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Weekend Happenings :: In + Around Detroit 9/5 – 9/7

Weekend happenings spt 5 7

Art and Apples Festival

Enjoy lots of {apple} goodies, a juried art show by Paint Creek Center for the Arts, kids zone + entertainment!


 September 5, 2014 – September 7, 2014


 Friday – 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Saturday – 9 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Sunday – 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.


 $5 donation


Rochester Municipal Park
Sixth and Pine Streets


Plymouth Fall Festival

Let the fall fun begin with a pet show, car show, rides, crafts, a Friday taste fest, Spaghetti Saturday and chicken BBQ Sunday!


 September 5, 2014 – September 7, 2014


Friday – Noon to 11 p.m.

Saturday – 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.

Sunday – 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.


Arts and Authors Festival in {Clawson}

Enjoy a family-friendly event that has Star Wars characters + local authors, crafters, artisans, and free face painting!


September 6, 2014


10 a.m. – 2 p.m.




Main Street in front of Blair Memorial Library
416 N. Main St.


Dinosaur Tours

Enjoy a 30-minute tour through the dino exhibit!


September 6, 2014 + September 7, 2014


2:00 p.m.




University of Michigan Museum of Natural History
University of Michigan campus
1109 Geddes Ave.
Ann Arbor


Old Car Festival within {Greenfield Village}

Enjoy hundreds of vehicles from the 1890’s – 1932 throughout the streets of Greenfield Village!


September 6, 2014 – September 7, 2014


Saturday – 9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Sunday – 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.


Adults – $24

Children – $17.50

4 and under- FREE

Parking – $5


20900 Oakwood Blvd


Grosse Pointe Village Fest

Enjoy food, music, arts, plenty of kids activities, cool cars and a dance party with The Sun Messengers!


September 6, 2014 – September 7, 2014


Saturday – 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Sunday – noon to 5:00 p.m.




Kercheval Avenue in The Village

Downtown {Grosse Pointe}


Dally in the Alley

This Detroit fair offers delicious food, a day of fabulous music and street vendors!


September 6, 2014


11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.

(Kids fun until 7 p.m.)




Between Forest and Hancock
2nd Ave and Anthony Wayne (aka 3rd)


Paul Bunyan Festival

Your kids become 1850s Michigan lumbarjacks with firsthand demos, tastes, chore, stories, songs and dances!


September 7, 2014


1 p.m. 4 p.m.


Per person – $5

Extra craft tickets – $1

Vehicle entry fee – $7


Wolcott Mill Metropark Historic Center
64162 Kunstman Road
Ray Township {Macomb County}

Top 10 Camping Do’s and Don’ts with Little Kids

This summer in order to save a few $s and broaden our horizons we decided to go Tent camping. For our first time as a family we would only do 3 nights, and 3 nights in a tent with a 3 & 5-year-old was a wise decision! So I decided to compile a list of Do’s and Don’ts to help and warn other parents who also have the bright idea of camping with little kids.

 Brandi Camping Collage3

Top 10 Do’s of Camping with little kids

10. Bring lots and lots of bug spray, repellant, essential oils and gear.

No matter how “bug free” you are told it is, nothing attracts those little varmints like young blood!

9. Bring and wear sunscreen, even on cloudy days!

I swear some of my worst sunburns have been on cloudy days, and as a redhead I’ve had some doozies!

8. Pack various sand and beach toys (cars, buckets, shovels, sifter).

It seems every campsite has dirt and kids will find it and a way to play with it. So go ahead and prepare for it and pack toys for it!

7. Easy Snacks (already prepped and don’t need cooked) and for on the go.

While tent camping most of our cooking was done over the fire or propane stove. So think about that and if you want to start it up every time one of your little angels says “I’m hungry”!

6. Pack multiple hoodies/sweatshirts/jackets

I realized while sitting around the campfire eating s’mores that my daughter does not have enough hoodies!! I should have hit up the resale shop before leaving, melt-y marshmallow is one nasty mess!

5. Find and use extra-long marshmallow/hot dog roaster/sticks/pokers

No matter their age, size or heat of the fire your little people will want to help roast their own!

4. Pack a few Favorite toys and books

Let the kids pick a few favorite books and toys to bring for the car and quiet time. If they can’t get dirty then they can stay in the car or tent. Just make sure to explain that if they play with them outside of designated area they will get dirty!

3. Plan some activities/games for while at the campground.

Our kids were a little young for a “full” scavenger hunt but they really enjoyed helping the bigger kids as they went site to site!

2. The little potty saved me!

My 3-year-old son was potty training (I know crazy mom) while we were camping. Now have already training one kid I keep a one piece potty in the car. That little potty seat saved my life and body (mosquitos are nasty little blood suckers at night) and late night potty runs are no fun!

And lastly…

1. Take your patience, patience and more Patience!!!

Kids will be kids and you can only do so much. They will be loud, they will make a mess, and they will get themselves and their stuff dirty! Especially right after a shower and you clean up/off something!


Top 10 Don’ts of camping with little kids

 10. Don’t take anything that can’t be washed or cleaned.

Pretty self-explanatory… if it can it will get dirty!

9. Don’t forget that special bedtime lovie/blanket/snuffle friend/music maker…

You will need it! And nothing will take its place!

8. Don’t expect angels or them to behave differently from home.

They will be themselves or themselves on level 10! Even more outspoken! My sweet, soft-spoken, quiet son found his voice while “living” in a tent only 25 feet from our elderly (very possibly childless) neighbors!

7. Don’t think it’s like your “glory days” and you can stay up all night around the campfire drinking & being loud.

See number 6!

6. Don’t think they will sleep in…AT ALL!

Tents, sunrise and little kids don’t mix well!

 5. Don’t expect to stick to bedtimes!

By the time its dark enough for s’mores, glow sticks and/or sparklers its well past bedtime. It doesn’t have to be every night… but who are we kidding who doesn’t want a s’more every night while camping!

4. Don’t forget extra clothes, shoes, towels…Everything!

Don’t ask, just trust me! You WILL need them!

3. Don’t forget rules still apply…For everyone!

Still need to pick up toys, use manners, wash hands, get time-outs!

2. Don’t expect to rekindle the flame/romantic bliss in your marriage!

Kids will be kids and end up in bed with you!! Even if they don’t or haven’t crawled in bed with you in years!

And last but not least!

Drum-roll Please!

1. Don’t Forget to RELAX, have fun and Enjoy your Family!!


Hope these tips and warnings help you and your family on your next camping trip!

Stay safe and Enjoy your holiday weekend!

Xoxo~ Brandi~

Weekend Happenings :: In + Around Detroit August 29 – September 1

WEEKEND HAPPENINGS august 29-september 1

Saline Community Fair


 August 27, 2014 – September 1, 2014


 Wednesday + Thursday – 9 a.m. to dusk

Friday – 9 a.m. – 8 p.m.

Saturday – 9 a.m. – 10 p.m.

Sunday – 1 p.m. – 6 p.m.

Monday (rides only)


 $7 – 11+

 Ride Armbands $5 – $18


 5055 Ann Arbor-Saline Road
Ann Arbor


Michigan Peach Festival of {Romeo}

 Come enjoy the KidFest, 5K/10K run, car show, carnival rides and yummy fair food!


 August 28, 2014 – September 1, 2014


 Check website for times. There are several things going on throughout the day.



 $20/per person

Present the coupon from THE MACOMB DAILY and get $3.00 OFF of one $20.00 wristband


 32 Mile and Van Dyke Roads


Arts, Beats & Eats

More than 200 music performers + food from over 50-plus local eateries.


 August 29, 2014 – September 1, 2014


 Friday through Sunday- 11:00 a.m. – 11 p.m.

Monday – 11:00 a.m. – 9:30 p.m.


 Before 5 p.m. – $3

After 5 p.m. – $5

Before 5 p.m. Friday – FREE


 Main and Troy Street
Downtown Royal Oak


Fifth Third Bank Michigan State Fair

Carnival rides, fair food, livestock exhibits, daily circus, entertainment and much more!!


August 29, 2014 – September 1, 2014


Friday through Sunday – 10 a.m. – 11 p.m.

Monday – 10:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.


Adults – $6 – $8

2 – 12 yrs – $5 – $6

Fair + Circus – $20 – $23

Fair + Circus + Rides – $25

Individual ride ticket – $1.25


Suburban Show Place
46100 Grand River Ave


Detroit Jazz Festival

From Hart Plaza to Campus Martius this festival takes over many city blocks with 5 stages and more than 100 performances in 4 days.


 August 29, 2014 – September 1, 2014


 Friday – 7 p.m. – 11 p.m.

Saturday + Sunday – 11:30 a.m. – 9 p.m.

Monday – 1:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.




 Hart Plaza and Campus Martius Park
Downtown Detroit


New Baltimore Art on the Bay

Browse 100 + artists, enjoy kids activities and great food from local restaurants!!


 August 30, 2014 – August 31, 2014


 Saturday + Sunday – 10:00 a.m. – 5 p.m.




 Walter and Mary Burke Park
Downtown Area


Old St. Patrick Labor Day Festival

Rock climbing wall, hatchet throwing, entertainment, craft show, face painting, inflatables and much more!!


 August 30, 2014 – August 31, 2014


 Saturday + Sunday – noon – 11 p.m.




 5671 Whitmore Lake Road
Ann Arbor


German Park Picnic

Enjoy a picnic with live music + performances, food and beer!!


 August 30, 2014


 4 p.m. – 9 p.m.


 Adults – $5

Kids 12 and under – FREE


 5549 Pontiac Trail
Ann Arbor


Hamtramck Labor Day Festival

 Enjoy live music, art fair, rides, Hamtramck Yacht Club Canoe Races + Polish Day Parade!!


 August 30, 2014 – September 1, 2014


 Saturday through Monday – noon – 10:00 p.m.


 Admission Free

Games + Rides have fees


 Downtown Area


School Prep For The Busy and Crazed Mom

I know, I’m like you and the notion of “back to school” makes me want to throw up a little bit. I am the mom who cries on the first day of school—sometimes bordering on a crazy person. Though my kids may drive me crazy at times, I love having them home and hate sending them back. But we must face the reality, and that is that the back to school season is quickly approaching and therefore it’s time to start thinking about it.

I’m not proposing that you start buying the crayons and the glue the minute that your kids get out of school, but thinking ahead can pay off. I like to think of it as little segments or phases. Partially because it helps me to stay sane, and partially because otherwise it can feel like you are literally throwing money out the window. If you take the approach of a little at a time, you will be much better for it.

Shop Ahead and Look For Bargains

I tell you that what drives me the craziest is the back to school clothes. These tiny little creates need so much stuff! The good news is that there are a great offering of Mom2Mom sales right here in Metro Detroit. This makes for a great way to get some basics together and not break the bank. You may also find that filling in the wardrobe needs from Target, Carter’s, or wherever you have coupons for is a tremendous help.

The school supplies aren’t as crazy as you think they are. Most schools post a list of the items that you need to bring by grade, so look for it. Otherwise most kids at the elementary school level aren’t going to need a lot of crazy stuff. I was amazed by this and found that I spent much more on lunch bags and all of that other gear than anything else.

I might advise that putting together some fun and creative lunch ideas can go a long way. You too will get to the point of HATING packing lunches and feel sick of the process. So do some research on Pinterest and make yourself a little list of go to lunch ideas. Works like a charm for you, and keeps your little ones interested in still eating their lunch in the short amount of time that they have.

Talk It Through For Them and For You

So much of the preparation for school to me is mental. When my daughter started kindergarten last fall I nearly lost it. Watching her walk in that door to begin her school career nearly had me on the ground sobbing. Thankfully I pulled it together, but I think that this was due in large part to us talking it through a lot before the first day. It worked to get her ready—and if I’m being honest it helped me to cope too!

Sure you want the cute little backpack, and I highly recommend Amazon for an inexpensive and wide selection. You want them to have a great lunch box or bag, and I would check out Target. Shop ahead and make your way through the list a little at a time. It will help you to get a grip and also to get what you need as you move forward. Involving your little student can help them to feel a part of things and make it a fun bonding activity too.

Back to school comes way too quickly these days, but with the right amount of preparation you can master it. Your little student is going to do great—and you will not need to be talked down from the ledge with the right amount of preparation. This may be the beginning of a new era, but it doesn’t need to be an expensive or crazy one.

Take things off the list little by little and your bank account and your sanity will stay intact. You may never get used to sending your little one to school, but being prepared in this area can at least make this process a little less painful. Good luck and save the tears for the car!

Lunchbox Drama

Alright, you know that “mom” who has the “perfect” kids and the “perfect” life? The mom who does everything she has ever pinned on Pinterest {and she has like 1,000 pins}?! Or the mom that makes that perfect teacher present, perfect birthday cake, or her kids do not know what sugar is?

You know who I’m talking about…

It’s me! Okay I’m the complete opposite. I actually looked at my pins the other day and laughed {then proudly deleted those pins}. Like I was really going to make cutesy lunches for my kids… who was I joking when I pinned that?

Lauren H Lunchbox drama 1

However, if you want to make cool lunches – This blog had some cute {and time consuming ideas!}

With the kids heading back to school, you are going to run into moms who are absolutely amazing at these things.

But this is the catch – you are no less of a mom.
Or if you are the crafty mom in the room – you are no better of a mom.

Whether your kid is eating a 3-course organic meal or a PB&J,
Whether you homeschool, public school, private school, unschool, or just remember school is starting,
Whether you are conservative, liberal, don’t care…

Whatever you are. You are made wonderfully! You have those incredible Mom things about you that fully qualify you to be an amazing mom to your children. Period. Your child isn’t missing out if their lunch doesn’t look “Pin-worthy.” Maybe you throw in a note to your child that says, “Hey, you are so talented! I’m proud of you!”

NO matter what don’t beat yourself up. You are an amazing mom! Let’s all agree to stop comparing ourselves to each other. Focus on the things that you do well as a mom and compliment where other moms do things well. We are to collaborate and help each other; not criticize!

So as you gear up to have your little ones head back to school. Remember this:

1. Your children were created for you!
2. Focus on the things you do really well.
3. Pinterest was not created as a test to compare how great of a Mom you are.

From myself and all the moms here at DMB, have a wonderful 2014-2015 school year!

Lil’ Pnuts Review and {Giveaway}

Little Pnuts Toy Review

I’ll never forget that little voice saying, “Harper got mail”. She was so excited when I told her that the Little Pnuts package was just for her. I didn’t realize how exciting receiving mail would be to a 2 year old!!!

I’m a huge {huge} advocate for educational toys. I couldn’t believe how amazing these toys were when we opened the box.

Little Pnuts is a toy company developed by Melissa, a determined mother looking for high quality toys. This company sends special deliveries, eco-friendly, sustainable, natural and organic toys that arrive right on your doorstep. They hope to awaken imagination, creativity and play without turning on the television or any other electronic device.

Harper is only two so of course she wanted to rip into the box like it was Christmas. I on the other hand wanted to get the full Little Pnuts experience. I have to say, I loved opening the box and seeing that cute little sticker holding the tissue paper closed with the toys securely held inside. She tore open the paper and started yanking everything out. I had to be quick with the camera because I knew it wouldn’t last long.


Harper was instantly attracted to the blocks {Zoo Animal Block Puzzle}. I loved that they challenged her to put the animals together. While that part didn’t last long she loved stacking them and pushing them over. I can’t wait to work with her on matching them. The blocks are extremely sturdy and super durable (they were thrown across the room a time or two). Oh the whistle {Magical Sound Flute), it took a minute for her to figure it out but when she did, there was music in the air. She was so shocked she was making noise with her mouth. Let’s not forget the {Duo Puzzle Habitat}. She loved taking the pieces and placing the correct animal into its correct home (of course she had to make their noises).


Things that made this box aMaZiNg:

• The toys came with a booklet that described each product and what the intention of the toy was. I’m not going to deny we’ve bought a few toys that made absolutely no sense and lacked a little explanation.
• They were geared towards her age and specifically for a two-year-old toddler. I loved there wasn’t a huge age range. These toys are designed for developmental milestones from 0 months to 5 years.
• It a great gift for friends and family to give. Honestly, who really needs another toy that they’ll play with for a couple minutes and sadly it will end up at the bottom of the toy box in no time {Hint, hint Grandma and Grandpa}.
• These toys are colorful and engaging! What child doesn’t love bright colors?!
• You have the option to pay $25/month for quarterly delivery or an annual subscription of $240. When you think about what you already spend on toys + books adding in birthdays and holidays, this is an absolute steal.

What child doesn’t love receiving mail?! I have learned that it doesn’t matter what age they are and they’re excited! Receiving a quality product like this every 3 months (4 times a year) is well worth it. I’m not sure who will be looking forward to it more, my toddler or myself!!

Ready to win your own September, Back to School Shipment from Little Pnuts? Enter the rafflecopter giveaway below for your chance to win!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Weekend Happenings :: In + Around Detroit August 22nd – 24th

Beth WH Aug 22nd-24th

Dragon on the Lake

Who doesn’t love a chalk art challenge?! Come show your chalk art skills during this FUN event. There will be an art fair, live art demos, kids fun, entertainment, an 80’s block party and a weekend teen zone. Don’t forget the lake show Friday!!


 August 22, 2014 – August 24, 2014



Saturday & Sunday – 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.



 Chalk Art Challenge Registration – $10

(register on August 23rd at Broadway & Front Street or online)


 Downtown Orion
(check map on homepage)


Lincoln Park Days

Enjoy yummy carnival food, kids games, rides, bands and a car show.


 August 22, 2014 – August 24, 2014


 Friday – 4 p.m. – 11 p.m.

Saturday – 12 p.m. – 11 p.m.

Sunday – 12 p.m. – 9 p.m.




 Youth Center Park
1801 Gregory Ave.
Lincoln Park


A Taste of Greece Festival

Come enjoy delicious Greek food, music, entertainment, marketplace, kid corner and much more! {facebook page}


 August 22, 2014 – August 24, 2014


 Friday – 5 p.m. – 11 p.m.

Saturday – noon – 11 p.m.

Sunday – noon – 7 p.m.


 Adults – $2

Children 12 and under – FREE


 Nativity of the Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Church
39851 W. Five Mile Road


Haven Hill Festival

Enjoy vintage baseball, Model A Ford cars, tours, and food.


August 23, 2014


 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.


 FREE event

$11 for Michigan Recreation Passport Park Pass


 Highland State Recreation Area
5300 Highland Road
White Lake


Fire Truck Muster at {Riverside Park}

How much would your child love to see 20+ classic trucks and rigs?!


 August 23, 2014


 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.




 Riverside Park
515 E. Cross St.


Anti-Bullying Back-to-School Expo

The Jordyn Doakes Foundation will be giving away 300 backpacks to the first kids that arrive. On top of this you can enjoy face fainting, crafts, bouncers, live performances and a kids fashion show. {facebook page}


 August 23, 2014


 2 p.m. – 7 p.m.




 The Motor City Hall
24242 Grand River Ave.


Peter Pan’s Flight Academy

Join the aMaZiNg Windjammers Kite Team for fun!! Not to mention making your own kite.


 August 23, 2014


 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.


 Per Child

Member – $8

Non-member – $10


 Edsel & Eleanor Ford House
1100 Lake Shore Road
Grosse Pointe Shores


Hug Detroit with just a Little {Love}

Come out and enjoy kids activities, entertainment, crafts, dancing, drumming, games, jam session, vendors and so much more!! {facebook page}


 August 23, 2014


 Noon – 9 p.m.




 Mount Elliot
Iron and Meldrum Streets at Jefferson Ave.


Harvest Festival & Corn Day

Fall is NeAr!! The event will include fresh-picked produce, candle dipping, kids activities, draft horse demos, corn-boil and eating contests!!


 August 24, 2014


 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.


 Per person – $5

Parking – $7


 Wolcott Mill Metropark Farm Center
65775 Wolcott Road
Ray Township


Birmingham Bike Festival

Music fills Shain Park as onlookers view racers of all ages!! Plus a free kids race. Expect to see 6 champs!! Enjoy the kids fair on Martin Street right next door.


 August 24, 2014


 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.


 In advance – $10 – $40

Day of – $15 – $55




Art on the Lake

Enjoy artists of all media. Don’t forget the children’s booth with entertainment and crafts.


 August 24, 2014


 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.




 Northfield Hills
1750 Brentwood Drive


Cruisin’ Hines

Watch classic cars winding their way down Hines Drive. There will be food and event goodies for spectators.


 August 24, 2014


 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.



 {Parking + Location}

 Park in the lots near Merriman, Telegraph and Warrendale roads. Once these are full you must park off-site.


 Tony Hawk at Riley Skate Park in {Farmington Hills}

Tony Hawk is part of the Birdhouse Skate Team and is currently a part of the On The Road Summer 2014 Midwest Tour. There will be 100 limited edition Riley Park decks for sale, along with other souvenirs.


 August 23, 2014


 3 p.m.




Riley Skate Park
35550 West 8 Mile Road
Farmington Hills

Honest Mom :: Mom Approved, Backyard Bingo!

My darling Kinley just turned two. Seriously, I swear it is going by faster with the second than it did with my son. She is a strong-willed cookie who loves babies, dogs, and keeping up with her big brother.

As a mom, I’m always on the hunt for toys they would enjoy, but also are educational. And so when my grandma sent some “toy money” for her birthday {and some for Aiden, my son as well} we headed to every kids dream – TOYS’R’US!

After a lot of roaming, selections were made!

Lauren H backyard bingo review 1

{Isn’t she the cutest?! I’m totally bias!}

Kinley snatched up another baby {I mean really we needed another one!} along with a bath tub and the game “Backyard Bingo,” which I will actually review after I show off my babes!

Lauren H backyard bingo review 2

Aiden added some cars to his Thomas set, “little Legos” as we call them, and batteries! I just realized the batteries made it in the picture – they were for his Read With Me DVD! { http://www.amazon.com/Fisher-Price-Learning-System-Little/dp/B0009WLRNS}.

We have all been really enjoying Barnyard Bingo! This is the first game that we can really play together, I guess you could include Hungry, Hungry Hippos – educational in the fact the more those Hippos eat… the more likely you are to win {okay, yes and counting the balls!}. Anyways, it’s a fantastic game and I highly recommend for the early preschool crowd.

Lauren H backyard bingo review 33

The game comes with four cards {a lot of stickers that are easy to place}, 12 chips, and the barn. There are three different ways to play, which I love since Kinley is still young.

1. Matching the colors. You can flip the cards over and then just simply match each color. First one to do so yells, “Bingo!”

2. Matching the color and animal. In the picture above this is exactly how you play. Again, first one to do so yells, “Bingo!”

3. If you are just playing with you and your child, then it suggest just pulling out a chip and talking about the color or the animal. Asking questions like “What sounds does the pig make?” It’s more of a fun educational tie.

AND what I love best is you can have one child playing one way and the other playing another. My son Aiden will match the animals, where Kinley is simply matching the colors until she gets the hang of the game. It encourages lots of discussion, especially about taking turns!

One thing that is tough about the game is actually opening the barn for the chip to come out. I don’t know if we just need to wear ours in a little, but Kinley cannot do this independently. Aiden can most the time, but really struggles.

Overall, this has become a favorite toy in our house!

Lauren H backyard bingo review 4

Kinley winning her first game!

Why The Mama Drama?

When you have kids you naturally assume that you are going to be dealing with grownups, right? I thought that when I became a mom I entered a very mature and supportive community…and yet I was shocked when the mama drama started early on. No matter how much you hear about the mommy wars or women not supporting each other, you will always be shocked the first time it happens.

We all know how it starts and that’s with the natural competition about milestones. Sure you think that your baby is doing great, crawling and babbling sweet little words—and then you see Jack. Wow this kid is only 9 months, how can that be? The mom proceeds to brag about how he was pulling himself up at 6 months and is uttering full words now at this tender age. While you smile on the outside, you kind of want to barf a little too.

Mama Drama Happens At All Ages and Stages

This is the earliest and perhaps the most innocent form of mama drama, but it continues on from there. The common areas for debate are usually the type that you find yourself avoiding. The breastfeeding vs. bottle feeding moms, the stay at home vs. the working moms, the attachment parenting vs. letting them cry it out moms—there seems no end to the platforms for which we all work against each other rather than respect and support each other.

As your child gets older the drama continues as you deal with some downright insecure and crazy moms. Sad but true the competition is alive and well with academics and activities. Are these moms trying to live out their life dream to be a ballet dancer? Did they do poorly in school and therefore they want their kid to be valedictorian? I personally have always helped to support my kids in doing well, but also placed realistic expectations on them too. Novel concept, huh?

So as I sit here and think about this with young children, I recognize that the mama drama will always be around. I find that being confident in who you are as a mother is the best anecdote. I also find that surrounding yourself with the normal ones and tuning out the super crazy ones works well. Sometimes you just have to recognize that you can’t keep up with the Joneses—and that maybe you don’t even want to!

Think About What Really Matters and Ignore The Rest

When you can say that your kids are healthy and happy, and that you are doing the best job that you can as mom then that’s a success. Forget the other stuff—there will always be something to worry about or some drama to get involved in if you seek it out. I have learned through trials and tribulations this to be true, and now I feel like I have grown as a mother because I can tune out the unnecessary drama. No time for it, and wow look how I’ve grown as a person!

I have such a wish that moms would unite and support each other. Rather than bashing each other for choices such as working or breastfeeding, that we would instead understand and appreciate each other’s differences. Moms are a very cool and unique niche and if we allowed ourselves we could be truly supportive. Don’t get me wrong—there are some truly amazing moms out there and they make for some of the best friends! You just have to know how to tune out the noise and never let yourself get sucked into the things that don’t matter in the end.

So why do I write this? For awareness, for new moms who can go in with their eyes wide open, and for those of us moms who are still trying to figure it out and hoping for a good support network. The next time that you feel judgmental about a mom who is sweating as she tries to wrangle her kids into the cart at Target, feel for her instead. Yes that may have happened to me, but that’s really not important here.

The next time you judge a working mom, consider that she may have to work. The point is that mama drama is so unnecessary and YOU can control how much of it you allow into your life. Be the exception to the rule and be the super cool mom that the other down to earth mamas can dig—your kids and you will be so much happier that you did!

Frugal Fridays with Brandi

When I became a mom I knew pennies would be pinched. So we did as most new/parent’s to be do and shopped around for best diaper and wipes prices. Little did I know that not even 2 months into mommy hood we found out that our sweet little Babycakes was allergic to disposable diapers :0/ What’s a {new} mom to do?! Cloth Diapers here we come!

Budget wise it was it actually made more sense, 1 upfront cost and then diapers for life! Only problem now was cost of special detergents to wash said super economical cloth diapers. The new style cloth diapers need to be washed in special detergents with no whiteners, scents, no fuss no muss and low suds! Oh and I have an HE washing machine!

After about 2 months of buying special and expensive detergents for just the diapers and wipes. I started doing some research and that’s when I found my fist recipe for homemade laundry detergent. Well the Hubster thought it was a waste of time, too much of hassle and not cost effective. But me being me I had to prove him wrong. After all he did quickly jump on board the breastfeeding, cloth diapering, & homemade baby food wagons!!

So there I was on the hunt for washing soda, borax and Fels Naptha {yeah what’s that?!} Brandi frugal friday 5

First recipe I tried was for liquid {almost gel} detergent and honestly was a little time consuming. Then I found a powder version and fell in LOVE!

Now over the years and as my needs have changed I have tweaked the recipe and made it work for us. With 2 very messy little’s and stinky sweaty clothes from Hubster and I, I’ve added an oxy cleaner and  baking POWDER to help eliminate stains and odors!!

I hope you enjoy and also find your perfect blend! Here’s mine for you to give a whirl, recipe and tutorial!


Brandi’s Laundry Detergent Blend


takes approx. 15mins to make (with hand grating the soap)

Makes approx. 160 Loads.

 2 Cups Borax

2 Cups Washing Soda {different from baking soda}

2 cups SunOxy or Oxyclean {optional}

2 cups Baking Soda {also optional}

1 bar Zote {originally used pink one, now use half pink and half whitening}

Brandi frugal friday 4  Brandi frugal friday 3  Brandi frugal friday 6     Brandi frugal friday 7Brandi frugal friday 2

First in a very large bowl shred your Zote (or Zote blends); I use the super fine side on my hand grater. I have found that it dissolves easier and less sudsy that way.

Now add each of the other ingredients one at a time mixing very well in between each. You want to make sure it is as evenly distributed as possible.

Guess what…YOU’RE DONE!

That was it!

I use 1 TBSP per load, I do adjust with dirtiness and smelliness of loads also.

Price breakdown per load

Borax – $3.97/ 76oz = $0.052/oz   x 16oz = $0.83

Washing Soda- $3.97/55oz = $0.72/oz   x 16oz = $1.12

Sun Oxy- $5.94/96oz = $0.063/oz x16oz = $1.28

Baking Soda- $3.47/40oz = $0.084/oz x16oz = $0.99

Zote – $0.97/bar

Total per batch is $5.19 divided by 160 loads

Is……. $0.03 per load!!!


I really hope you enjoy this recipe and have fun making your own detergent!

For those who like added scents to their laundry stay tuned for my scent booster hacks! How to make your own or make your store bought last 2-4x as long!

Farewell my Frugal friends!


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