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Please Don’t Judge My Little Boy

I have a little boy. He’s a beautiful child who can be sensitive to others, empathetic and caring. He also can’t control his anger and lashes out. He doesn’t know how to control his impulses, so when he does lash out, he’s violent. I’m the mother of the child who gets the report from the teacher at the end of the day about how my child hurt another. How my child had multiple time outs. How my child can’t control himself. It’s breaking my heart.

I’m sharing this because it’s so easy to judge a child and his parent. It’s easy to ignore us in the hallway. It’s especially easy to dislike the family because of the actions of one little boy. But I’d like you to know, we’re not like that. He’s not like that. And yet, he is. He’s intuitive. He knows when others are hurting. He runs for the bandages when his brother falls and he pats a grandparent gently after surgery. He has kindness and sensitivity.

And yet, he has rage. The smallest things can send him into a storm swirling with screaming, crying, throwing and even hitting and kicking. Those are the moments people see, and hear, the most. Those are the moments the teacher reports to me at pick-up. Those are the moments that define my little boy.

As a parent, it’s maddening. I’m embarrassed by his behavior because I know I’ve taught him better. I’m self-conscious because I know the other parents are silently judging me. I’m angry at him for behaving like this. I feel guilty for having these emotions about my son, my little boy. And I’m furious with myself for feeling all these feelings. If you’re the parent of one of the children he’s hurt, I’m sorry. You’re livid and rightly so. But please don’t be angry for the wrong reasons. Be angry that your child was hurt, be angry at the behavior, but try not to be angry at him. You wouldn’t be upset with a child who has diabetes and refuses to eat a cupcake. My little boy deserves that much.

Also, be angry alongside me. Be angry that behavioral problems are still spoken about in hushed tones. Be angry that I’ll get my little boy help under the cloak of silence, like he’s a criminal, because I don’t want people to judge him for the rest of his life. Be angry that before he’s even 5, he’ll have experienced all this because so many grown-ups see him as a “problem.” He’s my son. My little boy. He worries that a granola bar isn’t healthy enough for my lunch and packs toys in my work bag so I can play while I’m gone. It’s moments like those that give me hope that this is just a tangled moment in time that years from now offers no persuasion on how he is defined as a man, but rather shows the potential strength in my future adult son.

For now, I’ll hold his hand and hug him when the rage subsides. I’ll get him the help he needs, and if necessary, the help I need, to get him through this—because we will get through this. All of us. Together.

I Was Mom Shamed Today

I honestly never thought it would happen to me. I didn’t think it was a real thing; I thought it was something that happened to a few people and was amplified by the movies. But I was wrong: I was Mom shamed today. I mean, full on shamed by other mothers. For working. And I’m still in disbelief.

A little background: my son has been in kindergarten, elementary school for the first time. I am acquaintances with three other mothers in his class. I know that they are stay-at-home moms. On the other hand, I work full time. However, I drop him off and pick him up (in person) one day a week. My neighbor handles the other four days for me.enough

I have attended every single event at school that parents are able to attend. I have volunteered in his classroom during school hours. I make a conscious effort to be part of his school experience. And to be honest, I was feeling pretty good about my efforts. Until that morning.

The party was a little later that morning, so I took him to his class and waited outside with the other parents to view the parade. I planned to head to work after it. As I stood there, I saw some moms I knew, so I walked over to say hello.

It seemed cordial enough at first, making small talk about kids activities. But then things spiraled downhill quickly. Apparently, as they told me in not so many words and not so nice tones, based on my outfit (work clothes) it was evident that I wasn’t volunteering for the party, I wasn’t making a  mid-day shopping trip like they were, and I wouldn’t be home all day preparing a spectacular holiday for my kids. It wasn’t necessarily the words that they said, it was the way that they said it. It was so…condescending.

I stood there in disbelief. They continued chatting, with each other, and eventually turned away from me. My mind was racing. Literally racing…”Did that really just happen?” “I must have imagined that.” “I’m being overly sensitive.” But it happened. I know it happened. I know it wasn’t right.

I finished watching the parade and blew my sweet boy one last kiss. I walked back to my car, still trying to wrap my head around what had happened. As I drove into the office, I got mad at myself. Why was I letting this bother me? I don’t know if it was because I thought these women were my friends, or because they just assumed I’m not an involved parent. Maybe it was just the snotty tone that they used when they spoke to me. It just really bothered me. But I let it go.

It still hurts, but I let it go because I know I’m a good mom. I know that I bust my you-know-what for my kids and my work and my family and a million other things. I also know that I’m never going to confront these moms about how rude they were to me. I’ll smile and volunteer alongside them, take my son to their kids’ birthday parties and wave back at drop off and pickup. I’ll never forget what they said or how they made me feel, but I’ll forgive them and be a bigger person. Because that’s what a good mom does.

My Daughter, the Next President…


Or the next doctor, nurse, 3rd grade teacher, scientist, writer, singer, engineer, lawyer, or whatever the heck she wants to be. You know who taught me that? My mom and my dad, my grandparents, my aunts and uncles, and my older cousins, and every other influential woman (and man) who directly crossed my path and gave me strength and confidence as a girl and more importantly as an individual.  She needs me, her mother, to give her that confidence every day. She needs the women in her life to remind her that she can do and be anything she puts her mind to. She needs to know that when she wants a guitar but tells me that it is only for boys… oh no, no, no. She will be getting that guitar and learning how to play it if that is what she wants to do. She needs to see that her mother demands respect and that her father gives her mother respect on a daily basis. She needs to continue to see her father show her mother respect so that one day, she will be loved by a man that greatly respects her. We need to be her greatest examples of love and respect.



My son isn’t off the hook either. It is our job as his parents to show him the importance of respecting women. That he should act like a gentleman but also speak to a woman as his equal. This is not something that is contradictory – it is possible to do both. You can hold a door open for a woman and then sit down and go toe-to-toe over who you think was the best president in U.S. history. This is possible; I’ve seen it happen.

But, I also want him to know that I don’t plan to give any advantages or disadvantages to him or his sister. They will both have to work to achieve their goals and continually strive to do their best, knowing that their parents are there supporting them at every step. They will have to earn good grades with extra study hours, or get more playing time on the field or court with more practice time. We will not be the parents that allow our children to disrespect adults and think they can come crying to us when they do not get their way. It is our responsibility to prepare our children for the real world, and hope we have done all we can to make sure they succeed. It seems crazy to think of my 3 year old and 1 year old out in the real world, but the scary thing is, it will likely come faster than I realize and I need them to be ready for it. 
14670841_10109089732934154_1711475295758032237_nAbove all else, it is so important that everyday my daughter and my son see examples of love and kindness. I want them to know they can always trust in the love of family and each other. I know it is unrealistic to keep them in a bubble that will shelter them from hate, bullies, and disrespect.  But it is our job as their parents to show them how to act in the face of adversity and how to always treat others with love, respect, and kindness, no matter how others treat you. After all, the golden rule does not only apply to those who treat you kindly. It is the law of reciprocity principle of ‘treating others as one would wish to be treated.’

These examples of love, kindness, and respect will hopefully instilla consistent strength and confidence in both my son and daughter to grow into individuals that will one day learn to be those shining examples of love, kindness, and respect for someone else in whatever profession they choose to fill. The sky’s the limit. 


8 Ways To Increase Your Milk Supply

It is THE big question asked by breastfeeding Moms: How do I increase my milk supply?
Before I jump into my tricks and tips on increasing your milk supply, I first want to say two things:
1. I am not a doctor, nurse, or lactation consultant.
2. Not everything I suggest will work for every lactating mom. It will take a little experimentation to figure out what combination works for you.
I am a breastfeeding Momma to three boys. I have nursed for the last four years continuously, even through two pregnancies. I tandem nursed my first and second sons until my second son weaned at three years old and I currently tandem nurse my second and third sons. I work full time and pump three times a day. I have never used formula, (not that I have anything against it) and have experienced everything from over supply to barely providing enough for my baby while working. I am no expert, but I do have a little advice to offer.
First, ask yourself if you actually have a supply issue. Is baby producing adequate wet and dirty diapers? (In the first month, 10-12. After one month old, 8-12.) Is baby gaining enough weight? If so, chances are that you are doing just fine. Many times moms feel that a baby nursing constantly means that they aren’t producing enough but this is not true. Babies nurse for reasons other than hunger, such as for comfort, teething, even boredom. If you are pumping and concerned that your pumping output is not measuring up to your expectations, remember that babies are far more sufficient at removing milk from the breast than a pump is. If you have to pump because you work away from baby, you may need to pump more times than baby eats to make enough. If baby takes three bottles a day, you may need to pump five times to get enough for those three bottles. You can sneak in an extra pumping session in the middle of the night or pump on the opposite side at the same time you feed baby.


Pumping output with daily oatmeal and a lot of water.
Breastmilk is a supply and demand product. The more baby eats, the more milk your body produces. The #1 way to increase your milk supply is to have baby nurse as often as he wants for as long as he wants. I know this can be hard when you are tired and sore; but especially at first, having baby at the breast is what builds your supply. When supplementing with formula or giving a pacifier, the breasts aren’t emptying. A full breast doesn’t send the signal to make more milk. Try to avoid any artificial nipples until your supply is established.
Not feeding often enough, returning to work and having to pump, the introduction of solid foods, or the return of ovulation and your period can all affect your supply. To help you through these times, I recommend the following milk boosters.
1. Oatmeal
NO instant stuff. You want the real deal, whole rolled oats or steel cut oats. I like mine with dried fruit and a little honey. Yum!
2. Lactation cookies
Who doesn’t like cookies? These are made with special milk boosting ingredients like the aforementioned magical oats and brewers yeast. There are a ton of recipes online and even ready made cookies for sale through Etsy shops.
3. Water, Food, Water, Food.
Nourish yourself. Drink plenty of healthy fluids and do not restrict calories. You may find that you are hungrier while breastfeeding an infant than while pregnant!
4. Fenugreek
Available over the counter anywhere vitamins are sold, Fenugreek can increase milk supply but may also cause gas or fussiness in your baby, so watch for any adverse reactions in your little one. It will definitely make you smell like maple syrup!
5. Drink a beer
This one is slightly controversial as alcohol can decrease milk supply but hops in beer can increase supply. I know many ladies swear that by drinking one dark beer a day they have noticed an increase in milk. As a beer fan anyway, I tend to agree.
6. Mother’s Milk Tea
I love tea and Mother’s Milk is one of my favorites. It has a strong taste and takes a little getting used to, but I stir in a heaping spoonful of honey and could drink ten cups. It is available in most grocery stores. Follow the steeping directions for best results and enjoy the milk boost!
7. Power Pumping
Pumping is not my favorite activity in the world, but a hospital grade double electric breast pump is an incredible tool. Power pumping entails pumping after each feed. I pump for at least 15 minutes at a time. Make sure your flanges are the correct size, the speed of the pump is not too high or too low, and your membranes are replaced often. You can also use breast massage while pumping to increase output.
8. The 24 Hour Cure
I was super excited to stumble across this information. I think a 24 hour cure may be in order for all nursing moms, we need the rest anyway!
If you do not see an improvement in your milk supply after trying these boosters, please contact a certified lactation consultant for additional help. Breastfeeding is hard work, but so worth it. Not only for your baby, but for you!

5 Easy New Year’s Resolutions for Moms

It is that time of year again! Fresh off holiday parties and celebrations, it is time to dig into 2017. But where to begin? Like a lot of moms, you might be thinking about your New Year’s resolutions. But before you grab your pen and a sheet of notebook paper, you may want to consider these resolutions:

#1 Make realistic goals

Go-getter moms have a tendency to set the bar pretty high for themselves – often expecting even more of themselves than in the previous year. This is how many New Year’s resolutions are broken. Make sure that the goals you set are within your reach. Instead of trying to teach yourself yoga, maybe go to a class or two to see if you like it. Instead of buying 10 books at once, visit your local library and check one out. It’s often easier to tackle your goals one at a time rather than all at once.

#2 Learn when to say ‘no’

Many moms are supermoms. They are often the tutor, chef and chauffeur of their households. It’s easy to see how they might get burned out. So next time you’re asked to grab your cape, remember to consider your options – you don’t always have to say yes. Don’t be afraid to say no if you are feeling overwhelmed. There is nothing wrong with having a little free time in your schedule. In the end, your kids will probably appreciate the extra time they get to spend with you.

#3 Set exercise goals

No, not for you – for your children! With screen time at an all-time high, many children aren’t getting the daily physical activity recommended by physicians. While school sports are a great way to keep them active, it is important to keep in mind that organized athletics don’t appeal to everyone. If they aren’t for your child, try to brainstorm activities that are not competition-related. For example, bike rides, hiking around the neighborhood, dancing or tag. So turn off the video games, close the laptops and make it a priority to “cut the cord” and get outside at least 30 minutes a day.

#4 Start saving for college

Many parents are overwhelmed with the idea of saving for college – you may have found yourself with more questions than answers.

Michigan Education Trust (MET) is the state’s 529 prepaid tuition plan which allows for the prepurchase of undergraduate tuition for any child residing in Michigan. Parents can purchase college tuition based on today’s rates and then MET pays tuition out at the future cost when the student is ready for college. You might be thinking, will this affect what school my child can attend? The answer is no. The plan does not restrict a student’s choice in school – he or she can direct refund payments to any eligible university in the nation, including both private and public schools. Not to mention, both the total contract price and any monthly payments made are tax deductible on the purchaser’s Michigan income taxes in the year the purchases were made.

For more information, visit www.SETwithMET.com.

#5 Make family time a priority

Life can get pretty hectic. Between work, school, soccer practice, parties, playdates and field trips, families have a tendency to fall into a routine. Sadly, this often leads to little quality family time. So whether it is making it a priority to sit down for dinner every night or planning a fun weekend outing every other weekend, make time for your family because before you know it your children will be grown up with families of their own.

Detroit Moms Blog is thrilled to partner with MET to provide tips about easy New Year's Resolutions for mom.

Become A Contributor – Join Our Team

At Detroit Moms Blog, we believe in the power of collective wisdom and connecting with other parents. We strive to create a community-focused resource for parents to find support and respect by sharing solutions and swapping stories. Our contributor team is unique, transparent and passionate about connecting fellow moms to one another and our community.

We are quickly growing and looking for contributors to join our team! This is a volunteer position, but there are some really fun perks to make it worthwhile. We are looking for new moms, old moms, mr. moms, expecting moms, moms passionate about their community and future moms! Note: you do NOT have to be a blogger to apply! We are simply looking for local moms of all ages with children in various stages of life, who love to write, have a passion for motherhood and their community, and are looking for a way to connect! Sound like you?  Read on!

What you GIVE…

  • One original post per month that fits within the brand and mission of Detroit Moms Blog
  • A 6 month commitment beginning Feb 1, 2017
  • Reside within a 40 mile radius of Detroit, MI
  • A passion for moms, kids, and our community
  • Availability for live webinars or in-person contributor meetings with eats and drinks, of course!
  • Availability to attend Detroit Moms Blog events (both playdates & large social events)
  • Strong social media presence and involvement
  • A reliable, positive, respectful and fun personality!

What you GET…

  • Your photo and bio on the Detroit Moms Blog contributor page {with links to your personal blog and/or social media handles if you choose to share them}
  • Access to the Detroit Contributor’s Facebook group and other internal communications
  • Opportunities to test out products and/or services before reviewing them on DMB
  • Information and professional development in the areas of writing, photography, blogging, SEO, social media, and event management
  • Access to pre-sale and discounted tickets to upcoming Detroit Moms Blog events
  • New friendships and an amazing experience {our favorite part}!

How to Apply : 

Please fill out the below application in its entirety by 12 pm January, 15th. Email [email protected] with any questions!  We will be in touch with all applicants by January 18th.

The newest members of the Detroit Moms Blog Team will be announced within a week of the submission deadline!

Detroit Moms Blog Contributor Call

Tell Us What You Think: 2016 DMB Reader Survey

Thank you for being a part of our online community: We want your feedback!

We can hardly believe we are in our second year since we first launched Detroit Moms Blog. The growth, the connections, the community we have experienced have far exceeded our expectations. In 2016 we’ve taken the Detroit area by storm and have hosted thousands at our family events throughout the year!

Everything we do, we have YOU in mind. We want to continue to bring you updated resources, information, and the ability to connect YOU with other Detroit area parents! In order to continue to do that, we would love for you to provide your feedback by taking the 5 minute survey below. 

And if you complete this survey, you will be automatically entered to win a $25 Amazon gift card (we must have your email address to notify you)! Because who doesn’t LOVE shopping on Amazon?! Four winners will be drawn on January 17th!

Reader Survey

Step 1 of 3

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  • You must include your email address in order to win 1 of the 4 $25 Amazon.com gift cards!
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  • Stay-at-home momWork part-time from homeWork full-time from homeWork part-time outside the homeWork full-time outside the homeRetired

Be the Fun Mom: My New Years Resolution

A few weeks ago, my 7 year old daughter said something that made me take pause. We were making a bed together and she did something goofy that I happened to find particularly funny and laughed with her. She looked at me and said “You laughed? You never laugh.” I forced some more laughter out and brushed it off with her. Of course I laugh, don’t I?

I couldn’t get that interaction out of my head and thinking about it more I recalled another conversation we had  awhile ago. I had a positive reaction to something she was doing and she stopped to tell me she was happy to see me smile because I never smiled anymore.

After those two comments from my daughter what really hit home with me was a conversation with my husband before bed just a few days ago. He casually mentioned that our daughter had asked him to collaborate with her in an effort to get mommy to laugh more.


We really do have lot of fun as a family
We really do have a lot of fun as a family

Never smile?  Laugh more? Me? She must be mistaken – I’m a happy person. I love my life and my kids make me happiest of all – of course I smile and laugh with them. But what if I don’t show them enough how much fun I have with them?  What if my knowing I am happy isn’t enough?

I realized I couldn’t ignore these comments from my daughter.  Even though we do laugh and smile together, I suddenly felt I was dangerously close to creating a lasting impression on my kids as an unhappy person.  That is not the memory I want my kids to have of me.  I don’t want them to look back on their childhood and have no recollection of mom having fun!

What my kids don’t realize, of course, is that I – as the mom – facilitate almost all of the ‘fun’ things they do.  I think in most families the planning, scheduling and organizing falls on the mother’s to-do list and I am no exception.  I work hard to make sure my kids have lots of fun and varied experiences, whether it is through traveling, classes, community activities, surprise meals, library programs – the list is endless.  However, also as the mom who is in charge of schedules I am always thinking 2 steps ahead. 

At least I am happy in her doodles!
At least I am happy in her doodles!

For example, a “fun” morning at the Hands On Museum is great – the kids love it and so do I – but while I am trying to enjoy the activities with them I am also always conscious of what needs to happen next.  ‘We need to get through X exhibit by about Y o’clock so we have time to hit everything else we want to see and still get a decent lunch in before nap time.’  Maintaining a schedule is stressful to me – I have never been good with time management, but there is no choice with children.  I think this underlying stress can lead me (and maybe some of you) to give off a more anxious vibe that isn’t very fun-loving.  Anyone who knows me would tell you without hesitation that I’m a very laid back person, but when it comes to my kids I just can’t be.

More of this in the new year!
More of this in the new year!

Realizing all of this has given me some new motivation and, while I’m not big on making resolutions, I feel the new year is the perfect time to focus on making some changes in my behavior around my family.  So for 2017 I’m resolving to be a ‘fun’ mom and to make sure my children see how much I love spending time with them and just how happy they make me every day. 

Detroit Moms Guide to January

Now that the hustle and bustle of the holiday season is over – you can slowly get back into the groove of your normal routines.  Happy 2017 everyone!  Here is DMB’s guide to the best family activities going on around metro Detroit in the first month of the year.  Get out and enjoy it with your kiddos!! If we missed something fun, comment below so we can add it!

*photo credit to Emma Burcusel Photography*

January 3, 2017

Winter Break Matinees and Evening Skates at the Skatin’ Station

Location :: The Skatin’ Station, 8611 Ronda, Canton
Time :: 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Cost :: $6.00 for matinee and $5.00 for evenings

Come to the Skatin’ Station and enjoy your Christmas break!

Talk & Play with Toddlers

Location :: Sterling Heights Public Library, 40255 Dodge Park, Sterling Heights
Time :: 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Cost :: Registration is required

Join us for a non-structured program where sensory bins, puzzles, crafts, and toys are provided for your little ones while coffee and tea are provided for you! It’s a great opportunity to sit and chat while the kids play freely! All ages are welcome with a caregiver.

Finding Dory @ The Library!

Location :: Dearborn Public Library, Henry Ford Centennial Library, 16301 Michigan Ave., Dearborn
Time :: 1:00 – 2:45 p.m.
Cost :: Free to attend but registration is required

The tables are turned. Watch Nemo and his Dad help Dory find her family. (PG, 105 min., 2016) No registration, but seating is limited. No strollers, food or drink in the auditorium.

January 4, 2017

Winter Break Matinees and Evening Skates at the Skatin’ Station

Location :: The Skatin’ Station, 8611 Ronda, Canton
Time :: 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Cost :: $6.00 matinee and $5.00 for evenings

Come to the Skatin’ Station and enjoy your Christmas break!

Joel Tacey Magic and Comedy Show

Location :: Dearborn Public Library, Henry Ford Centennial Branch, 16301 Michigan Ave., Dearborn
Time :: 2:00 – 3:00  p.m.
Cost :: Free to attend but registration might be required

The magic and comedy of Joel Tacey will entertain you. Seating is limited. No registration. No food, strollers, or drink in the auditorium.

Mom & Me Wednesdays

Location :: Stage Nature Center, 6685 Coolidge Hwy., Troy
Time :: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Cost :: Contact Stage Nature Center for details.

Looking for a fun indoor activity for you & your kids during the winter months? Tired of busy, expensive indoor children’s play places where you chase down your toddlers then entire time? If your answer is yes to these questions, then we have a wonderful solution for you this winter! Join us for Mom & Me Wednesdays during January and February at the Stage Nature Center for a stress-free indoor activity where kids can dig for bones in our mastodon pit, play games and build puzzles in our activity area or read books in our library. Parents are invited to sit back and relax with your babe in arms, or complimentary hot tea while your toddler plays in one of our activity areas. You will have an opportunity to mingle with other families who also enjoy the wonderful things that Stage Nature Center has to offer during the winter months!

January 5, 2017

Winter Break Matinees and Evening Skates at the Skatin’ Station

Location :: The Skatin’ Station, 8611 Ronda, Canton
Time :: 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Cost :: $6.00 for matinees and $5.00 for evenings

Come to the Skatin’ Station and enjoy your Christmas break!

January 6, 2017

Winter Break Matinees and Evening Skates at the Skatin’ Station

Location :: The Skatin’ Station, 8611 Ronda, Canton
Time :: 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Cost :: $6.00 for matinees and $5.00 for evenings

Come to the Skatin’ Station and enjoy your Christmas break!

Sleeping Beauty feat. The Russian National Ballet Theater

Location :: Ford Community & Performing Arts Center, 15801 Michigan Ave., Dearborn
Time :: 8:00 p.m.
Cost :: $25-$39

Enter a world of fairy tale princesses, malevolent witches, storybook kingdoms, and true love’s kiss in this most cherished ballet. “Sleeping Beauty” is the magical tale of a beautiful princess who waits in slumber to be awakened by the kiss of her prince. Opulent costumes and sets, Tchaikovsky’s magnificent score — which he thought was perhaps his best piece of music — and the elegant movements of these extraordinary dancers result in an evening of breathtaking artistry.

Plymouth Ice Festival

Location :: Downtown Plymouth
Time :: 5:00 – 10:00 p.m.
Cost :: See website for details

January 6th-8th marks the 35th annual Plymouth Ice Festival in downtown Plymouth. Come witness as Kellogg Park is transformed into a magical winter wonderland of icy fun for the whole family! Professional ice sculptures can be seen throughout downtown and are available for viewing 24 hours during the festival. Nightly entertainment, interactive ice sculptures, dueling chainsaw competition and live ice carving exhibits are just some of the activities that can be seen during the festival. So bundle up, grab a cup of hot chocolate and come visit downtown Plymouth for the ice festival.

January 7, 2017

Crate Toolbox Workshop

Location :: The Home Depot, ((20300 Kelly Rd., Harper Woods)) ((660 W. 12 Mile Rd., Madison Heights)) ((13500 Middlebelt Rd., Livonia))
See the Home Depot website to check for workshops in your area on this date!
Time :: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Cost :: Free to attend

Join our hands-on workshop and you and your child can get to work on a wood toolbox they can use for keeping anything from art supplies to toys neat and portable. Once the toolbox is built, your child can paint it in their favorite color. All kids get to keep their craft, receive a FREE certificate of achievement, a Workshop Apron, and a commemorative pin while supplies last. Children must be present at the store to participate in the workshop and receive the kit, apron and pin.

Totally Toddlers Storytime and Play group

Location :: Farmington Community Library, Farmington Branch – 23500 Liberty St., Farmington
Time :: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Cost :: Free to attend, pre-registration might be required

Miss out on our weekday story times? Come listen and play along during this Saturday program designed for walkers to 3 year olds and their parent/caregivers. Enjoy an interactive story time featuring books, rhymes, finger plays, music and movement. After the stories, have fun with your child while playing with our developmentally appropriate toys.

Plymouth Ice Festival

Location :: Downtown Plymouth
Time :: 10:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Cost :: See website for details

January 6th-8th marks the 35th annual Plymouth Ice Festival in downtown Plymouth. Come witness as Kellogg Park is transformed into a magical winter wonderland of icy fun for the whole family! Professional ice sculptures can be seen throughout downtown and are available for viewing 24 hours during the festival. Nightly entertainment, interactive ice sculptures, dueling chainsaw competition and live ice carving exhibits are just some of the activities that can be seen during the festival. So bundle up, grab a cup of hot chocolate and come visit downtown Plymouth for the ice festival.

New Year, New You Wellness Expo

Location :: Royal Oak Farmers Market, 316 E. 11 Mile Rd., Royal Oak
Time :: 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Cost :: Admission, programs and parking are free

The expo will showcase hundreds of products and services for a healthier body, mind, home, family, pet and more. Experts from community organizations will offer wellness presentations and programs. Visitors will enjoy live music, healthy concessions, kids activities and free massage. The expo will run concurrently with the popular Saturday morning Farmers Market, indoors at the historic and convenient venue. Admission, programs and parking are free.

New Year Craft and Vendor Show

Location :: St. John United Church of Christ, 2744 4th Street, Wyandotte
Time :: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Cost :: Free admission

Start the New Year of right by shopping!! There will be over 45+ Craft and Vendors, Raffles, 50/50, Food Concession and FREE admission..FREE gift bags to the first 50 lucky shoppers!! Mark you calendars so you don’t miss it!!

Basic Wine Making Class

Location :: Cap N Cork Homebrew Supply, 16776 21 Mile Rd., Macomb
Time :: 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
Cost :: $20.00

Basic Wine making is the perfect class for someone who is just getting started making kit wines and seeking some additional guidance. The class will cover basics from start to finish, which includes: the kits, the equipment, fermentation, aging, packaging and tasting. Classes are limited to 14 people, allowing for an intimate experience. Following the class, participants will be able to take advantage of an exclusive shopping experience with various specials and sales.

Honor the Blue Line – Charity Hockey Game

Location :: Fraser Hockeyland, 34400 Utica Rd., Fraser
Time :: 4:00-7:00 p.m.
Cost :: $5.00

The Michigan Warriors and DPD Hockey are proud to present the 2017 “Honor the Blue Line” charity hockey game, benefiting the families of fallen officers.  Numerous officers have tragically lost their lives recently and this skate between the Warriors and the DPD will serve to honor their lives and to raise money for the families left behind. Please join us in supporting the families of the fallen, as the Michigan Warriors face off against the DPD Hockey team on January 7th, 2017. Evening activities include raffles, 50/50, silent auctions, and chuck-a-puck, as well as special presentations by the Michigan Warriors. All proceeds go to the families of fallen officers.

January 8, 2017

Open Heart Yoga & Henna

Location :: Eastern Market Wellness Center, 1345 Division St., Suite 201, Detroit
Time :: 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Cost :: See website for details

As the New Year approaches, we start to manifest deep self-reflection from the years past and set our hearts intention for the year to come. Join yoga instructor Rachel Vurpillat + Monique Herzig of Alchemy Henna for an intimate evening event at Eastern Market Wellness Center.  PLEASE BRING:
Please bring a yoga mat, blanket and/or blocks if preferred and loose fitting shoes/socks for easy wearing home and care of the henna. PREREGISTRATION IS REQUIRED!

Plymouth Comic Con

Location :: Plymouth – Ann Arbor Elks 325, 41700 Ann Arbor Rd. E, Plymouth
Time :: 9:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Cost :: $3.00 per person or $10.00 for a family 5 pack

The first ever Plymouth Comic Con!  Over 45 tables of comic books, Funco Pops, action figures, original art, local publishers and more!!!

Plymouth Ice Festival

Location :: Downtown Plymouth
Time :: 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Cost :: See website for details

January 6th-8th marks the 35th annual Plymouth Ice Festival in downtown Plymouth. Come witness as Kellogg Park is transformed into a magical winter wonderland of icy fun for the whole family! Professional ice sculptures can be seen throughout downtown and are available for viewing 24 hours during the festival. Nightly entertainment, interactive ice sculptures, dueling chainsaw competition and live ice carving exhibits are just some of the activities that can be seen during the festival. So bundle up, grab a cup of hot chocolate and come visit downtown Plymouth for the ice festival.



January 9, 2017

Operation Goodie Bag: National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day

Location :: Farmington Community Library, Farmington Branch, 23500 Liberty St., Farmington
Time :: 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Cost :: Free to attend

Drop in today to say thanks to our local public safety officers for everything they’ve done to keep us safe this past year – and especially during the holidays! All ages are invited to come in and decorate bags to be filled with snacks and treats which will be delivered to Farmington and Farmington Hills police and fire departments.

January 10, 2017

PAWS for Reading!

Location :: Sterling Heights Public Library, 40255 Dodge Park, Sterliong Heights
Time 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Cost :: Registration is required

Children and pets have a special bond because animals do not judge or interrupt a reader. Practice your reading individually with a trained therapy dog and her trainer in the library’s storytime room!

Preschool Story Time

Location :: Allen Park Public Library, 8100 Allen Rd., Allen Park
Time :: 1:00 p.m.
Cost :: Free to attend but registration is required

Participation from independent 3-5 year olds – while the parents and caregivers wait in the library!  Call to register!!

Little Critters: Awesome Opossum

Location :: Howell Nature Center, 1005 Triangle Lake Rd., Howell
Time :: 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.Cost :: $6 per child, limit of 4 children per adult. 

Learn about how North America’s only marsupial is pouches of fun! Connect with your “little critter” through nature. We’ll enjoy crafts, songs and stories about your favorite Howell Nature Center residents.

January 11, 2017

Toddler Story Time

Location :: Allen Park Public Library, 8100 Allen Rd., Allen Park
Time :: 10:30 a.m.
Cost :: Free to attend but registration is required

For ages 2-3 plus a parent to oversee.  Quiet or immobile infants are invited with a registered 2-3 year old and parent.

Mom & Me Wednesdays

Location :: Stage Nature Center, 6685 Coolidge Hwy., Troy
Time :: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Cost :: Contact Stage Nature Center for details.

Looking for a fun indoor activity for you & your kids during the winter months? Tired of busy, expensive indoor children’s play places where you chase down your toddlers then entire time? If your answer is yes to these questions, then we have a wonderful solution for you this winter! Join us for Mom & Me Wednesdays during January and February at the Stage Nature Center for a stress-free indoor activity where kids can dig for bones in our mastodon pit, play games and build puzzles in our activity area or read books in our library. Parents are invited to sit back and relax with your babe in arms, or complimentary hot tea while your toddler plays in one of our activity areas. You will have an opportunity to mingle with other families who also enjoy the wonderful things that Stage Nature Center has to offer during the winter months!

Food Truck Rally

Location :: Royal Oak Farmers Market, 316 E. 11 Mile Rd., Royal Oak
Time :: 5:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Cost :: Free admission

A collection of Michigan’s finest food trucks come together at the Royal Oak Farmers Market every 2nd Wednesday of each month. Enjoy great food, live music, and more entertainment.

Benefits of Essential Oils

Location :: Mt. Clemens Public Library, 150 Cass Ave., Mt. Clemens
Time :: 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Cost :: $5.00

“Benefits of Essential Oils” with Advanced Master Gardener Karen Burke. What you need to know about essential oils: what they are, how do you use them, and are they safe? And, what not to do. You can come and watch Karen prepare, or you can purchase, for a nominal fee, a “hands-on kit” for class and/or take home.

January 12, 2017

Ladies Night Out @ Lole Rochester

Location :: Lole Rochester, 1266 Walton Blvd., Rochester
Time :: 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Cost :: Free admission

Let’s celebrate that we survived the holidays and have one night to enjoy ourselves! Our new Spring Collection will be available to preview as well as a Stella & Dot Trunk Show! Of course we will have wine and light snacks plus a few more suprises! Let us know you are coming to stay up to date with all the details!

Mario Kart @ The Library

Location :: The Farmington Community Library, 23500 Liberty St., Farmington
Time :: 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Cost :: Free to attend but registration is required

Rule the road! Grab your friends and challenge them to a high speed race night with Mario Kart 8. Snacks and prizes. Feel free to bring your own controller or Nintendo 3DS (make sure you have full batteries!) Registration is required, as space is limited.

January 13, 2017

Books & Bounces (Age 6-18 months)

Location :: Dearborn Public Library, Henry Ford Centennial Branch, 16301 Michigan Ave., Dearborn
Time :: 10:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Cost :: Free to attend but registration might be required

Babies with a caregiver can enjoy their first storytime with books, songs, and playtime. One caregiver per child is recommended. Registration required.

Owl Prowl

Location :: Stage Nature Center, 6685 Coolidge Hwy., Troy
Time :: 7:00-8:30 p.m.
Cost :: $5-$6

Have you heard the trill and whinny of the Eastern Screech-Owl or the deep, soft hoot of the Great Horned Owl? Join us as we immerse ourselves into the nighttime world of the owl and discover what makes them so unique. Together we will brave the cold and prowl the trails to listen and look for these elusive raptors that call the grounds of the Stage Nature Center home. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.

January 14, 2017

North American International Auto Show

Location :: Cobo Arena, 1 Washington Blvd., Detroit
Time :: 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Cost :: Adults: $13 per person, Seniors: $7 (65 and older) Children: $7 (7-12 years old; 6 and under free with a parent or guardian)
PLEASE NOTE: Every child in a school group must have a ticket to enter the show

Experience the next generation of transportation at the North American International Auto Show 2017. See more than 750 vehicles on display representing the most innovative designs in the world, and experience North America’s largest and most prestigious automotive showcase.

Auto Show 5k 2017

Location :: Joe Louis Arena, 19 Steve Yzerman Drive, Detroit
Time :: 8:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Cost :: See event page here for details.

5K run/walk in conjunction with the North American International Auto Show

January 15, 2017

North American International Auto Show

Location :: Cobo Arena, 1 Washington Blvd., Detroit
Time :: 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Cost :: Adults: $13 per person, Seniors: $7 (65 and older) Children: $7 (7-12 years old; 6 and under free with a parent or guardian)
PLEASE NOTE: Every child in a school group must have a ticket to enter the show

Experience the next generation of transportation at the North American International Auto Show 2017. See more than 750 vehicles on display representing the most innovative designs in the world, and experience North America’s largest and most prestigious automotive showcase.

January 16, 2017

MLK Day Crafts

Location :: Farmington Community Library, 32737 Twelve Mile Rd., Farmington Hills
Time :: 1:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Cost :: Free to attend

 Join us in making crafts celebrating the legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr

MLK Jr. Service Day

Location :: Royal Oak High School, 1500 Lexington Blvd., Royal Oak (other locations as well – see site for details)
Time :: 7:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Cost :: Free to attend

Join the communities of Berkley and Royal Oak in honoring the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with a day of service. The event kicks off with breakfast followed by a keynote address by Dr. Faith Fowler, the executive director of Detroit-based Cass Community Social Services.
Participants are encouraged to participate in both on- and off-site service projects. (See link above for details)

MLK Jr. Bring the Dream to Life Family Day

Location :: Detroit Historical Museum, 5401 Woodward Ave., Detroit
Time :: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Cost :: Free

Scheduled activities include:
– Children’s activities, including planning a dinner with Dr. King and making your own Martin Luther King, Jr. coloring and activity book.
– Presentation on Detroit’s Historic Conant Garden neighborhood by Orlin Jones and a dance performance by Alnur African Drum and Dance troupe.
– Poetry “open mic” for compositions on the theme “the spirit of Dr. King” with hosts Thomas Williams and One Single Rose.
– Cupcakes and singing of Stevie Wonder’s “Happy Birthday” at 3:30 p.m., followed by “We Shall Overcome.”

North American International Auto Show

Location :: Cobo Arena, 1 Washington Blvd., Detroit
Time :: 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Cost :: Adults: $13 per person, Seniors: $7 (65 and older) Children: $7 (7-12 years old; 6 and under free with a parent or guardian)
PLEASE NOTE: Every child in a school group must have a ticket to enter the show

Experience the next generation of transportation at the North American International Auto Show 2017. See more than 750 vehicles on display representing the most innovative designs in the world, and experience North America’s largest and most prestigious automotive showcase.

January 17, 2017

PAWS for Reading!

Location :: Sterling Heights Public Library, 40255 Dodge Park, Sterliong Heights
Time 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Cost :: Registration is required

Children and pets have a special bond because animals do not judge or interrupt a reader. Practice your reading individually with a trained therapy dog and her trainer in the library’s storytime room!

Preschool Story Time

Location :: Allen Park Public Library, 8100 Allen Rd., Allen Park
Time :: 1:00 p.m.
Cost :: Free to attend but registration is required

Participation from independent 3-5 year olds – while the parents and caregivers wait in the library!  Call to register!!

North American International Auto Show

Location :: Cobo Arena, 1 Washington Blvd., Detroit
Time :: 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Cost :: Adults: $13 per person, Seniors: $7 (65 and older) Children: $7 (7-12 years old; 6 and under free with a parent or guardian)
PLEASE NOTE: Every child in a school group must have a ticket to enter the show

Experience the next generation of transportation at the North American International Auto Show 2017. See more than 750 vehicles on display representing the most innovative designs in the world, and experience North America’s largest and most prestigious automotive showcase.

January 18, 2017

Families and Jammies!

Location :: Sterling Heights Public Library, 40255 Dodge Park, Sterling Heights
Time :: 6:30 p.m.
Cost :: Registration is required

Spend time as a family with stories, rhymes, activities, and crafts. Children are encouraged to wear their pajamas, but it’s not required. This program is designed for ages 1-7.

Toddler Story Time

Location :: Allen Park Public Library, 8100 Allen Rd., Allen Park
Time :: 10:30 a.m.
Cost :: Free to attend but registration is required

For ages 2-3 plus a parent to oversee.  Quiet or immobile infants are invited with a registered 2-3 year old and parent.

Busy Bags (Ages 3-5 with a caregiver)

Location :: Dearborn Public Library, Henry Ford Centennial Branch, 16301 Michigan Ave., Dearborn
Time :: 10:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Cost :: Free to attend but registration is required

Children enjoy a play date while adults create busy bags to take home. Space is limited. Registration required. Registration begins Wednesday, January 4.

Mom & Me Wednesdays

Location :: Stage Nature Center, 6685 Coolidge Hwy., Troy
Time :: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Cost :: Contact Stage Nature Center for details.

Looking for a fun indoor activity for you & your kids during the winter months? Tired of busy, expensive indoor children’s play places where you chase down your toddlers then entire time? If your answer is yes to these questions, then we have a wonderful solution for you this winter! Join us for Mom & Me Wednesdays during January and February at the Stage Nature Center for a stress-free indoor activity where kids can dig for bones in our mastodon pit, play games and build puzzles in our activity area or read books in our library. Parents are invited to sit back and relax with your babe in arms, or complimentary hot tea while your toddler plays in one of our activity areas. You will have an opportunity to mingle with other families who also enjoy the wonderful things that Stage Nature Center has to offer during the winter months!

North American International Auto Show

Location :: Cobo Arena, 1 Washington Blvd., Detroit
Time :: 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Cost :: Adults: $13 per person, Seniors: $7 (65 and older) Children: $7 (7-12 years old; 6 and under free with a parent or guardian)
PLEASE NOTE: Every child in a school group must have a ticket to enter the show

Experience the next generation of transportation at the North American International Auto Show 2017. See more than 750 vehicles on display representing the most innovative designs in the world, and experience North America’s largest and most prestigious automotive showcase.

January 19, 2017

Do-It-HERself Build a Nightstand Workshop

Location :: The Home Depot, ((47950 Grand River Ave., Novi)) ((25879 Hoover Rd., Warren)) ((5951 Mercury Drive, Dearborn))
Check the Home Depot website to see if a location near you offers this workshop on this date!
Time :: 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Cost :: Free to attend

Learn to build Night Stand. Join our workshop and let our associate show you how to use a jigsaw, nailer and other carpenter?s tools to cut and craft a double-drawer night stand using one of our popular storage items, the wood crate. Then, let our associate walk you through ideas for personalizing your project with stain, paint or stencils. The Home Depot workshops are designed to provide mix of associate led instruction, demonstration, and some hands-on learning. Materials can be purchased to make your own project at home.

Pete’s Dragon

Location :: Allen Park Public Library, 8100 Allen Rd., Allen Park
Time :: 4:00 p.m.Cost :: Free to attend

Come watch this beloved children’s movie with your littles!  As long as they can site quietly, they are welcome!  Snacks will be provided.

North American International Auto Show

Location :: Cobo Arena, 1 Washington Blvd., Detroit
Time :: 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Cost :: Adults: $13 per person, Seniors: $7 (65 and older) Children: $7 (7-12 years old; 6 and under free with a parent or guardian)
PLEASE NOTE: Every child in a school group must have a ticket to enter the show

Experience the next generation of transportation at the North American International Auto Show 2017. See more than 750 vehicles on display representing the most innovative designs in the world, and experience North America’s largest and most prestigious automotive showcase.

January 20, 2017

Books & Bounces (Age 6-18 months)

Location :: Dearborn Public Library, Henry Ford Centennial Branch, 16301 Michigan Ave., Dearborn
Time :: 10:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Cost :: Free to attend but registration might be required

Babies with a caregiver can enjoy their first storytime with books, songs, and playtime. One caregiver per child is recommended. Registration required.

Inside Out with Dan the Creature Man

Location :: Costick Center, 28600 Eleven Mile Rd., Farmington Hills
Time :: 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Cost :: $13 per person, $8 resident discount

Spend an evening OUTSIDE- INSIDE, as we bring the great outdoors inside. Enjoy a picnic dinner of deli sandwiches and worm dirt pudding. Dan the Creature Man from The Little Creatures Co. will be presenting a hands-on program featuring healthy exotic animals at 7pm. The event also includes indoor nature hikes, hands-on nature activities, animal furs, and fun bouncer. Learn to cast a fishing pole, shoot a bow, and much more! This is an event the entire family will enjoy!

North American International Auto Show

Location :: Cobo Arena, 1 Washington Blvd., Detroit
Time :: 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Cost :: Adults: $13 per person, Seniors: $7 (65 and older) Children: $7 (7-12 years old; 6 and under free with a parent or guardian)
PLEASE NOTE: Every child in a school group must have a ticket to enter the show

Experience the next generation of transportation at the North American International Auto Show 2017. See more than 750 vehicles on display representing the most innovative designs in the world, and experience North America’s largest and most prestigious automotive showcase.

January 21, 2017


Location :: Howell Nature Center, 1005 Triangle Lake Rd., Howell
Time :: 12:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Cost :: Adults $10.00, Children $8.00

Come beat the “winter blahs” and injoy outdor sports, indoor sports, wildlife presentations, zip lining and much more!

Wild Winter Weekends

Location :: The Detroit Zoo, 8450 W. 10 Mile Rd., Royal Oak
Time :: 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Cost :: All Wild Winter activities are included in the price of admission

Embrace the winter weather this season during Wild Winter Weekends at the Detroit Zoo. These events are a fun way to experience the magic of the Zoo in winter. Enjoy your favorite habitats indoors and out along with special activities, zookeeper talks, crafts and much more.

Swan Lake

Location :: Macomb Center for the Performing Arts
Time :: 2:00 p.m.
Cost :: $43-$58

Prepare to be mesmerized by the Russian National Ballet Theatre’s stunning rendition of Swan Lake. The world’s great love story offers an unforgettable evening of ballet, telling the story of Prince Siegfried and Princess Odette, who is cursed by evil sorcerer Von Rothbart to take the form of a swan by day and stay a maiden at night. Von Rothbart sends Odile, the black swan, to entice Siegfried and to keep Siegfried and Odette apart so his spell on Odette cannot be broken. Stylish choreography and masterful storytelling make Swan Lake one of the most beautiful ballets and a delight for the entire family!

North American International Auto Show

Location :: Cobo Arena, 1 Washington Blvd., Detroit
Time :: 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Cost :: Adults: $13 per person, Seniors: $7 (65 and older) Children: $7 (7-12 years old; 6 and under free with a parent or guardian)
PLEASE NOTE: Every child in a school group must have a ticket to enter the show

Experience the next generation of transportation at the North American International Auto Show 2017. See more than 750 vehicles on display representing the most innovative designs in the world, and experience North America’s largest and most prestigious automotive showcase.

January 22, 2017

North American International Auto Show

Location :: Cobo Arena, 1 Washington Blvd., Detroit
Time :: 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Cost :: Adults: $13 per person, Seniors: $7 (65 and older) Children: $7 (7-12 years old; 6 and under free with a parent or guardian)
PLEASE NOTE: Every child in a school group must have a ticket to enter the show

Experience the next generation of transportation at the North American International Auto Show 2017. See more than 750 vehicles on display representing the most innovative designs in the world, and experience North America’s largest and most prestigious automotive showcase.

January 24, 2017

PAWS for Reading!

Location :: Sterling Heights Public Library, 40255 Dodge Park, Sterliong Heights
Time 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Cost :: Registration is required

Children and pets have a special bond because animals do not judge or interrupt a reader. Practice your reading individually with a trained therapy dog and her trainer in the library’s storytime room!

Preschool Story Time

Location :: Allen Park Public Library, 8100 Allen Rd., Allen Park
Time :: 1:00 p.m.
Cost :: Free to attend but registration is required

Participation from independent 3-5 year olds – while the parents and caregivers wait in the library!  Call to register!!

January 25, 2017

Toddler Story Time

Location :: Allen Park Public Library, 8100 Allen Rd., Allen Park
Time :: 10:30 a.m.
Cost :: Free to attend but registration is required

For ages 2-3 plus a parent to oversee.  Quiet or immobile infants are invited with a registered 2-3 year old and parent.

Mom & Me Wednesdays

Location :: Stage Nature Center, 6685 Coolidge Hwy., Troy
Time :: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Cost :: Contact Stage Nature Center for details.

Looking for a fun indoor activity for you & your kids during the winter months? Tired of busy, expensive indoor children’s play places where you chase down your toddlers then entire time? If your answer is yes to these questions, then we have a wonderful solution for you this winter! Join us for Mom & Me Wednesdays during January and February at the Stage Nature Center for a stress-free indoor activity where kids can dig for bones in our mastodon pit, play games and build puzzles in our activity area or read books in our library. Parents are invited to sit back and relax with your babe in arms, or complimentary hot tea while your toddler plays in one of our activity areas. You will have an opportunity to mingle with other families who also enjoy the wonderful things that Stage Nature Center has to offer during the winter months!

January 26, 2017


Location :: Allen Park Public Library, 8100 Allen Rd., Allen Park
Time :: 4:00 p.m.
Cost :: Free to attend

Come enjoy this wonderful children’s movie! No registration required.  Free snacks for everyone.  All ages – as long as they can sit quietly.

January 27, 2017

Port Huron Chillyfest

Location :: McMorran Place, 701 Mcmorran Blvd Port Huron, MI 48060
Time :: All Day
Cost :: See website for details

This wintery event offers ice sculptures, scavenger hunts, a chili competition, bed races and live entertainment!  Fun for the whole family!

Michigan Mammals

Location :: Stage Nature Center, 6685 Coolidge Hwy., Troy
Time :: 7:00 -8:00 p.m.
Cost :: $10 per person

Come and view live mammals in a program presented by a naturalist from the Howell Nature Center. This presentation highlights the variety of mammals that reside in Michigan and the habitats in which they are found. Some of the live mammals may include groundhog, opossum, flying squirrel, porcupine or mink. A selection of study skins and skulls will also be available for observation. This is a family program; children must be accompanied by an adult. Each person participating must enroll and pay the fee.

Saline Winterfest

Location :: Downtown Saline
Time :: See website for details
Cost :: See website for details

There will be 35+ indoor and 10+ outdoor activities scattered among 20+ locations in the 4 blocks of Downtown Saline. This will be fun for the whole family; kids, teens, adults, and grandparents! There will be something for everyone from mild to WILD! Winterfest excitement starts in December with the button sale and some contests.

Owl Nights

Location :: Howell Nature Center, 1005 Triangle Lake Rd., Howell
Time :: 7:00 – 10:00 p.m.
Cost :: $8.00 for adults, $7.00 for children – recommended for children Kindergarten age and up

Winter is the perfect time to hear great horned owls “Whooing!” Come out and enjoy a live owl show and take an evening walk calling in owls. Hot chocolate and cookies are served. Recommended for kindergarten age and up.

January 28, 2017

Books & Bounces (Age 6-18 months)

Location :: Dearborn Public Library, Henry Ford Centennial Branch, 16301 Michigan Ave., Dearborn
Time :: 10:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Cost :: Free to attend but registration might be required

Babies with a caregiver can enjoy their first storytime with books, songs, and playtime. One caregiver per child is recommended. Registration required.

SMART Saturdays

Location :: Farmington Public Library, Main Branch, 32737 Twelve Mile Rd., Farmington Hills
Time :: 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Cost :: Free to attend

We will focus on Science, Math, Art, Reading, or Technology with a book and/or presentation and activities.
January 28: Floatation-Why did the Titanic sink?

Monster Jam

Location :: Ford Field, 2000 Brush St., Detroit
Time :: 7:00 p.m.
Cost :: Tickets starting at $15

NEA, Grave Digger driven by Charlie Pauken, El Toro Loco, Dragon driven by Scott Liddycoat, Metal Mulisha driven by Todd LeDuc, Alien Invasion driven by Chad Tingler, VP Racing Fuels’ Mad Scientist driven by Lee O’Donnell, Storm Damage driven by Tim Mente, Hurricane Force driven by Steven Thompson, Big Kahuna driven by Shane England, Fatal Attraction driven by Jeff Murphy.

Saline Winterfest

Location :: Downtown Saline
Time :: See website for details
Cost :: See website for details

There will be 35+ indoor and 10+ outdoor activities scattered among 20+ locations in the 4 blocks of Downtown Saline. This will be fun for the whole family; kids, teens, adults, and grandparents! There will be something for everyone from mild to WILD! Winterfest excitement starts in December with the button sale and some contests.

January 29, 2017

PoHo Hot Cocoa 10 Mile, 10K, 5K and Kids Mile

Location :: SC4 Fieldhouse, 400 Erie St., Port Huron
Time :: 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Cost :: $15-$35 (price increases after 12/31)

Join us for the 6th annual PoHo Hot Cocoa Event presented by Farm Bureau Insurance! The race course winds through historic downtown Port Huron and along the St. Clair River with a beautiful view of the Blue Water Bridge. This year’s event features a 10 mile, 10K, 5K and Kid’s Mile. Every participant will receive a Brooks Podium long sleeve tech shirt and every participant will receive a PoHo Hot Cocoa medal at the finish! The Health & Wellness Expo and Packet Pickup will be Saturday January 28th at SC4 Fieldhouse (400 Erie St. Port Huron, MI 48060) from 10AM-6PM. Proceeds from PoHo Hot Cocoa will be donated to benefit the Port Huron City Police CAPTURE program and the Port Huron Recreation Department.
New this year is the SC4 Tower Sprint! Runners will have an opportunity to stretch their legs at the Health & Wellness Expo by experiencing a vertical challenge climb up the 150’ SC4 Tower for a very unique and beautiful view of the Blue Water Area. The fastest runners to climb the 188 steps in each division will also receive a free pair of running shoes courtesy of Elite Feet.

January 31, 2017

PAWS for Reading!

Location :: Sterling Heights Public Library, 40255 Dodge Park, Sterliong Heights
Time 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Cost :: Registration is required

Children and pets have a special bond because animals do not judge or interrupt a reader. Practice your reading individually with a trained therapy dog and her trainer in the library’s storytime room!

Talk & Play with Toddlers

Location :: Sterling Heights Public Library, 40255 Dodge Park, Sterling Heights
Time :: 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Cost :: Registration is required

Join us for a non-structured program where sensory bins, puzzles, crafts, and toys are provided for your little ones while coffee and tea are provided for you! It’s a great opportunity to sit and chat while the kids play freely! All ages are welcome with a caregiver.

Preschool Story Time

Location :: Allen Park Public Library, 8100 Allen Rd., Allen Park
Time :: 1:00 p.m.
Cost :: Free to attend but registration is required

Participation from independent 3-5 year olds – while the parents and caregivers wait in the library!  Call to register!!

Kid-Friendly New Years Eve Events In + Around Detroit

Couldn’t snag a sitter this NYE?  Or do you just want to ring in this new year with your little ones?  DMB has a list of kid-friendly events In+Around Detroit for you to enjoy!  We hope you had an AMAZING 2016 and we wish you and even BETTER 2017! 


Northville Magic Show

Location: Northville Recreation Center at Hillside Middle School (775 N Center St, Northville)

Time: 3 – 5 pm


Before December 21:

1-2 yrs: $2

3-17 yrs: $10

18 and up: $12

After December 21:

1-2 yrs: $3

3-17 yrs: $18

18 and up: $12

Northville Parks and Recreation is bringing in the New Year with a magic show, face-painting, games, and an early ball drop! Popcorn and soft drinks will be sold, $1 each.


 Berkley Noon Year’s Eve

Location: Berkley First United Methodist Church (2820 Twelve Mile Rd, Berkley)

Time: 11 – 12:30 pm

Cost: Free; a donation of a nonperishable is requested.

Ring in the New Year early with a countdown and all drop. There will be noisemakers, hats, snacks, and more!


 Wild Lights at the Detroit Zoo

Location: Detroit Zoo (8450 W. 10 Mile Road, Royal Oak)

Time: 5:30 – 9pm

Cost: $10/in advance; $13/at the gate

Experience the magic of the Detroit Zoo through the lights and sights this winter. There is holiday entertainment and special activities for all ages.


Noon Year’s Eve at the Detroit Historical Museum

Location: Detroit Historical Museum (5401 Woodward Ave, Detroit)

Time: 10:00am – 1:00pm

Cost: Free admission to Museum and Event; Parking fees may apply

Families can make their own noisemaker, write a time capsule letter, enjoy cookies and hot cocoa and, most importantly, celebrate the New Year!


New Year’s Eve Family Night Out

Location: Troy Community Center (3179 Livernois, Troy)

Time: 5 – 7:45pm

Cost: Community Center Pass Holders – Free; Residents – $5; Non-residents – $6

Stop in for activities like basketball, swimming, the inflatable castle, and more. Pizza and pop available to purchase for dinner between 5-7pm. There’s something for all ages!


Kids Zone at Motor City’s New Year’s Eve Drop

Location: Campus Martius Park (800 Woodward Ave, Detroit)

Time: 4-7pm; Kids Ball Drop at 6:30pm

Cost: Free; Ice-skating cost: $8 – adults, $7 – kids 12 and under and ages 50 plus; $3/skate rental

There’s a Kids Zone at the Motor City’s New Year’s Eve celebration from 4-7pm. There will be bounce houses, face painting, karaoke, a jungle gym, and more. You can also ice skate (for a fee), take a horse-drawn carriage ride, and see the the ball drop at 6:30pm.


Detroit Circus New Year’s Eve

Location: Canton Village Theater (50400 Cherry Hill Rd, Canton)

Time: 7pm (Pre-show begins at 6pm)

Cost: $20

Enjoy the Detroit Circus as they dazzle with high flying ariel stunts, fire dancing and eating, stilt walking and acrobatics, and more! Admission includes a beverage, popcorn, and pre-show activities (face painting, temporary tattoos, and visits with circus entertainers in the lobby). Circus show runs approximately 1.5 hours.


Rochester Big Bright Light Show

Location: Downtown Rochester

Time: 6pm – Midnight

Cost: Free

Spend your New Year’s Eve dazzling at the Rochester Big Bright Light Show before it ends for the season. Enjoy them from the comfort of your car or bundle up for a stroll through downtown.


New Year’s Eve Party at Kirksey Recreation Center

Location: Jack E. Kirksey Recreation Center (15100 Hubbard, Livonia)

Time: 4-7pm

Cost: Livonia Residents – $8.75; Non-Residents – $10 (Pre-Registration required)

Enjoy an evening of swimming, giant inflatables, climbing the Rock Wall, holiday crafts, face painting, dodgeball, food, music, and dancing, and more! There’s even a surprise entertainer to look forward to.


Rockin’ NYE in Downtown Wyandotte

Location: Downtown Wyandotte (Biddle Ave, Wyandotte)

Time: 6pm – 1am

Cost: Free

Community Choice Credit Union presents Rockin’ NYE featuring a New York style ball drop near the iconic Clock Tower on Biddle and Maple. Enjoy live bands, a dj, and a heated tent with activities for all ages. A 1,000 lb steal ball with 288 flashing lights provided by, Metro Electric & Lighting, will be lowered by Hetzel Hoisting at 9 p.m. for the families1


New Year’s Eve in Never Never land

Location: Downtown Mt. Clemens

Time: 4 – 9pm

Cost: Free

Families can enjoy New Year’s Eve related festivities including fireworks and a ball drop!


Annual New Year’s Eve Jump N’ Jam! (Multiple Locations)

Location: Pump It Up –

Auburn Hills (1720 Opdyke Ct, Auburn Hills)

Wixom (28373 Beck Rd H, Wixom)

Canton (46090 Michigan Ave, Canton)

Time: 5:30 – 8:30pm

Cost: $15

A special New Year’s Eve themed jump! Admission includes; Pizza, drinks, drawings, lots of jumping, and a Kids ONLY Count Down at 7pm!


New Years Even Rock N Bowl

Location: Classic Lanes (2145 Avon Industrial dr, Rochester Hills)

Time: Afternoon Package – 12 – 2:30pm OR 3 – 5:30pm

Early Evening Package – 6 – 8:30pm

Cost: Afternoon Package – $49.95/Lane up to 6 guests; Early Evening Package – $59.95/Lane up to  6 guests

Great for all ages! Each package includes bowling for up to 6 guest, shoes, 1 large-2 topping pizza, 1 pitchers of soft drink, music, door prizes, giveaways, and more! Reservations and prepayment is required.


In + Around Detroit

hot cocoa bomb ingredients displayed on counter

Where to Find Hot Cocoa Bombs In + Around Detroit

*updated 1/14/2025 Hot cocoa bombs are all the rage. Local bakers, chocolatiers, and cafes are taking drinking hot cocoa to another level. They turn your...