for pictures with the Easter Bunny
Egg Hunt times as follows:
11 am ~ 2 – 4 year olds
11:10 am~ 5 – 7 year olds
11:20 am ~ 8 – 10 year olds
Holly: Spring Egg Hunt, Holly Twp Beach
Saturday, March 19 11:00a
Plastic eggs filled with candy and prizes will be hidden around the beach. There will be different age categories to make sure the hunt is fair for everyone. Children should bring their own basket or bag to collect their eggs. Donations will be accepted to help cover programming and supply costs. The beach is located at 501 Thomas St. in Holly.
Ages: 12 & Under
Pontiac: Easter Event, First Presbyterian Church
Saturday, March 19 10:00a
Join us for a pancake brunch, children’s Easter Egg Hunt, activities with the Easter Bunny and a special storytime where all will hear about the power of Easter.
Rochester: Easter Egg Hunt, Rochester Play
Saturday, March 19 8:45a
Join us for a morning of egg hunting fun followed by open play and a visit with the Easter bunny on Sat, March 19. Doors opening at 8:45am and hunt starts at 9am!
Rochester: Easter at the Village, The Village of Rochester Hills
Saturday, March 19 10:00a
An interactive, family scavenger egg hunt will take you all around the Village to gather goodies! We are suggesting a donation of $5 per child or $10 a family for this event and 100% will go to The Rainbow Connection.
Rochester: Easter Egg Hunt, Rochester Park Kiwanis Shelter
Saturday, March 19 10:15a 4 & Under; 11:30a 11 & Under
This event will be held at Rochester Park. Pre-registration is a must. Dress for the weather because the entire event is held outdoors.
Ages: 11 & Under
Troy: Easter Egg Hunt, Community Center
Saturday, March 19 5:00p – 8:30p
Grab your basket and hop over to this egg hunt, kids can hunt for treat-filled plastic eggs on the gymnasium floor. After the hunt, the gym will feature a moon bounce and games. Swim in the indoor pool and find the gold eggs for prizes. Bring your phone to take a photo with the Easter Bunny. There will be three classes of egg hunters: Sunny Bunnies kids up to age 3: 6 pm, $5; Cotton Tails kids ages 4-7: 6:30 pm, $8; Hip Hoppers ages 8-12: 7 pm, $8.
Ages: 12 & Under
Wolverine Lake: Easter Bunny Luncheon & Egg Hunt, Richardson Center – Commerce
Saturday, March 19 1:00p – 3:00p Egg Hunt at 2:00 pm
Eat lunch and visit with the Easter Bunny! Includes – Pizza, dessert, crafts and egg hunt. Child – $5.00 in advance, $7.00 at the door; Adult – $2.00 in advance, $3.00 at the door
*Limited number of walk-ins will be allowed as space and supplies permit
Sunday, March 20th
Farmington Hills: Pizza & Eggs, Costick Center
Sunday, March 20 12:30p – 2:00p
A pizza lunch will be followed by a trip to the “egg patch” to search for eggs. A bag will be provided for the search and every child will receive a goody bag. All children must be
accompanied by a paid adult. The fee is $7 residents/$12 non-residents. Register
by March 16 or until full.
Novi: Eggstravaganza, Fuerst Park
Sunday, March 20 2:00p – 4:00p
Let’s go on an egg hunt! Crafts, bunny visits, multiple age egg hunts. $5 per child.
Ages 2 and up
Wixom: Easter Egg Hunt, Gilbert Willis Park
Sunday, March 20 1:00p
Registration begins at 12:00 p.m. and the Hunt begins at 1:00 p.m. Cost is $3 per child.
Thursday, March 24th
Milford: Fun on the Farm Egg Hunt, Kensington Metropark Farm Center
Thursday, March 24 10:00a
It’s Easter at the Farm! Time to have an egg scramble and meet the Easter Bunny. This event is smaller than the park’s large egg hunt and is meant for ages 4 and younger. It starts at 10 a.m. sharp! (Early arrival is highly recommended!) $5 (cash only) per child; Babies 12 months and under free. No registration necessary. For more information contact the Farm Center at 248-684-8632. A Metroparks vehicle entry permit is required to enter any Metropark
Ages: 4 & Under
Oxford: Teen Flashlight Egg Hunt, Powell Lake Township Park
Thursday, March 24 7:45p
An egg hunt with a twist – you’ll need your flashlights to hunt in the dark! Don’t forget to check your batteries and a basket to collect the eggs. Turn eggs in for prizes and find the special egg to win the grand prize. Cost: $10 (Oxford Residents: $8)
Ages: 10 – 17
Springfield Twp: Teen Flashlight Egg Hunt, Mill Pond Park – Davisburg
Thursday, March 24 8:00p – 9:30p
Egg hunt meets awesomeness when teens hunt in the dark with flashlights for Easter eggs chucked full of candy. Participants are required to bring a flashlight and something to put their eggs in. Door prizes, pizza and a beverage will be provided. Awards will also be given. Egg hunt will be held rain or shine, so please dress weather appropriate. A minimum number of participants are required to hold the hunt. Pre-registration is strongly encouraged but will be accepted at the door if minimum is met and tickets are still available! Limited number of tickets available.
Ages: 10 – 17, $10/person
Friday, March 25th
Royal Oak: Bunnyville, Detroit Zoo
Friday, March 25 & Saturday, March 26 10:00a – 4:00p
Hop on over to Bunnyville at the Detroit Zoo! An “egg-stravaganza” of family fun is planned for the Detroit Zoo’s annual Bunnyville celebration, featuring games, live entertainment, zookeeper talks and much more! Activities will feature a golden egg hunt, the Jelly Bean Jamboree, Funny Bunny Games, whisker painting and photo opportunities with the Easter Bunny (available for purchase). New this year is an additional egg hunt for children ages 2 to 5. The Off Broadway Productions musical “The Bunny Follies” will be performed at noon, 1 p.m., 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. Discounted Admission Available: Bunnyville visitors are encouraged to bring a canned or other non-perishable food item to be donated to Gleaners Community Food Bank. Each guest with a food donation will receive a reduced admission price of $9, parking not included. Admission for Detroit Zoological Society Members is free, but Members are encouraged to bring food donations.
Springfield Twp: Easter Egg Hunt, Mill Pond Park – Davisburg
Friday, March 25 Ages 4 & Under: 11:00a – 1:00p; Ages 5 – 12 2:00p – 4:00p
Hop on out to Mill Pond Park for our eggcellent 18th Annual Easter Egg Hunt! Our colorful Easter eggs will be filled with candy, toys, or prizes. The Easter Bunny will also be there so parents please bring your camera to capture the memories. Prize eggs may be found during the hunt. Children must bring their own Easter basket. Egg hunt will be held rain or shine, so please dress weather appropriate. Parking is limited. Egg hunts will begin promptly at 11am and 2pm. Registration is required by 5pm on Thursday, March 24th.
Ages: Up to 12
Saturday, March 26th
Auburn Hills: Easter Egg Hunt & Bonnet Contest, Civic Center Park
Saturday, March 26 12:00p – 2:00p
Children of all ages are invited to hunt for Easter treats, enter the Annual Easter Bonnet Contest and have their pictures taken with the Easter Bunny! Adults, don’t forget to enter the traditional egg toss! There will be a $2 per child fee for attending the event collected from your car as you enter the park.
Royal Oak: Bunnyville, Detroit Zoo
Friday, March 25 & Saturday, March 26 10:00a – 4:00p
Hop on over to Bunnyville at the Detroit Zoo! An “egg-stravaganza” of family fun is planned for the Detroit Zoo’s annual Bunnyville celebration, featuring games, live entertainment, zookeeper talks and much more! Activities will feature a golden egg hunt, the Jelly Bean Jamboree, Funny Bunny Games, whisker painting and photo opportunities with the Easter Bunny (available for purchase). New this year is an additional egg hunt for children ages 2 to 5. The Off Broadway Productions musical “The Bunny Follies” will be performed at noon, 1 p.m., 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. Discounted Admission Available: Bunnyville visitors are encouraged to bring a canned or other non-perishable food item to be donated to Gleaners Community Food Bank. Each guest with a food donation will receive a reduced admission price of $9, parking not included. Admission for Detroit Zoological Society Members is free, but Members are encouraged to bring food donations.
Lake Orion: Easter Egg Hunt, Bald Mountain Recreation Center
Saturday, March 26 11:00a – 12:00p
Over 3,000 candy-filled eggs will be available for the hunt, as well as a variety of games and activities. The egg hunt will be divided into two different divisions; 1-4 year old division and 5-12 year old division. The child to find the golden egg will receive the grand prize! Enter in the park off of East Greenshield Road, approximately one mile east of M-24.
Ages: 12 & Under
Lake Orion: Easter Egg Hunt, Canterbury Village King’s Court Castle
Saturday, March 26 3:00p
Easter Bunny, clowns, egg hunt and magic show!
Milford: The Great Egg Hunt at Maple Beach, Kensington Metropark Farm Center
Saturday, March 26 11:00a
Bring the kids for an Easter egg scramble and enjoy an animal show presented by Farmer John and The Barnyard Express. (Show times 10:30 a.m. & 11:30 a.m.) And of course, kids will get an opportunity to pose for your pictures with the Easter Bunny. 11 a.m. SHARP! Early arrival is highly recommended! $5 (cash only) per child; Babies 12 months & under free.
All Ages
Novi: Egg Hunt, Paradise Park
Saturday, March 26 10:30a
Doors open at 10:15, Hunt begins at 10:30 Thousands of Eggs with Candy, Toys, Arcade Tokens & More Only $7.00 per person. After the hunt stay for our Lunch Buffett
Oxford: Easter Bunny Bonanza, Seymour Lake Township Park
Saturday, March 26 1:00p
Welcome the Easter Bunny with an Easter Egg Hunt and Ping-pong ball drop! The bunny chopper will fly over and shower the kids with thousands of white ping-pong balls. Each child will receive a bag of candy and special treat. Cost: $10 (Oxford Residents: $8) Advance tickets required.
Southfield: Eggstravaganza, Southfield Pavilion
Saturday, March 26 11:00a – 1:30p
Activities include: an obstacle course, themed games and various activities, moonwalk, face painting, Miniature Motorways and prize station! Food and some craft activities will be available for an additional cost.
Ages: 14 & Under
Sylvan Lake: Annual Glow Egg Hunt, Community Center
Saturday, March 26, 8:00p
Annual egg hunt on the front lawn at the Community Center
White Lake: Egg Scramble with Roscoe the Clown, Indian Springs Metropark Environmental Discovery Center
Saturday, March 26 10:00a & 1:00p
It’s time for Indian Springs’ annual Egg Scramble. Rosco the Clown will entertain families with his fabulous show. Try your hand at some cute crafts while you wait for your age group’s Egg Scramble to begin. Of course the Easter Bunny will be here to visit with the children and have photos taken. We will provide bags for egg collecting–please do not bring a basket. Fee: $5 per child. Please preregister. A vehicle entry permit is required to enter any Metropark.

Wayne County
Saturday, March 19th
Canton: Easter Eggstravaganza, Heritage Park
Saturday, March 19 10:30a – 12:30p
Bring the kids out to enjoy a variety of Easter and spring-themed activities! We will run continuous egg hunts between 10:30am-12:30pm in two age categories to help keep the “hunting” fair for even our littlest participants. Please allow some extra time for parking, as historically this is a well-attended event. The grounds tend to be very wet in early spring so please DRESS ACCORDINGLY. Please check out prior to the event for a complete schedule of events. Fee: $3 per child R/ $4 per child NR, on-site registration
Ages: Up to 11 yrs
Grosse Ile: Annual Easter Event, Centennial Farm
Saturday, March 19 9:30a – 11:00a or 12:00p – 1:30p
Activities Include: Brunch, Easter Egg Hunt by Age Division, Visit and Photo with Easter Bunny, Prizes. Advanced Tickets Only! $8.00 Per Child– Advanced Registration Required, Adults can purchase a meal ticket for $4
Grosse Pointe Farms: Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, March 19 10:00a
Join us at this free event in Rain, Shine or Snow, and bring your Easter basket or bag to hunt for candy filled eggs. Don’t forget your camera for pictures with the Easter Bunny!! Please arrive by 9:45 a.m. as the hunt begins at 10:00 a.m. sharp!
New Boston: Egg Scramble, Willow Metropark
Saturday, March 19 10:00a & 1:00p
Join us at the Willow Metropark Food Bar for crafts, games, candy and an Easter Egg Scramble. We might even get a visit from the Easter Pig! Advanced Ticket Purchase Only. $6 per child
Tuesday, March 22nd
Detroit: Teen Aqua Egg Hunt, Williams Community Center Pool
Tuesday, March 22 5:00p – 7:00p
Hunt for eggs in the pool and retrieve eggs for prizes. Proper swim attire required (swimsuit, trunks, jammers, etc.) T-shirts are not allowed.
Ages: 13 – 17
Wednesday, March 23rd
Detroit: Hop Along Eggstravaganza, Williams Community Center
Wednesday, March 23 5:00p
Egg Hunt, Egg Races, Face Painting, Craft & Prizes. All activities will be outside weather permitting. Free!
Ages: 12 & Under
Saturday, March 26th
Brownstown, Easter Egg Scramble, Lake Erie Metropark Marshlands Museum & Nature Center
Saturday, March 26 10:00a; 1:00p & 4:00p
It’s Easter and you know what that means! Egg hunts, crafts, games, and a petting zoo. What are you waiting for? Sign up in advance and get ready for some fun! Advanced Ticket Purchase Only. $6.00 per child
Detroit: Easter Fun Fest, Historic Fort Wayne
Saturday, March 26 10:00a – 2:00p
Easter Fun for Everyone! Easter Egg Hunts for All Ages, Egg-Mazing Race (2 person team to 1 youth and 1 adult)), Fairy Garden Craft, Face Painting, Candy, Food Demonstration & much more! FREE! Dress for the weather.
All Ages
Livonia: Egg Hunt, Rotary Park
Saturday, March 26 12:00p
Register the day of the event from 11:15 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. at Rotary Park (6 mile and Hubbard): FREE! Ages 10 and under are welcome (with parent participation) to search for eggs from the Easter Bunny!
Ages: 10 & Under
Northville: Egg-Stravaganza, Maybury State Park
Saturday, March 26 10:30a – 12:00p
Meet at the Trailhead Shelter. Join us for games, crafts, seed planting, and, of course, meet The Easter Bunny and Smokey-The-Bear! Egg Hunts for 4 & under and 5 & over starting at 11:40a. Recreation Passport required for entry.
Plymouth: Lions Club Easter Egg Hunt, Township Park
Saturday, March 26 10:00a
The Plymouth Lions Club will host an Easter Egg Hunt for children up to age 10 on Saturday, March 26 at the Township Park on Ann Arbor Trail beginning at 10 a.m. Children will be divided into age groups of 0-3, 4-6, 7-8 and 9-10. Parents and kids are encouraged to bring baskets for the eggs. Collection boxes will also be available as the Lions collect used or unwanted eye glasses, cellphones and hearing aids. The hunt is free, but donations are always welcome.
Ages: 10 & Under

Macomb County
Saturday, March 19th
Ray: Toddler Egg Scramble, Wolcott Mill Metropark Farm and Nature Centers
Saturday, March 19 10:00a, 1:00p & 3:00p
A mini version of our Farm egg Scramble especially geared for the 4 year old and under age group. The toddlers can visit the Easter Bunny, make a craft and scramble for eggs. A snack and drink will be included for the children. Visitors may also purchase a horse drawn wagon ride. Preregistration required. Space will be limited to 50 children per session. Please dress for the weather. Call 586-752-5932 to preregister. $5 per child. Preregistration only please.
Shelby Twp: Easter Egg Scramble, Stony Creek Metropark
Saturday, March 19 1:00p
Join us for an Easter Egg Scramble. Then meet the Easter Bunny, make a craft and more! The egg scramble will be grouped by age. All ages welcome! Preregistration and prepayment required. Cost: $6 per child. Call the Stony Creek Metropark Nature Center at 586-781-9113 to register.
Sterling Heights: **Special Needs Egg Hunt**, Rockpointe Church
Saturday, March 19 10:00a – 12:00p
Free egg hunt for kids with special needs, siblings are welcome to join in the fun. There are the following Egg hunts available for your children: Wheelchair Egg Hunt, Quiet Egg Hunt (for those with sensory concerns), Special Egg Hunt (for those with special needs and all siblings). Everything is wheelchair accessible.
Ages: 12 & Under
Shelby Twp: Easter Egg Scramble, River Bends Park
Saturday, March 19 1:00p for ages 3 – 5 and 2:00p for ages 6 – 10
A truly festive afternoon will start with an egg hunt, kids will “scramble” to find all the goodie-filled eggs, as well as special “Golden Eggs” that will have a token for a special gift courtesy of Genisys Credit Union. Bring your own basket for egg collection! This is an outdoor, rain or shine, event with no registration and no payment required.
Sunday, March 20th
Ray: Farm Egg Scramble, Wolcott Mill Metropark Farm and Nature Centers
Sunday, March 20 1:00p – 4:00p
Come out and visit with the farm animals and participate in the best egg scramble around! Take you picture with the Easter Bunny, visit with Roscoe the Clown and stop by Bunnyville to meet the rabbits. Kids can make a craft to take home and enter the coloring contest. Visitors may purchase a horse drawn wagon ride. Refreshments will be available for purchase. Please dress for the weather. $5 per person at the door.
Shelby Twp: ‘Egg’Citing Easter, Burgess-Shadbush Nature Center
Sunday, March 20 1:00p – 4:00p
This event will feature an egg hunt, Easter bag and egg decorating activities, and a chance to take a picture with the Easter Bunny. Remember to register for this event and bring 6 hard-boiled eggs for decorating! Fee is $4 per participating child.
Saturday, March 26th
St Clair Shores: Annual Easter Egg Hunt, Blossom Health Park
Saturday, March 26 12:00p
Thousands of eggs will be available for children to search for in three age-group areas: 0-3, 4-7, and 8 years and older. In addition, every child attending will receive a raffle ticket and at the end of the hunt, 25 girls and 25 boys will win Easter baskets.
All Ages

Washtenaw County
Sunday, March 20th
Dexter: Easter Egg Scramble, Hudson Mills Metropark
Sunday, March 20 12:00p – 2:00p
Celebrate the beginning of spring at the Hudson Mills Easter Egg Scramble. Enjoy the animal show, face painting and a visit with the Easter Bunny before and after the scramble for the Easter eggs. Pre-register and save $2 per child. $4 Kids (12 and under) or at the door $6. To purchase tickets in advance, call the Hudson Mills Park Office at (734) 426-8211.
Saturday, March 26th
Ann Arbor: Spring Eggstravaganza, Lillie Park South – Pittsfield Twp
Saturday, March 26 11:00a – 1:00p
Egg scrambles, petting zoo, balloon twisters, face painting, photos with the Easter Bunny, crafts, games, music, and more! Egg Scrambles stating at 11:30 AM, 12 PM, and 12:30 PM
Saline: Egg Scavenger Hunt, Rec Center Woods
Saturday, March 26 11:30a
Bring your basket or bag to collect eggs that have been scattered throughout the wooded area behind the Rec Center. The children will be divided into the following age groups: 2-3, 4-5 and 6-7. A few lucky eggs will have a prize sticker. All participants will receive a goody bag. This event will take place outside rain, shine or snow. Event starts promptly at 11:30 so don’t be late! Price: Member Fee: $8.00; Non Member Fee: $8.00
Ages: 2 – 7