The Benefits of Clean Eating with Karma Wellness Kitchen

Detroit Mom partnered with the amazing people at Karma Wellness Kitchen to bring you this post. All opinions are our own.

I am a lucky daughter who grew up in the food business. In my Indian home, I had the best of both worlds: my mom and grandmother were amazing cooks who loved to feed guests, and my dad had the family grain business. From them I learned how to cook healthy, delicious food without preservatives or additives.

From my dad, I learned the art of picking quality spices, the seasons for picking spices, 80+ varieties of rice, and the different grades of lentils. Little did I know that this knowledge would help me start Karma Wellness Kitchen, a plant-based food company, creating clean plant-based snacks and meal kits. 

You might be wondering about “clean eating.” Clean eating is a term that has been gaining popularity in recent years, but what does it actually mean? Simply put, clean eating is about choosing whole, natural foods that are as close to their original form as possible. This means avoiding processed foods, artificial ingredients, and added sugars. It also means focusing on nutrient-dense foods that provide a variety of vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial compounds that help keep our bodies healthy.

The Benefits of Clean Eating

One of the main benefits of clean eating is improved overall health. By consuming a diet rich in whole foods, you’re providing your body with the nutrients it needs to function properly. This can lead to better digestion, increased energy levels, and a reduced risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

Using spices while cooking also has clean eating benefits. Spices not only add flavor to our foods, but they also have a variety of health benefits. For example, turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties, and cumin can help boost immunity. 

What types of food are considered “clean”?

When it comes to clean eating, there are certain types of foods that are commonly included in a clean plant-based diet. These include fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lentils, proteins, and healthy fats. Some examples of these types of foods include:

  • Fruits and vegetables like berries, leafy greens, and cruciferous vegetables
  • Whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, and oats
  • Lentils and beans
  • Healthy fats such as avocado, nuts, and seeds

Clean Eating with Karma Wellness Kitchen

Eating clean can seem daunting, especially if you’re busy and don’t have a lot of time to cook. But it doesn’t have to be complicated. The start of Karma Wellness Kitchen began when my son moved to California for college. He wanted to eat home cooked meals that he grew up eating. I started sending brown bags of rice, lentils, and spices that he could easily cook in an Instant Pot in his dorm room. The comforting meals that he prepared reminded him of home away from home. Karma Wellness Kitchen offers one-pot, easy-to-cook meal kits that are a convenient option for busy people looking for a healthy, nutritious meal. 

Karma’s flagship product, a line of popped water lily seeds, comes in five flavors and can be eaten as a snack or used as a topping for other dishes. Popped water lily seeds come from the lily pads, and are high in proteins, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. We roast and season them with the cleanest ingredients like fresh spices without preservatives or caking agents, Himalayan pink salt, and olive oil.

At Karma Wellness Kitchen, we believe in a healthy food future by giving the best to ourselves and to those around us. The circle of Karma for us represents eating good, thinking good, and doing good for the community. Through Karma meals and snacks, we are sharing our food and culture with you and the rest of the world. For this, we feel truly grateful.

Check out Karma Wellness Kitchen’s website for more information and use this link for a special automatic coupon just for Detroit Mom readers!


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