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Detroit Mom’s Local Love Spotlight: Michigan Pediatric Therapy

Detroit Mom’s Local Love series highlights local women and the businesses they have built. We love supporting small business! Today’s Local Love Spotlight belongs to Magda Girao, owner of Michigan Pediatric Therapy.

To start, we asked Magda to share a few fun facts about herself with us:

  • She is trained in craniosacral therapy for pediatrics.
  • She collects angels.
  • She adopted her son!

We asked Magda to share a little bit more about her business with us next. Get to know her and her business, Michigan Pediatric Therapy, below!

How did you come up with the idea of your business, and how did you start?

“When I brought my son home. He had so many issues that traditional therapy services could not address. I began a journey to learn as much as I could to help him and other children. So I could use all I had learned, I opened up my own practice. I wanted to make a bigger difference for children! [And] I am committed to children to keep moving forward.

“I cashed in my retirement savings account and took a leap of faith. I rented a space, printed business cards, and started marketing my business.”

Knowing what you know now, is there anything you would have done differently when you were first starting out?

“No, the journey taught me to have courage under fire. It taught me to think in the avenues of possibilities.”

What is the best business advice you’ve ever been given?

“Keep generating no matter what it looks like!”

Have you faced adversity in business due to being a woman? How did you navigate that?

“Different men consultants said I did not have what it takes to make it. I navigated by telling them to watch me succeed.”

How do you persevere in challenging times?

“I keep my focus on the children and the difference I want to make. I know God blessed me with a gift to help children. Before I take my last breath, I will make a difference for thousands. I will teach upcoming therapist[s] what I know so that millions can be impacted. Change the world with our knowledge!”

What impact do you want your business to have?

“To become a place where people feel at home and know that we will advance their lives and children’s lives to be successful and living a life of freedom from struggle. When children graduate from our services, parent[s] know that their lives have changed for the better.”

What are the pros and cons of being a woman business owner in 2024?

“Pros: we get to be creative and create from nothing. Our nothing opens up possibilities like a flower blooming.

“Cons: we have to prove ourselves over and over again.”

What knowledge would you share with someone who wants to become an entrepreneur?

“Everyone fails. Failure one day just defines the direction to the next success, arming you with tools and knowledge. This way you know the way.”

What do you do for personal and professional development?

“Mentor, listen to live seminars, watch recorded training videos. I believe in life, there is always more to learn. That makes life exciting!!”

What mantra or quote do you live by?

“Carpe Diem–Seize the day!!!”

What’s your favorite place in Detroit or Michigan?

“True Rest Spa–because it is important to take care of you, too.”

Where can our readers find you on social media?

You can follow Michigan Pediatric Therapy on Facebook, Instagram, and on their website!

We hope you loved getting to know more about Magda + Michigan Pediatric Therapy. Be sure to check out our previous Local Love Spotlight featuring Alicia Long + Sunny Side Up Wellness!

Simple Ideas for Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day With Kids

Let’s face it, the month of March can be dreary. It’s that in-between, muddy, often gray time of year. Enter March 17th: St. Patrick’s Day! This fun holiday is a bright (green?) spot in the middle of the month. But why DO we celebrate St. Patrick’s day?

The holiday once began as a religious observance, because St. Patrick is credited with bringing Christianity to parts of Ireland. Now, the day has become a celebration of the Irish culture. Below, I am sharing some ideas for celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with your kids! Spoiler alert: you don’t have to be Irish!

Activities + Games

We love a fun holiday game! Get the kids in the St. Patrick’s Day spirit by kicking off the morning with one of these activities, or as a fun way to decompress after school.

  • Pin the Tail on the Leprechaun game: here’s a game that’s fun for kids of all ages!
  • Printable St. Patrick’s day activity sheets: These are so cute and fun for a variety of ages! I love the coloring pages for younger kiddos. Older kids will love the word scramble and crossword puzzle!
  • Roll a Rainbow dice game: I love this one because all you need is a set of dice! The cute printable game cards are an added bonus. If you don’t want to use the game cards, just assign each number on the dice to a color of the rainbow (a 1 would equal red, 2 is orange, 3 is yellow, etc.) and try to be the first player to roll all the colors of the rainbow.


We’re big readers in our house, and I love having a reason to pick out a new book!

  • How to Trap a Leprechaun by Sue Fliess: A fun read for the kiddos! The suggested age range is 2-6 years old.
  • St. Patrick’s Day by Gail Gibbons: This book can help kids understand the tradition behind St Patrick’s Day, as well as learn some Irish history and culture. Recommended for ages 3-7


Festive crafts and projects are some of my favorite things to do with my kids! These can work for a range of ages, and you can make it as simple or involved as you like. My daughter’s preschool class made a leprechaun trap last year, and it was a huge hit with the kids!

  • Leprechaun Hat: Make this adorable leprechaun hat out of popsicle sticks! This one calls for craft foam, but I think you could use construction paper instead.
  • Leprechaun Hand Print: You can try this one with even the littlest of kiddos, provided they don’t mind paint on their hands! I love how the fingers and thumb become the fringe of the leprachaun’s beard.
  • Leprechaun Trap: Legend has it that if you capture a leprechaun, he must grant you three wishes in order to be released. Why not build a leprechaun trap with the kids?! A trap can be as simple or as involved as you want. We hear that the best way to lure a leprechaun into your trap is with anything gold and shiny! And, don’t forget rainbows! You can make a trap from materials you have at home, or check out this easy kit.

Food + Snacks

Try one (or all!) of these goodies to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with your kids! You could even pop one into a lunchbox for a festive surprise at school.

  • Lucky Charms treats: Is it even St. Patrick’s Day if we don’t break out the Lucky Charms cereal?! If you’re looking for a fun treat, try this twist on the classic rice crispy treat recipe.
  • Rainbow fruit parfait: Cut up fruit in the colors of the rainbow (strawberries, oranges, pineapple, kiwi, blueberries, purple grapes) and layer into clear cups. Top with a dollop of whipped cream or yogurt to look like a cloud!
  • Soda Bread: A fun way to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with kids is to make soda bread, which is a traditional Irish quick bread. The key to making a soda bread that isn’t dry is to not overmix the ingredients. (For a soda bread with some flair, try this one!)
  • Spinach pancakes (for the green color without food coloring!): Wanting to try something different? Give these pancakes a try! The recipe states that the spinach gives a very neutral flavor, but lots of great green color. Add your favorite toppings for a festive St. Patrick’s Day breakfast!

You don’t need to be Irish in order to have fun this March 17th! I hope you and your family enjoy some of these ideas for celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with kids. What things would you add to this list?

You can celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with Irish folk songs, too! Molly shares all about her personal connection to the music.

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Let’s ROAR For 313 Day!

What does 313 Day mean to you? The crowds are ROARing so loud that you can’t hear for the next couple of days? The Detroit Lions blue painted all around Ford Field with die-hard Detroit Lions fans’ faces showing all sorts of emoji emotions? This is what ONE PRIDE and 313 DAY is all about! Are you ready DETROIT MOMS, once again, to show pride in our city on 313 Day?

To be honest, I never had a number from the 313 area code. However, I did play, got my higher education, and worked in the 313. So, I spent most of my young adulthood galavanting around (as my parents would say) in Detroit. I love the city! I remember when I was a kid calling my mom, who worked at a hospital in Detroit for over 30 years, on the phone almost every shift, saying “Hi, it’s me again . . . can I speak to Luchie?” The number is still ingrained in my ol’ brain: 313.966.4450!

Photo by @qualityofwifeandboys

All of us here in the Metro Detroit area have had many stories (some crazy) and memories and still either live, work, or have some special place we call home in the 313. On March 13, us Detroiters will celebrate the best we can! And if you need a few ideas, you know we’ve got you covered. Here are some great family events to check out for 313 Day!

313 Day Celebration

The Local 4 team, Detroit Riverfront Conservancy, and Raise the Flag together have packed this day full of fun for all ages!

When: March 13 (313 Day), from 3:13-7:00 p.m.
Where: 2670 Atwater St. Detroit, MI 48207 (Robert C. Valade Park)
What to expect: Music, comedy, trivia, and more

The best thing about this event is that it’s completely FREE and family-friendly. What better way is there to celebrate this great city than by enjoying the spectacular views of the Detroit River and all of the new developments such as the Southwest Greenway, which connects Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Centennial Park with the Michigan Central Mobility Innovation District, and is a key part of the 27.5 mile Joe Louis Greenway!

Detroit vs. Everybody Pop-Up

Tommey Walker of Detroit vs. Everybody is celebrating 313 Day by showcasing a pop-up exhibit of garments, accessories, and art at the Detroit Historical Museum and it’s FREE!

When: March 13, at 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Where: Detroit Historical Museum (5401 Woodward Ave., Detroit MI 48202)
What to expect: Enjoy the rich heritage of Detroit by walking through the ol’ streets of Detroit and explore vignettes curated by Walker and the Detroit vs. Everybody team around the museum, highlighting each crevice of Detroit’s history and how the 313 was back in the day. Tell all your friends and family and have a great time down memory lane while taking great photos for the ‘gram!

The museum with Detroit vs. Everybody is such a natural collab as the brand “embodies the pride and unapologetic spirit of our beloved Detroit!”  So grab your boos and your DvE shirts and have fun!

Mister Dips at the Shinola Hotel

At the Shinola Hotel, Mister Dips will be serving menu items for $3.13. Let’s get down in the D with Mister Dips on 313 Day!

When: On March 13 from 12:00-10:00 p.m.
Where: Mister Dips (19 East Grand River Detroit, MI 48226; in Parker’s Alley adjoining the Shinola Hotel)
What to expect: Burgers, ice cream, fries, and more for only $3.13. A Detroit kid’s dream dinner!

This sounds like a perfect meal for the whole family to enjoy while enjoying the downtown feels with our ONE PRIDE community and family! Make sure to take a walk through the gorgeous Shinola Hotel after your delicious treats. The hotel will make you feel like the royal family you are!

Whether you celebrate 313 Day at one of these fantabulous events, or at your humble abode, being grateful for the D-lightful city we live in; spend it with the people you love the most!

Looking for more ways to get out and explore? Check out Lauren’s list of  indoor cold weather ideas for kids!

Homegrown Bouquets: How to Start Your Own Cut Flower Garden

A year ago or so, my husband and I decided to try a cut flower garden after hearing about the results from a friend. Just from a single raised bed and a few pots, she created gorgeous small bouquets to adorn her house and gift to neighbors. In fact, her blooms were so prolific that she started a system where recipients of a bouquet could bring back their empty jar, and she would refill it for free.

Thanks to a sweeping variety of plants and a vast library of knowledge shared by other gardeners on social media, creating your own cut flower garden might be simpler than you think!

A dahlia from our garden
A dahlia from our garden

How to Get Started With a Cut Flower Garden

It’s best to start small until you figure out how many flowers you’ll readily use, and what types of blooms you like. Once you nail down the basics, the opportunities to fill more beds with other gorgeous plants are practically endless.

1. Select your location.

You know the adage: “location, location, location.” There are a few factors that go into choosing the perfect spot for your garden. To get a decent bounty of flowers, you’ll likely want to use a flower bed, either raised or in-ground. You may already have an open bed just waiting to be planted, or you might need to create one. Whichever spot you choose, be sure it receives plenty of sunshine and has an adequate growing medium–generally well-draining, rich soil.

It’s also important to think about how your flower bed will match your overall outdoor aesthetic. For some, having a lot of chopped-off stalks and a bed that can be semi-barren sometimes isn’t important. However, others might prefer to put their cut flower garden in a more inconspicuous location. After all, the purpose of this garden is to harvest instead of act as landscaping.

2. Start planning what to plant.

Well before the growing season, figure out which types of foliage and flowers you want to plant. You can choose annuals (a single-year producer) and perennials (a producer that comes back yearly, more or less). Annuals like Ageratum, Cosmos, Bachelor’s Button, and Zinnia are a few favorites. Perennials great for cutting include Aster, Anemones, or Foxglove*.

*As a mom, I think it’s important to check the toxicity of plants, especially those you will have near your home and plan to bring inside as bouquets. Some varieties that are great for cutting are also toxic. If you have younger, curious children, you may want to avoid planting these types!

Some prized flowers, like Dahlias, are excellent for cutting but don’t necessarily fall into either category for Michigan residents. Dahlias have tender bulbs that won’t survive our winters, but you can dig them up in the fall, store them in your basement, and replant them in the warmer months!

Choosing Flower Varieties 

There are too many flower varieties to list, but in general, here are a few things to look for when deciding what to plant.

  • Longer stems. It’s great to have flowers of varying heights, but some are just too short. Longer stems can help ensure your flowers can be used in bouquets for vases or jars.

  • Consider texture, color, and size. Bouquets are like an artist’s palette; they should be varied in texture, color, and size. For example, you might choose spherical and smaller Ball Dahlias as well as tall and angular Larkspur. Or soft Aster contrasted with harsher, more angular Black Eyed Susan. Still, the colors should complement one another, so take note of what all the flowers’ hues might look like together in a bundle.

  • Note bloom time. Some plants bloom in early spring and stop when the weather gets warm (like our favorite, Ranunculus). Others are mid to late-summer bloomers, such as many Dahlias. If you want to keep your cut flower garden producing all season long, consider each plant’s individual bloom time and season.

  • Don’t forget foliage. Getting caught up with all the colorful, vibrant flower options is easy. However, greenery is a bouquet essential, and often used as a filler. Dusty Miller, Bunny Tail Grass, Eucalyptus, or herbs such as Basil or Mint can all be excellent additions to your cutting garden!

Planting and Caring For Your Garden

Many cut-flower gardeners plant their flowers in rows to keep things tidy and make gardening easier. You’ll still want to note the plant’s bloom times, though, so that you can stagger your planting to ensure something is always flowering.

Like a vegetable or herb garden, cut flower gardens require regular watering, weeding, and feeding. Unlike your veggie patch, you’ll also need to follow each plant’s instructions for deadheading. Deadheading is the practice of removing spent (or dead) flower heads to encourage new blooms. It’s often best to do this with shears.

You will also want to use sharp, clean shears to collect your harvest. Typically, it’s advised to snip flowers in the early morning or evening to avoid further stressing the plants in the hottest, harshest parts of the day.

Have fun with it!

Even if you tie a handful of flowers together with a bundle of kitchen twine, it’s likely your friend or neighbor will be more than happy to receive the vibrant, floral surprise. Cut flower gardens are meant to be enjoyed by everyone. Don’t be afraid to share your newfound hobby, even if your bouquets look nothing like the armfuls sold in stores. With a little planning and tender love, you’ll have homegrown gifts to share all season long!

A cut flower garden might be something you do solely for yourself, and that’s perfectly okay. Read Natasha’s tips for how to prioritize yourself again in motherhood.

Day in the Life of a Metro Detroit Muslim Family During Ramadan

It’s officially Ramadan 2024. There are a few fundamental Ramadan facts that continuously hold true year after year:

  1. Ramadan is about a month long. This year it starts on March 11th and ends around April 10th, 2024. 
  2. Muslims fast during the month of Ramadan from sunrise to sunset. Read my post “How My Family is Celebrating Ramadan” to learn more about Ramadan itself. 
  3. Many Muslims find their days and routines flip-flop during the month of Ramadan. This is due to the demands and daily changes fasting can incur.

I’ve spent the last few weeks preparing my home, family, and even our lifestyle for a successful Ramadan. This is because our day starts early before the sun even rises, and ends way past sunset. 

Are you wondering how Muslims spend their time during this month and what makes it so special? Curious what a typical Detroit-based Muslim family’s daily routine might be during Ramadan? Keep reading to see what our typical daily life is like during this beautiful and holy month!  

5:30 a.m. 

We’re starting off the month with a 5:30 a.m. wake up. This gets earlier as the month progresses, so by the end we’ll be waking up earlier–at around 4:45 a.m. We’re awake this early to get in a super early breakfast during a meal called Suhoor, which must be complete before sunrise. 

My favorite thing to have this early—a hot cup of coffee. (And very much needed, I might add.) While many Muslims might choose to forego their morning cup of coffee at Suhoor—along with a caffeine withdrawal the week before Ramdan—I’ve found that I do better with it, so now I drink mine at Suhoor.  

Suhoor meals are protein-packed foods to keep us full during the day. Some of my family’s personal favorites for this early meal include egg omelets (my girls love them with cheddar cheese), overnight oats, protein waffles and pancakes, bagels and cream cheese, etc. As a special Suhoor treat I also buy my girls their favorite sugary cereals that aren’t allowed through my front door during the rest of the year. 

After finishing our early breakfast and guzzling down what seems like a gallon of water, we have a few more minutes before morning prayer. Muslims complete five prayers during the day—the first happening before sunrise. Frequent prayer helps us constantly be reminded of God’s blessings and remain steadfast in our faith. 

We’ll read from our Quran books, and about 15 minutes later it’s time to pray. If it’s a weekend and my kids don’t have school we’ll do a family prayer together. But since today is a weekday, they’re going to pray alone and then head back to bed for a few more hours before school.   

6:00 a.m. 

This is one of my favorite times of the day in general for me—and especially during Ramadan. I’m sure every mom—whether Muslim or not—can relate. Since the rest of my family is asleep, I blissfully get the quiet house to myself. 

Fueled on that suhoor cup of coffee, I’ll sit to peacefully get some work done for the next couple hours. As a stay-at-home mom and writer, these moments of quiet are indispensable to me. I’ll break these two hours up into work time, and Quran reading time. 

During Ramadan, Quran recitation is at the forefront of Muslims’ religious actions. This is because we believe the Quran was completed during this month. So I like to get cozy with a blanket on my empty living room couch, and read my Quran peacefully, as I’m better able to focus on it during this time.

After that I might pull out my laptop and catch up on some work before I see the sun coming up and it’s time to get my kiddos ready for school. 

9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. 

My kids are in school, so I try to get as much done as I can with them out of the house. Yet another aspect many of you moms can relate to as well! I try to finish any time-consuming work early in Ramadan. (Thank goodness for that Suhoor cup of coffee again!) This means grocery shopping; washing, chopping, and preparing all the produce and whatever prep I can get out of the way for dinner. I find this cuts down significantly on time during that Iftar dinner rush. Iftar is the meal we break our fast with at sunset—usually dinner. 

After dinner is prepped, I’ll move on to general house stuff such as cleaning, organizing, laundry, etc. Again, the game plan here is get it all done while that jolt of caffeine is still in my veins! 

1:00-3:00 p.m.

Once I’m done with all my household chores and dinner is prepped and ready in the fridge, around this time is where I’ll pray my afternoon prayers. Then comes one of my favorite parts of my day where I sit again to complete any writing and desk tasks. 

I’ll also save some time before picking up my kids to reopen my Quran and read some more of the chapter I started in the morning. Sometimes I’m able to complete it now, and sometimes I’ll have a little bit left for later. Being that Arabic is my second language, I’m a little slower at reading it. So it takes me a bit longer to finish up that Quran chapter. But the pride and accomplishment I feel afterwards is priceless, and makes the harder work so worthwhile! 

4:00-5:00 p.m. 

My kids are picked up from school. Another huge change for my family during Ramadan is that we have less extracurricular activities during this month. 

I allow us much more “free rest time” together on the weekdays during Ramadan. For us that means more television, reading, and play time. Which also makes this month more special for my kids, as they look forward to our stricter rules being bent a little while they’re fasting. 

So for this next hour we’re winding down from school and watching television together. One of our favorite shows to watch together? Full House! I got my kids into it, and now it’s become a Ramadan tradition for us to catch one episode every afternoon after school!

5:00-7:00 p.m.

Full House is over and now it’s time for homework. Since we don’t have any extracurricular activity disruptions, I can give my kids my full attention while we do this. This is another aspect of this beautiful month I look forward to: our “family time” is maximized. The “evening rush” usually disrupting our time together is much slower.

I can sit to do homework with my kids for longer. There is no worrying about rushing for karate class, or my listening to them practicing piano from the kitchen while I multitask to be done before our next activity. We’re able to take our time completing all these tasks, and possibly still have time to read a book, watch TV, and/or go for a walk together if it’s warmer. 

My kids will also get ready for bed at this time. On a normal night we’d do this pre-bedtime prep routine after dinner. But Iftar dinner is a major event of the Ramadan day. Since Iftar is close to bedtime, our focus and energy is about to shift greatly for these last few hours of the day. 

7:00-8:00 p.m. 

Here it is folks: the dinner rush to end all dinner rushes! Preparing Iftar dinner is like being on a cooking show where you’re cooking as fast as you can, racing to beat the clock—where the ideal finish line is even before the clock ends.

Because when that minute hand hits Iftar time—around 8:00 in this case–the entire household is eating at the exact same time. So dinner can’t be late even by a few minutes. This is where that dinner prep I did earlier comes in handy. Since everything is pretty much prepared it doesn’t take long to heat things up, or take out what I need from the fridge. 

On the flip side though, the entire household is eating at the exact same time. For 30 days straight. We all sit down together at the exact same time every night for 30 days. The only time of the entire year that we do. And they’re the most special meals I have the fondest memories of. 

8:00-9:00 p.m.

As far as what’s for Iftar dinner? This really depends on the day. There are some foods associated with Ramadan and Iftar, but the general rule of thumb is nourishing and hydrating foods after a long day of fasting. 

Most Iftar meals usually consist of dates which are an Islamic tradition, and both a soup and a salad because they’re nutritious and hydrating. There will also be a protein as a main course, as well as some carbohydrate-rich foods as sides. On this particular day we’re having dates, lentil soup, fattoush, spring rolls, hamburgers, and french fries.

While I know many people who will plan out their entire menus for the whole 30 days, I only plan them out weekly, depending on what we’re all craving. And if there’s one thing I love to do in Ramadan: it’s honor our delicious cravings! 

After Iftar everyone pitches in to clean up, because more hands make light work. We complete our evening prayers, and then it’s off to bed for my kiddos. 

As for my husband and I, this hour is another “time” perk Ramadan gave back to me. Since we finished dinner together, we get to relax in the evening together after dinner too. On a regular day we’d both be ending dinner at different times due to our differing work and extracurricular schedules. But in Ramadan during this hour, we get to enjoy a post-Iftar cup of coffee together as we watch a live-streamed Ramadan Islamic lecture. 

10:00-11:00 p.m. 

I’ll usually end the night with a TV show. Right now I’m currently watching This is Us. Then it’s off to bed and wake up again at 5:30 a.m. to do it all over again. 

I hope reading this “day in the life–Ramadan style” helped you see what a typical day is like for my family during Ramadan. Some aspects of the month, such as fasting, require us to maneuver our day a bit to meet its demands. But other aspects such as the time spent with family—is truly a gift given back to us in exchange. 

Lastly, to anyone also celebrating Ramadan, I bid you a beautiful Ramadan Kareem!

There are many things to learn about Ramadan. Faten is sharing a little bit about what she’s learned about sacrifice, self-discipline, and gratitude.

An Irish Music Celebration: The Songs That Uncle Roger Sang

Growing up Irish, music plays a large part in your life. I have memories from early childhood being at the old AOH on Grand River in a smoke-filled bar while live music is being played. And, Ireland is the only country in the world with a musical instrument as its national symbol: the harp!

Especially around St. Patrick’s Day, the songs of Ireland are playing. My Uncle Roger had a band called “Irish Wakes and Weddings.” His band played songs like “What Do You Do With A Drunken Sailor?”, “O Danny Boy”, and “The Fields of Athenry”, among others.

The “Irish Wakes and Weddings” band; my Uncle Roger is seated with the guitar.

The songs that Uncle Roger sang tell the stories of many of the 31.5 million Americans that identify as having Irish heritage. If you are unfamiliar with the songs, let me introduce you. Irish music is “catchy,” which makes the chorus’s of each song irresistible to sing along with. Audience participation is almost expected when you are listening to certain songs–so if you are listening to “Wild Rover,” you will hear four fist pounds or claps after the first lines of the chorus.

And it’s No, Nay, Never

(4 claps or fist pounds on the table)

No Nay Never, No more

Shall I play the Wild Rover

No Never, No more

I grew up singing these songs at funerals and weddings, as well as on St.Patrick’s Day.

One of the most popular Irish folk songs is a song that I am proud to say contains my first name: “Molly Malone.” There is a famous statue of her in Dublin. And, the most famous modern Irish band is none other than U2. Who remembers “The Joshua Tree”?

When the Irish gather in groups, music is something that is ever present. You can hear the fiddle, tin-whistle, bodran, spoons, and harp, as well as guitars, flutes, drums, pianos, and even accordions. People of all ages gather to listen to these songs; men, women, boys, girls, and babies can all be found in these gathering places.

Irish music is storytelling.

Often these stories are of love, loss, and nationalism–themes that are universal. Still, many others are about libations and the shenanigans that often go hand-in-hand with ingesting alcohol (a.k.a. drinking songs)–themes of the songs that Uncle Roger sang. This has led to the popular misunderstanding of St. Patrick’s Day as being just for drinking. The fact of the matter is that the Irish celebrate a mass on St. Patrick’s Day, and gather as families.

From a young age, we learn what exactly it is you “do with a drunken soldier,” as well as what went on “at Finnegan’s Wake”. Always lively in descriptions, these songs weave stories that are irresistible to tap toes to and sing along with.

If you have ever wondered what would happen if you got stuck in a bathroom for a week, there is a song for you: “Seven Old Ladies”. If you ever wondered where to find a Guinness Distributor worldwide, there is a song for you as well: “wherever you go across the world you can find The Irish Pub”.

You don’t need to be Irish to Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day and sing along with the songs. In the city of Detroit, there is a St. Patrick’s Day parade every year. It is an experience that the whole family can enjoy.

I share this Irish music with my children often.

When March finally rolls in, you can find me listening to St. Patrick’s Day Radio on Pandora. My third child was born via Cesarean section, and during my surgery we were listening to songs that my Uncle Roger sang!

Over the years I have learned many of the words to these songs. I had my first Irish Pub Song Book before the age of 10. Irish folk music makes you want to join in, regardless of your musical ability. It is not uncommon to hear the whole bar singing out to the classics like “The Black Velvet Band” (petty theft anyone?) . . . “AND SHE WAS” is what the audience shouts every chorus.

My Uncle Roger may not be signing the songs to my children; nonetheless we remember him when we gather in March. When March rolls around I am always listening to Irish folk music. My children are now learning the words and the parts of audience participation and will spend hours on the dance floor dancing. Every year, they pick up a few more of the songs, and are old enough now to follow the stories.

Whether it was at the AOH or the Gaelic League of Detroit, music is often playing all year round in these places where Uncle Roger sang. My first cousins, Dan and Roger McCarville, carried on their father’s legacy, both playing alongside him in the band for many years. Though he is no longer with us, his legacy lives on in me and all of my cousins, because to this day we sing the songs that Uncle Roger sang.

March is Irish American Heritage Month! Learn more about the McCarville family story and their Irish roots in the community.

Detroit Mom’s Local Love Spotlight: Sunny Side Up Wellness

Detroit Mom’s Local Love series highlights local women and the businesses they have built. We love supporting small business! Today’s Local Love Spotlight belongs to Alicia Long, owner of Sunny Side Up Wellness.

To start, we asked Alicia to share a few fun facts about herself with us!

  • She was born at Luke Air Force Base in Arizona on Easter Sunday, facing Sunny Side Up. She feels like that fact has propelled her into so much purpose in her life!
  • Before kids, she and her husband fostered dogs. They would rescue from shelters in Michigan, Ohio, and Georgia and find homes for “last chance” fur babies.
  • She loves to travel! A few places she has never been that are on her bucket list are Sedona, Greece, and Amalfi Islands.

We asked Alicia to share a little bit more about her business with us, too. Get to know her and her business, Sunny Side Up Wellness, below!

Photo by Kim Skirah

How did you come up with the idea of your business, and how did you start?

“20+ years ago I started teaching fitness at MSU (Go Green!) and that’s really when my passion for health ignited. Every job I’ve had in my life has tied into wellness of some kind; it’s really just in my bones and a part of who I am. In 2020 I decided to take the leap and build a full blown business, starting with a podcast to address mental health and then enrolling in a four year program for natural medicine! Today, my business, Sunny Side Up Wellness, is a culmination of all of [my] experiences and God given gifts.

“[I started with] a lot of Grit and a lot of God. 🙂 ‘Sometimes you just have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down.'”

Knowing what you know now, is there anything you would have done differently when you were first starting out?

“Not that I would do anything differently, but I will say this: surround yourself with people that inspire you and emulate the kind of person, product, and passion you aspire to achieve. Walk into a room and exude the kind of energy you desire. Stay grounded and true to YOUR PATH, not swayed by opinions or projections of others. Always ask yourself, ‘Is this decision in alignment with my intuition and God’s plan?'”

What is the best business advice you’ve ever been given?


“1. Your Superpower is YOU. No one is going to do it like you, so if there are a million widgets in the world and you feel like, ‘Why does mine matter? How can my widget possibly make a difference?’ Remember that NO ONE is you. Get very clear on who you are and what you want to bring to this world, and then make it happen.

“2. Collaboration over competition–every single time. We are better together.”

Photo by Kim Skirah

Have you faced adversity in business due to being a woman? How did you navigate that?

“Honestly, I left. LOL I can think of three jobs I walked away from because of adversity and being put into a box. No thank you. Life is too short. Peace out.”

How do you persevere in challenging times?

“Numero uno always is PRAY and get back to God’s word. When the storm is really raging and I cannot find my way through the mess, I lean on God. He is my refuge and my peace. This is the reason I created Sunny Side Up Podcast; to share stories and perspectives through the storms. Overcoming challenges is not a linear journey and the more tools we have in our tool box, the better.”

What impact do you want your business to have?

“What if we lived in a world that focused on the ROOT cause of imbalance? Can you imagine what that might look like? Thriving instead of surviving? That’s my goal. That’s the impact I hope to have. My mission is also about spreading sunshine and empowering others to do the same. We can’t shine from a dim light.”

Photo by Kim Skirah

What are the pros and cons of being a woman business owner in 2024?

“No cons. All pros. Women rock and are busting through glass ceilings!”

What knowledge would you share with someone who wants to become an entrepreneur?

“You will want to quit 1,000 [times] and that’s okay. Keep going! Reprioritize when you need to, take a break when you need to, and make sure your mental health comes first!”

What do you do for personal and professional development?

“I always have a book in my lap and listen to podcasts daily. When you incorporate learning opportunities into your everyday it makes it more manageable. For example, listening to 10 minutes of a podcast every time you get into the car is better than not listening at all because you don’t have 60 minutes to spare. Frequency is better than duration.”

Photo by Kim Skirah

What mantra or quote do you live by?

“Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.”

What’s your favorite place in Detroit or Michigan?

“Lake Michigan is my happy place.”

Where can our readers find you on social media?

You can follow Sunny Side Up Wellness on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and on their website!

We hope you loved getting to know more about Alicia + Sunny Side Up Wellness. Be sure to check out our previous Local Love Spotlight featuring Becca Lamar!

Packing for Vacation With Baby . . . in 31 Easy Steps

DISCLAIMER: The following post mentions the writer’s personal journey with OCD. It is not intended to act as medical advice. As always, please consult your doctor with any questions about your mental health.

When my child was younger, leaving the house was always a chore. Packing up baby and all her things for just a few hours was laborious and I was already sleep-deprived! It was just easier to stay home. But all the mommy blogs I read at the time recommended–even encouraged–moms with babies to leave the house once a day, because it was so good for both mommy and baby. And I’m not denying that. While it was hard, it was desired and yes, good.

What was even harder, though, was packing for vacation with baby.

OCD and Me

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, also known as OCD, is something I have been living with (in tandem with anxiety) since my first year in college. I’ve been to therapy and learned strategies to deal with it, but still, life with OCD can be a nightmare at times. Then when you pick apart those fragments of life like packing, forget it. This is why I start packing weeks in advance before any trip. For those that know, you know.

But now you throw in baby’s things on top of everything and yeah, I was a little freaked out. I’ve since thought back on my first trip with my child all those years ago and how I dealt with it, and thought I would share a tongue-in-cheek version of packing for vacation with baby!

Although OCD is a serious condition, sometimes you have to poke fun at yourself because, what else can you do? So I encourage you to come on this journey with me and feel free to laugh because OCD or not, we’ve all been there!

The “To-Do” List

The first time packing for vacation with baby brings up so many questions, like: where does one even start? How should I pack so it all stays in place and in order? What exactly should I bring? Car seat? Formula? Medicine? Cups/lids? Spoons? Bowls? Cereal? Fruits/veggies? Clothes? Winter clothes? Summer clothes? All season clothes? Shoes? Diapers/wipes? 

As my mind was about to explode from all the stuff she needs and in what way to pack, I thought, let’s make a “to-do” list. Ahhh yes, my safe haven: the “to-do” list. The list that ends up having a cool 352 things on it will get me through. Okay, let’s start ticking away, shall we? I mean, I only have 14 whole days to get everything done.

And so it begins: The Pre-Packing.

1. Make a food “to-do” list.

Yes, the first thing on my to-do list is to make a food to-do list. (If you are already laughing, you are in good company.) With a baby and very few teeth at the time, I wanted to ensure she had a fruit, veggie, and smoothie every day no matter where we dined.

2. Do the laundry.

Oh the laundry. The never-ending laundry situation. I’m reminded that one day there won’t be a “laundry situation” so I really do try to embrace it, but some days it’s just really hard to love every flip, every fold, every put away. Nonetheless it’s a great way to start the packing for vacation with baby process. I do all the laundry then start putting aside outfits I would like my daughter (and myself) to wear while we’ll be away.

3. Take baby to doctor to head off a potential ear infection.

I swear I’ve taken my child to the doctor more times than I can count because I thought she had an ear infection. Nope, she’s healthy! She just likes pulling on her ear and driving mommy crazy by always asking myself, “But what if this time it’s an actual ear infection?!” 

4. Finish laundry.

Thank God.

5. Lay everything out.

Build outfits, fold up neatly, and set aside to pack away at a later date.

Don’t forget the food “to-do” list.

6. A couple days before the trip, grocery shop for food.

The real question is: when should we go grocery shopping? Should we go right after breakfast and risk missing her first nap, or should we go after her first nap and risk missing her second nap? The choices are so enticing.

I choose after her first nap so that she is refreshed and less likely to have a meltdown at the store. Rookie mom move: I try a new grocery store. Not only do I not know where anything is, it is under construction. I got this though; my daughter is cool, calm, and collected while she eats her snack and looks around in awe. Until she’s not.

About 45 minutes into our trip, she loses it. I head straight for the cashier in an all-out meltdown mode (both her and I). I think about abandoning ship, taking my daughter, and running, but then I mom up and power through. Sorry other people. This was the very reason I was so patient when I was child-less because I knew one day I would be “that mom.”

7. Prepare the food.

I made all her meals during her first year of life, so before our trip I doubled up on food for the days leading up to and during the trip. (Side note: for those like me with older children, remember the food ice trays? They were a lifesaver!)

8. Pack the cooler.

9. And then put car keys in fridge on top of cooler so that I won’t forget precious cooler.

Things are about to get real . . .

10. Pack the suitcase.

My stomach is nauseous. No seriously, I feel sick. OCD sick. There is no way around this packing for vacation with baby thing, so away we go. Baby and I are sharing my large suitcase (seems legit for a four-day trip). I begin by putting my shoes and baby’s shoes at the bottom of the suitcase. My shoes need to be wrapped in plastic bags so as to not get the bottoms of my shoes on our clothes. Get plastic grocery bags and wrap shoes.

11. Then place complete outfits evenly over the shoes. 

12. Then, pajamas on top of clothes.

Because, we need those first when we arrive. Intimates go in the netted zipper pocket that lines the suitcase. Okay, we are getting somewhere! Having a thought though . . . what about bumming around clothes?

13. UGH. Grab some yoga pants, t-shirts, and tennis shoes. 

14. Take everything out of the suitcase because I HAVE to put the wrapped tennis shoes on the bottom with the other shoes.

I mean you can’t have shoes haphazardly thrown on top of clothes. They NEED to be with the other shoes. Okay, now we are getting somewhere! Oh wait, what about jewelry and purses? Forget it, I’m using one purse the whole time and only going to bring my “every day jewelry” so I can wear it on the plane. But, what if . . . ?

15. Go and grab one extra purse and a couple other pieces of jewelry.

Just in case.

16. Lay out plane clothes.

I do this solely because it makes me feel more prepared for the day we leave.

Time to mentally prepare.

17. Consult list to ensure I’ve accounted for anything and everything.

But also to reassure myself that IF I forget anything, they do have stores in other states.

18. Go through my daily routine in my head.

Because consulting the list with 352 items isn’t enough, I have to mentally prepare for our trip. From the moment I wake up, to the moment I lay my child down to sleep. No . . . to the moment I close my eyes for the night I will think about every step of the day to ensure I didn’t forget anything. IF I do though, there are stores in other states (I quickly remind myself).

19. Shower the night before.

20. Enjoy the 15 minutes of hot water and silence.

21. Get a good night’s rest.

Yeah, okay. Instead I set about 25 alarms on my phone and still wake up every hour for fear that we will miss our flight.

We are not done yet: Post-Packing(ish)

22. Wake up and quickly get myself ready for the day.

We all know how this goes. Creep by my child’s room and into the bathroom without her waking up (yay!). Wash my face, brush my teeth, put on makeup, and throw my hair up. I would love to actually do my hair, but can’t wake up a sleeping child with a pesky blow dryer, so up in a top knot it goes. As I walk past baby’s room again to go get dressed, I hear her let out a soft mumble and I ignore it as I continue with my lightning fast routine. I pack all my toiletries away in the space I carved out in the suitcase the night before.

23. Wake up baby . . . WITH A COLD. Seriously?!?

The child who never has a cold (well, so far in her short life) gets a cold the DAY we leave for our trip? She’s smiling, laughing, and there’s no fever, so no problem! Okay, let’s make sure I’ve packed the boogie wipes. I find out that we are fresh out of them so I make sure we have Kleenex for the plane ride and make a note to stop at a store when we arrive (stores in other states have already saved us and we haven’t even left our house yet.)

24. Clean baby up and get her ready for the day.

25. Feed baby breakfast.

Today’s the day she decides to take the oatmeal and put it in her hair. “Okay, let’s not do that . . . ” I gently tell her through seething, clenched teeth.

26. Throw a granola bar down my throat.

(Cue quiet elevator music here as husband eats his bowl of cereal in peace.)

The home stretch: Post-Packing

27. Notice it’s raining outside . . . Cool!

Well, since it hasn’t rained in months, it seems par for the course that it would be down pouring as we try to get out the door and to the airport in time. Where are all the umbrellas? Grab a couple and off we go.

28. Anxiety disorder enters the chat with the feeling of a panic attack rising.

For many reasons at this point–but specifically because I can’t find my car keys. As I ransack every place it could possibly be (which is really only one place: the key hanger by the mudroom door) it dawns on me that they are sitting on top of baby’s cooler in the fridge. I think to myself, “Next time I need to make a note by the key holder reminding myself where my keys are.” (Yes, this is my life.)

29. Finally, off we go!

30. Upon landing, have a cocktail.

Phew. We made it and all in one piece. Boy that was exhausting. So that leaves us with our last bonus item . . .

31. Enjoy the moment.

No really, enjoy the moment. Because you’re a mom and even if packing isn’t something that stresses you out–OCD or not–something else will soon!


Now that my daughter is eight, life is so much easier when we travel. She doesn’t need pre-packed food, bottles, smoothies, etc . . . and she now helps with laundry and packs her own suitcase. So if you are in this stage of life and feel like I did, just know that this too shall pass (and all too quickly!).

Author’s note: I do want to say that this post sounds like I did all the work without the help of my husband. Yes, he was there, yes he was helping, and yes he was (and always is) very present. We have a really nice balance of responsibilities helping each other where one may falter.

BUT even though I have a partner, this is still what our brains go through with this disorder. Does it break me down every day? No. But there are times it can very debilitating and I hope that if anything, I’ve brought awareness to it.

If you are suffering from OCD, anxiety, or another mental illness and need some support, check out The Importance of Sharing our Mental Health Journeys to find that you are not alone.

Detroit Mom is an Amazon affiliate and may earn a small fee for qualifying items.

The Parenting Post: Child Fears + Feeling Brave

Do you have a parenting hurdle you’re working through? If so, “The Parenting Post” is for you! One of our writers, Albiona, has been answering all of YOUR parenting questions over on IG, and we’ve turned her series into blog posts on our website as well. We just can’t get enough of her helpful advice, and we thought you’d appreciate it, too!

Her videos cover a wide variety of parenting questions–honestly, anything and everything! If it’s something you’re wondering, there’s a really good chance that another parent in our community is struggling with it, too. And Albiona is here to help!

This week, she’s focusing on our kids’ fears. Specifically–fears around monsters. It’s something that can feel so real to kids, and we need to validate how they feel while also reminding them that they are safe.

How do I help my child work through their fears around monsters?

Fears become more prevalent in kids as they start to move through the toddler phase into the preschool/early elementary phase. This happens simply because they know more. And, they are starting to understand more. They’re connecting more dots, and realizing that things could go wrong or backfire. Once they start to recognize these things, they start to become more fearful.

Also, kids aren’t always clear on what’s real and what’s not real in the same way that an adult is. So for them, monsters can feel very real depending on what experience they’ve had with it–did they see it in a show? Or, was a sibling or friend talking about it?

The difficult thing with this, as a parent, is that we don’t really know exactly what it is that they’re conjuring up in terms of what “monster” means. But, we know we want to really, really be there for them and hear them out.

Don’t  be nonchalant about it–instead, validate.

Sometimes, parents might be nonchalant about their child’s fear of monsters, or they might brush it off a bit like it’s not a big deal. But the truth is this: to our kids, it’s a big, real fear. So, we want to validate it–without supporting the realness of it. We want to be there for our kids, and listen to what their fear is. But we don’t want to say that we’re scared of monsters too, or that it’s a scary thing.

We need to be a little more careful in how we talk to our kids about this because the truth is, it’s not real. And we want to show them exactly that. This can be something as simple as saying, “Monsters aren’t real, but fear is real. It’s good that you came and talked to me about this, because we can come up with a plan to help us so that we can work through it!”

Perform a bedtime monster check!

Fear is real, but the thing your child might be afraid of is not quite so real. So, one idea is to perform a monster check at night, before bedtime. Give your child a flashlight, and together, you can search the whole house (or wherever they want to search), letting them take the lead. Allow them to look anywhere and everywhere that they want to, turn their flashlight on, and check for monsters.

Usually, kids will look under everyone’s bed. Or the closet. Maybe a kitchen cabinet. You can have a good laugh with it and make it playful and silly. Eventually, they’ll start to feel playful and silly with it too, and that fear that they had will start to lose its hold on them.

Ask your child what they need.

You can also simply ask your child what they need. Do they want a lamp in their room that emits more light than a night light? If it’s not too distracting, go ahead and plug one in. Would a dream catcher help them with bad dreams? Make one together. Do they have a favorite stuffed animal? Remind them to look at it every time they’re scared.

It’s also important to remind your child of all the things that YOU will do to make sure that they are safe. Remind them that you lock the doors, and that you practice really good safety rules. Tell them that your job is to keep them safe, and that you are always aware and doing that.

They might also want a flashlight to keep in bed next to them at night. A lot of times, having it there empowers kids to feel like they can check at any moment if something is going on. And once they work thought it enough nights in a row, enough times in a row, and they start to see that it’s really not there, they feel seen and heard. And they’ll feel better.

Fear is a natural thing as kids get older. Even though it doesn’t always feel tangible or realistic to talk about the fear they might have, we have to remember that it is very real to them. So we want to handle it in a very real way.

Do you have more parenting questions for Albiona? Leave them below so she can possibly answer them for you. To learn more, you can follow Albiona on Instagram. Or, subscribe to her weekly newsletter and download her free guide for teaching parents how to get their kids to listen.

Looking for more parenting advice? Our previous Parenting Post blog post covered how to create an optimal sleep environment for your child!

Detroit Mom-Approved Guide to Women-Owned Businesses

Here at Detroit Mom, there are two things we love more than anything else: supporting other women and supporting small businesses. That’s why we decided to create the Detroit Mom Guide to Women-Owned Businesses In + Around Detroit. We want to showcase all of the incredible women who have created amazing businesses in hopes that you’ll decide to choose them the next time you’re looking for any type of product or service.

This guide is ever-evolving and continuously growing so be sure to check back frequently for updates. We are so proud to feature these women-owned businesses and hope you decide to check them out!



Dermy Doc Box is a seasonal subscription skincare box curated by Michigan-based board-certified dermatologist Dr. Fatima Fahs, with the goal of bringing an affordable assortment of dermatologist-selected skincare products directly to your door.

Chelsea teaches women over 30 beginner makeup skills. She works with clients one-on-one and also offers beginner makeup kits so women have makeup to learn with. She is based in Farmington Hills.


beautiLofts | Various Locations

Beauty in Science Medspa | St. Clair Shores

Bellaroma Natural Skincare Boutique | St. Clair Shores

Blue Lilac Skincare

Body Shopp | Detroit

Brown Sugared Babies

HBC Organics | Genesee County

The Lip Bar | Detroit

London Beauty | Ann Arbor + Brighton

NadyB Beauty Bar | Dearborn

Natural Red

PAINT Nail Bar | Rochester

Primp Beauty Bar | Plymouth

Rae Soap Co. | Westland

Ruby’s Balm | West Bloomfield

Skinphorea Facial Bar + Acne Clinic | Detroit + Royal Oak

SKN Medical Spa | Ferndale

Ullman’s Health + Beauty | Berkley

Wax Spa Studio | Birmingham

Wildflower & Company | Grosse Pointe


Stemville is a children’s activity center located in Downtown Northville that promotes STEM through open play. It is their hope that Stemville will stimulate the minds of all children who visit so they too can imagine, explore, design, and create. They have a membership program that allows unlimited visits, no fees for additional adults, monthly buddy passes, and private party discounts.


Smarty Pants Clothing Co. provides minimalist, functional, and fashionable clothing for children. They started by selling little boy’s clothing free of dinosaurs, trucks, and slogans that were fashionable and could be mixed and matched with their existing wardrobe. In the fall, Smarty Pants Clothing Co. will add girl’s clothing to their product line.

Hank a Roo Readings is a children’s book imprint dedicated to telling adventure stories that spark creativity and inner dialogue. Based out of St. Clair Shores, Michigan, their current award-winning books include To the Moon and Back, The Pirate Doctor, and The Guardians of the Garden. Hank a Roo Readings also offers consulting and coaching services for aspiring indie authors.


Adorn Permanent Jewelry is your new favorite bonding experience servicing Metro Detroit! Adorn provides custom fit, clasp-less jewelry that is safely welded together creating a seamless, comfortable piece lasting you from years to decades. They offer a variety of metals and chains to meet your investment budget and style. Host a private party, or find pop ups at local businesses and events!

Lauren Wilson is a mom of three children and the owner of LovePeaceThreads. As a creative soul, she started thinking of how she wanted to take leisurewear to the next level by creating cool threads that are comfortable for adults. She hand dyes the items herself and allows hers customers the option to use their own creativity by personalizing them. This allows you to wear your personal business logos, a special memory, an important saying or word, family names, hand written notes from loved ones, and much more. Her leisurewear includes t-shirts, sweatshirts, sweatpants, baseball and trucker hats, and beanies. She’s located in Farmington Hills, Michigan.


Creative Play Studio teaches process art classes to kids ages 18 months to 11 years old. Their classes are tailored to reach each age group at their level. Their youngest classes provide art and sensory play experiences for kids and their caregiver. The preschool classes do the same but also begin teaching some art skills, techniques, and history, too. The older kid classes allow children to explore and create freely without the pressure or stress of a picture-perfect product. They allow moms to come and enjoy the youngest-aged classes right alongside their child without feeling like they have to basically take over and do the whole craft for them. Creative Play Studio brings classes to families at their location as well as at their Outdoor Art Space in New Hudson.


AR Workshop | Ferndale

The Art Attic | Plymouth

The Art Shack SCS | St. Clair Shores

Clara’s Craft Boutique

The Craft Hut | St. Clair Shores

Epiphany Studios | Pontiac

Glass Action! Studio + Custom Design | Oak Park

Motor City Woman Studios | Southfield

Paint’D – The Paint Bus | Detroit

The Painted Croc | South Lyon


Aesthetic Play is a local, mom-owned, luxury soft play business! They have everything from ball pits, to climbers and slides, to bounce houses, and so much more! They are able to set up indoors and outdoors. Their equipment is designed to create a fun and safe environment for all kids to have a blast in style!

Detroit’s first all-white bounce house company. Looking for modern party inflatables? You’re in the right place! Luxury Bounce offers a wide variety of inflatable products including bounce houses, ball pits, and their newest addition, the Luxe Bubble. All of their inflatables come in a range of sizes and can be customized to fit your party’s specific theme. Their inflatables are sure to provide hours of fun and entertainment for your guests, and make your party an unforgettable experience.

Sweet Mitten Dreams is your local go-to full service sleepover business! They offer both indoor and outdoor experiences including customizable teepees, the Glamping Bell Tent, and the Outdoor Movie Experience. Clients celebrate many occasions while using their products and services, but the most popular are birthdays, first sleepovers, girls nights, and grad parties! Sweet Mitten Dreams is located in Rochester Hills, Michigan.

Let KB Event Co create something magical for your next event. Any event without balloons is just a gathering–KB Event Co takes your upcoming event from average to extraordinary with their luxury backdrop rentals and balloon designs. They want to spread joy and happiness to those who are celebrating special occasions by creating the most beautiful areas to take pictures that will last a lifetime. KB Event Co is in the heart of Howell, Michigan and serves the surrounding areas including the Metro Detroit and Lansing areas.

Mercantile Fairs is the creator of retail-based consumer shopping events such as Handcrafters Markets, Detroit Foodie Fair, Detroit Vegan, and Shed 5 Flea. Mercantile Fairs is women-owned and operated, and has been in business since 2007. It is one of the fastest growing events and marketing companies in the industry. Mercantile Fairs creates, promotes, and manages not-to-be-missed shopping experiences!


Karma Wellness Kitchen is a women-owned small business based in Michigan. They have created plant-based Indian superfood snacks and lentil meal kits without any additives and preservatives. Their Popped Water Lily seeds, known as Karma pops, are their best selling product as it’s gluten free and comes with many health benefits. Their vision is to create a sustainable and accessible healthy food future that’s good for our bodies and planet.

Jashan Chocolate (pronounced Juh-shun) means Celebration in Hindi, Urdu, and Persian. They make handmade artisan chocolates that are infused with Indian spices and flavors. Their chocolates are made in Michigan with 100% Belgium chocolate that is gluten free, vegetarian, halal, and kosher certified. Their chocolate boxes come with an assortment of flavors: Chai, Rose, Orange Clove, Mango Lassi, Coconut Jaggery, Pistachio Kulfi, and many more. Makes a unique gift for Mother’s Day, Easter, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, “thank you” gifts, corporate gifts, birthdays, anniversaries, and more! They also offer customization for weddings, parties, and events.

Small Bites was conceptualized by the desire to just snack and connect. Portion sizes in the food industries are huge, and Small Bites highlights the joy in grazing. What makes Small Bites unique is the accessibility it provides and how they are seeking to provide a sensory experience through food within the Metro Detroit area.
Neehee’s is a unique and vibrant restaurant chain that offers a wide range of delectable and authentic Indian street food. You can find them in Canton and Troy. Neehee’s is also in Columbus, OH and Hanover Park, IL. Neehee’s has become a go-to spot for locals and tourists alike who crave the bold flavors and vibrant spices of Indian cuisine. From chaat to dosas, thalis to vada pav, Neehee’s menu has something for everyone. The restaurant’s warm and welcoming atmosphere, combined with its colorful and stylish décor, creates an experience that is both unique and enjoyable.


Healing Home Counseling Group offers an empowering space to heal, regain strength, and restore peace in your home. They are a certified perinatal, family, and youth therapy group. All of their clinicians are perinatal mental health (PMH) certified or trained. Some of their staff are also EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) trained with an emphasis on BIPOC and perinatal trauma.

Pelvic Core PT is a physical therapy clinic owned and operated by two physical therapists who specialize in all things pelvic floor: Dr. Marganit Weinberg and Dr. Nicole Dailey. At Pelvic Core PT, they are passionate about treating pelvic pain, urinary incontinence, perinatal issues, pelvic organ prolapse, constipation, and low back and hip pain. They also love helping people reach their wellness goals and optimize their pelvic floor!

Core (LP) Fitness provides 1:1 and small group Megaformer training based on the Lagree Method in the heart of downtown Berkley, Michigan. This high intensity, low impact workout incorporates strength, endurance, cardio, balance, and flexibility training to help improve range of motion and joint health, and create lean, toned muscle. In every session, you can expect 50 minutes of music-driven, muscle shaking, total body workout that will help any driven person strengthen those tough-to-get areas. That means core, obliques, arms, and cheeks! You haven’t quite worked out like this before, but they promise you will sweat, shake, and see the difference after just a few sessions. See you soon the on the Mega!

Live Light Birth & Family is a collective of certified specialists with a common goal and mindset of offering the highest quality services for before, during, and after birth. They offer birth and postpartum doula support, childbirth education, birth planning assistance, and infant feeding counseling to all of southeast Michigan. Their services are personalized for you to create the beautiful and empowering experience you deserve.

Detroit Counseling Collective’s approach to therapy focuses on the importance of human connection. They want you to feel seen. They are here to normalize your experience and help you verbalize what you need in order to overcome obstacles to joy. Detroit Counseling Collective’s mission is to help you become more accepting of the imperfections of being human through in-person or online therapy.

Let’s explore Ballet through Play! Join the interactive, live dance adventures led by your favorite dance teacher, Ms. Shirel. Unlike traditional classes, Ms. Shirel curates all classes around the pure joy of movement–not technique or ability. By using Zoom and YouTube, no matter where they are–Detroit, Brooklyn, California, The Philippines, or wherever–kids can engage in interactive and high-quality dance education experiences, right from the comfort of their own homes.

Erin is a pre- and postnatal coach working with women who want to build strength throughout pregnancy and beyond. Her newest project has been the How Mama Got Her Groove Back Postnatal Transformation Program. It is a complete resource for ALL postnatal moms. Erin focuses on giving you the strategy and support you’ve been looking for to finally get your groove back in your postpartum journey.

TRV|Fit Berkley is a fitness community and family where you’re surrounded by like-minded individuals who will inspire you every day to be better. They offer personal training, semi-private training, and group classes to help you reach your fitness goals. They’re constantly setting the standard of functional group fitness, and TRV|Health because they thrive on staying cutting edge.

Michigan Pediatric Therapy delivers expert pediatric occupational therapy and craniosacral therapy (CST) in Farmington Hills, MI, facilitated by licensed and experienced professionals. Their comprehensive services encompass occupational therapy, feeding therapy, sensory integration therapy, oral-motor therapy, and craniosacral therapy. They help children struggling with picky eating, breastfeeding, sensory issues, and more achieve normal functioning skills. Rooted in experience and evidence-based practices, they empower children to unlock their full potential by addressing the whole child with tailored techniques. Their mission is to offer families a warm and supportive environment where they can learn about their child’s developmental needs and how to nurture their child’s capacity to succeed through occupational and craniosacral therapy.

Michigan Family Doulas is a certified Birth Doula and Postpartum Doula Agency based in Metro Detroit and servicing all of the growing families spread through Michigan. Their skilled and compassionate care supports new families during the crucial postpartum period. Each doula is trained, certified, insured, and equipped with CPR training. Clients typically have a primary doula and a backup doula, ensuring personalized support for their unique needs. They specialize in providing non-clinical emotional, physical, and informational support to pregnant individuals and their families before, during, and after birth.

Sunny Side Up Wellness was created to empower, educate, and facilitate natural healing. They embrace a holistic ideology, rooted in nature, and consider all aspects of your well-being–physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Rather than diagnose or treat, their philosophy is to find the root cause of symptoms, disease, or chronic/acute issues. They encourage their clients to get CURIOUS about their health, be open minded about healing, and understand that it’s a journey–not a destination. They offer Natural Health Consults, Iridology, Reflexology, Muscle Testing, and other health services in the Metro Detroit area with an office in Milford.


86 Plastic | Troy

Active Nutrition | Fitness, Nutrition, + Wellness Coaching

Alexis Adams Integrative Health | Integrative Women’s Health Guide

Ali Long Sunny Side Up Wellness | Milford

Allegro Dance | Bloomfield Hills

Barefoot & Free Yoga Retreats

The Barre Code | Various Locations

Because Her Hands Care | Eastpointe

Brandi Thomas | Clinical Social Work/Therapist

Brooke Rozmenoski

Brooke Stone | Licensed Professional Counselor

Burn Boot Camp | New Hudson

Detroit Doulas

Detroit Yoga Lab | Detroit

DNA Wellness Co.

DownPup Yoga | Plymouth

Dr. Rachael Elizabeth | Physical Therapist + Women’s Health Coach

Essential Family Chiropractic | Farmington

Everyday Wellness for Moms

The Giving Tree Collective | Oxford

Grace School of Dance | Jackson

Helping Hands Postpartum Support | Macomb, Oakland, + Wayne Counties

Jennifer Watson Wellness

Joanne Mulhere | Therapist

Jump-A-Rama Gymnastics + Fitness Center | Canton

Live Latch Love

The Mama Coach

Metro Detroit Doula Services

Metta & Moxie | Pleasant Ridge

Michigan Massage + Wellness | Troy

Peace of Mind Therapy | Berkley

Pelvic Noire | Oak Park

Retreat to Reclaim

Rumble Boxing | Shelby Township

Running Lab Brighton | Brighton

Sarah Watson | LPC + Certified Sex Therapist

South Lyon Nutrition | South Lyon

Strong with Sarah

Sunny Squirrel Farm LLC | Oak Park

Suzette’s Masters of Dance | Shelby Township

TRV|FIT | Berkley

Walking Lightly (Refill + Zero-Waste Shop) | Ferndale

Welcome Home Yoga + Wellness | Detroit

XO Aesthetics | Shelby Township


Simpkins Studios personally designs, prints, hand cuts, and packages everything they offer. They offer coloring cards with unique crayons, coloring books, recycled notebooks, junk journals/crap books, notepads, greeting cards, journals, and affirmation cards.

Soul Roots Wax Company is based out of Brownstown, Michigan and offers a variety of hand-poured small batch candles, room sprays, and wax melts. Their products are inspired to escape reality by taking you back to a special moment in time or place. They are focused on their craft of creating simple, clean-burning, soulful candles from their heart to your nose. Each of their products are hand-poured small batches using fragrance oils that are free from phthalates and Prop 65 chemicals. Their candles are made from 100% American-grown soy wax and are free from paraffin and dyes. It’s their desire to share more soulful moments with others through the craft of slow burning, non-toxic candles, making emotional connections one sniff at a time.

Tinkertown Creations offers customized creations for all your needs! From children’s organization boxes to store those important life documents, to holiday apparel, to personalized gifts . . . Tinkertown Creations is here to add a personal touch to every one of life’s occasions.


Erin Goodrich is a published portrait photographer + videographer servicing Michigan and beyond with over a decade of experience focused on creative content. She is honored to tell your story whether it’s for branding, families, weddings, or editorial. Erin is here to capture your beauty, your emotional moments, and your passions. Striving to capture each individual’s personality is her specialty and she loves that she gets to freeze memories in real time for her clients.


Tracy Picmann Interior Design is a home design company striving to work on your vision and give you the confidence to create a home that fits your needs and brings you joy each time you walk through the door. Tracy loves working with moms to create spaces that are kid-friendly and budget-friendly! Located in Oakland Township and offering in-person design to the Metro Detroit area, as well as e-design services nationwide.

RTS Sleep Consulting is owned by Rachel, a certified pediatric sleep consultant through the Center for Pediatric Sleep Management. She finds a genuine passion in helping parents find sleep because she knows what it feels like to go without it. She is here to help you and your family. RTS Sleep Consulting offers a three-week custom sleep plan that includes unlimited support throughout the three weeks. They also offer a custom sleep plan, which is an option for parents that just want clear-cut directions on how to sleep train.

Serenity At Home is a professional home organizing business serving the Metro Detroit area. They partner with their clients to create realistic and customized organizing systems that are sustainable for them and their families. They work in any and all spaces in the home striving to reduce the stress and chaos often felt by their clients. Their goal is to simplify their clients’ lives!

Modern Social Detroit strives to revolutionize the social experience at your event with the world’s most beautiful, modern photo booths. Known for their perfectly on-trend yet timeless aesthetic, they capture gorgeous glam photos of your guests and provide you with a completely custom-designed social booth experience. Located in Bloomfield Hills and servicing the most premier events in Michigan and beyond.

After just one session with Kenisha, you’ll feel that you’ve started to build your cultural capacity that will guide your diversity and inclusion plan, equity goals, and your anti-racism journey. She helps small businesses and individuals facilitate anti-racism and DEIB work around the state and nation, such as facilitating conversations, training, creating strategic plans, and consulting. You will find her trying to dismantle the disparities of black and brown youth in the child welfare system and teaching others lessons toward becoming anti-racist in everything that she does. In her personal life, along with this business, she runs a calligraphy business, Lettering by Kenisha.

Albiona Rakipi is a parenting coach known for helping parents reframe their daily challenges, discover accessible solutions, and reclaim more joy and connection in parenting. She is the founder of the website “The Parenting Reframe” and hosts a podcast by the same name.

Ashley helps busy and overwhelmed moms regain control of their family’s lives by guiding them through the process of buying their dream home and selling their too-small starter home. She helps them find a home that perfectly fits their unique needs and lifestyle, providing a nurturing and organized environment where they can thrive. She prides herself on doing this all while helping moms feel heard and understood in a way that only another busy mom can relate to!
An award-winning Keynote Speaker, Coach, Group Facilitator, and Happiness Trainer, Tamara helps people cultivate deeper relationships with themselves and others through the skills and tools of wellbeing. She offers 1:1 and group coaching, team-building events, wellness series, and local meetups to help you create a life you love, now! Services offered online and in-person in the Commerce Township and Metro Detroit areas.
Mikki is a Certified Life + Conscious Parenting Coach, a mom, a speaker, and host of the Co-Parenting with Confidence Podcast and author of The People Pleaser’s Guide to Co-Parenting Well. She supports moms in navigating co-parenting with confidence, calm, + clarity so that they can create a harmonious home for themselves and their kiddos.


Ashley Jolley Real Estate

The Blonde Mom | Personal Stylist

Brooklyn Outdoor | Advertising

Concetti Studio | Interior Design Studio

Courtney Opalko Etiquette, LLC. | Modern Etiquette Training

Curated Events Detroit | Event Planning

Essential Recycling – ER 4 The Planet | Pontiac

Grace This Space Interiors | Interior Design + Home Organization

Great Lakes Resume | Resume Writing

Heylo Creative | Boutique Branding + Design Studio

Higher Living Real Estate

The Inclusion Project | Speech, Language, + Communication Services

Kelly Houseman Counseling

Lauryn Laszczak | Somatic Business Coach

Lynnette Cretu | Brand Stategy

Maglothin Well + Water Treatment | Waterford

MPQ Events | Event Planning + Coaching

Off Main Studio | Marketing + Branding

Pixell Bug | Graphic Design + Illustration

Reum Organizing | Home Organization

RTS Sleep Consulting | Pediatric Sleep Consultant

Rue | Detroit Female DJ + More

Sandy Speaks Therapy | Speech + Swallow Therapy

Serenity at Home | Home Organization

Tracy Picmann | Home Design

Two Unique Caterers + Event Planners

Wedded Perfection | Wedding Planning

Whole Self, Whole Child | Parent-Family Coaching

You + Me Catering and Events

We hope you love these local businesses as much as we do! They are truly some of the best gems in Detroit. Whether you’re looking for something to do, a gift, or something to make your life easier, this guide has you covered!

Are you a women-owned business and would like to be featured in our guide? Partnering with us allows your business to have more visibility with a large, targeted market made up of local families. Send an email to [email protected] for more information!


In + Around Detroit

therapists in and around detroit

Detroit Mom-Approved Guide to Therapists In + Around Detroit

*last updated 5/8/2024 Mental health awareness is so important. Here at Detroit Mom, we want to support you however we can. So, we’ve put together...