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Do I really have to let go?

A good friend of mine just posted an article that is called “A letter to my future daughters-in-law”, written by a mom who has three boys. Having two boys myself, I had to read it. This mom and author did such a great job writing this. The article is a lot longer but here is a little excerpt.

“There will come a day that this sticky, messy, silly little boy will be yours. He will always be mine, but you will take my place in many ways.
Someday your hand will replace mine. Your eyes will be his peace and your heart will be his home.

It’ll be you he kisses goodnight.

It’ll be you he shares his dreams with.

It’ll be you who comforts him when he is scared.

It’ll be you who holds his heart. The same heart that beats against my chest as I hold him each night.

Someday, darling, that will be you.”

As she goes on she writes about how she is excited to finally have a daughter one day and that she will try her best to make her boys the best husbands possible….super sweet.

As I read that specific part though, I just started to cry at my desk (at work). Good thing no one saw it…embarrassing. But the reason might not be the obvious one…This mom is all excited to welcome a daughter into her family…I am not at all!! Reading this made me realize that there will be THAT DAY where both of my boys will find someone who they will fall in love with. Who they will tell all about their day. Who they will get a hug from when they have a bad day…Someone who will get to spend more time with than their mom (ME).

Just writing this makes me cry again.


Am I selfish for thinking like this? Shouldn’t I be happy and excited for them when the day comes and they find THAT special person in their lives? Why do I feel like I just want to hug them really tight, put a big rope around us and never let them go? Well, I know why, I don’t want them to replace me. I always want to be the first person on their mind when something happens…not the second or third!

I am very fortunate to have one of the best mother in-laws in the world. I truly do. She accepted me into their family without asking questions…not even when my husband said he is marrying a girl from another country after just knowing her for a couple of months. She somehow trusted his decision. I never asked her what she thought of it…was she concerned for him? Was he doing the right thing?

Thinking 20 years ahead, I am not sure I can say that I will be as ok with it as she was. Right now my little guys are 1 and 3 and require a lot of mommy’s help. By then, they should be more independent and have hopefully learned to make good choices and decisions… I hope. 🙂

I pray that I can be a good mother in-law to the person my sons chose. I will try my best, that is a promise but I know I will not be able to just let go of my little boys. I know…in my heart they will always be my little boys. I need to learn that I will have to share them, but letting go of their hands…I don’t think I can.

Am I the only one with that fear or do you feel the same way?

Birth of Vivian Claire

{A Birth Story}

The Birth of Vivian Claire

Vivian Claire is our second born, and wow we do love her so. With my first pregnancy it was pretty easy, (although I did have the joy of getting gestational diabetes) I delivered right at 40 weeks. My labor was ten hours, and only pushed for 15 minutes. So, when we received the news of our second pregnancy, I was so excited. This was going to be a breeze!

My due date was in September.  I like to stay very active in Spring and much into Summertime. I love to run, so I did up until about seven months. I had a routine doctors visit at about 35 weeks. I was feeling a lot of braxton hicks, or so I thought.

My doctor seemed pretty concerned and sent me right to the hospital. This is when it all changed. I was contracting so much, I had to stay over night to be monitored. This little girl inside of me was letting me know, something is up!

I was in preterm labor. With enough meds, the contractions slowed and I was sent home to be on bed rest. Now, I know many babies are born early and do just fine. But, this was my first experience and I was so scared. After being in a lot of pain and the contractions were not really going away, I was back in ER on the third day of bed rest.

I told my husband I knew that this was it, I was in labor! My water broke after only about 10 minutes of being in triage. I was so scared for my little baby, she was coming, but I knew she needed more time to grow. The neonatal team came in to give us the facts of what we could or couldn’t expect. I was just short of 36 weeks gestation. So her lungs could be okay, or they could be not so good. Only a couple hours later I was dilated to a four, I told my husband, this is it, she’ll be here so soon! And that is when it all changed, or I should say DIDN’T change!

We hit a stall point! Little Miss Vivian was laboring in my back. Multiple professionals could not figure out the problem. We tried every laboring position, two rounds of pitocin and nothing, absolutely nothing happened. By this time I was begging for a c-section. We were at hour 30, and I was done! Vivian’s heart rate still looked okay so we just kept waiting. The last doctor to come, said something just isn’t right. It ended up not all of my sac and fluid came out. It had slipped in front of Vivian and therefore not letting her come all the way down.

Once that issue was resolved, she quickly came 15 minutes later! What a long 31 hours that was! Vivian had a risk of infection and her sugar was very low. So low that we almost lost her! She was quickly sent to the neonatal unit. Our small 5lb 4oz baby was soo tiny, and we were so scared for her. She was a little fighter, she only ended up staying for four days. We were so happy and thankful to bring her home.

Now, she is a spunky and oh so silly 18 month old. Vivian Claire wanted to make a statement for her grand appearance, and she did just that. She just didn’t want to make it easy for her mama and daddy like her big sis did.

Weekend Happenings (April 17-19)

Weekend Happenings{In+Around Detroit} april 16-19


Hello Detroit mamas!  Are you ready for it to feel like spring again?!  We are all hoping for the sun and warm weather to take over Detroit!  We are bringing you a list of fun things to do In + Around Detroit this fabulous weekend.  Enjoy!!

“Starting With Us” at The Matrix Theatre

{Date + Time}
April 17, 2015 at 8 p.m.

$12/adults, $8/students

Matrix Theatre, 2730 Bagley St.



Detroiters Paint Detroit: 1930’s

{Date + Time}
April 17, 2015 at 12:45 p.m.


Detroit Historical Museum, 5401 Woodward Ave.



98.7AMP Radio’s “Gown Town” Prom Dress Giveaway

{Date + Time}
April 17, 2015 from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.


Oakland Mall, 412 W. 14 Mile Rd. 



Island of Lemurs 3D (Henry Ford IMAX)

{Date + Time}
April 17, 2015 at 10 a.m.


Henry Ford IMAX, 20900 Oakwood Blvd. 



CAP Youth Theatre Presents: Shrek The Musical Jr.

{Date + Time}
April 17, 2015 at 7 p.m.


Washington Street Education Ctr., 500 Washington St.



The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe

{Date + Time}
April 17, 2015 at 7 p.m.

$10 adults, $5 students 

Riverside Arts Center Theatre, 76 N. Huron St. 



Mother Goose Storytime at the Library

{Date + Time}
April 17, 2015 at 10:45 a.m.

Free (6 – 23 month olds)

Dearborn Public Library, 16301 Michigan Ave.



Sing and Tell Storytime for Toddlers 

{Date + Time}
April 17, 2015  at 10 a.m. & 11 a.m.

Free (registration required)

Birmingham Library (Baldwin Branch) 300 W. Merrill St.



Singing Princesses (Oakland Mall)

{Date + Time}
April 17, 2015 at 4 p.m., 5 p.m., 6 p.m., and 7 p.m.


Corner of I-75 & 14 Mile Rd.



Preschool Storytime (Faust Public Library)

{Date + Time}
April 17, 2015 at 10 a.m.


6123 Central City Pkwy.



Beauty and The Beast Jr. Presented by All the World’s A Stage

{Date + Time}
April 18, 2015 at 4 p.m.

$12 in advance, $15 at the door

Macomb Center for Performing Arts, 44575 Garfield Rd.

Clinton Township


Children’s Museum Open to the Public

{Date + Time}
April 18, 2015 from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.


6134 Second Ave.



Brick Bash at Skyline High School

{Date + Time}
April 18, 2015 from 11 a.m. – 6 p.m.

$5 per person, $20 per family, free parking

2552 N. Maple Rd.

Ann Arbor


Harlem Globetrotters at The Palace of Auburn Hills

{Date + Time}
April 18, 2015 

Doors open at 6 p.m., game begins at 7 p.m.

Tickets from $18-$42.50

6 Championship Dr.

Auburn Hills


The Grocery Game (Faust Public Library)

{Date + Time}
April 18, 2015 at 2 p.m.

Free, registration required

Westland Public Library (Faust Branch) 6123 Central City Pkwy.



Drop-in Crafts: Spring Sun Catchers

{Date + Time}
April 18, 2015 at 9 a.m.

Free (registration required)

Warren Library (Miller Branch) 5460 Arden St. Suite 303



Spectacular Saturday: Money Smart Kids Read!

{Date + Time}
April 18, 2015 at 2 p.m.

Free (registration required)

Warren Public Library-Civic Ctr., One City Square Suite 100



Spring Book Sale

{Date + Time}
April 18, 2015 from 9am-5pm


Blair Memorial Library, 416 N. Main St.



Relax with Teen Spa Day

{Date + Time}
April 18, 2015 at 2 p.m.

Free (registration required)

Sterling Heights Public Library, 40255 Dodge Park Rd.

Sterling Heights


Money Smart Week Craft Center: Show Me the Money

{Date + Time}
April 18, 2015 from 9:30am-5:30pm


Birmingham Library (Baldwin Branch) 300 W. Merrill St.



Family Story Time: Money Fun

{Date + Time}
April 18, 2015 from 10:30-11:30am


Birmingham Library (Baldwin Branch) 300 W. Merrill St.



Reading with The Fur Angels

{Date + Time}
April 18, 2015 @ 10am


Leanna Hicks Public Library, 2005 Inkster Rd.



Greek Independence Day Parade in {Greektown}

{Date + Time}
April 19, 2015 @ 3pm


500 Block of Monroe St.



Visit the River Rouge Historical Museum

{Date + Time}
April 19, 2015 from 12-4pm


10750 W. Jefferson Ave.

River Rouge


Mom-Owned Business, NeatCheeks, Meets Some Sharks + A #SharkSmile Twitter Party


We’re thrilled to announce that our network,  City Moms Blog Network will be partnering with the mom owned business NeatCheeks to help support their upcoming feature on the wildly popular ABC Show, Shark Tank, next Friday, April 17th with a #SharkSmile Twitter Party immediately following at 9PM MST / 10PM CST.

During this hour long #SharkSmile Twitter Party, we will be giving away a ONE YEAR SUPPLY of NeatCheeks to a lucky winner, learning more about this mom-based company and their products as well as tweeting with a celebrity guest, who will be making a special appearance!

Register now and join us on Friday, April 17th at 9PM MST / 10PM CST on Twitter using the hashtag #SharkSmile to help support this fantastic mom-owned business and “tweet” with a surprise celebrity!


CMBN Virtual Viewing Party-2

NeatCheeks was created by two moms, who were struggling to wipe their little ones face after meal times due to yucky tasting wipes. As moms, they understand the importance of a product that keeps kids happy, while offering parents a safe, natural alternative that they can feel good about using. NeatCheeks owners, Danielle and Julia feel there is nothing better than a child’s smile! They strive to bring happiness to clean up. NeatCheeks has a sweet flavor that kids like, but leave a smile on their face that they LOVE!

Learn more about NeatCheeks by visiting their website or following them on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Also be sure to tag them using #WipeOnASmile!


The Struggles of Motherhood

life as a mom 1

I struggle. I struggle often. More often than I’d like.

Do you struggle too?

I really feel that we all struggle in one way or another.  It’s a part of learning. And I know I have to constantly learn to be able to grow as a mom.

As a mom I also know I don’t have to have all the answers.  I also know I want the answers so I will seek them out in some way. Probably most likely learning from my own mistakes. (And yes, I may make the same mistake a hundred times before I learn!)

Struggle and learning from my own mistakes really does feel like it’s the best way for me to grow. I’m stubborn after all, I’m rebellious and I believe there are many solutions to ANY question/answer and I’m going to find one that best suits me and my family.  Not yours.

I put so many expectations on myself too. I have worked from the time I could get a paper route and a babysitting job. I’ve always been able to provide for myself. Two years ago when I was laid off from my job as an interior designer my life took on a whole new adventure.

I’m happy to say it was one that I really wanted, to stay home with my kids and build a life around home. And it was no surprise when I decided to take on one of the BIGGEST jobs I’ve ever been offered, to homeschool my kids. However the no surprise isn’t because I always knew I wanted to homeschool. Rather when the questions started to arise when we started to think about what we wanted to do about school, I knew the answer and my husband agreed.

This lifestyle I chose is not perfect, and it’s certainly not easy. And I am certainly not providing for my family the way I was when we started as a family. But I’m often exhilarated on every level of my life. Even though I struggle often.

Life is hard, and it’s full of demands. From yourself, from others, even from the environment. We go from worrying about bills, to cutting out expenses, to keeping track of everything coming in and going out. And we manage a home and a family, we worry about if our children are eating enough, sleeping enough, socializing enough? We are raising our children to be like us who dream and desire and seek. We may even be taking care of others in our families who may need the extra help.  Our goal is to be a good example to our children and we take on responsibilities in our own communities by helping others, making friends, and participating in making the world a better place. The list of demands and worry is HUGE, it’s often emotionally heavy and even draining.

Our heads, our hearts and our hands are constantly full.

It’s no wonder we struggle.

But it’s for a good reason. We struggle so we can learn from our mistakes and keep moving, keep doing and keep being the mom we are meant to be for our children. The mom we all seek to be.

life as a mom 2

Something I’ve learned… Don’t give up, even when you struggle. Life is beautiful and joyful when you seek beauty and joy. Learn to let go of the things you can’t control. When you learn to let go and be happy your struggles will one day become your strengths.

Oh, and another lesson learned, remember to stop judging others from the outside because we truly are all struggling in one way or another inside.  Compassion is a much better route to take, we all know jealousy will only hurt us in the end. 


The {Scary} Truth About Having Another Baby

When you find out you are expecting for the second time around, we all experience the same normal emotions- excitement, shock… but there’s one emotion that almost all second-time moms feel, but don’t often talk about: fear.

For your first baby’s entire life, they have been your entire world. You never knew you could love someone as much as you love them. They have been the sole receiver of every ounce of your attention. And while giving them a sibling is exciting, it’s also scary. Will they feel left out when you are tending to the new baby? Will they feel replaced? Jealous? Can you even love another baby as much as you love your first?!

We don’t always talk about it. Because in our social media world filled with happy statuses and your best photos, we are only supposed to talk about the good, perfect stuff. Not the vulnerable, scary stuff. But, those feelings are normal, too.

I felt them when I found out I was pregnant again. My first pregnancy was hard. I was on bed rest the entire time, my twins were born super prematurely, and they had a long NICU battle after their birth. From the moment I saw them, they became everything. They were the loves of my life. I feared I couldn’t possibly love any other child like I did them. I feared I couldn’t give them the same attention I always have.

The truth is, after twins, adding a third really wasn’t difficult. But still, my big girls don’t get the same attention. They now have a baby sister that shares my love. But they haven’t lost anything.

They are the most wonderful, loving big sisters I could have ever imagined. Watching how much they care for, and help with, their baby makes me love them even more. And it turns out, I do have enough love to share. I love this baby just as much as I love her sisters. You will, too. You get to experience the same falling in love feeling all over again. You get to watch your first baby grow up over night and become a big brother/sister. You’ll watch in amazement as you see their sibling bond form. You’ll share your attention with everyone. Because after all, you’re Mom. Moms are made to love their babies, to rock them to sleep, to scratch their backs, to console them, to nurse them, to hold their hands… Whether there are ten little fingers or twenty. You aren’t taking anything away by adding to your family, you are giving a gift. A gift of life, of family, of friendship, of sister/brotherhood. You are Mom. So take a deep breath. Smile. And enjoy the experience the second time around. Your heart is about to double, more than you ever thought it could.

The THREE loves of my life!
Photos by JVL Photography.


Helping Dad Ease Into His New Role

Hi! It’s Erin here – I’ve been on a little “break” (HAHAHAHA), as we welcomed my daughter Julia into the world late January. It’s taken me dozens of three minute trips to the computer to slowly work with my husband on a post that would normally take an hour or two, so it might take me a bit to get back into the swing of things, but I’m excited to start getting back into the groove!

Watch any sitcom and you’ll see him – a caricature of a bumbling dad, wrapping his baby in paper towel because he doesn’t know how to change a diaper (remember that classic Full House episode?). The “dumb dad” you see in ads and on TV has come under heat from real life dads in recent years as they assert themselves as the competent caregivers they are. While I love a good “slacker parent” joke, I think it’s important that kids see both parents as intelligent, capable authority figures, and not default to mom as the only parent who is able to help or nurture them. Even at a young age, the bond between baby and dad is an important one, and I believe in encouraging and empowering dads to recognize the important role they have in their child’s life. It’s a bit ironic that I’m getting around to posting at this specific time, because my two month old daughter Julia is definitely far preferring mom to dad these days, but I know that as she grows, she’ll also build a strong relationship with her awesome dad.

Since I have zero experience as “Dad,” I thought I’d turn things over to my own husband and ask him what helped him most as he was preparing to be a dad the first time around. So please welcome my awesome husband Nick to DMB for his first (and hopefully not last!) guest post! Soon, you too can be holding a baby AND eating a Jimmy John’s sub at the SAME TIME.

This having a baby stuff is a breeze.
This having a baby stuff is a breeze.

Nothing I write here can prepare you for the ups and downs of being a new dad, but I can definitely share what worked well for me. I remember when we first found out that Erin was pregnant – it was an awesome feeling. The first few months of the pregnancy went by quickly, then it seemed like there were a million things to do to get ready. You can’t prepare for everything, but having a better handle on a few things helped make the transition into parenthood easier than it would’ve been otherwise. Having a newborn is crazy, but I’ve listed a few things that helped me out below:

  1. Read a book about parenting, maybe even one that is aimed specifically at dads:

During her pregnancy, and the newborn days, Erin was constantly reading and researching breastfeeding, nursing decor, pregnancy, newborn care, etc. This was helpful as she knew  a lot about what to expect and what, if anything, should concern us. Reading about having a baby seemed overwhelming, and frankly, just not something I was as into. However, I did read “The New Dad’s Survival Guide” which is written by an actual, real-life dad (not someone who has their PhD in parenthood, but no kids to speak of). He had a great way of telling you what to expect while keeping things light hearted, and used funny acronyms throughout the book. My favorite was “BCF” or “Be Cool, Fool,” which he used when helping prep us soon to be dads for crazy situations. I’ve since bought the book for a couple other new dads and I think they got a kick out of it, too.

  1. Become the expert on something baby related:

I love to learn and master a subject, and when it came to cloth diapering and baby wearing, my wife was happy to let me lead. It might sounds nuts, but it was interesting to me to learn about all the different kinds of diapers available and the pros and cons of each. After all my research, I was able to make most of the decisions about cloth diapering, as well as baby “wearing” and the kinds of carriers we used (which was invaluable with a fussy baby who liked to be held a lot!). Erin was happy to have these decisions off her plate, and it was nice to find a few areas where I was able to take the lead.

  1. Talk to friends and family w babies or older kids:

Women do an awesome job connecting with other moms. They have online support groups, play groups, moms night out, mom and baby classes, etc. Men, not so much. But, even if we aren’t formally organizing, it’s helpful to at least talk about parenting experiences with a friend with kids, even if it’s just to vent or know that your kid isn’t the only one who turns into a wildman at bedtime, or throws his food to the dog. I work with a lot of young and veteran parents, and also have some buddies with kids, and it’s fun to swap war stories, and hear what works well for them in different situations. It’s good to feel you’re not alone on this wild journey, and also helps you have perspective and realize that while not each moment of parenting is fun, much of the struggles you face are totally normal, and phases that will pass in time.

  1. Attend classes before birth:

I thought it was really helpful to attend classes at the local hospital with my wife. We took classes on breastfeeding (and there were plenty of men there, so don’t let that scare you!), infant care, and childbirth. I’ve always been good with kids once they are old enough to run around, but I had no idea what to do with them until they hit that stage, so these were good for me since I’d never been around newborns. The breastfeeding class was nice as it helped me have a better understanding of the importance of certain aspects of breastfeeding, and also demonstrated how dads can be involved and supportive. The infant care class covered everything from changing a diaper, to bathing and feeding. And thank goodness we attended the child birth class – I had no idea how horrifying newborns looked right as they are born, and would have been totally freaked out if I had seen my son covered in that weird goop without first taking the class!

Despite the lack of sleep, babies are still pretty cool.
Despite the lack of sleep, babies are still pretty cool.


These are just a few ideas to get you started on your journey to parenthood. While nothing can completely prepare you for the wild ride ahead, going into this new stage with at least a little background knowledge can help put your mind at ease a bit so you can focus on the fun stuff rather than worrying too much. Good luck, and have fun!



Introducing the DMBs of Lindsay MacDougall

Hello, my fellow Detroit Mamas!

{Down with Detroit}

Lindsay MacDougallMy name is Lindsay MacDougall and I am SO excited to be apart of the DMB team! I’m married, to my hard working and loving hubby Chase, and together we have 3 daughters! (Yes, he knows he’s outnumbered and that he’s in for it when they’re all in high school together.) Our twins, Molly and Madelynn, just turned 5 years old. And they are the BEST big sisters to their baby, Emme. Chase and I both grew up in Novi. We bought our first home together in downtown Plymouth and recently moved to South Lyon (two years ago) where we built our newest home. We really love the growing community here! Needless to say, we’re born and raised Metro-Detroiter’s… with plans to be here for life!


{My Life}

A month into graduate school was when I found out I was expecting twins! That was one of the biggest shocks (and blessings) of my life! Luckily, even through bed rest and a very scary pregnancy, I was able to graduate from EMU and earned my masters degree in Communication, only to immediately become a stay at home momma. For the past 5 years, I’ve been home with my girls and wouldn’t change it for the world. A year or two after becoming a mom, is when I really realized my passion for health and fitness. 

 There was a moment, when I sat on the beach with my girls in a t-shirt, that I decided I was sick of hiding my leftover mummy tummy and being ashamed of my stretch marks. I started my journey back to health and fitness and shared it all on www.TonedAfterTwins.com. Over the past year, it has grown into an awesome community of strong, motivational, and inspiring women. It’s been an honor to share my journey there, and help others start their own journeys into nutrition and fitness, too!



{Babies + Beyond}

Our twins (who I NEVER refer to as “the twins”) are identical genetically, but really couldn’t be more opposite. Maddy loves everything pink and sparkly. She is very particular about her hairstyle for the day, and if I ever find my make up all over the bathroom counter, I certainly know who to blame. Molly has her girly moments… but she is a self-proclaimed “tom-boy”… and proud of it. She’s currently walking around with some kind of crayfish claw in her coat pocket (disgusting, I know… but she found it on the beach the other day and it’s now her “lucky charm”) and loves skateboarding and her drum set. Despite their differences in preferences, they’re bond is indescribable and they really are the best of friends. Their perfect day would involve staying in PJs all day, playing Barbies for hours, and a lot of food. It wasn’t always fun and games, though. They were 31-week preemies who had a very rough road in the NICU. At 2 and 3 lbs, they went through a lot: ventilators, surgeries, months in the hospital… But, besides a few scars, you’d never know it today! This past August, we also welcomed Emme to our family. She is the HAPPIEST baby and is literally always smiling. We all just love her to pieces! 

Our Family of 5!
Our Family of 5!


I’m SO excited to be able to share some of my journey here, too… as a wife, twin mom, blogger, and health and fitness enthusiast! Got a question for me? My life is an open book! Email me anytime at [email protected]. 🙂



Join Us :: City Moms Blog Network 2nd Annual #CMBNFavThings2015 Twitter Party!

Awesome Brands.

Loads of Giveaways.

Lots of chit-chat.

Do we have your attention yet?!

You’re invited to join City Moms Blog Network and our 35+ Sister Sites for our 2nd Annual Favorite Things Twitter party where we’ll chat about some amazing products other moms are loving! After hearing about each of the products, we’re sure you will want to take them all home. That’s why we’re giving away lots of products to a number of lucky winners throughout the party!  This year Our National Team has brought you over $3000 in giveaways! Pretty exciting right?!  That’s probably why last year CMBN was trending on Twitter {kind of a big deal!} and we hope that some Detroit moms will take some of these great gifts home this year!  

Here are the details for
April 9th @ 9pm CST / 10pm EST



Never heard of a Twitter Party before?!  Don’t worry we are here to help!  
{Don’t forget to register HERE!}


A Twitter Party Guide for Beginners:

  • Sign up for a FREE Twitter Account. If you don’t have one already, go to Twitter and get a free account. Click the yellow “Sign Up” button found on the right side of your screen. Twitter will then take you through the process of creating a new account. (To join a Twitter party or chat, you must NOT make your account protected/private, but rather accessible to everyone.)

  • Familiarize yourself with Twitter. Follow some of your friends or people/organizations you are interested in (Start by following @CityMomsBlog!). Send a few tweets, see how your timeline updates with new posts once you start to follow others.

  • Follow the Party Host : @CityMomsBlog

  • Follow the Party Hashtag : #CMBNFavThings2015. The hashtag is the key to this party. Think of it as a keyword (or phrase). Without it, this Twitter party won’t work. Each attendee must include #CMBNFavThings2015 in each tweet sent in order to be “seen” and included in the party. Without it, your tweet is just a tweet and won’t be recognized as being part of the Twitter party. You might also consider using TweetChat to focus just on the conversation happening around our party.  To make it easy, TweetChat will automatically add the #CMBNFavThings2015 party hashtag for you. Otherwise, you can search for the hashtag through the Twitter search feature, but this will require refreshing your browser to see the most recent tweets that use that hashtag.

  • Have Fun! Don’t worry about trying to view every tweet. Just sit back, say what’s on your mind, explore the brands being discussed and have fun!

  • How to Win. Throughout the hour long party, we’ll be devoting 2-3 minutes to each participating brand.  During that portion of the party, we encourage all attendees to tag the specific brand we’re highlighting and tell us what you think about their products, if you’re familiar with them or not. Anyone that engages in conversation by tagging the sponsor and using our event hashtag, will be automatically entered for your chance to win that specific brand giveaway.

<<<<Register HERE now!!!>>>>


For a full list of City Moms Blog Networks 2015 Favorite Things follow this link #CMBNFavThings 

Here are a few of our partnering brands to peak your interest :: Lucy Darling | Estilo Cards | Fresh Wave | Lily Jade | R. Riveter | I SEE ME | Pandora Jewelry | Pacific Play Tents | Little Pnuts | BabyBjörn | MPIX | Capri Blue | momAgenda | Crane | Lisa Leonard | Mountain Buggy | Silpat | Bébé au Lait | Re-Play | Potato Feet | The Little Gym | Mommy Mailbox | NeatCheeks | Maui Jim | Bitybean | Lands’ End | Origami Owl


<<<<Good Luck Detroit Moms>>>>

Please share with us here at Detroit Moms Blog if you are one of the lucky winners
we would LOVE to hear from you!!!


Weekend Happenings {April 10th-12th}

Weekend Happenings{In+Around Detroit} april 10-12


Make Way for Spring at Matthew Botanical Gardens

{Date + Time}
April 10, 2014 from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.

$8/per child (includes materials and activities)

Matthaei Botanical Gardens, 1800 N. Dixboro Road

Ann Arbor


  Crayon Rubbings at the {Detroit Institute of Arts}

{Date + Time}
April 10, 2015 from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Free/Macomb, Oakland and Wayne County residents
$8/adults, $4/ages 6 – 17 – non-residents

Detroit Institute of Arts, 5200 Woodward Ave.


Blast-Off with Astronomy at the {Cranbrook Institute of Science}

{Date + Time}
April 6 – 10, 2015 from 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Free with admission: $13/adults, $9.50/ages 2 -12

Cranbrook Institute of Science, 39221 Woodward Ave.

Bloomfield Hills


Fun Friday Night at U-M Museum of Natural History

{Date + Time}
April 10, 2015 from 5 p.m. – 8 p.m.

Free/general, $3/planetarium show

U-M Museum of Natural History, 1109 Geddes Ave.

Ann Arbor

101 People, Places and Things that Made Michigan

{Date + Time}
April 8, 2015 to May 9, 2015
Wednesday – Saturday from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Sunday from 1 – 4 p.m.


Lorenzo Cultural Center, 44575 Garfield Road

Clinton Township

Spring Break Camp at the {Michigan Science Center}

{Date + Time}
April 6 – 10, 2015 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

$45/one day 
Call 313.577.8400 to register ASAP

Michigan Science Center, 5020 John R St



Family Days: Mummies at the {Kelsey Museum of Archaeology}

{Date + Time}
April 11, 2015 from 1 p.m. – 3 p.m.

Free (donations appreicated)

500 S. State St.

Ann Arbor


Recycling Facility Open House at {Ann Arbor’s Materials Recovery}

{Date + Time}
April 11, 2015 from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.


4150 Platt Road

Ann Arbor

Mother and Daughter Tea at the {Detroit Golf Club}

{Date + Time}
April 11, 2015 at 12 p.m.

$37/per adult, $26/ages 2 – 15, free/under 2

Detroit Golf Club, 17911 Hamilton Road



Bats in the Library at the {Fraser Public Library}

{Date + Time}
April 11, 2015 from 1 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.


Fraser Public Library, 16330 E. 14 Mile Road



The Creature Conservancy {Kangaroos for April}

{Date + Time}
April 11, 2015 from 1 p.m. – 5 p.m.

$6/ages 13+, $4/2-12, free/under 2

The Creature Conservancy, 4940 Ann Arbor-Saline Road

Ann Arbor


Art X Detroit 2015 in {Midtown Detroit}

{Date + Time}
April 9 – 12, 2015 {check event times here)


Locations (20 venues) vary throughout Midtown



Great Lakes Art Fair at {Suburban Collection Showplace}

{Date + Time}
April 9 -12, 2015 
Friday from 1 – 8 p.m.
Saturday from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Sunday from 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.

$7/adults, free/12 and under
Pay for parking

46100 Grand River Ave.



Blockbuster Free Film Series {Dearborn Library}

{Date + Time}
Mondays at 7 p.m. (April – May) 


Henry Ford Centennial  Library, 16301 Michigan Ave.



Book Swap for Children and Teens

 {Date + Time}
Friday April 10,  9:30am 


Henry Ford Centennial Library, 16301 Michigan Ave.



Game Day 

{Date + Time}
April 10, 2pm 


Henry Ford Centennial Library, 16301 Michigan Ave.



 Shell Eco-marathon Mileage Challenge Family Fun Day

{Date + Time}
April 10, 11, 12 9am-6pm 


 Cobo Hall



 Ford Free Second Sundays

{Date + Time}
April 12, 1-5pm 


 Charles Wright Museum of African American History
315 E. Warren Ave.


Conversations in Color: Youth Poetry Workshop 

{Date + Time}
April 11, noon-1:30pm 

Free with museum admission 

Charles Wright Museum of African American History



 Ferndale Game Day

{Date + Time}
April 11, 1-5pm 


The Rust Belt Market, 22801 Woodward Ave.



Family Gaming Day 

{Date + Time}
April 11, 10:30am 


Sterling Heights Public Library, 40255 Dodge Park Rd.

Sterling Heights

Lego Time! 

{Date + Time}
April 9, 2:30-3:30 


Rochester Hills Public Library, 500 Olde Towne Rd.


Pokemon Hangout at the Library 

{Date + Time}
 April 11, 2pm-4pm


Auburn Hills Public Library, 3400 E. Seyburn Dr.

Auburn Hills


Story Time Dance Party

{Date + Time}
April 9, 10:30-11:30 


 Farmington Public Library, 32737 12 Mile Rd.

Farmington Hills


Giant Water Tube Slide

{Date + Time}
April 10, 1-9pm 

 Call 734-466-2900 for price of admission

Livonia Community Recreational Center, 15100 Hubbard St.



Michigan Pinball Expo at {Oakland University} 

{Date + Time}
April 9 – 12, 2015 
Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 9 a.m. – 11 p.m. 
Sunday from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

$20/age 16+ day pass, $15/kids day pass, free/under 4

Oakland University, 22000 N Squirrel Road



Book Sale at the {Southfield Public Library}

{Date + Time}
April 11, 2015 from 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Free except the books you purchase (cash only)

Southfield Public Library, 26300 Evergreen Road


Spring Star Party at Wint Nature Center 

{Date + Time}
April 11, 2015 from 9 p.m. – 11 p.m.

$4/per person – register in advance 

Wint Nature Center, 9501 Sashabaw Road




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