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A Valentines Date Night at Home {with or without kids?!}

This year we are going to enjoy a romantic date-night before Valentines and spend a fun evening together as a family on Valentine’s Day.  We love our babies and wouldn’t have a day dedicated to LOVE any other way.  The day will be packed full of love, as it will be just a typical Saturday of course!  Although, my boys will think they want their Saturday ritual which includes a stop at a favorite local restaurant for their bbq ribs to-go after an afternoon of football with Dad, however Mom has something else in mind….

Mom’s Berry Heart Healthy 
Valentines Dinner Menu

{Honestly, it is one of our family favorites around here, and not a single one of them will turn up their nose to dinner, and well, I impress myself every time I make it at home.  It is simple, easy, and looks + tastes fancy.}

Baked Salmon + Buttered Garlic Beans + Mashed Potatoes

with a Berry Vinaigrette Salad

>>> Strawberry Brownie Trifle <<<

I love to cook and I love simple recipes. When I look for recipes that inspire me to cook I look for 8 or less ingredients.  The goal is lots of flavor, simple real ingredients + simple easy to follow steps.  

This is a meal that can be prepped quickly and easily for any busy mom.  And you can easily make it extra V-Day special by setting the table and using the “nice” dishes and maybe skip the sippies!  And if your sweetie forgets to bring you flowers, pick them up for yourself at the market, why not?!  {Although I hope you do get flowers!}




Salad ::

Baby Spinach

Fresh Berries {Mix it up or just use your favorite berry!}

Raw Almonds {Chopped}


Berry Vinaigrette ::  makes about 3/4 cup

1/4 cup of oil

2-3  large strawberries

small handful of raspberries

a little bit of sea salt

2 to 3 tbs. apple cider vinegar

1 to 2 tbs. honey

3 tbs.  water

a little bit of dried or fresh basil 


Simply make a bed of spinach, sprinkle berries, chop almonds and sprinkle on top!

For the vinaigrette simply place all ingredients into a blender and give it a whirl!  

Simple + DeliciousMeal at Home (2)

Baked Salmon :: 

I have a simple no-fuss cooking method for the salmon, or any fish of your choice, that takes only a few minutes to prep.  

Select a piece of salmon to feed your crowd 

Simply rub with oil, we like to use coconut oil, both the top and bottom

Place the filet with skin side on baking sheet

Add seasons  {Our seasonings of choice are :: old bay, sea salt, chili powder, garlic powder, paprika, and pepper}

Add a few thin slices of lemon on top

If the filet is less than a 1/2″, 30 mins at 350 degrees should be perfect.  Add 5-10 mins. if filet is on the thicker side!  

You will know when the fish is done when it is no longer translucent and flakes with a fork! 


Buttered Garlic Beans ::

Sauteed 2-3 cloves of minced garlic in 2 tbs. of butter in a pan

Add washed fresh green beans and sauteed for about 10 mins. 

Sprinkle crushed almonds on top!  


Mashed Potatoes :: 

I don’t have any secrets here, I follow the same recipe my parents have used forever!  Peel, chop + boil potatoes for 30 mins., drain water, add 2 tbs. butter and a few tbs. of milk, season with salt + pepper, and mash it UP!  

I am looking at trying this healthy recipe!  Garlic Cauliflower Mash (Fake Mashed Potatoes)

Or making regular mashed potatoes in the crock pot and trying this recipe!  Slow Cooker Mashed Potatoes


For the LOVE of strawberries!  

A Simple Strawberry Brownie Trifle ::

Pull out a pretty trifle dish or any glass bowl and make a crowd pleasing dessert!  

Bake brownies according to directions 

Let brownies completely cool and slice into little cubes  about 3/4″

Sprinkle a layer of brownies on bottom of dish

Follow with a layer of cool whip

Followed by a layer of sliced fresh strawberries


Finish the top with crushed almonds or pecans!





The evening will be full of LOVE, great food and board games!  Maybe we will finish it off with a cozy snuggle on the sofa watching a movie.  An evening surrounded by my boys sounds like perfection to me!  


Here is a snap-shot from Valentines 2014!  Oh, the shenanigans! 

XOXOX Happy Valentines Day!!  >>>>>



Featured Giveaway :: Enchanted Photography


<<Giveaway Announcement :: Enchanted Photography

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Remember our Mompreneur Marla?!  If you missed her feature you can check it out here!  She is truly an artist at heart and loves sharing the moments she captures with her lens, they are full of beauty and enchantment.

Marla does all of her own work from beginning to end.  She begins with the photo shoot, next works on editing and retouching and all designing stages in between.  She provides her clients with an intimate Enchanted experience.  She focuses on celebrating emotions and highlighting relationships during every photo session. Because of her artistry she enjoys seeing her clients return year after year for more sessions, they become like family.  


winter session

Marla is giving one lucky reader a chance to experience her Enchanted Photography!  Included in this giveaway ::

{1} Winter Mini Session

Details ::

– On location with up to 6 people

– Session is 30 minutes

– $100 sitting fee included

– one 5 x 7 enlargement

Visit her website for more details!  

Enchanted WINTER Mini-Sessions – enchantedbymarlamichele.com


The value of this package is $150!

Good luck!  and thank you, Enchanted Photography, for a great giveaway! 

 Be sure to visit Marla online at Enchanted Photography, and connect with her on Facebook, and Blog!

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Enchanted Photography Giveaway



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“There is a garden in every childhood, an enchanted place where colors are brighter, the air softer, and the morning more fragrant than ever again.” ~Elizabeth Lawrence




Frugal Fridays :: Winter Play Edition

I love winter! January brings fresh starts, that feeling of being on top of the world, accomplished, not breaking any of those resolutions yet, and for me love, joy and pride since my first was born on January 2nd.  But being in Michigan the winter brings something I’m not in love with…the bitter biting cold they call the Polar Vortex.

Being a mom of 2 younger kiddos (6 & 3) and being in a smallish 2 bedroom condo finding cheap or even better {FREE} activities to entertain my little monsters, err munchkins ☺ That being said I needed to find some winter themed since my oldest is a snow bunny and I don’t want her to lose a finger to frost bite under my watch!

So being the fun, kind and {Giving} person I am I compiled a list of some of our personal favorite activities to help beat that cabin fever of the never ending winter!

 Frugal Fridays Winter Play Ideas

 1) Scented Homemade Play Dough

Honestly what kid doesn’t love squishing play dough thru their fingers? Okay maybe a few… But I recently learned a new trick! In addition to the basic homemade recipe I love, I’ve added some essential oils to it and let me tell you I, err my kiddos adore it! Seriously these smell terrific and shh don’t tell anyone but you can customize the scents to help with an array of things. For example I made a wonderful lavender playdough to whip out before bedtime or when the kiddos needed a little chill time and wow! Talk about Zen body and mind! That one 2 bird’s one stone, Mommy win!


2) Snow Ice Cream

This is an uber fun {And} yummy activity and treat for everyone involved! Now first you need {clean} snow! Some milk, sugar and vanilla! That’s it! Add in some fun toppings and a few egger hungry kiddos and it’s a party! This one has many variations so get creative and have some fun with it!  You could even do theme days with different flavored and colored snow ice cream! Get wild with it!


3) Indoor Snow Fun

This one is free, yes I said {FREE} The only things you need is some mittens, a bin or tub, some snow and some ready kiddos! After last years never ending winter and countless snow/cold days my little snow bunny was getting antsy! She just wanted to play in the snow! So I grabbed a Rubbermaid some clean snow and let them have fun! My little man Had to have mittens and only lasted a short time, but princess snow bunny played for what felt like hours, or until it was melted!


4) Theme Baths

This one I found during one of my {many} Pinterest sessions. Once you start searching this there are so many ideas, who knew!! Seriously the ideas are endless! So far we’ve tried a glow bath (neon nontoxic paints and a black light). Just be sure you haven’t recently sprayed down your bathroom with a bleach cleaner or it {May} look like a gruesome scene from CSI , just don’t ask how I know that! 😉 Besides the “crime scene” incident the kiddos love it and we’ve repeated it a few times! Another favorite has been a rainbow bath, also with nontoxic paints or color themed bath and kids help choose color appropriate things to add!      


5) Good ‘ol Fashioned Board Games

I know crazy right! How do we forget the classics so easily? After an {Extra} long winter break last year I was at a loss! Movie’d out and tired of the kids wanting to veg out I went into my catch all closet and looked for {Something, Anything} to do and there it was staring me in the face, Board games! They were all in a pretty stack brand new from the recent holiday, so I grabbed a couple, put my phone up turned off the tv and before we knew it an hour and a half had flown by! We spent half the afternoon laughing playing and learning sans electronics, without fights, and without spending a dime! Now I know not everyone has board games lying around anymore, but don’t fret! They are super easy to come by and for little to no money!

First up thrift stores and resale shops are great to pick up some games and puzzles, and most under $2! Garage and mom2mom sales are another great source for inexpensive finds. But my {Fave} happens to be free! Raid the grandparents/parents game closet or borrow from friends and neighbors! I even know of some neighbors who’ve set up a trade system with games, books & toys!

    *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *

Hope these few quick and easy ideas are helpful & inspiring. This is really only a handful of many, many ideas I’ve had to bust the winter blues. So maybe in the future I will add some to our list. I love to hear feedback and your ideas or ways you’ve used ours with yourself and families. So bundle up, stay warm and have some {Frugal} fun with those kids this winter!   


Featured Giveaway :: Sassy Bambino

<<Giveaway Announcement :: Heal A Boo-Boo Hospital Shirts

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Remember our Mompreneur Amanda?!  If you missed her feature you can check it out here!  Her journey to making these adorable hospital shirts came when her now 3 YO was only 19 months old, her family was delivered devastating news that their beautiful daughter had a congenital heart defect that required her to immediately undergo open heart surgery.  She turned her creative outlet into a little business making adorable outfits children can wear to doctors visits, and pre + post surgury appointments. They are “doctor + nurse” approved and help parents feel like their child is “okay” when they are wearing them instead of the typical hospital gown.

The magic began once people started asking her where the shirts came from!  Sassy Bambino now makes and donates customized hospital shirts, legwarmers and hair bows to children facing upcoming surgeries or medical procedures. To-date, she has sent out more than 220 worldwide. What is more amazing is that she does not charge for her service, her costs are covered by grants and private sponsorship’s, and well, as a business owner, she pays for some costs too!  

Amanda and Avery

Amanda is giving one lucky reader a chance to win a Heal A Boo-Boo Hospital Shirt for their child or as a gift for a child facing upcoming surgeries or medical procedures.  Included in this giveaway ::

– 1 outfit of the winners choice from this online album:  view it here.

or if the child’s size is not available she will custom create an outfit with child’s name.  


Good luck!  and thank you, Sassy Bambino and Heal A Boo-Boo Project, for a great giveaway! 

 Be sure to visit her online at sassybambino.com, and connect with her on Facebook, Blog and Pinterest!

Giveaway by Sassy Bamino Feb 2015


Sassy Bambino Giveaway



I encourage you to watch Amanda’s video, she takes you into her world with a heartfelt peek into the inspiration behind Peek-A-Boo-Boo Hospital Shirts. 




Featured Giveaway :: Rustic MAKA

<<Giveaway Announcement :: Rustic MAKA

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Remember our Mompreneur duo Kasia + Monica?!  If you missed their feature you can check it out here!  Their journey to making “pachy” {under arm} deodorants began almost 7 years ago when Kaisa shared her homemade deodorant with her sister!  Monica tried it out and was pleased with the results and asked Kaisa if she thought about starting a business with it!  

From the very beginning they based everything on a set of values in order to bring the best personal care products to their customers. They truly believe in their philosophy of providing pure, simple and organic products, this philosophy came from the phrase “less is more”. Going back to their roots in Poland where they learned to adapt and use simple and easy solutions. They believe in being resourceful and simple in life. Rustic MAKA allows them to continue to live this way and teach others that it can be done with personal care products as well. They want to change the harsh industry-standards and provide clients with made-in-nature, organic and vegan products.

Detroit Moms Blog

They are giving one lucky reader a chance to try-out their pure, simple and organic products!  Included in this giveaway ::

– 1 Full size Pachy deodorant in a scent of winners choice

– 1 travel Pachy deodorant in Fresh Blossoms

– 1 Skora Body Scrub (Choice of Calming Fields, Sweet Lemonade or Fresh Blossoms)

– 1 Skora Body Bath Salts (choice of Calming Fields, Sweet Lemonade or Fresh Blossoms)


The value of this package is $45!

Good luck!  and thank you, Rustic MAKA, for a great giveaway! 

 Be sure to visit them online at RusticMaka.com , and connect with them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!

Giveaway by Rustic Maka Feb 2015

 Rustic Maka {Giveaway}



“Our philosophy for pure, simple and organic products came from the phrase “less is more”.  ~Kasia + Monica




Frugal Fridays :: The Many Ways to Save with Mason Jars

Seems everywhere you look lately mason jars are being used and not just in their intended purpose.  Now some may say I have a {SLIGHT} Mason jar problem… okay maybe I do… Ok ok, Hello my name is Brandi and I am a Mason jar addict. I use them for EVERYTHING! Drinking glasses, storage, décor, organization, party favors/decorations, and yes even for their intended purpose canning!

I love masons and masons love me! They make me happy, the colors {from true vintage blue to the new vintage blues and greens} the shapes and sizes! They remind me of my childhood trips to the south visiting family. Sunday afternoons after church sipping cold lemonade from mason jars, sitting on Great Aunt Barbs back porch snapping beans & shucking corn for supper. Running thru the sprinklers or swimming, waiting on Great Uncle Bud to come back with his catch of the day. Memories of a slower, simpler, sweeter time.

So why am I going on about mason jars on a frugal Friday post? Because so many people want to join the {Mason jar movement} but think they have to or could only buy them at grocery/big box stores for retail prices.

Let me be clear that is the furthest from the truth!! Not only have I found a million ways to use them I have found almost as many ways to acquire them for cheap or free!

Frugal friday mason jars tips to save money

Inventory and decide what you need ::

First and foremost you need an idea of what size you want or need and what you want to do with them. For example I want to make a soap dispenser for my kitchen. So I’m not going to use the short squatty pint size, you’ll want to use a taller and maybe antique one {if you trust your wet hands ;)}.

For other projects a newer possibly stronger may be a better choice. For instance the jars we use in the kitchen at home {storing leftovers, spices, salad, and drinking glasses} I use new(er) mason jars or ones I know where they have been!

On that note, getting used mason jars they should be handled with care, thoroughly inspected and washed with {my solution to everything} scalding hot water & Dawn dish soap.

Simple ideas of where and how to gather ::

I have been lucky on my mason jar missions! I have found hundreds for free on Craigs List and Freecycle {and these are the ones I handle with care and scrub incessantly with hot water and dawn}. Garage sales are also in the handle with care category. I have also learned with these free jars a lot of them may not be “actual” mason jars and may be recycled jars. These are great for many things and unless you are super or OCD {like someone, ahem, who must have all jars be MASON jars}, and can be used for most projects interchangeably.

Crafty advice :: 

Another time non-mason jars are nice is some of those adorable Pinterest projects that require a smooth surface. This is where some creative mojo can be used! If you are like me and LOVE that mason shape most craft and some big box stores have started selling “crafting” mason jars. This is where watching the sales and using coupons will truly benefit you. In all my searches I have only found these sold individually and tend to be pricey. So watch your local craft stores and learn to shop the sales and stack coupons when allowed. I have learned that some {Hobby Lobby} sales rotate on a bi/tri weekly sale rotation…watch the fliers and stock up when 50-60% off! Also try to use competitor coupons when you can! I forget this one and have a great cashier who reminds me 😉

All you need to do is ask :: 

My last suggestion is kinda silly and to some common sense… Ask around! You’d be surprised what you can get for free just by asking. I helped with a birthday party and put it out there I was looking for mason jars of all sizes and they came to me! I even had a friend call me to tell me to bring a big box she found hundreds of mason jars at the curb on a dirt road! I grabbed the kids and flew there, all sizes just sitting there for the taking! They needed a bath…bad! But that’s where my scalding water and dawn come in and not use them for food purposes unless I super clean them 😉 I’ve also been texted to run to an estate or garage sale a time or two for uber cheap jars even antique ones! Word of mouth still rules!!


Hope this inspires you to go hunt some jars, get your craft on and save you some $$! If I have missed any ingenious ways to acquire jars or save on them let me {us} know! I love new fun ideas and feedback! Toodles til next Frugal Friday!!


Weekend Happenings:: In + Around Detroit {January 30th – February 1st}

Weekend Happenings{In+Around Detroit} (12)


Ferndale Blues Festival

Enjoy a night out with your main squeeze during this amazing music fest that raises money for charity. There are over 40 concerts spread out over 9 consecutive days.


 January 23 – January 31


 Times vary based on bar or venue


 Some venues have a small cover charge 


 Various venues Downtown Ferndale


 Mount Clemens Ice Show

 Get ready for outdoor ice carving demonstrations and displays. Then head over to the warming center to enjoy arts, crafts, face painting and more!


 January 30, 2015 – February 1, 2015


 Friday {30th} – noon to 6 p.m.

Saturday {31st} – noon –to 4 p.m.

Sunday {1st} – noon to 2 p.m.




 Fountain Stage {Macomb Place}

Between Walnut and Pine streets

Mount Clemens


Ann Arbor Folk Festival

This 38th annual festival brings you two-nights of well-known and up-and-coming folk and roots artists.


 January 30 – January 31


 Friday, Jan 30, doors open at 6 p.m.

Saturday, Jan 31, doors open at 6 p.m.

Both shows start at 6:30 p.m.


 $37.50 – $200


University of Michigan Hill Auditorium

825 N. University Ave.

Ann Arbor


 Winter Fest and Family Cookout

 Bundle up and head outside for a wildlife walk, mammals-in-the-winter program, snowflake activity and much more. Don’t forget your favorite campfire treat for the cookout.


 January 31, 2015


 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. (11 a.m.- 12:30 is lunch)


$3/ages 4+


 Burgess-Shadbush Nature Center

4101 River Bends Drive

Shelby Township 


Great Train Show

Hundreds of tables with exhibitors from across the country with everything imaginable for trains and Model Railroading. There will be operating model railroads in a variety of sizes and scales. An amazing LEGO layout, a riding train and door prizes. If your little one loves trains – don’t miss this event!


 January 31 – February 1


 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.


 $8/adults and kids 12+

FREE/under 12


 Suburban Collection Showplace

46100 Grand River Ave


 Family Fun Night: Movie Time

 Bring the whole family and enjoy the Lego Movie.


 January 30, 2015


 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.




 Autism Collaborative Center

1055 Cornell Rd



Spectacular Paper Quilling for Tweens

If your tween (9-13) has ever wanted to learn the art of rolling, shaping and gluing paper to create spectacular art then this event is for them! 


January 31, 2015


2 p.m. – 3 p.m.




Troy Public Library

210 W. Big Beaver Road



Kerry Tales: Buckle Your Show with Mother Goose at Kerrytown Market and Shops

You’ll love storyteller, Trudy Bulkley as she entertains with rhymes and stories!


February 1, 2015


2 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.




Hollander’s in Kerry Town

410 N. Fourth Ave

Ann Arbor






The 10 Sleep Mistakes Parents Make

Sleep! It is a proven, scientific fact, that lack of sleep will have a detrimental effect in many areas of our lives, including our health.

When baby arrives, all of a sudden sleep is scarce and sorely missed. But it doesn’t have to be that way! Listening to others who tell you that sleep deprivation is just part of being a parent is harmful and simply not true. Every well-intentioned parent understands the importance of sleep for their baby, but may mistakenly think, “Their baby just isn’t a good sleeper.” What is more likely to be happening is mom and dad inadvertently have made a few wrong moves in the sleep arena. I have compiled a list of the Top 10 Sleep Mistakes parents make with their babies. A list, I feel, every parent should be sent home from the hospital with!


  1. Sleep is not a priority for the family. Healthy sleep habits need to be family- wide. It is as important as eating healthy and exercising. If you aren’t, as a parent, making it a priority for yourself, chances are you won’t be able to do so for your baby.


  1. Parents are not consistent with how they handle baby when they wake at night. One night they might try Cry-It-Out, another night rocking and still another night co-sleeping. Having a game plan and sticking to it is key!


  1. Parents give up after a few attempts at their sleep game plan. This is a recipe for disaster. All the learning that may have been gained in the first place is tossed out the window when the sleep strategy is abandoned.


  1. Too late of a bedtime. Parents may theorize that keeping baby awake later will help him sleep better through the night. A late bedtime will have the exact opposite effect on baby’s sleep. Missing the optimal sleep window sends chemical signals to baby to stay awake.


  1. Using a sleep prop to help baby fall asleep. Big No-No! But admittedly very hard to avoid, especially if baby has reflux, GERD or any other medical condition that is interfering with sleep. When a sleep prop is used at the beginning of the night, the same sleep prop will be needed when baby naturally finishes a sleep cycle and tries to start the next one. Teaching independent self-soothing skills is a #1 parenting responsibility.


  1. The time leading up to bedtime is over-stimulating. Winding down is as important for babies as it is for adults. Coming home from work and engaging in rough and tumble play and getting baby riled up will make it hard for her to go to sleep. Quieting the house, turning off the big screen TV and dimming the lights are a few ways to create a calm, sleep-inducing environment.


  1. Mom and Dad aren’t on the same page. If parents disagree with the sleep training approach or even what they expect from their child, disputes will arise and potentially sabotage any effort being made to help baby sleep. It is important to have an open and honest conversation regarding sleep prior to implementing any strategy.


  1. Making decisions on how to proceed in the middle of the night during baby’s wake-ups. Exhaustion doesn’t make for good decision-making. Rarely are we at our sharpest at 3am! Knowing how to handle the wake-ups before going to bed will help mom and dad stick to their plan.


  1. Co-sleeping when it is just a quick fix. Taking baby to mom and dad’s bed just because nothing else is working and not because there has been a conscious decision to co-sleep, is a decision that will backfire. If a family bed is not the goal, it is best to never introduce it as such.


  1. Expecting over-night success when implementing a sleep plan. Baby’s sleep habits have been created for weeks, and sometimes months. It won’t take nearly that long to change them, but being realistic about expectations and tracking progress will help keep everyone on the road to sleep success. Dedicating 2-3 weeks of time and staying consistent with your plan is a must when trying to make changes.


Reading and following through with these ten points will help avoid the ruts on the road to sleep success. Babies are people too! They can and will sleep with the appropriate help along the way!


Sweet Dreams!





The Mom Low-Down :: Can we all please STOP JUDGING?!

Enough, already!

On behalf of all moms, new mommies in particular: Can we all please STOP JUDGING?!

Good grief, I’m so over it!

(Deep breath.)

I’m a little scared to post photos of my daughter, Lucy, to any sort of social media right now because of the judgmental comments. The mall seems like a breeding ground for “baby experts.” Even friends and family can sometimes be overwhelming in terms of giving their “advice.”

I cannot tell you how many times a day I’m made to feel like an awful parent. And I know I’m not the only one who feels this way.

I posted a photo on my Instagram account recently (@cupcakeshannon, by the way!) of my husband, Andrew, making dinner in our kitchen with Lucy on his chest in the Baby Bjorn. Oh my goodness. Cue the SuperMoms and their judging.


“Those carriers are so bad for the babies hips and legs.”


“WHY would you ever subject your daughter to that thing?”


A pic of Lucy in her car seat with stuffed animal puppy strap covers?

The SuperMoms were in full force letting me know that strap covers are a “forbidden product” and I needed to read my car seat manual and take a safety class at my local hospital.

For the record, she was in her stroller, not the car. I put those on her when we’re going to be walking around for awhile so the straps don’t irritate her little neck. P.S. I took a Baby Safety class and yes, have even read my car seat manual, thank you.

I love putting Lucy in headbands. (She’s bald, so it helps people realize that she’s a girl, not a boy. Ha. Plus, I think they’re so cute!!!)

Well, SuperMoms are informing me that I really should stop doing that because she’ll be embarrassed later in life when she looks at her baby photos.

And comments on my post-baby body? I’m not even going to go there.

It’s so frustrating! We are all in this together. None of us are perfect mommies. And HELLO: We would never do anything to put our child(ren) in harm’s way. So just chill out! (Obviously, if you see a child in danger, speak up. I’m more so talking about the unnecessary comments and opinions here.)

I’m hoping I don’t sound like a careless, bitter, angry mama … because I swear, I’m not! I just know all about that little tingle of hurt that arises when people make comments. It’s stressful enough being a new mom and trying to figure out all of this “stuff;” The comments simply add another layer of anxiety.

I actually have a photo that I keep on my iPhone for moments when I need to step back and take that deep breath.




Encouragement is SO powerful at this stage in a woman’s life. It means so much to me when I’m complimented on how I’m parenting my daughter, instead of being made to feel like I’m doing everything wrong. Being a mom is such a beautiful, gratifying, amazing experience … Don’t ruin it for someone else.

I’m hoping that this little post will make us all think before we rush to judge another mom.

One more thing: You HAVE to watch this video that Similac did about this topic. I was dying laughing. They nailed it.


Weekend Happenings:: In + Around Detroit {January 23 – 25}

Weekend Happenings{In+Around Detroit} (11)


Ferndale Blues Festival

Enjoy a night out with your main squeeze during this amazing music fest that raises money for charity. There are over 40 concerts spread out over 9 consecutive days.


 January 23 – January 31


 Times vary based on bar or venue


 Some venues have a small cover charge


Various venues Downtown Ferndale

 Color My World

 Come explore the world of color with songs, stories and science. Don’t forget to bring your play clothes for the messy activities. Get ready for some fun!


 January 23, 2015


 10 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.




 Orion Public Library

825 Joslyn Road

Lake Orion

Oakland County Fire & Ice Festival

Get ready for some major family fun on the tubing hill, dog sledding, ice skating and several other outdoor activities.


 January 23 – January 25


Friday, Jan 23, 6 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Saturday, Jan 24, 10 a.m. – 9 p.m.

Sunday, Jan 25, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.



*some events may charge fees


 Downtown Rochester at East and Water streets


 Sesame Street Live

 The gang welcomes a new friend from India, Chamki. They will discover that they have a lot in common while enjoying cultural differences such as dancing, singing and a love of dancing!


 January 23 – February 1


 Times vary Wednesday through Sunday


 $15 – $65


 Fox Theatre

2211 Woodward Ave.


North American International Auto Show {Cobo Hall}

The car industry’s finest cars will be on display at the must-attend event of the year! You’ll see more than 500 vehicles.


 January 12 – 25, 2015


 9 a.m. – 10 p.m.

January 25th – 9 a.m. – 7 p.m.




$4/ages 6 – 7


Cobo Center

1 Washington Blvd


Rollers & Strollers Lunch & Skate with Princess Elsa

What more can we say – come skate with your favorite princess, Elsa. Children 7 and younger.


 January 24, 2015


9 a.m. – 12 p.m.



*includes skate rental, hot dog, drink and snack

**bounce zone included


 The New Rink

50625 Van Dyke Ave.

Shelby Township


Eat Well, Play Well & Moneyville

 Learn about eating healthy, staying active and balancing your budget. This exhibit shows your child how to make healthy food choices, options for getting active and interactive finance.


 January 24 to the end of February


 Wednesday to Friday – 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Saturdays – 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Sundays – noon – 6 p.m.


 Museum Admission


$10/children 3-12

Free/2 and under


 Michigan Science Center

5020 John R St



Automation Workz 2015

A real-life video game! Teens and their families will compete to solve a variety of activities in electronics, 3D design, robotics and more to win cash prizes.


 January 24, 2015


 2 p.m. – 5 p.m.




 Cobo Center

1 Washington Blvd



Professional Bull Riding

Showcase of the top elite and up-and-coming riders.


 January 24 to the end of February


 Wednesday to Friday – 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Saturdays – 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Sundays – noon – 6 p.m.


 Museum Admission


$10/children 3-12

Free/2 and under


 Michigan Science Center

5020 John R St


Oak Park Winterfest

Enjoy an outdoor wintertime party with FREE ice craving, bonfire + s’mores, ice skating, sleigh rides, ballooning, a petting farm and yummy refreshments.


 January 25, 2015


 1 p.m. – 3 p.m.




 Oak Park Community Center

14300 Oak Park Blvd.

Oak Park 

 The Very Hungry Caterpillar

You’ll enjoy all three shows – The Hungry Caterpillar, the Little Cloud and the Mixed-up Chameleon.


 January 25, 2015


 4 p.m.


 Museum Admission



$50/family four-pack


 Music Hall Center for the Performing Arts

350 Madison St.



In + Around Detroit

Meet The Local Authors You’ll Find In + Around Detroit!

It's so easy to get lost inside a book and find yourself in another world. It's one of the reasons books are so amazing!...