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4 Tips To Help Baby Sleep All Night

“Whaaa! Whaaa! Whaaa!” It is the sound that wakes new parents out of a deep sleep! And for parents who are months into sleep deprivation, it is a dreaded sound! Squinting at the alarm clock, mustering up every bit of energy to go into their baby’s room, they wonder in exhaustion, ”When will this ever end?”

As a baby sleep expert, I hear the frustration and hopelessness from the families that I work with. While I don’t possess the magic wand to wave over their baby’s head, granting that 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep, what I can offer is 4 pieces of solid advice that will help them get the sleep they need!

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4 Tips To Help Baby Sleep All Night

  1. Avoid Cry-It-Out: Leaving babies alone to cry until they fall asleep seems to work for some families. However, the truth is that the hormones released by the stress experienced by infants when left to cry themselves to sleep actually changes baby’s brain chemistry. Recent studies link this brain alteration to adult addiction. I am here to say there is a better way! The healthier choice is to support your baby through the process of learning how to sleep independently, thus avoiding Cry-It-Out.
  2. Prevent Accidental Parenting: Holding, feeding, rocking or even driving your baby around for sleep may work during a rough night, but it is imperative to ask yourself, “Is this something I want to do six months from now? A year from now?” That is what Accidental Parenting is! You do what works at the moment, not making a conscience parenting decision about how you will handle the same situation down the road. That decision becomes a habit, and that habit becomes a sleep prop that your baby relies upon in order to settle to sleep. Encouraging healthy sleep habits in the first place will get your entire family on the right path to a good night’s rest.
  3. Set the Stage for Sleep! A full night of sleep begins in the morning! Getting baby on an age appropriate feeding schedule, making sure baby is getting the required amount of daytime sleep and providing structure to your baby’s day are all part of the foundations needed for healthy sleep. If their day is chaotic and baby is overtired before bedtime approaches, their bodies will work against sleep and their sleep will be restless, leading to another day of exhaustion and then the cycle repeats itself. By 4 months, a full-term baby could be expected to sleep approximately 4 ½ hours during the day and 11-12 hours overnight, with one to two feeds overnight.
  4. Be Consistent in Your Sleep Approach: However you decide to encourage your baby to learn to self-soothe and sleep independently, the most important thing to remember is to be consistent! Choose a method you are comfortable with and then stick with it for at least 10 days! It will take at least that long to see progress. But I promise you, with commitment, you will absolutely see growth in your child’s sleep habits.

My favorite days are when I get the text from one of my moms saying, “Guess who slept 8 hours straight last night, in his own room?!” That is the best message ever! It is why I do what I do! My passion is baby sleep! It is the foundation for a happy and healthy baby and family!

All my best,

Patty Werner

Introducing the DMB’s of Reese Snead

{Down with Detroit}

Hello there Detroit Mamas! I am very excited to join the Detroit Moms blog as a contributor! I have a profound love to laugh and there’s a reason for it – my three adorable yet rambunctious children; Sydney (6), Nate (2) and Ava (1). With these three, there are plenty of things to laugh at because crying is NOT an option. I’m married to the best husband ever, Jason, and we have a lot of fun together.20150510_103733

Both Jason and I grew up in Detroit and we love to try out new restaurants and activities in the area. Our goal this summer is to find those hidden treasures; you know places that don’t mind how loud your children are and provides a decent meal that won’t cause you to be hungry 2 hours later.

{My Life}

Sherice and J_prom

 You could say that I am part of a dying breed…I married my high school sweetheart. We met through mutual friends in 1998 and have been together ever since. We knew from the moment we met each other that we would get married and have lots of babies. However, we waited until we were together nine years (2007) until we got married. Jason pursued the art of plumbing and I moved forward with a career in marketing. Our eldest, Sydney, was born the following year and I have been on the Mommy rollercoaster since then. Today, I balance a growing family, marketing career and volunteer time with a local non-profit. It can get hectic, but it’s well worth it!

{Babies & Beyond}


Our children are the greatest part of our lives. Sydney is in kindergarten and loves to sing, act out Broadway musicals and paint. I’m serious; she knows all of the lines to the musical, Annie. My tough tot, Nate is a ball of energy and doesn’t settle down until he conks out at 8pm. We are in the midst of the potty training battle and I think he’s winning this war. Let’s hope he gets it together before preschool begins in the fall. Our baby of the family, Ava, has stolen all of our hearts. She is the sweetest little angel and we are blessed to have her. On March 28, 2015, Ava suffered a seizure and stopped breathing. My husband performed CPR and was able to get her breathing again. She was sent to Beaumont Hospital where it was determined that she has low calcium and the early stages of Rickets. Those five days spent in the hospital were the scariest days of my life. Today, we are still battling the deficiency, but encourage everyone we know to make sure to get their Vitamin D levels checked and to get plenty of sun!

I look forward to sharing fun articles and learning new things as well. This is going to be so much fun!


Weekend Happenings May 22-25

 weekend happening memorial day weekend

Drawing in the Galleries at the DIA

{Date + Time}
Friday May 22, from 6 pm – 9 pm





Dinosauria at the Detroit Zoo

{Date + Time}
Friday May 22, from 9 am – 5 pm

$5 per person plus zoo admission

8450 W. Ten Mile Rd.

Royal Oak


GM Renaissance Center Tour

{Date + Time}
Friday May 22, @ 12 noon & 2 pm


100 Renaissance Center



Friends Bag o’Books Sale

{Date + Time}
Friday March 22, 1 pm – 4 pm


26300 Evergreen Rd.



Southfield Celebrates Memorial Day

{Date + Time}
Friday May 22nd @ 9 am


26000 Evergreen Rd.



Troy Memorial Day Weekend Event at Bounce-U

{Date + Time}
Friday May 22, 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm

$8.50 per child

1101 Rochester Rd.



Weekend Camping at Groveland Oaks County Park

{Date + Time}
Friday May 22 through Monday May 25th

$38 per family, per day (Please call for reservations)

14555 Dixie Hwy.



Northville Flower Day & Memorial Day Parade

{Date + Time}
Friday May 22 & Saturday May 23 @ 9 am

(Parade starts at Northville Downs parking lot) Monday May 25 @10 am


Main St. between Wing & Hutton



Detroit Princess Motown Dinner Cruise

[Date + Time}
Saturday May 23, (Boarding) @6:30, Cruising from 7 pm – 9:30 pm

Adults/ $$49.95, kids/ $25

201 Civic Center Dr.



St. Mary’s Polish Country Fair

{Date + Time}
Friday May 22 through Monday May 25 (see site for schedule)

$5/ person, $10/ family (up to 6), kids 3 & under free

3535 Indian Trail

Orchard Lake


Royal Oak Memorial Day Parade

{Date + Time}
Monday May 25 @ 9 am


Corner of Main St. and Harrison

Royal Oak


Milford’s Memorial Day Parade

{Date + Time}
Monday May 25 @ 11 am


American Legion Post 216, 510 W. Commerce St.



Civil War Remembrance at the Henry Ford

{Date + Time}
Saturday May 23 through Monday May 25 (see website for schedule of events)

Free with admission

20900 Oakwood Blvd.



Sumpter Township Country Fest

{Date + Time}
Friday May 22 – Monday May 25

Free admission

Sumpter Fairgrounds, 23501 Sumpter Rd.



Greater Rochester Heritage Days

{Date + Time}
Saturday May 23 from 11 am – 6 pm & Sunday May 24 from 11 am – 5 pm

Free, donations encouraged

Rochester Municipal Park

Downtown Rochester

Introducing the DMB’s of Courtney Howell


Hi there! I’m Courtney, a new contributor to the Detroit Moms Blog. I couldn’t be more excited to team up with this AMAZING group of women to celebrate every aspect of motherhood—the breathtaking, the bizarre and the downright poopy.

{Down With Detroit}

After graduating from Grand Valley State University in 2011, I started my job search and moved from Grand Rapids to metro Detroit. I’ll admit, I had my doubts about Detroit upon first moving to the area. The city had just filed for bankruptcy, and as an “out-of-towner,” I never heard about anything positive happening in the city. But after a few field trips downtown for various events, my eyes were opened and I was completely blown away by what I saw.

There is no other city like Detroit! Its energy and spirit cannot be contained. It radiates from the center of the city into the suburbs. It’s contagious! While there are areas of the city that look worn-down, don’t be fooled, it is stronger than ever. Everyone loves a comeback story, and Detroit is well on its way.

As Detroit reemerges from the ashes and reinvents itself as a city with a bright and promising future, it is making the rest of the nation take notice and rethink the negative perceptions they have formed. Sure, Detroit knows what it’s like to struggle, but the struggle is only part of the story. The struggle is what has made Detroit strong—and that’s something that I can personally relate to…

{My Life}

You see, in my junior year of college, an unplanned pregnancy changed my life forever—but not in the way you would think. Despite what the statistics said about young motherhood, I was determined to succeed. Spoiler alert—I’m defying the odds and paving my own way.


To make a long story short, I graduated college in less than four years (just two days before I gave birth to my daughter), landed my dream job and have hit the ground running ever since, receiving two promotions at one of Michigan’s leading integrated PR firms (all under the age of 25). You can get to know me better and read my full story here.

As the voice of young moms in Metro Detroit, I’m here to prove that being a young mom doesn’t limit or define you. Like the city of Detroit, I’m proving that with a little bit of grit, hard work and perseverance, anyone can emerge from the struggle of their current situation to build a bright future.

I recently started a blog, Motherhood & Main, to help other young moms navigate the crossroads of life. It serves as a community where moms of all ages can come together to share experiences, empower one another and bring positive change to the conversation of young motherhood within society.

If I haven’t made it crystal clear by now, nothing can hold me back. I’m ambitious and tenacious and I have a burning passion to make a difference in the lives of others. As a young mom with a go-getter mentality, I have big dreams for my life and am focused building a solid future for my family.


When I’m not busy working (or blogging), you can find me making the most of every moment with my family. My boyfriend AJ and I recently celebrated our four-year anniversary and are painting a picture of what a stable family looks like for our daughter Payten, who just turned three. While we may not fit the picture of the conventional American family, we’re committed to each other and have big plans for a bright future.

{Babies & Beyond}

Sometimes I look at other people my age and wonder what life would be like if I hadn’t gotten pregnant in college. But as quickly as that thought comes into my mind, it’s replaced by all the joy my daughter brings. I could not imagine life without her! She is my pride and joy—my why—and she has taught me so much about myself.


As a Type A, list-making perfectionist, I’m always working hard to be more productive and achieve the next thing. However, I’ve learned that productivity and parenting don’t always go hand-in-hand. Part of being a mom is learning to let go of perfection and plans to embrace the chaos (and beauty) that comes with raising a child. I’ve learned that being in the moment is more important than crossing off whatever else I had planned on my to-do list that day.

After all, the last thing I want is for my daughter to remember a mom who was too busy to play with her. Instead, I want her to look back on her childhood with fond memories of a mom who wasn’t too busy to have an afternoon tea party, play dress up, go to the park, make a fort, bake brownies just because or turn our living room into a disco dance party.

While she may be the only girl in her preschool class, she certainly loves all things sugar and spice. She’s a performer at heart and loves to sing and dance. She even likes to watch (and mimic) makeup tutorials on YouTube. But as much as she loves to play dress up and use her imagination, she’s tough enough to hang with the boys. For as much as she loves Doc McStuffins and the rest of the Disney Princesses, she also likes the Ninja Turtles and knows all of the superheroes.


She never ceases to amaze me. It seems as if every day she surprises me with something new she learned at school. She is smart, caring, confident, inquisitive and independent. And while we’re entering into the “terrible threes,” she’s a girl who knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to ask, and that’s a valuable trait I want to nurture and channel in the right direction.

This is just the beginning of our story, and I hope you’ll follow along. I’m excited to join DMB and represent the voice of young moms in metro Detroit. Check back here for more of my posts, or stay in touch with me on FacebookInstagram or Twitter.

Introducing the DMB’s of Nicole Torres

{Down with Detroit}

Hello!!  My name is Nicole and I couldn’t be more excited to join Detroit Moms Blog!  With the exception of a three-year fling with Chicago, Michigan has been my life-long love (though the past few winters have bred more of a love-hate relationship!).  I graduated from the University of Michigan in 2003, majoring in English with a sub-concentration in creative writing.  I stayed for a social-justice based MAC (Masters and Certification) program, in which I completed a year of student teaching at Mumford High School in Detroit.  Beyond foundations and friendships that have shaped much of my life, UofM also gave me my amazing husband and best friend, John.
I had never really brought many boys home to meet Mom and Dad, so when I first told my parents about John– and the Texas native that he is– my dad said: “He knows the ground rule, right?  He will relocate.”

{My Life}

I moved to Chicago after graduation and taught British Literature on the South Side while John attended law school, but coming back home was always the plan.  I’m Chaldean, and even the 45 minute drive to Ann Arbor was far beyond the typical Chaldean radius.  In 2007, we moved back to Michigan and eventually bought a home in Bloomfield Township.  My cousin, fellow DMB writer Lauren Myers, bought a home in my neighborhood and we joke that we are REAL Chaldeans now that we live around the block from family.
In 2011, I gave birth to my son, Christian Joseph; six months later, my father lost his seven year battle to cancer.  He relapsed just before Christian was born and fought for his life in the same hospital tower that housed my little man’s entrance to this world. When my mom asked him why he held on, he pointed to the pictures of his new grandson — whose middle name is his — that my sister had taped across from his hospital bed.
When my father was first diagnosed, I hadn’t even expected him to walk me down the aisle. I am eternally grateful that I got that and so much more.  A year later, however, we were caught completely off-guard when my mother — a lifelong non-smoker– was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer.  We lost her in October 2013.
My father- and sister-in-law flew in for her funeral and surrounded me with the love I needed most then.  My husband lost his mother to cancer in 2006, and so the intimate knowledge they had with this kind of loss made me all the more grateful that they would walk through it with us again.
About a week after John’s mom’s birthday, we found out we were pregnant again.  Right before Mother’s Day, we found out we were having a girl, and our Carolena Rosario was born the day after my mom’s birthday.  Though she’ll only know them as her angels, she is named for her grandmothers.

 {Babies and Beyond}

I taught full-time at a private school in the Detroit suburbs but moved to a part-time position shortly after my mom was diagnosed.  The experiences with my dad were still so raw, I decided I could no longer grade by the dim light of hospital machines. While this means that we have to constantly re-evaluate our budget, I am so thankful to have more days to spend with these little miracles whose limitless energy, boundless smiles, and endless curiosities have carried me into life after loss.
So, I spend half my week with big kids and the other half with my Littles. And I absolutely love it. I am passionate about teaching and creating — whether it is watching Arthur Miller’s dramas come to life in a teenager’s mind or honing my improv skills telling stories with my pre-schooler.  I love finding new adventures in our great state, or re-experiencing old memories through my children’s fresh eyes.  I get way more excited than I should about movies, television, and food.  And while we’re always on the look-out for an awesome new brunch spot, we’ve also started to grow a passion for healthy eating and home-cooking.  I have an amazing group of friends and family who either live here or still call Michigan home. Through my greatest happiness and deepest sadness,  other people’s love and stories have been so important to me; I am so excited to start sharing my own!


Surviving the First Year: Top Five Lessons Learned from an Accidental Full-Time Mom

Children weren’t really on my radar when my husband and I got married. I was at a pivotal time in my career and my future seemed laid out before me, almost simply: I’d secure a post-grad-school job and we’d enjoy a DINK lifestyle – dual income, no kids. That was the plan, and I was excited for it to begin!

Plans. We make them with a goal in mind. We count on the structure they provide. We rely on the stability they promise. Often, plans work perfectly according to schedule. Many times they need to be adjusted or tweaked to meet a specific need or goal, and sometimes the original plan is altered completely. I fall into the latter category. Life has an entirely different path for me than the one I originally expected. And as any inherent planner can attest to, when things go awry, it can be really challenging to find your foothold.

I was absolutely overjoyed when our firstborn son arrived. He was tiny and healthy and perfect! The day of his birth was one of the best days of my life. That being said, I was terrified at the prospect of staying home with him full time. My husband and I had recently moved out of state, and didn’t really know anyone. Moreover, the hubs had a crazy work and school schedule: he was gone every weeknight and at least one day on the weekend. We have an amazing family support system, but they lived over two-hundred miles away. I was pretty much by myself with my new little man. I’ll never forget the exact moment when that realization dawned on me. My husband was about to walk out the door to return to work, and it just hit me: this was my life now. There was no desk to return to, no employer awaiting the end of my maternity leave. I had a completely new role, and my boss was a six pound, blue-eyed babe with a set of lungs like an opera singer. Could I handle it?


Boy, did my little guy and I do a lot of bonding that first year. We cried together, we laughed together, we muddled through and eventually figured it all out together. I felt like a rock star when his first birthday arrived. I did it! I might have been sleep deprived, sporting a few new gray hairs and wearing a spit-up stained shirt, but I survived. I endured the sleepless nights, infant acid reflux, nursing, the teething (oh my goodness the teething!), and the numerous other challenging, terrifying and lovely aspects of year one. But those first twelve months were hard. Incredibly hard. Here are the top five lessons I learned that year, and what I wish I would have known the day I brought my little guy home.



1. Relax & Trust Your Instincts
You can read a million books about how to get your baby on a schedule, whether or not you should breast or bottle feed, or how to sleep train. There are a ton of websites and discussion forums about any and all things baby. Use them, but to a degree. Information is great, but to a point. Trust yourself and listen to your baby. You know your baby, you understand what works and what doesn’t work while caring for your precious infant. If your son refuses the bottle, don’t worry about it. If your daughter seems too attached to the pacifier and you read somewhere about nipple confusion or the importance of self-soothing, don’t stress out about it! Relax. I’ll say it again: RELAX. Trust yourself to make the most fitting choice for your child.


2. Don’t Sleep While The Baby Sleeps
Everyone always says “sleep while your baby sleeps”, but that didn’t work for me. I am a person who functions best when all is in order, and clutter is at a minimum. I have two very active boys, so this is a hard one to maintain currently! But when I just had my first little guy, I could finally take a shower, clean my kitchen, or throw in a load (or ten!) of laundry while he took a nap. This was my time to organize my home – while perhaps simultaneously catching up on my DVR – and it was important to me. So I decided not to sleep during the day while my baby slept. That being said, if clutter and mess don’t bother you, by all means get some probably much needed rest!

3. Fit In Some “Me Time” Outside of the Home
I still struggle with this one almost six years later, but it’s important. When you have an infant, you need a break. I think your baby needs it too. Hand your little man or lady to Dad or a trusted care giver for a few hours. Go grab a coffee or walk around the mall. Call a girlfriend and have lunch. Clear your head for a few hours and enjoy a little bit of time for just you. Even a drive around town on a beautiful day has proven beneficial for me. The walls can seem to cave in on us a little bit when we’re home with an infant. I know there were many times when I even felt a little isolated. Get out and enjoy a fresh perspective for a bit. I truly believe you’ll be much happier and even a better caregiver if you do!


4. Don’t Be Too Hard on Yourself
My first baby cried all the time. All. The. Time. Sometimes I could calm him down, but often times I didn’t have much luck. Bedtimes were particularly challenging. For the first three months of his life, he screamed for at least an hour right at the time when I expected him to settle for the day. Eventually, I took it personally: what was I doing wrong? Should I be doing something differently? Nothing, and no. I had addressed any potential medical needs and made sure he was fed, cuddled and loved. He was just a screamer. There wasn’t anything else I could do, and it wasn’t personal. Thankfully, as time passed it got easier and I learned not to judge myself too harshly.

5. Reach Out and Connect with Other Moms
Use Detroit Moms Blog! Seek out moms groups in your community, sign up for a baby and me class. Get yourself out there! I joined an infant music class, and unexpectedly met a great friend. Our husbands became friends as well, and we easily transitioned from play-dates to adult dinner dates. This isn’t necessarily an easy thing to do, especially if you’re not a naturally outgoing person. Do it anyway, you never know what might happen!

Every new mom has their beautiful story. Each of us learn so much about what it means to be a mother during that precious first year. Having a baby – whether you are a full time mom, or continue with your career – is an incredibly challenging and rewarding experience. Share part of your story! What lessons did you learn, and what would you add to my ‘Top Five’ list?

125 Things To Do In+Around Detroit This Summer

125 things to do this summer in and around detroit michigan

Summer is almost here!  Are you ready?!  I do love the seasons we have in Michigan but I really wish the summer would last longer than all of them combined.  The summer always seems to fly by and before you know it thoughts about back to school bring summer to an abrupt end.  One of my least favorite things about summer is listening my little guys say they are bored!  Really, oh please children, I know that is not the truth, we are constantly exploring or doing things outdoors which seems like good enough boredom busters to me!  Here is a list I can now turn to when I need an idea, it’s packed with 125 Things To Do In+Around Detroit this summer!  

The ULTIMATE Summer List – Pure Michigan!


……Summer Spent In Your Own Backyard……

1. Get outdoors everyday the sun shines! {enjoy walks to the park, playing catch, climbing trees, pool time}

2. Do an outdoor project, maybe plant flowers, car wash at home, or a bike wash, sensory play, transform a garden bed into a play scape {DIY idea here}, scavenger hunt}

3. Grow a garden big or small, if you don’t have a yard try container gardening! {gardening tips here, here and here}

4. Help your child learn to ride their bike1239614_10204106431047346_6618668636284868905_n

5. Make a giant bubble making experiment

6. Wash the car in the driveway or let the kids wash their own bikes or patio furniture

7. Have a water balloon fight

8. Fly a kite and maybe even try to make your own handmade kite!

9. Roast marshmallows and make s’mores or banana boats

10. Collect interesting rocks and start a rock collection

11. Search for a four-leaf clover, it’s a great way to pass time when waiting

12. Visit relatives or friends you don’t see often

13. Do something nice for a neighbor 

14. Make home-made ice cream in a bag recipe here or home-made ice cream sandwiches recipe herehomemade ice cream 6

15. Eat dinner outside as a family

16. Host a backyard BBQ with friends

17. Make home-made popsicles {DIY ideas here, here and here}

18. Show a movie outdoors with friends, set up the TV outside and have a movie night with popcorn + treats {DIY ideas here}

19. Watch the sunrise

20. Watch the sunset

21.  Grill a pizza, let the kids make their own mini-pizzas, recipe ideas here}

22. Catch fire fly’s + star gaze

23. Set up a tent on the deck or backyard and camp out

24. Engage the family in a pillow fight

25. Make a homemade photo booth {DIY ideas here}

26. Play in the rain and jump in puddles

27. Make a home-made banana split to share with the kidsIMG_8521

28. Make fresh squeezed lemonade, let the kids have a lemonade stand! {try this recipe}

29. Tie-dye shirts or pillow case, bed sheets, socks… {DIY ideas here}

30. Get outdoors and do summer crafts, less mess {DIY ideas here and here}

31. DIY twister in the yard  {DIY ideas here}

32. Build and watch an herb garden grow {kids DIY herb garden idea here}

33. Build a fort on the deck  {Simple DIY idea here}

34. Movie marathon on a rainy day 

35. Do a photo challenge or photo scavenger hunt {maybe chalk art, A-Z in nature or architecture, project life, Instagram challenge}

36. Run through the sprinklers

37. Take dad {or mom} a picnic lunch while they are at work

38. Try to fry an egg on the sidewalk on one of the hottest days of the summer

39. Do a progressive dinner with friends {visit different restaurants or set it up where each family hosts one course at their house}

40. Make an indoor fort and sleep under it with your kids

41. Hula hoop, hopscotch, jump rope, set up a maze, use sidewalk chalk, blow bubbles outside, the list of outdoor activities is endless!

42. Sleep in!!!

43. Remember to take time to relax too and enjoy media free days when the weather is nice!


……Summer In the City……

44. Attend a fair or weekend event {stay up to date this summer with DMB’s Weekend Happenings}

45. Visit the DIA {did you know that residents of Wayne, Oakland and Macomb counties can visit the museum and enjoy FREE admission?!}

46. Visit the Michigan Science Center 

47. Visit the Eastern Market 

48. Go to a Detroit Tigers Game 

49. Visit Belle Isle and explorekmbDDMBCG_comericapark2_resize

50. Visit one of Detroit’s Favorite neighborhoods – Mexicantown, Greektown, Midtown, Corktown, Riverfront

51. Go to a splash pad {free Detroit splash parks::  Palmer Park or Mt. Elliott Park}

52. Bike the RiverWalk and rent a bike from Wheelhouse Detroit 

53. Watch the Detroit Fireworks 

54. Visit one of Detroit’s Historical Museums – Detroit Historical MuseumMotown Historical MuseumCharles H. Wright Museum of African American HistoryHistoric Fort Wayne CoalitionFord Piquette Avenue Plant

55. Attend the Dream Cruise and admire some all- American muscle – Woodward Dream Cruise

56. Eat from one of these fab Detroit Food Trucks

57. Visit the Ren Cen and check out some amazing views of the city

58. Go on a date night, maybe check out one of the many great restaurants downtown {stay up to date this summer with DMB’s Weekend Happenings}


……Summer In Your Neighborhood……

59. Take the kids camping overnight at a local campground explore the great outdoors, spend time in nature, build a campfire, camping tips here

60. Visit the Detroit Zoo in Royal Oak, the Potter Park Zoo in Lansing, the Air Zoo in Kalamazoo or the Toledo Zoo in Ohio

61. Go to an outdoor concert {Our Concerts in Detroit, Free Family and Kids Concert Series or stay up to date this summer with DMB’s Weekend Happenings}kmbDDMBCG_detroitzoo_resize

62. Take advantage of the MAP {Michigan Activity Pass at your local library.  This is a cool program where library users with a valid library card from any one of Michigan’s nearly 400 public libraries can print a pass, either from home or at the library, to one of the 70+ participating cultural institutions that offer complimentary or reduced rate tickets!}

63. Pick our own fruit and veggies and learn how to can them 

64. Visit a local farm {Dominos Petting Farm – Ann Arbor, Kensington Farm Center – Milford, Maybury Farm – Northville}

65. Take local swim lessons

66. Go on play-dates with friends and familyIMG_8986

67. Attend a local fair {stay up to date this summer with DMB’s Weekend Happenings}

68. Go to an outdoor karaoke night or local trivia night

69. Swim in a lake {Huron-Clinton Metroparks}

70. Visit a farmers markets {Guide to Detroit + Metro-Detroit markets here}

71. Watch a local firework display {Guide to Detroit + Metro-Detroit fireworks here}

72. Go to a local splash pad {Guide to Detroit + Metro-Detroit splash pads and pools here}

73. Take a long nature hike {create a scavenger hunt to use!}  {Huron-Clinton Metroparks}

74. Go to a drive-in movie theater {Ford Drive-InDearborn, Summer Drive In at Compuware – Plymouth}

75. Play putt-putt, go go-carting, or batting cages! {Paradise ParkNovi}

76. Attend a local parade {stay up to date this summer with DMB’s Weekend Happenings}

77. Go fishing {Huron-Clinton Metroparks}

78. Visit the library for reading time, book club and other kids activities

79. Visit the new Sea Life Michigan AquariumAuburn Hills

80. Visit the Edsel and Eleanor Ford House – Grosse Pointe Shores

81. Take golf lessons

82. Go on a picnic 

83. Check out your local Home Depot or Lowes for free kids classes

84. Go on a paddle boat or take a boat ride 

85. Visit the University of Michigan Matthaei Botanical Gardens or the University of Michigan Museum of Natural History and Planetarium – Ann Arbor

86. Try a new restaurant {date night reviews here}

87. Visit Sanders Chocolate Factory for a free tour with free chocolate – Clinton Township

88. Visit The Henry Ford and Greenfield Village – Dearborn

89. Visit Crossroads Village + Huckleberry Railroad – Flint

90. Visit the Ann Arbor Hands On MuseumAnn Arbor

91. Walk through the Ann Arbor Street Art Fair Ann Arbor

92. Walk through the Art in the Park – Plymouth

93. Walk through Arts, Beats + EatsRoyal Oak

94. Play baseball or kick the soccer ball together at a local park

95. Build a sandcastle

96. Get creative and paint pottery or paint a masterpiece!  {Bee’s Knee’s – Northville, Creative Arts Studio Royal Oak, The Painted Pot Rochester, Pottery CreationsWyandotte, CreatopiaPlymouth} or {Painting with a Twist – Farmington, Ferndale, Rochester Hills, Ann Arbor, Shelby Township}

97. Attend a family reunion, or make a family tree togetherD Historical Car

98. Go on an early morning picnic {pack up breakfast burritos or stop at your local doughnut joint first}

99. Stop at a local ice cream shop {my local favorite is Guernsey Farms Dairy Northville}

100. Visit Calder Dairy + FarmCarleton

101. Go to the movie theater, attend a play or checkout a local Imax theatre 

102. Go bowling! {here  and here are a Kids Bowl Free lists!}

103. Zip line at Adventure Park – West Bloomfield or burn some energy at Sky Zone trampoline park – Canton


……Summertime In Northern Michigan……

104. Visit northern Michigan and swim in one of the great lakes, we have the largest freshwater coastlines in the U.S.

105. Visit Mackinaw Island and cross the Mackinaw Bridge, ride your bike around the island and don’t forget to try some Mackinaw Fudge

106. Pick your own fruit and veggies and learn how to can them 

107. Visit a Michigan Lighthouse

108. Visit a city in Michigan we have never been to and enjoy their little shops and boutiques {take a road trip, tips here}

109. Take a long nature hike, pack a lunch and create a scavenger hunt to use  {Huron-Clinton Metropark, Northern Michigan Trails, Biking TrailsTraverse Area Recreation Trails}

110. Build a campfire and roast marshmallows {bonus:: make s’mores or banana boats}

111. Go fishing at one of the many lakes in Michigan or try charter fishing on a Great Lake

112. Watch the sunrise on Lake Huron

113. Watch the sunset on Lake Michigan

114. Visit the Soo LocksSault Ste. Marie

115. Go on a paddle boat or take a boat ride IMG_0633

116. Attend the National Cherry Festival – Traverse City

117. Kayak, canoe or tube down the Au Sable, PinePlatte, Crystal, or Boardman Rivers

118. Visit the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore one of the most beautiful lake shores in Michigan

119. Visit an indoor water park, Zehnders Splash VillageFrankenmuthKalahariOhio or Great Wolf Lodge Michigan + Ohio

120. Send the kids to an overnight camp 

121. Take the family camping and explore Michigan’s shore lines

122. Visit the U.P. {visit here for 1,000 things to do in the Upper Peninsula}

123. Visit a Michigan Winery {Both the Leelanau and Old Mission Peninsulas have great wineries}

124. Visit the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore 

125. Golf at one of America’s favorite Golf Courses


I have made a printable version of this list to share with you!!  Hang it on the refrigerator door, share with your family, make your own bucket list, enjoy your summer!!!

DMB Summer Wish List Printable

DMB Summer Wish List Printable




Introducing the DMB’s of Sarah Lubetsky

Hey mamas, I’m Sarah. I’m a working mama and wife with a serious addiction to all things internet. I write about my adventures in life, family, and health on my personal blog at ReadySetSarah.com
{Down with Detroit} 
In the third grade I wrote a report on the Detroit Red Wings, complete with a detailed sketch of a goalie uniform. A strange obsession for a kid in Berkeley, California (born on the east coast and raised in the west)… maybe Jonathan Taylor Thomas had a little to do with it at first, but I was Detroit-curious from a young age.
Detroit feels so American, with the rich  history of music and the industrial history, so much American culture wrapped up in a place. I held on to that fascination with Michigan as I grew up and moved about Northern California. I studied American studies at UC Davis and often came back to my curiosity with what life would be like outside of my familiar bicoastal world. When it came time to apply to graduate school for Public Health, Michigan was still calling my name and I took the leap. Almost 6 years, a degree, a dog, a husband and a baby girl later, I’m so glad I did! 
{My Family and Finding Home}
I met my husband (a Michigander, born and bred in Oakland County) online while in school and started commuting back and forth between Royal Oak and Ann Arbor as we fell in love. I eventually joined him full-time, lucky enough to have found work in Detroit after graduation. We spent 3 wonderful years living in Royal oak as we became husband and wife and parents to a sweet Cockapoo named Brinkley. We loved riding our bikes to Ray’s ice cream on hot summer nights and people watching at the Dream Cruise each summer. 
Working in the city for an infant mortality reduction project, I got to know it more intimately, and grew to love my adopted home for its fierce pride and perseverance. Eventually our road led us back to Ann Arbor where I now work as a content developer for a health-focused technology company (though my incredibly gracious husband still makes the trek each day back to Royal Oak). I love that Metro Detroit is such a great place to raise a family and I’m proud to call it my home. 
{Babies & Beyond}
In February, 2015 we welcomed our first Daughter, ZPL, into the world with great joy, relief, and excitement. We experienced a loss with our first pregnancy in April 2014, and are constantly aware of what a miracle and privilege it is to get to be parents to our little girl. We can’t wait to explore with her and to watch her personality continue to develop. She’s a chill, happy baby, not quick to tears. She’s already driving us wild with pride as she discovers her toes, flirts and smiles. 

Introducing the DMB’s of Meghan Simonie

{Detroit – I love this city!}


Growing up, I always wanted to be this strong, independent career woman that would conquer the world. In order to do that, I thought I would have to move into a bigger city and learn to find a job and meet new people all on my own. When my boyfriend’s (now husband) job moved him out to Phoenix, AZ, I took that as a PERFECT opportunity to start a new adventure. While we loved living in Arizona (I mean, it’s Spring 9 months out of the year), I realized I truly missed home.  It took me moving across the US to realize I was a home body! I LOVE Detroit. My husband and I lived in a condo at the Riverfront Towers for about 4 years and I have been working downtown for almost 4 years as well. All my first dating memories with my husband are in Detroit. I love seeing how vibrant the city is becoming and love the story in my head that thinks someone else is falling in love with their soulmate in the city! I still managed to become that strong, independent, career woman and having the heart of a Detroiter, helped me do it! 

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{My Dream Life}

I have always been a very hard working, driven perfectionist. Once I know what I want, I go after it! At a very young age, I knew I wanted to work in the legal field.  After working very hard through high school and college, I was able to obtain my dream job as an Immigration Paralegal at a large law firm downtown. Along the way I also started hanging out with this guy. I knew very early on that he was THE guy and as I mentioned before, once I know what I want, I go after it.  That guy is now my loving husband and best friend. I had the dream job, the dream guy, the dream life! I couldn’t have asked for anything more… and then I became a mother. It still seems surreal to me that there is another person in this world that calls me ‘mumma’. She flipped my world upside down in the most beautiful way. I knew I wanted to provide so much more for my daughter. Shortly after returning from my maternity leave, I decided to join Rodan + Fields (meghansimonie.myrandf.com). I was really just looking for a little extra ‘me’ money but what I got instead was an incredible amount of residual income that will help me pay off my student loan debt much faster and build my daughter’s college fund much easier! I always find another way to add something else to my plate, but I have found that I like being busy! I don’t know why, but I guess it makes me feel like I have a purpose. I am not just a wife, a mom, a paralegal, a consultant, a friend, a sister, an aunt, a daughter, or a girl.  I am all those things, all the time, and it gives me an immense sense of strength knowing I can take on it all! 

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{More Babies?}

Beginning with our wedding night, my husband and I started receiving the common question of “So, when are you going to start having kids?” Now, don’t get me wrong, I always wanted kids, and being the kind of control freak I am, I also had a plan for when we would have them. In 2012 I completed my first half marathon. I was so worried about getting pregnant prior to completing my half marathon that I was very strict about staying on my birth control. Shortly after completing the half marathon, I was ready to start trying to get pregnant. I stopped taking the pill and thought I would be pregnant within a month. Well, they don’t tell you about this full little side effect of taking the pill for an extended period of time called amenorrhea. So, every month when I didn’t get my period, I took a pregnancy test. Each time, the test was negative, but still no period. After seeking help from an OB/GYN, I was on medication to regulate  my cycle. It was that next month that I took a pregnancy test that was positive! After having my daughter, I felt so incredibly blessed to have her in my life. She was this person that was so familiar to me, but yet I just met her.

We started getting questions now that consist of “so when are you gonna give her a sibling?” She is now just about 1 1/2 years old and we are ready to give her a brother or sister. I knew the plan all along. Well, that condition I had before, it was diagnosed incorrectly.  I found out just a couple months ago I have PCOS. It’s not a complete no on more babies, it is just going to be a little harder. I just have to stay positive and know that there are so many women out there that struggle to get pregnant at all that have PCOS. I am lucky enough to have succeeded in getting pregnant once. I am thankful everyday that I was able to become a mom. 

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My Two Year Old Watches TV

Author’s note: This isn’t an attempt to convince anyone that watching TV is a fantastic use of time (for anyone!). Rather, I’m just trying to share that allowing a limited amount of TV hasn’t completely ruined our son’s speech or imagination, and hopefully this eases the guilt that some parents feel about their children’s limited TV consumption.


As a new parent, one thing that really stuck out to me was the AAP’s recommendation that kids under two not have any screen time, and that after that, it should top out at two hours. Seems pretty reasonable, and I absolutely completely agree that television shouldn’t play a big role (if any) in the life of a baby. “Back in the day,” I may have even envisioned a screen free household for a short time, lest my precious developing son catch more than a minute of Ellen and stunt his speech completely.

Fast forward a few years and while it hasn’t taken over our home, I’ve definitely come around to the idea that we can welcome a few shows into our house without any major negative side effects. There are even a few kids shows I actually LIKE.

I know many parents let their younger kids watch TV but have some guilt or bad feelings about this, or even try to keep it a secret (which doesn’t usually bode well, kids have big mouths!). I can’t pretend I have any research to back me up (except my own personal case study as a kid who LOVED TV and by most accounts, is doing okay), but I’ll share a bit about why I think it’s alright to allow a little screen time at home with older toddlers, and some loose guidelines our family uses.

Holler if you ever had a TV with an antennae and had to turn the knobs growing up!
Holler if you ever had a TV with an antennae and had to turn the knobs growing up!

{Why we allow TV}

  • It gives a new dimension to some of my son’s interest, or helps him find new ones. I won’t argue that watching Chuggington or the Cars movie is a better experience than playing trains and cars first hand, but my son loves to see how the characters in these shows/movies interact, what kind of “jobs” they do, and learn a bit more about them. I’ve certainly learned a lot about different trains, cars, trucks, dinosaurs, etc. that I wouldn’t know about (YES I KNOW BOOKS EXIST), and that we have reinforced when playing with Oliver. I don’t think most kids shows are really educational, but they have been a huge springboard for some of his imaginative play.
  • It gives us a quick break in a pinch. I don’t like to use TV as a baby-sitter, but on rare occasion, I’ll need to get ready/answer an urgent work email/check Facebook/whatever, and in that exact moment, nothing else will keep my son’s interest. Like I said, it’s rare, but mama’s gotta make some money, and if it means the occasional Super Why, I’m down with it.
  • It can be good snuggle time! It’s hard to find anything that will get my busy two year old to stop and sit down for a few minutes. We read lots of books, but I’ve found that he’s particularly cuddly during TV time, and totally use it to my advantage when I can.
  • TV or movies make for much more pleasant long car rides. No pinterest “TV free car activity pack!” has helped us survive trips to my in-laws more than our iPad loaded up with a movie or show.


{Guidelines we follow}

I should say that this is the first I’ve written these down, and I didn’t put much thought into them, to me they just make sense.

  • We aim for 40 minutes or less (2 twenty minute shows) in a day. Your “magic number” may be higher or lower, but I think that the AAP’s two hour recommendation seems like more than enough, at least for my two year old. Often on weekdays it’s one show in the morning, and one in the evening, with lots of active playtime the rest of the day. The evening show seems to happen less and less as the weather improves. Sometimes days go by and we haven’t watched a single show, other days we might top out at an hour of television time. I get a little anxious on those days, but I feel like as long as it’s the exception and not the norm, it isn’t something to stress about.
  • No commercials. Truthfully, this is just because we don’t have cable, so the only TV exposure Oliver gets is from Netflix, but I’m pretty thankful for it, because we are all blissfully unaware of the latest and greatest toy sensations.
  • No obnoxious shows. I thought of this a little late, and then course corrected, so we missed the boat on a few (Thomas drives me nuts, and I’m not a huge fan of Lightning McQueen, who is unfortunately, a hero in our house), but we’ve mostly been able to phase out obnoxious shows without any notice. My son’s favorite show is Chuggington, and I actually think it’s adorable. Luckily, we’ve been able to avoid the dreaded Caillou as a result.
  • Keep it age appropriate. I’m a big believer that kids grow up too fast, and that it can be hard to stop an active imagination from wandering into scary territory. We stay away from anything scary or violent, and stick to shows designed with little kids in mind. This means that for now, we catch our news online.
  • Think about the main messages, character traits, diversity, etc. displayed in the show. One of the reasons I’m a big fan of Chuggington is because one of the main train characters (and my son’s favorite!) is a girl, and their mayor is a black woman. I also like that the characters make mistakes sometimes, but learn a lesson about kindness, trying their best, or listening to adults.

One tool that I’ve found helpful is commonsensemedia.org. You can use this to evaluate TV shows, movies, books, and more to help determine if a show is something you want your child exposed to. Of course, nothing is better than your own involvement in picking a show, but I think it does a nice job explaining age appropriateness and value (or lack of) in certain shows. Here’s an example review of a popular show, Super Why:

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I hope that this is useful…or at least helps you know you’re in good company if your child loves Barney, or knows every word to the Sesame Street theme song! 


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